Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Mar 12, 2010


~ So I think that it's pretty obvious that I'm not wirting these in any immediate fashion... I've got a hectic life now and I only have my free time (That's not a lot) to write these. I've got the story in my head and I'll write more if I get some feedback knowing that this is still being read. I know that I've lost some fans with the new 'season' but it's going to get more complex and mysterious as time goes on. I promise. So send me those critiques if you have something to say. Thanks to those of you who have expressed interest in my story. Again, I appologize for not being more active in writing, but I'm super busy with school. Happy Thoughts!

Ok, so maybe some of you people like Twilight. Try Anne Rice next time. Either way, we were currently working with the werewolf theory. Maybe Theresa and the Fellowship was wrong, but maybe we were... I don't know. But when Desmond passed me the gun loaded with silver bullets, I only asked one question: "Do I shoot for the heart or is anywhere good?"

Desmond looked at me with slight concern. "You never read up on werewolves? After all the shit that you read at that Whore's house?" Talking of Winnie of course. "That's bull shit."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't know about the second most complicated supernatural being in the world. My bad." I glared at him and he smiled.

"It's fine T, nothing to worry about. I'll teach you everything you need to know." He put his hand on my thigh and I could tell that the car was about to get really steamy.

I leapt onto his lap and grabbed his chin. I kissed him softly at first, then shoved my tongue in his mouth. Grinding my groin into his lap, our tongues twisted around and around, feeling everything about each other. Our kissing lasted until his hands made their way down my pants and cupped my ass. Then things really got going... The pants lowered and his fly came undone. I think it's called dry sex, but it felt just as good.

We alternated between him thrusting upwards into me and my bouncing up and down on his thick cock. His dick reached the point of pain and pleasure inside of me, rubbing my prostate but going in so far as to make me wince once my balls grazed his stomach. This seemed to be his que to pull me back up and plunge into me again.

I moaned and wiggled my ass around on his dick, trying to get that perfect fucking position that would make me scream with pleasure. Ok, maybe I was a little preoccupied with my pleasure, but you can't argue with the results of his. Seeing as the were visible.

As he was about to cum, I worked him a little more then leaped off his cock. I stroked it and sucked on his balls, letting my tongue work down towards his ass. He grunted with pleasure as he spasmed and came all over his chest. The thick white bands of cum laced his body and my mouth raced to the head of his member to catch the rest. Licking the residual off his body he smiled at me with a big toothy grin.

"How's that taste?" He rubbed my jaw line, ending in the tip of my chin. "Salty?"

"Naw." I winked at him. "Like you."

"That doesn't answer shit." He smirked.

"Nope. Not at all eh?" I kissed his neck and played in his chest hair. "You know I could kill you right now right?" I put my palm to his heart.

"Mhm. But you wouldn't. My cock is too big. It makes you moan too much." We both laughed uncomfortably. "Plus I've got a gun to you head." The clicking of the hammer confirmed it. "Wanna fuck with me now?"

"No, but I want round two." He gave me round five.

The cycle of the full moon would be over tonight. Depending on the time of year, a few days before and a few days after the full moon would mean that the werewolf would be active... According to our current theory. Either way, werewolf or not, someone was dying tonight and if we didn't figure out who, why and where, Desmond was done and I was stuck being an Organization lab rat for the rest of my life courtesy of Cade.

"It's always a virgin... Always." Desmond loaded silver bullets into his pistol.

"Well we're out. Unless it's a religious werewolf, then I'm technically still in the game." I gave him the evil eye.

"Long time ago man." He jammed the cylinder back towards the frame. "Nothing to worry about. Besides, how many girls have we come into contact with lately?"

"Ya..." I choked down the irony and ran a stone over my silver dagger. "You know, if this isn't a werewolf, we're fucked right?"

"Wait... It's always a virgin..."

"Ya so...?"

"Where is the best place to find a virgin in a small town?" Desmond looked straight ahead in a epiphany state.

"Not at a family barbeque?"

"No... At church." He smiled at me as if knowing the answers to life, the universe and everything. Cade silently agreed in my head.

"Well I assure you that there is nothing supernatural about this church my sons." The Father remarked as we walked down the aisle. "The good Lord does not believe in dark beings and shuns those that do!"

"Oh Father," Desmond preached, "if God existed, do you think we as feeble humans would have any idea of his divine plan?" After a long silence he retorted: "Didn't think so."

"Now just wait one second! I'll not put my congregation at risk to entertain your deluded ideas. You two need help. I'm calling the police." He took out his cell phone and began to dial.

"Thank you father!" I ran up to him. "You have no idea what he's been putting me through. He's insane! All day, all night, monsters, vampires, werewolves."

"T what are you talking about?" Desmond took a step towards me. "Is Cade..."

I screamed. "Ahhh! Get back! Get away from me!"

"Calm down," the priest grabbed my hand and put himself between me and Desmond. "Everything's going to be alright." He half turned his head to look me in the eyes.

"Thank you father."

"All you need is the Lord's guiding light." He smiled.

"No..." His finger hovered above the little green send button. "All I really need is you." He was confused until I whispered "Dominus" under my breath.

My vision blurred and my breath staggered as I gained control of the priest. It was like there was a tiny bubble of consciousness in the corner of my mind that wasn't mine. As I gazed at it with my mind's eye I saw things through the eyes of the priest, heard his frantic thoughts.

`What's happening?? Why can't I move? What have you done to me?!'

"Relax." I said aloud. "We're not going to hurt you, we just need you and clearly you aren't going to cooperate."

"You know T, before all of this voodoo bullshit I would have had a really fun time trying to coax him into helping us." Desmond tapped his side where I knew for this particular visit he had placed a very large hunting knife.

I told the priest to put the phone away and to take us to his office. Screaming inside his own head, his body obeyed my requests begrudgingly. Every few steps the priest would swagger and almost fall. Using all my mental strength to keep focused became increasingly hard. Cade must have this down to an art... I'll get there.

He let us into his office and Desmond closed the door. I grunted which brought him to my side, arm under mine to keep me from falling should I decide to. "Tim, get him to sit down and I'll tie him up. You aren't strong enough for this."

"Sit." I ordered the priest. As he was falling into the chair, I felt the bubble pop and the priest shook his head frantically.

"Oh my!" He shot up, his neck coming into contact with Desmond's knife. "Oh... My... Alright, it's alright. Calm down..."

"The man said sit." The priest sat. "Now don't move. I've got a much more... Direct approach to getting people to do what I want." Desmond smirked and reached for a gun to replace the knife... No wait, it was to accent. I suddenly got the feeling that Desmond wasn't exactly feeling part of the team lately.

"What did you do to me...?" The priest stuttered.

"Little spell, took over your body for a few minutes..." I had regained my composure and began looking around the office for a way or an excuse to get most of the hamlet here for the evening. To keep them safe, but also to draw the werewolf exactly where we needed it to be.

"There's no such thing as magic." He said looking down the barrel of Desmond's gun. "You must have drugged me." I looked to the priest then to one of the candles on his desk. I put my thumb and middle finger together and concentrated... They grew hotter and hotter until I'm fairly certain I got a burn. Snapping them together a flame leapt from my fingers to the candle, igniting it. "No such thing..." he reiterated.

"It's getting late." Desmond said, looking out the small, iron barred window. The sun had set and dusk was fading quickly. He turned his attention to the priest and pressed the gun to his temple. "How do we get everyone here?"

"You'll have to kill me. I'll not send my lambs to the slaughter! Especially at the hands of two..." THWACK! Desmond pistol whipped him. Slumping over, Desmond sighed and flopped his arms to the side.

"See? I get no action for awhile and then I can't control my own strength."

"Dizzy he's like 95." I smirked and continued rifling through papers and books.

"Doesn't he have like a rolodex or something?"

"Diz, people don't use rolodexes anymore, they use email, cell phones..."

"Oooh I've always wanted to return the favour." He put his hand into the pocket of the priest and moved around until he produced his cell phone. "Now what?"

"Well, we could call `Home' and then get whoever answers to call everyone else in town." I suggested. "Would that work?"

"What if no one answers? What if they think it's like a telemarketer or something?"

"They have this handy invention these days called Caller ID. I don't know if you've heard of it." I searched through the contacts list until `Home' came up. Pushing call a voice immediately answered.

"Hello dear how are things going?" it sounded like a stereotypical Grandma.

I coughed. "Good." Making my voice sound harsher. "But listen, I've got some news on the disappearing girls and I need you to get everyone to come to the church tonight for a community meeting."

"Oh? But I thought we were keeping those things between us?" My eyes widened. She knew about the disappearances. "Listen dear, I'm coming right over. Don't move." And she hung up.

"Fuck me!" Desmond was instantly behind me kissing my neck. "No no no!" I slapped him away. "The little old lady and the priest know something about the werewolf. She's coming here now!"

"Well that's not good." He drew his gun again in a flash. "I'm going to the car to grab some things. Here." He passed me his gun. "It's got three silver bullets. Don't miss."

Before I could protest, he fled the office and bounded across the wooden floor boards.

"Alright then Father. Just you and me eh? And Cade I guess..." I looked into space waiting for Cade's response but there was none. "Maybe he's peeing... DO you think Erelim's pee?" I looked at the priest "Ya and unconscious people speak too. Man Maybe I am crazy and this is just some fucked up Donnie Darko alternate reality shit. Ah!!" My head suddenly hurt for a split second. The priest's eyes fluttered. "Backlash eh? Want me to knock you through a wall?"

From outside the office, I heard the shattering of a window. "Stay put." I closed the door behind me and rushed out to investigate. It was silent but for the crickets chirping outside. I walked into the aisle of the church and spotted the broken window near the second row of pews.

Approaching it slowly I tried listening for breathing, growling, anything that would indicate what it was that crashed through the window. Don't be all horror movie and call out "Is someone there?" or some shit... I said to myself. Pulling the hammer back I stepped between pews 3 and 4. My heart racing, I swore I could hear breathing, and a heart beat that wasn't mine.

Pointing the gun between the pews I jumped into the air and between pews 1 and 2. In the broken glass there was a large rock. Practical joke I assumed as I picked it up and examined it. There were scratch marks on it. It was then that I realized that there was still a deep breathing in the room.

"Pulsus!" I screamed as I spun around, scattering pews around the room. There was nothing. But still I heard the breathing. "Where are you...?" I ran a few steps back towards the priest's office. I almost slipped on a puddle on the floor. Gaining my composure, I stood up and looked quizzically at it. "The fuck?"

A snarling moan came from above me as the breathing mass landed behind me and swatted me in the left arm. I was thrown across the room and slammed into the stone wall of the church. Screaming in agony as my right shoulder made the worst cracking noise ever.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuckfuckfuckfuck!" I whimpered as my left arm began oozing sticky red blood. The gun I had held was back where I was swatted from... Between the legs of a werewolf.

It was very obviously female, but even more obviously old. The hair of the she-wolf was a white-ish grey, straggly and thin. She walked over to me on two legs, her arms touching the ground making a small effort to keep her upright. She snarled at me and jumped onto an overturned pew.

"Pulsus!" I shouted in haste. Her shoulder twitched as if hit by a friendly slap. I wasn't concentrated enough.

She arched her back and shot her head up into the air howling. A second howl came from the office... The door broke outwards in shards of wood and a second werewolf leapt out and landed on the pew next to the she-wolf. They nuzzled each other a few moments and then turned their gazes to me.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck... Solis!" I threw an orb of light at them. It hovered in the air and they seemed captivated by it. Its intensity grew and what parts of their body that it touched warped back into a semi-human form. The light died as instantly as I created it. But I was already running for the door, dripping blood and throwing the pews into the air with Pulsus' as I past them. I could hear the werewolves chasing me, but I reached the door first and slammed it shut. It bubbles outwards as the pair hit it full force.

"T!" Desmond came up behind me. "What happened? Did you see it? Oh holy fuck you're bleeding!"

"I'm fine." I said as the blood loss started to get to my head. "But I lost the gun and I can't cast a proper spell." I explained the situation with the two old werewolves as he ripped the sleeve from his shirt and tied it around my arm as snug as could get.

"Two, great." He ran up to the door and sprinkled something across the threshold. Running back to me, he pulled two guns out of... wherever the hell he keeps them... and began to lead me away from the church.

There were no streetlights, but it seemed clear as day with the world bathed in full moonlight. The crickets had stopped and so had any semblance of a breeze, but the road was damp with dew from the evening.

I stumbled as the sound of the church doors breaking open echoed down the desolate street. More howling followed. I turned to see the pacing back and forth along the entrance to the church. I asked Desmond.

"Fennel seeds. Protect from evil of all sorts and bring luck. Never leave home without them." He smiled at me. "See? I can manage just fine being the hero. Though your help is always appreciated." He kissed my head then jumped at the sound of smashing windows. "Fuck, run!"

I hobbled as best I could but fell too many times. Desmond turned and started firing shots into the darkness until I heard the yelp of a wounded animal. Unfortunately this was followed by a deafening roar of rage.


"Solis!" I threw another orb above his head and I tried fleeing again, but only ended up on the ground, weak and my vision fading. Waaaay too much blood gone. I heard Desmond scream in pain as I slipped into unconsciousness...

I screamed out in pain as the werewolf's jaws clamped onto my leg. The light from T's solis spell transformed half of the priest's face human for a moment so I didn't get the full force of a werewolf's jaws. They would have snapped my leg off if it weren't for him.

Carefully taking aim, the gun unloaded at the werewolf. It wasn't a hit, but it scared it off of my leg. I scrambled up, running on adrenaline, ignoring the pain. It lunged at me, I dodged and shot again. Nothing. The hammer clicked into place and my bullets ran dry.

"Fuck this..." I removed the hunting knife from the sheath strapped to my leg and threw it with all my might, hoping for contact. The whine of the werewolf told me it hit. It wasn't silver so it wouldn't bother him for long. But what could I do? I couldn't leave Tim to run back to the church, what if he didn't follow? Tim was down. What? No I told him to run! Ah fuck this got so much more complicated.

I stood up and at the same time removed the dirk from my shoe. Last thing I had on me and it wasn't silver. How the fuck was I gonna kill this mother fucker with a piss-ant knife? It was a fucking werewolf. I needed that big knife back. T did always tell me bigger was better. I maintain it's my years of experience.

"Alright douchebag, let's tango."

It stood there motionless and I made a running leap at its eye. The moment I stabbed into it, the body fell and I was left holding its head.

"Eweeey!" I shrieked in disgust and threw the head away. "What the fuck?" I wasn't THAT good. I looked over to T. "Ah fuck but you are." I grabbed the hunting knife out of the body of the werewolf and approached Ironside who was leaning over Timmy. "Get the fuck away from him!"

He held up a single finger to stop me. "Leave your schoolboy heroism with the corpse of the priest. I've no use for it here." His hands traced Tim's bloody arm. I could feel the jealousy building within me. I wanted to scream to get his hands off my man then hold T until morning... But Ironside, with his demonic shit might be able to help... He'd done it before.

"How is he?" I knelt down beside him and put my hand on Tim's leg.

Ironside looked to me as if confused why I was so close, which made me question it too. "He's fine. It's congealed for the most part, but he'll need stitches to stop the bleeding for good. I hope you don't mind scars." He carefully lifted Tim up. "Come, we need to fix him."

"Just work your demon shit!"

"If I could, don't you think I would have? I'm weak now Desmond. Nearly like you..." I raised my eyebrow in a cocky way. Sort of to say `Oh really?' "Now that's not what I meant. Hurry." Ironside ran down the streets of the hamlet, ducking in and out of alley ways and taking unseen paths until we approached the back of a small building.

"Where are we?"

"Break the glass and open the door. Pick the lock, whatever is fastest." I chose to kick it in. Just a show of brute strength for him. I'm the boss here if he's just like me now, and I was going to prove it every chance I got. "That works." He turned to his side to allow Tim to pass through the door without smashing his head open to go along with that arm.

"So where are we?" I asked again.

"A veterinarian hospital. Small towns don't have human doctors but for some odd reason always have a veterinarian. Lucky in our case, since he was attacked by an animal. Find me gauze. Now." He laid Tim onto an overly small examination table, then hurried into the next room for something. A trail of blood followed him, dripping from the sword at his hips.

"You'll be fine T. I'm right here." I stroked his hair. He always loved scalp massages so I ran my fingers over his head delicately. "Don't worry... And Cade, you better fucking protect him or I swear..."

"Ugh, that angel?" Ironside returned with the appropriate supplies to stitch Timmy up. He poured some alcohol onto the wound and threaded the stitching hook. "You should be careful. Angels only want one thing: peace on earth."

"What's so bad about that?"

"They don't care who they kill, maime, torture or completely ruin to achieve it. Angels aren't the happy ones you think of at Christmas time with their halos and wings. Just like demons aren't horned little red satyrs." He looked to me as if trying to prove a point, or drive an already existing one home.


"I don't care how you feel about me, or how you feel about this." He pushed the hook through Tim's arm, forcing out a dribble of blood. "But I only want to help him, I don't want to take him again. He made his decision. I can only live with it." Anyone else would be forceful in stitching up the only man he loved and yet the only one that he couldn't have. But Ironside remained gentle, despite his demonic, torturous past...

"I know he won't leave me." I didn't mean for it to sound condescending, I swear...

"Yes, because you won't let him and he has no other choice at this point in his life now does he?"

"What the-"

"I'm done. Timothy will be fine. I'll check on you two in a few days." And with that, he left, slamming the broken door behind him.

I snorted my protest and wrapped Tim's arm in the gauze before picking him up and carrying him to the car.

"Theresa?" I spoke into the earpiece. After a few moments of nothing I called again. "Where the fuck are you? Yesterday I would have killed for this kind of silent treatment." I started the car and drove to the nearest hotel down in Oshawa.

Ironside wiped his sword clean as Desmond and Timothy drove away into the rising sun. He tried to put his feelings towards the boy away, but he was still drawn to him, couldn't get enough. Whenever he knew that things wouldn't be alright, an emotional void would open in his chest, like he's never feel the warmth of another man again. Foolish of course... He was young, social stigmas classified him as `hot' so why wouldn't he find someone? But how many males who enjoyed taking a dick up their ass would also be partial to demon slaying? An impossible situation?

"Oh I don't know, maybe you're just not trying hard enough." Who was that? Ironside spun around, checking every tree, bush and rooftop. No one. "You could always kill Desmond. I could help."

"Who are you? Show yourself!" He drew his blade and cut the air as he did another check of his surroundings. Even what was left of his demonic vision couldn't pick up any movement... Wait...

"Rabnix...?" He whispered, almost too fearful to utter the words out loud. He heard a subtle laugh that only now could hear came from everywhere around him. "But how? Timothy destroyed you, all of you." He clawed at his head, expecting the blood that traced the grooves of his face to expel the demon inside.

"Well you thought he did at least! Fool only weakened me. Why do you think you could still use the powers that the demons provided for you when there were no demons to be found? Residual... Bah! Stop scratching you idiot, you're only hurting yourself." Ironside took to sobbing instead. Perched above the werewolf corpses, high on a roof he sobbed quietly to himself. But he wasn't alone anymore.

"It was you Cade saw?"

"Of course. And me keeping your powers. You only got weaker when I regained consciousness and needed them to regain my strength. Which of course you helped with your bloodlust." Another ubiquitous chuckle. "But now we are together again my dear boy. Me still bound to your soul, you still sniveling and worthless as ever."

"I am neither!" Ironside leapt off the building and began to run. The power of the demon inside of him powered his legs to move faster than they should. He fled across the landscape, through endless fields and over countless hills.

"Come now, you can't run from me."

"I'm not running from you, I'm keeping you from Timothy and Desmond."

"Clever. But until you die, preferably in some sort of non-maiming accident, you belong to yourself... Sadly. It's been forever since I've flayed the skin off of a child and left it in the sun to dry out."

Ironside tried to block out the sickening description of Rabnix's ideas of a good time, but only half succeeded. What was perhaps worse, that Ironside realized that he was smirking. Was this sadistic side a part of who he was? Or Rabnix's ongoing influence?

"Stop it!" Ironside said out loud. "I'll not let you question myself."

"A little late for that no?" Ironside leapt into the air, soaring above a large forest and landed in a small clearing. "Ah, so here we are then? Planning on living in the woods? As more of a hermit than you already are?"

"At least you won't be able to hurt anyone anymore."

"But what about you? Think of the damage I can do to you now that I've got you all to myself? I will get stronger... You will do what I say eventually. You will leave this place and you take me to the Fellowship. Mark my words." A feeling of emptiness signaled Rabnix's disappearance into the recesses of Ironside's mind.

"What do you know?" he said in defiance.

A quick survey of the dark clearing revealed an animal path leading into thicker brush. There were no signs of people, no sounds of a far off civilization. He was, for his purposes, alone in the wilderness. Shame that his new clothing would soon become as tattered as his old.

Removing his leather jacket, he folded it into a square. He walked for a moment through the little moonlight that managed to work its way through the tangled trees. The ground changed from hard to soft. It squished under his heavy boots, making a loud sucking noise as he pulled up and out of the muck. The crickets stopped at the first sound his boots made in the mud. The fireflies disappeared and as he walked further, the moon also hid. Desperately alone, he laid his leather jacked down on a bed of sphagnum. The fluff, yet soggy moss made a comfortable bed for now. A more permanent place would need to be found for tomorrow and however long it took to get Rabnix out of his head.

Half resting on his bicep and half on the sticky leather jacket, Ironside closed his eyes and slept. His dreams were unpleasant, making the sleep less than ideal. And all throughout, he felt a presence in the haze of his dreams; either it was watching or simply being a presence, he did not know.

But when he awoke, he quickly found that Rabnix had betrayed his senses. The sphagnum he had rested upon was a mere 50 feet from an occupied cabin. His neighbour had awoken him. A male, roughly 30 years in age. He appeared to be a hunter, spending time in his lodge while the seasons transitioned, taking advantage of the activity of animals.

"Hey boss, you alright?" He said putting a hand on Ironside and shaking him softly. "Hey man, wake up."

Ironside awoke with a start, nearly ripping the man's throat out. "Wh-where am I?" He lied. He knew exactly where he was, but while in the presence of a mortal, it seemed inappropriate to reveal his true self.

The man laughed. "You're in Algonquin bud. What are you doing out here with no gear? I hardly see anyone out in these parts. You're lost... Or suicidal. I'm not ready to deal with suicidal." He laughed again, seemingly amused with his own personality than anything else in the world.

He had a permanent smirk on his chiseled and unshaven jaw. He flipped his shaggy hair whenever it fell into his face, adding an annoying emo vibe to the man. His clothing skewed the body that Ironside wanted to see match the face. A red and black checkered coat covered him up, a torn pain of jeans shielded his lower torso. There was obvious evidence of stitching along some of the seams and evident tears. But this pair of pants told a great story of trial, the time required to mend the fabric unavailable to the man who lived off the land. But why live here? What happened to this man that made him long to live away from society?

"I am far from suicidal. But I am not a camper." He almost spat at the word. "Let us say that I am lost. In more than one sense." Ironside stood to face the man.

"Well it's a pleasure." He said in a northern Canadian accent. "I don't get many visitors before hunting season. That's for sure. Common inside buddy, We'll see if we can't clean you up a smidge." His kindness shined through in his smile. His hospitality shined through in his eyes.

"No bud, please. Just take a shower, you'll feel so much better afterwards!" He had turned a nozzle that turned on the outdoor shower. He went around the corner and into the small cabin, having left Ironside with a towel to dry himself off with.

Ironside got straight to work. He used the soap in the shower to lube up his already hard cock. Rubbing up and down his body, over his abs, pecks and hefty balls, he clenched his jaw to prevent the stranger from realizing what he was doing.

Images of Tim flooded his mind. He was in trouble, and it was up to Ironside to save him. He stroked his cock while in his mind he fought off creature after creature to make sure Timmy was safe. His sword dripping with blood, he went to a cowering Tim and offered his hand. Timothy accepted and was pulled up to meet Ironside's lips.

"I love you you know..." He said before shoving his tongue into Ironside's mouth. "Do you want me?"

"Ya..." Was all Ironside could get out before Tim ripped his pants down and took his cock into his mouth. "Oh fuck..." Tim did his signature tongue movement that rubbed his head while sucking down the length of his shaft. Dream Timothy gave the best blow jobs.

It was no time at all before Ironside had finished jerking off, cumming all over the flood and wall of the shower. He suddenly gasped, realizing that the man who owned the cabin may have heard his immense orgasm. But of course, every orgasm that involved Tim was a big one. Not necessarily a huge pay load, but one of the most intense orgasms Ironside had ever had...

Leaning against the flimsy wall, he moaned and gasped as his cum blanketed the wall of the shower in thick ribbons. Tim collected the cum off of the wall with his fingers and licked his fingers clean as he backed his gaping ass backwards onto Ironside's still throbbing member.

Once he was done, Ironside collected his things and forgot about showering, being completely content with masturbating. He draped the towel over his limping cock, wrapping it around his waist. He walked into the cabin and the owner turned to face him.

"Umm... All set?"

"Absolutely." Ironside took a step towards the man.

"Are you..."

"Mhm." Ironside smirked, allowing the man to get closer. Their stiffened dicks touched, but the rest of their bodies stood apart from each other.

"I'm Rob."

"Hey Rob." Ironside forced Rob to his knees and untied the towel, letting it drop to the floor. "You ready for this?"

Next: Chapter 15: Supernatural 101 II 4

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