The Inheritance

Published on Oct 19, 2021


The Inheritance 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

As a result of my attendance at the Athena Baths, my life unexpectedly changed. Mustapha, Babu, Rashid and Ali were connected to many people and groups. They sometimes carried informal messages between the British government and their connections. These messages were intended to resolve warn of problems and resolve misunderstandings.

Their connections were not always allied to the Empire, but some actions could be misunderstood. While I did not intend to get involved, I discovered that exchanging messages as we exchanged sperm had an allure.

Abdul later told me that I had a desirable skill. My ass tended to mold itself to the cocks that entered me. Mustapha noticed that skill and loved the feeling. He told Babu and his friends about me. Babu loved to fuck, but he had a problem finding men who could take is cock and even fewer who could enjoy it.

They were all big boys, but they knew they had to be careful if they wanted regular sex. Bunny explained their sexual traditions. They were all in arranged marriages with suitable women. These were the mothers of their children. Since childbirth was dangerous, they planned to have children when the mother was heathy, and the season was right. There were doweries involved and if a wife died in childbirth, the money would revert to her parents. While sex with other women was allowed it might complicate things if an heir died.

Sex with men was not sex, it was play. It did not complicate inheritances. If a man died, his closest friend would be expected to treat the fatherless children as his own and protect them. This was the honorable thing to do.

I was not an agent, and I was even less a spy. I became a post office. I would get information and get the information to the correct recipient. Most of the recipients were Bunny's associates or Bunny himself. Because of the obscurity of the Athena Baths, it was a perfect location for the delivery of messages.

The Athena was in an old building. It had been altered many times and once had been connected to several neighboring buildings, mostly in the cellars. The connection was in the furnace room that produced the warmth needed in the baths.

The connections were from a tearoom, and a tobacconist shop. That shop had several rooms dedicated to games of chance for members of the upper class. The management did not take strangers well. The Tobacco shop specialized in Turkish and Egyptian tobacco. They knew every customer.

Oscar Wilde had been the subject of nationwide disapproval. That disapproval did not include one person of the highest rank. He was a rake and a libertine. Men like Oscar did him a favor. There were more women available for him. While he may have had many vices, hypocrisy was not one of them. His friends were untouchable.

The arrangement to exchange information was simple. Mustapha, Babu or I would meet at the baths. They would whisper information to me as their cocks stretched my ass. Babu preferred to end the message transfer with an ejaculation in my ass. He shot huge load, and dribbling sperm from my ass testified to the sincerity of his passion. No one watched his lips moving. Mustapha preferred to pull out, ejaculate on my ass and then collect his sperm on his cock head and push it back into my ass. In both cases the ejaculations were undeniably genuine.

Once a man, Eustace Mountjoy, took Babu's place, slipping easily into my sperm filled ass. "Your friend certainly whispered sweet nothings into your ear," he said in a whisper.

"He is romantic, but alas, they were in Arabic," I replied.

Eustace laughed as he shot off. "Sorry about that, old boy. I didn't expect that," he said. "It was so warm and wet. I've never been in a man's ass filled with sperma."

There was something not right about Eustace. You might use the phrase "old boy," for an old friend. Sperma in place of sperm seemed odd. I mentioned this Bunny. He would find out. Sperma was the German word for sperm.

Hours or a day later after a meeting, Babu, Bunny, Lewis or George would visit the baths and receive the message. I have a near perfect memory, so they got the message word for word. For a year, this arrangement worked perfectly.

The messages did not discuss state secrets. The messages were about mistakes and misunderstandings. We might have a gung-ho officer who killed some native people as a display of force. The government preferred displays of force that do not kill dozens of people. Bunny would give me a message that the incident occurred without authorization and the officer would be cashiered. Monetary restitution will be made. The incident would vanish.

We received the same sort of message from them, who ever them was. One was "Uncle Ravi went berserk. Will capture and kill." A simple and direct explanation of the problem and the solution.

Bunny was interested in Eustace Mountjoy. Mountjoy was a low-level German agent.

I didn't go to the Athena every day, but when there was a message, I would find a letter form the Greenwich Benevolent Society in the post. The messenger was usually Babu, Mustapha or Rachid. I had been to Babu's circus and seen his acts. They were skillful and amusing. He was a small circus and he used humor to be distinctive. Once and a while one of his acrobats or clowns would deliver the messages.

Once I had a message and went to the Baths at seven in the evening. I met Bob and Bill, Babu's twin acrobat-magicians. They were short, thin, and muscular. They had hairy chests that kept them from looking like boys. They were fine acrobats; both were limber and almost double jointed. Their magic act was comic. They had pretend time travel routine. Since they were identical twins that was easy. One of the twins would be poorly concealed and the children in the audience would try to tell the strait man that the double was barely hidden. The laughter was hysterical.

Bob and Bill were from the East End of London, and the were from a family of circus performer. Bill fucked me and gave me the message. He then told me that he and Bob had never shared an ass.

"Do you think I'm that kind of man?" I asked.

"I was just hoping," he murmured.

"If you think that, you are entirely right," I said. "Do you have a plan?"

"We sure do!" Bob said. The men had long, thin cocks with a big head. Their balls looked over sized for their small bodies. Getting into my ass was complicated, but they were used to complicated routines. They tried several approaches and eventually got both cocks in me. They attracted a crowd.

When they pulled out to take a breather. Johnny was there with a friend. He slipped his cock into me and refreshed the natural lubricant in my ass. When he pulled out, his friend entered me and quickly made his own contribution.

We had quite an audience by then and the men appreciated the show. I realized that the bath's patrons were all used to being naked and were used to watching intimate sexual encounters. The audience and engaged in the same encounters themselves.

I recalled that once I would have been humiliated to be naked, erect, and shooting off in public. The twins reentered my ass and eventually they had a joint orgasm. That garnered polite applause from the observers.

Johnny and his friend, Dudley came over to me. "Johnny told me I could fuck you. Are you all right?" Dudley asked.

"Johnny was right. It was good. How do you know each other?" I asked.

"We apprenticed together," Johnny said. "Dudley moved up north and I haven't seen him in years. We had some fun sleeping in the attic of the blacksmith's shop." We had a nice conversation. Later they returned to my ass to freshen the lubricant.

When they left, they interrupted an attack on a man by three ruffians on the street. They caught one of them, but the other two got away. The man they attacked was in bad condition. The man said one word, Deforest. Lewis arrived in the scene and went to fetch me.

When I got there, the man whispered a message in my ear and died. He had done his duty. I later found out he was one of Mustapha's cousins.

Dudley volunteered that he got one of the men good. I assumed that meant serious injuries. Blacksmiths do not come in the petite size. One of the ruffians was limping as his mate carried him off. Mustapha appeared and identified the body. He told Lewis that it was necessary to burry him quickly. Lewis was aware of my situation and was willing to keep things quiet.

Bunny came on his way to the baths. I gave him the message. He immediately hailed a carriage and left in the direction of Whitehall. He was much agitated.

Dudley and Johnny volunteered to go after the men and "finish the job." Lewis thanked them for their efforts. He said he knew of the dead man, and his mates were either floating in the Thames face down or were soon to be in the river. He asked that they not tell anyone about their adventure. They were smart men, and they knew that they had interrupted something important. The dead thug had a broken neck.

The next morning, I asked if I could go the funeral of the dead messenger. Mustapha said the funeral was over, but he thanked me for my most proper offer. Nothing at all appeared in the newspapers. Two weeks later there was an article in the Times that an attempt to attack the HMS Empress of India in the Suez Canal had been foiled. The Egyptian Police captured the perpetrators and they had been executed.

Eustace Mountjoy disappeared from the baths. He returned to Germany. A new man came to the bath. Maurice De Jardin. He was French and had something to do with Locomotives. Bunny checked his background and found was from Alsace which was now a part of the German empire. Bunny would keep an eye on him.

Mustapha brought a younger brother to the baths, Abdullah. Mustapha was returning to India by way of Egypt and Abdullah was his replacement. Like his brother, Abdullah was tall and handsome. He went to an English public school and spoke with a public-school accent. Mustapha introduced Abdullah to my ass and explained the technique to disguise his transmission of secret messages while fucking me. He explained the importance of shooting off in me and pulling out leaving a smear of sperm either on my hole or drooling from it.

This excited Abdullah. In his school, only upper-level men shot off in lower classmen. Since Abdullah was a foreigner, he never had a chance to breed a man. He considered ejaculating into what he called the joy pit a great honor. I thought of it the same way, since his orgasms were lengthy and seemed to inject pints of sperm into me, Abdullah's cock was not as thick as Mustapha's but was longer. It was a joy.

Abdullah's sperm had an unexpected effect on George Wright. He visited me when the press of his work allowed. Abdullah had ejaculated in me before and his sperm coating my asshole increased George's pleasure. George had secretly moved up in the Yard and now oversaw delicate cases involving men who George described as men who should have known better. George's official rank remained the same, but he was important. George knew Bunny MacDougal well and knew of my post office like activities.

While this was going on, I had numerous business obligations to help my father-in-law and my own properties. I traveled a lot. Some was for business, but to some persons in high places I had a skill at finding financial scandals and irregularities. This was important when you were dealing with persons of rank, or their problem children.

A life of carefree leisure was expensive. It was doubly expensive if a child has a taste for games of chance or horse racing. This caused serious problems, both financial and in the family. Responsible heirs found the family fortune depleted. Fortunes and lives were ruined. When I found I serious problem I told George about it after I informed the senior men in the charity and often the family of the charity. I had a serious problem with the "boys will be boys," attitude of the family. More often they would send the problem child to the colonies. I don't thing Canada or Australian colonies appreciated this.

Much of my work could be done at home since it required examining ledger books and records. I had help in these tasks, a mousey man named Reginald Jones. Reggie was impressively ordinary, and skilled at hiding any trace of intelligence or character. Numbers were his life. If there was a misplaced six pence, he noticed. If there was an unusual entry in a ledger, he might find it misplaced elsewhere. I paid him very well, but more importantly I treated him as a financial genius. Given his strict Welsh background, I may have been the first person to give him a compliment.

He had worked for the bookkeeper of the baths. Reggie was hired when the accounting had irregularities. He resolved the problems, and discovered the bath was to his taste. While he was physically unimpressive his cock represented a major portion of his body weight. Abdul described him as accommodating.

When I couldn't take a message, Reggie could and then transmit it to the intended recipient. Reggie could both moan in sexual ecstasy and remember every word of the message at the same time. It was a gift. He was a good top and shot off with surprising force. If you wanted a cock in your ass, you knew Reggie left a souvenir. If you topped, he seemed to have some extra muscles in his ass to milk the last drops.

I made a point of not contacting George often, as was true with Bunny and his friends. We had a rag and trash man who checked the refuse bins of our area daily. This was a wealthy area and some of the trash had value to the lower classes. I had a special place for messages. It was a waterproof pouch that cold be packed in the most offensive of my refuse. I never met the man personally, but I had smelled him. He could offend the vilest East End thug.

We had a new man visiting the baths, Lord Slough. He was young, almost handsome, personable, and no smarter than he needed to be. He wasn't particularly memorable, but he was an energetic top. Maurice De Jardin seemed to be particularly attracted to him. The regulars at the baths knew the other regulars' sexual orientations. They knew who liked what.

Maurice De Jardin had been exclusively a top. I am a regular and I noticed Maurice bottomed for Lord Slough. I also saw him squirting soothing lotion in his behind after the young lord left. I made inquiries the next time I saw Bunny.

He visited me at home, the next day. Slough was the only son of Lady Lavinia and Earl William Slough. Earl Slough was a minor country squire unexpectedly raised to a peerage. Lady Lavinia was Lavinia Williamson, better known as the Songbird of London. She was the former mistress of a most important prince. There was no question that our visitor was the prince's son.

There was no reason for Maurice De Jardin to be attracted to Lord Slough and to develop a taste for new sexual practices. De Jardin's usual taste was for older men of wealth and influence. A sexual connection with the son of a prince could cause great embarrassment. Bunny had ordered a deeper investigation into Maurice. This was difficult because De Jardin was a common name.

I talked to Abdullah, and he did his own investigation. He discovered that Maurice had a mistress, and his mistress was the wife of an Attaché at the German embassy. Attachés were often agents of German Intelligence. Her husband was Manfred Wolf, and he had no demonstrated interest in women. I gave this information to Bunny.

De Jardin was called back to Berlin on business. Bunny assumed he needed more instruction on how to manage Lord Slough.

I went to the baths that night to get meet with Abdullah; he had a message. He was unemotional except when sexually engaged. I had noticed that he usually gave me the message as he ejaculated. This time the message was encoded, so I had no way to know what it meant. Lewis was there and I gave him the massage to get it to George who transferred it to Bunny.

I relaxed in a sling. I often feel guilty when my ass wants more sex than I do. I laughed to myself. I was so accustomed to my naked undercover work, I seemed to have forgotten garden variety sex was good too.

I was surprised when Lord Slough entered the bath and came toward me.

"Excuse me sir. Are you just resting or are you waiting for some excitement?" he asked. This was the first time I saw Lord Slough close up. He had a man's body, but he struck me as young.

"I guess I am doing a little of both," I said. "I recently had an intimate interlude. My ass was opened earlier tonight."

"Is that bad?" he asked.

"No, there are some men who enjoy it more," I said. He was erect by that then, so he nudged his tool into my ass. His cock was certainly full grown.

As he slid it into me, he said, "I seem to be one of those men who enjoys it more." He began to pound me furiously.

"If you take your time, the orgasm will be more intense," I advised him. He slowed the pace of his thrusts. Ten minutes later the cock god had enough, and he transferred the contents of his balls to my ass. Slough was happy, like a boy who had just had a good evaluation from his school for the first time.

I was surprised when he came home with me. He said wanted to talk. That was not all he wanted.

Next: Chapter 5

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