Storm Incident

By Jim Bee

Published on Sep 18, 2005


The Fantastic Four is copy-written by Marvel Comics.

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The Storm Incident - Chapter 6

"Snagged!" Johnny thought. Josh was a slow one to bite, but Johnny was sure he had him now. It was a good thing too; Johnny didn't want someone like Josh to go to waste or something. It was wild, Josh had kept Johnny's interest for more than a day, almost two days, something that had never happened before. If that wasn't enough, Josh wasn't some celebrity that would end up being a bitch later, whining about their career and how Johnny was going to ruin it. Somewhere between Josh proclaiming his love for Johnny and Johnny comforting him, their clothes had "magically" come off. One thing led to another, and, well, Johnny was lying on top of Josh, kissing him and penetrating his tight ass with his index finger. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Johnny found himself in quite the predicament, completely naked with a parent about to walk in on their child being molested by a man in his mid twenties. The door creaked open, and Johnny jumped up, kneeling at the end of the bed, looking for something to cover himself with. Josh looked up at Johnny, trying to figure out what to do. Johnny watched as the door opened, the seconds passing by in what felt like minutes. The door opened a crack, not much more than a few inches.

"Hi Josh, we're back. Oh hold on, my contacts are fucking up. Your foods downstairs, agh goddamn I hate these, I'm going to put my glasses on," Josh's mother said, shutting the door behind her. "Okay, I'll be down in a minute," Josh said.

Johnny looked down at Josh, chuckling. "Now that was too close," Johnny said. "You're telling me," Josh said. "I should probably go." "Yeah..." Johnny grabbed his clothes and started putting them on. "You've got my number, right?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, you've got mine?" Josh said. "Yeah," Johnny, now fully clothed. "Listen, if you ever need anything or wanna do something, just call me up, I'm pretty much available anytime." Johnny said. "Okay, thanks," Josh replied. He walked over to the bookshelf, removed his Spanish to English dictionary, and the bookcase swiveled out of sight. "I suppose this is goodbye for now?" Josh asked. "Yeah, guess so," Johnny replied. He walked toward the bookcase, stepping a few feet inside. "Oh Josh, one last thing," Johnny said. "What's that?" Josh asked. Johnny walked over to him and planted a kiss on Josh's lips, turned around, and walked out, the bookcase swiveling back into position behind him. "Well then," Josh thought. He turned around and walked out of his room, heading toward the stairs.

"So, how was work?" Josh's mother asked him as he walked into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. "Eh, okay," Josh replied. "Meet anyone new?" She asked. "Actually, yeah. Ha, you're not going to believe this at all, but Johnny Storm was there," Josh replied. "You're kidding! He's that manwhore, isn't he?" Josh's father exclaimed while eating his Chinese food. "Mmhmm," Josh said, digging into his Taco Bell. "Well at least its someone," Josh's mother said. "Let's see, band starts, what, on Monday? Yeah, and you have that bloody sectional on Sunday, don't you?" Josh's father asked. "Yeah," Josh said, rolling his eyes, "that'll be fun." "Maybe it won't be so bad," Josh's mother suggested. "Or maybe it will be just that bad," Josh said, "it's not like I know any of these people or really what I'm doing at all." "True," Josh's father said. "I think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight. Didn't sleep too good the past couple of nights," Josh said. "Okay," Josh's mom said. The house was quiet for a few minutes, everyone munching on their food. "Say, you don't know who's car that was parked on the street, do you?" Josh's father asked. "No, I don't, why?" Josh replied. "Hmph. Oh, just wondering."

Josh got up from the kitchen table, threw out his Taco Bell papers, and walked up the stairs to his room. He worked on various band things, making sure everything was ready for the sectional tomorrow. He hadn't slept very much in a few days, but damn did he feel good. He was the happiest he had ever been, but missed Johnny terribly. Sure, the sex was great, from what he remembered, but Josh felt more of a longing to be with Johnny than ever. Josh fell asleep early, dreaming of Johnny all night long.

Josh woke up Sunday morning to his mother shaking him. "Jesus fucking Christ wake up! It's 10:00am! Your sectional's in a half hour!" she said. Josh dragged himself out of bed, took a shower, and went out the door. He drove 40mph through the subdivision, and upwards of 60mph on the city roads, with the limit being around 35mph. trying to get there on time. He arrived, introduced himself, and started working with his section, all the while, nothing but Johnny on his mind. Josh could not stop thinking about him, and how much he wanted to see him, kiss him, and probably get fucked by him. Then again, you don't fuck Johnny Storm, you make sweet, sweet love to him. Finally the sectional was over. The rest of the day was a blur to Josh. Never had he thought so long and hard about anyone or anything than he had Johnny.

Monday went by as, you guessed it, a blur. Josh couldn't tell you what had happened in the past two days. Josh wanted to call Johnny very badly, but was unsure of what to say. Quite conflicted Josh was. Mrs. Berger, his band director, noticed this too, and pulled him aside after the Monday night practice.

"Are you okay? You don't seem to be the same as you were when I first met you. Is there something going on at home?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've just been... well, it's a long story," Josh said. "Well I've got a while, care to tell me?" Mrs. Berger asked. "Not really, I've just... been thinking a lot about just life in general over the past few days." "Okay, well if you need a break or something during practice, just ask, I'll let you have a few minutes." "Thanks."

When Josh got home Monday night, he sat at his desk and stared at his phone for two hours, trying to decide between calling Johnny and not calling him, and if he did call him, what he would say. Josh looked up from his thinking and glanced at the clock on his desk. "2:07 am. Goddamn," Josh though, "I need to sleep." He walked over to his bed, falling asleep the instant his butt hit the mattress.

Mrs. Berger was quite a nazi. She had the whole marching band rehearse from 10am to 9pm, with a lunch break from 12pm-1pm, and a dinner break from 5pm to 6pm. There were about 250 people in the marching band, and, as one might imagine, it was quite difficult to keep everyone under control and focused. It had been a grueling hot day, with temperatures in the 100s, which, for most people, wasn't too bad. Josh, a native Michigander, could barely tolerate 90 degrees. It had been a few hours since the lunch break when Josh saw a large Land Rover LR3 pull into the parking lot, about 150 yards away. Josh noticed a man get out of the Land Rover and lean up against the passenger door, looking his way. Josh thought nothing of it; he was concentrating on marking time. Josh felt something vibrate in his pants. He pulled out his phone, and picked it up.

"Is that you over there?" Josh asked. "Yes it is," Johnny's voice crackled over the phone. "Hang on a second," Josh said. He hung up the phone, and walked up to the scaffolding that Mrs. Berger was standing on, "instructing" the band through her headset.

"Mrs. Berger?" Josh asked. She glanced down. She quickly turned off her headset. "Yes?" she said sweetly. "Can I have a minute?" "Sure thing hun, try to be back here in 20. Or hang on here, what time is it? 2:20? Be back here by- wait, break from 3-3:20, how does 3:20 sound?" "Thanks!"

Josh put his horn down and walked out of the stadium and over to Johnny's car. "Wow, of all places to see you, this is like the last place I figured I'd see you," Josh exclaimed. By the way he was dressed from a few feet away, you'd never notice that it was Johnny Storm. The sunglasses helped to hide some of his face, but Josh knew right away it was Johnny. Josh would have loved to get fucked right then and there, but that kind of public sex at this time of day with 250 people watching probably wouldn't be that great of an idea.

"God I missed you so much," Johnny said, embracing Josh in a tight hug. "I missed you a ton, too," Josh said. "There's something I should probably tell you." "What's that?" "Tomorrow I've gotta go up in space for a few days. I'll be back down around midday Sunday."

Josh pulled away from the hug and gave Johnny a puzzled look. Josh now remembered that Johnny worked for Von Doom. "Okay," Josh said, somewhat uneasily. "I know its rough, I wanna spend as much time with you as I can, what are you doing tonight?" Johnny asked. "Well I've got band until 9, why?" "You can't get out of it, can you?" "Perhaps I can. What exactly did you have in mind?" Josh asked, with a shit-eating grin on his face. "Heh heh, you'll just have to wait and find out for yourself," Johnny said, flashing his trademark half smile. Josh glanced down at the ground, noticing Johnny's raging hard-on through his pants. "A bit excited to see me are we?" Josh asked provocatively. "Mmhmm," "Well, tell ya what, if you move your car to somewhere less obvious, perhaps we can remove some of that... tension."

Johnny ran over to the drivers' side, jumped in, and started the car. "You cummin'?" he asked. "Of course," Josh replied. Josh opened the passenger door, and jumped in. Johnny floored it, and they were off.

Johnny drove for about 5 minutes, Josh's eyes locked on Johnny the entire time. Finally the car came to a halt. Trees surrounded the entire car, with no one in sight. Johnny looked over at Josh, smiling.

"Might I ask whe-" Josh said. "Shhhh..." Johnny said, putting his finger on Josh's lips. Johnny closed his eyes, moving in slowly for a kiss. Josh did the same thing. Slowly their faces came together, Josh's mouth grazing Johnny's mouth, and making contact with Johnny's chin. Their eyes flew open as Johnny reoriented himself, making direct contact with Josh's mouth. They both chuckled through each other's mouths.

Johnny pulled away from the kiss, ripping off his shirt and undoing his belt. Josh stared in awe as Johnny Storms' perfectly muscled chest and abdomen became exposed.

The muscular, wide shoulders, firm but not too large pecs, a perfect 6 pack, all tapering down into that perfect V shape that almost all men desire. And Johnny's arms, oh the arms! Not too bulky, and not like the chicken arms that Josh possessed. They flexed to show a nice sized bicep. Josh drank in Johnny's appearance. Time seemed to pass extremely slowly while Johnny slid his pants down. Slowly, Johnny slid his pants and boxers down, revealing the top of his brown pubic hair. Johnny continued to slide his pants down, revealing more pubic hair. He paused. Josh looked up at him, looking into the infinite depth of Johnny's grey-blue eyes. Josh noticed Johnny's shoulders shift position slightly, and wanted to see what was revealed of Johnny's body, but he couldn't move his eyes from Johnny's'. It seemed as if Johnny had Josh in a trance, Josh focused intently on Johnny's eyes. Johnny raised an eyebrow at Josh.

"You okay?" Johnny asked. Josh snapped back into reality. "Oh yeah, sorry," Josh said, "it's just a lot better than the pictures."

Both of them chuckled at this. Josh glanced down at Johnny's crotch. A thick, 9-inch penis was lying against his tight 6-pack. Large, egg sized balls were hanging loosely in his scrotum. Josh stared in awe at the Adonis sitting no less than 6 inches away from him.

"Shall we dance the forbidden dance?" Johnny asked Josh. "Ha, you don't even have to ask," Josh replied.

Johnny opened the car door, walked around the front of the car, wearing nothing but socks, and opened Josh's car door. Josh felt up Johnny's muscular body while Johnny quickly ripped off Josh's t-shirt and pants. Johnny locked his lips onto Josh's lips and picked him up. Johnny carried Josh to the back of the car, and opened the tailgate, setting Josh down on his back. Johnny opened a storage compartment in the rear of the car, digging inside. He pulled out a bottle of KY jelly and squirted it on his fingertips, slowly massaging it onto Josh's asshole. Josh moaned. Johnny started finger fucking Josh's hole with one finger, then two. Finally Johnny was working 4 fingers into and out of Josh's tight hole, and a steady stream of pre-cum was oozing out of the tip of Josh's dick. Johnny pulled his fingers completely out of Josh's ass. Josh yelped. Johnny lined up his penis with Josh's anus, and slowly entered him. Johnny felt Josh clamp down on his dick. Johnny took his eyes off of his cock, and looked up at Josh, their eyes locked on each other's.

"Just op-" said Johnny. "Shhh..." said Josh, cutting Johnny off.

Not another word was said for the next 20 minutes; countless moans, yells, and the sounds of sex however, were heard throughout the forest. Josh and Johnny did not need to speak to each other; gazing into each other's eyes, they knew exactly what to do and when to do it. Josh opened up for Johnny, and Johnny shoved his cock in the rest of the way into Josh's ass. Josh moaned loudly. Johnny slowly withdrew from Josh, and thrust back in forcefully, causing Josh to scream out in ecstasy. Johnny picked up the pace, thrusting his enormous penis into and out of Josh's tight asshole; his baseball sized nuts slapping against Josh's ass. Johnny's pace quickened as he neared orgasm. Josh could feel his own orgasm rapidly approaching as Johnny's pace quickened. Josh felt his nuts rise up in his sack as Josh began yelling out Johnny's name even louder than before. The first and second blasts of jizz from Josh's dick flew over Johnny's right shoulder, and landed on his back. The third blast hit Johnny's chin, while the fourth, fifth and sixth blasts landed on Johnny's chest. At the same time, Josh's ass clamped down on Johnny's dick, pushing Johnny over the edge and erupting his dick into Josh's ass, filling it with white, hot love magma. Josh could feel the jizz from Johnny's orgasm ooze out around Johnny's cock while he continued to yell in orgasmic bliss. Johnny collapsed on top of Josh in the back of his Land Rover. Once Johnny had caught his breath, he knelt in front of the tailgate, pulled it shut, and cuddled up close to Josh. Josh woke up sometime later to the sound of his cellular phone vibrating.

Woo this took a long time to finally finish, but this chapter is done. The next chapter shouldn't take nearly as long. Questions? Comments? Drop me a line at

Next: Chapter 7

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