The It Boys

By Daneol Lambert

Published on Oct 8, 2018


I have been reading other's stories for a long time and was finally inspired to write my own. Thanks to all the hot Nifty authors who have stimulated this story. It involves four of the handsome young men from the film IT.

All the normal disclaimers: age of reader in your country, fictional story, don't know the orientation of any of these actors, implying nothing about their real private lives, just for fun, etc etc.

Hope you enjoy. Hit me up with comments, suggestions, etc. Whether you love it or hate it. I'd love to hear from you:


Jaeden sat in the trailer, his legs crossed, his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. His fourteen-year-old boy boner was enraged, and he was wearing a pair of retro tighty-whities. They were doing little to conceal the 3.5-inch needle trying to break free. He hoped none of the boys had noticed.

Finn had.

But Finn was also preoccupied with other matters. Namely Jack, who had become his not-so-secret boyfriend over the course of the shoot. Jaeden might have fancied both Finn and Jack, but he knew he'd never come between them, and he shipped Fack just like every other fangirl on the circuit.

Finn was pinned against the wall of the trailer now as the rambunctious Jack shimmied against him. They were both wearing their white briefs too. A gruelling (and freezing) day of shooting had ended as it usually did, with the boys unwinding privately in their trailers. And with Jack rubbing up against Finn.

Jaeden was certain he smelt weed. It was almost certainly Jack. That boy was going to regret that silly habit one of these days. Jaeden, on the other hand, was squeaky-clean. Jaeden was only a month younger than Finn, and both were older than Jack. But Jaeden felt like the little boy of the bunch. He seemed na•ve against the other two hornier teens. Jack had called him frigid once, but had apologised later, blaming the pot.

Jaeden's young cock continued to strain against the elastic of his undies as he watched his two friends fornicate. He wanted to shuffle off to his own room and be alone, maybe have a sad tug on his steel-solid nail. He was hoping one day soon he might sperm when he jacked off. He wasn't quite there yet. It was obvious too, as his testicles had yet to descend and he was still completely hairless from below his ears. Finn had wisps above his decent-sized dick and Jaeden knew he'd recently started producing cum. Apparently, Jack was very "fond of Finn's fondant".

Jack was a different story. He looked all cute and innocent, but there was a wild streak in him and a wicked flash would sparkle in his eye when he sensed the chance to be naughty. He was cheeky too. But Jack backed it up with a thicker bush than even Finn, a plumper, if slightly shorter penis, and the beginnings of dark hairs on his legs. Jack had also been cumming for about a year. A fact he often shared with his older co-stars. He seemed to be an insatiable masturbator too, since most of the surfaces in his bedroom and the shared bathroom were always sticky.

This was no ordinary trailer, of course. Three of the stars of a major motion picture wouldn't be housed in any old caravan, even if they were minors. They were allowed their own free, uninterrupted time when they weren't studying or shooting. They were doing shooting of their own Ð well, at least Jack was. The trailer fitted all three boys comfortably. Jack often jumped in bed with Finn, with whom he shared bunks. Jaeden had his own room at the very back, beside the ample-sized bathroom. Jaeden just sat, watching his two friends, knowing he really should leave them alone and go play with himself in his room. But he was captivated by the boys. Of course, Jaeden had come to terms with his own sexuality but no one had really ever asked, not since Finn and Jack were the centre of attention most of the time. No one had assumed three of the boys would all turn out to be gay.

Jack ran his hands up and down Finn's soft body and the older boy moaned. Finn responded by shoving his hand down Jack's briefs and began jerking him off. It was Jack's turn to groan. Jaeden was mesmerised by the fondling and thrusting. It was a little untamed and looked awkward to Jaeden, who liked things ordered and simple. Suddenly, Jack turned away from Finn, exposing his small but thick cock in its full mast glory to Jaeden. "Oops, sorry Jay!" grinned Jack, who hadn't realised the third boy was still sitting there.

"Umm, so Jack and I are gonna go... I mean we'd love to... it's just..." Finn didn't know where to start or end his sentence.

"It's fine," murmured Jaeden, his face redder than the head of Jack's hard on.

"You like sitting in your whities, do ya Jay?" asked Jack, with the wild flicker in his eyes.

"I... uh..." Jaeden swallowed, crossed his legs and folded his arms across his chest, in an attempt to cover his half-naked body.

"Oh, wait, maybe he likes sitting in his whities watching boys jerk each other!" Jack's eyes blazed and his mouth made a camp `O' and he slapped his own backside.

"Jack!" Roared Finn with embarrassment, "Leave Jaeden alone, come on..." And with that they were gone. Finn bundled Jack up the corridor. Jack's hands were all over Finn's soft stomach and tweaking his puffy nipples. Then the door slid across. Jaeden heard the two boys slump on the bottom bunk and Jack was making pig noises as he snuffled Finn's belly button.

Jaeden let his head fall back, closed his eyes and let out a huge sigh. From relief and anguish. He couldn't believe how awkward the past five minutes had been. And all because he couldn't get up with a stiffy. The worst thing was, Jack had called him out on it anyway.

Jaeden sat in near silence. He could hear fumbling from down the cabin. His hand rested on his crotch and he rubbed gently at the white cotton, feeling the flesh rod beneath. He flicked his fringe away and rested his head back on the chair. Closing his eyes, his thin fingers felt for the elastic of the underwear. Today's shoot, all the boys naked except for their white y-fronts, playing in the lake, splashing and horsing around. He'd had to remember lines and that he should be acting. The pressure of the shoot had stopped him from getting a hard on. But now he was remembering and his little dick was playing along.

His fingertips touched the end of his circumcised erection and he shivered. He yelped a little, knowing the other two boys wouldn't hear him. Now his hand was wrapped around the shaft, his thumb playing with his exposed cock head. He was dry but it felt good. Just to hold it. To move the skin gently up and down. The shaft was warm, the head was hot.

Jaeden melted away with the wank. Letting himself go. Letting his normally uptight, precise personality wash away. For a few moments, even fleeting seconds if that's how long he would last, he wanted to be naughty like Jack. Be naughty and be comfortable with it.

A face flashed through his mind. His senses were fizzing, the electricity sparked from the very tip of his cock, shooting down the shaft and rumbling in his tight ball sack. The sexual energy zapped down his slim legs and gave him butterflies. The sensation rattled around his thin chest and pulsed through his arms, making his fingertips tingle. The same fingertips that grasped his buzzing bulge. His throat was dry and he gasped once, then twice. His eyes were screwed tight, the lights dancing behind his eyelids. That face again. Even his hair seemed as if it were standing on end, such was the sensation in his scalp. Jaeden groaned, louder than he realised, his face contorted and his mouth wide open. He was jerking furiously, lost in a sea of nervous energy, energetic boyhood and uninhibited lust. One more `oh' escaped his angelic lips. That same face one more time. One he hadn't expected. He was so close.

Jaeden's head nearly exploded. Both of them. He was shaken from his sexual stupor and was now wide awake. Someone had tried the handle of his trailer. Not that this should be surprising, it was barely seven o'clock. He sat bolt upright and looked around for his clothes, remembering he hadn't been wearing anything else when they entered the trailer after the shoot. "Just a minute!" Jaeden called as someone tried the door again. He said it loud enough so maybe Jack and Finn would hear. They probably wouldn't. They'd be rutting by now. Finn was probably inside Jack even now. Jaeden stopped, closed his eyes, and tried to shake that image from his brain. He was trying hard to make his hard on go away.

He took two long deep breaths, stood so that his body would be covered by the door, clicked the latch and opened it just a little.

Jaeden was confronted by the face he'd seen while he was masturbating. The face of the beautiful boy who had been fuelling his jerk session. The one who'd almost brought him to orgasm.

"Uh, hi!" Jaeden smiled weakly, trying desperately to hide both his body and his feelings. Jaeden hadn't really realised what he'd been feeling, that he wasn't attracted to Jack or Finn at all. The boy who Jaeden dreamed about was standing right in front of him.

"Well, can I come in, I'm freezing my butt off in these." Wyatt pushed his way in to the trailer, where he hoped he'd get warm.

"You haven't gotten dressed?" Asked Jaeden, trying to process about eight thoughts and a million feelings in one go.

"Neither did you!" Beamed Wyatt.

"Oh, yeah, no!" And Jaeden promptly sat down, realising his dick was still at half-mast.

"You ok, Jay?" Asked Wyatt, picking an apple from the boy's untouched fruit bowl and taking a healthy bite. "Oh, shoot, the other two aren't at it, are they?" Wyatt rolled his eyes.

Jaeden looked at Wyatt for a moment. He was a picture of heavenly beauty. He was easily the best built of the teenage boys. His shoulders broader, his muscles slightly better defined. He had developing abs and biceps and a stronger jawline. Jaeden thought him handsome, not far off Jaeden's height but much more solidly built. Yet, slender, with a bulge that...

Jaeden's head flicked up and he looked directly at Wyatt.

"You sure you're ok dude?" Wyatt pushed.

"Weird shoot, I guess." Answered Jaeden without fluffing his lines.

"You're not wrong there. I keep dreaming about that damn clown!" Wyatt's smile was intoxicating, his eyes sparkled but out of kindliness and warmth, rather than Jack's devilish demeanour. Wyatt's features were perfect, thought Jaeden, lost in the boy's curly hair and...

Fuck, thought Jaeden. I'm doing it again. It was then that Jaeden realised that Wyatt never swore. He'd say damn' and shoot', but the fourteen-year-old was pretty wholesome for a boy filming a Hollywood blockbuster. He immediately felt bad for swearing himself. He flushed red.

"How's the shoulder?" Asked Wyatt. Jaeden had slipped during filming, coming down hard on his collar bone and bruising his shoulder.

"It's, um, ok, I guess." Jaeden, who was still sitting, was looking directly at waist height. He wasn't looking at Wyatt's package, even though it seemed healthy. He was studying the boy's stomach and hips. They were perfect, thought Jaeden. He was perfect.

"You want me to kiss it better?" Wyatt smiled and took another bite of apple.

"I'm sorry, what?" Jaeden shook his head. He'd zoned out a couple of times since Wyatt had showed up and it was beginning to look suspicious.

"I said, you want me to kiss it bet..." Wyatt didn't have time to finish.


Jaeden had blurted out the single word softly but matter-of-factly. The two boys stared at each other. Both flushed red. Jaeden's whole body tingled like it had before. It was almost as if he was back inside his jerk-off dream. Maybe Wyatt wasn't here at all. This was the dream. Surely. His hot, younger friend, the boy he fantasised about, didn't just drop by in his tighty-whities and bite into an apple. It was some sort of weird sex dream. The apple was the forbidden fruit that Jaeden was not allowed to taste. He waited for the climax.

"Fuck." The word escaped Wyatt's kissable lips in exactly the same fashion Jaeden's answer had.

Jaeden looked at Wyatt. He was here. This was real. And he'd just asked him to kiss him. "You never swear!" Jaeden said softly. His senses were heightened but he was lost in this most perfect moment. He had run out of embarrassment for today. Here he was standing half-naked in front of his dream boy, and he didn't care what happened next. A world of weight lifted off his shoulders. He took a deep breath.

"I've never had to swear before!" Smiled Wyatt. The boy was always smiling. He put the apple down and wiped the corner of his cute mouth with the back of his hand. "Do you really want me to kiss it? Kiss... you?" He asked his slender friend.

"I don't know. I mean. Yes. I mean. Yes, yes, I do." Jaeden waited for a second, before adding, "only if you want to. I mean, were you joking? I mean, yes, I do."

"Well I wouldn't have asked." Wyatt was nervous, trembling slightly, although he was also standing in just his underwear.

"You might have been joking. Were you joking?" Jaeden reiterated to be sure.

"You asked that already." Wyatt stood his ground for a moment, making sure that Jaeden wanted this as much as he did.

"So, you weren't joking?"

"Jeez, dude, no! I wasn't joking." Wyatt stood to his full height, just shy of Jaeden. He puffed his chest. Jaeden groaned to himself seeing the younger boy try to make himself look bigger. He didn't need too, he was already damn sexy as far as Jaeden was concerned.

The two boys took a step closer. Wyatt subtly took control. He'd waited for his moment. Just to be sure. But watching Jaeden watching him all day Ð both in their underwear Ð it had become obvious he had a chance. From day one, Wyatt only had eyes for the tall, thin, fresh-faced boy with the bright eyes and interesting eyebrow. Wyatt thought it made Jaeden look hot.

"But I don't want to kiss your shoulder." Wyatt whispered, "I want to kiss your..."

"I know."

With those last hushed words, the two boys locked lips. Jaeden weakened at the knees and Wyatt's hands went to the boy's firm butt. He clenched the cheeks hard and Jaeden moaned in Wyatt's open mouth as they began to share tongues.

"Oh my god!" Jaeden stuttered, running his hand up Wyatt's strong yet boyish torso.

"I know, right!" Returned Wyatt, slipping his hand down the elastic of Jaeden's undies to get a better purchase on his smooth cheeks.

Jaeden stepped back.

"What? Shoot, what did I do? Too fast, damn, sorry!" Spluttered Wyatt, fearing his hand down his best friend's briefs was too much too soon.

"No," Jaeden took a step back in to calm his friend. "Your hand is cold!" Jaeden laughed and Wyatt smiled that beautiful smile again. Some of the tension broke.

Jaeden, momentarily feeling like the older, wiser boy, hooked the front of Wyatt's briefs with his finger and drew him in. They kissed briefly. A gentle, dry, tender kiss. They looked into each other's eyes. Then Jaeden's gaze ran down Wyatt's smooth, sexy body.

"Hey, my eyes are up here, bro?" Quipped Wyatt, winking. He secretly loved that Jaeden was so clearly turned on by his body.

"I see you when I close my eyes. Your beautiful face," Jaeden looked deep into Wyatt's eyes and bore his soul. Wyatt flushed. "I've waited for this moment since I met you. I always knew, have always known, that I'm gay. I thought I wanted Jack or Finn, but knew I was safe because they have each other. That meant I didn't have to say, to come out. Then I kept seeing you, and every time I saw you, I knew it would break my heart if one day I couldn't have you. Even if it's just once." Jaeden held Wyatt's strong jaw in his hand. He felt like he was ten, twenty years older and wiser. This was the boldest he'd ever been.

"Can we kiss again?" For the first time, Jaeden saw the younger boy in Wyatt. He may have been a better build, more grown up in many ways, not to mention the bulge, but for this moment he was a soft, genuine, fourteen-year-old.

"We can do better than that," whispered Jaeden, kissing Wyatt to keep him sweet, before pouting his lips and snaking his way down the boy's neck and across his blemish-free skin. Wyatt smelt of the salty lake, the sweat of the shoot, and an unmistakable whiff of some cologne. Wyatt had sprayed himself before coming to the trailer. Jaeden licked gently at Wyatt's firm, pink nipples before kissing the developing muscles on his stomach. Finally, with Jaeden on his knees, the older boy hooked the elastic of Wyatt's undies and pulled them down his hairless legs.

Wyatt gasped and shivered, his hands held Jaeden's head, playing with his floppy brown hair and caressing his large ears. Jaeden pressed his nose to Wyatt's smooth groin and he opened his eyes for the first time since he had departed the boy's mouth. Wyatt's thick boy cock sprang out at him. It was as big as Jaeden assumed, larger than any of the other boys. It must have been over 4 inches. It was nearly completely hard. Jaeden noticed it straight away. The bead of wetness at the end. Like Jaeden, Wyatt was completely hairless, but unlike him he was uncut Ð and leaking precum. "You can cum?" Jaeden looked up at Wyatt.

"Yes!" Wyatt smiled again.

"Then I want to taste it."

"Fucking hell!" Gasped Wyatt with an unapologetic use of the f-word.

"You're sexy when you swear!" Said Jaeden, turning his attention back to Wyatt's cock.

"Fuck!" Groaned Wyatt, liberally using words that might turn Jaeden on even more.

Jaeden licked the bead of precum away, before peeling back the layer of skin on the shaft of the thick boy meat, and softly wrapping his mouth around the dick. Wyatt yelped and Jaeden calmed him with two hands on his firm thighs. The slender boy might have been new to this, but he sucked cock like a pro. It came naturally. In that moment, both boys shared a silent thought Ð that young Jaeden might just end up being the biggest faggot of all of them.

For his part, Jaeden wanted to be used by Wyatt. He wanted to suck him dry, like he saw on the porn he watched on his computer. Then he wanted to offer Wyatt his hole. He wanted Wyatt to fuck him.

Wyatt, lost in many new sensations, groped his lover's head, scrunching his hair and trying to resist the temptation to face fuck him like a jack rabbit. Jaeden deep throated him all the same. It wasn't the biggest dick in the world, but it was Jaeden's first after all, but he munched it down heroically. The boy on his knees looked up, loving the feeling of Wyatt's hands in his hair and cock in his mouth. Wyatt's head had rocked back, his mouth slightly open, his eyes shut. Jaeden smiled without missing a beat. There was a glimmer of sweat on Wyatt's stud torso.

Jaeden sucked down hard and slowly pulled his mouth off Wyatt's cock. Wyatt gasped and wheezed. "Don't stop, don't stop. I need to cum." He panted, looking down desperately at his little cock-sucking lover.

"Cum in me." Jaeden said, pulling himself up to his full height and drawing Wyatt in for a deep kiss. The curly haired beauty could taste himself on the cute boy's lips and tongue.

"I was going to." Mewed Wyatt, still feeling his cock fizzle and crackle. He was ready to pop.

"No! In me. Inside me. In my pussy, Wyatt. I want your cock in me." Jaeden, his voice deeper than Wyatt remembered.

"Ok, ok, I want that too!" The two boys shuffled to the couch and Jaeden lay back on the cool leather. He instinctively lifted up his legs and Wyatt placed them on his shoulders. His cock lined up directly with Jaeden's shiny, untouched boy hole. "Are you sure?" Wyatt wanted to be certain. The skinny kid only got to lose his cherry once.

"Fuck me, Wy!" The boy roared in reply. "I'm a fucking faggot and I need your fucking cock fucking my tight little cunt!"

Wyatt stroked the precum that was dribbling from his fat meat stick down his shaft and placed it on the entrance to the hot hole. Slowly he pushed himself in, opening up Jaeden's shitter.

"Holy fuck, that's good!" Grimaced Jaeden. It hurt, but he loved it. He would do anything for Wyatt right now.

Once his cock was safely resting half way in, Wyatt moved his hands to Jaeden's tight chest. He caressed him gently. Wyatt wanted the slender boy to feel good, to alleviate the pain that showed on his face. He played lightly with the little nipples and ran his fingers across his smooth, tight skin. Wyatt bent over and kissed Jaeden softly. Both boys felt the electricity buzz between them.

"You ok, bud?" Asked Wyatt, flicking his curly mop away from his face.

"Oh yeah!" Growled Jaeden in response, opening his eyes at the same moment his lithe lover ran his fingers through his hair. Jaeden loved Wyatt's hair. He loved the way he tucked it behind his ear, even though it immediately sprang out again. He just loved Wyatt.

They looked deep in each other's eyes. Jaeden's grey-green pearls were wide open now and sparkled with the tears that had welled as he first took his lover's pulsing cock into his virgin boyhole. His plump, pink lips Ð so usually neutral Ð managed a smile. Wyatt's light, bright hazelnuts twinkled with the naughty thoughts swimming around his head. This situation, having his fit friend lying beneath him, at his mercy, made his head fuzzy. His nose, his ears, his lips, his fingertips, all buzzed. He was suddenly aware of being on the verge of losing control. He wanted desperately to rut his young friend, knowing full well neither of them were ready for that.

"My god I love you!" Whispered Wyatt.

"Love?" Jaeden's voice was full of excitement but he could only manage one word.

"Do you feel the same?" Wyatt was suddenly aware of being naked, with his thumping penis halfway inside his equally naked best friend, and spouting words like `love'.

Jaeden pulled Wyatt's head down to within an inch of his own. "You're beautiful. You're a hunk. All the fangirls want you. And some of the fanboys! You're fit as fuck. You're sexy as hell. And you're inside my pussy. I wouldn't be here if I didn't love you." This was sighed into Wyatt's ear before Jaeden leaned upwards for another kiss. "I love you more than I have words to say." Just to break the tension a little he added the word: "Doofus!"

Both boys smiled. Then Jaeden reached over his shoulder to Jack's bottle of lube. The naughty boy was always leaving his sex stuff lying around. Jaeden threw the bottle at Wyatt. "Now, like I said. I'm a fucking faggot and I need your fucking cock fucking my tight little cunt!"

Wyatt splashed several squirts of lube inside Jaeden and slathered his own cock. Then he pulled the boy onto his cock, shafting the hot, dry hole with his glistening, slippery dick. The fuck was pretty wild for a first time and both boys were groaning and sweaty within minutes. They were lost in each other's eyes, tight torsos and hairless groins. It wouldn't last long but it was enough for each boy.

It was even enough for Jack.

Finn had finished rutting inside him and fallen asleep. Jack's eagerness had brought him to the living area in search of his lube. Even if Finn was done, Jack wanted a wet, sticky end of his own. Jack watched his horny mates, specifically Wyatt's bubble butt. He wanted to dash over, crash the sex party, and get his dick into Jaeden's mouth. Then, for the first time in his life, Jack Dylan Grazer stopped himself. He snuck back into his cabin room and left the two beautiful boys to have their fun. All Jack needed right now was Finn's experienced tongue on his hyper little dick.

Next: Chapter 2: Big Nic

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