Tessellations: a Byzantine Story

By Zane Hunter-Green (Zane Green, Zane Hunter, ZaneG7)

Published on Jan 8, 2001


Copyright 2000,2001 Zane Hunter-Green

TESSELLATIONS: A Byzantine Story

This story is dedicated to Ganymede for awaking my sleeping muse with the artistry of his many stories. After reading `Platonic Love' countless times I was determined to write one story back to him, and this is it.

Because this story is a historical I want to explain a few details. It is important to note that Ron (Saffron) has a genetic disorder. I decided to write about another boy such as Tristan in `Puberty' Blues that has Klinefelter's. The time of this story, 1042 a child with a rare genetic disorder would be considered a changeling or worse. All the characters in this story are fictional except for references to the leaders of the time period.

This story is copyrighted under the pseudonym Zane Hunter-Green, and can not be reproduced for profit. It is also erotic fiction with some scenes of love between males, an adult and a minor so please do not read if you find that offensive. Also do not read if you are a minor or if this is illegal in your place of residence.

Chapter Thirteen

The craft rounded the golden horn, and Ron was overawed. He had never dreamed of a place with so many golden domes, and water fowl screaming over head. The city was a living jewel. The boat moored by his father's palace. They had him disembark first, and he lost sight of his lifeline, Dominic. Genesios was beside him bringing him into the massive house, and directing him through vast hallways. He could only think that he had to stop and find a place to go, and relieve himself, yet Genesios seemed to drive him quickly through vast corridors without though to his comfort.

They finally came to a large room where a woman sat waiting for them. Her men had been on the outlook for the ship. She had known an hour ago that the maiden was arriving. Leo was somewhere on the premises visiting, while her husband was away for a few days. Aregund thought to herself that Saffron couldn't have picked a worse time to arrive. Leo would see her before she was presentable. At the moment thankfully he was pre-occupied somewhere else. Maybe she could send the girl into the woman's chambers to bath and change before he got back. To make matters worse, the girl appeared to be dressed like a boy. The girl was staying in the back of the assembly room moving around impatiently as Genesios went forward to greet his mistress.. The eunuch looked no worse from the journey, Aregund thought to herself.

"Take Saffron to the woman's quarters quickly, Genesios. She can't be seen like this." Aregund quickly instructed him. She certainly didn't want Leo to see the maiden dressed in such attire.

"My Lady, that is not a good idea. I need to speak to Romanus at once. I will be in the eunuch quarters with his child." replied Genesios.

"The eunuch quarters? Is there something wrong with her? besides Romanus is busy at his farmland for a few days, we did not expect you so soon."

"Romanus isn't here? Well then I must tell you Saffron is in deep grief over the lost of the monk, who died while getting here, and there is something else my Lady."

" I changed my mind, You can introduce the maiden to me now! I see that she has had a hard journey, was she injured? Are you afraid of the consequences of not caring for her well?"

"Saffron is fine."

"Then bring her to me at once, or do I need to get up and go back there to meet her."

"Please listen, Saffron is different than what we expected my Lady, there is a problem."

Aregund tried to study the maiden who seemed to be deliberately keeping her distance. "Is she deformed? mad? a fool?"

"No, she's aaa....

"Genesios, I was told to wait for you, but I need to go, and waiting here is insufferable in this condition," Ron moved uncomfortably.

Aregund turned to face Ron.

"And you must be our precious Saffron. I see you travel like a boy, and wear a knife as well, is that what you were trying to communicate to me Genesios?

"You didn't tell her yet about ME!" Ron yelled, he was more than tired of having his gender misidentified, plus he had to pee right now, his priority.

"I must tell you something about Saffron, my Lady."

"Saffron, I love the sound of your name, at least you're as beautiful as we thought, perhaps more. Once we get you cleaned up from the road and in a proper long tunic You will look more like the daughter that I expected to see."

"You are NOT my mother, and I AM NO ONE'S DAUGHTER! NOW, where does one go to urinate in this house, or perhaps I should go here and demonstrate to the lady."

"Come, Saffron, I'll show you the latrine." Genesios was beside himself as he led the young lord away.

"She's a minx, isn't she, what lady talks about her bodily functions in public." the serving woman couldn't help but say.

"Yes, but she will attract my cousin He could use a beautiful spitfire. He's out by the pools having wine as a matter of fact. Go get him for me."

Leo walked in several minutes later. "Leo my daughter is here you must meet her, I really think you might like her, she wears men's clothes." added Aregund.

"At least that's interesting." Leo looked somewhat bored.

"I was going to wait and introduce you to her, but I really think it will be love at first sight. She seems perfect for you."

"That would be a miracle Cuz, but then again I guess they do happen. `He added sarcastically.

"Shh, hush, Genesios and the girl are back"

. The maiden looked a little more subdued, she had changed into a silken green tunic, she looked very comely even though only a male would wear one as short, and show off their legs as she was doing. Genesios stared at Leo, there was no love loss between those two, although no one else had been enlightened as to what their animosity was over.

Aregund called out quite pleased with herself "Saffron, meet Leo, your betrothed; your father and I arranged the engagement to surprise you."

"MY WHAT! Genesios TELL HER!"

"YOU will marry him. It's been arraigned. See Leo she dresses like a boy but has tantrums like a girl."

"I WANT TO GO HOME AT ONCE!" yelled Ron.

"Aregund you are a maker of miracles, I do think I'm in love with this girl", announced Leo who was now sporting a hard on..

"I knew that it was right to draw a wedding contract for you." Aregund was glowing with her accomplishment.

Genesios tried to get them to listen as he fumbled for words. All he could finally say was, "THIS IS A DISASTER!"


"Well I would hardly call you a WOMAN!" said Leo.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" cried Aregund as she went over and rudely pressed her hand into the maiden's groin and felt her maleness. WHAT! TREASON! Genesios, Saffron is a Maiden!, WHO'S THIS IMPOSTER?"

"This is Romanus' child, Mistress. The Priest and Grandfather deceived Romanus so they could keep him, here are his christening papers, believe me Lady, he's the child. It is a calamity that Joseph the brother died, he would have explained it so much better than I can."


Leo eyed the young lord now with keen interest. This beauty was to have been his wife! He realized why he was so attracted. He wanted the youth badly seeing that he was older than they first supposed, just the right age, and he looked divine. Leo wondered if there might be a way. He wanted him now as soon as possible.

He had a great advantage. If Saffron was declared Romanus' eldest son he would become the heir and Aregund's boys would be placed in a lower status. Aregund might very well be willing to rid herself of this intruder. From the color she had turned he guessed that she would be delighted to. There were only three ways to do it, murder in which it would be a shame to kill the exquisite golden lord, emasculation which was one idea, or to have the first marriage dissolved which would make Saffron a bastard, and also up for grabs. Romanus was away, he could make plans with out his interference.

He watched quietly as the scene unfolded. Saffron had been promised to him. He would demand his claim. The young lord would be his! Aregund was finally coming back to reason.

"Saffron you must be hungry and tired, go with Genesios he will take you to the eunuch's quarters where you can rest." Aregund said.

"Don't worry Saffron, I am not angry that you have shown up as not as a maiden for me to marry. quite the contrary my dear." Leo couldn't help but say.

Saffron looked at both of them with loathing, they were two monsters.

"Come with me Ron, have you ever seen a bath the size of a pond?"

"No, where is Dominic?"


"Then where is my father?"

"I was told he is away with some business, and will return in a few days. Please come with me," quietly he said "We'll try to find your friend."

As soon as they were gone Leo turned to Aregund. "He better watch what he eats."

"Silence you fool, someone might hear you!"

"Even young Basil will realize that this unexpected interloper is a threat to your hive. If Romanus proclaims Saffron as his eldest son he sets him up to inherit his title when he dies. You therefore get tossed out on your ass, and if Saffron were smart he would see to the murder of your sons before they murder him. Romanus will be proud to introduce this boy to the court. He's very comely , and next to Basil, the golden hawk beside the raven."

"Then what Leo, do you propose we do? If we knew about it we could have had him disappear somewhere along the road. Now the entire court knows that he's here."

"You were the one to send for him. Remember that!"

"I sent for a her, not a him."

"Exactly, and your plans were to give her to me as a bride as Romanus agreed."

"But all has changed!"

"And maybe not, I should have known when I first spotted him it was a male, I have never loved any woman yet I desired him the second I laid eyes on him. Give him to me now, Honor our contract."

"What kind of contract is that?"

"A new one, he will become my companion. Let me talk to him and I will convince him of the advantages for him if he comes to live with me. When he comes to me, in a few days he will not be the same."

"Then what will you do to him?"

"That is my business, but I promise that he will no longer be in the line with your sons, to inherit."

"If he refuses you, and has Romanus on his side, then what do you propose?."

"There are ways to use pressure. Remember I am now a man scorned, I was promised a bride. Saffron will pay the price for my humiliation. But first it would help to I knew everything there is about him."

"My agent hasn't yet told me of the journey. You may stay and listen if you like."

Leo relaxed, he would enjoy learning more about Saffron. What a nice turn of events, he was betrothed to the most beautiful boy he had ever seen.

..."Now you must tell me before I demand a confession out of you Genesios. Who is that creepy man who says he plans to marry me, and makes you nervous, oh normally steadfast one."

"This is not a game Saffron, the man is your step-mother's first cousin. He unfortunately has more power with the Empress, than your father. He would be a tenth cousin or so to you as well.

"One big happy family. So we're all inter-related."

"In some way, yes you are, that is common in all royal families."

"At least he knows I can't marry him, what if I had been a girl, my life would have been a disaster."

"It's not as simple as that."

"What, he can't marry me!"

"Of course not, but that doesn't mean that he will let you go. He holds a contract for you, and I have never trusted him."

"Dominic will know what to do"

"Dominic, will be in danger, do you think they are not being told everything there is to know about your home, and your travels here. I know them well. We need to get you to your father at once while there is time. I am escorting you to your friend so he can get you out of here, and to the estate-lands where your father is now. Only your father may be able to protect you."

"Thank you Genesios, you are becoming a true friend."

Genesios was speechless for a moment, he had earned the friendship of this amazing young lord. He wanted to help him. He figured the most prudent way was to teach him how to wear invisible armor.

"Saffron, do yourself a favor and trust no one in these courts we're like the tile tessellations on the wall, we fit in the pattern when we need to, but the smaller patterns look different when they merge into the larger forms. I am helping you now because I vowed to revenge Leo someday, not because I am your friend."

"Where are we going?"

"To one of the outer cottages, I would estimate we have less than an hour to get you on your way."

They walked quickly out of one of the back passages of the main estates, and through the gardens. When they opened the wooden door into a shed, he spotted Dominic first. He wanted to stop and put his arms around him, but there was no time. He noticed that with Dominic was an old woman.

"Ron, we have to disguise you, forgive us, and we must hurry. We need to cut off most of your hair, and have you dress as Dominic's attendant."

He didn't say anything, just nodded his head as his stomach tightened as he thought about the curse tied up with his hair. "Oh Dominic", he wanted to say, I will die if any harm befalls you, I can not live without you. The woman took a sharp knife and pulled his hair back with one hand, and slide the knife through it, then she took an outfit from her yarn bag and indicated that he was to put it on. His hair was placed in the bag where it would mix with her silk yarns and later be part of a tapestry. He felt like a weight had been lifted. His hair now barely touched his shoulders, and it could swing freely. He smiled at Dominic, who was having a hard time concentrating, as he visibly fought to remove his eyes from Ron so he could finish stowing their gear.

Genesios went to the fireside and scooped up a handful of coal dust. He covered Saffron's hair, which turned a dusty ash brown.

"Be careful not to touch it, you'll get the charcoal on your face, and give yourself away. Alright, Sir Dominic. Your new squire is ready. You best be on your way before they call the guards to find him."

Dominic realized that the eunuch was endangering himself. "Will you be alright?" he asked

"Yes, I don't plan to give them an opportunity to harm me now, as I have made my own plans I am leaving as well"

" You are going with us then," Saffron asked the tireless eunuch..

"No, Saffron. I would give your disguise away. I am going to a place where I'll be welcome and safe, a place where I can acquire some help for you, if it is needed"

"You may not be my friend Genesios but I'm going to kiss you farewell anyway."

Genesios accepted the lord's kiss with a redden face. Then he motioned his farewell, and left them. Saffron was now alone with his guardian and lover.

"Dominic, I'm sorry that I put you at risk as well. They should have left me in France, but then of course I would have never been with you."

"Ron,. without sounding foolish I want you to know that these minutes with you are worth what ever price will be paid for them, but it is your safety I am concerned with. You must be very careful, my precious one and follow my orders as if you truly are my servant, and not my master. We would not be stealing away like this if your life was not in danger. From here on when we are in public I might sound curt to you, but know in my heart of hearts I don't mean it, I am only playing a role."

"Then I will act too, I will be a lazy good for nothing slave."

"I expected that you would serve me so poorly."

"Do you mean I get to really serve you?"

"We'll see, now we better get going."

Two horses were tethered outside. Ron was a splendid rider which was a good thing as his horse was old. They couldn't chance putting a servant on a valuable steed, a hireling was lucky to have any horse at all. They rode through an unguarded back gate. Favors had been spent to remove the guards. It was all business. Their goal was to get into the city, to disguise themselves further with the assistance of a powerful friend. Dominic knew that they would be hunting for them soon enough, and he was anxious to get started....

Chapter Fourteen

They emerged on the North West section of the old city. The vista before them swept downward from the awe inspiring Hippodrome and the Hagia Sophia to the Sea of Marmara. Dominic looked at Saffron to make sure he was alright, Saffron's eyes darted everywhere drinking in the city. He was especially amazed when he saw the life size copper elephants.

"Are there truly such beasts, Dominic?"

"Yes, I hope some day I can take you to see the real thing, they are gentle creatures for all their strength."

"Like you then."

"You are a flatterer my Ron, you will get along well with Zoe when you are finally introduced. I also can't wait to show you the golden crocodile at the Hippodrome, who entertains between the races. Someday we can stand and watch bearing the color blue for our team."

"I can't wear green?, it is my favorite color."

"No, you do not appear to be a traitor!, the green team indeed! You look outstanding in any color, um, especially none at all, enough of that, Come now, we'll ride along the Midway until we get to the Taurus Forum at the statue of Theodosius. Then we'll walk our steeds, through some of the back alleys, just follow me, and try to look like you've been this way before. We need to blend in with everyone else."

They road past the forest of mosaic walls depicting scenes from the lliad, going into the heart of the city, where it was too crowded to ride. Saffron had never seen so many people. There were Russians, Arabs, Jews, Turks, and Latins as well as a few from China and Africa. Everyone was milling in their own directions, shouting their days business, clanging pots and squeezing uncooperative animals in the bedlam, who were also adding to the parade of sound with their own animal noises. It was overwhelming for a boy who had spent his life out in the country. He looked like he was going to faint.

"Ron, are you alright?" he looked pale as he nodded that he was fine.

"When was the last time that you ate?"

Ron had to think.

"You haven't eaten since last night on the ship, have you? Follow me I know a place where we will be safe"

In the deepest labyrinth of town was a wooden inn. It almost reminded Ron of the ones he had passed in France when he went to the fair that day which now seemed so long ago. All the days before he met Dominic were long before. The building had drainpipes which directed water to a small grassy courtyard where the horses could be tended to. Inside a pleasant lady who seemed to know Dominic escorted them to a private dining alcove. It was a small room, but it had a secure door, the first time they had privacy since the night of the river.

"It would be a good idea to stay here until it is dark, after we eat we can rest for awhile."

Saffron readily agreed. The woman came back with a tray of catfish and borek, which turned out to be soft cheeses and herbs wrapped in filo. There was wine and water to drink. After the woman left with Dominic's instructions not to disturb them, they shut the door.

It wasn't long until they had as much of the super as they wanted, and silence filled the room. Ron knew he would have to make the first play. Here was time reaching out, and finally time alone. He knew that the bond between them had been unyielding, getting harder as the blood stirred, satiated now with the simple meal, he had his other appetites to settle. He moved towards Dominic who was sitting, twisting his knife, and fork over, Ron took those things from him, strange objects, the lord used only his fingers to eat, as did all Northerners.

"You're an uncivilized runt!" Dominic expressed as Ron held out his greasy hands.

"Do the honors Dominic, please clean them for me."

Dominic lifted the outreached hand, and took each finger to his lips, sucking on the sweet flesh..

"Perhaps there is another appendage that needs the ministration of your mouth." Ron said lustily.

"Indeed, then bring it forward."

Ron lifted up his tunic, his member already alive with the though of Dominic's warm salvia bathing it. Dominic felt hypnotized by the beautiful part of his beloved boyfriend being offered to him like a rare treasure, and took pause to drink it in, pale and perfectly centered like a vase from the master potter. The small orbs in their wrinkled silken bag made the taunt wand that much more perfect.

"Ron, why do you do this to me."

"Because I want you, he wants you, take it Dominic. Take it, just stop feeling guilty, and attack me with your tongue. Ahh that feels so good.."

Dominic used his mouth to master his lover. He was rewarded spurts of milky nectar. Ron stopped and apologized aghast thinking he had peed as he had never cum before, Dominic assured him that it was natural and his juices were a treat to him as he lapped the essence. Saffron then took his velvet mouth and ran it up and down Dominica's now exposed manhood, driving him a few steps away from rapture.

"Do you want to try it on now Saffron, I can let you continue to suck, or stop you now so I have seed to plant inside another place."

Ron stopped and told Dominic he was ready to really feel true love. Dominic carefully helped him into position, and swept some of the grease on his fingers. He used one hand to tenderly open his deepest crevice, and he got it ready for his advance. Saffron lay quietly gasping as Dominic artfully massaged the muscle who's job was guardian of the gate, the sphincter finally relaxed it's post. It slackened as he continued to finger those places that would widen the passage for his cock's entry.

"Are you sure, you want this Ron, it starts with great pain."

"It is the only way for us to truly be together. I want you to enter me, I am not afraid of being hurt, as I keep telling you.."

"Let me know if it is insufferable, then I will stop."

"You haven't started yet, are you going to give me a lecture as I lay here with my rump in the air, how I should wait for a woman and all that."

"Perhaps you should. But I can see that you won't, and I want you very much, so you need to relax, and push outward as if you have to relieve yourself."

"If I wait I shall grow to be an old man with a long gray beard. Come on Dominic, do it, I'm ready and I love you, that makes it right for us to come together this way. I've wanted it for along time."

Dominic was long past the point of resistance, Ron too felt his heat building to a raging fire. As the unbearable longing took over, first Dominic finished using his hand to stretch him. Ron, then felt a tremendous push, his body tore into a thousand shards he screamed until the screams became shouts of pleasure. He died then he panted his way back to life. Dominic had entered him, and then held still, Ron felt Dominic's heart pound against him. Dominic was waiting for him to adjust to the feeling of having a hot penis deep in his bowls.

"Let me know Sweetheart when you're ready to let me start."

"It hurts in a way, but it feels really really good. Ohh, Ok You can start. Start Dominic I want you to fuck me NOW!"

"With his command Dominic gently pulled back, almost all the way out, and then pounded back into his rectum again, then he started moving much quicker, Ron could feel Dominic's generous balls slap against him. He was being taken to a new place as his body moved in rhythm with his friend. He loved the feel of Dominic's cock ramming and ramming into him, he wanted it to go on forever, he was shaking and he heard a voice like his own yelping. Finally the warm sea came, and it burnt, but the waters etched deep into his craving flesh, he became aware that Dominic too had been pushed into his own universe with the rhythms of earth. As his seed erupted into the living tunnel Dominic seemed to want to stay in the realm of ecstasy as long as he could. Ron recovering more rapidly begged for more. So carried away was Dominic that when Ron started bucking anew, his slim behind nudging the spent cock, Dominic said without pause. "You're just like your Father."

"WHAT!" Saffron pulled away and scrambled for his freedom like a soul trapped in quicksand. He was wet and damp and left a snail's trail of his actions. "MY Father, you did this with my father!"

Dominic suddenly realized what he had said. "Oh my God Ron, I can not lie to you, it was so many years ago. He was the last lover I had that meant anything to me until you appeared. And he meant nothing compared to what you are"

"Why didn't you tell me before, is that why you always warned me not to love you!"

"You know that I am not young, I have had relationships before, but I swear none ever like you. I never meant to say that"

" MY FATHER! You made love to my father. How am I like him?"

"Your father was a very passionate man and it happened so many years ago, I guess indirectly you were the cause, you and your mother, he was so distrait when your mother died, and that he had to leave you behind that he turned to me for comfort. That was all.

Your mother was his true love. I was a very poor substitute for him."

" You are not a substitute for me, I love you now with all of my heart. How can I meet this Father knowing that he was with you. Now I have no desire to ever meet him! I am devoted to you, I am not the type who shares or strays, however you must realize that I am very angry with you, and you'll have to find a way to make me erase the thoughts of you with my father, my father indeed. WHY are you laughing?"

"You should see your dear serious face."

"This is serious, my future is at stake, you have treated my love lightly, and just reviled that I make love like my own father, and you should see yourself, you're covered with charcoal."

"Well I know where it came from. I think I'll never wash."

" VERY FUNNY!, What should I do, I don't even know what to think. You warned me not to love you. Now turn away, I'm going to cry, and I don't want you to see me sob like a baby."

"You are the dearest one, I am humbly sorry."

"HAND me my clothes, you're laying on them."

Dominic gave them gently back to him, Saffron stood there, his face streaked with tears, his hair disheveled, and reddened marks where the love making left an imprint blended with some of the charcoal from his hair.

" No, you're not your father at all. How could I have said something so stupid." The short distance between them continued to gap. Dominic continued "If I could pierce my heart now to appease the Gods to give you the future that you deserved, I would not hesitate for a moment. I can't believe that I said such a rash insensitive remark to you after you just made love for the first time. I am indeed an idiot, Ron, I told you that I was terrible with words, and you mean so much to me. I want to tell you that I lov!"

Dominic was stopped in mid-sentence by the racket of pounding on the door. Their defenses down they had not heard the sounds stir from the street bellow until the door was broken and they were trapped. ..

" So my dear wife to be, is a little slut! Saffron. you are full of surprises." Leo eyed him, appraising him slowly, Leo didn't seem to be in any rush as his soldiers already had Dominic in a helpless grip. His smile reviled how much he seemed to like what he saw. Saffron blushed as he tried to cover himself.

"No, let me look at you, ah indeed used merchandise, it is a good thing that you are not truly a maiden or I would have to slay both you and your 'friend', It looks like he did me a favor, perhaps I should have him killed anyway."

"GO AHEAD I DESPISE HIM!" yelled Ron again playing a role. He quickly sensed that if he showed any of the love he still felt for Dominic, the cruel lord would end the overpowered knights life."

"We'll deal with him later, meanwhile you sir will be my guest for a few days until your father returns, and we can get things arranged properly. I don't believe that I would like the entire city to share in my view of your gifts so I will help you dress."

Ron shivered as he felt the feverish touch of Leo. That the man took on a menial task for him was telling. If he was clever he might find a way to control the man, and gain his freedom. on the other hand he felt the underlies of a powerful nature. It was like being dressed by a volcano. As much as he had flourished from Dominic's caresses, his flesh recoiled from this other man.

"I suppose this is the best we can do, you look like a filthy slave, and that you dared to cut your beautiful hair! Well it can grow back in time if I so desire, but I like you shorn as well. At least you didn't cut it all off. Come now, don't think there is any escape. It is far better if you come peacefully."

The man took him by the flesh of his arm and drew him into the hallway. Ron tried to jerk away only to find himself closed in on by Leo's henchmen, they roughed him for a moment giving him the signal that they would enjoy the opportunity to really physically manhandle him. He quickly got the message and went compliantly. When Leo passed others in the narrow street he informed them he was bringing home an errant slave. People clicked in sympathy, they knew the trouble a beautiful slave could cause. All that Ron could think about was the curse.

Three stayed behind to work Dominic over. They beat and kicked him senseless, and then left him on the floor for the landlady to find. He had been smart enough to feint some of his injuries. His head felt leaden, but once he had stopped the bleeding he was able to repair most of the damage. Leo's men had been in a hurry, and he was no worst than the worst days of his early training, with the exception of his left arm which felt broken.. He had never let the life in Contantinople make him soft, and was conditioned to pain. He thanked the terrified woman for helping him. He tied Ron's horse to his own and rode to the sanctuary where Genesios had gone. He was frantic now to get some help...

...Leon placed Ron beside him in an open chariot. His captive refused to look at him as they were driven to his estate.

"You're not very charming, are you?" remarked Leo.

Leo, watched him like a hawk so he couldn't escape when they slowed down in traffic.. He had been already informed that he would be tied up like an animal if he didn't cooperate. Ron was trying hard to maintain his dignity. At one point Leo reached over to kiss him, and he bit him back, hard on the lip. Leo slapped him, and told him that behavior like that would not be tolerated, but after that incident he left Ron alone, content just to watch him for now. He obviously did not want to cause a public scene with his less than happy betrothed.

Ron had a look in his eyes that would have alarmed Dominic, and even Leo had he looked closely. He was unraveling the situation in his mind. He decided that he would have to outwit Leo. He already sensed the love that Byzantines had for games, if he could find a way to play with Leo, and win, he could request a favor. He just needed the time to figure this out.

They rode towards a large estate that fronted the sea, when they came to the gates they were swiftly unlocked by guards that recognized Leo, they saluted him as he rode into the grounds. They didn't stop at the main house but continued until they came to a nursery of flowers in all colors and scents. Ron's eye's teamed up from the overwhelming smells.

"Get out." Leo commanded him "I want to show you something.

Ron followed him slowly.

"Do you see all of these flowers, they were meant to be yours. I had them grown to be made into perfumes."

Ron couldn't help himself, and he started to sneeze, it was the last thing he ever wanted, a bunch of flowers crushed for his sake.

"You might not like my gifts but I swear that you will grow to love me."

"No, you can't force that of me. I will never even like you, why don't you take me home, and find someone who does not loath you."

" I like your accent my pretty little friend, this now this is your home, you belong to me. I plan to ignore your ignorant opinion of me"

"Does it make you happy Leo to force yourself on people like me who haven't your wealth or power. How can you live with yourself! I do not want to be here with you, and yet you won't listen."

They were both staring at each other now. Ron though to himself how much he hated Leo. He knew that Leo would never be content with him, once he was used and broken he would be thrown away for someone else. He meanwhile only wanted Dominic, he wanted Dominic forever, and he was sure of that, somehow he would make that happen once he got away from this dreadful situation.

Leo seemed to be losing his patience. He started to explode at Ron again." You love that scum Dominic, don't you! I should have had him killed long ago. He raped me you know, he probably did the same thing to you. He never would leave me alone, always following me until he got me alone. I could describe to you every private thing about him."

"You are a liar!" Ron finally realized that some men lie, and his grandfather was one of them. It made him catch his breath; the world that was painted for him started to change colors. There was no curse, just lies. Justine would be alright, and he would find some way to return to him. The curse was a lie, and his grandfather must have lied about his father too!

Ron was slapped for the second time that day, his eyes filled with tears from the sting but he refused to cry outright. Leo went on but he was barely listening. "And you have the charm of an animal. You can spend tonight in a sheep pen, and think about becoming more pleasing, because next time that you call me a liar I'll have Dominic brought here and painfully killed in front of you."

"Ron, felt his flesh crawl as he realized his behavior now shaped his friend's destiny, and he might have to make this demon happy. If he couldn't get away he knew that he would have to find a way to kill Leo himself. but the man would be wary of it, and make him as defenseless as possible, removing from him all his hard won masculine pride, from his training in weapons to the masculine parts of his body. Now he really just wanted to cry. Not knowing what else to do he thought about Joseph and started to feel better, it was as if Joseph was telling him that it would be alright.

Leo seemed to own an estate larger than his fathers. Ron wasn't given a chance to see any more of it as he was now forced to the stock yard where Leo handed him over to several strong attendants, they tossed him into a straw bottomed cage. He had not been treated as harshly since he was a young boy, and imprisoned because of his behavior. Well he was no longer a young child, and he refused to be intimidated.. Several other men came and gave him watered down wine, and stale bread while looking him over, but he wasn't touched or molested. He had been locked in for the night, like a new slave. He knew this was to make him feel powerless, but it gave him the space to think, and an idea finally came to him.

The next morning Leo came for him with two of his attendants. The door was unlocked, and Ron was escorted to an annex of the house. His body was stiff from the small enclosure so it felt good to move and he used those thoughts to banish the terror that gripped his stomach.

"My poor bride is filthy, bathe her and then bring her to me when she is clean." ordered Leo.

He was taken to an indoor bath appointed with fountains and semi-precious stones, it was curious to him how the Byzantines had rooms with pools, the size of most people's houses. The water was warm and calming, and he hadn't bathed since France, with the exception of his ride in the river, so in spite of himself he relaxed. The bath attendants were eunuchs that were surprisingly gentle with him. As he felt the dirt and charcoal washing away he worked on his plan. Leo thought he had the upper hand, yet he had several flaws, one Saffron knew well, Leo was spoiled and bored. He figured that Leo was enamored with him, at the moment because he was like a new toy, yet unbroken.

That was Leo's fatal weakness. Ron was good at spotting those, if Ron did something extraordinary he would interest Leo, and be able to challenge him.

He figured that one of the reasons Leo was besotted with him was he had turned up as a male when a girl had been expected. Leo obviously liked the theatrical, and unexpected. He knew it would be a contest of wills, and cleverness.

" Did you sleep well, my Saffron."

He forced himself not to re-act to the condemnation in Leo's manner to him."

"Were all of those flowers yesterday, truly meant for me?" Ron asked as brightly as possible.

"Yes, I have never gone to so much trouble for another, and then to have my hours of work come to naught was like a slap in my face." Snared Leo.

Saffron who was the only one having his face slapped had to proceed carefully without losing his own anger or appearing insincere. He knew the only work Leo did was to order his slaves around. Soon it would be his turn to be ordered as a slave. He knew this was the last chance to gain his freedom.

"Leo, I ask of no gifts from any man. You never had to buy my affection, in fact if you really wish to know what I care for it is to play games."

"Play games?"

"Yes, real ones, with a prize for the winner. I love games, especially when the stakes are high. I know, let's play one now, one of your choosing. If I don't know the rules you don't even have to tell me. If I lose I will submit to you gracefully and tell my father that being with you is my choice so he will have to accept this situation for me, but if I win I get a chance to run from you first, and if you catch me I will still be yours."

Leo never expected Saffron to be so calm. He thought he would be fearful or at least continue to be rebellious.. He seemed mystified by the French lord, especially when he was told of the gamble that Saffron was willing to play for. Like most Byzantines Leo could not resist a good game, especially when his win was almost guaranteed. The other reason, Saffron had not guessed. The man was amused by him. He would have been crushed long ago had the willful lord not found him a unique novelty, a beautiful lord from an ancient Byzantium family who didn't seem to know his own powers.

Leo finally agreed to play Saffron's game. When the game was over Ron would have an opportunity to run, and attempt to escape, but only if he first won the game. Leo knew what a fortress his palace was, the rough sea on one side, and a fifteen- foot spiked iron fence on all others. It amused him to think of Saffron losing to him, and then losing again what he could never regain. Actually Saffron was set to lose either way, if he were lucky it would be immediately. There was no possible escape for him. The closing part of the agreement that Saffron would receive no directions on the chosen game, made it easy to determine the outcome, so if Leo selected a game that his opponent wasn't familiar with, it was just too bad. He planned to do the young lord a favor and make it impossible that Saffron would win, any way. Why give him false hope.

...Ron was relieved when he was handed a wine-colored tunic to put on. He was glad that he wouldn't have to run for his freedom naked. He quickly guessed why shoes and leggings had been held back from him...

Leo knew that Saffron probably figured that he would select chess. A novice chess player always thought they were better than they truly were. Perhaps Saffron was a moderate to good player, it would be amusing to find out in the future when Saffron was his tamed companion. He smiled at the young lord, who looked enchanting in the silken tunic, soon he would have his hands inside to enjoy what was barely hidden, and what soon would be taken from the boy.

"Chess would be a good choice as I am considered to be somewhat of a master." Leo announced. Saffron seemed happy as he heard the decision, "However there is a very simple game that I enjoy playing, and I do not want to prolong your misery, my dear, the sooner you give up the pain that all men carry between their legs, the better for you, so we will play a game that goes quickly, it is one that they play in the southern desert, this game is called Sipu."

Saffron looked up at him in confusion as he had expected the youth would, he would not teach him the basic rules of this largely unknown game as their agreement had stated. The game was all but won. It was too easy, he laughed mocking the young lord...

...Saffron had a head start and he ran like the wind. Behind him he could hear Leo's curses, he hoped he wouldn't break his word and attack him. When he got to the iron gate he climbed as if it was his tree. There was not much foothold, but his hands were strong, as he reached the top he slipped over, and felt the sharpest pain in the worse place for it to be. He thought he heard the shouts of a fight behind him. He was in too much pain to clearly wonder why his path was unchallenged, someone was keeping Leo's men at bay.

If he wasn't mostly over the demonic barrier he would have slipped back, but he forced himself to keep going, he caught himself as he fell, and with the unbearable pain, and fever in his eyes he kept on running until he could not move another step. He wasn't sure where he was when he collapsed outside a modest house, and he no longer had the strength to care. A man heard the thump on his doorway and came out to investigate. It looked like a boy, dressed in the Imperial colors, and he was wounded.

Chapter Fifteen

Ron was exhausted by his ordeal and slept for sixteen hours. He was finally awaken by the soft laughter of a young girl.

"Shhh I'm not supposed to wake you, but I couldn't wait to meet you. I'm Gemma, you're the boy they've been talking about. The one who traveled here from France. What is it like there?"

"It's my home, Where am I?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm so inconsiderate. Let me get you some water from our well, you're at my house. My father brought you inside last night."

"Gemma, you never listen to me! I'm sorry Ron, my daughter is a curious mouse. Go and get the water, and tell the cook to bring some breakfast here. Ron, before you get up I just want to check your wound, to make sure that it's not infected. I am a Doctor.

The boy winced as he was probed. "Ah good in a few days it will be a mer scratch. The herbs helped. Do you hurt badly, where you've been bruised."

"Mostly my pride"

"You should be full of pride. "

"Am I now a eunuch, if so I did it to myself, I should know better than climbing gates with iron rails?"

"No, you're still a man child, trust me Saffron. Now lets forget about your terrible ordeal for now and talk about some plans for you. We invite you to stay with us until your father returns home.

"Please Saffron stay," it was Gemma. "I like you."

"Gemma this is a private conversation." said the Doctor

"Alright, I'm leaving. Here is your breakfast. I hope that you decide to stay with us," she informed Saffron.

"Ron finally was awake enough to be puzzled. "How do you know my name?" Then he looked into the corner of the room where he spotted Genesios sitting silently. "What are you doing here?"

"I was called upon to see if you were alright, and needed anything."

"I want Dominic! Is he alright?"

"Yes, he will be fine, we're taking care of him. he was pretty badly beaten, but he'll recover from it. You rest, and take care of yourself. The doctor will attend to you, shall I take Dominic a message."

"Yes tell him that... no, well just tell him that I'm fine and will see him soon."

Ron spent the next few days healing, reading books, and having the undemanding company of the Doctor, and Gemma. He longed to see Dominic . He wondered where he was, and why he was keeping his distance. On the third day it was announced that he had a visitor from his Father's house. His heart jumped. He was disappointed when he saw it was several soldiers that had traveled with him back from France.


The spokesman, Zar said, "Thank goodness you are fine, we have orders to escort you home."

"I am staying here!"

"You're not safe in this house, Leo has gone to the Empresses to demand that your marriage contract be valid and binding, In the eyes of the law you have been declared a female."

"That is preposterous!"

"Only your father can re-negotiate the contract, that is why you are safer waiting for him to return at his house."

"How can they do this to me?"

Leo claims that any deception by you as a male is the work of the devil, he could come in and burn this house, and destroy anyone who try to assist you. If you come now in good faith, he will allow you to follow your original contract, in which you have some time before you are pledged to him."

"I have no choice do I? this is insane! My father won't allow it!"

"This is the hand of your step-mother, and she has power over your father. I must bring you back now, or Leo will claim you legally at once, it is your choice."

A horse was waiting for him, far finer a beast than he rode from the estate those few days before. On any other day the sounds of gulls swooping by the golden harbor would have excited him. Today he felt like he was riding to his execution.

He was escorted into the receiving room. The monster was there with his wicked stepmother.

"Ah my lady has returned!"

"Don't call me that, I have no intention to play along with your farce. Say what you feel has to be said. Then I will go."

"He gives orders like you do Aregund, are you positive it's not your whelp?"

"This imposter has cost me a debt with the Empress. I like this situation as little as he, but I am fighting for my cubs, and he has the power to destroy them. Thankfully for not much longer. Had you been a true daughter, Saffron no one would have been more tender and loving to you than I. As a male you have threatened to destroy my home. This legal and binding contract that your father made with Leo is my one solace. Yes, it is evil, and I have asked for forgiveness, yet your sacrifice is the only way there can be an outcome of this mess.

My sons, who are not foreigners will continue our great dynasty. From what I have heard from my men you are a vain and spoiled boy who was raised like a pagan. It is providence that you are beautiful. and Leo wants you as his. Of course he will turn you into a eunuch, but you will be loved, and well provided for."

"I willingly vow to return to France instead."

"No, that is impossible, even if you sign papers relinquishing your rights, and agree to spend the rest of your life in France there are still enemies who could seek you out. You would always be invariantly a danger to my family."

"Have I no rights at all! What will my father say when I blame him for this treason."

"He will understand why this was done. Leo will take you with him today unless you sign papers agreeing to his patronage. If you do that you buy yourself some time."

Leo was watching him like a winter wolf.

"How, much time?"

"As much as you would have had to prepare your trousseau for marriage if you were a girl, six months."

Since you leave me little choice I will sign the agreement only if you agree to a year."

Leo took over, "You bargain well, but I refuse to lose a year. I have more to gain to take you now, so I will tell you my conditions, I know that you carry a scar in an area that will be of little matter soon enough. You must promise that everything else about you will remain as flawless as it is now. You must be careful, and protect your beauty for me. If that is not so, others that you care about will suffer. I will compromise with you, and you may have nine months or three seasons until you are mine. The longer you wait, the harder it will be."

"And if I refuse to sign papers." Saffron said nervously.

"I'll take you now, it is to my advantage if you do refuse." Leo raked him over with his eyes.

Aregund glanced at Saffron without emotion as Leo pressed the papers towards him. With a shaking hand Ron made his mark. Then in fury he demanded to return to the house of the doctor. Aregund let him know that his father was due back that afternoon, and he had to wait to meet him. She ordered both Saffron, and Leo out of her sight. Leo, bowed and swept his hat, Ron backing away ignored him as Leo smiled at him.

"You'll soon be begging for my attention my sweet love. Ron shoved past him into the gardens. The man thought to follow and then changed his mind, there would be plenty of time later...

...Romanus finally arrived home. He anxiously went to seek out his wife. "Oh, my dear Aregund, you are for restful eyes. Traveling about the empire is a trial, so how my dear are things in my household I see you have it well in charge."

"Yes, my dear it has been a challenge here too."

"Did my daughter yet arrive?"

"Saffron has arrived, we almost had a war over the arrival of your child, but the battlefield has calmed down."

"Let me guess, she didn't like the discovery that she was already betrothed to a man of Constantinople. Perhaps we weren't fair to her by arraigning a marriage before we knew her likes and dislikes."

"I tried to back out of the commitment but Leo had your sworn word, my Lord. He threatened to sue our family for perjury."

"It's that bad then? So the girl doesn't wish to be wed, I can't blame her, I always thought that Leo was not a good man for a lady, even if you think he is a grand match politically."

"Dear, the act of perjury can carry a death sentence for both you and your child. You must understand the stress I was under about this problem, this situation. Saffron finally agreed to sign the papers, and now there's no reneging. Saffron will belong to Leo. He loves Saffron, and has promised to take good care."

"I supposed that she could do worse. I only wish that I had been here to buffer the shock the poor girl must of had in finding out she was committed to an unwanted alliance. Ultimately she will benefit, that's why I agreed. Planned marriages work better, look what happened when I rashly married her mother."

"Of course, you thought you were making a wise decision. Here let me send for some wine, you are travel weary, I missed you so my Lord."

"When do I get to meet my daughter."

"There is one more thing of grave importance, Romanus. You only have a legal daughter, not a true one."

"Not a true one-What does that mean?

"She's only legally your daughter."

"Then what do I have?"

"Be prepared for an unpleasant surprise," Aregund turned to her attendant, "Bring Saffron in to see their father."...

...A blaze of sunlight entered the room. Joyfully Romanus went to hug his child. He looked at the golden strains of hair, and the deep sea almond eyes he hadn't seen in so many years. It was the baby, and a glimpse of the young maiden he fell in love with.

Why did this child look at him with such hatred in his eyes?, HIS eyes. Instantly he knew that this was his child, and he was right from the first moment he saw the baby. It was his son.

"In words like a caress he said, "My son."

The youth shivered but looked down refusing to meet his eyes. Only a daughter legally, perjury. They were using a lie twice told against him, and his son, so the tyrant, Leo would have a conquest. Saffron would join a long list of nobles who lost the gift of their masculinity for someone else's political gain. In this case it was his other sons.

The poison web was spun, the youth was a helpless moth caught in the intrigue of this deadly city. He could see how Leo managed to get them both by the balls.

"So Saffron is to be given over to Leo. When is this travesty to take place."

"In nine months."

"So I have nine months in which to kill Leo."

"Romanus, No!" screeched Aregund. "Saffron's not worth it. He is a man lover anyway, it will not be bad for him. If you don't believe me ask your knight Dominic. Your son hungered for him since France. We're talking about a wanton whore. When Leo found him he had just finished making love to your cock-hungry soldier."

Ron kept his face down trying to hide the pain. He wasn't going to show them how humiliated he was,

"I would rather have Saffron altered and sent to a monastery, then 'wed' Leo. That way your sons are protected, and my son will have a good and holy life. You have much to gain from this unholy thing." He then tried to speak to his son, "Saffron, had I only known, this would never have happened. I plea with you to understand, we will think of something to undo this absurdity."

"I just wish to return to the Doctor's house now. This will never be my home or family." Ron spoke up. "Let me go now, I am going to be sick."

He went running from the room trying to remember where the latrine was. Romanus, then Aregund followed after him. Romanus swore and was deciding what he could do as he too followed him. Aregund was halted by Basil."

" Mother, why is everyone chasing after the French lord? Who is he to us?"

"He is nothing."

"I heard Father speak of him as a son."

"He may be your Father's child by a French courtesan, there's no proof. Don't fret over him, he is no worry to you."

"I feel sorry for him, he looked really upset."

"Which way did he go. Bas, I will go and help him."

Basil pointed the way to his mother, mystified by how upset she looked as well. Romanus had caught up with Ron and escorted him deep into the palace into his own private quarters, he told his guards not to let his wife enter."

"Go ahead Saffron, you can relieve yourself, you'll feel better. The youth was doubled over by now, his complexion white. He didn't know where he was, but he couldn't keep the bile in any longer, he was sick. After he finished heaving he was gently guided down into a soft cushion by the stranger who was his father. His father then bend over and cleaned up the mess himself."

"You shouldn't sir."

"It is nothing, are you feeling better?"

"A little."

"Now we can decide what you want, away from those meddling schemers. Saffron first of all I want you to know I am proud to have you for my son. Now I don't care what the other fools say including the Empress who believes every crazy tale is a romance. You are not going to have to go and live with Leo. You are not legally a daughter, that is nonsense. In Constantinople being the first in line doesn't constitute you are my only heir, why Aregund feels so threatened I don't understand There is no excuse for how you were treated. Even our Emperors were not guaranteed secession. You however I sense are a very intelligent young man, and I feel comfortable having an adult conversation with you. I have never been this candid with my other boys. Perhaps Aregund read that you are the most like me, and she was threatened by our potential friendship. Unless...

"I suppose, because when I arrived here my hair was to my waist, and she thought I was a girl. Leo said he was in love with me, but you never treat those you love the way he did to me."

"Do you know about love then?" Romanus went over and stroked his son's hair, he seemed captivated by the colors still as warm as the sunniest day, far more alive than gold, he had been named well, if accidentally.

"Maybe" He still felt queasy, and he couldn't believe that he was having this conversation with his own father.

"Are you in love with Dominic? I can see you blushing and guess that the answer is yes, it's nothing to be ashamed of, he is a very lucky man to have won your heart."

"I love him, but."

"What Saffron?"

"You loved him too."

"So you know about that, do you? Then I will explain. I used Dominic, kind of like the way Leo wants to use you. I was suffering very badly when I could not have your Mother, I never expected that she had died.. I was also very depressed that I had to leave you behind, Dominic was a special young man at that time, and he helped me get through my own pain. I didn't want to live any more, and he offered his affection as a gift. He never really loved me though. You never knew your Mother, Ron. She was an angel. She knew how to love. You were cheated of having her in your life, and although I am a much lesser person than your mother was, you were also cheated from having a father abide a very foolish one. You seem to be like your mother. You are brave, and true. She too would be very proud of you."

"Was she beautiful, like they say."

"Yes, she was the most beautiful woman I ever saw, I don't want you to feel funny about this but it is true you look a lot like her."

"Did Dominic meet her?"

"No, none of my soldiers did, I never even had a portrait of her. Did your Grandfather have one?"

"No, although he used to tell me I looked like her too, but he couldn't see very well so I never paid him much mind, being beautiful is not very pleasant for a boy, I hated my looks until I meet Dominic. Now I want him to think that I'll look like this forever, because he likes the way I look, but I may not ever see him again.."

"I think he loves more that just the way you look."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know him."

"Can you arrange for me to be with him, his squire?"

"Let me talk to him. Before I make any more decisions on your behalf I need to give it a great deal of thought, I have made too many mistakes already, and you are too important.."

"I am nothing special."

"Saffron, there is something you don't know which is why Aregund probably was so threatened when she saw that you weren't a female."

"What are you trying to tell me?"

" How do I say this to you? I really shouldn't but you need to know that one of my sons was predicted by the highest priests to become a great leader."

"An leader?"

" Those who become leaders in our world have always led a turbulent life. I have a feeling that it would be better if we can sent you back to France with Dominic."

"That is what I want."

"Then let me talk to Dominic now, I know that there isn't much time. here are some books that I keep in my room, you can read I've heard. If you need anything just ask the guards. You'll be safe here, as long as you stay in my quarters. I will have a talk with your knight, and decide what to do next, considering your happiness, Son, I owe you that."

Chapter Sixteen

Dominic was being cautious enough to read shapes in the shadows. He knew that his love was back in the palace, and he had seen the arrival of Romanus from a distance. He was aware that the enormity of his problems would fall on him, he didn't know from what party. He was also attuned to the fact that Leo continued to stalk around after his prey and Dominic thought about killing him, but he was well guarded, and would demand Dominic to forfeit his life instead. That would just place Ron at greater risk.

When Romanus called him, he wasn't surprised that it was from that source he would be blasted. He approached his Lord respectfully, hoping it wasn't his call to imprisonment, not that he didn't deserve it, only that he would be little help to Ron then. The high council room was lit by rows of candles, it was in the interior of the house, near Romanus' private quarters, and consequently away from the light of a window. Romanus motioned for him to sit down and started the inquest.

"So, Dominic, it's been along time since I have talked to you. And all went well in France?"

"My Lord I'm sure you know."

"Yes, that my child is not the daughter we expected, so tell me what did you think of Saffron. Did he hold himself up well as I would hope from a son."

"Ron is unlike any other I have ever know."

"He's different then? I have only met him once, if you don't count when he was an infant, and he wasn't in the best of humors. What could you illuminate about him."

"My lord, you want the truth?"

"I expect no less from you Dominic."

Dominic looked around the familiar room and sighed. What could he say. "I did not know that he was your son, I too believed that I had gone to France to escort your daughter to her new home. While I was first unwinding at the house I saw what I thought was a beautiful servant. He was staring at me, and I looked several times back, I had never drunk in such exquisiteness, there are no words to tell, I wondered if this was a young pastoral seraph. He did not seem to know that he was a moment of perfect joy. He looked lost and lonely, and upset about something. I figured that several of my men harassed him, he was that beautiful, that irresistible. I could see the temptation in his visage and knew I wasn't alone.

As he was intrigued by my Arabic sword, I used that to entice him and he seemed to fall into my trap. My thought at first was to snub the others, and get this vision into the woods with me. I wasn't thinking clearly. It came as a shock when he seemed to be the one doing the seducing. I only halted myself when I discovered that he was truly an innocent. I found that I was unable to take advantage of him, the first stirring of my respect for him. I dismissed him, and hurt him. I didn't know that he had been rejected his entire life, and saw my sudden change of mind as just another who didn't want him.

When I found out who he was I was horrified at myself. I suppose that I also wore my heart on my sleeve. Genesios knew my feelings. I admit that they started as pure lust, I soon discovered how deep your sons feelings are.. Originally I thought he was wanton and after every man, but he latched himself to me.. He made all of the advances. Why he choose me I can not fathom. He is worth at least ten of me. When I got to know him better I learned that he is strong minded and he has had a very difficult life. I want to kill Leo for the way he has treated him, I can't understand his cruelty to Ron. What joy is there to posses the golden eagle that should fly free?"

"This is the city of menageries, and lawn peacocks. Perhaps Leo sees my son as his latest ornament. You have not given me cause to ruin my reputation, and stability for a by- blow I never knew. Perhaps he should be turned over to Leo."

"You can't mean it Romanus. That man would destroy him."

"Then what is it about Saffron that I should care about."

"Your son is remarkable."

"Do you love him."

"Can you not guess."

"If he was expelled from here with nothing, but rags on his back, no name and no future would you go with him."

"I would be beside him. He is most dear to me. Without him the world is too far a bleak place."

"Would you pledge yourself to my cub over me, the bear."

"If it's treason to say it, I say it any way, yes. I belong to Ron I must insure his well-being"

"Then he is yours, as he seems to feel that way towards you. I expect you to protect him for me. I too love my child. I want him returned to France, where he will be safe. I command you to go as soon as possible. You can leave in the morning. Go to him now, he is in my bed chamber. I will leave you both alone tonight. Your only task is to convince him to depart. The rest I do not care to hear about."...

Saffron was sitting on the floor against the deep Persian carpeting. The pure colors were a backdrop to the pensive lord.

"Dominic," he called out hesitantly.

"Ron. may I join you, no don't get up. I'll come and sit beside you." Ron put down a book he was reading, and gave Dominic a smile with such tenderness that he had to pause and catch his breathe. Every time he saw Saffron he was ever more aware of his outstanding nature.

"Does my father know that you're with me."

"I'm here with his blessings, he wants me to persuade you to return with me to France."

"Let's go." Ron started to rise.

"That was too easy, "Dominic drew him back, they had to talk to plan some details, if Ron left he would face a life of hardship perhaps giving up everything he might still have to be a soldier for a distant King or a farmer, little better than a serf.. It was unlikely they could return to his old estate. Romanus would give them plenty of golden bezants, but wealth upon the road is easily spent or lost. He would train him to be the greatest fighter but he saw a vision of Saffron out numbered and he wasn't there to help him. No, returning was not as simple as leaving had been, Saffron no longer had any claim to his old home, and they had corrupted his legacy to this one.

"Then I will make it a harder game, you must make love to me, and it must be sweet to convince me to go with you." "Saffron teased.

"What a sacrifice you force upon me my heartless one." Dominic drew him close and kissed the crown of his blazing hair, it was finer than rare amber silk, and scented like warm honey, every thing about this lord was raw beauty.

"Dominic. I missed you, you helped me get away from Leo, didn't you? I thought his men were going to kill you, then it wouldn't matter what they did to me, I would no longer care about anything at all, although I have no desire to be his minion."

"Why Ron, have you honored me so with your love."

"It was when I first saw you, and you took time to show me things, and then you wanted to be with me, but you wouldn't hurt me, yet you are a very good lover, I know."

"Your father wants you to leave here, he is afraid for you, I am too but I shall tell you dear heart, each path has it's own hardship."

"The answer will come to us, lets not waste any more time, before someone comes."

"Romanus promised we will not be disturbed tonight."

"Then let's not talk when we are men of action." He laughed as he said Dominic's favorite line. He invited Dominic to start the physical passion that he so desired from this one man. Even he did not seem to know why this was so, but as he had never loved another before he met this man, he had been ready for one to come along who could teach him of his manhood, and cherish him at the same time. Cupids arrow had darted between the two, and if it made sense to no other, it meant the world to them...

...Aregund hounded her husband. "Where is he, I suspect you have him tucked away in your bedroom don't you. Well he can't stay there forever!"

Romanus was losing his patience. "How did you dare allow Leo to think he had claim to my son when you discovered we were no longer making plans for a girl. How did he get involved in the first place?"

"He was here when your son arrived. Saffron looked every bit the female, he even had hair down to his waist, I could not believe he was a male when I had to literally grope him to find out, this was after Leo had already been introduced to him. It is hardly my fault! It was Saffron's grandfather who should be to blame."

" I have news, he is returning to France, and I expect you to assist. In fact I demand your allegiance. You are not to run to Leo, and warn him, or cause more harm to come to my child."

"If that is your decision then I will honor it. I have no ill will against Saffron other than the fact he complicates Basil's status. If you are willing to decree Saffron a bastard, I will help you further."

"You want me to make my son a bastard!"

"Do you want your boys killing each other some day over their inheritance. Saffron can be Poltemy over Basil's Alexander. Give him a small providence to run, I don't care. If we can get Leo out of the picture, maybe there would be a way to keep all of your sons, and insure them a decent future. It's up to you, you have to assign Saffron a new status."

"What if Saffron has more the will of Alexander?"

"That is nonsense. He has never struck me as being anything but a very pretty boy, I will ask Genesios how he rates his character."

"Genesios is no longer here. I was told that he left when Dominic and Saffron took off."

"That's funny, when you were talking to your son, as I expect that is what you were up to, I saw Genesios in the courtyard."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, he said he had some business with you, but it could wait. He probably wants to return to his old position unless he is trying to move up the ladder and be the next Grand Orphanotrope or so."

"What do you think of Dominic?"

"Are you speaking of your knight, I have never disliked him. He has been respectful to me, why?"

"I am thinking of giving guardianship of Saffron to him. Perhaps I shall sent them to the farms as you suggested."

"That is a wise decision my Lord, but you must be willing to change Saffron's status first."

"I will speak with them in the morning, I promise you.


Dominic slowly undressed Ron, carefully sliding off his clothes and replacing them with the warm friction of his hands and mouth, he wanted to kiss every inch of him, and finally there was time to do that."

"What are you doing Dominic?"

"Just enjoying you, lay back and relax, and stop talking."

The carpet was soft, shielding them from rug-burn.

"Ron shut his eyes as he felt Dominic lick his eyelids, then sensations took over. He felt pleasure everywhere as he was nibbled and caressed on his neck, under his arms, his stomach, the fold of his belly button, and finally the prize between his legs, the scar on his testicle sac tingled, and his penis danced with each tender stroke. As it grew hard he wanted more.

Dominic turned him over, and started slowly again to taste every inch and crevice until he reached the divide of Ron's butt. He savored the sweet smell, and dived in with his tongue to find the vortex where he wanted to be with his renewed need for him. He searched with his fingers memorizing with his finger tips the passage that awaited his cock.

Ron lay there getting ever hungry for Dominic to enter him. Finally Dominic withdrew his fingers, bathed his own cock with saliva, and got into position to make it's entrance . As he pushed outward, the prick went inward, and pushed it's way into the anus and upward as far as it could go. Then Dominic pulled back and rammed inward again, over and over until Ron was delirious with wave after wave of intensified orgasm. Dominic finally gave in, and his cum to exploded inside of Ron. He stayed inside of him after, not wanting to break their union. For a short while they slept.

Several hours later they heard a soft voice. "Get up now, Leo has troops coming for you."

"What!" Dominic put the covers over Ron who still slept. Somehow Genesios had sneaked into the room. Dominic wondered how much he saw.

"What are you doing here?"

"You are not safe, Aregund will see that Leo gets Saffron in the morning. We have prepared a ship for you to escape, if you come at once."

Dominic knew that the eunuch spoke true. This time he would save his boy from any more trouble. They would be gone before the morning light. He only wanted to train Ron, and see him grow to be a proud man with many skills, for this they would have to make their way into the world.

The sky sail came ashore and picked them up, a squire with his knight .

The sails drew wind that night swiftly moving the ship homeward, first towards Athens, and away from the golden city of Constantinople.

Chapter Seventeen

Saffron and Dominic boarded the ship as the pale streaks of morning light washed the harbor. Several of the Greek sailors did a double take as they spotted Ron, one started the hiss of a catcall, but another quickly nudged him to be silent.

"No one warned us that we were traveling with a girl" questioned a sailor

"Quiet you fool, that is the young Lord." his friend warned.

"That's a boy, Helen of Troy would have loved to borrow that face, and I'd like to borrow his bottom."

"Shh if you're overhear the Captain will have you lashed."

"Well I'm sure that you're thinking the same thing."

"But I'm not fool enough to say it out loud."

"Who's the lucky bastard that is going with him bellow to the berth."

"It's his escort, Sir Dominic"

"We're not the fools, then are we, they are sending him forth with a solitary companion. He should have an army of trained guards if he is to remain safe. Mark my words."

"We're to bring him to a Uncle's estate in Athens."

"Then Poseidon be with him that he gets there."

Romanus watched the ship at the harbor from an upper window. It stood out, with it's azure sails setting it apart, and giving it the nickname, the sky ship. It actually belonged to his brother-in-law in Athens.

Romanus turned his head as he heard the rustle of silk. He looked into the cold eyes of his wife.

"The boy is gone isn't he?" she said with a syrupy overtone, "Where are you sending him."

"I am sending him to my sister in Athens, Saffron is too young to be on his own, and my sister will see that he gets the proper education. They will also turn blind eyes to his relationship with Dominic. The boy has had a rough life, if that was what he demands; it is acceptable to me. The Knight is clearly besotted with the boy and will help to protect him. I expect you to honor my wishes."

"A foolish move my dear. You have just condemned this house into uncertainty of it's future. You're not going to make your strange son into a bastard after all, are you?"

"No, he is my eldest legally. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt him further."

"You are a sentimental fool, Romans!"

"I am the boy's father, I can only do what I think the best for him. It is clear that keeping him here will only rub salt in your cousin Leo's pride."

"I do not understand you, Leo is intitled to the boy, and he loves him as well. He has a lot more to offer than Dominic ever will. Leo is rich, and politically connected, Dominic is a poor soldier. Leo was promised the boy by you, doesn't your word mean anything."

"Do I have to remind you that Leo was promised a bride, not a young man. If I had not been deceived by Saffron's Grandfather none of this would have happened, I would have raised him all these years myself."

"YOURSELF, may I remind you that you have five other sons, they never would have been if I didn't marry you. Basil is starting to feel resentful that you think you have another son to place before him."

"I have enough love for twenty sons, Basil should know that. Basil like his brother's, God willing shall have my love for many years. Meanwhile Ron was obviously neglected. My sons need to learn to be charitable with their own feelings. I hope that you as their Mother will start being a good example, and not poison their mind's against one boy that hasn't had their advantages."

"Ron is a boy who looks and acts like he will never give you descendants, as I told you, my objection with him is that he is your eldest, and therefore heir. I can see that I'm getting no where with you, so I will leave you to your watch."

Aregund tossed her head, and took off.

Romanus watched the ship finally depart and gave a short sigh. He wondered what his son would think when hew spotted the Jerusalem icons among his belongings stowed with a vast amount of wealth, to give the boy every advantage possible for him. He thought about the voyages he had taken when he was young and longed for them again. He wanted all of his sons to have adventures, only he hoped that this one wasn't' pre-mature. The boy had only gotten to Constantinople a few days before after traveling for weeks from France. He hoped that he had made the right decision again in sending the boy away so soon. As he watched the ship melt into the harbor his wife was not so idle.

Aregund whispered the directive that she wanted sent to Leo about the destiny of the ship. She knew that he had his own ships, and ways of sending messages...

...Leo furiously pumped his companion's organ as he tried to excite himself. None of them were Saffron. A dozen boys at once were not Saffron. Instead of the hazel eyed brown haired lad he tried to envision the shape of the boy who was to be his wife. Even legally with the twisted laws, and fate that had made his expected bride turn out to be a male. He wanted to see the silken gold hair, and the large emerald eyes, he couldn't believe that he hadn't made love to the boy when he had his chance. To have been outwitted by a slip of a boy. It wouldn't happen again!

He had seen the boy naked twice. Once was at the inn where he was followed, only he couldn't think of that. It was where the boy had finished making love to the cur, Dominic. The second time was when he spied him in the bathes. Saffron was a royal sight, skin of alabaster, a fine immature little prick, terracotta glans, and the walk of a boy who had been recently mounted, moving uncomfortable like he could still feel a phantom cock between his lusty ass.

He seemed shy as the eunuchs used their hands to bathe between his legs and thighs, parting his pert buttock to remove the last of the caked seaman left from the boy's love making with Dominic. He hated the other man anew, and almost slithered as he admitted to himself that his second mistake was letting the knight live. He would not make the same mistake twice.

He had told Saffron that he knew Dominic well, every inch of him. Thinking of the two together made him want to scream." He thought about plowing his nails into the back of his bedmate but didn't want to give him any more attention, in fact he decided that he wasn't going to accept a second-rate lover again, he was going to have to find Saffron. He would even keep the boy intact, but dress his as a female to annoy Romanus that his eldest would always be his possession.

His servant approached him to tell him about the messenger from Romanus' house. He put on a robe and called the eunuch into his inner room.

"Romanus' son is bound now for Athens."

"In which ship is he traveling."

"A Greek vessel with a sail the color of the Mediterrian."

"That is what I needed to know, when did they leave Constantinople?"

"Less than an hour ago."

Leo left the eunuch, went back into his room to toss some clothes on, he threw his robe on the sleeping youth, and ran down stairs and too his private pier, after ordering a few servants to go and wake his boatsmen."

Leo had spared no expense when he built his latest ship, and now it should pay for it's self. He should claim his boy long before he ever got to Athens...

...Dominic was taking no chances. He ordered the sail changed to white as they traveled away from the coast. It was a genius invention; the blue sail got tucked inside the more common color. At the same time a decoy ship did the opposite going from white to blue. The decoy headed towards Athens while their ship headed ashore. At the landing point most of the crew was ordered off, they would travel back to Constantinople. Romanus and Dominic had pre-selected the new crew of loyal men who were going to the undisclosed location. Dominic wouldn't even tell Ron where they were heading, only that it wasn't to be Athens afterall. Ron was starting to feel the excitement of the voyage. The water sprayed as a family of dolphins swam around.

"Give me a clue Dom, where are we going, am I going back to France, afterall? I can tell that we are heading North."

"Without the North Star, how can you tell?"

"That's my secret. I know direction well."

"Well, do you young sir, the direction that I wish you to take now is down."

"Down? Down under you do you mean?"

"If you'd like. I do not want any to see us from the ship if by accident. I am now responsible for you, so lets go into your cabin and out of view."

The boat rocked as the two descended the narrow ladder. Ron was agile, and had natural sea legs. Dominic wasn't sure that he could keep up. Unlike Ron he had little sleep. It was hard when all he wanted to do last night was watch his sleeping friend. He had no idea that Romanus would order them to leave so soon.

The cabin was comfortable appointed, so Ron guessed it was to be a long voyage. So many chests took up the space, but the bed was large enough for two Saffron took his hand and led him into the small crowded room.

"I am ready to go under." Ron looked up with a plaintive almost teasing expression.

Dominic went over to the door and tied several knots to secure the lock, then he slid a trunk by the door. After the episode at the inn he wasn't going to chance that they be interrupted. He knew that if he kept the young Lord entertained, he would not be tempted to leave the hull until they were safely at sea however who was doing the entertaining was up for debate as he watched the boy start to untie his tunic.

"Ron, before we get too far I have a secret I want to share with you."

Ron put his arms around Dominic, and pulled against him so he could whisper. "Tell me Dom, I can keep secrets."

"Its about something called Greek Fire."

"Is that a position that we should try."

"I wish, actually it's a very dangerous weapon. Your father is afraid that there is a plot to sell it's secret to another Kingdom, which would doom the power of the Empire. We are not on a pleasure voyage at all, but a rather dangerous mission. If you are afraid we can go south into the farmlands. I promise that you will be safe"

"You mean after all of this I am going to lose you! You think I want to go to a farm and do nothing while you are in danger! I am your page now! I come with you! I would be yelling at you if you didn't tell me to whisper, see I can take commands, and I'm not afraid of anything except losing you! Saffron was beside himself.

" Listen, when we get to our destination I will be leaving you with friends, and facing the danger alone, I have done spy work before and now I have no choice, but I am not putting you at risk. After when we return to Constantinople Leo will have lost his rights to you as we think that he's involved. My running away with you is the only cover we could think of."

"So you're not a common soldier after all are you Dominic?"

"You're the canny one Ron."

"Who are you really, tell me."

"What I said, but I do descend from the family of Constantine, so Byzantium is in my blood. I can not help it! Just like I can't help loving you, loving every tiny bit of you."

"Then you are truly the royal one."

"Not anymore, besides I worship at your altar my beautiful boy, let me show you!"

Dominic stroked Ron's hair as it fell softly to his shoulders, he unhooked the rest of the youth's tunic and it slid down. There was not a creature in the entire world that could match his tender beauty in Dominic's mind. The boy always looked so young with flawless skin, lithe like a dancer, his cock was no more in size than a very little boys yet perfect in it's shape. His balls were tiny gems as well; he was so eunuch-like without being one who had been cut. Ron was still breathing hard, still agitated until Dominic placed his hand against his bare thigh, and led him over to the cot. As Ron lay looking up, his green eyes hungering through long dark lashes, Dominic took off his clothes and lay down beside his lover. He was strong and tight, a contrast to his almost feminine lover. Dominic kissed Ron's long lashes, which made him giggle. Then it was time for the serious business of the lust brewing between them.

"You really want me don't you Dom. I don't even have to stroke your cock to make it into the rock that's pointing at me. I know what to do." Ron spit into his hand, and Dom watched in disbelief as the boy penetrated his own rectum with several wet fingers. He then placed his feet by his ears and watched Dominic for the next move. "I am ready for you"

Without saying a word Dominic knelt against the boy and pushed his way into the inner sanctum of the anal passage offered to him. As he thrust he told the boy again and again how much he loved him, how much he needed him. Love was sweet, but the hand of danger had already cast a shadow, as the rocked quietly together so not to be heard, the ship moved against them, and they both wondered how long they would have together.

Next: Chapter 4

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