Teen Vampire

By Brent Poliza

Published on Nov 5, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction and doesn't contain any information on the celebrities who portray the characters. I do not own any of the characters except my own. I love the series and wanted to put submit a piece of my own. This does contain male/male relationships, so if this offends you I'm not sorry. You have the right to like what you like, and so do I. If you aren't 18 or older please don't read this, it's normal to be curious but I don't condone exclipt material to be passed onto someone who just isn't matured and or ready for it.

Please...be considerate and don't ask me to create any stories for you. I don't appreciate being asked or told what is expected of me. I am doing this because I love writing very much, it is my passion. I don't appreciate someone telling me I have to do something for them when I owe them nothing. Teen Wolf Story.

I hope you enjoy....after reading this long and rather venting not to mention boring introduction to a story that hasn't even started yet...shutting up now. Or am I?

Teen Vampire-1

I felt numb and nearly lifeless as my eyes slowly fluttered open. I didn't recognize where I was, the dim moonlit room smelled of an Earthy musk a scent so foreign to what I am use too. As I got up I felt this sharp pain rack my body, my ribs ached, my lips felt abused and even more plump than they usually were. I couldn't feel my legs as I noticed my clothes were ripped off and dry traces of blood and semen covered my body as it even leaked from my tender hole. From all the pain I barely noticed that my neck had been bleeding.

"H-hello?" I asked quietly. Unsure if I should call for help, if I was attacked then the maniac might come back. I tried to rack my brain around what happened but all I can remember was hanging out with Danny at the local gay bar. Danny and I were best friends since way back when, but lost touch when his friend Jackson put a wall between us. What's sad is Danny allowed it. For a week out of nowhere Danny has tried to be my friend again and last night we went to the bar to reconnect again.

That's the last thing I remember. Grabbing on the rail of the bed I pulled myself up but fell off the bed as I remembered that I had no feeling in my legs. I began to crawl to what looked like a door and pushed it open to see the woods. I was in the woods in what looked to be a wooden shack. I began to drag my abused naked bleeding cum stained body into the woods and away from the shack. My fingers digging into the dirt and grim as I pulled myself slowly into the bushes to take a breather knowing the guy might come back at any time.

I didn't notice that someone was there because of how quietly he moved. I didn't know until it was too late that I was grabbed and tossed on the ground again. I only noticed the glowing red eyes as he moved my neck to the side and sank his razor sharp teeth into my neck viciously. I could only whine quietly because he was crushing my throat with his hand. He tossed me on the ground and bit into his arm.

"Drink!" He nearly growled roughly as he grabbed my jaw and let the blood leak into my mouth. It was so strange as the hot blood filled my mouth a hunger filled my being. My body was like it was vibrating as fire ran through my veins. I couldn't get enough even finding myself grabbing his arm and pulling it to my mouth. "Hungry little bitch aren't you?" He said with an other worly voice.

"Enough." He said yanking his arm away. I licked around my mouth to collect the blood and savor the taste. I couldn't help but feel different, my body stopped hurting and instead I felt a pleasure I have never known before. My wounds felt like they were closing as my body began to painfully shift. My muscles began to spasm and my bones began to pop loudly as I rolled on the floor in pain.

"Don't worry. You'll soon learn to love it." I felt like I was going to die. The pain didn't stop even if the darkness came and swallowed me whole. It kept on for what felt like forever. I didn't know if I was dying but what the guy told me gave me hope that I wasn't dying. I finally stopped fighting it and let myself go. I felt like screaming as the heat increased.

I got up slowly and breathed a sigh of relief as I realized it was all a dream. I looked at the window as light shined through it and lit up my room. I went to the mirror to convince myself that it was a dream. Something was wrong, my body having gone through major changes...

My slender body now leaner and showed a nice set of abs and pecs. I had paler skin, and pinker and thicker lips. My ass seemed fuller and rounder as well. My hair now a firey red and down to my upper back...how did my hair grow so fast from being nearly shoulder length to my upper back? I noticed my teeth were so white and beautiful like pearls in the moonlight. My eyes...once black now a beautiful gleaming blue.

What happened to me? This can't be the real me...deciding this was to weird I made the choice of not going to school and calling off sick. How was I going to explain this to anyone? I know I'm not popular and no one really notices me, but come on...surely they will notice this. I didn't look like myself at all.

I tried rubbing my eyes but no contacts came out. I would've checked my hair too but my eye brows were red just like my hair so there isn't a way this is hair dye. My phone vibrated on my bed.

Danny: Where are you? What happened last night? You disappeared with that guy and that was it. I been calling you all night.

Me: I'm at home. I don't feel so good, must've been something I ate. I accidentally left my phone at home and didn't answer it because I was so tired that I must've passed out.

Danny: Oh. I was really worried. I'm glad you are okay. Do you want me to bring your homework after school?

Me: No, that's alright. I'll be there tomorrow and get it then. I don't want to get you sick.

Danny: Okay, if you're sure.

Me: Thanks anyways.

I spent hours adjusting to the new me. I could feel it, I was different. My mind racing and processing faster and better than it use too. I don't know what I am...but I know I'm not human. I could hold my breath for as long as I wanted and not feel the need for oxygen.

I watched the people pass by on the road. Little girl scouts towed a little red wagon full of boxes of cookies. I couldn't help but feel the desire to attack them. I didn't but as I came to from my daydream of tearing the little girls to shreds I realized I was outside. How did I get outside?

I could hear everyone's heart beat, the blood rushing through their veins. I could almost smell it through their intoxicating scents.

I walked back inside and locked my doors. My parents never were home because both are doctors and are usually always gone. I looked across the street to see Jackson Whittemore pulling up in his porsche. His girlfriend Lydia opening the door smoothly as she would hop out of the car dressed like a model. I'm amazed at how easy it is to see them despite it being pitch black out there. That must be how the guy saw me.

I don't know what time it was but I finally passed out. I rolled on the floor as my alarm clock erupted into sound. Grabbing it I crushed it in my hand by accident. I got dressed in a tight white v neck and put on my grey skinny jeans and black converse. I grabbed my blue hoodie and my put on my lucky star necklace.

The drive to school was boring and slow. It's as if my mind subconsciously knew I could go faster and was infuriated that it was being forced to go slow. I saw Scott McCall riding his bike when a car swerved in front of him causing him to crash his bike into a tree. The really sad part is that the car didn't stop to see if he was alright. I didn't hesitate to get out and pull him up, but unfortunately I still don't know my own strength and manhandled him.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Y-yeah," Scott said popping his neck ,"Just a mortal wound."

"Do you need a ride to the hospital?" I asked him. I finally started to notice his scent...it was strange and not like the girl scouts. He wasn't human.

"No...no hospitals. Do I know you?" He asked me as I could hear him sniffing the air.

"I-uh...yeah. I'm Jesse Evans." I said nervously, how could I not be nervous. I've had a crush on Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski since I met them...or more like laid my eyes on them.

"Oh! Right...American History and Biology." Scott said with a cute smirk.

"Yeah...you want to go? We are causing a scene and I'm blocking the road." I said noticing the people were getting out of their cars.

"Y-yeah. If I get detention again in this week my mom will kill me." Scott said as we walked back to my car.

"Then we need to leave now." I said restarting the car and driving off with Scott in my passenger seat.

"So...I know we aren't friends or anything. Also, we barely know each other...but I know I've seen you before and I don't remember you looking like that." Scott said bringing up a subject I was hoping to skip today...and forever.

"I...got a make over and I wear brown contacts, but I got tired of putting them in so I just decided to keep them out." I said hoping the lie would work.

Scott never was the brightest bulb, but I know he would figure it out as soon as someone else brings it up...someone who knows me. I just began to pray to any and every God who would hear me, that he didn't talk to Danny.

We pulled up to the school and I parked in my usual parking spot. My new hearing perked a little and I could hear people talking at the same time. It sounded like useless chatter.

"So...I was wondering-" Scott began rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Will I give you a ride home?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said with a smile, "Wait! I have lacrosse practice after school."

"Then I'll come watch." I said hoping it would give me an excuse to make a friend.

"R-really? You'd do that?" He asked very chipper.

"Yeah. I don't have a lot of friends and my parents aren't home. So it'll give me something to do." I said with a smirk as I walked into the school with Scott.

I noticed some of the stares as I walked into the school. Things are going to be different from now on.

(That's the first chapter. Sorry I'm new to the whole writing thing. I have massive loads of writers block but I love writing. It took me a while to finally put this out because of how nervous I am with talking to people. When I get nervous I ramble and I might do it a little in my writings... fair warning. Anyways...Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this painfully long message. Love, Brent.)

Next: Chapter 2

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