Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Jul 17, 2009


Oh hiiiiiiii everyone. I've got a lot of e-mails asking when I'm starting back up... And this is it my friends. Hope you enjoy it! Also, holy crap season finale. Biggest cliff hanger of LIFE! And who knows? Maybe I'll tie it in somehow...

New reader? Start at the beginning or you won't know half of what's going on!

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 -- Part 2.1 ~~

I moaned uncontrollably as I rode Desmond's cock. I was on top, grinding my ass against his balls. Feeling him inside me was the best feeling that I can possibly describe. In fact, I can't even describe it. It was just too... Too hot.

He pressed his teeth together as he thrusted up into me, grunting the whole time. With the movement of my hips, I begged for more of him, or at least faster... Rougher... I got my wish when he had had enough of the slow, deep fucking I was giving myself on his rod. He threw me onto my back, rather forcefully and went at me again.

I looked down across my body to see Desmond's cock slide in an out of me at a rapid pace. I started moaning, quivering even... He had me going more than you can possibly ever imagine. It wasn't a surprise to him then, that when I started cumming, I didn't want him to stop. He had unloaded three or four times in me already, just working my hole to finish me off. Feeling his dick glide out of my ass was fucking heaven.

He was tired though. I had more stamina than him, but he was on top. He told me on a few occasions that he wanted my stamina so that he could fuck me non-stop. I guess I was either that good, or he just had a thing for me.

A `thing'? you might ask? Was this not the guy who nearly died for me? Who fought off zombies, a multiply-possessed man, his foster mother...? Well yes. But it's not like we'd forgotten about all of those things. It was just that we wanted to fall in love away from all that shit. We hadn't hunted anything in over two months. We had however, been having mind blowing sex for pretty much those entire two months.

After being doused in my own cum, and having Desmond slowly and sensually lick it off my chest, he collapsed onto me.

"Fuck that was amazing." He whispered into my ear as he licked it.

"Ah! Stop, you'll turn me on again..." I answered. "And I don't think you're man enough to take me again." I, however, was wrong. Three times over I was wrong.

"So what do you think?" Desmond asked me, sipping a bland coffee from the diner we were sitting in. "Think we should take up another job?"

"Ya man." Kinda out of place for me to say no? "That would be awesome. I'll check some local papers, surf the net, see what's out there." I stared into his beautiful green eyes. "How's that sound?"

"Putting you in mortal danger, subjecting myself to excruciating pain..." He leaned closer to me. "Not being able to fuck you whenever I want... However I want?" He smirked. "Sounds good. But no magik."

"Oh please." I retorted. "I can't do any magik anymore. You know I've tried."

"That was an interesting evening..."

I laughed. "You love bringing up when we fuck don't you?" He nodded, smiling mischievously. "Well I tend to like something more than just the sex."

He leaned out, back against the diner booth. "I love how when you look at me, your eyes melt, I love how when I touch you, you quiver. I love how you're so sarcastic, but at the same time, mean well. And I love it when I try and take you down, how you always have the upper hand and then let me fuck you anyways."

I looked at him and realized that my facial expression melted into a calm sort of... Love...? Ok think that this is sappy all you want, but I do... I love him.

"So then? What's on the map?" He asked, leaning back into a private conversation.

"I don't know. We've been off it for far too long." We smirked at each other. "But the paper today has a very interesting incident."

"Oh?" Desmond took the paper from my hands and gave it a quick look over. "There's nothing here T."

"See, that's what I thought. Then look at the Northern News."

Desmond read for a moment, then read the title of one of the articles aloud. "Kapuskasing Cemetery Subject of 4 Grave Desecrations." We looked at each other. "Only four?" he asked.

"There were far more than four corpses running after us. Excluding the Lich."

"So what do you think then? A cover up?" I finished the sentence when Desmond's phone rang.

"Hello? ... Oh hey Celine, what's up?" His face lost all colour and his gaze locked at the wall. "Where are they?"

Desmond never drove so fast, so silently. Though his hand was in its place on my thigh as he drove, the rest of him was far away from me.

"If you're not going to tell me anything other than `We have to go' then I don't know if I want to be here Diz."

"Tim, it's them. It's the vampires that killed my family. Celine found them... What's left of the clan that is."

"And now we're out for revenge I guess."

"Fuck yes." He said as he stepped on the gas. Accelerating, we flew down the 401 towards Pickering. Where Celine was suppose to live, another White Witch. I expressed my concern to him about what she was. "She's no teacher T. If she teaches you anything, it's how to make a martini exactly how she likes it."

I laughed. "So then I don't have to worry about giving my life over to the `greater good'? That's a relief." Desmond shook his head. I was fine with being the bitch of Winifred, but Desmond was still very raw about it. He really was the jealous type. I think without trying to be.

"I think that I need to be straight forward with you about this T." He removed his hand. As if knowing that I wouldn't want his hand there after he told me what he was going to. "After Luke died... And I moved out, I travelled a lot. And I met Celine... She... She took care of me and... We had sex. A lot..."

I was jealous. Honestly I was. I wanted to kill this bitch. I wished that I still had powers, the type that I could blast away several demons at a time with. I'd own the shit out of her. Oh crap... Would she be able to pick his up when and if she read my mind? Could she? Fuck...

"Ok." I answered back.

"You... Don't care...?"

"Of course I fucking care. You fucked this bitch and now you're fucking me, telling me that you love me, telling me that I'm the best fuck of your life and then all of a sudden I hear that you've banged her too. No no, that's fine. That's totally fine. I feel no emotion towards this situation at all. No big deal." Of course what I really said was: "Kinda, but it's alright. Not like you're gonna forego my ass for her hairy axe wound." He burst out into laughter and we swerved a little.

"Best name for a vagina ever. I'm really glad that you have no problem with it. I mean, it's over, I'm not proud of it and I have no feelings towards her. She was just there at a vulnerable time in my life. Trust me, an ass is much better." His hand went back to my thigh, believing that I was alright with the situation. I... I was. I was fine with how he described and reassured me of the situation. "I'm glad you're not the green jealous monster type! You have no idea!" He smiled. Fuck.

His smile was gorgeous. And I wanted to kiss him. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He looked over to me until he realized that he should be looking at the road, despite the fact that he had that little twinkle in his eye that said he wanted to fuck me. Those gorgeous green eyes that always pierced my soul, knew me, knew what I needed, wanted and was thinking. Which I think is why he studied me longer, with a neutral expression.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Westshore. There are a few sectors of Pickering. Westshore is on one of the sides of town. She's right on the water, over the cliff that overlooks Lake Ontario." He turned down a pebble road, right next to the train tracks. Those same tracks that I passed many times before on the way to visit family, and to the same home that I thought was amazing.

There was a fancy car in the driveway. I'm a homo, not sure why you'd want me to say what kind of car it was. It was a silver one. But it was hers. This Celine...

"Desmond!" Oh crap she was fucking hot. Picture that girl you hated in high school. That was her, that was Celine. She wore skin tight jeans, the type that she had to jump up and down just to put them on, the type she had to lay back on the bed just to zip them up. Am I right? A small bright yellow tank top covered her hefty boobs. A thong poked out of the jeans and a metal pentagram hung around her neck to complete the ensemble.

He stepped out of the car and she tackled him. They fell to the ground as I stepped out of the car and walked around the front of it, crossing my arms and staring at them.

"I missed you stud." She got off of him and stepped back. She seemed to be a little hesitant about what she had just done. "And you must be Timmy!" She gave me a hug. "Desmond's besty huh? Lucky guy!" She smiled. "Desmond is hot!"

"I know." I smiled. She looked confused.

"We're... together." Desmond said from behind her. Her gaze froze and mouth loosened.

"I see..." Taking in the situation, she composed herself fast enough. "That's hot! No big deal. I mean, so long as you're happy. You're both smoking! The type that someone would write fan fic about!" She took me and Desmond by the hand. "Common in."

She lead us into her home. A place Desmond found familiar, once again, and I felt alone. I hoped that she liked me. I wanted to help kill the ones that killed Desmond's family. I wanted nothing more... Besides Desmonds cock in my ass. But more on that later. We walked into her house overlooking the lake.

"This is the lobby! Take your shoes off hun, I don't want anything stained." We complied. "This way..." She mused as she brought us into a living room. There were two men sitting on the couch.

"Who are..." Desmond let out. But his question was halted when the two of us were thrown against the far wall.

The man on the right, the one with the shaved head and strong jaw line stood up first. It looked as if he had tattoos all over his body, but they glowed with a soft blue radiance.

"Hello Desmond." The other man said. He was older, grey haired and yet still fit for his age. "Timothy." His head turned to me and cocked to the side. "Nice to finally meet the boy who stopped pure evil from surfacing." Emphasis on `boy.'

"What is this...?" Desmond asked, struggling against the force keeping him against the wall.

"I think it's fairly obvious." A new female voice came from the entrance to the house. Celine had turned into a red head. Her hair was perfect in a bun. A thin body was dressed by a skirt-suit. "We've tricked you. Finally captured the great Desmond." Desmond looked blankly at the three of them.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked them.

"Friends." The man with the glowing tattoos answered as he stood up. His eyes glowed white, pupils fading away. Touching Desmond's forehead he instantly drooped down, unconscious.

"What the..." His hand turned to my forehead. In my head I heard a commanding tone tell me to sleep. A wonderfully calming tone. But I resisted what the voice told me. Once the man's face recognized this, he placed a second hand on my forehead and...

When I awoke, I was in a room that looked like that of a psyche ward. The walls were painted white and there was only a rickety bed. There were handcuffs attached to the bed, I assumed for violent offenders...

"T!" I shouted out. My feet were bare and I shivered when I placed them on the cold ground. Goosebumps flew up my spine and down into my finger tips. Looking down, I wore white hospital pants and nothing else. I folded my arms for warmth as I walked to the door and peered out the small window. The metal wiring and scratched glass made it difficult to see through, and all I could make out was a long white hallway with other white doors just like the one I stood before. I knocked on the glass. "Hello?"

"Hello Desmond." A voice came from behind me. I spun around and put my fists up, ready to kick some ass. The man with the glowing tattoos sat with one leg over the other, hands folded neatly in his lap. "It is nice to meet you finally."

"Who the fuck are you?" I lowered my hands slightly. He was a white witch, I was dead if he wanted it to be. No matter how many bones I could crush.

"My name is Cade." He explained calmly. He seemed to be above expressing emotion.


"If you wanted more information, I would suggest that you ask for it."

"Where am I then?" I asked, growling slightly. Just then, the door clanked open and I turned to see who it was, again, raising my fists.

The older fellow, the red head and... the white witch... walked in. I looked at the bed, no one was there.

"Forgive Cade, his mind moves faster than we can walk." The grey haired man explained. I turned to face them again but took a few steps back.

"Where's Tim?" I demanded.

"He's safe. Cade is working with him now." The red-head explained, opening a small binder and writing something down in it.

"But he's..."

"Right here yes." Cade nodded. He placed a hand to his head. "But this... Is elsewhere." He looked sincerely at me. "Did you want me to deliver a message?"

"You son of a bitch!" I rushed the three of them. The grey-haired man grabbed my throat, picked me up, and slammed me onto the ground. When my vision stopped blurring, he was dusting his hands off and Cade was looking at me puzzled.

The red-head leaned towards him and said quietly: "Some people are offended at such remarks. They view it as insensitive."

"My apologies Desmond." He stepped forward and extended a hand to help me up. "Insensitivity was not my intention." I stood up on my own. Cade turned to the red-head. "Would that be classified as an insensitive action on the part of Mr. Leuengo?"

She smiled and wrote something else down in her binder.

"My name is Martin and this is Theresa." The grey-haired man said. "Come with us Mr. Leuengo. Do you need to be restrained, or can you behave yourself while we move somewhere more comfortable?"

I glared at the three of them.

"He'll be fine I'm sure." Theresa said, writing something in her binder. "This way Mr. Leuengo... Cade?" She ushered him out of the room and Martin gestured for me to follow.

"So where's Tim?" I ventured again.

"He's safe Mr. Leuengo. Stop worrying about him."

"He can't. He loves him." Cade said nonchalantly.

"Stay the fuck outta my head freak!" I shouted. I was not a fan... Probably because I felt that he was keeping T from me.

"I apologize, I will try and keep your personal life to myself." He smiled at me, trying to be polite. I just wanted to punch him.

Cade led us into a stereotypical police interview room. It was cold in here too. My nipples were hard and I put my hands back under my arms. Martin motioned me to the only chair in the room behind a large steel table. It was all so shiny and pristine.

"So who's behind the glass?" I asked, looking at the two way glass. Looking at myself in the glass, I looked horrible. My eyes were swollen and tired, my hair was unkempt. Martin and Theresa smiled at me through the reflection. Cade stood emotionless.

"There's no one on the other side Mr. Leuengo. Not yet. We're the only ones covering your case. Cade is here for Timothy only, about which he has a few questions for you. But first, I suppose you'd like some explanations hmh?" Martin leaned on the table and Theresa placed her binder down.

"My name is Martin Long, Theresa Jones is my partner. We are part of a society of people who know the truth. We go to great lengths to keep this truth hidden from the rest of the world."

"So you're like some fucked up government agency?" I glared at them.

"No Mr. Leuengo, not even the government knows of our existence." Theresa said, furiously writing.

"Long ago, the Arch Angel Michael started this society that has spread around the world, to each country. You see, we are burdened with the knowledge of the supernatural. This knowledge comes with the responsibility of battling these beings. You vigilantes... You... Hunters... You run around getting yourself killed, no rules, no responsibilities to anyone. You leave us to clean up your messes..."

"What messes?"

Theresa chuckled. "You think all of those corpses raised by the Lich just re-buried themselves? If we left them just lying around, the Truth would be splattered all over the evening news. It was moronic acts such as that which originally turned us on to you. But then, we discovered Timothy and Alexander Ironside II were inexplicably linked to you."

"The weapons of Light and Dark." Cade said.

"But Winnie was trying to become the weapon of Light. It was a fluke that Tim got those powers in the end." I leaned back in the chair. They didn't know as much as they thought they did if Winnie was left out of this.

"Of course it was. Why do you think he was unable to control them properly?" Martin shook his head. "We've had our people working on Timothy's case since we noticed his powers growing."

"Why were you watching him in the first place...?" They must know about his affinity for white magik. But I had to be sure.

"We were watching you." Theresa pointed out.


"We occasionally watch vigilantes such as you who pose a significant security risk to the Truth. In your case, as in relatively few others, we have decided to induct you into our society as a true Hunter. You would have access to a multitude of information, weapons and manpower. All you would need to do is complete the hunts that we ask of you."

"No fucking way!" I stood up and slammed my fists on the table. "You kidnapped me! And I still want to see Tim!"

"Mr. Leuengo, calm down." Cade stepped forward and Martin lightly put a hand on his chest.

"Mr. Leuengo," Martin smiled. "You seem to be forgetting what cards you hold. Your skills are in great need these days. A Devil's Gate opened nearly two years ago in the United States due to dependability issues in that country. And as I'm sure you've heard, the number of supernatural issues has nearly doubled. The simple facts are that we know what needs to be done. You rely on scanning newspaper articles and internet publications. We have a department for that specific reason. It's about killing these things Mr. Leuengo. It's what we all want."

"And if I refuse?" I said grinding my teeth.

"I have been ordered to erase his memory of you." Cade said bluntly. Not helping his case at all... "He will stay within the Society with me and become a white witch. You will never see him again."

I roared with rage and jumped at him. I halted in the air and my arms and legs bent effortlessly to sit back in the chair. Cade looked into my eyes and then to the ground.

"Mr. Leuengo, we desire both of your specific abilities. We know that you work well together, but if we cannot have both of you, then we will take the more powerful one." Theresa nodded at me. "It is an unfortunate reality I know, but these are desperate times Mr. Leuengo."

"By the time this is over I'm going to be ripping your throats out." I ordered my arms to move, but they didn't listen to me. Cade was powerful and he had me under his control.

Martin smiled at me again. "I can see what he likes about you. Your fiery attitude is rather engaging."

"I'm not interested." I glared at him.

"I wasn't offering." He turned to leave the room. "Theresa, come, we have Mr. Leuengo's mission to prepare a briefing for. You have half an hour Cade." And with that, Theresa closed her binder and briskly walked out of the room.

"I wish to release you Mr. Leuengo. Will you try and attack me?"

"Yes." I said as bluntly as he had been with me.

"Then I will not relinquish control of your limbs to you. I apologize."

"You apologize too much. What's your deal anyways? Kept locked away for most of your life? Unsocialized? It would answer the reason why your skin is so damn white."

"Your insults do not bother me Mr. Leuengo."

I chuckled. "So then what? You going to grill me now about T? Why don't you just read my mind?"

"I cannot walk through more than one persons mind at a time. And right now, I am within Timothy's. I am teaching him some white magik."

"Hey! I don't want him learning anymore of that shit!" I struggled about in the chair.

"It is his destiny. To be a great White Witch. Are you not proud of this?"

"Why would I be? Looked what happened the last time!"

"Winifred kept him under her power. He could use magik, but was unable to generate it without the express permission of Winifred. With her death, he was unable to cast on his own." Cade moved towards the table and sat down in an invisible chair.

"So what, now he needs you?"

"Not for long. But first I need to undo all the dark intentions that Winifred placed upon him. I promise you Mr. Leuengo, I am doing all I can to help him."

"And what gives you the power to do that?" Which was a round about way of me wanting to know what the fuck he was.

"God Mr. Leuengo. God does."


"Mr. Leuengo, I am not sure if you have noticed, but I am not like other humans." I burst out laughing. "I do not understand things like emotion. My father was a low order angel, a Erelim. His spiritual essence merged with my mother and I was born." He looked at his tattooed, glowing hand. "I have within me great white magik. White magik comes from above, and black from below. I may be the most powerful being in this plane of existence."

"How humble."

"This is not me being humble Mr. Leuengo."

"Sarcasm is lost on you too huh?"

"I believe so yes."

"So you're half angel..."

"Erelim. There is a difference."

Cade asked me about Winifred and Tim. About Ironside and the Fellowship of Dark Magicians. His face remained unchanged for the entire half hour. I began to kind of warm up to him... Reluctantly. He seemed incapable of laughter. A powerful form of Spok I guess. I'd make more of a reference but I fucking hate Star Trek.

The door opened with a rusty grind, Martin and Theresa walked in. Cade stood up and obediently moved to the back wall of the room. If he was so powerful, why did he obey these two yahoos? Why didn't they do the divine's bidding?

"I want to see Timothy. Now." I demanded.

"Fine. Cade." Martin never took his eyes off me. Cade left silently and without question.

I refused to listen to them until I saw Tim. I closed my eyes, turned my head and ignored their questions. Still bound to the chair, this was all I could do.

"Soon you will be as loyal as Cade. You may not know it..." mused Martin. "But you will be soon enough."

"Never." I whispered.

"What?" Martin approached me a grabbed my chin with his hands. "What did you say?"

"Martin..." Theresa warned.

"You will obey me." He pushed my face away with a strong arm. "Mark my words." His eyebrows raised at the comment.

Tim walked into the room. I forgot that I was still bound and tried to jump up to hug him, to kiss him. But there was a vacant expression on his face. Cade walked in behind him with the same expression. Cade was controlling T, it was obvious.

"Let him go. Let us both go!" I shouted in Martin's face.

"We are certain that Timothy is conscious at some level." Theresa waved her hand in front of Tim's face. "His Affinity to white magik leads us to believe this."

"So then perhaps you both need a reminder of who runs the show." He smiled and turned to Cade. "Timothy." Cade closed his eyes and batted an invisible fly from his face. "Come here." Tim walked towards Martin. "Get on your knees." He obliged.

"No... T no stop!" I shouted.

"Suck me off." Tim began to unzip Martin's fly.

"I'll do it! I'll do what you want!" I screamed. "Just... Don't!"

Theresa stood and sighed. "I have things to attend to. Cade?" Cade lifted his hand and I rose from the chair. Floating across the room I tried helplessly to attack Martin. Screaming and screaming for him to stop, he only smiled at me.

"I know you will." He smirked.

"I'll kill you!" I repeated over and over again. But that smile just got wider. As the door closed, I saw Tim's head start to bob back and forth.

"I am sorry that this happened to you Timothy." Cade said in the white blankness of my mind. "I am only following orders. Martin is my commander and I must listen to him."

"Even if he chooses to... Do those things to me...?" I staggered. A tear fell from my left eye. Not because of what happened, but because of how I heard Desmond scream in protest, how I knew it hurt him so much...

"I do not fully understand the methods of humans Timothy." He put a hand on my shoulder. "But I am sure that there was a reason for what he did. Even though I do not understand your emotion..."

"And why not? Because you're half Erelim? Half divine?" I spat at the word divine.

"My order of divine beings have been sworn to protect humanity, to help in their development. In order for humans to continue to exist, those like us are needed to guide, to guard..." Cade put his other hand on my other shoulder and spun me to face him. I didn't look him in the eyes. I looked at the knot of his tie. His voice was soothing in a way. Although I could feel and was aware of what was happening to me, I was also in this white world that he had created for us to be in. To train in...

He taught me how to command white magik. It was different from what Winifred taught me. Instead of a simple word, I needed to focus, to gather my energy. Which made more sense. Why if it only required a word, were Latin classes all over the world not exploding with magik?

"Feel it flow through you..." he guided. But I could still feel a cock in my mouth. "Feel it extend outwards as you utter the words you wish..." All I felt was cum exploding into my mouth as Martin climaxed. I felt ill. I wanted to lash out and strike at Martin. "No Timothy, you cannot."

"You know what he's doing to me..."

"I do. Yet I cannot understand your anger of the situation. Is this not what you like?" He tilted his head quizzically.

"Not like this... Not with anyone but Desmond!"

"Mr. Leuengo? Why only him?"

I closed my eyes and felt my body stand and begin to walk, while the mental image of myself stayed the same. It is a hard concept to explain... What I felt my body do, and what I saw my body do were two different things... "I love him."

"Many people have mentioned this concept to me. And an equal number of people have been angry that I do not understand it. I apologize."

"I wish you could understand..." I bit my lip. "Then you'd know why I need you to not be in my head..."

"I am to teach you Timothy. I have no ulterior motives. Martin and Theresa may, but I do not. I am not capable of deception or lies. I am half divine after all."

This was something I could take advantage of. "What are they doing to Desmond?"

"Briefing him on his mission."

"What is his mission?"

"Your mission Mr. Leugeno is to hunt down and eliminate a certain level three specter. We do not know its name, only how it kills and where it kills." Theresa examined her binder, reading out important bits of information.

"What's a level three specter?" I asked, putting on the clothes that I had lost before my stint in the interrogation room.

"A ghost that has killed and kills in a regular pattern, often on a specific date or once a specific set of circumstances have been fulfilled." She flipped through a few pages. "In this case, on the full moon of every month, this ghost takes the life of a virgin. This is all we know. However, take this..." She handed me a small ear piece. "It is a constant link between you and me. I can help you with any information you need, in addition to emergency back up if required."

I put it into my ear and threw on my jacket. "Tim is coming with me." I demanded.

"He will be, yes. But Cabe will have control over him with a Dominus enchantment. We thus will have constant contact with both of you. Cabe will often be training Timothy. So if he does not respond, assume that he is with Cabe. But he can hear you. He is conscious of you." She folded both hands in front of her body in an innocent manner.

"Fine." I straightened my jacket. "Where's my car?"

I opened my eyes to what seemed like a new world. One I had never seen. The trees were greener, the road was blacker, Desmond was more beautiful. We were driving. I wasn't sure as to where, but I had an idea that the Society was behind it.

"Hey you..." Desmond looked to me quickly before returning his eyes to the road. His hand made its way to my thigh lovingly. He squeezed it and moved higher than normal.

"Where are we going?" I asked placing a hand on top of his.

"London... Not too far. We're almost there. But they're watching us. We can't do anything without the Society knowing. Cabe is in your head, and Theresa is in my ear... And I don't know what we can do but obey them..."

"We'll sort something out Diz." I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder. "Fuck... We can't even fuck can we?"


We rolled into the first motel we saw, a Comfort Inn. The lady was nice enough. She double checked Desmond's credit card though, which made us both hold our breaths. She made him sign the signature and compared them. Still skeptical, she allowed us to have the keys to a room.

Her eyes watched us as we walked down the hall to our room. As I closed the door, Desmond tackled me. Pushing me up against the door, he slammed my arms above my head, kissing me, my neck, my collar bone... Everywhere he could reach. As much as I wanted to be erotic, I reached down and just hugged him. He silently understood and just held me. Cade was in my head, Theresa in his ear. They were miles away, but still held us in tight bonds.

"I know..." Desmond put a hand to his ear piece and looked towards the ground. Theresa was talking to him. "Ya... Ya... You want me to say it? Ugh... Fine... I promise to keep my mind on the hunt." He looked to me with worried eyes. "Alright... Ok well can I take the earpiece out when I go to bed? Mhm... Midnight and seven AM if I'm not hunting... Ya we can deal with that. Will Cade still... I see..." His face drooped and he bit his lip. His hand dropped lazily to his side. "Cade will be taking you to train soon. You'll be a vegetable basically. We can't..."

"Fuck! This is bullshit." I punched the wall.

"I know..." He put a hand on my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes. They burned with desire. He didn't just want to get off, he wanted to love me. But he didn't want them to know... To see. I understood. But goddamnit I wanted to fuck him.

"Do not use the Lord's name in vain Timothy." Cade spoke through my mind.

Next: Chapter 13: Supernatural 101 II 2

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