Teen Vampire

By Brent Poliza

Published on Nov 16, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction and doesn't contain any information on the celebrities who portray the characters. I do not own any of the characters except my own. I love the series and wanted to put submit a piece of my own. This does contain male/male relationships, so if this offends you I'm not sorry. You have the right to like what you like, and so do I. If you aren't 18 or older please don't read this, it's normal to be curious but I don't condone exclipt material to be passed onto someone who just isn't matured and or ready for it.

Please...be considerate and don't ask me to create any stories for you. I don't appreciate being asked or told what is expected of me. I am doing this because I love writing very much, it is my passion. I don't appreciate someone telling me I have to do something for them when I owe them nothing. Teen Wolf Story.

I hope you enjoy....after reading this long and rather venting not to mention boring introduction to a story that hasn't even started yet...shutting up now. Or am I?

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Teen Vampire-4

"It's a book about monsters. " I told him calmly as we sat and watched the players run across the field.

I noticed that it was now dark, the bleachers are impossible to see when it's dark.

"I understand that. What I don't understand is why a vampire would want to read about itself." Stiles said calmly.

My impulses took over as I put my hand on Stiles inner thigh and put my nose by his neck. I sniffed at his jugular. I even smiled at the gasp and moan I got from him as I offered his neck a little lick.

"D-on't do t-hat." Stiles protested looking around trying to see if anyone was watching.

"Don't worry. No one is watching. I mean besides Scott and Jackson." I said in a whisper to his ear.

"T-that isn't the point. I'm-uh not gay." He said with an uncertain shaky voice.

"Are you trying to convince me? Or yourself?? Besides. You could be bisexual. I mean.. it's not the worst thing ever." I said as he started hyperventilating.

"Your eyes." He said looking into there unnatural glow.

"Stiles you think about it too much. Gay, Bi, or Straight...either way pleasure is pleasure. You and I both know you couldn't stop me. " I said to him.

I could hear growls coming from Scott as he noticed what I was doing to Stiles. I could smell the sweet smell of lust coming off Scott, but a slight sour smell was mixed with it...jealousy?

"Scott doesn't like that I'm doing this to you." I whispered to Stiles. "Maybe he really rather have me do it to him."

"Want me to stop?" I asked nibbling on his ear lobe.

"Y-uh huh." He gasped out, I grabbed his hand and massaged his palm with my cold fingers.

"That's not what lil' Stiles says." I taunted rubbing his groin lightly. I was surprised for it's size. I mean with how scrawny Stiles is...you wouldn't imagine him with a cock as big as he has, at least 9.5 in.

"Then answer a few questions." I said as I licked his finger and sucked it all the way into my mouth.

"H-Oh my god. So deep." He moaned.

"You know I'm a vampire. I know Scott isn't human...what is he?" I asked between fingers. I watched Stiles' expressions on his face change. I have to say Stiles is very cute and hot.

"W-werewolf." Stiles gasped out in pleasure. I heard the coach blow his whistle so I stopped what I was doing to Stiles and got up.

I could see the erection Stiles had. I was amazed by it's size due to how scrawny Stiles looks. He was nearly as big as Jason.

"Thanks. Look me up." I said winking at Stiles as I could literally sense Scott coming our way. I got to a distance as I heard Scott talking to Stiles.

"What was that? Why was he all over you??" I heard Scott ask with a growl.

"He switched it on me. Instead of getting answers from him he got the answers. He knows you're a werewolf." Stiles said as I continued to walk away.

I was too distracted by my thoughts and the sudden guilt and shame of what I did to Stiles. I knew that my vampire impulses were going to be strong because vampires crave sex and pleasure just as much as blood...but I didn't think I was going to seduce one of my crushes for answers. I felt like such a slut.

I found myself by my car. I didn't notice someone was following me until I was pushed against my car.

I looked to see Jackson.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked him as I could smell the rage coming from him.

I could feel my eyes return to there supernatural glow.

"What the hell?" Jackson asked as I could smell the anger lessen and the fear heighten.

"Don't try to run. As if you could outrun me." I said as I approached him. I had the pleasure of him backing up in fear.

"Is there a problem?" Scott asked surprising us both. I hid my eyes and turned towards my car.

"No. Jackson was just leaving. Right, Jackson?" I asked as I heard him run away.

"We need to talk." Scott said with growing anger in his voice.

"Can we talk on the way? I want to get home and I promised to take you home, remember?" I told him as I got into the car and put on my sunglasses. Yeah I know...sunglasses at night, lame.

"What the hell is your problem?" Scott asked getting into the passenger side.

"I was just having a little fun. It's one of the perks and problems of being a vampire. I'm horny as hell and can fuck like a beast...however I can't exactly control myself sometimes." I told him as my mind drifted back to Stiles and I began thinking of all the wild things I'd do to make him scream my name.

"You can't just go around seducing guys! It's not right." Scott said with slight anger and...jealousy?

"A gay guy can't go around attracting and seducing willing potential mates?" I asked turning it around on him.

"Isn't that what straight guys do to girls? And vice versa?? So straight 'normal' people have the right to be happy, but gays and bisexuals cannot?" I asked him which started to choke him up.

"T-that's not what I meant and you know it." He said slightly embarrassed.

I turned on his street and stopped at his house.

"We're here. Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you." I said to him annoyed at him.

I had to remind myself that attacking him wouldn't be a good idea. Not if I wanted to be left alone. Of course I already knew that would be impossible after tomorrow. I would be hunt down after the first body shows up in my name. I know I'm only acting this way because my emotions are increased tonight along with my powers and abilities showing up.

The ride home was slow and relaxing. I could finally think with Scott's werewolf stench now not so strong but was sadly stuck in my car. This day has become a fricken disaster. It was my first day back to school since my transition into a vampire and in all it wasn't that bad. But I was fearful like Scott and Stiles...tomorrow I have to feed...all the movies and books tell you to drink all the blood. I would have to kill some unlucky person.

I pulled up to my house and turned around to see Jackson watching me from his window. I waved at him to see him back away in fear. Maybe this wasn't all that bad after all. When I got inside it was strange...my parents were passed out by the tv. I grabbed some blankets and put them over my parents. I may not see them as much as I want too, but I still love them.

I went straight for the shower and played music on my phone. I like to shower with music...sue me. I played Royals by Lorde.

"I've never seen a diamond in the flesh..." I sang along with her. I love singing and dancing.

After I got dried off I slipped into a pair of dark red boxer briefs and hopped into my bed. I couldn't help but imagine what life is going to be like when I drink blood for the first time...will it get better or worse. I mean the aspect of it's something that needs to be done, but if I do then I give up the final piece of my humanity from taking a life. I mean is it possible to just drink enough and then go to the next person and then the next? I know it will take longer to drink my fill but no one dies.

However....will I not be able to control myself? Will I want to control myself?

I finally noticed my powers and abilities when I woke up. I could see and hear clearer, smell better and farther. My emotions were definitely stronger as I got pissed because my brush wasn't in my room. Yeah, I know. Stupid, right?

But see that wasn't the worst of it. Because of being pissed for no reason, I ripped the door to one of my closets clean off the hindges without any effort. The door literally felt weightless.

"Dammit!" I grunted in frustration. I put the door down and leaned it against the wall.

I grabbed my jean jacket and combed my hair. Heading downstairs, I grabbed an apple and took a bite as I got into the car. Second day as a vampire....

(Here's the next chapter. Sorry I had to cut it a little short. I have major writers block and and have no idea how to go about things next. Love, Brent.)

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