The Hanson Apartment

By Spike Meyers

Published on Sep 27, 2023


Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction.

The character(s) in this story are not based on any known events/person.

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The Hanson Apartment 03 -- 04

I found the guys rather quickly and joined them. "There you are," Craig said, "you disappeared on us."

"Oh, just looking around and doing my thing," I responded.

"Come on, we found a set that's perfect for you, Ro," Tom said with a big smile on his face.

As we walked back to the car, Tom said, "Personally, I think David gave you a fantastic deal, Ro. You furnished your entire apartment for five grand and you get free delivery and setup. You could spend that much on a living room set alone. I have no doubt David wanted in your pants; I'm convinced of it."

"Yeah, well, he can get in my pants whenever he pleases," I responded.

"You're such a slut," Craig giggled.

"It takes one to know one," I laughed.

"Come on, let's stop by the bar for a drink," Tom suggested.

"Perhaps we should stop for a little dinner first," I responded.

"Good idea," Craig added, "I'm a bit hungry I must confess."

We arrived at the bar around 9:30. To my surprise, there were a lot of people on the dance floor. The piano player was popular tonight. We sauntered up to the bar and took a seat; Craig and Tom sitting on either side of me. Both, Craig, and Tom ordered beers on tap and I ordered a cosmopolitan. The drinks are on me tonight guys; I insist. Thank you, guys so much for everything. You two have been such a tremendous help since I arrived. I want you to know how much I appreciate it. I love you guys; you do know that; right?"

"We love you too, Ro. Tom and I are happy to help in any way we can. We're actually planning on taking turns spit-roasting you later; just so you know; you now have fair warning," Craig laughed. For the next ninety minutes or so, we talked, mingled, danced, and laughed together. All three of us were having a great time of it. We were back on the dance floor together when I announced that I had to pee. I strutted off of the dance floor and made my way to the bathroom. There were a few people in the bathroom when I walked in so I actually had to queue up at the bathtub urinal since there were already three guys standing there doing their thing.

I didn't have to wait long before the guy in front of me zipped up and walked away. He gave me a smile and a head-nod as he walked past me. I stepped up to the tub, unzipped and hauled out my cock to pee. I paid no attention to the guy standing next to me at the tub until I heard a soft groan. I looked over at him and noticed him staring at my cock. It made me smile so I gently started to maneuver it around spraying the side of the tub as I peed.

The guy next to him giggled, zipped up, and walked away leaving me and the guy standing next to me at the tub. Suddenly, the guy next to me started crossing streams. He was a little guy, probably in his mid to late twenties I would guess. He had an uncut cock of average size and appeared to be a little on the tipsy side.

"You have a really nice cock," he whispered to me.

"Thanks; I'm glad you like it. Yours looks very tasty too," I told him.

"He looked up at me and stopped peeing."

"Really?" he said, as if he didn't quite believe me.

"Yeah; it's very sexy. It looks good to me," I said smiling.

"Wow, thanks, man. I wish it was bigger like yours," he said resuming his stream slowly.

"Don't worry about that, stud. It's sexy just the way it is."

Since it was just the two of us standing at the tub, I took a quick peek behind me, bent over, and took his dick in my mouth.

"Fuck!" he groaned as he halted his slow stream. I could tell by the taste of his piss that he was a beer drinker. His piss was very mild; actually, pleasant tasting as far as piss goes. It reminded me of Craig. I stuck my tongue into his foreskin and he gasped, placing his hand on the back of my head. His cock fit so perfectly in my mouth. I really didn't want to, but I released his cock and stood up.

"Damn, dude. That felt so fucking good. I haven't had a mouth on my cock for a long, long time."

"That's too bad; your cock is very deserving of a good blowjob. Like I said, it tastes really good," I repeated.

He gave me a big smile, pleased to hear me tell him that. He seemed like a good guy, just a bit unsure of himself. I was happy to give him positive encouragement and make him feel good about himself. He's a good-looking guy with a nice cock. He had nothing to be self-conscious about.

We both resumed peeing in silence. I really wanted to bend back over and suck him off but I resisted the temptation. Perhaps another time will present itself. I finished peeing, shook off and zipped up.

"I'll see you around, sexy," I said as I stepped away from the tub.

He turned to face me, "name's Orlando," he said smiling. "See you around."

I walked back out to the bar and met up with the guys. They were still on the dance floor. I strolled up to them and started dancing with them again. Tom put his arms around both, Craig and myself pulling us into him. "Let's get out of here and go have some different kind of fun," he said loudly on the dance floor. We maneuvered our way across the dance floor towards the exit.

"Your place or ours?" Tom giggled as we stepped outside.

"My place is closer so let's go there," I suggested feeling my cock twitch in my pants. I jumped into the back seat of the car and put the seat belt on. On the way back to my rental, Craig and Tom told me in explicit detail all of the things they were going to do to me when we got home. My dick was iron hard and leaking like a sieve by the time we got half way there.

As we pulled into the driveway, my phone started ringing. I pulled the phone from my pocket and checked the caller ID. I did not recognize the number and almost ignored the call but decided to answer the phone.

"Yes!" I answered annoyed that someone whom I didn't know was calling me at such a late hour.

"Roman, it's Wilson Hanson; I'm so sorry to call you at this hour, but I honestly did not have anyone else's contact information on me. I'm still at the library here on campus.

"No worries, Will; I'm still up and wide awake. Is everything OK? You sound distressed."

Tom turned, reached around the seat, and grabbed my crotch as Craig put the car in park. I pushed his hand away feeling that something was definitely wrong for Will to call me at this hour.

"Is Ty, OK?" I asked urgently

"Well, that's kind of why I'm calling Roman. Ty is fine, for the most part, he's scared and upset, but he's OK."

"What happened, Will?" I asked cutting him off on the phone.

"My grandmother had what the doctor I talked to called a cardiac episode. Ty called the paramedics and they transported her to York Hospital. He's there right now. He rode with her in the ambulance. I'm so, so sorry to have to ask you this, but since our conversation regarding Ty the other day on the phone, and your feelings for him, I was wondering if you could possibly pick him up at the hospital and take him home. I plan on leaving to come back up there first thing in the morning, but it's going to take a little while before I can get there. I would prefer he not have to stay at the hospital all night.

I should also tell you that Ty does not have his phone on him. He was so freaked out that he forgot to take it with him when they left for the hospital. I have talked to him but only briefly on the phone from the nurse's station at the hospital. They, the hospital called me since Ty is a minor. I'm so sorry to have to ask you to do this, Roman, but I don't have many options here, but please don't feel obligated. I can try to arrange a taxi for him if you would prefer not to do this."

"Don't be silly; of course, I'm going to pick him up. Don't worry about Ty, I'll take care of everything. How is your grandmother? Is she OK. Is she going to be, OK?" I asked concerned.

"At this point, I honestly don't know. All they would tell me is that she is stable and conscious. They won't say too much on the phone."

"Look, Will, I don't want you to worry about Ty. I'll make sure he is safe and secure; I'll take care of him. Now, I want you to listen closely to what I tell you, Will; I want you to not worry about anything here. As soon as we get off of the phone, I'll go straight to the hospital. I don't want you to rush back up here and get into an accident. If your grandmother is stable, she will most-likely be just fine; so, try not to worry. I know that is much easier said than done. I want you to get some sleep tonight. If you need anything at all, you call me; I don't care what time it is."

"Thank you so much, Roman. Just hearing you say that makes me feel better. I owe you big time for doing this for me."

"Nonsense, you don't owe me anything, Will. You just get back up here safely. Your grandmother and brother are going to need you. The number you are calling me on is different. I almost didn't answer the phone because I didn't recognize the number. Is this your phone or a second phone?" I queried.

"Yes, this is my phone; I actually have three lines on my plan; one of which is Ty's number. I use this number as my private line, the number I called you on before was the line I use for the apartment complex. I like to keep my private life private; our tenants always call on the other line. But, if you need to get a hold of me, call me on this number and I'll know to answer straight-away."

"Very good, will; understood. Remember what I said; try not to worry. I'll see you when you get here tomorrow."

"Thanks again, Roman. I'll see you tomorrow."

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. "Sorry guys, I have to take a rain check on our plans tonight. I need to get to York Hospital and pick up Ty."

"Do you want us to take you there, Ro?" Craig asked.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll manage. You guys have already done so much for me. I'll be fine."

"OK, then; just keep us in the loop, Ro. Call us tomorrow and give us an update," Craig said.

"Will do, guys; talk with you tomorrow," I said as I opened the car door and jumped out.

I pulled into the Emergency Room parking lot at York Hospital, parked the car and hurried to the E.R. entrance. Of course, the waiting room was packed. If I have to queue up to find out where Betty and Ty were, I'd be there until next Tuesday at the very least. Then I noticed a slightly overweight security guard standing on the other side of the waiting room so I headed directly towards him.

"Excuse me," I smiled as I approached him. "May I ask you a question?"

"Yes Sir", he responded, "How may I help you?" he asked.

"Earlier today, a friend of mine was brought in via ambulance for a heart problem. Would you be able to wager a guess as to where she might be at this time. I just don't have time to wait in line to ask the check-in people."

"Are you sure that your friend is still here?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir, I am positive that she is still here," I answered him politely.

"Then, I would guess that she is probably in the C.C.U.; the cardiac care unit," he informed me.

"Would you be so kind as to point me in that direction, please."

"From here, the easiest way to get there is through those double doors right there. You'll have to pass through the hospital Lobby at the main entrance. One the other side of the Lobby from where you'll enter, you will see an illuminated map of the hospital. Most areas or departments in the hospital are color-coded. Find the C.C.U on the map and just follow the colored lines on the floor. You will also see signs posted on the wall with arrows directing your way."

"Thank you so, so much. I appreciate your help," I said smiling.

"You're very welcome, Sir and good luck. I hope your friend will be OK."

I nodded my head in thanks and headed for the double doors. I found the Lobby easily and made my way to the other side in search of the map. In seconds, I spotted the map and made my way over to it. The map was relatively big and very easy to read. I found the C.C.U. on the map and set my course. It only took a few minutes to get there. I walked into what I guess was a type of waiting room or information center for the C.C.U. There was an older woman sitting at the desk in a pink and white uniform. I immediately knew based on her uniform that she must be a candy-striper or a volunteer of the hospital. "May I help you, Sir," she asked me as I approached her.

"Yes, please, I'd like to inquire about a patient by the name of Betty Hanson."

"H a n s o n, is the correct spelling?" she asked.

"Yes, mam," I answered, "that's correct." "I don't have a Betty Hanson but I have a Beatrice Hanson. Is that her?" she asked.

"Yes, thank you, that would be her," I responded. "May I see her?" I asked next.

"That I don't know, Sir. You'll have to inquire about that at the nurse's station. I will call ahead and let them know you are on your way. They will have to buzz you through the door. May I ask your name, Sir?"

"Roman, Roman Hanson," I lied.

"Thank you, Mr. Hanson. I'll let them know that you are on your way.

"May I ask, how I get there?"

"Certainly," she said, "just walk thru the door and make a right. When you get to the intersection, make a left and you will see a set of blue double doors. Stand back behind the yellow line and on the right-hand side, you will see a call button on the wall. Just press the call button and they will buzz you through."

"Thank you so much," I said and quickly made my way out of the room and into the hallway. I quickly found the blue doors and the bright yellow line on the floor. I pressed the call button and waited.

"Yes," a voice came over the speaker.

"The name is Roman Hanson. I'm here for Beatrice Hanson," I announced into the speaker.

I then heard a loud buzz and the double doors opened towards me. Now, I understood the purpose of the yellow line. If I were standing on the other side of the line, the doors would have knocked me over. I quickly stepped through the doors and noticed the circular nurse's station ahead of me.

I hurried to the station and gave the nurse or whoever she was a friendly smile. "Hi, my name is ..." I started to say when I heard Ty call out to me.

"Ro! What are you doing here? God, it's so good to see you!" he called out as he ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped one arm around his waist, placed my other hand behind his head, and held him tight to me. "I'm here now, baby; everything is going to be OK," I whispered.

I released him but kept my arm around his waist. "Um, I'm sorry, my name is Roman Hanson, may I ask how my grandmother is, please. Her name is Beatrice Hanson." As she pressed the keys on the keyboard, Ty gave me a questioning look. I gave him a quick wink and returned my attention to the nurse behind the counter. "Are you a family member? She asked.

"Yes, I'm her eldest grandson," I lied. Ty didn't say a word.

"Just a minute," the nurse said as he picked up the phone. "Oh, there you are," she said as she stood up and caught the attention of the nurse walking down the hall. Jen, this is Roman Hanson, he is the eldest grandson of Mrs. Hanson. Do you have a minute to talk to him?" she asked.

The nurse behind the counter went back to whatever she was doing before I made my presence known and nurse Jen stopped and looked over at me. "How can I help you?" she asked.

"I'd just like to know how my grandmother is doing?" I asked.

She brought up her tablet and started pressing on the screen. "What's her first name?" she asked.

"Betty, her formal name is Beautrice," I answered.

"She paused for a couple of seconds and looked up at me from her screen. Mrs. Hanson is stable and responding to treatment. Dr. Donald has placed her on beta blockers to help manage her blood pressure. She is scheduled for more tests in the morning and depending their results, she may be able to go home tomorrow or the next day."

"Can you tell me what happened to her?" I asked next.

"Your grandmother has a condition called MVP or Mitral Valve Prolapse," Jen said matter-of- factly.

"What exactly does that mean?" I asked her.

"The mitral valve is located in the left side of the heart, between the left atrium and left ventricle. When the left atrium fills with blood, the mitral valve opens to allow blood to flow to the left ventricle. Think of it as a kind of flap that keeps the blood flowing in the forward direction and stops the blood from flowing backwards. If that valve malfunctions, well, it can cause problems."

"Is it serious?" I asked.

"It can be, yes, however, in your grandmother's case, the malfunction was relatively mild. Dr. Donald has put her on a beta blocker drug that should help with her condition. Don't worry, Dr. Donald is a really good doctor. He'll take good care of your grandmother."

"Um, one last question; Can you tell us what a beta blocker is in English?"

"Beta blockers are medications that reduce blood pressure. They cause the heart to beat more slowly and with less force, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Your grandmother may have to take this drug for the rest of her life."

"May we see her?" I asked nurse Jen.

"Sure, but just for a few minutes. Don't stay too long; she needs to rest so the medication can do its job."

"Thank you so much Jen; we really appreciate you taking the time to talk with us."

"You bet, she's in room 19," she said pointing down the hall. She then turned and walked away.

After she walked away, Ty looked at me and said, "Ro, what are you doing here. How did you find out we were here?" he asked.

"I was on my way home with Craig and Tom when Will called me. He asked me to pick you up because he can't get back up here until sometime tomorrow. He also told me that you left your phone at home so I couldn't call you to let you know that I was on my way to pick you up and take you home."

"Really, you came all the way over here to get me?"

"Of course, silly; plus, I was concerned about your grandmother. I'm really quite fond of her you know. I knew that the hospital wouldn't give you any information about her situation because you're a minor, but I figured they would tell an adult family member. That's why I took certain liberties with the truth. Now that we know she's going to be alright, you can be the one to give Will the good news tomorrow."

"Gosh, Ro; thank you so much. I can't tell you how much this means to me. Will, too, I'm sure. Thank you so much for what you have done for us. I can't believe it. I'm so relieved she's going to be OK."

"Come on, gorgeous, let's go see your grandmother."

As we walked out of the hospital on the way to the car, I asked Ty if he was hungry.

"Um, I don't feel hungry," he answered.

"Probably because you have been hyped up on adrenaline all this time. When did you eat last, gorgeous?"

"This morning, I think?" he answered. "Yeah, this morning."

"Well, we are going to stop and get you something to eat then."

"I have nothing on me, Ro. I left everything at home," he responded. "That's OK, sexy, I got you covered; no worries."

"I'll pay you back when I get home; I promise."

"Ty, you don't have to pay be back; don't be silly. I'd do anything for you."

"Sorry, Ro, I'm just not used to being treated like this. I mean, Will and my grandmother, we've always looked out for each other, taken care of each other, been there for each other, for as long as I can remember. This feels different, is uncomfortable in a way."

"Ty, there comes a time in everyone's life that we may need help once in a while. Life is about growing, changing, trying new things, learning new things, and learning to accept the fact that we all, from time-to-time, need a little help from our friends, in whatever form that me be. It doesn't mean that we are weak and need assistance occasionally. Perhaps you can look upon this as your first experience. You don't have to be Superman all the time, Ty.

Just let me help you for the pure sake of helping you. I want to help you, and Will deal with this situation in whatever way I can. I care about you Ty; I want to do this. It's not a big deal. I want to be your friend, first and foremost. Do my interests in you specifically go beyond that; absolutely, they do. But I have no ulterior motive here Ty, other than to help out someone that I care about."

I could tell that the wheels were turning in Ty's head. We walked the rest of the way to the car in silence. As we got close to the car, I pressed the button on the fob to unlock the car. I walked to the passenger side and opened the door for Ty. He placed his hand on the top of the door, placed one foot on the floorboard of the car and stopped. He looked me in the eyes as if he were going to say something but apparently changed his mind. I gave him a quick wink and he smiled before getting in the car. I closed the door and walked around to the driver's side and jumped in the car.

"Ro?" he said as I pressed the start button on the dash.

"Yeah baby," I answered him.

"Could I stay with you tonight?"

"You absolutely can stay with me tonight, gorgeous; absolutely. Do me a favor though, take my phone and drop Will a text. Let him know you're staying at my place tonight so he doesn't worry if he tries to get a hold of you. Tell him to call my phone to reach you."


"Yeah baby."

"Do you think that we can just get something light to eat at your place? I really don't feel like stopping at someplace on the way home."

"We sure can, sexy man," I answered him as I handed him my phone.

I pulled into the driveway, put the car in park, and shut the engine off. I turned to look at Ty and he was just sitting there in the seat looking at me. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair softly. "You OK, handsome?" I asked calmly.

He smiled, and gently nodded his head; "yeah, I'm good," he responded softly. "Ro, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, you know, earlier in the hospital parking lot."

"Is that what's troubling you?" I asked rhetorically as I gently placed my hand on the side of his handsome face. Don't concern yourself with that baby; you didn't hurt my feelings, but thank you for your concern. Are you ready to go in the house?" I asked him as I slowly stroked his cheek with my thumb.

"He gave me a big smile and said, "yeah; I'm ready."

I withdrew my hand from his face and opened the car door. I jumped out of the car and closed the door. I quickly walked around to the passenger side and waited for Ty to close the door. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and walked him to the front door. "You know, this is kind of a special night for me." I said as I opened the door.

"Why is that?" Ty asked.

"Well, two reasons really; first, this is the first time ever that you and I will we will be spending the night together, just you and me, and second, this is the last night for me in this place. I'm super excited that it's with you."

Together, we stepped into the house and I closed the front door and locked it. "Wow, it's really nice," Ty commented.

"Yeah, it is nice; I was favorably impressed when I arrived. It's better in real life than it looks online. You said you wanted something light to eat, how about some eggs. I can cook up some omelets if that's OK?"

"Yeah, that's perfect. You know, I'm a pretty good cook if I say so myself. My grandmother taught Will and I to cook. In fact, I do 99% of the cooking at home. I can whip us up a couple of omelets if you'd like."

"Perfect, I'm not sure what I have left in the fridge, but I know I have some mushrooms left over in there. Go for it, sexy; while you are doing that, I'm going to take a quick shower and rinse the day off. I won't be long."

When I stepped out of the shower the aromas coming from the kitchen smelled incredible. I dried off quickly, walked into the closet and grabbed my robe. I saw no point in getting dressed since bedtime was just around the corner. I walked back into the kitchen to see Ty at the stove.

"Smells wonderful," I announced as I entered the kitchen. Ty turned to face me and smiled, "Perfect timing," he said. "It's ready, but I made a skillet as opposed to omelets," he announced. "It smells wonderful," I said as I took a seat in the dining area. I looked back over to the kitchen and saw Ty plating the food. "What would you like to drink?" he called out, "you have water, apple juice, and beer."

"Apple juice, please," I called back. Ty picked up the plates, one in each hand and walked over to the table. I couldn't help but notice the musculature of his biceps as he carried the plates across the floor. "He has such nice proportionate arms; God, he's sexy!" I said to myself.

He set the plates on the table and quickly returned to the kitchen, poured the juice, and returned to the table. He sat the glasses on the table and said, "by the way, you're pretty much out of everything; I used everything I found left in the fridge."

"Good; I hate wasting food," I responded. He took his seat at the table, looked over at me and smiled. I must have been drooling all over myself as I looked at him. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, baby' nothing's wrong. Sorry if I was staring," I said.

"It's OK, I'm kind of getting used to it around you," he giggled.

"It's all your fault anyway; if you weren't so freaking gorgeous, I wouldn't look or act like such a weirdo around you," I laughed.

"So, that's my fault?" he retorted.

"It is indeed; completely your fault," I giggled.

"Eat your food before it gets cold," he came back at me.

"Yes Sir; whatever you say Sir," I giggled.

We had our dinner together and chatted about various things for the next thirty minutes. I was so thrilled to just spend some time with him alone and in a comfortable setting. He seemed to be much more relaxed now. We cleaned up the dishes and started the dishwasher so we could make a relaxed exit in the morning.

As we were cleaning up the kitchen, I looked at him and said, "Ty this place has two bedrooms, you can sleep in the second bedroom if you'd prefer. I don't want you to think that I have any ulterior motives here. The choice is entirely up to you; OK?"

"Thanks, I understand, but if it's OK with you, I'd like to sleep with you tonight," he said softly.

"I was hoping you'd say that," I smiled. "I'd love it if you slept with me tonight; it would make me a very happy man."

He gave me a big smile, "Do you mind if I take a quick shower?" he asked. "I feel a bit grungy."

"Sure, go right ahead. I'll finish up here," I said.

Ty nodded his head, turned, and walked into the bedroom. I wanted so badly to get in the shower with him but I didn't want to make him feel awkward or uncomfortable in any way. Plus, I made him a promise and I was determined to stick to my word. I took a deep breath and finished cleaning up the stove, sink, and kitchen counter.

I heard the shower running when I walked into the bedroom. To help resist the urge to walk into the bathroom with him, I decided to get my roller out of the walk-in and start packing. I tossed the roller on the bed and unzipped it. It wouldn't take long to pack since I didn't bring much with me from Philadelphia. The only items I didn't pack were the clothes I was planning on wearing tomorrow. I zipped up the roller and heard the shower shut off. I quickly put the roller back in the walk-in and closed the closet door.

I returned to the bed, sat down, and waited for Ty to finish drying off. In just a couple of minutes, I heard the light switch off. I looked over towards the bathroom to see Ty standing in the doorway with the towel wrapped around his slim waist. His hair was wet and tossed about from the towel, a few of his locks curled down across his forehead. He was such a vision to behold. I smiled and stood up.

"Jesus, Ty, you are so beautiful," I said softly.

He gave me a big smile and said, "So you keep telling me."

"Sorry, I don't mean to say it so much; it just kind of slips out. Do you feel better after showering?" I asked.

"Yeah, much better," he answered. "I'm really tired; I feel like I ran a marathon."

"Then let's hit the hay. Have you changed your mind about sleeping with me tonight?" I asked him.

"No, I haven't. I'm kind of nervous, but excited too. I haven't slept with anyone before except Will."

"I can understand that; just remember that I promised to be on my best behavior and I'm a man of my word," I reassured him as I stepped over to the chair in the corner of the bedroom and slipped off my robe. I tossed it on the chair and turned to face him, naked as the day I was born. His eyes were as big as saucers, his mouth hung open a bit. "Are you OK, Ty?" I asked.

I got no response, so I repeated myself. "Ty, are you alright?"

"Um, yeah, sorry, your just naked; I haven't seen you naked before."

"Yeah, I sleep in the nude. Do you want me to put on a pair of briefs? Would that make you feel more comfortable?" I asked him.

"No, no, I'm not uncomfortable; just surprised," he said softly. I don't know why I'm surprised, when Will is home, we sleep naked too. I always wear shorts to sleep in when it's just my me and grams home alone just in case I have to get up in the middle of the night if she needs me. Will takes care of her when he's home to give me a respite. I don't know why I'm telling you all of this, Ro."

"I should put some shorts on; it won't take but a second," I said walking towards the closet to get my roller. I packed while you were in the shower.

"Ro, don't!" he quickly called to me.

"Don't what?" I asked stopping in mid stride.

"Don't put shorts on," he said softly.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, Ty," I responded stepping up to the closet.

"Please, Ro, don't," he pleaded sounding sort of urgent.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking directly into his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I like looking at you. Other than Will, I haven't seen a man naked before in person. You're bigger than Will."

"Thank you, Ty; it's nice to hear you say that," I said as I stepped over to face him. "As you already know, I love looking at you too. You are very easy on the eyes." I reached up and brushed my fingers through his wet hair. He gave me a nice smile, reached down, and let the towel drop to the floor.

I held my breath as I took in all of his beauty. I stepped up and wrapped my arms around him feeling his freshly showered, cool, soft skin against my own. As I hugged him, I felt my cock twitch as he reciprocated by wrapping his arms around me and hugging me back. I could feel him give in to me and let himself fall into my arms.

"God, you feel so incredibly good, Ty," I whispered in his ear. I released him and took half a step back. My cock was definitely responding to his touch as was his. I looked down to see him chubbing up.

"I gave him a big smile and said, "by the looks of us, it appears that both of us thoroughly enjoyed hugging each other. We seem to be rising to the occasion. I kissed him softly on the lips, turned and walked over to the bed. I turned back the covers and stepped back over to him.

"Shall we?" I asked motioning to the bed. I gently took his hand in mine and walked backwards to the bed. I could feel his hand quivering just a tad. When we got to the side of the bed, I picked him up in my arms and gently lowered him in the bed.

Before I released him, he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. It took me by surprise and I almost fell on top of him. He released his grip on me and let himself fall back into the bed, breaking our kiss. I lifted my leg and straddled him. He looked up in my eyes and I immediately sensed that he was giving himself to me. So much for my promise. I bent over and kissed him softly on the lips. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down onto him. I placed my forearms on either side of his body to support my own weight, and slowly extended my legs backwards bringing us cock-to-cock.

Immediately, I felt his glorious, hard cock against my own and heard him groan in my mouth. He squeezed me tighter and pushed up against me, grinding our hard cocks together. I felt my cock oozing copious amounts of precum as he forced himself against me over and over. I was already dangerously close to shooting my load. I couldn't believe what a fantastic kisser he was. This was definitely not his first time to be so proficient at it.

I felt his body start to spasm and pulled by cock off of his so he wouldn't cum too soon. I knew he was tired, but I wanted this to last a little while longer. I brought my legs forward, broke our kiss, and brought myself back up on my knees. I looked down at him and I could see the passion and desire in his face. He looked at my cock; there was a very definite line of ooze running down my shaft. He looked at my throbbing dick and then in my eyes repeatedly. He didn't say a word, but I knew what he wanted.

I scooted forward, applied a little downward force on my cock, and placed the head of my dick on his lips. Immediately, he stuck out his tongue and lapped up the juice. He then leaned his head forward, and took the head of my cock in his mouth. I started to gently rock back and forth feeding him my cock. He grabbed my ass and pulled me forward to get more of my cock in his mouth as he moaned profusely.

There was no question in my mind that this was not his first rodeo. He knew his way around a cock. "You like my cock, don't you baby?" I asked as he tried to force more of my dick in his mouth. I could feel the vibration from his groans on my cock and felt my balls starting to pull up. If I didn't pull out, I'd shoot my load quickly.

I pulled out of his mouth completely, bent over and kissed him to let my cock settle down a bit. He wrapped his arms around me again and kissed me hard. I could feel him thrusting his hips up repeatedly. I pulled back from our kiss, scooted back, and ran my tongue down his taught torso, through his soft happy-trail, right to the promised land. I let my body weight fall on his legs to stop him from thrusting upwards. I placed my forearms on either side of his hips, slid my palms under his firm ass, lifted him up slightly, and took his balls in my mouth.

He gasped loudly as I sucked his sack into my mouth. His beautiful, pink balls, were smooth and silky. With his balls in my mouth, I extended my tongue and ran it over his taint. He reached down and grabbed my head in both hands and attempted to thrust upwards as he moaned loudly in pleasure. I worked his sack for a couple of minutes before releasing him. I lifted him up just a little higher, placed my nose under his balls and worked his perineum without mercy. He was panting and breathing heavily as he groaned out loud.

With no warning, I ran my tongue over his pucker and he nearly screamed. I rolled my body to the side and freed one leg at a time as I worked his sweet hole. Once his legs were free of my weight, he bent his legs and I lifted him higher so I could bury my face in his perfect, young ass. He wrapped his legs around my shoulders as he pawed the bed sheets. I felt him pushing back against my tongue to get it deeper in his ass. I repositioned myself up on my knees as I continued to eat him. Now on my knees, I withdrew my face from his ass, physically turned him over like a pancake and dove back into his ass.

I held him up, my hands under and around his hips as I ate him. His face was buried in the pillow as he screamed out. I reached down between his legs with one hand and grabbed his iron-hard cock. I started to slowly stroke him and felt his cock oozing. With every fiber in my being, I was bound and determined to suck the cum out of his sweet cock. Nothing was going to keep me from that; nothing. I began running my tongue repeatedly up and down between his butt-cheeks before I released him.

I leaned back, and once again, I flipped him back over so he was on his back. His cock was throbbing so much it was bouncing up and down off his abs. I bent over and took his perfect member in my mouth, swallowing it whole. He yelled out when I engulfed his cock and grabbed my head in both hands. He thrusted up in an attempt to get his dick farther down my throat, but my face was already buried tightly in his bush. He started moaning profusely again, I slid my hands under him and cupped his ass as I bobbed up and down the full length of his hard, young cock.

Seemingly in seconds, I felt his cock start to pulsate and my mouth filled with his sweet, boy-juice. I felt volley after volley hit my tongue. I let my mouth fill almost to capacity before I let myself swallow. I wanted all he had to give and more. I moaned continuously as he fed me his sweet, young cum. I have been dreaming of this and wanting this since I first laid eyes on him and now, it was finally happening.

I held his cock in my mouth, never wanting to let go of it for the rest of my days, until he started to fidget a bit. I swallowed one last time before coming back up his cock and squeezing out any last remaining drops.

I kissed his beautiful cock, and crawled up the bed on my hands and knees. His was breathing heavily, his eyes closed. I leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. He smiled, wrapped his arms around my neck, and pulled me down to him.

I proceeded to give him little kisses on his face, neck, and shoulders. I then took his nipple in my mouth and it made him giggle. "That tickles," he said groggily as he started to squirm. I ran my fingers through his hair, placed my hand on the far side of his face, and pulled him to me.

"I could suck your gorgeous cock, and eat the flawless ass of yours like that every day for the rest of my life and die a happy man," I whispered. For a couple of minutes, I laid by his side and gently caressed his beautiful body. His skin was so silky soft I relished touching him. We laid there together for several minutes in silence.


"Yeah baby; I'm right here."

"Thank you. That was incredible; you made me cum so hard; it felt so good."

"Entirely my pleasure, I assure you. I loved every second; it was absolute heaven."

He opened his eyes and turned his head to face me. "Really?" he asked questionably.

"Really; scouts honor. It was everything I imagined and more."

"Did you cum too?" he asked. "I kind of got lost there for a while."

"Don't fret about me; I'm fine. Besides, you were my primary focus. It was my intent to give you pleasure and make you feel good. That's all that matters to me."

"You succeeded; believe me. I don't think I have ever felt like that before, Ro; ever."

"Ty, may I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah, of course," he said softly.

"You have had other experiences; other sexual experiences I mean. Am I correct?"

He turned his head and looked away from me. "Um, why do you ask?" he responded.

"Well, the way you were sucking my cock made me feel that you knew what you were doing. I'm just curious. It's perfectly OK with me if you've had sex before. I'm not judging you baby; understand that. I'd just like to know; that's all."

"Then, yes; I've had sex before," he answered.

"I thought so. Thanks for telling me and being honest. I appreciate it.

"Have you ever had sex with a girl?" he asked.

"Oh sure, when I was young. I was in high school the first time I had sex with a girl."

"Did you like having sex with a girl?" he asked.

"Um, honestly, not so much. I mean, it was OK I guess, but it really didn't do too much for me. All the guys in school were obsessed about fucking girls. I wanted to know what it was like so I hooked up with this girl at a party one night. I was still a heterosexual virgin at the time."

"Was she a virgin too?" he asked.

"No; she was definitely not a virgin. She was a pretty girl and very much a party girl if you catch my drift. She liked to have a good time and as often as possible. I certainly don't blame her for that; most everyone does."

"She probably liked that big dick of yours, didn't she?" he giggled.

"I don't know; I never asked and she never said. She definitely liked getting plowed though. To be honest, it took me a while to cum; probably because I really wasn't into having sex with her. At the time, I had a crush on a soccer player by the name of Hector Martinez. He was so cute. "How about you; when was your first time?" I asked him. He turned away from me and became silent again. It was easy to see that he really didn't want to answer me. I did not want to put him on the spot so I quickly said, "It's OK, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

A few seconds passed by in silence. He then turned back to me and said, "it's not that I don't want to tell you Ro, I don't want to think I'm a freak."

"Why would you say that, Ty? I could never think of you as a freak. To be honest, if you knew some of the things that I have done, you would probably tell me to fuck off. I have a real kinky side to me that you haven't seen yet. So, I don't think you can make me feel like you're a freak as you put it."

"Really? You like kink? What kind?" he asked perking up all of a sudden.

"That is a conversation for another time; you first." I answered him.

"Well, unlike yourself, I haven't had sex with a girl yet. I like girls, but I don't really get a chance to meet many people in my situation."

"So, you have obviously had sex with a guy before. Was he older; perhaps someone like me?"

"Older, yes, but not as old as you. And, it's only been with one person," he confessed.

"OK, so what's so bad about that. Why would I think you're a freak for that. Sounds normal to me."

"If you knew who it was, you'd think I was demon spawn and probably him too!" he blurted out.

"Oh, come on, I seriously doubt that. I'm sure it's not nearly as bad as you think it is," I said trying to reassure him.

"If you knew, Ro, I think you wouldn't like me anymore."

"Now there you are very wrong gorgeous. Even if you told me, you were having sex with a pregnant goldfish it wouldn't change how I feel about you, Ty; trust me. So, just erase that thought from your mind. Besides, whomever it is, or was, I would never tell anyone anyway. Whatever we talk about stays between us."

"Do you really mean that, Ro?" he asked. "You wouldn't tell anyone?"

"No, of course, not. That's between you and me. Are you going to tell anyone about us tonight?"

"Well, maybe Will; we tell each other everything," he answered.

"Will already knows; I mean, obviously he doesn't know what happened between us here tonight, but he definitely knows how much I like you, Ty. Will and I have talked about it already. And, may I add, he started the conversation about it, not me." "That's kind of my fault, Ro. I told Will some of the things you have said to me. I told him how much I love it when you say those things. He knows that I like you too. No one has ever said those kinds of things to me before. You make me feel, I don't know, good, really good."

"You like me too; did I hear that correctly?" "Duh, isn't that sort of obvious after tonight," he laughed.

"Thank you for telling me, Ty. That makes me very happy. And, I have no problem with you talking to Will either. I haven't met him yet, but I like him just because of our phone conversation we had."

"You know, you are a fantastic kisser, Ty. You amazed me."

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite things to do. I really love it. I can just about cum when I'm being kissed," he said gently. It makes me so hard."

"Yeah, I noticed. By the way, your cum tastes heavenly; I loved it and wanted more when you came in my mouth. I just knew it was going to be awesome; I knew it."

Ty looked at me and gave me a big smile. He started to giggle softly and rolled over on top of me. "You can have my cum whenever you want," he smiled. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down tight against me. I loved the feel of him laying on top of me. We laid there together in silence and quickly drifted off to sleep.

For some reason, I woke up early the next morning. Ty was lying next to me on his side, his leg draped across my stomach, his arm across my chest, and his head on my upper chest. For several minutes, I just laid there motionless and enjoyed feeling him on me; skin-to-skin. I reached up and gently raked my fingers through his hair as I listened to him breathe. He moaned softly in his sleep and gently thrusted his pelvis against me. I could feel his hard cock pressing against the side of my ass and my dick responded. I had to pee, but he was resting so peacefully, I didn't want to disturb him.

I lasted a couple more minutes, just the weight of his leg pressing against my lower belly was too much. I had to pee so I had to risk waking him. I gently slid his leg off me first, and then his arm. I slowly squirmed out from under him, and went to pee. I let my dick point the way to the bathroom as I made my way across the bedroom floor. I stood at the toilet peeing when I felt arms around my waist.

"Good morning, gorgeous. Sorry if I woke you, but I had to pee really bad," I said pleasantly surprised he was being affectionate. I felt him rest his head between my shoulder blades and hug me from behind. As he hugged me, his morning wood slipped between my thighs right below my ass. I could feel his cock head pressing against the back of my balls. He slid one hand down to my crotch and fingered my pubes.

"Ro?" he said softly sounding as if he was still half asleep.

"Yeah, baby," I said just before I flushed. I turned to face him and his cock slid across my taint. I was still hard and the head of my cock brushed against his smooth belly. I reached up and brushed the hair from his handsome face. "What's on your mind, baby?" I asked him.

"Can you take me home soon? I don't like not having my phone in case the hospital calls about my grandmother. If they call Will, I know he'll call your phone but I'd just feel better if I had my phone on me."

"Sure, no problem. I'm already packed anyway. We'll get showered and take off. I just have to stop by the rental office on the way and drop off the keys to this place. My furniture is being delivered today too; my delivery window is 11 to 2, so we have to be back by 11 anyway."

I kissed him softly on the lips and slid the shower door open. I reached up, turned the shower head to the far right, and turned on the water. Ty stepped up behind me and I felt his hand resting on my ass. I reached over, grabbed his now half-hard cock, stepped into the shower, and pulled him by the cock into the shower with me.

The water was running warm already and felt good against my skin. I positioned Ty under the spray and ran my hands through his think head of hair making sure it got entirely wet. I reached up and plunged down on the shampoo dispenser attached to the shower wall and proceeded to wash his hair. He surrendered to me completely and let me wash his exquisite body entirely.

I watched as the suds slowly cascaded down his beautiful, smooth skin. I couldn't help myself and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him tight against me. He looked up into my eyes and I could not resist those full, kissable lips of his. I bent forward and kissed him passionately as my hands wandered up and down his body. I cupped his firm, little ass in my hands and squeezed gently. Using one hand, I reached back up and squirted more shower gel into my hand and returned to caressing his flawless ass.

I stuck my sudsy middle finger between his cheeks and ran it over his rosebud. I could feel him thrust against me, his cock hard and strong. He moaned from deep within as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders squeezing me tight. Never before have I wanted someone as much as Ty; not even Peter. There is something about this boy that makes me a little crazy. Suddenly, he pulled back and turned around as if he was reading my mind.

He bent forward slightly, placed his hands against the wall under the showerhead, and pushed his ass back towards me. I quickly reached up and squirted a copious amount of hair conditioner into my hand and slathered my cock up. I went back for more and slicked up his crack. I grabbed him by the hips and placed my dick upright between his ass cheeks. Slowly I started sliding my cock up and down between his firm buns. I had to seriously concentrate to not cum. As soon as I felt his pucker on the underside of my cockhead, I almost fired off shooting my load up his back.

"You're so fucking big, Ro, but I can take you. Stick it in Ro! Fuck me!" he growled as the shower spay splashed off of his back and shoulders.

Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, I placed the head of my cock on his pucker and held steadfast. "Are you sure, Ty?" I asked urgently, breathing heavily. "Stick it in!" he growled as he pushed back on my cock. I applied a little bit of forward pressure and nothing happened. He was so, so tight, I was terrified of hurting him so I stopped applying pressure.

"Keep going, Ro; I can handle it," he called out. I was hesitant to move so he reached back, grabbed my legs, and attempted to pull me forward into him. I applied forward pressure and suddenly, the head of my cock slipped through.

He called out as my cock slipped into him. I knew he was in pain and it scared me. That's the last thing I wanted so I decided to pull out. Apparently, he sensed what I was going to do and shouted, "No, don't! I'll be OK, just give me a minute."

I relented and remained stationary letting him adjust to the intrusion. I have to admit, his ass was so tight and so warm, it felt heavenly on my glands. After about fifteen seconds, he said, "OK, I'm ready."

Taking him at his word, I held onto his hips as I thrusted deeper into him. I was about a third of the way in and I stopped to let him adjust. I could hear him taking deep breaths and adjusting to my cock. "More," he called out when he was ready.

I pushed forward sinking about another three inches of my dick in his ass. Again, I stopped to let him adjust. It didn't take nearly this long to let him adjust before I felt him pushing back on my cock. I pushed forward as he pushed back and the remaining three inches of my dick disappeared completely in his ass. "That's it, baby. You've got my entire cock in your ass," I panted heavily.

"Fuck, Ro! It felt like you were going to split me in two."

After a few seconds, I slowly started to pull back and then push forward again. In no time at all, I was withdrawing half of my cock and plunging back into him again and again. He started groaning as the pain transformed into pleasure. "Faster, Ro; faster," he grunted as I plunged into him.

"I wanted to give him a good ride so I increased speed. I started plowing in and out of him. I'd pull out so just the head of my cock remained in his ass and then plunge back in until I felt his smooth butt cheeks hard against my pubes. "Yeah, Ro, fuck me! He called out. Give me that big, fucking dick of yours!"

Hearing him talk like that to me made me just want to plow him harder and harder. I wrapped one arm around his waist, and the other across his smooth chest. I pulled him up to a standing position, and forced him up against the shower wall. He grunted as I pinned him against the wall and plowed into him like a jack hammer. He urgently turned his head sideways and kissed me as I plowed him. Switching from full on thrusts to short, quick, little jabs in and out of his tight ass.

I don't know how long I fucked him like that but I found myself at the precipice. I started groaning and grunting like a fucking gorilla. "Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum!" I yelled out as I emptied my balls deep in his ass. I felt shot after shot leave my dick as I pumped him full of cum deep inside. I held him tight against me long after the wave of orgasm left my body. It was then that I noticed the water was not so hot anymore. I brushed the wet hair from his face and kissed him with soft, little kisses over and over. I kept my arms around him but stopped holding him so tightly.

With one hand, I reached up and turned the shower head to the wall. I kissed Ty on the shoulder and ran my hands gently up and down his torso encountering a slippery substance on is belly. I reached down, grabbed his spent cock, and ran my finger across his slick knob covered in his ball juice. I quickly brought my hand up to my mouth and licked the sweet nectar from my finger. I kissed him on the shoulder once again as my shrinking cock slowly slipped out of his ass.

He turned to face me, a big smile on his face. "Are you OK, baby?" I asked him as I cupped his beautiful face in my hands.

"Yeah, I'm good, but I'll probably be walking funny for a couple of days," he laughed. "I've never, you know, had anything that big up there before. Not even close. You made me cum too."

"It was wonderful, Ty; absolutely wonderful. I haven't cum like that in I don't know how long."

I leaned down and kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around me and stuck his tongue in my mouth.

We arrived at the apartments around 10:30 or 10:45. Shortly after we arrived, Will called, and said he was less than an hour away. I didn't talk to him personally, Ty did; they talked for about twenty minutes on the phone. I left them to their privacy. When Ty got off the phone, he told me that Will called the hospital and their grandmother was doing fine. They may even release her this afternoon; if not today, definitely tomorrow. Ty was very relieved and seemed happy.

While we were waiting on the delivery people, Ty made a pot of tea and he gave me the keys to the apartment. He also gave me the code for the back gate and the laundry facility. We sat at the dining room and talked for quite some time while enjoying our tea. "This tea is going right through me, I need to pee," I said.

"Need any help?" Ty smiled.

"Absolutely, you can hold it for me," I smiled. Ty, immediately stood up from the table. He looked right at me and grabbed his crotch. I must admit, I just assumed he was joking but obviously, he wasn't. It made me smile and I felt my cock stirring in my pants. I stood up from the table and looked at him with a big smile on my face. I stepped away from the table and made my way to the bathroom.

Ty followed right behind me. I stepped into the bathroom and stood in front of the toilet. Ty stepped up to me, unbuttoned my cargos and pulled the zipper down. My shorts fell to the floor around my ankles. Ty dropped to his knees and I turned to face him. He reached up and grabbed my growing cock in both hands. He gently fondled my dick, and my sack, as he repeatedly looked up in my eyes and back down at my lengthening appendage.

He lifted my cock up and gently licked my knob before taking the entire head of my dick in his mouth. He wrapped his lips around my dick head and worked his velvety tongue all over it. I raked my fingers through his hair as he worked wonders on my knob. I couldn't help but moan as he reached around and grabbed my ass. He started sucking my cock and then urge to pee hit me again. If this were Tom or Craig sucking my dick, I would have released my stream but I couldn't go down the road yet with Ty.

"Ty, I love your enthusiasm, but I need to pee first," I said urgently. With my dick in his mouth, he stopped sucking and looked up at me. He reluctantly released my cock and stood up. I turned to face the toilet and Ty grabbed my dick. He aimed it down towards the bowl as best he could since it was almost entirely hard, and I released my stream.

As I stood there peeing with Ty holding my cock, he ran his other hand across my bare ass. I was nearly finished emptying my bladder when I heard a voice say, "Hey guys."

I turned towards the doorway to see a dark-haired, blue-eyed Adonis standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. Ty was so focused on what we were doing, it startled him. He quickly let go of my spraying cock and turned around. "Will!" he called out, rushed over, and wrapped his arms around his brother.

I quickly grabbed my cock so I wasn't spraying all over the toilet and in a few seconds, my bladder was empty. Will was facing me, still standing in the bathroom doorway. Ty was still hugging him, his back towards me. Will watched me intently; his eyes rarely wavering from my dick. I grabbed a small amount of toilet paper, wiped the end of my cock, dropped the toilet paper in the bowl, and flushed. I made no attempt to hide myself from him. What would be the point? He's already seen everything I own.

I bent over and pulled my shorts up. I packed myself away and buttoned up. I stepped up to the sink, washed my hands, dried them with the towel, and stepped to the doorway.

Ty still had his arms wrapped around his brother. "I am going to assume you must be Roman," he smiled. I was rather surprised that he did not seem to be pissed off or upset in any way of what he just witnessed between Ty and me. "

"You would be correct; and I'm going to assume that you must be Wilson," I smiled. He extracted himself from Ty's embrace and extended his hand in greeting.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Roman, however, it never occurred to me that our initial meeting would pan out as it has. That was quite the sight to behold, I must admit."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I said. "You literally caught me with my pants down," I giggled. I guess I have nothing left to hide. Ty didn't appear to be phased by Will's sudden appearance at all. He wasn't the least bit concerned nor embarrassed. I found that to be quite interesting.

"Is grams coming home today?" Ty asked hopefully.

"Tomorrow; she's coming home tomorrow, Ty-Ty," Will answered. "I learned that the hospital will not discharge an admitted patient if the doctor does not sign the patient's release by noon. She will be staying one more night."

"Good, she'll be home tomorrow; that's good," Ty said out loud as if thinking to himself.

"I was going to take a quick shower and go over to the hospital to see her. Do you want to go, Ty-Ty?" Will asked.

"Of course, I want to go," Ty immediately answered. "I'm ready now!" "Let me take a quick shower first, brother; then we can go. "I had a few things to do this morning before I left campus. I did not take the time to shower before I left; I was anxious to get back up here as soon as I could. Let me just stow my gear in the bedroom and I'll get ready."

"Here, let me help," I offered as I picked up one of Will's bags from the hallway.

"Thanks, Roman," he said. He picked up the other bag and I followed him into the bedroom. When I walked into the bedroom, I noticed that there was only one queen sized bed in the room. "Where would you like me to put this?" I asked Will.

"Just set it on the bed, thanks," he answered me. "By the way, I saw a large truck pulling up when I arrived; might they be your movers Roman?" he asked.

"Most likely, my furniture is scheduled for delivery today. They were supposed to call me thirty minutes before they arrived. I guess they forgot. I should go out and meet them. I'll see you guys later," I said. I stepped up to Ty standing in the doorway of the bedroom. I gave him a quick wink, and patted him casually on the butt before walking past him.

"See you later, Ro!" Ty called out down the hallway. "I'll stop by when we get back."

"Later gorgeous," I called back and stepped out of the front door. I made my way to the front of the complex thinking to myself, "I'd love to be a fly on the wall and hear the conversation that Ty and Wilson were undoubtedly going to have about the situation in the bathroom he walked in on."

When I got to the front of the complex, I spotted the Lorrie immediately. I made my way to the back of the truck to see three strapping, young guys removing the padded quilts from the furniture. They appeared to be in no particular hurry and I like that about them; I didn't want them to hurry and damage the furniture.

"Hey guys," I greeted them. "My name is Roman Teale. I believe all of this stuff is for me," I said.

"And you would be correct," the tallest of the three responded stepping to the back of the truck and looking down at me. He was quite muscular, not surprising due to his line of work. I immediately pictured him naked in my head. He jumped down from the truck and shook my hand.

"I'm Max, and this is Bill," he said pointed up to the blonde standing with is hand on his hip at the back of the truck. "And this is, Roy," he said pointing to the redhead standing opposite Bill.

"Nice to meet you all, guys. I'm Roman.

"Question, Roman," Max said, "do we have any stairs to content with?"

"No; no stairs. Everything is a single level," I answered him.

"Yes!" Bill bolted out pulling on the imaginary air horn like a big-rig trucker. "Perfect," Max responded. "Stairs are a pain in ass! Can you show me where we are going, Roman?" he asked next.

"Sure, right this way," I responded. "I'm at the back of the complex."

"Guys, go ahead and continue to unpack. I'll be right back," Max instructed his crew. Bill and Roy resumed unpacking immediately as Max and I made our way to my new apartment. I unlocked the door and stepped into the unit. It smelled fresh and clean; Ty did a great job cleaning the place up, not that it was that dirty to begin with. I turned and held the door open for Max to enter. "Wow, this is really nice," he said out loud. "I wish my apartment was this nice."

"Yes, I am very lucky to have found this place; I just love it," I answered him.

He took a quick look around to get a feel for the place. He stepped back out into the living room and said, "We'll start setting up the bedroom first. That way we can work ourselves out the front door."

"You're the man," I said. "Whatever you think is best. If you have any questions, I'll be here," I said with a smile.

"Cool," Max said. "We'll get right to it then. Once we get everything inside, you can tell me where you want everything placed."

We stepped out of my unit, Max leading the way. I stood out front enjoying the fresh air when I saw Will and Ty heading towards me. Will nodded a hello to Max as they crossed paths. I watched Will and Ty walking side-by-side as they approach me. Seeing them side-by-side, I noticed that they were very similar in appearance. You could tell that they were obviously related. There was no question that Will was beautiful, but my Ty; Ty was absolutely gorgeous. I got such a charge seeing him walking towards me. He made my dick twitch just looking at him.

"We're on our way to the hospital," Ty said. He reached over, grabbed my hand, and squeezed it. "I'll see you later."

"I'll be here, gorgeous," I said softly. I couldn't help but see Will smile when he heard me call Ty gorgeous.

"What are your plans for dinner?" Wilson asked me.

"I have no plans Will," I answered. "I have absolutely nothing in the house anyway. I have to make a major run to the supermarket soon."

"Do you like Thai food?" he asked next.

"Yeah, love it," I smiled.

"We'll stop on the way home and pick some up for dinner if that's OK with you. Are you allergic to shrimp?"

"No, I love shrimp; sounds perfect. Hold on, I'll give you some money," I said as I reached for my wallet.

"No need," he said. "We'll see you later. Come on, Ty, we should be going."

Will and Ty walked up to their vehicle and Will unlocked the door with the remote. Ty was the first to get in the car. He was putting his seatbelt on when Will jumped in behind the wheel. Will turned the key and started the car. As he was backing out of the parking area onto the street, he asked, "Can we talk about Roman, Ty-Ty?"

"Will, please, I'm not eight years old anymore, stop already with the Ty-Ty. But, yes, we can talk about Ro if you'd like.

"Sorry, I am well aware that you're not a kid anymore. I'm just so used to calling you Ty-Ty but I'll try and break that habit; I promise. But to me, you'll always be my Ty-Ty."

"What do you want to know about, Ro?" Ty asked.

"Does he know about is?" Wilson asked.

"No, not yet; although, I almost told him last night. We were talking and he was telling me some stuff about himself. We had sex last night for the first time and we were just lying in bed talking. He admitted to having a kinky-side but didn't elaborate any farther than that. He told me a lot of stuff about himself, and I told him a lot of stuff about me, but I didn't tell him about us."

"Well, I think you should not say anything about us for a while. We could be in deep shit if anyone found out. Most of society believes that incest is evil; we can't take any chances Ty-Ty; sorry, Ty."

"I know, Will, but honestly, based on what I know about Ro already; I don't think it would be a problem if he did find out. I have no doubt that he'd be interested in a threesome. I know you too, Will; trust me, Ro would rock your world. He's so affectionate; he's always touching me and the way he looks at me, fuck, I don't know how to explain it; he just makes me feel so good. He's really, really into me, Will."

"Yeah, I can see that. Roman and I talked on the phone you know. He told me how he feels about you, and now I have seen the way he looks at you."

"Yeah, I know. Ro told me that you guys talked; he just didn't say what about. I really like him Will. I know he's older, but it's not like he's an old man for fuck sakes. Besides, you know me, I like older guys; I always have. Plus, the sex is so fucking awesome. It's awesome with you too, but Ro, well, it's different with Ro. He makes me feel things that I've never felt before; even with you, and you know how much I love having sex with you."

"Just be careful, Ty. There is no need to rush into anything if you catch my drift. Sex is one thing and I'm glad you are having great sex with him, just do me a favor and don't run off into the sunset with him just yet."

"Oh please, give me a little credit, Will. I may be younger than both of you, but I'm not an idiot. Even though I know how much Ro cares for me, running off into the sunset together as you put it is not likely. Besides, I don't get the feeling that Ro has even given that a second's thought. I definitely haven't. At this point, Ro and I are simply thoroughly enjoying each other's company. I'm not going to worry about tomorrow; tomorrow is tomorrow."

"Sorry, Ty, sometimes I just forget how fucking smart and mature you are; you're my little brother and always will be. It's my job to look after you. I just don't want you getting your heart broken or making rash decisions; that's all. Love makes you stupid; remember that."

"I know, Will, and I love you for saying that; but I'm not a kid anymore. Besides, I always talk to you before I decide to do anything; you know that. I can't imagine running off like you mentioned; that's just not me."

"Good, that's all I wanted to hear. You know, there's a part of me that doesn't want to share you, Ty. I know that's not fair, but when I saw you and Roman together in the bathroom, I felt a little jealous. But don't worry about that; I'm dealing with it and I will adjust."

"Wow, I thought it was just me."

"What do you mean, brother?"

"Well, when you told me about you and Tracy having sex, I kind of felt that way too."

"Really? You were jealous of Tracy?"

"No, not exactly, it wasn't jealousy. But at first, it kind of hurt my feelings a little. I thought perhaps you weren't interested in me anymore? But then, I thought about it and surmised that it was normal to be attracted to other people and sex can be a component of that attraction. Then I was OK with it." "You do realize that having sex with Tracy is not something that we do frequently. In fact, it has been a long time since Tracy and I have had sex together; not to mention the fact but I will, I don't care if Tracy and I ever have sex again. Ty-Ty, you are the only one that I truly enjoy having sex with. Tracy and I, we're just buds; nothing more."

"Me too, Will; but now, we have Ro. Last night was so much fun with all three of us together. I know how much Ro loved it too; he told me so. I mean, I know that you and me will always be, but having Ro too, man, that's fucking awesome. Don't you think?"

"Oh, sure; absolutely I do. Roman is a really hot guy; he's handsome, sexy as hell, and has a great body, not to mention, a fucking cock that is enviable. Plus, the fact, he really is a great guy. Roman is the whole package. I certainly see why you are so taken with him. I don't blame you. Personally, I think he's in love with you. I don't want to come between the two of you, if you'll pardon the expression."

"You won't, Will. He obviously knows about us and has no problem with it."

"That's not exactly what I'm saying, Ty-Ty. Roman has serious feelings for you, brother. It's very obvious how he feels about you. His whole face lights up when he sees you. I want you to be happy and Iive your life. Of course, I want you to make responsible decisions too, but I don't want to interfere. That's what I'm trying to say but not doing a very good job of it I suspect."

"Will, you are not interfering in the least. I wanted last night to happen, that's why I did what I did. Somehow, I also knew that Ro would be perfectly fine with it; I wasn't concerned in the least. Just because Ro and I have something between us, doesn't mean that I want to exclude you from it. I'm telling you now, and in no uncertain terms, that is not what I want. I think last night was a perfect example of that."

Roman is a good man, Ty. I think he's good for you. I just don't want to fuck that up for you."

As the crew was setting up the bedroom furniture, Craig gave me a call.

"What are you doing stud?" he asked.

"The delivery guys are here; in fact, they are setting up the bedroom suite as we speak. How about you?"

"Well, to be honest, I was sitting here at the house playing with my dick thinking about you shooting off down my throat," he answered.

"That's nice to hear. Perhaps we can shoot off down each other's throat, I suggested. Although, I don't think that is something that we can do anytime soon. I'm sort of tied up for the next two or three hours."

"I'd like to tie you up, stud," Craig giggled over the phone.

"Rain check, but keep that thought in mind," I retorted. "OK, buddy, I'll let you go for now. We'll talk soon."

"Sounds good, see you later, Daddy."

I hung up the phone and turned around to see Max standing there. I was taken aback a little to see him standing behind me unexpectantly. I then wondered how much of my conversation he heard if any at all.

"Damn, Max; you scared the shit out of me," I said loudly. "Do you need something?" I asked.

"Um, sorry, I just need to take a whiz and wanted to know if I could use your bathroom?" he answered as he held his crotch in his hand. I looked down and could see him squeezing his package.

"Sure, go right ahead," I answered him.

"Thanks, man; appreciate it. By the way," he said as he turned and started to walk away from me towards the bathroom, "Do you want us to put some easy-sliders on your bedroom set?"

I had no idea what he was talking about. I followed behind him and said, "what are easily sliders?"

We were about center of the hallway, he stepped into the bathroom and up to the toilet. He didn't bother to close the door. "Oh, easy-sliders are these little disk-like things that fit under the legs or the feet of furniture."

"Well, what purpose do they serve?" I asked from the doorway.

I heard him unbuckling his belt, a second later, I heard him unzip his jeans. "They let you move furniture around with ease; one person could move things around on their own with the sliders," he answered as he lowered his jeans below his plump ass. He had a slightly furry, round butt; it looked quite tasty from what I could see. A second later, I heard a very forceful stream hit the toilet water.

"Um, let me think about it for a second," I responded.

"Sure man, take your time; no hurry," he said.

I so badly wanted to step up to the toilet and get a look at his cock, but of course, I didn't do that. Just the thought had my dick twitching in my cargos. His stream stopped abruptly, he bent over and took a piece of toilet paper from the roll, turned sideways, and dried the end of his cock. I was really surprised he made no attempt to hide himself from me. He was just as cool and casual as if I weren't even there.

He tossed the tissue in the toilet and flushed. He looked over at me, his cock still in his hand and smiled. "So, what do you think?" he asked.

I was so focused on his dick that I didn't hear the question. It looked so good; he was uncut and the skin on his cock looked so soft and sexy. He certainly had a nice cock. "Roman?" I suddenly heard him calling my name.

"Oh, sorry, Max, what were you saying?"

He gave me a big knowing smile, pulled up his jeans, no underwear, a man after my own heart, and packed his cock back into his jeans. "I asked if you wanted the sliders or not," he said.

"Um, no, I don't think so, Max. I'm not one for moving shit around much," I answered him knowing that he busted me staring at his cock.

"Ok, no problem. I'll just leave them with you just in case you change your mind in future."

I stepped out of the doorway for him to pass by but he exited the bathroom from the other door that leads back into the bedroom. I walked back to the kitchen feeling a little foolish. How typical of a gay man Max must think. I don't like to feed the stereotype, but I think I just did; a gay man mesmerized by a straight man's cock; imagine that. "I'm such a fag," I giggled to myself. "Oh well, what's done is done. I can't have a do over."

It took them less than an hour to set up the bedroom. Max called to me to let me know they were finished. I walked back to the bedroom to see the results. "Wow, guys," I said pleased, "you guys did a great job. It's looks fantastic."

"Is everything where you want it, Roman?" Max asked.

"It is indeed, thank you, guys," I answered.

"Great, the living room is next," Max said. "That's easy, no assembly required; easy-peezy."

They stating picking up all of the packing materials they tossed on the floor. "We'll be right back Roman," Max said. "Let's go guys," he said to his crew as they followed him out of the bedroom, their arms full of packing material.

In just a few minutes, they returned with the couch. Max was letting the guys do the heavy lifting and he was guiding them so nothing got damaged. "Where would you like this placed, Roman?" he asked.

"You can set it down on the back wall, please," I answered him. It was a soft leather couch, a dark coffee-like color called Solitary Star as if that means anything. It was kind of like black coffee with just a couple drops of cream. It was a beautiful color, I thought, and very masculine; I loved it. It had two matching chairs that swiveled but to look at them, you'd never expect them to swivel. Both end tables and the coffee tables where dark metal and glass. I thought they were very attractive. I immediately pictured Ty and I butt naked lying on the soft leather together.

In short order, they brought in the matching chairs. Max was carrying one all by himself, Bill & Roy the other.

"Right here guys," I pointed as they carefully set them down on the floor gently. I couldn't help but notice Max's biceps strain as he set the chair on the floor by himself. He wasn't a bad looking guy; he was more sexy than handsome; although he was kind of handsome in his own way.

"OK guys," Max said, "The tables are next."

They walked out the front door in single file. In just minutes, they were back again. Bill and Roy were carrying a single end table each, and Max, the coffee table. They sat them down on the floor and walked back out.

Minutes later, they returned with the glass for the tables. They each unpacked their separate boxes and gently placed the glass in the table. Bill and Roy finished first while Max waited for their assistance. He held one end of the coffee table glass while the guys held the other end. Together, they gently lowered it into place. "Careful guys," he warned them. The glass can chip easily if we set it down unevenly."

They stood back up and breathed a sigh of relief. "Perfect guys," he said applauding them for a job well done. "The dining room is next. The chairs are going to require assembly; they will take more time than the table will," he informed them.

They walked back out of the door and were gone for several minutes. I wished that I had something to drink in the house but I had nothing. I walked to the sink, turned on the faucet, let the water run cold for a few seconds, and drank from the tap. I heard them approaching outside and quickly turned off the water.

Unsurprisingly, Max had one end of the table, and the guys supported the other. They turned the table sideways, rotated it and brought it into the house legs first. They obviously knew what they were doing. It came in quick and easy. They sat it down on the floor carefully and centered it under the chandelier. It too was made of metal with a glass top. It went perfectly with the chandelier. Max checked the table for stability and made sure it didn't wobble on the floor. Satisfied with the inspection, he said, "we'll be right back with the glass."

Not five minutes later, they returned holding a large, slender cardboard box. They gently set it on the floor and carefully leaned it up against the table. Max went to one end of the box, withdrew a blade from his pocket, and slit the box open. Together, they unpacked the box, withdrew the glass, and placed it in the table. I hadn't noticed on the floor display at the store, but the top of the table had these rubber bumpers that the glass actually sat on. The glass never touched the metal framing of the table. It didn't make a sound that I could hear when they placed the glass down on the bumpers.

The carried out the cardboard box and returned with the chairs. I had purchased four chairs with the table. They each carried two boxes each. They sat them down on the floor and walked back out to the truck. After they left, I took a quick peek at the boxes and noticed that the seat of the chair, and the back of the chair were packaged separately. Now I understood why there were so many boxes.

They returned quickly with the rest of the boxes and proceeded to open them to assemble the chairs. They each grabbed two boxes, opened them, and simultaneously assembled the chairs. They started with the seat of the chair by attaching the legs to the seat. After that was done, they turned the chair on its side and attached the back. I noticed that all of the pieces were being attached with an Allen wrench. Max was the first to finish his chair.

"Roman, may I ask a favor?" he said. "Would you mind sitting on the chair for me. I can't fully tighten the legs of the chair without weight on the chair or the legs will not sit evenly on the floor; you'll wind up with a chair that teeters or wobbles when you sit on it."

"Sure, be glad to," I said as I sat carefully down on the chair. He stood next to me and with his foot, he gently kicked each of the chair legs into position. He stepped in front of me, his crotch close to my face before he made the last adjustment. He then laid down on the floor, stuck his head under the chair and tightened the bolts. We repeated these steps for each of the four chairs.

When they finished assembling all of the chairs, he looked over at me and said, "If you wouldn't mind, Roman, I'd like you take a seat in each chair to make sure it doesn't wobble?"

"Sure, I very much appreciate you being so thorough, Max," I said to him as I sat down on the first chair.

"You're welcome. I have to make sure the assembly is done correctly. If I have to come back for whatever reason, I don't get paid. They don't pay us for call backs. We are only paid for the initial delivery and assembly. If not done correctly, I have to come back and that means I lose money," he volunteered.

"I also want to let you know that these Parson chairs do have a tendency to loosen up in about two weeks depending on use. If you start to notice that they are loosening up, just take this Allen wrench and tighten them up again. That usually does the trick. You may have to do it a couple of times before they stabilize."

"Thanks Max; I'll do that. I appreciate the tip," I responded.

"Sure, no problem. Unless you have any questions for me, we'll take off and leave you to the rest of your day. "

His crew collected up the boxes and carried them out to the truck. They left nothing behind.

"Oh, one more thing; I almost forgot. I just need your signature stating that we have delivered and assembled your furniture satisfactorily. I have that paper out in the truck so I'm going to go grab that and be right back. Also, you are going to get an email in a day or two with a survey. If you could fill that out for me, I'd appreciate it.

"Sure, I'd be happy to, Max" I told him. He thanked me and walked out the door.

He returned quickly by himself. He handed me the document and a pen. "May I use your bathroom again?" he asked.

"Sure, go right ahead," I said as I accepted the pen and document. I took a seat at the table to read the document. It only took a couple of minutes for me to read and sign the document. Once finished, I remained seated and waited for Max to get back. A couple more minutes passed and still no Max.

"Max?" I called out, "Are you OK down there?"

I got no response so I called out again, "Max, are you alright?" I asked again starting to get concerned. When I got no response, I walked to the bathroom. The door was open so I stepped into the doorway. Max was sitting on the toilet, his pants down around his ankles, stroking his hardon. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I saw the way you were staring at my cock earlier. Suck my cock, Roman! Make be fuckin cum!"

As dumbfounded as I was to hear him say that, I was incredibly turned on too. Here is this straight man with a roaring hardon in his hand, asking me to suck his cock. Seizing the moment, I walked into the bathroom and dropped to my knees. He was so fired up his dick was throbbing. I could see it oozing slightly. I grabbed his dick, pulled it upright so it was pointing straight up at the ceiling, and licked my way up his shaft starting at the base. When I reached his knob, I stuck my tongue through his foreskin and into his piss-slit. I scooped out the precum with my tongue as he moaned.

"Fuck!" he growled as he grabbed my head in his hands and forced my head down on his cock. I wasn't about to resist him.

"Suck it Roman like I fucking know you want to! I'm gonna jizz in your mouth!"

Immediately, I swallowed his dick down my throat. "Ahhh!" He called out loudly. "That's it, cocksucker. Suck that hard dick!"

I came up and staring bobbing up and down on his cock. He started to moan continuously. "Fuck! I love my cock sucked. It feels so fuckin good, Roman. Keep going dude, make me cum!"

I reached up, grabbed him by the hips, and increased speed. I knew his crew was waiting for him in the truck and time was of the essence. I increased suction as I bobbed. I could feel his juice leaking out of the tip of his cock each time I came up his shaft. Suddenly, he started to take short, quick breaths. I knew he was on the verge of shooting his wad. I focused on the top half of his cock and ran my tongue over and around his knob repeatedly.

"Fuck! I gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!"

He let go of my head and held onto the side of the toilet bowl. His cock started jerking violently as he shot off forcefully into my mouth. The first shot hit the back of my throat and slid right down the pipe to my gullet. I quickly tilted my head so the next shot hit my tongue. I wanted to taste him. He quickly filled my mouth with creamy jizz and I fuckin loved it.

His load was strong and potent, but it tasted good. I swallowed quickly after savoring him for a second. He was literally hissing as he breathed heavily through his teeth. I took him back down my throat, and on the way back up, applied a little more pressure to squeeze out the last of his load. It flowed out of his cock and onto my tongue. I released him and swirled the last of his juice around in my mouth before swallowing. I leaned back on my heels and looked at him. His mouth was wide open, his eyes closed.

"How was that, Max?" I asked him knowing full well how he was feeling.

"Fuck!" he panted as he slowly opened his eyes. "That was fucking amazing. No one has ever, ever sucked my cock like that. I wish my fuckin girl would do that but she won't; fuckin bitch she is sometimes."

I stood up and helped him off the toilet. I could see his legs shaking a little. I turned and stepped back out into the hallway.

"I feel like a bowl of jello," he giggled. "Thank you so much; that was fuckin awesome." He bent over and pulled up his jeans. He started walking out of the bathroom before he even tucked himself back in his pants. He made it to the end of the hallway before he zipped up and fastened his pants. He buckled his belt as he stepped over to the dining room table. He picked up the document, turned towards me, smiled, and thanked me again. With a nod of his head, he walked out of the door.

"Wait until I tell Bo about this," I said to myself. "He's going to be so jealous. I feel so used," I giggled to myself.

Next: Chapter 4

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