Teen Witch

By Logan Gardner

Published on Sep 29, 2012


Teen Wolf.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well, I can't please everyone.

Teen Witch-6

The knock on the door alerted me to my expected company. I opened the door with a flick of the wrist, to see a surprised Stiles on the other side. "Hey, Kendall!" He greeted me happily, embracing me in an awkward hug.

The tingles of electricity traveled my body, making me gasp in surprise.

"Are you okay?" He asked, "Yeah. Just surprised is all. I have never hugged anyone who isn't a family member before. It's new to me." I told him.

He nodded with a slight blush, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh! Uh-please, come inside." I told him, motioning for him to enter.

"Thanks." He said with a smirk, he stepped inside and looked around. I looked him up and down. Honestly he was cute and sexy at the same time. Wearing a dark blue hoodie, white v neck shirt, and dark wash jeans, with his white sneakers complimenting the look.

"This place looks like any other home. I mean, I was expecting like...I don't know. A cauldron, an altar holding a spell book, unknown herbs, strange liquids, and bizarre ingredients on a shelf." He said looking at how everything looked like a regular house.

"Well, actually. We have them in another side of the house. We collect fresh herbs from our greenhouse. The bizarre ingredients...they come from all over the world. We have a collection of them in the library." I told him,

"Library?" Stiles asked, "Oh- um. Well...my grandmother and I cast a spell to add a few new rooms....you know, like dimensional doorways to new bigger parts of the house. Physically they...well, they exist, but only as new doors on the wall. When you go inside it's technically in another dimension." I told him,

"Cool!" He said with a smirk.

"Oh! Hello. Kendall, I didn't know we had company." Grandma said walking in with a pink tracksuit honestly I don't know why she wears them. I mean she only wears them around the house, but still.

"S-sorry. I assumed you knew." I told her, I honestly did. She is always aware of even the simplest things going on around her.

"Hmm. Nope, completely caught me by surprise," She said to me.

"Any how, Hello. I am Francesca Roseheart. Call me Grandma, everyone does." She said to Stiles.

"I'm Stiles Stilinski, but please just Stiles. It's nice to meet you." He said shaking her hand.

"Likewise! So what brings you to Roseheart Manor?" Grandma asked Stiles.

"Oh! Um- I, uh..." He started unsure what to say, looking towards me with pleading eyes to help him out.

"Remember yesterday when I told you about the whole, 'Trapped in School by the Alpha, with other people.' thing? Yeah, I had to cast a spell to protect a friend of ours. Stiles happened to catch sight of the spell in action. He knows...aswell as a girl named Allison Argent." I told Grandma.

"Wait. Argent? As in Silver?" She asked stunned, "Is that what 'Argent' means?" I asked her.

"Yes! The Argent family are hunters, specializing in killing werewolves. It started when a female of the family was killed, a long time ago. The murderer was a werewolf. Ever since then, the men would hunt down every werewolf guilty of murder. Since it was a woman who was killed, naturally they made the women the leaders so as to keep out of harms way. " She informed us.

"So her mom is the leader of the werewolf hunters? That's...I don't think I could look at Allison and her family the same again. Do they know about witches?" I asked her.

"Most likely. So keep your eyes open." She said, backing up.

"I'm going to make dinner. Stiles you're staying for dinner. Oh and keep your hands to yourself." She said before leaving.

"What did she mean by that?" Stiles asked as I tripped on the carpet, Stiles caught me. His arm around my waist and the other on my hip.

"Probably that." I joked, he blushed. The position we were in was like we were dancing, closely our bodies together.

I felt the tingles as I gasped at feeling again.

"I really want to know what that is." Stiles joked.

"Must be my magic's reading off of you." I told him, unconvinced myself.

"Must be." He said as we sat down in the library....it was added by a simple construction spell.

We picked up books we could find on werewolves. Since it was the full moon soon we needed to know what we were going to deal with, with Scott.

"He will be super sexually charged and or royally pissed off. He will try to show off dominance amongst everyone. So I'm guessing he'll be a douche everytime the full moon comes round." Stiles said,

"Basically like the first male period!" I joked causing Stiles to laugh.

"Except he'll make everyone ELSE bleed." Stiles said back.

"So silver....does work...aslong as it's been blessed. Chopping up Wolfsbane and putting it in...alcohol will cover the scent. It'll weaken him...doing two things. Making him easier to handle, but also easier to kill. If anything...it might also kill him."

"I don't think that's a good idea. I mean...death is something we should stay away from." I told him.

"Dinner time." Grandma said coming into the room.

"Awesome! What are we having?" Stiles asked standing on the chair.

"Chicken parmasian. Now sit down!" Grandma said with a wave of her hand Stiles was pushed onto the chair.

"Grandma doesn't like when people stand on her furniture." I told him.

"Oops! My bad. I'm sorry Ma'am." He said before racing to the kitchen.

"Cute boy, but a bit....hyperactive?" Grandma commented,

"Yeah. He is. Something about him....it just-" Grandma stopped me by putting up her hand.

"I don't need to know what he does to your body or what he makes you feel. Please! At my age I need to be able to keep my food down." Grandma joked.

I blushed, "Yes ma'am."

"Thanks Grandma." Stiles said giving Grandma an awkward but warm hug.

"I guess I'll see you at School tomorrow." He said to me, Grandma shyed away from us into the other room.

"So....what happens next?" I asked confused since....I didn't know what THIS was or was there even a THING.

"You tell me. You're the seer...so tell me what you see." Stiles said with a smirk.

"It's to murky to see what I'm looking at." I told him.

"Why would that be?" He asked confused,

"Because when there are multiple possibilities....things....blur together." I told him.

"I mean I can pull a vision into view...but it's also one of many. Besides that...the future can change just by knowing about it." He nodded with a lessened confused look, but still seemed genuinely confused.

"So...honk...That's my ride. My car should be fixed now, so....can I pick you up tomorrow?" His eyes shined with hope.

"Sure. Yeah. That'd be great. Well, uh. Good Night." I told him running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah. Uh. G'Night." He said unexpectedly hugging me tightly and running off before I could say anything.

That boy is too cute for his own good.

"So, I'm going to bed." Grandma said out of nowhere scaring me.

"Jeez! Don't do that!," I said gasping for air. "Alright. Good Night Grandma. I love you." I told her as my breathing calmed down. I hugged her warmly, I don't know if I will be able to survive when she dies. Which leads to another thought....who would take care of me after...since I'm 17....I'll technically be put up for adoption with no other family members. I can't think about that right now.

"Good Night honey. I'll see you in the morning." She said after kissing my forehead.

I stepped into the bathroom to take a shower. I sat on the ground just feeling the water hit my back and head. I suddenly felt all the exhaustion I held in during the past few days hit me. I just couldn't bare to move any longer. So as I sat there and let the water massage my back with each individual drop of hot water, I couldn't help but dose off.

I opened my eyes. I was standing in the woods. I heard a growl, I don't know why exactly did it...but I did...I ran. I kept running the breeze brushing passed me. I passed trees and branches smacked me from both sides. The leaves on the ground crunched under my feet.

I found myself on the mountain side overlooking Beacon Hills. The full moon shining brightly in the night sky. Stars gleamed down from above softly...it was a perfect night.....or would be.

I turned to see two pairs of golden glowing luminous eyes. The growls intended as they got closer to me. Scott and Derek stepped out from the darkness, drool falling from their mouths.

Their hands extended out towards me with their sharp claws elongated.

They both leapt for me and before they came in physical contact with me I sat up from my bed gasping hard. Covered in sweat.....when did I get in the bed? I only remember dozing off.

I saw movement in my room, the golden eyes of a predator staring at me. Scott stepped forward from the shadows.

"Scott?" I asked confused, a growl escaped his lips before he barred his sharp pointed teeth towards me. He nails turning into claws, his face changing. Hair growing on his chin. His ears pointed, he sniffed loudly in the air before leaping towards me.

"Stop!" I yelled sitting up, I was on the floor of the shower. The water was cold and chilled my body. I turned it off and stepped out almost slipping on the floor. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw my body but pale. My thick pink lips now purple.

I held myself, the towel wrapped around me. I bundled into it. I felt hopeless. This situation felt bigger than me. I couldn't get a grip.

When I walked into my room I noticed the window wide open, the cool wintery breeze flooding the room. Blowing the white curtains in an eerie, horror movie fashion.

I walked to the window and closed it, locking it. When I noticed something that caught my eye. Not golden...but crimson eyes staring at me.

I covered the window with the curtains and backed away holding myself. I was slipping into a panic attack, worry flooding my system. I could feel the bitter anxiousness in my stomach, swirling and filling me up.

Things began to shake, others began to float. I wasn't worried for myself...but my Grandmother. Wait! Grandma!! After slipping on a pair of boxer briefs and pajama bottoms, I ran to her room. The door swung open as I entered, I ran beside her bed to see she wasn't there.

"Grandma? Grandma!" I called and yelled into the darkness of the room and house. I ran downstairs looking for her, calling out to her.

The house began shaking, not harshly like an earthquake but as if the walls themselves were trying to move.

"Grandma!" I called again, scared for her life. Fearing the worse. "Kendall!" She said hugging me from behind.

"Grandma! Oh thank God! I thought I lost you!!!" I sobbed into her side.

I usually didn't act like this but I love this woman dearly. She's all I have left.

"Oh that mangy mutt couldn't do anything here. A witch's home is sacred, and he cannot enter. Unless he's a friend. But since he sided with evil, he cannot enter." Grandma said to me.

"Just for added measure. I put salt and Wolfsbane bags around the house. So he can only look, but cannot touch us." She said confidently, I believed her....despite what happened next.

A metal container was thrown through the window. I stopped it with my powers, but not before it broke the window.

It had 'Open' engraved harshly into it with what appears to be a very strong and sharp object.

I opened it to find a human heart inside of it. I nearly dropped it, but showed it to my grandmother.

She didn't seem to be too happy by it, but she grabbed a jar and slid the heart inside of it.

"Gross...but never know when you may need an extra heart." Grandma told me.

We walked closer to the window, the Alpha was gone.

"What does the heart thing mean?" I asked her.

"I have no idea. Let's check the book." Grandma said before muttering a spell, and with a wave of her hand the window was completely fixed.

It was strange...as the pieces reattached it sounded like ice cracking. It pieced itself together until an unharmed window stood before us.

Grandma grabbed the book and flipped through the pages.

"Aha! Werewolves give body parts of their victims as tokens of courtship." Grandma said reading from the book.

"If another male were to be aware of the attempt of courtship, it would try to undermine the other male's dominance and attempt to do the same. Gaining dominance and victory over the other male claiming the person as it's prize." She finished.

"That doesn't sound good." I told her, "Not at all." She commented.

"We'll we can't worry about it now. Let's get some sleep. You have school in the morning." Grandma said before guiding me up the stairs.

I laid there thinking about how could this possibly get any worse.

I waited as Stiles' blue jeep drove up the driveway. He honked once to let me know he wad here. After saying good bye to my grandmother and hopping into the jeep, Stiles and I talked about what happened last night.

"So your saying that...the Alpha....the big bad wolf who keeps trying to kill us. And Even trys to get Scott to do it, is trying to nail you? Whoa! That's some fucked up shit!!" Stiles said,

"It is. But don't tell Scott. He doesn't need the added stress." I told him,

"True that, but he wouldn't be affected either way. Lately all he thinks about is Allison, Allison, how to get back with Allison, and oh yeah....Allison." Stiles said annoyed,

Fully understandable. It hurts when your best friend ignores you over someone else. It's rude! Oh well.

All that morning at school it was sad and a bit harsh. I mean really! Scott lies and such to protect Allison, but she doesn't want to hear it. AND! Has the nerve to hang out with Jackson! I mean really. It was obvious what was going on.

Allison was using it to get to Scott. Even if she played it off as if it was just 'being friends.'

Jackson...sometimes can be a real sweetheart. BUT was most the time a douche and usually had his own plans and schemes for his own personal means.

No doubt he knows that Scott is a werewolf. No matter what anyone tells him...not that he has been telling anyone. I mean, that would really make his popularity drop dead all the way to the bottom. Since he would be branded a lunatic, and the guidance counselor or somebody would hear about it and send him to the wacky shack.

Anyhow, I watched them. They sat together alone, Jackson removed a small chunk of food off her lip and tasted it.

They sat and laughed as Jackson was obviously flirting and trying to move in on her.

I couldn't help but....well....you know!

I pointed my finger and watched as his food exploded. Allison's eyes went directly to me. I acted like I was unaware of the whole thing. She got up and walked towards me,

"What the hell was that?" She asked, not actually pissed just shocked I would do that. Even more so now that she knows I'm a witch.

"It was an accident. I was just annoyed and accidentally made his food explode on him." I told her the half truth. I was annoyed and I did make his food explode all over him, but it was no accident.

"Well try to keep your powers under control." She whispered to me, "Excuse me? I'll do what I damn well please. I'm a witch, not a slave. Now, I agree. I will try to keep my emotions in check....but I not promise anything. Witch's powers are affected by emotions. If I'm scared, truly scared, my powers will either weaken or stop working until I remove the block manually. If I'm annoyed or angry my powers are usually amplified double the usual strength." I told her, she nodded and apologized for telling me what to do.

I watched them continue 'eating' as Scott walked in. He had this sad puppy dog face.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he sat down next to me.

"Yeah....no. I'm not, my heart hurts and I can't do anything about it. Only Allison can, but she doesn't want anything to do with me." Scott said sadly, his head between his hands.

"Stick in there. You two will be together eventually. I don't have to be Psychic to know that." I told him getting up and leaving as Stiles sat down and ate with Scott. I had to get to class.

Later on that day I noticed Jackson and Lydia still hanging out together. This time, while swimming. They raced eachother back and forth, Jackson of course won, being a jock.

I could guess why Jackson wanted to swim. The water is usually cold in certain areas and it happens to make nipples stiff.

I watched Scott go through their personal things as they swam unaware of what was happening to their stuff.

He finished and scaled the wall finding me, standing there, watching him.

"Hey...uh." he said trying to come up with an excuse.

"Relax. I'm not judgemental." I told him,

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"So...you're a witch?" Scott asked. I nodded surprised it took him THIS LONG to figure it out and say something about it.

"Yes. That's me. Allison found out, asked me to cast a protection spell on you. She doesn't know about werewolves though....that's your job to inform her." I told him, he nodded as we walked down the hall. I entered the Jeep and had to sit in the middle. One leg touching Stiles' and the other touching Scott's leg. What's weird is that I had a flutter of feelings rush through me. The electricity of Stiles, and Warmth of Scott.

Gave me a weird vibrating feeling. I was feeling bliss, yet it was just from leg touching.

"Stiles is right. That is weird." Scott commented on the feelings.

"Told you." Stiles said with a smirk.

We drove and talked about current random stuff. Like Scott asked questions about me and my family history. Now that they know it's true, they want to hear it again and instead of treating it as a rumor, treating it like it's an well know entertaining fact.

I sat in my room running through my Grimoire, thinking of the current events. No amount of spell or magic would be able to prepare what was going to happen soon.

The Full Moon was tomorrow....and I didn't know what was going to happen next. I looked at the moon....how it was almost complete.

This was going to be one hell of a fight.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. Sorry for my absence. I got a new job and it has me very busy aswell as physically exhausted. So when I have the time to write, I have no strength to do so, and am usually so tired I can't put two thoughts together. Anyways. Hope you like it, if not oh well. I can't please everyone. Blessed Be!)

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