Tessellations: a Byzantine Story

By Zane Hunter-Green (Zane Green, Zane Hunter, ZaneG7)

Published on Sep 1, 2001



This story is in honor of Puberty Blues.

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Aronson lifted the struggling boy up into his muscular arms. Aronson subdued him as he carried Saffron over to a rude hut. Several of the men winked, while a few failed to hide their envy.

"Hush sea colt, I promise not to hurt you." Saffron couldn't understand him but the tone of his voice was soothing coming from such a large man. He was gently lowered down on a pile of reindeer hide and woolen blankets. The man looked at him as if he pitied him.

If he could read the man's mind he would have known that Aronson felt badly that he had to keep the boy tied up. The man thought about what Saffron had gone through, It was a frightening enough experience to almost drown, on top of that Greek merchant had alluded to the fact that this boy had seen nothing but trouble ever since he arrived in the town his people called Micklegarth. No wonder the boy acted like a wild kit.

Aronson wanted to stay with him the rest of the night, but he had work to do and the boy would be safe in the hut. If the boy were a young Nordic he would tell him a tale from Valhalla to put him to sleep. The boy looked more like a land elf than a sea creature, and made him think of when Niord, the God of the sea married Skadi, the daughter of the dead giant, Thiazzi, who's eyes made up the twin stars in the night sky. He decided to tell him the funny story about how the wedding was arranged.

The boy watched him as his telling animated Aronson. He knew that the boy didn't understand one word, yet seemed entranced with the string of sounds. It was the story about how Loki promised Skadi a husband in return for her father's death. He told about all of the sorry Gods that had to line up for her pleasure. The poor Gods had to strip their feet of footwear, and Aronson liked to imagine that a few other clothing was shed as well. The Gods hid behind a screen, and Skadi was told to choose her reluctant husband by his feet.

Aronson was sure that this boy had beautiful feet. Skadi too was looking for the beauty of a man by his feet. She wanted to marry Balder, who was the rose among the God's, but Niord had the cleanest most beautiful feet from walking and swimming in the seas. She choose Niord, thinking that he had to be Balder, and so the marriage that should not have been made in Valhalla, took place.

As he was speaking his deep wooden voice affected Saffron, never one to shield his imagination. His thoughts turned to envisioning what it would be like if the Viking started to make love to him as that was the signals he was receiving.

As the Viking told his story Ron created his own fantasy which was nothing so lofty as one about the God's. Within his story the Viking took the blanket from him and stood him by the room's light in his pure naked state. He kissed him all over, most tenderly his feet that for some reason the Viking kept staring at. "Mer-boy, I am giving you the finest eel in Christendom to suck on. Kneel down now, and take this in your beautiful mouth.

Saffron in his dream had to follow the commands. He gasped when he saw the large, thick cock that was trying to push it's way into his mouth. He could hardly take a fifth of it, as his face was thrust by the Viking into the crimson weapon. He was a long way from the golden curls of the man's pubic hair as he allowed his mouth to be filled with man-flesh.

He took the sensitive head, and used his tongue to press against the center slit, tickling it lightly, persuading a few drops of man seed to escape. He then lapped the head, with his curled tongue, enjoying the smooth and musky, helmet. With his teeth tucked back he lowered his face and took more of the massive projectile into his throat, he soon created a rhythm, using his mouth to massage the Vikings manhood.

His ministrations increased the size of what he was going to be forced to harbor. It made him wonder as the man lifted him up, turning him on his belly, if he would live to see tomorrow. The man used seal oil to coat his erection with the pungent lubricant.

"Now you really must relax Mer-boy, cause I plan to make use of your fins. I'm going to part them and ease my way in, if you can't stand it tell me and I'll slow down, but I've been in smaller spaces, and I'm always welcome back."

"Please don't hurt me." Ron pleaded from his vulnerable position.

"It will hurt a little, it always does but I'm not giving you a choice. I am an angry walrus if left in this state. I need your sweet ass now."

Ron could feel the weight of the Viking on him as his bottom was separated by one strong hand. He could feel a cool breeze as his rubbery ass was divided the crack parting. He hoped that the Viking wouldn't lunge into him all at once. Ron could feel a tickle and warm moisture as the man lowered his face into his anal passage, licking it and stimulating it at the same time. Once again he smelled the musky oil as the Viking lubricated his fingers.

One large finger started to pry it's way into him. He felt it crawling into his rectum one tiny millimeter at a time. When it was inside of him a good ways it reached up and found the space that made him wild, he started to pump back on the finger. This must have been a clue for the Viking because Ron felt pressure as a second finger was inserted inside of him. With the two fingers his anal passage was explored and stretched. He could feel each movement, but it was very pleasant, as more electrical sensations hammered against his prostate. His spincter muscle had long since given passage, not complaining until a third finger joined the other two. He yelped as the Viking started to push into him and pull out quickening the motion until he was being drilled in a mock intercourse.

When the fingers came out he felt like he was missing a part of himself, but it lasted a few seconds until he felt an incredible force inviting itself into him. It was the Viking's massive cock, and it was relentless as it seemed to move into him on it's own accord, like turbulent waves.

"You're good mer-boy. It won't be much longer."

It wasn't even half way in, but the first part was the hardest. He knew the Viking was determined to fuck him so he tried to relax so the man's penis could continue its journey as far as it or he physically could let it go. Both he and the Viking were surprised as he opened up to let it go further. Finally it was pressing into his guts and he had enough, before he could cry the man comforted him, told him he was brave and beautiful, and as he fucked him he wouldn't go in this far in again, he really didn't want to damage him. The man pulled back, giving him short-lived relief. Then the onslaught truly began. He now knew why large cocks were so desirable. Before he could stop he started to tremble. Now he couldn't stop trembling....

The Viking looked at him with concern as he came out of his daydream...

"Seacolt, are you alright!" the Viking seemed to say

He blushed with shame as he thought of what he had imagined with the Viking. It was weird, as they had talked to each other in the Frankish language. Instantly Dominic's face came to him, and what angst he would feel when Ron wasn't in the ship. Instead here he was pretending to have sex with this stranger...

...Aronson who thought that the boy was getting chilled then heat flashes from his ordeal at sea, offered him fresh water from a leather flask Ron gulped it down knowing he must take care of himself and bring his mind back to reality. The Viking bent over to retrieve his container and kissed him on his lips, which were damp from the fresh water and his own saliva. He grew annoyed with himself as he felt himself stiffen again in his groin.

It was surprising being just kissed, but in reality it wasn't like having a kiss from Dominic, who he wanted to kiss back. He kept his mouth closed tight, for Dominic he would have parted his lips. He had a feeling that if he encouraged the kiss, and kissed back his fantasy would come true. The Viking had an erection. He could feel it as the man pressed against him. This time however the giant didn't force his way into his mouth, although the kiss was hard and passionate. Ron thought that it was strange that so many men tried to kiss him. He decided that from now on he would suck in his lips so they weren't so appealing. He wondered what Dominic would do to the giant for kissing him, touching him and tying him up. Dominic would kill him. But the Greek said that the Viking, Aronson would be his friend, and Ron knew that he certainly had enemies enough, even one on his own ship who had cast him over-board.

The Viking was talking to him again making soft almost lyrical sounds. Ron still didn't understand him. He wished that the Greek would come back and translate. He wondered if the Viking knew that he was suppose to marry his rich old male cousin, and he was running away from him.

It wasn't fair that he had arrived in Byzantium a stranger, yet everyone seemed to know everything about him. Was it joked about all over the city about the girl was a boy who looked like a girl. The Greek seemed to know his story. Ron also figured that if he disappeared his stepmother would be happy. Maybe the man on his ship worked for her. He had been stupid if he was an assassin though. He should have waited until they were at high sea, however he was happy that he didn't. Saffron may have wanted once to die on his way to Byzantine, but now life was far too exciting. Even this time with the Viking had excited him

Ron did not plan to die; he was going to make sure he wasn't stupid again. He guessed that the coward, who pushed him off the ship, jumped at the opportunity be rid of him. Well it worked in a separation from Dominic. He hoped that Dominic would realize that he got to shore. Dominic knew that he could swim from the time he tried to rescue his kitten. He wondered if the same man who had let loose his kitten, which put him in the mist of a battle; had, been the one to push him overboard.

Ron decided he was not going to let himself be separated from Dominic so easily ever again. With the optimism of his youth, Ron had no doubt that Dominic was going to reach him before the Viking ship took off, but just in case he had worked his way out of the slip knots, and he sat up listening for a good time to escape the enclosure. Iceland was too far away, and he had every right to be a citizen of Constantinople, in fact more rights than most. Not only did he decide to find his way back to the city, but also he decided that he would defy his father as well, it was time for some fun, and it was time to learn the skills that a soldier needed to stay alive. Dominic would not have been foolish enough, even at his age to get tossed off a ship. He decided that he was not worthy enough to be Dominics companion. Ron also remembered how much he had enjoyed the fair where he saw a larger society for the first time. He decided that he would somehow get back to Constantinople. He knew that Dominic would plea with him to return to the ship, and go as far away as possible even to Iceland if he had to, but Saffron had his own mind.

No. Ron thought. Surely if he was already in Constantinople both his Father and Dominic would let him stay there. He had traveled a long way to come to the center of the world, and he wanted to see it all.

Ron stood up, rubbed his raw wrists and peered outside the hut, everyone was far away and busy. He knew if he left quietly he had a chance of escaping.

He crept like a night creature away from the campsite. There was a palisade of trees where he could get swallowed up in the shadows. Before he left the shoreline he looked into the sea for the sign of a craft. The sea before him was empty. He thought again about his plans and considered hiding in the woods until the morning to see if Dominic would come for him. He grew afraid that the Viking would find him first, and he would be on his way to the far North, before Dominic even knew that he was gone. No, he had to travel south on his own. He had to find his way to the golden city where Dominic had promised him such wonders. If he could find the tavern again, Dominic would know to meet him there, and this time if his odious cousin came calling he would be ready for him.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Not far away the ship that carried Dominic rocked gently. In his sleep Dominic reached out to gather Saffron close to him. Invading his deep sleep was the fear that something was wrong when there was no warm body beside him. He woke up uneasily. The boy was not there! With a soldiers response he leaped out of bed letting his eyes adjust to the cabin. His hope that Saffron somewhere in the cabin died quickly! He was panicked! He dashed up the wood slats to the upper deck, hoping to see Saffron above. When his first scan of the deck proved to be futile he hollered and all bloody hell broke. The Captain ordered a search.

Part of the crew went through the common areas downstairs, and the smaller rooms. Dominic looked at the Captains room once more, where he has been sleeping peacefully a few hours ago with Ron. The storage and cooking areas were checked, and finally the reality was dim. The boy was gone. No one else was missing. It was malevolent.

Dominic made a quick decision, he would row ashore, with the one man he could trust, his friend Alexo, who had been searching every barrel, and hiding place the ship offered. Alexo had not wanted to suggest to Dominic that perhaps Saffron had a new lover. But as he searched those areas that two lovers might hide in, he didn't know if he should pretend to be happy when the search proved unsuccessful. He thought that trying to keep Saffron as a lover was dangerous. There were a few men who hungered for the boy's gentle beauty, and as they spent more time at sea, they would grow more obsessed with having such a boy. Dominic was not a Lord, Saffron was the power. Maybe the boy's disappearance was a good thing. He kept his thoughts to himself as he spotted Dominic.

It wouldn't be the first time that a body of water had taken Ron from Dominic. He told the Captain to lay anchor where they were. He would look for Ron. There was a small craft tied to the boat. He got inside of it with Alexo, and had it lowered into the quiet water. The light was turning pink, and a few gulls screamed far away looking for their breakfast.

Before he and Alexo set land they saw the Viking encampment.

"It's always possible that the boy is alive, and in their care." Dominic stated.

As they rowed the boat through the silver water, Dominic could smell the cedar wood that was barely embers now. "I pray my boy is still alive!" He said.

"Well you better do more than pray, if he is in the Viking encampment you better hope that they don't kill us first, Saffron would be bounty for those pirates. We would be the enemy." Pointed out Alexo.

"Well they already spotted us, row in towards them, I recognize their dragon ship."

The boat slipped up against a sand bar. Dominic hopped out, Alexo following him.

A procession of men met them. Aronson had stopped giving orders, and rambled over to Dominic.

"Aronson!" yelled Dominic.

"Is that you, Dominic, only a stupid Byzanium would risk his pecker to come ashore on a stick of driftwood. You're almost as fool-lucky as my new merboy."

"You have him then!"

"Thor's guts you haven't come here to steal my priceless little fish."

"You found the boy in the sea, then he's alright?"

"Now, now, isn't there a law about the treasure in the sea belonging to the finder."

"Not if it's a living treasure. My Lord's son and the anthem of my own heart is missing from our ship. His name is Saffron."

"If the boy's as fair as Idunn's golden apples, only this boy wears the gold in his hair, and an apple's blush on his cheeks and lips, I swear to Thor, you will break my heart, but I owe you for the time you saved my hide."

"So if you don't return him, I'd turn into a hawk and carry him home in my claws." Threatened Dominic.

"You know the stories of Asgard well. I happen not to be the ugly old giant Thiazzi flying Loki around in his Eagles form. Or Thiazzi when he flew away with the Goddess Idunn, with her apples of immortality. I did not steal the boy who wears Idunn's face. I fished him out of the sea!

"Isn't that what your giant Thiazzi would do, fish for things."

"Indeed and while he was fishing he lost Idunn."

"Well as only the old Roman God's can fly, I must use my own form to beg you to return Saffron."

"Which of the Roman Gods turned himself into a bird of prey? Oh yes Zeus, well our Gods could share their transforming coats, as we are a generous people. I will return the boy, if he is yours but this boy isn't Greek or Roman."

"Saffron was born in France, but his father is Byzantine."

"Curious, well if I wasn't your blood brother I would kill you on this beach, that's how much I would like to keep this boy, but like the generous eagle I am, I reluctantly return him to you.

"That will more than pay back what you owe me."

"Come then, I will take you to him. As I had work to do I tied him up in my hut."

" You have him bound? Then if you were any but my blood brother, I would have to kill you on this beach for binding my Lord."

"Then we are even. If we were not blood brother's we could be enemies again."

"I would rather call you friend, Aronson."

"And I will be friend to your little brat as well, here give this to him when he gets older and has some meat on him." Aronson took off a metal chain, with a gold medallion engraved with the symbol of a horse with eight legs. Dominic was humbled knowing that this medallion bore a symbol of Odin which meant that Saffron had earned rare and powerful allies."

The two men arrived at the hut. Dominic's heart beat with anticipation. Inside a bundle lay in the corner. The boy was asleep, and curled in a ball, but when he got close enough to lift him up, he could see that the bundle was only designed to look like human form, to deceive someone checking from the doorway. Saffron was gone.

Dominic turned to Aronson and said in worry, "Too bad you didn't learn to tie real knots!"

Aronson admitted, "I didn't want to hurt the boy"...but he was only speaking to the air Dominic was already out of the hut giving orders to Alexo.

"Go back to the boat, and tell them to continue on to Italy as if Lord Saffron is still with them. I will make other plans for myself."

"Dominic...that doesn't make..."

"Just follow my orders, now go!" As Alexo looked on with confusion Dominic left him and made his way into the wooded grove.

Alexo was a solitary figure returning to the ship.

Aronson shook his head, it was too bad that mortals couldn't fly like the birds. Dominic would find Saffron right away if he were above him. He wanted to help, but they were over-due to start the long journey to Iceland. He knew that Dominic would find the boy who looked like Idunn, but acted like Loki. He shook his head, poor Dominic he was besotted, and then he thought to himself that he had not escaped the boy's charm. At least it was dawn; Dominic should see a trail of footsteps in the tall grasses, he hoped so for the boys sake. He was too young to wander this world by himself.

Next: Chapter 6

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