Storm Incident

By Jim Bee

Published on Aug 15, 2005


The Fantastic Four is copy-written by Marvel Comics.

The Storm Incident - Chapter 5

Michigan was quite an interesting place. Josh had lived in Michigan since the beginning of Kindergarten to the end of his sophomore year. Over the years, Josh had his posse of friends, some coming and going, most others staying. Moving unexpectedly at the end of his sophomore year from freezing cold Michigan, to sunny California was certainly odd. Being thrust into a whole new culture and environment was rather stressful for Josh. Already leaving his friends behind, probably never to see them again, he arrived to California with not much else than his possessions, mother, and father. He had absolutely no friends. Now, around mid-August, almost the conclusion to summer vacation, Josh would begin school. He'd met with the new administration and band director after arriving in California, and was pleased to find that he hadn't been completely screwed. All of his classes had transferred and, by probably a stroke of luck, he had somehow made section leader for marching band in the coming football season. Of course, he hadn't met anyone in his section, let alone talked to them. Somehow, the band director, Mrs. Berger, had somehow scheduled a sectional at Josh's house without him ever approving it, let alone him knowing her for about 5 minutes. Funny how things like that happen.

And now Josh was making out with the infamous dirt-biking manwhore, Johnny Storm. Of all the people to meet in California, Johnny Storm was probably the last one Josh would meet.

This made Josh laugh, causing Johnny to break the kiss.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asked.

"Oh nothing, I just find it highly amusing that I'm sitting here making out with you," said Josh.

"Yeah, it is a bit random."

There was one thing Josh didn't like about Johnny Storm. That was the fact that he still acted like a little angsty teenager. Josh thought that he probably listened to all of that emo and angst music still. Josh did not understand why people bothered to listen to angst music when angst is happening in school on an almost second by second basis. Here Johnny Storm was, 25 years old, and Josh at 16, and Josh was probably more mature than Johnny. Perhaps Johnny liked being immature. Sure, Johnny Storm was intelligent enough, he did, after all, major in some high level chemistry and biology and graduated from a top university, but on some basic levels, he was still an angsty little teenager. Was Johnny's angst what attracted Josh to Johnny? Perhaps it was, although his super sexy looks weren't hurting him.

"What can I say. Penetration." Johnny and Josh both chuckled at this.

"Well, if that's what you had in mind-" said Johnny, quickly cut off by Josh slapping his hand over his mouth.

"Hey, what the hell?" Johnny said, muffled by Josh's hand.. The front door clicked, and in burst Josh's parents.

"Hi honey! We're home early!" Josh's mother screamed from the front door. The banging of luggage against the front door told Josh that he had a bit of time, but not much. Josh grabbed Johnny off of the couch.

"Hey, aren't we goin-" Johnny began to say, but Josh glared at him to stop talking.

Josh had to admit, he really liked some of the features of this house. An older Victorian mansion, complete with secret passageways throughout the house, completely hidden from anyone that didn't know the house. It was times like this that these passageways were extremely helpful.

Grabbing a wine glass from the display case, opposite a sculpture that was built into the wall, Josh placed it in the sirens hand. The sirens' arm moved slightly downward, triggering the doorway. The statue lurched to the right, spinning to reveal a small hallway. Josh could hear his parents approaching quickly and shoved Johnny into the hallway.

"Follow this to the end. You should be able to get into my room. Don't try anything funny," Josh instructed. Johnny turned around to object. Josh pressed a button, causing the statue to quickly spin back into place, cutting Johnny off, just as his mother trudged into the room.

"Whatcha doing in there?" Josh's mother asked.

"Just checking something out. How was your flight?" Josh asked.

"Oh it was fine, but those shitheads at the airport frisked your father twice."

"I see. Gramma's just up to her usual bitching then?"

"Pretty much. We really need to get her ass out of that house. It's not working for her," Josh's mother said. She walked away, throwing the suitcase on the floor and stomping off to the kitchen.

Josh's father stomped through the hallway. "Fuckin' in-laws... really need to get around to bustin' a cap in their ass," Josh's father said.

"Hi dad. How was it? Terrible as usual?" Josh asked.

"Obviously. I mean why else would we be going there?"

"True," Josh said.

"By the way, who the hell's red Porsche is parked on the street? Almost fucking took it out pulling in here. Fuckin' commies need to learn how to drive," Josh's father said.

"No idea," said Josh, "Fuckidy fuck fuck fuck, eh?"

"Yes. Fuck the fucking fuckers," Josh's father replied.

"Cut that shit out you two!!" Josh's mother screamed from the kitchen, apparently looking for the vodka.

"Fine fine," Josh's father said. He trudged over to the kitchen, discussing something with his wife along the way.

Josh glanced over to his parents. They were deep into conversation now. Josh walked down the hall, ran up the stairs, and into his room, shutting the door behind him. Josh turned around and looked at his bed. Johnny was nowhere to be found. "Don't tell me he's lost," Josh said to himself. He walked over to the bookcase built into the wall.

Browsing for a book, Josh finally settled on his Spanish to English dictionary. The bookcase lurched to the right, revealing a secret passageway. Johnny was nowhere in sight. "Great," Josh thought, "he's lost." Josh walked over to his desk, tapped a few buttons, causing a large plasma screen to descend from the ceiling. The screen blinked on, showing a blueprint of the house. Thanks to the infrared cameras in all parts of the house, each person was displayed in the house with a red blob. Josh could see himself in his room, his parents in the kitchen, pacing back and forth, his dog sleeping by the front door, and a 5th blob that was green with a question mark above it, the computers attempt at labeling a person that wasn't identified as anyone that lived in the house. Josh pressed a few more buttons on the desk, and a live picture of Johnny appeared on the screen. He was rummaging through the dirty underwear in the laundry room.

"What a freak," Josh thought. Josh pressed a few more buttons on the desk, causing the plasma screen to blink off, and ascend into the ceiling. Josh grabbed his ghetto-fabulous Apple Newton, that one might conclude was a PDA on cocaine and steroids, and walked through the bookcase to the dark passageway, it spinning shut behind him. Josh turned on the device, the blue-green backlight on the LCD screen lighting up the hallway. The blueprint blipped on, revealing that Johnny was still in the laundry room.

"Let's hope I don't have a closet freak on my hands," Josh thought to himself. Josh finally arrived at the laundry room. This was odd. Johnny appeared to be no less than one foot in front of Josh, simply separated by a wall. Josh activated the door, causing the dog food containers to slide to the left of Johnny.

"So that's how you get it to open!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Shut up you closet freak, now I've got to get you somewhere where you won't be too noisy until they leave," Josh said, grabbing Johnny and pushing him through the door, it whooshing shut behind the two of them.

"Don't you want to introduce me?" Johnny asked, innocently. Josh rolled his eyes.

"Now isn't the time to, nor... ah stop being so adorable and come on," Josh said.

"I would, but it's much too fun driving you nuts. And this cumming you speak of," Johnny said.

Josh glanced at the Newton, his eyes getting wide when he saw what was displayed on the screen. His mother was walking up the stairs to his bedroom. Johnny looked at what Josh was holding. "Now what the hell is this?" Johnny said, reaching for the handheld device. Josh moved the Newton away just in time, grabbing Johnny's hand, dragging him back to his bedroom. Josh's mother was up the stairs, starting down the hallway to Josh's room. Josh got Johnny into his room, opened the closet, and pushed him in.

"Now don't say ANYTHING!" Josh said to Johnny.

"Okay, okay!" Johnny said. Josh slammed the closet door shut just as Josh's mother knocked on the door. Josh leaped over to his bed, grabbed a book, and said, "come in."

"Your father and I were gonna go get some take out food, ya want anything?" Josh's mother asked.

"Hmmm... are you going near a Taco Bell?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, ya want that?" Josh's mother said.

"Sure, just the usual."

"Okay, well we'll be back in, oh, what, an hour in this fucking traffic? Sure, bye!" Josh's mother said. With that, she shut the door, walked down the stairs, and joined her husband in their car, and drove off.

Johnny, confined to the closet, thought about going back to work finally on Wednesday. Johnny hadn't worked for nearly the entire summer. It was two months ago, and Johnny was sitting in the medical ward of Von Doom Enterprises, undergoing his biyearly physical that was mandated by Von Doom. The doctor had just stepped out of the exam room after performing the physical on Johnny. Johnny sat on the exam table, shivering. The air-conditioned room was at 60 degrees, and he was totally naked on the metal table. The doctor walked back into the room, carrying a brown paper bag.

"Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, may I ask you how many sexual partners you've had in the past two months?" the doctor blatantly asked.

"Um... I'm not sure, why?" Johnny asked.

"Just give me an estimate."

"Okay," he paused, "probably around forty five."

The doctor froze in shock. He stared at Johnny for a minute, before replying.

"Care to explain?"

"Not really, its just, after about a day I get bored with them."

"Uh huh, and how many of those partners did you practice safe sex with?" the doctor asked.

"Hmmm... none" Johnny replied.

"Well, that might explain a lot."

"Why's that?"

"You have syphilis and chlamydia. And you have epididymitis, an inflammation of the testicles and epididymis. You're grounded for at least a month and a half. Do I need to have a safe sex talk with you? You've done this a lot before, and you just can't keep... whoring yourself out like that. You're really fucking lucky that you haven't gotten HIV yet." Johnny chuckled at this.

"This isn't funny at all!" the doctor continued, "you could get AIDS really fucking easy the way you live. And I'm not too sure oh how much more Von Doom Enterprises wants to pay for your chlamydia pills. In fact, I'm going to put you under surveillance until this clears up just to make sure you don't fuck around any more."

"What?!" Johnny yelled, "that's not fair!"

"Too bad so sad, life isn't fair. And I highly recommend you look into being committed to one person, not 50."

And with that, the doctor slammed the door shut.

Johnny came back into reality and realized he was still in Josh's closet. Looking for something to do, he dug around in Josh's closet until he found a shoebox, buried under some dirty clothes in the back corner of the closet.

Josh pressed a few buttons on the desk, causing the plasma display to descend from the ceiling. A view of the driveway appeared on the screen. Josh's parents were nowhere to be seen. Josh pressed a few more buttons. The display switched to a city map, with a blue dot representing his parents' car. They were outside the subdivision and on the road. Josh walked over to the closet he had confined Johnny to and opened the door.

"Okay, you ca-" Josh started to say. His jaw hit the floor, and his eyes grew wide. To his horror, Johnny had found the shoebox full of newspaper and magazine clippings of Johnny Storm that Josh had clipped for as long as he could remember.

Johnny looked up at Josh, seeing tears fill his eyes. Josh turned and ran toward his bed, throwing himself down onto it and began sobbing into the pillow. Johnny had no idea what to do. Here before him he had an entire shoebox filled to the brim of pictures and articles of himself, and a sobbing teenager about 10 feet away.

Finally, it hit Johnny. Josh was in love with Johnny. Johnny had found his secret stash of Johnny Storm stuff, and Josh probably felt that Johnny felt that he was a freak, which wasn't true. A bit strange? Sure. Johnny picked himself off the floor of the closet, walked over to Josh laying on the bed sobbing, and sat down. Johnny tried to comfort Josh the best he could by rubbing his back, when suddenly Josh stopped sobbing and looked up at Johnny.

"Those pictures... they don't mean..." Josh started to say, but broke down into tears again.

Eventually his sobbing stopped. Johnny just sat on the bed, staring at Josh. He didn't understand what the big deal was. So he found some pictures. Whoop dee fucking do.

"What are you so upset about? That I discovered your shrine to me or something?" Johnny said.

"...Aren't you going to just leave since I'm such a fucking closet freak?" Josh said.

"What, what? No!" Johnny said.

"Well what the fucking hell! I have like 30 billion pictures of you and articles of you and you don't think I'm some fucking freak show?!"

Johnny was silent for a minute. He zoned out into space. Johnny was flooded with emotions, and his entire life flashed before his eyes. The incident at the doctor's office replayed in his mind over and over. Josh sniffled a bit, which snapped Johnny back into reality.

"You know, I really don't," Johnny replied. Josh blinked several times, as if it didn't register.

"Josh, I totally understand what you're going through. Being a teenager is hard, don't get me wrong. I've been there. I don't think you're a freak show. In fact, I've been liking you more and more the longer I've known you. And I really think we've got something special, so not to crash your pity party or anything, but I love you Josh," Johnny said.

With that, Josh sat up and grabbed Johnny into a tight hug. "I'm taking it as you agree?" Johnny said, somewhat cockily.

"Duh!" Josh said, "I love you Johnny Storm, I love you I love you I love you."

Josh had to admit, this was probably one of Johnny's mature bursts, but, hey, it was great while it lasted.

They both lay completely naked on top of Josh's bed, bodies intertwined, until there was a knock at Josh's bedroom door. Johnny and Josh watched in horror as the door creaked open.

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Sorry for the delay, had a bit of writer's block. Expect another update by next week.

Next: Chapter 6

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