The Hanson Apartment

By Spike Meyers

Published on Sep 29, 2023


Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction.

The character(s) in this story are not based on any known event(s)/person(s).

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The Hanson Apartment 04 -- 04 Finale

"I feel like a bowl of jello," he giggled. "Thank you so much; that was fuckin awesome." He bent over and pulled up his jeans. He started walking out of the bathroom before he even tucked himself back in his pants. He made it to the end of the hallway before he zipped up and fastened his pants. He buckled his belt as he stepped over to the dining room table. He picked up the document, turned towards me, smiled, and thanked me again. With a nod of his head, he walked out of the door.

"Wait until I tell Bo about this," I said to myself. "He's going to be so jealous. I feel so used," I giggled to myself.

Around 7PM there was a knock on my door. I knew it must be Ty and Wilson. I hurried to the front door and swung it open. Standing there were the two handsome Hanson brothers with smiles on their faces and a couple of plastic takeaway bags in their hands.

"Boy, am I glad to see you guys. Come on in, you two studs," I said. "How is your grandmother?" I asked immediately.

"She's Good, Roman," thank you for asking. "She's feeling like her old self again; thank God," Wilson answered. "May I," he asked nodding his head towards the kitchen with bags in-hand.

"Please guys, make yourselves at home. Mi casa es su casa."

The boys stepped into the kitchen and sat the bags on the counter. I stepped up to the counter, but on the dining room side and said, "It just now dawned on me, I don't have any dishes, guys; nor silverware for that matter."

"No problem," Ty said, "I'll just run over to our place and get what we need. I'll be right back."

As Ty hurried out of the door, I turned to Will and said, "I'm glad to hear that your grandmother is doing well. Is she coming home tomorrow then?" I asked.

"I'm sure she will; the head shift-nurse told me that the admitting doctor would most-likely sign her medical release before he leaves the hospital for the day. Thanks again, Roman, I really appreciate what you did at the hospital. Ty told me the whole story; the way you stepped in like that. That was very kind of you to do that; I'm very grateful to you."

"Ty was very concerned about your grandmother. I was certain that the hospital would not tell him anything considering he's a minor. That's why I did what I did. I wanted to set his mind at ease. I really didn't plan to do it; it just kind of happened."

"That kind of made you a hero in Ty's eyes. He's even more fond of you now because of what you did. We had a lengthy talk in the car today on the way over to the hospital."

"Yes, I figured you would," I admitted.

"No worries, Roman; it was all good. I just needed to make sure for my own piece of mind that Ty had his head screwed on straight, you should pardon the expression."

"And, does he?" I asked blatantly.

"Yes, I think he does," Will answered me.

"Good; that's good to hear. I sometimes worry about that. I mean, sometimes I know that I can get a little ahead of myself when it comes to matters of the heart. I'm trying hard not to do that with Ty. I can only imagine what it must be like for Ty. But, as I have already admitted to you, I'm very taken with him Will; he makes my head spin."

"Yeah, me too, Roman; me too, although, I've never told him that."

"Will, are you saying what I think your saying?" I asked him.

Just as he looked up at me with an "Oh shit!" expression on his face, Ty walked through the door.

"Perfect timing Ty- Ty!" Will said. "Everything is ready to serve."

Ty had his hands full of dishes and a canvas bag strapped over his shoulder. "I brought us something to drink too, guys," Ty said as Will grabbed the dishes out of his hands and sat them on the counter. "Thanks, brother," Ty said as he hoisted up the canvas bag and sat it on the counter.

During dinner, we sat around the table and talked about various things, including Will's interest in the hotel industry. I found out that he wanted to get his MBA. He also told me that he became interested in the hotel business because of his experience here having to manage the apartment complex for his grandmother. Throughout dinner, I noticed repeatedly the way he and Ty interacted with each other. The two of them are very, very connected to each other. There is absolutely no doubt about it. It's not surprising to me in the least knowing a little about the way they had to grow up.

"Hey guys, should we watch a movie after dinner?" Ty asked. "I'm sure we can find something on Netflix or Prime that we could all agree on. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"That sounds absolutely perfect to me," I chimed in quickly. "How about you Will?" Ty asked.

"Sure; sounds good to me," he responded as he reached over and ran his fingers through Ty's locks. From where I was sitting, it was a gesture that I perceived to be incredibly intimate and loving. It didn't feel to me that it was just a casual brotherly act. For Will, I believe it had more meaning. Inwardly, it made me smile to witness. It was beautiful.

We finished dinner, which was very good may I add, and I collected the dishes. I rinsed them off in the sink as best I could and stacked them on the counter. Will came over and picked up the stack of dishes, Ty grabbed the silverware, and we all walked back over together to their place.

We walked into their unit and Will went right to the kitchen, as did Ty. Will placed the dishes on the counter and opened the dish washer. Ty immediately placed the silverware in the tray and Will proceeded to put the dishes in. A task that took all of about thirty seconds. He rinsed his hands in the sink and dried them off on the hand towel hanging on a ring below the kitchen sink.

"Would anyone like some tea?" Will asked.

"I would," Ty immediately responded."

"How about you Roman; would you like some tea?" Will asked.

"Sounds perfect; I'd love a cup of tea; just plain, please Will."

Ty rushed to the back of the unit and returned shortly after with a blanket in-hand.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"So we can all cuddle up together under the blanket silly," Ty answered giggling.

Perhaps that is not something that Will would be interested in doing with me, Ty. Perhaps you should ask Will if that's OK with him," I suggested.

"Of course, it's OK with me. We always cuddle up when we watch movies together. Why should that change now?" he said.

"I just thought that perhaps you might be uncomfortable with me here," I said. "I'm am after all on the outside of your family circle. I don't want to intrude on your traditions."

"Roman, the truth is, after what you have done for us; for Ty and me, you are a part of our family now. Don't you think so Ty-Ty? I mean, Ty."

"Yeah, Ro; you are a part of our family now. Even grams likes you. She said so again today in the hospital."

"And, may I also say, that she too very much appreciated what you did for Ty at the hospital. Ty told her the whole story today during our visit," Will added without delay.

"Wow, thank you guys; both of you. That means everything to me. In that case, let's cuddle!" I yelled out enthusiastically.

"Yeah, let's cuddle!" Ty yelled and jumped on top of me with the blanket.

"Pile up!" Will yelled out and jumped on the top of us. We all started laughing; arms and legs flying all over the place until we fell off the couch onto the floor. I wound up on the very bottom with Will on top of me and Ty landing on top of him. I couldn't be sure, but I think Will had a hardon when he landed on top of me. Perhaps it was just my imagination, or even, wishful thinking. He got up off of me pretty fast when Ty landed on top of him. Together, they reached down, grabbed my arms, and pulled me up onto my feet.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you two cheated; you ganged up on me: didn't you?" I joked.

"I for one, am taking the fifth," Will said as he walked back into the kitchen. Ty started to giggle and jumped into my arms. He wrapped his legs around me and I felt his hardon press into my belly.

"That was so much fun, Ro." He kissed me, extracted himself from my arms, and joined his brother in the kitchen.

"Tea's ready," Will called out.

Will walked back into the living room and sat the tray down on the coffee table. He set three mugs on the table and took a seat at the end of the couch. Ty sat down in the middle, and patted the cushion next to him for me to sit down. He picked up the blanket from the floor and placed it on his lap.

"So, what's it going to be tonight guys; drama, horror, science fiction, action? What's you flavor?" Ty asked.

"You," I said. You're the flavor; number one on the list," I laughed.

"I'd have to agree with Roman," Will laughed.

"Come on guys; be serious," Ty sighed. "If you guys don't tell me what you want to watch, I'm going to decide myself what we watch and you can't complain about my selection."

"That's fine with me, gorgeous. We can watch whatever you want. The choice is entirely up to you," I said to Ty.

"Ok, Will; what's your choice."

`What Roman, said; your choice," Will responded in short.

"Fine, be that way," Ty said. "I'll choose for all of us." He thought about it for a few seconds and said, "Oh, I know; Father Brown. I love that show. There are ten series; we'll start at the beginning." "Never heard of it," I said.

"That's probably because it was on the BBC originally; at least I think it was the BBC. In any event, it's a British series. I think it's fun. An actor by the name of Mark Williams plays Father Brown. He's a catholic priest who solves various crimes and sometimes murders; much to the chagrin of the Chief Inspector who doesn't much like Father Brown."

Without so much as a second thought, I wrapped my arm around Ty's shoulder and pulled him to me. I kissed him on the neck and said, "Whatever you want gorgeous is perfectly fine with me."

I noticed Will watching me. I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back, shut the light off, and scooted back in the couch. Ty brought up Father Brown on Netflix and settled back against me as he pulled the blanket up over us. He reached over, grabbed Will's arm, and pulled him into the cuddle. We settled in together as Father Brown started.

We watched three episodes of the first series together and I started to get a little groggy. I looked over at Ty and Will, who were still wide awake. "Guys, I had better get going; I'm falling asleep here on your couch. I'm going to go back to my place."

"Where are you going to sleep?" Ty asked. "You don't even have a mattress for your bed yet."

"I'll just sleep on the couch," I answered him.

"But you don't even have a pillow," he said.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll be fine. Besides, I don't have much of a choice," I said.

"There is another option you haven't considered," Will said looking up at me.

"What would that be?" I asked.

"You can sleep here; with us," he said softly.

"Yeah, Ro; Will's right. Just stay here with us. It's just one night. Why not?" Ty added. "We can all fit in the bed."

"Thanks, guys for offering, but I don't want to put you out. I'll be fine on the couch."

"Ro, you're staying and that's that; we insist!" Will said firmly.

"Are you aware that I sleep naked?" I asked him.

"So do we," he said. "Besides, I have already seen your cock, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. But I haven't seen yours," I smiled.

"Yeah, well, that's about to change; isn't it?" he smiled back.

"You two are sure about this?" I reiterated.

"Totally," they both said in unison.

"Very well, then; I accept your offer and you have my thanks. How lucky can I be; I get to sleep naked with two total studs."

Will started to giggle softly. "Yes, yes you do. And for the record, I feel a need to correct your statement. You get to sleep with two, totally hot, manly studs. Let's get it right now?"

"Oh, pardon me, I stand corrected," I responded.

"Pardon granted," Will laughed. "Come on, let's just go to bed. It's been a long day."

Will got up and led the way into the bedroom. Ty stood up, grabbed my hand, and led me back to their bedroom. I was looking forward to seeing Will naked. When Ty and I walked into the bedroom, Will was turning the bed down. Ty released my hand, pulled his shirt off, and then dropped his shorts to the floor. I never will get tired of looking at this boy naked; he is just so beautiful.

He stepped up to me and pulled my shirt off, then he walked over to Will, who was just standing there watching us, and lifted his shirt off. Will's torso looked like it was sculpted; he was cut and well defined. Not a hair on his chest that I could see. It was obvious that he works out.

Seeing the two of them together like that, made my dick twitch. I had no control over it. I would love to watch them have sex together; that would be so freaking hot. Ty stepped back over to me, unfasted my cargos and pulled down my zipper. He pulled my shorts apart and let them drop to the floor. I stepped out of my shorts and kicked them to the side. I stood there naked as Will watched the show. My dick was rising and I had no control over it.

I looked over and Will had a big smile on his face. Ty stepped back over to Will, unfasted his pants, pulled the zipper down as he did to me, and pulled Will's slacks down. He dropped to his knees before Will, and pulled the pants legs off of Will, one leg at a time. He neatly folded Will's slacks, walked over to the desk, and placed them over the back of the chair.

I looked over at Will, now standing there in just his underwear. I smiled and walked over to the side of the bed where Will was standing. I sat down on the edge of the bed, reached up, and slowly started to lower his underwear. He made no attempt to stop me. I knew I was probably crossing a line here, but I cast caution to the wind and continued. He placed his hands on my shoulders and moaned softly.

I lowered his underwear until I saw the top line of his pubes. I looked up at him asking permission to continue. We he didn't object; I lowered his underwear to the base of his cock which was growing quickly. I exposed his pubes and immediately buried my nose in his pubes inhaling him deep into my lungs. He was slightly sweaty and smelled so, so sexy. I stuck my tongue through his pubes to taste his manly body. He placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled me tight against him. I grabbed his slim, tight waist and groaned feeling his hard, muscular body.

I saw Ty approaching, his dick was hard and perpendicular to his body. He walked up to Will, stood behind him, and wrapped his arms around his chest cupping his pecs in each hand. Ty started to pinch Will's nipples which elicited a deep moan from Will. Will released my head, reached up, and pulled Ty's face around to kiss him passionately.

I continued to lower Will's underwear freeing his now very rigid cock. Like his brother, he was circumcised. His cock was around 6.5 to 7 inches long. It was beautiful, just like his younger brother. I pushed his underwear down to his ankles and he gracefully, stepped out of them. I looked at his beautiful cock and took the head of his knob in my mouth. Immediately, I could taste his sweet precum. It reminded me of his brother's. They tasted very similar. Will groaned loudly when I took him into my mouth. I started sucking his dick taking him all the way down my throat and slowly coming back up again.

I could taste his cock ooze and it made me want more and more. I looked forward to him cumming in my mouth. I wanted him to feed me everything he had in his balls. Suddenly, I felt a hot mouth on my cock. I moaned loudly as Ty started sucking my dick. I could feel his tongue in my slit scooping out the precum. I reached down and through Will's legs with one hand and placed it gently on the back of Ty's head.

With Will's hard cock in my mouth and Ty's hot mouth on my cock, I felt my balls pulling up on me in preparation to fire. Suddenly, Will pulled me off of his cock. He bent over and started kissing me passionately, forcing me back onto the bed. Now I knew why Ty was such an awesome kisser. He's had plenty of practice with his brother.

Will straddled me and continued kissing me hard and deep. Suddenly, I felt Ty release my dick as Will groaned deeply in my mouth. He threw his head backwards and almost howled. That's when I noticed that Ty was eating his ass.

I grabbed Will's face in my hands and pulled him down to me. I resumed kissing Will hard and in just a few seconds, I felt Ty lubing up my cock. His hand slid smoothly up and down the full length of my dick. I then felt Ty straddling my legs, I couldn't see what he was doing, but I could feel him against me.

Suddenly, Will's entire body went rigid and he called out in my mouth. Somehow, I just knew that Ty had penetrated him. Will backed out of our kiss until he adjusted to Ty's cock in his ass. His discomfort passed quickly and he looked down at me.

"Give me that gorgeous cock of yours Will. Feed me, baby. I want you to cum in my mouth," I said urgently.

Will kissed me hard one more time, and scooted up towards me. He placed his very hard cock on my lips and smiled down at me. "Suck the cum out of my dick, Ro," he said as he shoved his dick in my mouth. I felt Ty move forward as Will called out, "Yeah brother, fuck me good and hard!"

Will started to fuck my mouth with renewed vigor. In seemingly just a few seconds, I felt the head of my cock slip into Ty's ass. This time it was very fluid. Ty obviously lubed up quite extensively for that to happen so smoothly. I was suddenly overwhelmed with desire for both of the Hanson brothers. I knew that Ty was fucking Will, and when Ty pulled back in Will's ass, he was embedding my cock in his ass. Never before have I experienced such a thing. He was topping Will, and fucking himself on my cock at the same time. Now, that is fucking talent in my opinion.

Every so often, I would feel Ty pull off of my cock and just plow Will's ass repeatedly. I could feel the bed shaking vigorously and hear Will grunting like a pig as Ty plowed into him. This went on for quite some time. I was really proud of Ty for being such a hot top.

I felt Will's dick get even harder in my mouth. I could feel the bed shaking like crazy as Will called out, "I'm gonna cum!" He grabbed my head urgently and emptied his balls in my mouth. I fucking loved every second. I felt his cock squirting his sweet cum in my mouth as Ty continued to plow him from behind. Ty called out soon after filling his brother's chute with his sweet, young cum. How I wished it was in my mouth instead of Will's ass that Ty was shooting into. To have both of them cum in my mouth at the same time would be absolute heaven.

Will fell over me as his orgasm subsided leaving his wonderful cock to soften in my mouth. I was in hog heaven. I felt Ty collapse on the bed next to me. I still couldn't see him because Will's cock was still in my mouth and his upper body was draped over my head. After a couple of minutes, Will sat up and leaned back a little. He looked down at me and gave me a big smile; his dick still in my mouth.

He gently extracted his member from my mouth, leaned down and kissed me, then rolled over onto his side lying next to me. I looked over at Ty, and then to Will. I love being the center of this sandwich I said softly. Ty rolled over onto me and said, "I love sandwiches."

As Ty was lying on top of me, I felt his exquisite, soft cock on me. I grabbed him by the ass and started thrusting up gently against him. He grabbed my head in both hands and kissed me hard. "Cum on me," he said in my mouth.

My dick was still rock hard and feeling my cock slide through and over Ty's cock and balls felt incredible. Suddenly, I felt Will moving around on the bed as Ty lifted up off me, his ass up in the air. I felt a hand grab my cock pulling it back. Ty lowered himself back down on me embedding my cock between his thighs just under his sweet, little bum. I felt Ty's legs close together squeezing my cock between his legs. In a split second, I felt a hot, wet mouth on my cock. I started to thrust up between Ty's legs as my cock went deeper into Will's mouth. The feeling was incredible.

These two brothers were just sending me into orbit. In just a couple of minutes, I felt my balls churning signifying that my orgasm was fast approaching. I started moaning continuously from deep within. I felt my cock expand as I exploded in Will's hot mouth. Ty kissed me passionately as I bellowed out in his mouth. I could feel Will swallowing as he consumed my offering. Wave after wave passed through my body as I ejected my load into Will's mouth; my entire body shuddering and spasming. Following the last wave leave my body, I continued to feel Will's mouth on my cock. He suckled until he was convinced there was nothing left, seemingly hesitant to release me. Will finally let my cock slip out of his mouth and Ty rolled off of me. I saw Will standing by the side of the bed so I sat upright on the edge of the bed, my feet flat on the floor. Ty cuddled up behind me wrapping his arms around my shoulders and his legs around my waist.

"I think it's a safe bet to say that everyone had a nice time. I sure did. Next time I want both of you guys to cum in my mouth at the same time. Your cum tastes very similar; almost identical. I love it," I said.

"Next time I want your big dick in my ass too," Will said smiling.

"How about you, gorgeous. What do you want next?" I asked.

"Next time, I want to fuck you, Ro," Ty said.

"You can bang me whenever you want gorgeous; I'm yours. But right now, I need to pee, then I think we should all try to get some sleep. Is that OK with you guys?"

Ty jumped up off the bed and ran to the bathroom, Will followed right behind Ty and I quickly followed behind Will. In no time at all, we were all sharing the same toilet. Ty was first to finish but remained at the toilet until Will and I finished. While opportunity permitted, I bent down and took Ty's cock in my mouth, I scooped out the last remaining drops from his piss slit and immediately did the same to Will.

When I stood back up, both of them were looking at me like I was an alien from another world.

"What?" I asked. "Haven't you ever tried water sports?" I asked innocently. They looked at each other baffled by my inquiry, and then back at me.

"Dang, Ro, you said you had a kinky side to you but I didn't think it was that," Ty said, with complete surprise in his voice.

"Yeah, well, now you both know," I said revealing my secret. "I just want you guys to get to know me better; and yes, I can be a kinky fucker. You two shared your secret with me, I thought it only fair I share mine with you. Are you repulsed? It's not for everyone and we certainly don't have to engage in it if you don't want to. That's perfectly OK." There was a bit of a silent pause between us for several seconds. I thought that perhaps I blew it with them.

"I think I have to give this some thought, Ro. I have heard about water sports, of course, but I have never had a desire to experiment with it. Truthfully, I've never really given it much thought," Will commented.

"Yeah, neither have I," Ty chimed in. "Maybe you can show us how it works some time."

"Believe me; I'd love too; we'll start slow. Give it some thought and let me know if you want to give it a try." I flushed the toilet and went back to the bedroom. I centered myself in the bed and waited for the boys. I'm sure they were probably having a conversation about my disclosure.

In about two minutes, they walked back into the bedroom. Will turned the light off as Ty crawled into bed. I raised my right arm for Ty to cuddle up next to me so I could hold him while we fall asleep together. I felt Will crawl into bed next and cuddle up to me. He laid on his right side against my arm. I could feel his soft cock on my hand so I opened my hand and grabbed his dick. I gave it a gentle squeeze and continued to hold his dick in my hand. I felt him take a deep breath and relax as he uttered a soft moan, seemingly content. Immediately, I felt his eyelashes brush my skin as he closed his eyes.

I woke up early the next morning. I assumed it was morning; the room was still dark so I didn't know what time it was. I heard the shower running. Immediately I knew it was Will because Ty was still wrapped around me fast asleep. I turned slightly on my side to the right and wrapped myself around Ty as best I could without waking him up. Once I got comfortable, I fell back to sleep.

The next time I woke up, I found myself in bed alone. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to pee. I walked out into the living room to see Will sitting at the dining room table with his laptop. Ty was standing behind Will, his hands resting on Will's shoulders, looking at the computer screen.

As I made my way to the table, Will was pointing at the screen. "Here you go, Ty-Ty, see, the right here is the tangent and this is the cotangent meaning the reciprocal of the tangent."

"Dear Lord, isn't it a little early for Trigonometry, guys?" I said still a little foggy.

"Good morning sleepy-head," Will said without looking away from the computer screen. Ty came over and gave me a big hug. "Morning baby," I whispered as I hugged him back. You two planned last night, didn't you?" I asked.

Will looked over at me and smiled. Ty didn't say a word. "Um, I think we're going to plead the fifth," Will said as he returned his attention back to the computer screen.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. What do you studs have planned today?" I asked.

"Will's working on a project for class and I'm playing hookie today. I want to be here when grams gets home but other than that, I'm free. What do you want to do today, Ro" Ty asked.

"I'd like to eat you all day long to be honest, but I have to go to the supermarket and stock the house, plus I need other stuff like, a coffee pot, dishes, pots & pans, pillows, and crap like that. I'm not looking forward to it; I hate shopping. I just want to get it done and over with. I know I won't get it all done today; there is not enough time. Spectrum is scheduled to install my internet connection today too. I'd much rather have you sit on my face all day and feed me that gorgeous cock of yours," I chuckled.

"I heard that you know," Will laughed.

"How about you guys can take turns sitting on my face all day; how does that sound?"

"A lot better than Trig I can tell ya," Will responded. "If I didn't have so much work to do, I'd take you up on that offer, however, duty calls."

"I'll go shopping with you, Ro if we can be back by the time grams comes home," Ty offered.

"That can be arranged gorgeous; no problem. Let me take a quick shower and we'll head over to the supermarket." Ty grabbed a hold of my dick and escorted me to the shower.

One hundred ninety-three dollars and sixty-seven cents later, Ty and I walked out of the supermarket pushing a packed trolly. Until I can buy dishes and cookware, I primarily bought stuff that I could microwave and already prepared meals I could just throw in the oven. Ty helped me schlep the bags into the house; it took multiple trips back out to the car to bring everything in. Now I don't have to rush and buy cookware right away. I know once I start work, I'm going to be putting in a lot of hours until I can get the projects back on schedule.

As we unpacked the bags, Ty asked, "Where do you want this stuff?"

"Surprise me, gorgeous; put it wherever you think it should go. I'll find it when the need arises."

"Oh yeah, what about this," he giggled holding his crotch.

"You mean my favorite thing on this planet; that most definitely belongs in my mouth. It will always belong in my mouth. God created it for my mouth," I growled as I stepped over to him and grabbed his crotch.

With one hand on his crotch and the other wrapped around his waist, I leaned down and nibbled on his neck. He started to laugh; "that tickles," he said and tried to squirm out of my embrace. I let go of his crotch and wrapped my arms around him. I lifted him up off of the floor and squeezed him tight.

"I could just eat you up!" I growled. He wrapped his legs around my waist and kissed me hard. Immediately, my cock started to expand just feeling his body against mine. I pulled back from our kiss and I released him. He never stopped looking in my eyes as he took a step back, dropped his shorts to the kitchen floor, and pulled his shirt off.

He stepped back over to me, his cock rising by the nanosecond. I picked him up, sat him on the kitchen counter, and proceeded to kiss him passionately. As we kissed, I reached down and wrapped my hand around his beautiful, hard cock. He moaned deeply, leaned back, and braced himself on the counter.

I took a step back, bent over, and took his cock in my mouth. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly through his teeth, moaning constantly. I started sucking his cock with gusto. I reached around him and placed my hands on the small of his back as I took his glorious cock into my throat. I was in absolute heaven. I held onto him tight as I bobbed up and down on the cock that I love more than anything else on the planet.

In just a few minutes, I heard him start to almost pant. I felt his dick expand in my mouth so I wrapped my lips around his knob and waited for my tasty reward. In seconds, I felt him squirting repeatedly against my tongue. How I love, love, love his sweet, cum. He tastes so divine. When the flow came to an end, I stuck my tongue in his tip for anything left behind. I held him in my mouth and savored everything he gifted me.

He suddenly sat forward and wrapped his arms around my head. He applied gentle pressure and forced my head down on his cock. An act that I truly, truly took pleasure in. I took his softening cock down completely until my nose was buried in his soft pubes. I felt like I could stay here just like this for all eternity. Much to my chagrin, he pulled me up and off his cock entirely too soon.

I leaned against the counter, my arms on either side of him supporting my weight, and kissed him softly. "God, I could do that every minute of the day and never weary. I love, love, love it when you cum in my mouth. I think I'm addicted to your cum," I smiled. In fact, I think I'm addicted to you; all of you."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him. "No one has ever said that to me before," he whispered in my ear. "You make me feel really, good, Ro. Why do you say things like that?" he asked softly.

"Because, that's how I feel, baby. I kind of have a habit of saying things that I'm feeling when I'm feeling them. Would you rather I not say how I feel about you? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable, per se; It's just, I guess I'm not used to it. I mean, you make me feel really good Ro when you say those things to me. I do like it; it's just sometimes, well it's just so surprising. I can't figure out why you like me so much. I don't get it. I mean, Will is built like a brick shit-house. He works our regularly; he has a sculpted body. He has a pretty big dick, he's really, really good looking. Why me and not him?" Ty asked.

"First of all, you are absolutely correct, Will is all of those things you mentioned and most likely a whole lot more. I loved what happened between all of us last night. Honestly, I truly hope we can do it again and again. Am I attracted to Will? The answer is, absolutely; he's a hot, sexy man with a very handsome face, a beautiful body, and a beautiful cock, however, having said all of that, Will is not you. You are the one that trips-my-trigger and floats my boat.

I find you to be one of the most physically beautiful people I have ever seen. I'm very drawn to you. I told Will the exact same thing about you. In addition to your physical attributes, I feel that you have a heart of gold. That in and of itself is enough to make you attractive to me. I think you are gorgeous, Ty. You are so incredibly handsome, you have a beautiful body, a flawless ass that I could live in, and a cock that makes me forget my own name.

Oh, and speaking of cocks, understand this, I couldn't care less how big a man's dick is. As long as it's healthy, clean, and tastes good, that's all I care about. Besides, you have nothing, and I mean nothing, to be concerned about in the cock department. In my eyes, I think your dick is perfect and you are perfect."

Ty sat there on the kitchen counter with his eyes as big as saucers; his mouth slightly ajar. I could see the wheels turning in his head. "Does that kind of clear up your confusion gorgeous?" I asked with a smile. He didn't respond verbally, he just looked at me and slowly nodded his head twice.

"Ty! Come on brother. We need to get a move on and pick up grams," Will called out from the door.

"Come on in, stud!" I called to him. "We're in the kitchen," Will walked in and came right over to us. He took a look at Ty sitting naked on the counter and said, "I'm curious; do you two ever take a break?"

I gave him a smile and shrugged my shoulders. "Come on, Will, just look at him. Can you blame me?" I asked.

"I see your point," he said casually. "Get dressed brother; we have to go! Meet me at the car." Will stepped over to me and grabbed my cock. He kissed me and said, "I'll see you later, Daddy." He started to giggled, turned, and walked away.

"I'd love to be your Daddy!" I called to him as he opened the front door and stepped through.

"I'd better get going," Ty said finally finding his voice. I quickly stepped over to him, bent over, and took his flaccid cock in my mouth. I could taste the sweet, after-cum seepage.

"I have to go Ro; you can have more later," he said softly.

After Ty left, I finished putting the groceries away in the kitchen, then put the bathroom stuff away in the bathroom. I made a mental note to buy some of those shampoo and shower gel dispensers like the rental place had attached to the shower wall in the bathroom. I found them to be extremely convenient. I could probably find them at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Since I didn't buy a shower caddy, I had to set the shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel that I bought at the market on the shower floor. The bottles were a bit too tall to fit into the little alcove built into the shower wall.

I took a seat on the sofa and checked my email on my phone. I had a couple of emails from Bo and about seven at least from Linda, my boss in Philly. I read Bo's but decided to pass on Linda's until I could bring them up on my laptop sometime in the late afternoon or evening. At the moment, I didn't want to know what they were about. Tonight or, most likely tomorrow would be soon enough to jump back into the workforce. I was just so thrilled to be so close to Ty. The opportunity to see him virtually every day pleased me thoroughly.

I decided to call Craig but it went directly to voicemail. He was probably working at the supermarket. Knowing that Tom was working, I didn't try to call him. I also knew that Bo would be at work so I'd wait until later to call him. I sat my phone down on the coffee table and by accident, I must have hit the photos button on my phone.

Suddenly, all of these photos I took of Ty popped up. I picked up my phone and paged through them one-by-one. They were from the day that he showed me the apartment. The day that our physical contact started. The photos started at the beginning, with him standing in the bedroom doorway looking ever so scrumptious. Each passing photo revealed a little bit more of him. As I paged through the photos it looked as if he were doing a strip tease. When I came to the photo of him bent slightly forward, his perfect ass facing me, I heard myself moan out loud.

I swiped across and the video I took of him started playing. I watched intently as he slowly turned around and his oh so perfect cock came into view. I found myself squeezing my rapidly growing basket. I put the video on repeat, and with one hand, unfastened my pants, lowered the zipper, and freed my cock. It popped right up, tall, proud, and ready for action. I wrapped my hand around my cock and started stroking as I watched the video.

After a couple of minutes stroking slowly, I released my dick and lowered my cargos down to my thighs. I looked down at my cock to see a single drop of pre on the head of my dick. I wiped it off with my finger and stuck it in my mouth. I licked the palm of my hand, grabbed my cock again, and resumed stroking up and down the full length of my dick.

On the upstroke, I could see the pre oozing down my knob and over the corona. I took the head of my cock in hand and spread the slickness all over my knob. Watching the video, I remembered not more than an hour prior, Ty cumming in my mouth and my cock exploded all over the place. There was jizz on me, the couch, the coffee table and even on the wall behind the couch. I shot everywhere. I was glad that I bought a leather couch.

I licked my hand clean and squeezed out the last of my load. I licked my fingers clean again and went into the kitchen to get some paper towels to clean up my mess. I took a quick shower, returned to the couch, and assumed a reclining position. The next thing I knew, there was a knock on my door.

I opened the door to see a slender guy with a full beard, wearing a long-sleeved brown shirt and a pair of blue jeans. "May I help you," I asked.

"Roman Teale," he answered.

"Yes, that's correct," I responded.

"I'm Ted. I'm here to install your internet connection."

"Oh, yes, come on in," I quickly responded.

"I assumed you guys would be in uniform," I said.

"Well, I'm just covering for the technician that was originally scheduled to do your install. He got hung-up on another job so here I am. I'm a field supervisor so I rarely do installs anymore, but don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"Well, thanks for filling in; I appreciate it,"

"Sure; no worries," he responded. "Just to confirm, you are only getting internet service; you don't want cable TV; is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct. I just need the internet."

"Very good. Where would you like to place the modem?" he asked next.

"If possible, I'd like to put it on the lower shelf of that corner table," I pointed. "Is that possible?" I answered.

"Let me take a look," he said.

I showed him exactly where I wanted the modem to go and he looked around on the wall. "Um," he said taking his baseball cap off and frowning a bit.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Well, technically we can put the modem here, but I'd have to run a cable up that wall, across the ceiling, and down that wall. You see, the problem is that there is no terminal on this wall. Your terminal is on that wall," he said pointing to the opposite side of the living room. In addition, the company is going to charge you for the extra install time. This is not something that I can do in thirty minutes. The company would consider it like a new install because of the additional labor."

"Well, how much are we talking?" I asked.

"I not sure to be honest, Mr. Teale. I think it's somewhere around $139 per hour; but don't quote me on that. I'm not sure. Plus, it would have to be scheduled because of the additional time it would take to run the cable."

"Oh, fuck that!" I said out loud. "I don't have that kind of time, Ted. I need it tomorrow for my job. So, let me make sure I understand this correctly. You can have me up and running today as long as we utilize the existing terminal which is right here on this wall. Correct?"

"Yes, that's correct," he answered.

"Well, I have no choice at the moment. I need internet service now. Go ahead and put it on that wall then. I can live with that." I instructed him.

"OK, will do. Do you have a router?" he asked next. "Once I get you connected to the internet, I need to make sure that your router is broadcasting sufficiently."

"Doesn't that come with the modem thingy?" I asked.

"No Sir, that's a separate piece of hardware. That is unless you want to run an ethernet cable directly from your device to the modem."

"Ted, I have no idea what you just said. Look, all I want to be able to do is get to the internet on my laptop and watch Netflix from time-to-time. That's what I want. Can you do that for me?" I asked becoming a bit frustrated.

"Yes Sir; I can do that for you. May I ask if you are going to watch Netflix from your living room, bedroom, or both, Mr. Teale?"

"Both, I'm sure. Does it matter?" I responded curtly.

"Yeah, it does; you are going to require a router. If you don't have one, I have one in the truck you can rent. The company will just tack the rental cost of the router onto your monthly bill. Or if you'd prefer, you can buy your own at almost any electronics store, like Best Buy for example. The choice is yours," Ted said.

"Ted, I'm sorry if this sounds a bit cross, I don't mean to be rude, however, I'm not running all over God's creation just for a router when you have one on in the truck. I'm new to the area and I haven't the slightest clue where to go. If you have one on the truck that will work, that's what we're going to do. Just, please get me up and running today."

"Understood. I'll get to work right away. May I come and go as the need arises?" he asked.

"Yes, please, Ted, do whatever you need to do."

"Great, I'll get started then."

About eight o'clock that evening, there was a knock at my door. I was watching Father Brown on Netflix. It just made me feel better since I hadn't seen Ty since they left to pick up their grandmother at the hospital. I opened the door to see my beautiful Ty standing there with a smile on his face.

"There's my man, in the flesh," I smiled. "Why did you knock?" I asked.

"I do believe it's called manners," he responded.

I reached out and pulled him into the house. "You never have to knock, Ty. My door is always open to you and Will; especially you. I'm so happy to see you!" I said excitedly as I picked him up in my arms.

"Me too," he said as he kissed me.

"How's grams?" I asked.

"She's good, thanks. She's so happy to be home and out of the hospital. She and Will are cleaning up after dinner. Well, mostly Will to be honest. She asked that I invite you over for tea tomorrow. Whenever it's convenient for you. She wants to thank you in person."

"Thank me? Thank me for what?" I asked. "You know, what you did at the hospital and for picking me up," he answered.

"You guys are making this hospital thing bigger than necessary. Besides, I would do anything for you, Ty, short of killing someone I mean."

"For us, it means a great deal, Ro. Let my grams thank you. It's important to her," Ty rebutted.

"Of course, I will, Ty; I promise. Um, I need to ask you a personal question; is that OK?"

"Sure, you already know my biggest, darkest secret," he smiled.

"Yeah, it's actually about that; I take it your grams doesn't know about you and Will, or me for that matter?"

"No, she doesn't know. You are the only one that knows about me and Will and we want to keep it that way. You know what kind of trouble that would cause if that became public knowledge. It has to stay between us."

"I totally agree, baby; I was just curious. How long have you and Will been lovers?" I asked.

"Um, a long time now. It started when we were just kids; just playing around with each other. Mom was in jail and Will was all I had a vice versa. As time went on, it escalated to what it is today. We don't feel that we are doing anything wrong or immoral. We're brothers, we love each other, and we love having sex together."

"Does Will have anyone else he's interested in?" I asked.

"Will has a girlfriend on campus; her name is Tracy. I probably shouldn't call her his girlfriend because they don't consider themselves boyfriend and girlfriend. They are more like fuck-buddies. They hang out together and when the mood strikes, they have sex."

"Does he like having sex with her?" I asked.

"I can tell you what he told me when I asked him that question."

"What did Will tell you?"

"He said and I quote, "Sometimes, it's better than jerking off, but she's not you Ty-Ty. I'd much rather have sex with you; it means so much more to me. It made me feel good to hear him say that."

"I see, I can definitely understand his point of view. Thanks for telling me gorgeous; I appreciate your candor and confidence in sharing that information with me."

"Do you have sex with your friends Craig and Tom?" Ty asked.

"Yes, I do. Sex with them is good; we all enjoy each other. However, it's different with you, baby."

"How so; how is it different?" Ty asked.

"Because with Craig and Tom, I have no emotional interest in them. I love them as friends. I love spending time with them; we have fun together and enjoy each other's company. I do enjoy having sex with them, but I have feelings for you, therefore, having sex with you is more meaningful.

With you, I'm emotionally invested. I love having sex with you. I love seeing you. I love looking at you. I love seeing that beautiful smile of yours. I love seeing you naked. I love eating that gorgeous ass of yours. I adore sucking your perfect cock. I love it when you cum in my mouth; it sends me into orbit. I feel differently about you, Ty. I even jerked off today thinking about you."

"Yeah, me too, he laughed. I didn't jerk off today but I got so hard thinking about you I wanted to. I love having sex with you too, Ro. So does Will. I think Will's more gay than bi. He doesn't talk about girls the way normal straight guys do. But he comments about guys sometimes. He makes comments about you too."

"Do you remember when we first met?" I asked rhetorically. "You told me that you were bi that day. Have you had sex with a girl yet?" I asked him.

"No, I haven't," he admitted. "Until you, the only one I've been interested in having sex with is Will. I know him, I know what he likes, I know how to make him pop. He knows me too. We know each other and what each other likes."

"Do you want to have sex with a girl?" I asked Ty.

"I think so; I'm not sure. I mean, a lot of my online friends or school mates are girls. Several of them are very pretty. However, I can't say that I have ever thought of having sex with them. I have thought about having sex with some of the boys though. Maybe I really more gay than bi too, just like Will."

"That's possible. It's also possible that perhaps you just haven't found a girl that suits your fancy sufficiently to be interested in having sex with her. I wouldn't worry too much about it gorgeous, if it's meant to happen, it will happen. So, did you stop by just to deliver your grams invitation to tea tomorrow or did you have something else in mind?" I asked giving him a lascivious smile.

"I wouldn't mind a quickie before I have to go back," he said softly giving me the eye.

I was up at six thirty the next morning. Knowing that Linda was an early-riser, I gave her a call. She answered immediately. She was on her way into the office and said she'd call me back as soon as she got in. I sat my laptop on the dining room table, refilled my coffee cup and reviewed some of the previous emails she sent me regarding the various projects she was behind on.

It certainly appeared as if I had my work cut-out for me. There was so much stuff to do I felt like she opened up a fire hose full-blast and let me have it. It made me seriously doubt that I could get them back on schedule. I started to almost panic before I snapped out of it. I finally told myself that all I can do is give it my best shot.

I broke about one o'clock to make a little lunch for myself. I whipped up some tuna fish salad, grabbed a coke from the fridge, and went back to work. By three o'clock, my brain was fried for the day. I had to get out of the house; I even forgot about going over to Betty's for tea I got so involved with my work. I logged out at work and ambled over to Betty's hoping to see Ty. I knocked and Will answered the door.

"Ro!" he said excitedly. "Come on in!"

I stepped into the house and Ty was nowhere to be seen. I assumed he was in the bedroom attending class. "Ty is in class I assume?" I asked Will.

"Yes, he should be done for the day around 3:30 or 3:45. Have a seat," he said with a smile as he ran his hand over his crotch. "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked. "Sure, whatever you have will be fine," I answered. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," I added.

"Just working on a class assignment," Will answered, "I could use a little break,"

"Where is your grams?" I asked.

"She went to lie down for a little bit. I can wake her if you'd like," he said.

"No, God no, let her rest. Ty extended her invitation to tea last night but I've been working all day and it slipped my mind."

Will walked over to the table and set what looked like a glass of coke on the table. He looked behind him down the hallway to make sure that the coast was clear, leaned down, and gave me a quick kiss. "I hope we get an opportunity to get together again before I have to leave," he whispered. I knew exactly what he was referring to and my cock started perking up.

"I'm sure that can be arranged, hopefully sooner than later. I'll leave that up to you and Ty. Just stop by when opportunity permits; you know where I live," I said as I reached down, spread my legs, and grabbed my dick. I made sure he saw me doing it. He gave me a look that suggested he wanted to pounce on me right there at the table.

I brought one hand up and took a sip of my soda as I traced the outline of my growing member in my pants with the other. "If you want that cock, take it," I whispered.

He stood up at the table, I could see the bulging mound in his shorts. He looked behind him towards the hallway. He looked back at me before he walked silently, almost on tiptoe, to the center of the hallway. He glanced into his gram's bedroom, then returned to the table. He reached down and wrapped his hand around my cock which was now running down the leg of my cut off's.

"Let me see it," he whispered.

I grabbed the end of my shorts and lifted them up so just the top part of my cock was exposed.

"Fuck!" he moaned softly, "Look at the fuckin knob! So hot!

He turned and looked behind him towards the hallway again. He turned back to face me and dropped to his knees. He took the head of my cock in his mouth and started to tongue it vigorously. I reached down and placed my hand on the back of his head, forcing his head down on my cock. He sucked my cock for just a few seconds before releasing me and standing back up.

"I want it so bad but it's just too dangerous right now," he whispered.

I reached down and started stroking the top half of my cock. I kept my dick perpendicular to my body as I stroked. It was so hot watching him watch me jerking my cock. I could see the desire in his face. I knew what he wanted and I was very willing to give it to him. "I'll let you know when," I whispered as I increased the speed of my strokes. He nodded his head, smiled nervously, and licked his lips.

It didn't take long before I reached the cliff's edge. "Get ready," I whispered.

He scooted to the edge of his chair and looked behind him. "Now!" I said urgently.

He dropped to his knees in a flash and took the head of my cock in his mouth. As soon as I felt his lips wrap around my cock I shot off in his mouth. I continued to stroke gently as I filled his mouth. He quickly swallowed twice before allowing his mouth to fill for the last time before swallowing.

He quickly jumped up and sat back down at the table. I squeezed the last of my juice from my cock and licked it from my fingers. I then tucked myself back into my pants legs as best I could and turned completely to face the table. Although my cock was still partly exposed, at least no one would see it unless they stood directly by my side.

"That was such a turn on," I whispered.

"I've never taken a chance like that before," he whispered back, "but I loved it. I feel like such a pig!" he giggled. "You sure do cum a lot."

"What about you?" I asked. "You want to feed me like that, stud?"

"Fuck, I'd love to, but I've already pushed it farther than I ever have before; I'd better not."

"Too bad, I'd love to feel you squirting in my mouth right now, but I'll take a rain check. So, let me ask you this; where can I buy a used car?"

"Oh, that's easy; Flemming's. I've known his son, Gabe, for a while now. His father owns a used car lot. He's a good guy and I trust him. He'll give you a fair deal. I can go with you if you'd like since I know them," he offered. "Thanks, Will; I accept. What time do they close? I asked.

"If memory serves correct, I think they close at six o'clock. Let me check," he said as he picked up his phone. Yeah, six o'clock he said about thirty seconds later. Why a used car?" he asked.

"I just need a transportational vehicle. I'll be working from home now, so I can't see spending thirty or forty grand on a car; that's just insane. However, I don't mind spending fifteen or so for a decent, mechanically sound vehicle. That's much easier to swallow financially. I just need something reliable to get me around. When would be a good time to go over with me?" I asked.

"How about now?" he answered.

"That works for me," I said pleased that he was willing to drop what he was doing to take me over.

"Just give me a second to let Ty-Ty know where we're going and I'll be right back."

"Kiss him for me", I whispered.

"Sorry, not going to happen. His whole class would see it. You can kiss him later when we get back." * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Mr. Flemming," Will greeted the car lot owner.

"Wilson," he responded happily giving Will a big friendly hug. "How are you doing? How's school?"

"I'm just great, thanks for asking. School is a bear but you have to do what you have to do. I'd like you to meet my friend Roman Teale. Roman just moved here and he's in the market for a used car. I suggested he come and talk to you. I told him that you're an honest man and that you'd give him a fair deal."

"Thank you so much, Will; I appreciate that. I'm sure we can work something out. Hello, Mr. Teale," he greeted me in handshake. "I'm Ron Flemming, it's nice to meet you. Tell me, Mr. Teale, what do you have in mind and what kind of budget are we dealing with?" he asked.

"Well, I'm going to be honest with you Mr. Flemming. I'm just looking for a reliable transportational vehicle. I don't need anything fancy. I would prefer 4 doors, preferably an automatic, and not too big but I don't want a roller skate sized vehicle either. I'm looking to spend around fifteen thousand if possible. If you don't think you can help me, I'll understand. I'm not interested in playing the haggling game. Just be upfront with me if you can't help me and I'll be on my way."

"I can respect that Mr. Teale; I understand where you're coming from. You see Mr. Teale; I don't haggle either. The price is the price and that's that. I'm a fair and honest man, Mr. Teale and I can certainly try to work within your budget. Now that we understand each other, let me say that Will here has referred you to the right place. Come with me, let me show you what I have that will meet your needs and your budget and we can take it from there." The three of us walked around the lot for the next forty-five minutes or so. Mr. Flemming and I got to chatting and I sincerely liked the man. He asked what I did for a living and we chatted about that for several minutes. He seemed to be generally interested in my occupation. Although there were several cars that fell into my price range, the cars that we looked at just didn't give me that warm fuzzy feeling I was hoping for.

I thought that I was going to have to choose a vehicle that I was just not going to be overly content with just to have a car. I was certainly not going to keep extending the rental agreement for the rental car I'm driving now. That was getting really expensive and I wanted my own car. Mr. Flemming had to take a phone call in the office so that left Will and I on our own for a while.

As we walked the lot, I saw just up ahead a car that caught my attention. "Will, look at that one," I said excitedly. I hurried over to the car and saw that it was a Toyota Corolla LE. This would be perfect for me, Will," I said as he stood next to me.

"Ro, it's $24,495. That's way more than you said you wanted to spend."

"Yeah, I know; that totally sucks!" I went over and opened the driver's side door. It was really clean inside too. I got in behind the wheel and Will jumped in the passenger side. For a compact car, it has pretty good leg room don't you think?" Will asked.

"I do, and look, the center console is really low. I could just lean right over and suck your dick so easily," I giggled softly.

"Funny," he said, "I was thinking the same thing."

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry about that," Mr. Flemming said as he approached us. I just got this car in last week. It's super clean and in really good shape but it's not in your price range, Mr. Teale."

"Yeah, I know. I just saw it and this would be perfect for me. I really like it; even the color. It looks to me like it's a bluish-silver or a silverish-blue. Whatever it is, it's a really nice color; very pleasant to the eye."

"Is this the best you can do Mr. Flemming?" Will asked.

"Well, let me think for a second here Will. Perhaps, if Mr. Teale were willing to consider a kind of trade-off, perhaps we could work something out."

"A trade-off?" I asked. "I'm not sure I understand," I said.

"You see Mr. Teale. I have been wanting to change my logo, marketing materials, pamphlets, and my web site. If you were willing to work with me to accomplish that, perhaps we can work something out about the price of the car. Is that something that may be of interest to you?" he asked.

"I guess that would depend on what your bottom line would be for the car, and what length of time I would be committing to in order to accomplish your goals. Understand that I would do all of the design, all of the artwork including your new logo, and then provide you what we call a vector file for your printer and your web creator. That would be the full extent of my involvement. After implementation, my obligation would be fulfilled. If that is agreeable to you; we have a deal Mr. Flemming and with my sincere appreciation."

"Perfect; that is acceptable to me. How about if I sell you this car for $15,000; tax and tags included. I'll also throw in a year's worth of oil changes and tire rotations at no cost to you?"

"Mr. Flemming, you have a deal my friend," I said enthusiastically.

"Great, come on into the office and we'll do all of the paperwork and get you on the road."

"It took about another half hour or so to finish the paperwork. Mr. Flemming handed me the keys and I handed them over to Will."

"What's this for?" Will asked.

"We drove over here in my rental car remember? I can't drive both of the cars home. I thought since you made all of this happen, you should have the honor of driving the car home."

"Will looked at me and gave me a big smile."

"Excuse me," Mr. Flemming said. "May I ask which rental company you rented your car from?"

"Enterprise," I answered him.

"Great, no problem. I work with them all the time. You can leave the rental here with me if you'd like. I'll call them in the morning and they'll send someone over to pick it up."

"Really; they'll do that." I asked rather surprised to hear him say that.

"Of course, it's part of their service. No problem," Mr. Flemming answered me.

"That's perfect; thank you so much. Problem solved," I said with a big smile on my face.

"Gentlemen," Mr. Flemming said as he stood up from his desk and reached across to shake our hands. Drive safe now. Just call me when you're ready for the first oil change."

I gave Mr. Flemming the keys to the rental and walked out of his office with Will by my side. Will held the keys up in the air for me to take back and drive us home. "No sir, the honor is all yours you big hunk of stud. What do you say we find a secure spot where I can suck you off before we get home."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing," he said softly.

For the next several days solid, I worked 12 hours days. I knew I had to call Mr. Flemming to see what that job was going to require in terms of my time. I would most likely dedicate my weekends off from my regular job to him. There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to be extremely busy for the foreseeable future.

Before Will went back to college, since I was so swamped with work, he and Ty offered to go and buy dishes, glasses, cookware, towels, and that kind of stuff for me. I gave them my credit card and off they went. I was extremely grateful to them for doing it for me. I told them to buy whatever they thought that I needed.

As the weeks and months passed by, Ty, Will and myself, developed a sort of routine. Ty and I spent a lot of time together, and we zoomed or facetimed with Will a couple of times a week depending on his availability. He came home every other weekend and Ty and I made sure his home visits were quite pleasurable. He too became a very important part of my life. Ty would always be my primary focus in life, but Will, he was most definitely a big part of our lives; we were like the three musketeers.

Craig and Tom were a big part of my life too; they got to know both Ty and Will quite well and of course, they figured out the kind of relationship that Ty and Will share. Those two Hanson boys are so connected to each other you'd have to be a moron not to figure it out; especially since we all spend so much time together.

Bo came up as often as he could; it turns out that Bo, Craig, and Tom, had a little thing going between the three of them; surprise, surprise. I think that Bo developed serious feelings for both of them; I could just tell because I know him so well. Honestly, I think Bo would move in with them at the drop of a hat. I guess time will tell.

I am so, so happy that I moved to Maine and I will be forever grateful to my best friend, Bo, whom I love dearly, for finding the Hanson apartment for me. It changed my life.

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