The Druid


Published on Aug 18, 2009


The dawn broke in a thundering of birdsong. The eastern sky brightened and the clouds, tinged pink, moved slowly in the westerly breeze. The mountains of the west lay in the distance across the great river and the plains of Moytura . The green forests thick on the other side of the river teamed with the wild boar and stags which the warriors prized so much in the hunt. The river Shannon itself was a silver ribbon reflecting the growing light of the rising sun. The druid woke, his body shuddering in the morning cold. His eyes adjusted to the light and the blue sky spotted with clouds, he heard the birds loud praise of the rising sun and smiled. He had faint memories of a wild dream in which he became the raging stallion of a mighty warrior. He felt his manhood stir. He looked around saw the object of his passion preparing breakfast by the fire.... He was preparing some oatcakes which he was placing on the curved river stones. The stones he had heated in the fire the evening before while he prepared the trout. The stone remained hot under the embers of the fire. This method of baking was used commonly by the Knights on manoeuvres. The smell of the baking oatcakes reached his nostrils and he remember how hungry he was. The vision of the boy warrior leaning over his task was also making him hungry. The boys shoulders strong and muscular gleamed in the sunlight. The long hair of the boy hung slanting over his beautiful face and down his shoulders. The sheen of the morning sun gleaming brightly on his beautiful mane.

The druid stirred, his body movement surprising the warrior who moved into an attentive crouching position, reaching over towards his sword sheathed in its leather scabbard. He understood quickly that the movement was by the man he loved and not a robber. His beautiful mouth widened as he stood up, his white teeth flashing a smile that melted the heart of many a maiden and a lot of seasoned warriors at the fort of the King of Leinster. His whole body was a work of art. Each muscle perfect and each slow movement of his limbs a splendour to watch. He moved towards the druid, the look of love and passion mirrored in the eyes of the old man whose age and experience as well as his mature body and beautifully powerful soul had first attracted the attention of this boy warrior. The boy studied his face and body carefully. He moved towards his master and bowed wishing him health and peace and kneeling to kiss his beautiful long fingered hand. He noticed the veins in his hands and the hairs on each segment of his beautiful fingers. The effect of this contact was becoming visible as the druid looked down at the boys hair. He pulled the boys face upwards. The warrior face was so smooth and beautiful the druid smiled revealing his even teeth and his curved red lips.

The passion which stirred in both men was palpable but they both knew that the object of importance for the day was to traverse the great river. They would have to walk towards the south for several miles along the river path which lead to the ferry. It was in the charge of the chieftain of the O'Rourke clan. They had the rights to the work from the time of the Tutha de Dannan who ruled Ireland before the arrival of the Celts. The family Ringfort surrounded by several smaller ones constituted the town/place of the Moon, 'Athlone', in the language of the foreigners. The congress of the druids was held here during the summer solstice. The population rose a thousand fold as the games and marriage fair were held in the town.

The high dirt walls were surrounded by a palisade of seasoned oak beams. Two sentries stood guard over the entrance, which had a little house like structure built over the gate. The gate was open and there were many people entering and leaving carrying packs. They noticed the great druid and all moved to one side bowing before his shadow and admired his large stature and beautifully worked and coloured belt with its collection of small gourds. His staff/wand of great power and antiquity pounded the ground as he strode towards the gate. They also noted the presence of a noble warrior bearing the colours of the King of Leinster and carrying a large shield and spear. The girls glanced up from their bowed positions to wonder at the beautiful legs of this warrior. And following his legs upwards notice his kilted brat and his clean white linen shirt. His muscles were very fine indeed and any of the girls would have opened their legs to make a child with such a noble young man. You must know that at that time in Ireland the females had as much rights as the males. There were noble maiden warriors who were as admired and well known as the famous Cu-cullan. Many a princess or queen reigned over large and small kingdoms all over the island. They could choose their man and divorce him with little difficulty and their sexual requirements were as important as those of the menfolk.

The guard in the gate tower rushed towards the great hall of the rath (ringfort) to warn his master, the chief, of the arrival of the Druid. It was unthinkable that a great man such as this should pass through his lands without being greeted and feasted by the master of the area. The importance of the rites of hospitality were codified in the Brehon Laws. An error in the greeting could bring down the person who made the gaff. The Chief called "The O' Rourke" was wakened from his bed, three young girls squealed as the guard rushed into the chamber pulling the bear skins up to cover their nudity. The guard nearly forgot what he came to announce as he thought how much he would love to be the object of the desire of such beautiful maidens.... well, they may have been maidens last night but... now, after a night with "The bull O'Rourke" as the men of the tribe called him, he doubted if their maiden heads were intact.

O'Rourke dressed quickly and came to the gate as fast as his short fat legs could carry him. His belly swaying above his low slung belted kilt. His hairy chest was nearly bare an his very hairy legs almost black. He had very powerful leg muscles like tree trunks. His long shaggy beard and moustache was a tangle but he held himself with the dignity of a prince and greeted the druid with a curt bow given his rank and position in the affairs of the Island. 'Cead Milé Failte a dhuine uasal.' A hundred thousand welcomes oh High born personage, the formula of greeting strictly adhered to. I welcome you to my family home and would be honoured if you would take meat at my table and drink of the mead which my family is famous for. Should you require anything else for your comfort just ask me and it is yours.

The druid responded in the accepted way blessing the household and wishing long life and many sons and daughters to 'the O'Rourke'.... he already had over fifty that he knew about... The druid asked for passage for himself to the western bank of the river and the use of a chamber where he could lie after eating for an hour. The druid pointed to his warrior boy. 'I wish this warrior to be fed and taken care of he may come to me after we dine to take care of my needs. The boy stiffened and smiled. O Rourke smiled also as he examined the boy. 'I shall take good care of him, don't you worry.'

The druid moved forward into the enclosure making the welcoming ceremony complete. He was shown to the great circular hall of the rath where many people milled around all anxious to see the great man and ask for his help with various problems. He sat for a while by the fire in the centre of the hall as each person who wished to ask something of him came forward. The great oak beams of the hall were painted and decorated with red and gold. The hight of the hall was over 60 feet, and the smoke bellowed in the rafters before escaping into the blue skies outside by a large circular hole in the roof. The smoke may have been inconvenient but it did kill the lice and other insects which would have plagued the people in the hall otherwise.

In the enclosure O'Rourke took the boy warrior to the guard room where he offered him the hospitality of the men. The men stood when the chief entered. Some lost their speech when they saw the beautiful boy warrior come in behind the beer bellied chief. They had each been hand picked by the chief and had undergone the initiation required by the warriors of the tribe. They had masturbated on mass in a circle into a bronze pot which they mixed with mead and drank until they became so drunk that their instincts as males became rampant and they fucked each other with great power. The chief watched this activity and chose the one he would mount ceremoniously before the troop and fuck with his master sized cock and bulls balls. Each of the men had a memory of this process. Some desired it even now after so many years. O'Rourke smiled as he eyed his favourites. They each felt a hotness in the area between their cheeks, each felt the emptiness which they wished filled by this monster of a man.

O' Rourke turned and left the boy behind him in the good hands of the troop. He moved towards the hall where the preparations for the feast were in hand. In the guard house he just left things were in hand also as one of the men had been chosen to be fucked by the whole troop of twenty men. The choice made by drawing lots. The young boy warrior was invited to participate which he agreed to immediately. Such games being normal in the troop of the King of Leinster as well. The chosen warrior was a relativly old man of 50 or so. His muscles were not as taught as they used to be and his belly lagged a bit but his was the O'Rourke cock, like a stallions. Meaty balls hanging down low and a great shock of grey hair on his chest and face. He moved into the position required easily turning his bare arse to the company who each took his pleasure in a strict pecking order. The man moaned and shouted as the whole troupe mounted him, some taking longer than others some being more adventurous. The man's hole was red and flowing with cum. The matted hairs on his arse and legs covered in the sticky liquid which the men shot all over him and in him....The boy warrior looked on counting the number of times and watching the men take their pleasure some playing with each other as they watched the chosen one being rammed by their fellow troupers. He was certainly learning a lot. Ideas that came into his head that he would like to try out with his master. The boy took up his position behind the now sagging arse of the older man his balls distended and his horse cock flaccidly hanging low between his legs. The hole was very distended and easy to enter , slimy and slippery and so hot that the boy was surprised. When he looked around at the others they were all commenting on his method and watching his tight juvenile arse squeezing his cheeks together as he pumped the man. Many of the troupers pulled their cocks in unison with the action of the boy some even sucked their colleagues as Stefan rolled his hips and filled the man's hole with his large solid cock. He eventually came when he thought of the druids calm face as he rode him that night in the clearing. Hunger was the pressing object now as the ravenous troop watched him shoot his load into the already full hole. The boy wiped his cock and the arse hole of the man with a linen cloth gathering an enormous quantity of cum. He held this aloft and handed it to the weary man as his prize.

When this was finished the exhausted trooper was raised on the shoulders of the other men and brought to the table where he was fed the Hero's part of the boar which had been roasted during the morning. The troop looked so happy as the man sat with difficulty in the place of the chief..

They feasted and sang and drank for hours. The conversation and singing reaching a crescendo before they each fell into a coma one after the other... They boy warrior got up from his place and walked towards the door and out into the afternoon sunshine. He was looking for his lover.

Next: Chapter 4

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