The Inheritance

Published on Oct 24, 2021


The Inheritance 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

When we got to my house, Lord Slough seemed younger. He was a big man and could easily have been mistaken for being thirty or thirty-five. He was in unchartered waters, and I suspected he lacked a guide. I found out he had a complicated family life. His mother was disappointed in her life that was to have been as glittering actress and singer. His father was not interested in raising another man's son. He was christened Albert, but he had always been called Bertie.

Nurses and tutors raised him and he was later sent to an out of the way boarding school. A London boy in a provincial school had a difficult life. He discovered sex with other boys, but they knew no more about sex than he did. He was not bullied, but that was because he was so big.

His visit to the Athena Baths excited him. His interlude with me was his first completely successful sexual connection and his first orgasm in another man. The baths were a new experience for him. He wanted to know how to do things right. He was quite sure the schoolboy approach was wrong.

We talked and I realized he wasn't an idiot. It was clear he wasn't a genius, but he was above average. Eventually he came to the point; he wanted lessons. I told him I had friends who were gentle and knowledgeable. He told me he would like to meet them.

"There is a problem I need to tell you. These men expect their playmates to give and take. I you want to enter them, they expect to enter your ass," I explained.

"Would they expect to seed me?" he asked.

"Of course, but I can assure you that pregnancy is rarely a problem," I explained. Bertie looked puzzled, but then burst out in laughter.

"They didn't teach biology in any depth at school. they were afraid it would give the boys ideas," he explained. "I sucked the biology master's cock once. He spurted on my face. I don't know what he thought would happen if he shot off in my mouth."

A week later I had found some friends for a Sunday morning visit to the baths. I told him there might be an Egyptian, Arab, or Indian man there. He didn't object.

I selected the guest list carefully. I invited the Magician, Johnny, Philip Lewis the blacksmith, Abdulla and Babu. With Bertie and me, that made a good group. They were all trustworthy and oversexed. I sensed that Bertie had a taste for over sized genitals and this group satisfied his taste.

While young men might not like older men, older men often like younger men. Bertie was fully occupied. While everyone was willing to take to time to make sure Bertie was happy. He made two major discoveries. Using a cock to massage your ass was intensely pleasurable and tasting a man's sperm was a mark of success. He also discovered the warm feeling he had as a man injected his seed into him.

Johnny and Babu had thick cocks, but Johnny knew how to stretch ass to accommodate large tools. Johnny felt Bertie react as he pushed deeper. "Damn you're tight; it's beautiful," he moaned. He made sure that Bertie knew this wasn't a revenge fuck like at school. This was man sex. Johnny wanted the Bertie to know he wanted to please him as he was pushing his cock deeper to his ass.

Johnny wanted mutual pleasure. Sex is better when the man you are fucking enjoys it too. Feeling Bertie react to his cock excited Johnny. Bertie slipped into a sexual haze. He body knew how to respond, but his mind was overwhelmed. Johnny lost control of his cock as he ejaculated.

Abdulla loved to fuck white men. He too had bad experiences in school. When Johnny pulled out, Abdulla's large cock slid in. Abdulla always looked fierce, but as he pushed his cock into Bertie's cum lubricated ass, he almost smiled. Abdulla recognized Johnny as a man he could respect. Bertie was little more than a boy, but Johnny had coated Bertie's ass with his sperm.

Johnny's sperm made Bertie's ass special. It had Johnny's seal of approval. Abdulla knew that Bertie was excited and even though he had just taken a load, he wanted more. Bertie was shivering in excitement as Abdulla added his man seed to his ass.

When Abdulla pulled out Philip came over and sucked Bertie's cock. Philip was low key and relaxing. Bertie relaxed and almost fell asleep. He was surprised when he had series of orgasms. Philip sucked, licked, and caressed Bertie's knob until every drop of sperm was in his mouth. Bertie almost fell asleep with his cock in Philip's mouth, still savoring the drool.

Later, Bertie discovered the reason for the Magician's nickname. Bertie suffered for the usual problem with men who love men. The Magician was not as handsome as he might be, some thought he was ugly. The Magician was hung like a horse. Usually, the big cock wins the competition with an ugly face.

Two hours later, Bertie had no idea how many times he shot off. He knew he had given all, and that he could take it all.

"I feel as if I have joined a club with eccentric admission standards," he said after the men left. "Everything I have is due to social position and wealth. Is being liked because of my cock and ass much better?"

"Well, it's your playful nature, not your mothers or fathers," I said. "I think having friends because of your nature is much better than because of something your great grandfather did."

"Do you know who I am?" he asked.

I said yes and added that the Magician and Philip knew who he was. "Johnny, Abdulla and Babu didn't have a clue about your father. Could you tell the difference?" I asked.

Bertie smiled, and said no.

When we woke the next morning Bertie fucked me. It was to thank me, but I realized he had found the right rhythm for him. It wasn't slow or frantic. For me it was a rectal massage, and at the point it was getting tiresome, he climaxed. I squeezed my sphincter for each ejaculation and continuously squeezed as he pulled out.

"Did I do it right?" he asked. I told him it was perfect. He dressed and went home.

Abdulla and Lewis had been outside guarding the house. Lewis followed Bertie home.

I didn't realize Abdulla had a key and he came in to see me. I was in the bed naked. He stripped, lifted my legs, and slid his oversized cock into me. I moaned.

"I am content," he said. "You like many men."

"It is different when a friend fucks me," I said, "You are a handsome man, but even more handsome when your cock is in me."

"Sometimes it's just business when I am delivering a message," he said.

"It is always beautiful," I said. Abdulla smiled.

I had a busy day ahead. I had a meeting with a nobleman and had to tell him that his son was an embezzler. He met me with his oldest son and heir. They had strong suspicions, but the level of embezzling was a surprise. They discovered he had left on a ship to South Africa and the diamond mines, or to the Alaskan gold rush. A man resembling him was seen at near ships going to these locations.

His father thought he would strike gold and make good the money he embezzled. I knew that his son was a cheat and scoundrel. The men in a gold rush are not partial to that sort of man. I assumed he would be dead within the year. He would disappear and never be found.

I had been happy after my interlude with Bertie. I sensed that would have a good outcome. This situation left me depressed.

George met me as I left that meeting. It was an accidental meeting, but I had a suspicion that no meeting with George was accidental.

The son of a high-ranking person had been found in a compromising position. That had been hushed up with cash payment and a ticket to New Zeeland. I told him I was not running a nursery for needy children of the aristocracy.

George leaned close to me and said, "His father was a close friend of mine who lost his life in the service of the Queen," he paused briefly and added. "His mother remarried and had several more children. No one was interested in the boy. He is twenty-three so it's wrong to call him a boy." Against my better judgement I agreed to help.

The "boy" was named Rudolph Montague. He was poorly dressed, a bit overweight and surly.

"Uncle George told me you were going to help me. I don't need any help," he said.

"Your uncle misled you. He asked me to introduce you to a higher quality of sexual partners," I said.

"You're going to fuck me?" he asked.

"No, my objective is to introduce you to playmates who are not dangerous," I explained.

Someone knocked at the door. It was Johnny. He said he wanted to show mw something he had made. Rudolph and I went to his shop. Skipper had made a beautiful iron gate for a house on a nearby crescent. While it was quite complex, it gave the impression of refined simplicity. It was beautiful.

If I had taken Rudolph to the moon the smithy's shop could not have been more foreign to him. It was a new world to him. He loved it.

I wasn't sure Rudolph knew things were made. He might have thought things appeared complete and finished. The Blacksmith shop was filled with big, muscular, hard-working men. They were covered in sweat and grime. I suspected that men covered in soot and grime were just dirty men to the upper classes. I doubt that many knew why they were dirty. Farmers, smiths, builders got dirty because of their work. They didn't have a bath available to clean up every two or three hours. They didn't have valets, maids, seamstresses, and washerwomen at their service.

I also suspected that Rudolph found these men sexually exciting. Oscar Wilde provided the common image of men who loved men. I knew that was not true of some of the men at the Athena Baths and did not apply to Johnny or Skipper. Rudolph went with Skipper to look at his designs. I did not know that Rudolph had artistic talent and that had been part of his problems with his parents. The last thing you wanted is a son was talent.

When returned to my house Rudolph was explaining to me the difficulties and problems in dealing with wrought iron. I can admire art, but not create it. We had dinner at a nearby inn and went to the Athena baths. I was afraid that openness of the baths would shock Rudolph. I assumed a man with limited sexual experience might be shocked. I told him going to the baths was not much like going to a prayer meeting.

I was wrong about that. The baths and the multitude of naked men were the answers to Rudolph's prayers. I suspect there were more naked men than ever appeared in his wildest dreams. He adapted quickly. His surly attitude vanished. Rudolph noticed the Arab and Mideastern men, along with Horace a Black man Horace was a porter at an expensive hotel. He had rarely associated with person whose ancestors hadn't come to England with William the Conqueror.

I was unnecessarily worried. Exotic as Arab, mid-eastern and black men night be, they all had cocks. Rudolph may not have been concerned with the brotherhood of all men, but he had an interest in any man who had a cock.

I saw Abdulla in the distance motion to me. That meant he had a message. Ten minutes later Abdulla and I had a long and intense fuck session. The message was coded so I had no idea what it was, but he fucked me, shot off and then stayed in my ass and has a second orgasm.

When I met up with Rudolph a little later, Abdulla's sperm was still drooling from my ass. I was embarrassed, but Rudolph asked if Arab sperm felt differently from British sperm. I told him I hadn't noticed a difference. The next morning the Rag man collected the message. By noon I had a new message to go to the baths.

Rudolph came by at two in the afternoon, and we went to the baths together. The afternoon men were different from the night crowd. Most were older and men a leisure. Rudolph got in a discussion with a man named Titian Galloway. He was an artist who had changed his name to his favorite Italian master. They had an animated conversation.

Abdulla's friend Murad entered and gave me a signal that he had the message. Murad was younger than Abdulla and always hung back. I later found out he had been in training. I was the first time he had been given a major task, and the first time he was to fuck an older man. I later found out he was the only survivor of an attack on his family. Working with Abdulla and his associates was revenge, and thus he was fiercely loyal.

Murad was not imposing like Abdulla. He was shorter and I suspected he had not outgrown his baby fat. His male organ looked average. I soon discovered that his cock needed to be inspired to reach its full potential. I could feel it reaching that potential as it slipped deeper into me. Trained by Abdulla, he gave me the message as he ejaculated. He completed his first mission as he flooded my ass with his man seed.

I went home to get the message in the bins. Rudolph stayed talking with Titian. They seemed to get along well. When I got home, Philip Lewis was waiting for me. The message was important; he left through the back courtyard. The courtyard connected to the rear of a house owned by a wealthy merchant who dealt with trade to India. He did most of his business on the ground floor of mansion, so men coming and going were not at all unusual.

Two days later I had an unexpected guest, Titian Galloway. He presented his card and formally asked to see me.

"You know I met Rudolph Montague at the baths. He was a most pleasant young man. You may not realize but he has a considerable artistic aptitude. That was not considered appropriate to his parents who discouraged him in every way. He visited my studio and did some quick sketches. These works were good, and I might say indicated a potential to be more than good. I would be willing to take him on as a student, and studio assistant to further his skills," Titian explained.

"That sounds ideal," I said.

"Since you and I are both patrons of the Athena Baths, I was uneasy that you might have," he paused, "previous claims on him," Titian said. "I do not want to intrude on any arrangement between you and Rudolph."

"Let me assure you I have no claims or arrangements with Randolph. I took him to the baths introduce him to more suitable men," I said. "As a young man I hoped to channel his considerable urges into a better class of men. His choice of friends is entirely up to him. I do appreciate your courtesy in dealing with him and me." We shook hands and he left.

At dusk, Abdulla visited me. "I hope the Murad suited you as a messenger. He is young, but eager to serve the cause."

"He was both efficient and might I say pleasurable," I said.

Abdulla smiled. "He felt the same. Could I ask you an intimate question?" he asked. I nodded. "Murad asked if you would be willing to meet him, even if he wasn't giving you a message?"

I smiled and said, "You can tell Murad I would be pleased to meet with him professionally and personally. I enjoyed his member and him. If you see him, you might mention I often visit the baths on Thursday after two."

"I will tell him to be there," he replied.

"He doesn't need to be there," I said. Abdulla smiled.

Few men visited the baths on Thursday. Many of the patrons went to their country estates on Friday, so they were finished the weeks' work on Thursday. I was surprised to find Skipper, Titian. and Rudolph there. Skipper had sprained his leg and hoped the bath's warmth would help.

Murad arrived with a friend, Omar. Omar was a bodyguard. Murad was a higher-ranking man than I thought. Skipper and Omar were both big, muscular men. Skipper was blond. Omar had black hair, both men had hairy chests. I noticed that both men looked at the other with admiring glances. Murad came over to me. We talked briefly I played with his balls to reassure him.

As we felt each other out, Babu, the strong man from the circus entered the bath. Rudolph looked as if he had died and gone to heaven. All three of the muscle men were experienced. Omar maintained his stern appearance, but he became erect.

Babu, Skipper, Randolph and Titian were not shy. While Titian was much older, he had been drawing nude men for years and he appreciated a trio of men who could model for Hercules. Titian and I had well experienced asses, and Rudolph was more than willing.

Murad came to me, and we had a good time. He had been performing an important duty when he fucked me before. He made a deposit to get a job done. This was a personal visit. I could sense his emotion as he eased his cock into me. His cock caressed my ass, and I felt his joy as he bathed my deep recesses with his man seed. A half hour later I savored his sperm as he ejaculated into my mouth. When he left, Skipper slid his tool into my ass, and I sucked Rudolph. I don't know how they did it, but they climaxed at the same time. I was beautiful.

Next: Chapter 6

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