Summer School

By Mark Reid

Published on Mar 5, 2004


This story is a continuation of The Adventures of Pete Cordell (which can be found in "Beginnings." It is the story of Pete's second great love, Mark Bransen. This is a story of gay men performing consensual sex acts with other gay men. If you are underage or if these stories violate the law where you live, then please don't read. Also, if such acts disgust or outrage you, then again, please don't read. Note that in these stories, unsafe sex does occur, but only where all parties involved are HIV negative, and know this because of regular testing (or they're virgins). Every sexually active person, gay or straight, should be tested regularly for HIV. Knowing your's and your partner's status can save your life!

My thanks to C.J. and Glynn for their careful editing

Part 4

As we started eating, I asked, "So what did you do after you left my office today?"

Mark replied, "I went to the athletic center to get some stuff out of my locker. While I was there, I ran into Coach. I told him about our experience in your office."

"You did what?" I cried.

"I told him about you fucking me on your office desk," he replied. "He was tickled. I've been mooning over you all summer, and he was relieved that I had finally gotten you. He asked if it was a one-time thing, and I told him that I was coming over for dinner. He smiled and said, "I'm glad. It's about time you found someone you could be serious about."

Blushing, I asked, "Are you serious about me?"

Looking down, he said, "Hell, yes, I'm serious about you. I have fantasized about you all summer." He looked back up. "You're sexy as hell, but you're a whole lot more. I can see your passion in the classroom as you're discussing the power of language, and I know that you are one of the few people who actually love what they're doing. You care about your students, and from what I can see, you're an all-around good man. I was afraid that the reality would never live up to the fantasy, but it was even better. From the first time our hands touched that day in my tutoring seminar, I could feel the sparks between us." Staring deep into my eyes, he said, "so, yes, Pete, my beloved professor, I'm serious about you. In fact, I'm falling in love with you. I want to be with you. I want to feel you by my side as I wake up in the morning. I want to see you cheering for me at graduation. I want to be a part of your life. But, that's about me. What do you want?"

Tears were streaming from my eyes at his confession. "I've fantasized about you all summer. At first, it was just physical, but as I got to know you, I ached to be able to hold you in my arms. I never gave a thought to having you in my life however; I never thought it would happen. But yes, I've fallen in love with you, too. I too want to feel you beside me when I wake up; I want to see us build a life together. I want to see you succeed at whatever it is you love to do."

"However," I continued, "I'm worried about the age difference. I mean, I'm 36, and have lived a good life. You're only the second man I've ever loved. I don't want you to miss out on enjoying your twenties. I'm afraid that at some point, you'll wake up and realize just what you've missed."

He was crying also. "Pete," he said, "If you're talking about sex, you need to realize that, although I've only been out for four years, I've had sex with lots of men. That's why Coach was so worried about me. I love having sex with men; that will never change. Only, it's you that I want to have sex with. Everything up to this point was merely getting me ready to be able to please you."

I moved around the table and pulled him against me. "I love you," I finally admitted. "I want you in my life, now and forever." I then kissed him. In his lips, I could feel his love for me, and I suspected that he could feel the same. Needing to calm things down, I retreated to my chair, and changed the subject. "Let's eat before the steaks get cold," I said.

As we continued eating, I asked, "So what is your major?"

"Finance," he said, blushing. "I know, you would expect a jock to be a management major. But I've always been good at math, and finance just clicked. I have to admit, I'm apparently good at it. One of my finance professors told me that if baseball didn't pan out, he could get me a job with one of the brokerage firms in town.

"You'd want to be a broker?" I asked.

"Hell, no," he said. "Those guys are little better than used car salesmen. No, research and analysis. My professor told me that I had a gift for reading between the lines in a financial statement and figuring out what was really going on. And I have to admit I love it. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Most guys never make it in professional baseball. It's nice to have something to fall back on."

I sat there, amazed. This guy really had his shit together. As I had already learned, he had a good mind under that jock body. I hadn't realized, however, that he had planned for a contingency should his baseball career not pan out. Most jocks never think past their athletic careers, and are lost when it doesn't pan out.

After dinner, we loaded up the dishwasher and headed to the living room, where we sat on my sofa and just talked for a while. I finally asked, "So, what do you want to do tonight?"

"Well," he grinned, "I told you earlier that I would shave you if you wanted me to. Do you want me to?"

I grinned, "Well, I've never really thought about it. But, yeah, I guess so, if you would like to see me shaved."

"Ever since I left you today, I've thought about how much fun it would be to shave your pubes and ass. Let's do it!"

We moved into the bathroom, and he said, "Get naked." I did, and he shucked his clothes and I could see his hard dick. Reaching into the backpack that he had brought with him, he pulled out a small pair of scissors. He said, "I left the clippers at home. You really don't have much hair down there to start with." With that, he held my hard dick in one hand as he started clipping back my pubic hair. As he did, he lightly stroked my dick, and I could feel myself leaking pre-cum. He noticed, and licked it off with his tongue.

When he finished with the scissors, he said, "I need some shaving cream." I went over to the cabinet and pulled out a can of shaving cream. He pulled a new disposable razor out of his backpack, and laid it on the floor beside him. Squeezing a handful of shaving cream into his hand, he proceeded to lather up my pubic area, my balls and the area behind them. The feeling was incredible, and I continued to leak as he grabbed the razor and started shaving me. He started with my pubes, and I could feel the razor scraping over my sensitive skin. He pulled a hand towel out of his backpack and wiped off the razor after each stroke. He would take a break from time to time and take the head of my dick into his mouth, sucking out my pre-cum before returning to his task. After a while, I looked down to see that he had removed all of my pubic hair. I looked like a twelve-year old with a 9" dick. He grabbed my hard dick and said, "I see you're enjoying this as much as I am. Now it's time for your balls."

My balls had already started shrinking up, so he stopped, took a washcloth and soaked it in hot water. He covered my balls with it, and waited patiently for them to drop back down. After this, it only took a few strokes before they were devoid of any hair. As he grabbed them, I moaned. He said, "Now reach down and feel them." I did, and they felt incredible. Shaving them had made them even more sensitive that they normally were, and I loved the feel of them in my hand. I moaned, and he said, "I knew you'd love that. Now turn around, spread your legs, and bend over." I did, and he shaved my perineum, all the way back to my ass. "Only one thing left," he said, and squirted some more shaving cream into his hand. "Spread your cheeks," he ordered, and as I did, he spread the shaving cream all through my crack. He took his time, making sure that he removed all of the hair, before saying "Now. That's better," and started licking my ass. The sensations were incredible as he made love to my asshole, licking and sucking my hole until I saw stars. He turned me around, and said, "Now it's time to finish what I started," and took my entire 9" into his mouth. I groaned at the sensations and lost control. I grabbed his head in my hands and proceeded to fuck his face, yelling, "Yeah! Take that dick. Oh, you cocksucker, take my big dick." I started pounding into his face, and from his moans, I could tell that he loved it. It wasn't long before I knew I was going over the edge. "Damn it," I cried. "I'm coming." I then proceeded to shoot into his mouth. He manfully swallowed all of it, before pulling off of me. He rubbed his jaw and said, "Damn! That was hot! I told you getting shaved was fun."

I looked down at him and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be that rough. I just lost control."

"Don't apologize," he said. "I loved it." He then resumed sucking on my softening dick. I pulled out, saying, "Mark, stop. I really need to piss."

He looked up at me with love in his eyes, and said, "Pete, please let me take your piss in my mouth."

I looked down at him in shock. "Mark are you sure you want this?"

He said, "Yeah, Pete, I'm sure. I've already taken your load twice, and I want to take your piss now. It would make me yours even more."

"Well, if that's what you want," I said, and he took my dick back into his mouth. It took me several seconds to let loose, but once I did, the sensation was incredible. I love feeling a man's mouth around my dick as I piss; it feels just like coming, but lasts longer. I couldn't believe that my innocent Mark was into piss play. I got hard again, and as I finished, I pulled out. There were tears coming from his eyes. "Mark, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Now I really belong to you." He stood up and kissed me. I could taste my cum and my piss in his mouth and I was inflamed. He pulled back and said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take a piss, although how I'll manage with this hard on I don't know."

I dropped to my knees. "Let me help," I said.

He looked down at me. "Pete," he said, "I don't expect you to do this. I took your piss because I wanted do. You don't have to reciprocate."

I looked up at him. I knew he could see the love in my eyes. "I'm not doing this because I feel I have to. I'm doing this because I want this more deeply than anything I've ever wanted." I took the head of his dick in my mouth and waited. A few seconds later, I felt his stream start shooting into my mouth. It was the most intense thing I had ever felt. His piss tasted good, a little bitter, but also salty and sweet. I felt my eyes welling up as I swallowed his load and, as he finished, I sank his 8" into my mouth, making love to it. He groaned as I sucked him, and he shortly lost control himself, grabbing my head and fucking my face. I relaxed my throat and let him fuck me, my hard dick streaming pre-cum with every stroke, his moans exciting me in a way that I had rarely experienced before. I was giving pleasure to the man I loved. It didn't take long before he screamed, "I'm coming!" and unloaded into my mouth. As I swallowed his sweet load, I surprised myself by coming without ever touching my dick. After we finished, I stood up and kissed him. "Now, we belong to each other," I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. His eyes welled up, and he said, "God, Pete, I love you." I looked deep into his eyes, and said, "Mark, I love you, too." We then retired to my bedroom, where we lay there, cuddling.

End of Part 4

Next: Chapter 5

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