The It Boys

By Daneol Lambert

Published on Feb 22, 2019


All the normal disclaimers: age of reader in your country, fictional story, don't know the orientation of any of these actors, implying nothing about their real private lives, just for fun, etc etc.

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The IT Boys Part 5


Jack lay prone and helpless in the middle of the room. The cheeky little slut loved being centre of attention. The two mattresses, laid side by side by Bill, were amply comfortable. His head was buzzing and his abused hole was sore, but that was part of the fun for Jack. And everyone in the room knew it.

Bill had invited them all over for the afternoon, to his own trailer. His was more spacious than the others, which was lucky since it currently accommodated nine sweating bodies. Bill had hastily decided that morning that since filming was wrapped for the week he would invite Wyatt and Jaeden over for some more fun. But as soon as Jack overheard the conversation, it had quickly escalated to include him, Nic, and Finn.

Since Nic was at that moment `entertaining' Chosen and Logan Thompson, he invited them along too. Logan was a broad-shouldered, square-jawed boy with dyed-blonde hair. He was already a model and a dancer. Both of these came as no surprise: he was devilishly handsome with a ripped, sinewy body. So often needed to be sullen and sneering on camera, Logan was the exact opposite. Bubbly, lively, and full of teen lustful passion. He fitted right in with the established crowd.

The ninth, and smallest body, belonged to Noah Schnapp. He had been delighted to be invited over to the set by his jack-off buddy, Finn. He was even more excited when it turned out they were also going to get in on some fun boy action.

It was Noah, standing wide-eyed and horny as fuck, who stood back slightly from the gaggle of boys around the mattresses. He watched on as each of them played with themselves. Not long after they had all congregated, got the awkwardness out of the way, and began to relax in Bill's plush trailer, the air of tension had subsided, and given way to an atmosphere of raw sexual energy. Bill had decided immediately that Jack should be the icebreaker. Since Jack was so open to inventive sexual shenanigans (something he constantly boasted), Bill realised he would gently lead the other young fuck toys in the perverted proceedings. At first Bill had trod carefully, he'd had an encounter with Wyatt and Jaeden, but he hadn't expected so many of the boys to be interested in what he had to offer. Little did he know.

Jack had been flat on his back for just over an hour and he had already been fucked by Bill, Nic, and Chosen. Each of those were naked, still with raging hard cocks. The others in the room were all still wearing underwear, except Jack, who'd had his boxers literally ripped off by Bill. The remains of the shredded undies were currently being passed around, the cum and other stains being sniffed and licked. While not fucking Jack as the starter course, Bill, Chosen and Nic were being pleasured by the other young ones.

It went without question that Bill was in charge. He was oldest, biggest, the sexual alpha male. Nic, because of his age and character in the film, and Chosen, due mainly to his physique and cock size, were also de facto leaders. Finn sort of came next, due mainly to his relationship with Jack.

Bill, not so long ago completely na•ve to all the goings-on, was now sitting on the wide, arcing white sofa, being sucked off by Jaeden, who was on his hands and knees in front of him. Bill didn't mind admitting he was totally in love with Jaeden. Wyatt and Logan were vying for position at the feet of Nic, taking it in turns to lap wildly at his dick and balls. Chosen was on his second fuck already, having deposited a warm load inside Jack's burning-hot, cum-drenched anus before he rapidly got hard again. He was back inside Jack's chute. Listening to all the sucks and squeals being made in the room, it didn't take Chosen's monster long to get to peak pleasure again. He fired several more, hot salvos inside Jack's annihilated anus.

Finn was taking things slower with Noah. They had messed around plenty of times, but Finn knew this was a lot to take in for the young boy. He had started by sucking Noah's little nail, bringing him to a sharp, ragged, but beautiful orgasm. Everyone had stopped for a moment and turned to watch the cute lad screw up his eyes and wrinkle his sexy nose, before several intakes of breath and a wide `O' of the mouth told them he was having a dry orgasm in Finn's mouth.

With all inhibitions long forgotten, and everything seemingly on the table, Logan had decided it was time to step up. No sooner had Chosen flopped out of Jack, he swooped in. He pulled off his boxers and Jack gasped at the boy's tight, horny body. "I gotta lot of energy!" Said Logan, winking, and he tensed as he pushed himself in Jack's wet, warm pussy.

"Then use it to fuck me!" Jack breathed heavily.

It didn't take much fucking. Logan was already overstimulated and simply not used to the level of desire in the room. He grunted, pulled out of the sweating Jack's butt and with two flicks of his ample boy dick, shot his load over the boy's fit tummy. Wyatt descended on the cum immediately, having been commanded by Nic. Wyatt licked up all of Logan's juice, while Finn shuffled into place between Jack's legs and started licking at his boyfriend's dripping crack. Finn loved showing off his ass-licking skills to this new audience. They were all impressed as he hoped they would be.

It didn't take long for Bill to place Jaeden to one side and move in to assert his dominance, hoping to impress and excite Jaeden with his power. In truth, he didn't need to try nearly as hard. Jaeden loved Bill's strong, manly body. He removed Finn's tight black boxer-briefs while the young actor had his nose and tongue firmly lodged in Jack's backside. "Yeah, lick that beautiful hole, boy!" Demanded Bill, lightly smacking Finn on his firm rump. Finn jumped but didn't lose his moves. Bill drooled as he watched Finn snuffle inside Jack's hole, spat on his fingers and inserted two up into Finn's dry dock.

"Yeah!" Grunted Finn between licks. He had the tip of his tongue wedged firmly between Jack's hairless orbs, tasting funk and several flavours of boy juice. Bill made it clear to Jack that he was to remain like that all afternoon Ð to be used by anyone who wanted him.

"Now it's Finn's turn to please my cock!" Roared Bill at his horniest and shoved his entire cock deep into Finn's unprepared cunt. Finn roared even louder than Bill had and his eyes welled with tears. He was generally good at this stuff and he didn't want to cry, but his face was red and his beautiful eyes were blotchy and sodden in seconds.

Finn was unable to keep concentrated long enough on Jack's hole and Nic demanded that Jaeden fill the void. Jack's cock had been rock hard for nearly two hours and had yet to be touched properly. Nic told the eager little bottom to ride it slow and gentle, to give the horny Jack the orgasm he deserved. Jaeden was straight on the job, straddling Jack's tight waist and consuming his cock up into his boy pussy. Jack gasped and Jaeden began riding him, one handed as if on a bucking bronco.

With Jaeden's departure, Nic had turned his attention back to Logan, enticing the blonde-bombshell to where he was sitting. Nic told his young friend, and on-screen gang member: "Time to show your leader some loyalty and respect!" Logan grinned and Nic melted at the handsome smile. He pulled Logan back onto his waiting cock, inserting it well into his hole. Being a model and dancer, Logan's mid-teen hole had been used for years by dirty men, older and bigger than Nic. He had no trouble getting inside his friend's slack cock-pocket. His hands roamed every inch of the shapely upper torso. Logan flicked his floppy fringe and turned his head to Nic, they kissed deeply.

With Chosen exhausted, rebuilding his energy while watching on, Nic fucking Logan, Bill fucking Finn, Jaeden riding Jack, Wyatt moved over to Noah.

"Hi!" he said in as friendly a tone as possible.

"Hi!" Replied Noah. His face shone with innocent glee. "Don't worry, I'm not knew at this stuff. Finn and I have messed around on the Stranger Things set!" Beamed Noah. Wyatt thought he was the second most beautiful creature he had ever seen Ð after Jaeden of course.

"Good. But have you ever done this..." Wyatt pulled Noah down to the second mattress next to the bronco-busting Jaeden and Jack. Wyatt took one look at Jaeden's ecstasy-riddled face, and his sexual instincts kicked up a gear. He might have stopped himself in that moment, realising young Noah might not know what he'd let himself in for, but he couldn't stop himself. This was an orgy after all.

Wyatt wasted no time, removing Noah's white underwear and shucking out of his own. Nic, from his position behind the angelic boy sighed at the sight of the cherub's pert orbs and had to hold himself from fucking Wyatt's backside off. Nic pulled Logan deeper onto his ramrod, sticky cock, while he watched the curly-hairy, rugged boy enter Noah's tight shaft. Little did Nic realise that Wyatt would still be going at it in two-hours time. Nic would cum twice, once inside Logan and then over Wyatt's back, before Wyatt himself finished inside Noah.

Wyatt was gentle, careful, inside Noah. The rest of the room dissolved around them. Only Finn had previously touched any part of Noah's fresh body sexually. Now Wyatt was going the whole way. Noah felt everything. Sometimes he felt tingles, sometimes pangs, occasionally his dick would fizzle, or his anus would sparkle, or his head would go heavy. All the time he felt amazing. The little boy stared up into Wyatt's bright eyes. The older boy continually checked that Noah was ok. Noah just smiled.

"My god you're amazing!" Whispered Wyatt into Noah's ear.

"No, you are!" Replied the pure but deeply sexual boy.

"I'm going to get comfortable again." Reassured Wyatt as he pulled Noah's light frame further up the mattress. This made Wyatt's dick bump against his prostate and he thought he might pass out. "Ok?" Asked Wyatt.

"Hell yeah!" Cooed Noah.

Wyatt rans his hands across Noah's flat, boyish upper body. He circled his fingers around the light little nipples, traced the boy's slender frame from his hips, across his velvet pelvis, up the cream skin of Noah's stomach. He stopped at the outie belly button, caressing it as his dick was caressing the walls of Noah's pussy. Wyatt stooped to lick between Noah's boyish pecs. There was the merest hint of musculature on an otherwise unblemished, pre-adolescent frame. Wyatt looked directly into Noah's huge brown eyes. The boy's pronounced pink lips came up to meet his. They kissed gently. A hint of tongue. Then Noah collapsed back onto the mattress.

"Wow!" Gasped Wyatt, totally in love with young Noah.

"Wow yourself!" Replied Noah softly, finding his confidence now.

The other boys had mainly finished. Nic and Logan were snoozing, laid out across Chosen's muscly naked body. Jack and Finn were also asleep, a heap of sweating limbs on the first mattress. Jack was still on his back, his legs up in case someone else wanted his ass Ð as Bill had demanded. Finn, face down, was flopped over him, his arm draped around Jack's glistening body.

Bill was very much awake, circling his tongue around Jaeden's prone hole. He had wanted very much to repeat their previous encounter. He had longed for Jaeden's sweet boy body, needed to savour the teen's tastes and smells, to feel himself inside the hot fissure again. Jaeden had been ready, propping himself on his elbows on the white sofa and offering up his ass. Moaning to be fucked. Bill had licked his lips and gone to work.

Wyatt heard the mewing of his boyfriend, Jaeden, being worked over by Bill. He heard Jaeden, but saw Noah. Just as innocent, just as beautiful, just as cock-pleasing. Noah's hair splayed wildly on the mattress, his limbs gangly and askew. Wyatt, though, was totally in control. He measured every thrust, kept a tidy rhythm, and ploughed Noah relentlessly. He didn't want to stop fucking the young boy. Everything was perfect. Including knowing that Jaeden wasn't being left out, he was having as much fun as Wyatt was.

"Can you take just a little bit more?" Asked Wyatt. He'd been making love to Noah for well over an hour and a half.

"Yes, yes!" Sighed Noah, his arms and head lolling, his upper torso heaving.

"It's just... if it's ok... I think I need to go faster." Wyatt apologised.

"Yes, yes!" Sighed Noah again.

"But faster... means... harder!" Wyatt was asking permission.

"Yes, yes!" Was Noah's only response.

"Are you sure? Faster? Harder? I need to fuck you really hard, Noah." Wyatt needed to know the violation would be alright.

"Yes..." But Noah stopped himself from giving the stock answer. His eyes shot wide open and he looked straight at Wyatt. The older boy's sexy face almost made him giggle, but he remained deadly serious to make the point. "I'm not just some twelve-year-old, Wyatt. I love you fucking me. Fuck me harder."

"Sure?" Wyatt wanted one last reassurance.

"Fuck me like a little whore!" Fired off Noah and he gave himself over totally to Wyatt.

Wyatt gulped audibly. There was nothing else for it. There was no stopping it. Wyatt took a deep breath, smelling Noah's clean, warm skin, then he readjusted Noah's legs on his shoulders, pinned the boy down with both hands, and fucked him good and proper.

The last part of the two-hour fuck lasted no more than five minutes. It was about as much power as Wyatt could muster, but he used every sinew he had, spent every ounce of dirty fantasy energy he could. He ploughed deep into Noah, whose brain had melted and limbs had gone limp. Wyatt used Noah's motionless body like a rag doll for about three minutes more, before shot-gunning the filthiest, hottest, wettest orgasm he'd ever produced into Noah's bred butt.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Yelled Wyatt as his teen juice sprayed like coke from a shaken can, splashing around Noah's no-longer-virgin bowels. Jaeden used the same word, as Bill, avidly watching the last few filthy minutes unfold, seized control and bred him hard too.

"You're an amazing little fuck," Wyatt praised Noah, kissing the boy's neck and ear before slumping beside him. He was asleep in seconds, his spent cock dribbling the last of his frenzied orgasm down his leg. Bill had whispered the exact same thing to Jaeden, moments before his cock burst. With a pat on the rear, Bill sent his cum-dump to go and lie with his boyfriend.

Everything was quiet. Noah sat up, exhausted and a bit battered. He looked over the sea of limbs and naked boy parts. Even when he'd been `sexy calling' with Finn, he never dreamed he'd have been part of such an awesome afternoon. It wasn't quite over. Noah's tiny preteen dick demanded something for having been the subject of a two-hour fuck. He pulled himself over to Jack and drew himself up between the older boy's legs.

Jack sleepily opened his eyes. He looked across his own pert body to the figure of cute Noah and his two-inch hard on. "My turn!" Commanded the oversexed stripling.

Jack just smiled at the adorable youngster and prized apart his damp cheeks: "It's all yours, pretty boy! Don't be shy!"

The cockiness of Noah's reply was punctuated with a deviant wink that excited Jack: "Oh, I won't be!"

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