The Druid


Published on Aug 29, 2009


Out into the sweet sunlight and air they went, each with his happy thoughts of a job well done. Stefan was amazed at what had happened in the cave. His memory of the insults to his person were vivid but seemed to be enclosed in a bubble. He remembered but was not concerned. The magic light which salved the raw scars of the whip had also made the memories of the monsters a thing which could never hurt him again. It was an experience which made him bigger, more mature and the fact that he saw the vision of the Dagda, the Good One, was splendid. He equally treasured the memory of when he had lifted himself in great pain to see his beloved standing four square in front of the chief of the Firbolgs and defying him. He was so proud of his man that he turned to him and touched his arm in the sunlight, he faced the man he loved and touched his ageing lined face, which still held some of the magic light that had suffused it in the dark cave making him shine like the sun at midday. Looking into his eyes he kissed him on the lips closing his eyes and feeling the power of the man, gentle, firm, solid and real for him. He was further into the valley of passion and love than he had ever imagined possible between two people. He felt the powerful cock of his master respond to his kisses. He touched the spot where the solidifying hard and beautiful cock protruded under the white linen shirt of the druid. He felt so good that he held his breath for a while.

The druid pushed the boy gently by the shoulders backwards noticing as he did that the whole area around the cave had bloomed into a great field of long stemmed bluebells, the sun shone warmly and the trees waved to them as a gentle breeze caught their branches. Birds sang to add music to the love that permeated the air. The druid laid his boy on his back, his beautiful face, framed, looking up at him from a pillow of blue bells. The old man smiled and laid himself down so that he was parallel to his younger companion. He touched the boys lips with his long fingers feeling its soft mobile flesh reacting to his soft touch. "You have been through much today my beloved boy". He whispered into the boys ear. Stefen did not open his lips to answer but to take the druids finger into its warm sensual moist space, he just looked over at the man and nodded. Sucking the man's finger he moaned and moved his lithe body close to his lover. Their two cocks sought each other under their clothing. They touched and an electric shock went through them both making them shudder and pull closer together. They rested together without making love. Happy in the knowledge that they were safe and had traversed a hard task together. Their love was magnified by the events and they knew they could trust each other to the full.

In the dreamy atmosphere of the bluebell field the two slept until a wren, the smallest of the birds and the King of the birds to the Celt came and nestled by the ear of the druid.

The little wren was called the king of the birds because when the bird populations of the world were choosing their King after the creation, the small wren put his claim to the kingship in at the same time as the others only to be laughed at and derided by his fellow avian creatures. When the race started he tucked himself under the wing of the great Eagle and the birds all flew into the heavens to see who could mount the highest. Of course the Eagle reached the highest but became tired and when he stopped the little wren shot out from under his wing and flew the extra few feet which made him King.

The bird pecked at the druids ear and woke him. He looked into the little birds eyes and stood quickly wakening Stefan. They both stood dazed but rested. Stefan told the druid he would have to go back to search for his shield and sword and spear as he felt naked without his arms. The druid explained the direction and Stefan raced like a wild animal in that direction only to return a short hour later fully equipped and ready to run another hundred miles if necessary. He smiled broadly as he reached the bluebell dell and saw the druid sitting on a tree trunk with the wren on his outstretched finger. The wren flew off on seeing Stefan and the druid looked up to see his lover arriving fully armed and looking quite the warrior. Stefan looked upwards as the bird flew off. He looked at the druid and said, 'The messenger of the Dagda has spent some time with you master'.

The druid nodded his agreement. 'She has given me some important information as to our likely reception at the rath of the King of Connaught'. 'We must be on our way if we wish to arrive on time'.

On the road to the the rath of Connor Og the atmosphere became almost jovial, Stefan sang a lot as he walked, the druid was surprised by the number of love songs he knew and which he sang with a beautiful tenor voice. They passed few people on the road but those they did looked at the odd pair with wide and curious eyes once they had bowed and let them pass. They reached a blacksmiths hose and farm with several beautiful children of varying ages playing outside and asked to entered the house to have some water. The man of the house, a powerful man used to wielding the hammer stood and looked at the warrior and then at the tall druid. He bowed and offered them a place by the hearth, asking his wife and elder daughters to provide some water or buttermilk for the distinguished guests. The girls giggled a lot and stared at Stefan who became embarrassed. The younger boys came close to examine his sword and shield and make comments about the beauty of the workmanship. The wife of the smith brought some apples for them and asked if they would like some bread and home made butter. Both men agreed and thanked her as they drank and ate. As if by magic the room filled up with brothers, sisters, cousins ad neighbours all appearing out of nowhere. The news had spread that a druid had arrived in the home of the smith and everyone for miles around wanted to see the holy man. Some to ask for favours and for his intersession with the Dagda.

The smith was a very happy man, honoured by the presence of such a high born priest and his noble guardian. He admired the bronze worked sword and shield and discussed the methods used to rivet the pieces together and the excellent quality of the workmanship. Stefan told him that they were inherited by him from his father and his father before that and the arms had never left the family or been used in any dishonourable acts. All of the men nodded wisely together as they listened to their smith discussing such important and technical topics with the young warrior and the noble priest. One of the women asked the priest if there was truth in the acorn test of true love worked. The druid raised his white bushy eyebrows and smiled at the woman. She was a big ruddy faced red headed girl with a very comfortable bosom and good childbearing hips. She wore her hair long which proved she was a virgin and looked across the room lovingly at a young lad of the same age who reddened visibly at the question.

Silence ensued as the people all turned their faces towards the druid and awaited the answer. The Druid cleared his throat and told the crowd the story of the Irish Celtic form of the zodiac based on trees. The tree he told them was the great link between the heavens and the earth, having its roots deep in the ground and its crown in the skies. The Oak was the master of these trees and had magical powers which was why the druids held their meetings in Oak groves and taught their students under the wide branches of this majestic tree. Indeed the first tree was the oak and two acorns fell from that tree and sprouted, grew and took root and became the male God, Dagda and the female God, Bridgid. All druids carried an acorn with them at all time for protection and he pulled his well worn seed from his pouch to show the assembly. They all looked with amazement as if they had never in their lives seen an acorn in their lives. There was a rumble of satisfaction around the room and laughter when the druid told them that the acorn kept you young looking. The ladies all giggled and swore to themselves that they would collect one or two and hide them in their skirts the next day. The men hoped it would work. 'So to get back to the question posed by the beautiful Grainne over there', he pointed at the girl, everyone surprised that he knew her name. 'If you take a cup of pure spring water and each partner drops an acorn into it', they held their breath.

'If they float and stay together it is the sign of a good match if they drift apart then better look elsewhere. If they sink then there is nothing to be done'. The crowd all nodded, most already knew the test and having it confirmed by the holy man made them happy. Mead and beer appeared and it was not long before the company had become quite playful, merry and musical. Each of the men sang their favourite songs or recited a poem to the delight of the children who laughed and jumped about in glee.

Eventually everyone slept on the floor or made their way back to their own homes in the dark, lead by the star and moonlight. The druid and his guardian slept chastely side by side in the glow of the forge fire. Tomorrow was another day and they would need their rest.

Next: Chapter 12

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