Tales of a Guardian

By Alexander Guardian

Published on Nov 30, 2002


OK everyone. This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so I hope you like it. Now I have no knowledge what so ever of any celebrity's sexual orientation mentioned in this story. Most of this story has come from my head and the experiences I have had in life. I will leave that up to you to decide what is real and what is not.

The first few chapters are just to get the story going so it will be a short time before this story gets to the good stuff. I would love to hear what you think of the story but like I said it is my first time writing so please be gentile. GuardianAlexander@yahoo.com is my email address. Hope you enjoy it.

A Guardians Tale ( Part One)

Who am I you ask. Well I have been called many names. But to keep things simple for now you may call me Alexander. I have lived all on every continent in every corner of the globe, but I assure you I have not lived in every place in this lifetime. I am reborn each and every time when and where I need to be. When I come of age my power finds me and I am awaken from my amnesia, as you would call it. Once awaken my powers start to return to me slowly and incessantly each and every day. The process takes about 2 years in which time I become stronger, faster, more in tune with my surroundings. Learning to control things that humans could never control such as the elements. Psychic, as well as telekinetic abilities, and best of all the ability of Magick. These are only a few of the abilities that I wield along with the ability to fly. It has now been 5 years since that day came and gone. But that is only a flicker in the eyes of time.

Who am I you ask again? I am The Guardian! One of seven entities chosen over 15 millennia ago to protect this earth and its inhabitants from forces that could cause harm or even worse, death. Now there are more Guardians but only different generations, ones that were created later on during the progressiveness of this planet. As this planet grew so did its need for guardians. The seven of us could not longer maintain piece and harmony everywhere. So more generations of Guardians were chosen and placed where and when they need to be. Why do you not see hundreds of people around with the same abilities as I just mentioned? Well that is Simple. After the seven of us it was it was clear that if just one of us were to fall to the dark forces it would spell disaster for a lot of things. So the later generations of Guardians we granted the same powers but nowhere near as strong as the original seven.

Now, on with my Story.

As I stand atop of a building in downtown Denver Colorado I look down at a local nightclub which celebrities frequent. Staring at the doorway I notice a woman exiting with a man not far behind her. I see them holding hands as the walk down the street not saying a word but their minds racing with a thousand thoughts.

"So you are my next assignment. Why am I not surprised?" I stated to no one in paticuler.

"So Justin. Would you like to go out for coffee or do you want to call it a night?"

"I don't know Brit. I am getting kind of tired. How about we just call it a night."

"Ok." Came Britney response sounding slightly disappointed.

If she only knew what that night had in store for her. Looking down at the streets below I searched for a deserted alleyway that I could fly down and land in. Finding one I leaped off the rooftop and glided slowly down. Once on the ground I walked slowly out into the street. Dressed in all dark colors I find that it helps canceled me better at night and people are less likely to see me flying around in the sky.

Walking down the street I see the couple turn down a corner street. From what I could read from Justin's mind he thought it to be a short cut to the hotel he and Britney we staying at. Picking up the pace I walked faster to try and catch up to the couple. Once around the corner what I have sensed was coming true. There holding a Gun up to Justin and Britney was a mugger demanding for his wallet and jewelry.

Mugger : "Give me your wallet man. And the rings girly."

Justin : "Look just take whatever you want ok."

Mugger : "Quit stalling and hand it over NOW."

"I don't think you want to be doing that".

The Mugger along with Britney and Justin look in my direction.

Mugger : "Who the hell are you to be telling me what I should and should not do."

"I am the voice of reason you have failed to listen to since you we abandoned by your mother as a little child."

Mugger : "Who the Hell are you and how do you know that"

"I know a lot of things. One of them is that you are going to put that gun down or something really bad is going to happen to you." I said with a slight grin on my face.

Mugger : "Oh Yea. Like what?"

"Like this"

I raise my hand high up into the air and a white glow begins to surround me. Soon a fog begins to appear around us. As the seconds pass the fog grows so thick that your hand cannot even be seen in front of your face. Britney and Justin struck with fear could not move. Rushing forward I grab the mugger with one hand and the gun with my other. Squeezing the gun in my hand I cause it to compress and bend. Looking at the mugger he sees my eyes glowing a bright white.

"Don't you know that these things kills people?"

Mugger : "I... I... AHHHHHhhhhhhhh......" The mugger screamed in fear.

Still looking at the mugger I us my telepathic abilities to enter his mind and cause him to faint. I placed him down near the side of the building and returned to Justin and Britney. My hand begins to glow again as I raise it into the air and the fog vanishes just a quickly as it appeared.

"The two of you are safe now."

Justin : "I couldn't see a thing. What just happened?"

Britney : "Who are you and how did you do that?"

"HA HA one question at a time. Lets just say I have a knack for talking to people. My name is Alexander. It's nice to meet you."

Britney : "Ok... Now HOW did you do that. You know the glowing and the fog and next thing I knew he screamed."

Alexander : "I think the two of you should get going. It is not safe out here at night."

I turn to walk away from them and Britney puts he hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you"

"No Problem. Wasn't any trouble at all."

"My name is Britney Spears, and this is Justin...."

"Justin Timberlake. Yes I know who you are. It was a please to make your acquaintance. I really hate to cut this short but I really must be going. My night is not over yet."

With that I ran for the alleyway that was nearby and turned down it. Britney and Justin we close behind.

Britney : "Wait. I still want to know how you did that?"

As they both turned the corner to the alleyway no more then 10 feet away was a dead end. But the stranger they had meet was gone, nowhere to be found.

Britney : "Now there is NO WAY he could of just vanished into thin air."

Justin : "After what we just witnessed tonight. I do not know what to believe. Common Brit lets get back to the Hotel.

As the couple walks back tot heir hotel I sit atop of the building pondering how time will unfold the tail of what is to come for these two. Knowing that I needed to be somewhere else I took to the skies flying across town to a not so good neighborhood. There I saw a young man walking along the street. A feeling of emptiness overwhelmed my mind. Feeling his thoughts mad me so said inside. I too knew his pain of being alone as well as the fear. Fear of never finding the one you wish to spend the rest of your life with. But I know that right now that just is not meant to be for me. But for him! Well maybe I could help things along. Landing a top the closest building where I could get a better look at the young man I also noticed something else quite strange. Following behind him was a small group of teens. Normally I would not think anything wrong but when I caught a glimpse of something metallic in the one boys hand I knew why I was here. Luckily this late at night there was practically no one on the street. I sat up top waiting, watching and listening. All four of the boys were intent on causing harm to the man. The reason they were after him puzzled me. All for of them were jealous. But that jealousy had turned to hatred and rage. I had to act fast because I knew the group of teens would soon be upon the young man. I leapt from the building and landed right in front of the young man.

"What the Fuck!"

"I think you have some not so friendly company following you."

"Where did you come from?"

"That is not important right now. What is important is that I need you to come with me."

"I am not going anywhere with you."

"Did you not just hear what I said."

Taking my hand I turn the young man around.

"Do you see them? Trust me they are not fans of yours. Now, if you would please come with me I will get you out of here."

The young man follows my lead down a dark alleyway. Felling of worry and concern could defiantly be felt from him. When I knew we were out of sight of the four teens I turned quickly and grabbed the young man pacing one hand around him to hold on and my other hand around his mouth to prevent him from making noise. Holding tighter I raised us both up into the air up to the top of the roof of the building that we were next to. Panic raced threw his mind. Mentally talking to him in this mind I assured him that everything was fine. Once on top of the roof I released him and he immediately backed away.

"Who are you? What the hell just happened? How the hell did you do that?"

"HA HA I am getting that a lot tonight. My name is Alexander. And I just saved your life. Those guys that we just ran from were not looking to get your autograph."

"So you know who I am."

"Yes I know who you are Joshua. Is that such a big surprise"

"No. Not at all... I was just wondering why you did not act like most of the other people I have met?"

"You mean star stuck and all? Simple. I respect everyone the same. No greater not less. With a few exceptions."

"You mean like those four down their?"

"No they are just misguided and have lost their way. They will find it again."

"Now come one you are not in the best place to be right now. Let me get you home."

Walking over to him I placed my arms around him. Holding him gently yet firm enough.

"Now hold on tight. And please... No screaming!"

With that I easily raised us up and into the air flying in the direction of his Hotel.

"I don't believe this. This cannot be happening. I must be dreaming"

"Well we could test your theory by dropping you and seeing if you wake up."

"NO!!!" - As he grips tighter to me.

"HA HA I am only kidding. I am a protector of life not a destroyer of it."

Soon we are at his hotel and I set us down on the roof. Releasing him, I looked at him.

"There you go safe and sound. Feet firmly planted on the ground."

"Thanks. For everything you did tonight."

"You need not thank me, but nonetheless. You are welcome."

"Umm I have one question."

"What's that?"

"How am I going to get down from here and get into the hotel?"

"See that door over there?"

I hold my hand out pointing towards the door. As he looks in the direction to which I am pointing a small arch of electricity shoots towards it. Short-circuiting the lock that held the door shut and causing a surge in the alarm system.

"Open it and go down the steps. Don't worry about the alarm it's disabled."

"WOW! How did you do that?"

"Do you believe in Magick?"

"You mean like Cinderella's fairy godmother?"

"HA HA No... I mean like bending energies to your will. Making your will come true by the power or words and the elements? That kind of magick."

"I never knew anything like that existed. I always believed in God and that he is superior"

"Ahh yes God. Well that is another topic that we should save for another day. I will leave you now. You take care of yourself now Joshua. No more walking down streets in bad parts of town. Next time I might not be there."

"Wait why were you there, and how did you know that those four were after me?"

"Lets just say I was in the right place ant the right time. As for knowing they were after you. Well to give you the short definition I can read peoples minds."

"Short definition? You mean there is more"

"Yes there is more to it but it gets kind of complicated."

"So if you can read minds then tell me why I was there tonight?"

"Joshua I know why you were there tonight. Let just leave it at that."

"No I want to see if you really can read minds?"

"After everything you have seen tonight you still question what I can and cannot do?"


"Ok Joshua, I will play your game. But if I answer you, you have to promise me something."

"What that?"

"You have to promise me you will not go out for one night stands anymore."

JC mouth had dropped open because he knew what I had said was correct. The street he was on was known well for a place to pick up prostitutes. That was the reason he was there that night. His heart was so lonely that all he wanted was to be with someone. He did not care who it was man or woman. He just wanted to feel wanted again. At that moment his eyes started to water up and tears soon came after. Walking over to him I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. I knew the pain he was feeling. Not just from sensing it but from my own life as well.

"Shhh.. Everything will be ok. Time heals all wounds. And soon you will find that someone that needs you just as much and you need them."

I backed away from him a little and wiped the tears from his eyes. Calming down he soon stopped crying and regained his composure.

"Now promise me you will never do that again." I said smiling.

"Ok I promise. Thank you so much for everything tonight."

"Like I said. No need to thank me. No go and get to your room. A friend of yours is wondering where you are."

"What should I tell them?"

"I cannot answer that for you. It is up to you to confide in your friends"

"They will never believe me about you."

"That is your decision to tell them about me or not. But you might be surprised."

Watching as Joshua walked toward the door I waited until he was through and the door Closed. I hesitated for a second thinking about the events of tonight and everything that was to come. Figuring that there is nothing more here for me to do I took to the skies and soared around Denver seeing how things have changed since I have last been here so many years ago.

Moments after I had left Joshua had returned to the roof seeing if I had left yet. Seeing that I had he turned around and heading back down stairs to his room. Reaching his room he placed his card into the key reader and opened the door. In his room Lance was waiting for him.

"Where have you been? DO you have any Idea what time it is?"

"Yes Lance I know it is almost 5:30 am."

"Where have you been?"

"Lance you wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Well I am just glad you are back safe. I will talk to you in the morning. I want to hear all about your night."

"Ok Lance. Good night."


Joshua lay there in bed thinking of the events that had transpired earlier. One phrase echoed throughout his mind. "Do you believe in Magick?"

"Guess I will have to surf the Internet tomorrow and find out more."

With the last statement said He closes his eyes and soon drifts off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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