Teen Witch

By Logan Gardner

Published on Aug 26, 2012


Teen Wolf.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well.

Teen Witch-1

My life in Beacon Hills was boring. It was a sterotypical existence of being bullied at highschool. Not because I was gay. Beacon Hills was rather accepting, hell one of the cool kids was gay and out. Everyone liked him, I don't understand why though. He was nice and cool and stuff, but I don't get what makes them like him and not me. Must be because I'm a slender bottom boy who will never be laid in this life or the next.

I have to say the only person who made things worth while was my grandmother. It didn't help everyone thought she was crazy, but screw them! She says we're witches. That we come from a long line of witches.

I lived with my grandmother since my parents died in a car crash 3 years ago. I was leaving the grocery store, my grandma needed some stuff like milk, cheese, and fruit. Ileft the store, there were guys there joking around. They made a few comments about me but I just kept walking like nothing was going to happen...big mistake. A hand stops me and pulls me back and turns me around.

"Where you think your going?" One of the guys said with a smirk and a menacing look in his eyes.

"Home." I said scared.

"No you're not. You're coming with us to party." Another says with his hands in his hoodie.

"Uh, guys. I can't, I need to get home." I said with a whimper. Thinking of Dateline to Catch a Predator.

I was going to be raped and killed.

"Nope. Sorry. Try again." Another said taunting me.

He grabs me by the shirt and lifts me up.

"Please. Let me go. LET ME GO!!" I yelled having a panic attack, as I usually did when I went through something stressful.

This was different though.

I felt something wash over me, bringing my body to life. The wind began to blow wildly and harshly, the guy who held me looked into my eyes in fear.

"His eyes. His...body." They said backing away.

I didn't know what I was doing. My body seemed to take control of itself. My mind registered I was levitating and that I wasn't able to control my actions, but that didn't make anything easier.

"You pathetic fools!" I heard the words leave my lips. My voice sounded like someone was speaking the same thing at the same time as me, in total synchronous.

The voice sounded bitter and angry. It scared me because my voice sounded the same. I have never know myself to be this angry.

My arms extended out, palms facing the guys. The first two burst into flames, then the next row, then the next. They were all set on fire, screaming in pain and begging for mercy. The wind just picked up, "No Mercy!" I yelled in pure rage.

My body made me float there and watch each one die and burn completely through.

When it was done I slowly began my decent.

As my feet touched the ground, I fell to my knees. I sat and pulled them to me, placing my head on between them and I began crying at what I did.

Sirens in the distance.

I got up and grabbed the groceries leaving, before the cops came.

I had to tell my grandmother.

After I got home and told her what happened and what I did, I fell on the couch and cried again.

"Honey. It's just your witch powers have finally activated." She said calmly.

"You don't care about what I did? I'm a monster." I said sobbing.

"No you're not. You are a young witch who just got there powers. Witches are servants of Nature. We are against hate and wrongdoing. Granted witches ARE usually peaceful, but many a great and horrible things have been done at the hands of a witch." She said calming me down.

"I want to give you something. Here. It belonged to your mother." Grandma said with a smile. It was a Raven pendant with a star symbol in it's chest, and triquetra's in the wings.

"She told me to give this to you before she died. This will help you keep your powers in check and stable. So no episodes. You can use your powers whenever you want, but must practice them." Grandma said.

She put the necklace around my neck and pulled a large old book off the shelf.

"This. This here, is our family Grimoire. Passed down from generation to generation. Now it seems is your turn to have it. I passed it to your mother, she died so I held on to it. Now that you have your powers, it's yours." She said with a smile.

"Now that your powers are active. It's time that you learned the craft." The grin on her face drew me in.

That's how it started. How I became or truly believed I was a witch. Some would ask don't you mean Warlock? No. Actually being called a warlock is an insult, since witches are usually Bisexual. We prefer to not be categorized by human standards.

It's been weeks since I have the incident. I have learned how to control my telekinesis, clairvoyance, elemental powers, and the pure magical energy that every witch secretes. Every witch has a color that goes with using their powers. Grandma's blue, mine is purple. Apparently when a witch uses a lot of magic our whole eye glows fully whatever color is their magic.

That must have been what the thugs saw, glowing purple eyes. I didn't let the incident cripple me, in fact. I let it strengthen me, it made me stronger and more confident in my abilities.

Through my training, I became more muscular, lean muscled. I was still a slender boy, but now I had some muscle. I can't wait for school tomorrow. I'm excited to let the world see the new me. More confidence, no longer a push over. I just hope it doesn't go to my head.

"It's time." My grandmother said suddenly.

"Ready for what?" I asked confused.

"To take on the full mantle of being a Roseheart witch." My grandmother said grabbing the Grimoire and her bag.

She led the way outside into the forest.

As we reached a certain point, she sat down on a boulder next to a tree stump. She began pulling things out, candles. Which lit themselves. She pulled out a chalice, a knife, and the Grimoire.

"Sit." She ordered and I sat on the other boulder that appeared out of nowhere.

She opened it, the wind howled and swirled around us wildly.

She put the chalice infront of her, took the knife and cut her hand. Letting the blood run into the cup. "My blood is now your blood. My power is now your power. My authority, is now your authority." She chanted, I watched as her entire eyes shined with a blue light.

Her hands began to glow blue light aswell and I watched as it sinked into the blood, changing it into a glowing purple.

"Drink." She said in a commanding tone.

"Drink and become who you truly are. Drink so that you, and the world will see the real you." She said

I picked it up and drank it. I gagged at first but kept drinking. Magic and blood taste horrible, but as I drank it I felt a fire inside me. A power that I have never felt before.

I felt my body tingle.

My grandmother pulled out a hand mirror. She showed me what I looked like.

I was the same...but so different. I had clear perfectly tanned light golden skin and hair. My eyes once green, now a green and blue mix with a small purple ring around my iris. My teeth pearly white and perfect, I looked I was slender but fit. My hair now straightened and longer, much longer. Past my shoulders. I got up and realized I wasn't the same height. I was 4'9, now I'm 5'10.

I looked at my grandmother she was smiling with pride. "Now you see the you, that I see. The world will aswell." She said touching my forehead, I felt myself slipping into unconscious.

Going, going, and gone.

I woke up bright and early. I ate my breakfast, took a shower. Rebrushed my teeth. Dressed in my usual attire. I was usually the liner goth kid. The other Goths stayed away from because they heard about my family. Anyhow, I put on guyliner and my raven talisman and switched it up with a white t shirt and dark wash tight pants, fitting my new figure, and my black chucks.

I walked to school like I usually did. Greeted with unusual smiles and greetings. People taking interest in me, knowing it's only because of my changes.

"Hey Kendell." The goth kids greeted with smiles.

"Want to hang out with us?" He said with a small blush.

I couldn't help but let out a giggle at that. I shook my head no and they nodded, just staring as I walked to the entrance.

Scott McCall pulled into the bike ramp, he smiled at me and waved. I waved back, he had his eyes on me and didn't notice Jackson pulling in, in his porsche. He hit Scott with his car's door.

"Hey watch the paint." Jackson said to Scott, in his douchebag attitude.

"Yo Jackson! Let's go bro!" One of his friends called, he walked away having a stare down with Scott.

"Scott! Okay let's see it." Stiles said and Scott lifted his shirt to see a bandage.

"Whoa!" Stiles attempted to touch the bandage.

"It friggin hurts. The wolf was huge." Scott said to him.

I watched them debate about a wolf. Which honestly Stiles had a point. Wolves haven't lived in California since the 60's.

I stopped listening, since it was totally stalkerish. I just walked inside following Lydia, Stiles made a comment about her and she walked off like he didn't exist.

"Whoa. Is that Kendall?" He asked Scott, as I passed them, pretending to be in my own little world.

"Yeah. He looks...different." I heard Scott say as I walked away.

After getting all my papers and such in order I headed off to class.

Scott kept glancing at me for some reason.

Then the teacher began talking about a human body being found in the woods. Scott and Stiles glanced at eachother in a knowing fashion

Scott began looking around for something. He looked out the window, his eyes fixated on something. He followed the wall and to the door, the Principal walked in with a girl.

"Hello everyone. This is Allison. Be sure to give her a proper welcome." He said leaving.

She sat next to me, directly behind Scott.

He handed her a pen, she blushed and took it. "Thanks." She said and he just turned around not saying a word, but smiling and blushing. Honestly...I was jealous. I don't know why...but I was.

Can you blame me?

The same happened all day, I kept running into Stiles and Scott. Once they noticed me they talked about me. When Allison walks by she steals both of their attentions.

I was just glad it was lunch time. I sat by myself as usual. Except it was different this time. Scott and Stiles sat with me.

"Um. Not to be rude, but why are you sitting with me?" I asked confused.

"Well. We realized we don't know anything about you. Thought it was pretty bad to judge someone because of what others say. So, we took the chance." Stiles said calmly with a friendly smile.

"Nice." I said licking my spoon causing both to choke for a second, blushing when they came up for air.

"I have a question." Stiles said.

"Okay. Shoot." I told him.

"What happened to you over the break? You're like a totally new person." He said.

"What are you trying to say? Do I offend?" I asked, as he blushed.

"No. Just, you're not acting like your usual self. I was just wondering, did something happen? That's what I'm trying to figure out." He said curious.

"Figure what out?" Lydia asked sitting down.

"Uh. Homework." Stiles said to her covering himself.

"Why is she sitting here?" Stiles asked Scott, who shrugged unsure of the matter.

"What the..." Stiles was about to say when the whole table was filled. Allison sat next to Scott who both smiled at eachother blushing.

"Move." I heard Jackson say. I looked up to see him to Josh. "What? Why me? Why not Kendall?" Josh said frustrated.

"Because he was here first and neither he or I would sit and stare at his girlfriend." Danny said with a smirk as he defended me.

Josh got up and walked away to another table, close table...unfortunately for him, it was out of hearing range.

So I sat with the cool kids. Not saying a word as I ate.

"That was an awesome catch." Allison said to Scott. A look of rage appeared briefly on Jackson's face. Scott must have catches Jackson's toss.

"Thanks." He said blushing.

"So. I hear you have a heritage going back to Salem witches." Allison says to me interested.

"Yes. I do. Most people don't like to talk about it. They think I'll curse them or something." I said getting up and throwing my stuff away, leaving.

"Was it something I said?" Allison asked everyone at the table as I left.

"No. He's just sensitive about people knowing about him. Most people think he's crazy." Scott said as I was finally gone.

A few days of the same thing.

Allison tried to get to know me, interested in my heritage. To keep her out of the secret I told her what I needed for her to be satisfied. Problem, she was never satisfied.

Scott and Stiles tried getting closer to me. Jackson was a douchebag towards me and Scott. Mainly Scott since he was supposedly stealing Jackson's shine.

Lunch time again

I walked to my table to find it filled. Josh was in my seat, sneering at me.

"Sorry. No other seats. Bye." He said to me.

The others glanced at us, but kept on.

"Really? No. I think it's my chair." I told him looking into his eyes, I muttered an obedience spell under my breath.

"You were just keeping it warm for me right?" I asked.

He got up and motioned for me to sit.

"Uh. Yes. Sorry. I'll just be on my way." He said walking back to his seat.

"Okay, THAT was weird." Stiles muttered to Scott, who nodded in agreement.

They stared at me.

"What?" I asked, no answer. They went back to eating.

"So you coming to the party?" Lydia asked me.

"What party?" I asked her confused, then it registered. Jackson's annual back to school party.

"Jackson's party?" She asked with a smile.

"Uh. Sure? Yes. I'll go." I told her with a smile, she gasped at it.

Jackson seemed to grow angry at her obvious attraction.

I looked at his water, causing it to spray him. Well he wasn't angry anymore. Everyone started to laugh at him and he got up and ran off angrily.

"That was weird." Scott said to Stiles.

I was getting ready for the party. Dressed in all black, like the omen. Tight clothes, I felt positively hot.

"Be safe honey." My grandmother said.

"Let me show you a spell to get to teleport." She said leading me to the front door.

"Grab the door nob, and state where you are going. You have to believe you will get there." She said as I did what she said.

"Jackson's house." I stated opening the door I could feel my eyes shift into their purple glowing state. As they did everytime I did big magic.

A light screen encompassed the door frame. I looked at the image of the inside of someone's house. I waited for no one to be on the light screen. I walked through it and closed the door seeing that I was indeed in Jackson's house. That's when I heard the music. It was loud.

"Hey you made it." Stiles said greeting me.

"Yeah. It's me in the flesh. I'm here...I just wish I knew why I came. These parties are just so Jackson can show off his family's wealth." I told him.

"Maybe so. But these parties are freaking awesome." He said.

I walked outside to see everyone dancing. Scott and Allison were really close almost kissing but keeping their distance by a few inches. I noticed Jackson chewing on Lydia's neck. That's just gross.

Why did I come here? This is boring. People were drinking, I couldn't it's dangerous for a witch to get drunk. I noticed a guy in the corner black hair in a styled fashion, blue eyes, and a trimmed five o'clock shadow, wearing a white shirt and a black leather jacket. He was looking at me.

I just kept my distance. He smirked at me. He's sexy as hell, but a total stalker.

I looked at the moon trying to pass the time, and noticed something large running on all fours very quickly on the roof.

Wow. That must be a trick of the eye or something.

I rubbed my eyes, the music changed people were grinding on me. Okay, I had enough of this.

I walked through them, I could tell the guy was following me.

"Jackson, where's your bathroom?" I asked him and he pointed inside.

"Inside to the left." He told me before going back to making out with Lydia.

I walked to the bathroom and entered.

I thought about what to do again.

"Home." I said, I must have done something wrong. When I opened it was the sexy scruffy man. On the otherwise who I walked into.

"Oh sorry. My bad." I said. We did the adorable, side stepping thing where we wind up still in eachother's road. "Um. Oh kay. You come first." I said to him.

His eyes flashed blue as he pushed me onto the sink and got between my legs. He kicked the door closed, as he began nipping and kissing my neck.

"Please...stop." I felt his hard on against my thigh.

"No. I been wanting you all night." He said kissing the V on my collarbones meet.

"I never thought a witch would be this enticing." He said sucking on my Adam's apple.

I began having a panic attack, "Stop!" I yelled sending him into the door with telekinesis. It took a lot to push him, I could feel my eyes shift.

"Stay away." I told him lifting him up and throwing him at the wall, I held him there as I grabbed the door nob.

"Home." I stated and opened the door to walk into the living room of my home.

"Are you okay?" My grandmother asked.

"Why do you smell like dog?" She asked.

"Umm. No reason. I'm going to bed." I told her as I walked into my room and changed to sleep.

That was too close. I don't know who that guy was, but He better stay away or I'll be forced to take care of him.

(That's the first chapter. I hope you like it. Blessed be ÷] )

Next: Chapter 2

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