Tales of a Guardian

By Alexander Guardian

Published on Dec 12, 2002


OK everyone. This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so I hope you like it. Now I have no knowledge what so ever of any celebrity's sexual orientation mentioned in this story. Most of this story has come from my head and the experiences I have had in life. I will leave that up to you to decide what is real and what is not.

The first few chapters are just to get the story going so it will be a short time before this story gets to the good stuff. I would love to hear what you think of the story but like I said it is my first time writing so please be gentile. GuardianAlexander@yahoo.com is my email address. Hope you enjoy it.

Authors note. Form now on the story will be from Alexander's point of view. Some parts will switch to other point of view, but form here on out it will be mostly Alexander. Also I would like to thank a special girl for help in writing this chapter. If not for her I would be taking a lot longer because I cannot spell.

I awoke early that morning in my house that was deep in the Rocky Mountains. Getting up out of bed I look out of the six by six picture window at the sun rising above the mountaintops. I just love watching the sunrise. I will not lie. As much as I love sunrises I love sleep a whole lot more. But I knew that I could not sleep I had work to do today. Figuring I had a few more hours before I had to be somewhere I decided to go into the kitchen and have a cup of coffee.

Where are my manners! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Travis. How do I tie into this story you might ask. Well give me a few minutes and I will explain it to you. It gets kind of confusing so try and bear with me. When I was born I was what you could consider and exceptional child. Saying that I was extremely smart was an understatement. By the time I was twelve I had already started college. When I was fifteen I had graduated with a masters in Psychology, Philosophy and World Religions With a few concentration studies in Business and History. When I finished with college I did some research and made a few investment decisions, which happened to pay off rather nicely. In fact it paid so well that I ended up buying my parents a house really nice house high in the mountains in Pennsylvania. I on the other hand I bought a house just outside of Denver Colorado High in the mountains far from civilization that rest on about 250 acres. The house was much larger then I was used to but I knew it would serve a purpose some day. It has six bedrooms, four full size bathrooms, a master den and a HUGE kitchen. Don't get me wrong I like people but it is really nice to have a place that you can get away from it all. Sorry I am kind of getting off track. Anyways since I was financially secure for pretty much the rest of my life and then some I devoted my time to my personal hobbies. One hobby was sitting by the fire and reading a book. My Library was always growing seeing that I could read a thousand-page book in less then a day. During all of this I had always felt that there was something missing. All my life my mind has always done the talking for me. Figured out problems, worked equations, logic and reasoned everything to death. Though this was helpful, my heart didn't have a voice of its own. Everyone would tell me "Listen to your heart." Unfortunately mine was silent. I felt so incomplete as a human being. Little did I know that was about to change.

One fateful day I decided to take a walk. I was a perfectly clear day outside and I loved to explore the outdoors. Having 250 acres as your back yard that leaves a lot of places to find. I would often take a backpack and load it up with my sleeping bag and a few changes of cloths and go camping for a few days. Through reading books and experience I had leaned to live off the land. Now I would never kill animals so I would just survive by eating what nature had supplied for me. Never taking more then what I would need and in some cases I would give back by planting new trees where old ones had dies or fallen over.

Deciding that a walk would be good I got dressed and laced up my boots. Grabbing my keys I left the house locking the door behind me. I normally traveled the same path when I went for my walks but I decided to just explore this time. I stood there looking for the direction in which I should travel that day. Still undecided, I closed my eyes and held my hand out with my finger pointing straight out. Figuring I would let fate decide this time I began to spin around. When I cam to a stop I opened my eyes and looked in the direction that my finger was pointing and began to walk. Just walking threw the woods and admiring natures wonders I noticed a clearing in the distance. As I came closer to the clearing I noticed that it wasn't a clearing at all but in fact it was a small lake. I remembered back to the lease when I had purchased this property that it did have in fact two lakes on it. All I could think when I looked at the lake was WOW. I started to walk around the lake looking at it and admiring the beauty it had to offer. I sat along the shore of the lake for quite some time. The sun shined down so bright that it made the water look rhythmic. The water looked so inviting I just had to touch it. Freeing myself from all of my cloths I wadded out into the water unsure of how deep it was. Once out past my waist I dove in headfirst. Having the water all over my body made me feel as though I was being reenergized.

When I came up for air that is when I saw her. Her skin was the color of caramel and her hair shined as dark as the night sky. She was dressed in what appeared to be a while gown with fringes around the arms and neck as well as the bottom. She stood next to where I had taken my cloths off. I began to swim back to her. As I got closer I noticed that it wasn't so much a gown but more of a dress like you would see someone of Native American decent in. Not far from here but still in the water covering my naked body I asked her who she was and why she was on my land. He facial expressions never changed. She had one of those faces that were so warm and inviting. Not answering my question I started to walk closer to her and asked again. She raised her hand and held it out in front of her as if to stop. That is when the second figure appeared. Not form the woods or from behind her. No this one appeared right beside her out of thin air. Her hair was as bright as any fire and she was dressed in all leather like something you would see out of a Hercules or Xena episode. Her eyes were the color or emeralds but her looks were quite deceiving. She face was that of comfort but not someone I think I would like to tangle with if I made her mad.

"Who are you?" I asked them.

"My name is Lorelei. And this is my friend Morrigan."

"What are you doing on my land?"

"Curious. How can someone own a tree or a rock?" Lorelei asks in return.

"He is not the one we are in search for. Lets go." Morrigan says slightly discussed.

"He is the one and you know it. He must be awakened." Lorelei says as she looks in my direction.

"What do you mean awakened?"

Both Lorelei and Morrigan raise their hands into the hair. Both of them begin to glow but different colors. Lorelei was bright blue and Morrigan was bright red. The sky overhead quickly darkened and thunder could be heard. Looking up I could see dark gray clouds replace the once sun filled sky that was overhead. Still in the water I tried to move but standing for so long in the water my feet had sunk down into the mud so much that I was stuck. Then I looked over at Lorelei and Morrigan. Their eyes had begun to glow as well now and then be begun to chant something in a language that I had never heard before.

Lighting filled the sky lighting up everything. Then it happened. A single lighting bolt arched from the sky and raced to my exact location. All I could do was scream. But when the lighting bolt hit me I felt no pain. Instead of electrocuting me it was as if my body absorbed it. During the process it lifted me out of the water. The essence of the water that was below be seemed to be doing the same thing. As well as the air and the earth, all of it combined with me. That was when it happened. I felt like a damn bursting open and all of the water flowing threw. My heart was awakened but it wasn't just my heart, it was my soul. Everything seemed to click and I now began to felt whole. Awakened from my slumber I grew aware of my ultimate surroundings.

Here I was no longer just a mere man but one who now had the ultimate experience. I have become two beings into one I am now not only Travis but also Alexander. I could feel the essences flow through me like they had never done before. My inner soul had been awoken and my many adventures were to begin from this point.

Now I know I have lost a few of you so I will try and break it down for you a little. You sitting there right now at the computer reading this story. Yes you. You are composed of two entities. One physical, one metaphysical as I like to call it. The physical part is easy that is your body and everything it consist of. The Metaphysical is what you do not see, being your soul. Without one the other couldn't survive. When everyone is born they are born with a soul. That is what gives everyone his or her uniqueness in life. Now here is where it gets just a little tricky. When a human dies their soul basically has three options. One: it is placed in another body. Two: It can wonder around. Or three: It dissipates and kind of gets recycled. Now there is much more that is to each of these but to keep things simple I am not going to go into them too much more. ~~~~*~~~~ I floated from the air back down to the water. Instead of sinking into it though I stood atop of it as if it were solid. Looking down at my reflection I could see the white light that surrounded my body. I looked up at Lorelei and Morrigan. Both of them were staring at me with grins on their faces. I began to walk over to them and found the cloths that I had discarded earlier. Putting on the cloths Lorelei spoke to me in such a sweet and peaceful voice. "It is good to have you back again Alexander." Lorelei said to me. "It is good to be back." I replied to her. "Are you ready to begin your training?" Morrigan said to me. "I believe so. I can see that I have a lot to catch up on." "Yes I know but I am sure it will take you no time at all." Lorelei said to me and smiled. And then it began. I started to teach my new body to endure the ability to use magick. Honing my inner abilities of telepathy and telekinesis. As the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months my powers surfaced more and more. Each day they became stronger and more powerful. I became stronger, faster and able to endure more each time. Lorelei and Morrigan would often have battle exercises with me to help tune my senses and abilities. After two years my powers had reached their full potential. I am now ready to continue the duties I had once so many years ago. I am the Guardian once again. Now I have learned that from past lives that I need a disguise but it is nothing like you would see a marvel comic book. I use magick to make a few alterations to my body. Since I now have two identities I must make myself look like two different people. While I am Travis I Use my Magick and make myself appear to have brown hair and brown eyes. Six foot tall and about 170#. Before I was awakened Travis worked out quite frequently so he had quite defined body features. I have been reborn many times as both male and female but always as a human. Each time I inherit their traits and this time it just so happens that Travis was gay. When I am Alexander though I have the same physical features with a few subtle differences. My hair is a bright blond and my eyes are a crystal blue and I increase in size about three inches. Now altering body size cannot be done by magick. That is a result of my body becoming energized with the power that lies within me. Now that you know how Alexander came into existence I hope you can understand the reason for my secret identity as well and my need for seclusion. Look at the time. I have to get going if I am going to get there on time. I walked to the main bathroom and turned on the shower. Taking a towel from the hall closet I undressed and stepped into the shower. Washing my hair and body making sure I was as clean as possible I stepped out and dried myself off. Wrapping the towel around my waist I walk into my bedroom to my dresser and pulled out a pair of baggie khakis and ribbed white CK shirt. Walking back into the bathroom I finished my morning ritual of shaving and brushing my teeth. Dabbing a bit of cologne on I took one last look in the mirror I decided that everything was in its place and headed for the door grabbing my wallet on the way out. Putting on my black sketchers walked out the door. Locking it and placing the keys in my pocket I walked out onto my porch. Taking a look around I expanded my mind just as a precaution to make sure no one was around. Sensing that there was no one I walked off my porch and stood still in a single spot. Looking straight up into the sky a white light began to emanate from my heart area and soon surrounded my entire body. Glowing so bright anything inside of the circle could not be seen, not even me. The light soon began to recede back into me and when it finally faded I was in the form of Alexander. Flying straight up I took to the skies. Flying high in the clouds using them as cover I headed in the direction of Denver. Flying over the mountains occasionally I would glance down and admire the scenery. Watching a few birds here and there flying around below me as well as watching the planes high above me flying from one destination to another. Seeing the city of Denver below me I looked for the building that I had dropped Joshua off at last night. Spotting it I descended as quick as I could so as not to be seen. Landing on top of the hotel I walked to the side where the main entrance was. Looking at my watch it read 10:25. Scanning the building it didn't take me long to locate the five guys in the lobby of the hotel. Then I sensed Britney in her room on the top floor but on the other side of where I was standing. I watched the limo pull up to the side of the Hotel and all five guys piled in. The limo then headed off to the arena where the guys would spend their day. Britney on the other hand had other plans, she just didn't know about it yet. I walked over the other side of the rooftop and stood up on the ledge. Waiting for Britney to come out I kneeled down and looked out over the city. God it sure was beautiful. Hearing Britney walk out onto the patio snapped me out of my gaze. Waiting her for a moment I could sense feeling of confinement in her. "I wonder what all of those people are thing about right now?" She says out loud to no one in particular. As Britney continues to look at the people passing by on the street below she hears a voice from above her say. "Do you always talk to yourself when you are alone?" "AAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh...................." I just love cliffhangers don't you? To everyone reading this story PLEASE send me feedback. I know that is really early in the story line but I still would like to hear your thoughts on it. GuardianALexander@yahoo.com Also for those of you who would like to talk to me online I have various IM programs that you can talk to me on. Just write me telling me your screen name and I will be happy to send mine back to you. Sincerely, The Guardian

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