Summer School

By Mark Reid

Published on Jan 9, 2005


We showered, and I called John to set up our visit. He said that they would be free and would love for us to come up. Mark called his coach and invited him over Sunday afternoon. When he got off the phone, Mark said, "Coach can't wait to meet you."

"Good. I'm looking forward to meeting him also," I said.

After we finished straightening up the house, we got in my car and went to Mark's apartment. He lived in a complex not too far from campus. We went to his door, Mark unlocked it, and we stepped in to find a shocked Dale (I assumed), naked, sitting on the sofa, jacking off to a gay porn video. He jumped up, blushing, trying unsuccessfully to cover his hard cock. "Damn, Mark! You scared me. I didn't expect you back this early."

"Sorry, I should have called first. We just came by to get some of my stuff. I'm going to spend the weekend with my new lover."

"Lover, eh?" Dale said. "Good for you."

Mark turned to me. "See what I said about his dick?"

Dale did indeed have a huge dick. It looked to be almost 11", with a set of low-hanging balls underneath. And the rest of the package wasn't bad either. He was taller than Mark, about 6'4", with curly brown hair and intensely blue eyes. His nipples were circled with brown hair, and like Mark, his pubic area was completely shaved.

Dale blushed, and said, "I'm sorry guys. Let me get some clothes on."

I could feel my dick hardening, and I felt guilty. As he walked into the bedroom, I saw his butt. It was beautiful, white and tight. I turned to Mark. "Damn, you were right. That thing is huge!"

"I know, and he hates it," Mark said. "He has never been able to find someone who could deep throat it, and when most guys see it, they run away, fast."

"I could see why. How big is it, exactly?"

"We measured it recently. 10 3/4 inches. It's apparently grown another quarter inch in the last two years. "

"I have a buddy with 11". Luckily, his lover seems to have no gag reflex, and I have to admit, taking it was one of the most intense feelings of my life."

"Yeah, me too," Mark said. "I love the feeling of his big dick up my ass." He realized what he had just said and blushed. "Sorry. I love having you inside me even more. Your dick did things to me that no one else's dick has ever done."

"Love and experience may have something to do with it," I said. "But don't apologize. I know how satisfying it is to take a dick that large. There' a strong sense of triumph."

"That's it exactly. There's a sense of satisfaction there. I didn't know what you would think."

"Mark, we need to be honest with each other," I said. "I love you more than you can ever know, but at the same time, when I saw that huge dick, and that beautiful ass, my dick got hard. "

He reached down. "Damn, it did, you nasty man. I think you might be as big a slut as I am."

"I'm no slut," I said. "I don't sleep with just anybody. But I love to get nasty as much as you do, and I've had a lot of experience over the years."

"I can tell from the way you love me," he said. "So, should we have sex with Dale?"

"I'd love to, but what would he think?"

"Dale's generally not into sex with strangers. Why don't we let him get to know you a little better. Let's have him over for dinner, and see how things progress?"

"That sounds like a fine idea."

Just then, Dale returned, wearing a pair of gym shorts that did little to cover that huge bulge. "I'm back. Can I get you guys a beer?"

"I'd love one," Mark said. "Pete?"

"That'd be great," I said. Dale left the room and came back momentarily with three beers. We sat on the sofa and conversed for a few minutes. Mark got up and said, "Excuse me. I need to get some things."

After he left the room, I turned to Dale and said, "So, how long have you known Mark?"

"About three years, now," he said. "I love that little slut." He blushed. "I shouldn't have said that."

"That's okay," I said. "He's told me about some of his experiences. I have to admit, yesterday was one of the most amazing days of my life. I've lusted after him all semester."

"Yeah, and he's lusted after you," Dale said. "All summer long, you're all he's talked about. He even told me that he'd offered you his ass for a passing grade and you turned him down."

"Yeah, I did," I said. "I never sleep with my students. But it was better this way. By yesterday, I had already fallen in love with him, but I didn't admit it until last night."

"I'm so happy for you guys," he said. "Mark deserves a lover, someone who appreciates him for more than his dick."

"And what about you?" I asked.

"I'm still looking for Mr. Right," he said. "I dated a guy for about six months, but all we ever did was fuck. He was a total bottom, and I finally realized that except for sex, there was nothing there."

"I've been there," I said. "It's tough being a gay English professor. It's hard to find someone I have anything in common with outside of the bedroom."

"I bet", he said.

"So, what's your major?" I asked.

"History," he said. "I want to do like you did. I want to get my PhD and teach."

"You do know it's tough to find a job in academia," I said.

"Yeah, I know," he said. That's why I'm also majoring in Accounting. That way, I can make some money before having to enter the PhD program."

"Don't you want to be a professional baseball player?"

"Not really. I'm good, enough so that I got a free ride here, but I know that I'm not good enough for the majors."

"Is Mark really that good," I asked.

"Yeah, he really is," Dale said. "I think that he can make it if he wants."

"But does he really want it?" I asked.

"That I'm not sure of," Dale said. "It's not an easy life. You get traded around; you never really get to build a home or a life. If you're lucky, you have a significant other who will move with you, but even then, it's tough. I believe that Mark will realize that what he really wants is to settle down and build a life with someone. And from what he's said, that someone is you."

"I would like that more than anything, but I don't want to stand in his way," I said.

"Then don't," Dale said. "Just love him. Let him figure it out for himself. It will take some patience, and it might take him a few years, but I get the feeling that you two are made for each other. You bring out the side of him that he doesn't let many people see. You should have seen how his eyes lit up when you gave him that book of poetry. There's a really smart guy in there, but he's not used to letting it out. He wanted me to read it, but I went into my bedroom and pulled out my copy. He was shocked that I read poetry. He's been doing nothing all summer but reading that book. I think you should introduce him to Verlaine next."

"I've already thought of that. There's a compilation of letters that he and Rimbaud wrote to each other, but I can't seem to find my copy. I'll order it ASAP. I think you're right."

"I think you'll be good for him," Dale said. "And I'm so happy for him. I love him deeply. He's like the brother I never had. And I have to admit," he continued, "he's incredibly hot in bed."

I laughed. "God don't I know. I thought that I was jaded, but yesterday was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced."

"Yeah," he said, "I'm really going to miss fucking that hot butt."

"You know," I said, "you don't have to give him up."

He looked at me. "What do you mean?"

"We've already discussed monogamy and we both realized that we weren't cut out for it. He wants to share his friends with me, and I want to share my friends with him. I think you're an incredible guy, and I would love to see my lover take that huge thing up his ass."

"You're joking, right?"

"I'm dead serious. I have to admit, I was nervous at the idea of sharing him at first, but if the rest of his friends are as special as you, I can see why he loves all of you. We both know that the more you love, the more that you can love. And I want to share him with the world. I want the whole world to know how much he means to me."

"Pete, I have to admit that I'm flattered," he said. "And I have to admit, just looking at you has made me hard again." I looked down and saw that he was right. His dick had slid out of the bottom of his shorts and had what looked like a tear of pre-cum on the head.

I leaned over and kissed him. "Welcome to the family," I said. "Now let's get naked and get my lover back in here."

"It sounds like a plan," he grinned, and we both shucked our clothes. Dale yelled, "Mark, get your sorry ass in here."

Mark appeared at the doorway and stared at us, naked with hard-ons. "My God, you guys, what's going on?"

"Get naked and get your ass over here," I said. "I want to see if you really learned the lesson I taught you yesterday."

He grinned and immediately took off his clothes. He walked up to me and kissed me deeply. "Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure," I said. "Now get down there and suck your buddy's hard dick."

"Yes sir!" he said and, dropping to his knees, took Dale's dick in his mouth. I leaned over and kissed Dale. Our mouths opened, and our tongues started sparring as my lover started taking more and more of his 11" in his mouth. After a few moments, Dale pulled back and said "My God!" I looked down and saw that Mark's face was against his pubic area. He had swallowed the whole thing!

"My God," he repeated. "He's never been able to do that before!"

"I know," I said. "It's a trick I taught him yesterday."

Mark pulled out and looked up us. "You like?"

"Hell, yes!" Dale said. "That's incredible!"

"I'm glad," he said, and impaled himself once more on that dick. I have to admit, seeing Mark swallowing that dick was one of the most erotic things I had ever witnessed.

"God that's good," he said. He looked at me. "Can you teach me? I want to swallow your big dick. My gag reflex has always been a problem."

"Sure. Get down on your knees," I said. He pulled out of Mark's mouth and sank to his knees, taking my dick in his mouth. He started by chewing on my foreskin for a few seconds before taking the head in his mouth. As he started downward, I said, "Okay. Now when my head hits the back of your throat, swallow and exhale at the same time. That should allow you to swallow it."

I then felt my dick sliding further into his mouth. When I felt it hit his throat, he followed my instructions, and it slid easily in, until I felt his lips on my body. He immediately pulled off. "That's incredible!" he said.

"Yeah, it is," I replied as he went back down on my throbbing dick. I knew that I wanted Mark's dick in my mouth, so I pulled back and re-positioned us on the floor so that we were in a triangle, with my face in Mark's crotch, his in Dale's, and Dale's in mine. We then commenced to make love to each other's dicks, using our throats to please each other. Our hands roamed freely over each other's bodies, and when my hand reached Mark's ass, I lovingly stuck a finger inside. I was rewarded with a bit of pre-cum and Mark groaned. A few moments later, I heard Dale groan, and I felt a finger go into my ass. We started finger-fucking each other as we continued to suck, and it wasn't long before I knew that we were all getting close. Not wanting this to end just yet, I pulled off. "Whoa, boys," I said. "Let's change position. I want a taste of that massive man-dick." We re-arranged ourselves, with me sucking Dale's dick, Mark sucking mine, and Dale sucking his. We picked up where we left off, with a finger in each other's butts and dicks in our throats. As Dale's 11" went into my throat, I felt the thrill that I always felt when I took a massive dick. As I continued finger-fucking him, I rubbed his prostate. He groaned, and his dick started leaking. I pulled off long enough to ask, "Dale, are you negative?"

"Yes," was his reply.

"Good," I said as I added a second finger to the mix and swallowed that dick again. I felt his head start to swell, and I started rubbing his prostate. It only took a couple of strokes for his head to swell even further, and he howled. I pulled back, and was rewarded with a torrent of hot tangy cum. This was enough to set me off, and I shot my load into my lover's mouth. I felt his groans and knew that he was delivering a load into his roommate's mouth.

We continued sucking until we had gotten every thing there was to get and our dicks got too sensitive to continue. We sat up, and I leaned over and kissed my lover, letting him taste the remnants of Dale's cum in my mouth. "Thank you," I said. I then leaned over and kissed Dale. "Thank you too." Mark joined in, and we began a three-way kiss, tongues lazily exploring each other's mouth. Finally, Dale pulled away. "My God, you two, that was incredible," he said. "I felt that I was a part of something really special. I could feel the love that you two share embracing me. It was the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced."

"Think of how I felt," Mark said contentedly. "Here I am with two men who I love with all my heart, sharing in their love for me. I know now that I want to share Pete with all of the people I love. I want to feel this over and over again."

"I think that I can make this unanimous," I said. "I thought I might be jealous, but instead I was incredibly turned on watching my lover love you, watching his face as he swallowed your dick for the first time."

"I don't know about you two," Dale said, "but I need a beer. Any takers?"

We all agreed, and a few minutes later, we were lounging naked on the sofa, contentedly stroking each other's bodies, and talking about nothing at all. Finally, Mark said, "Dale, Pete and I were going to invite you to dinner tonight, to let you get to know Pete better. Well, I think you know him very well by now. I'd still love for you to come over. I want to feel that big dick in me again, and I want Pete to feel it too."

"And I want to fuck that beautiful ass of yours as you fuck my lover," I said.

"Be the meat in a fuck sandwich with two of the most wonderful guys I've ever known?" he said. "Hell yes! Name the time and place!" We agreed to a time, and I gave him directions to my house. Mark and I then got up, got dressed, and left.

End of Part 8

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