The Journal of Angus Fergusson

Published on Jun 28, 2014


The Journal of Mr. Angus Fergusson 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

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Rupert was unimpressive physically and looked timid, like a mouse. Unlike most men, he became bolder when he was naked. Alistair's presence seem to enhance that boldness.

"Sex is so exciting it is hard to think while you are engaged," Rupert said. "I know Angus loves it and I love it too, but my mind gets muddled when it gets good. I know where we are going and I know where we will end. The middle part is confused. I wonder if your brain shuts down as you approach an orgasm. Perhaps the orgasm is so important that everything else is insignificant. After all, the entire future of the human race is dependent on successful intercourse."

"I had never thought about it like that," Alistair said. It was odd to have the two men talking casually as Rupert fucked me. While he talked, he never forgot to thrust and push deeper.

"If I was a caveman, I would spend every minute I was not hunting for food fucking. Was there anything in their lives that could equal the pleasure of an orgasm? It is also lucky that men are so driven. I have some married friends and if the world was dependent on a woman being in the mood, our place on earth might be in danger," Rupert continued.

"I will admit that most of the men I know are sensible and married the woman their parents selected for them. When they talk about a good match, they are talking gold not lust or compatibility. Maybe the cave men could pick the girl he loved."

Rupert pulled out, rolled me on my back and screwed me from that position. My legs were on his shoulders, but he spread them wide. My hole was defenseless while his cock continued to work its magic.

After the orgasms, both men left. I was not clear about my own feelings. I certainly enjoyed sex with men, but having Alistair watching was odd. All sexual activity in our culture is hidden and concealed. Most takes place in a dark bedrooms and I have heard of couples who have never seen each other naked. This was a combination of prudery and the blessings of Scottish weather.

After thinking a while. I realized I was intrigued. I was sexually active, but I had never thought about it in scientific terms. I never thought about what I was doing. I had only concentrated on the act itself.

The next day was cold and windy. While it was spring, it still felt like winter. I recalled my friend's conversation about visiting a steam bath and I wondered if there was such an establishment in Edinburgh. I had business directory and found the Alhambra Baths. They said they were modern and designed in the Turkish manner. They were in a good part of the town, near my tailors and only a mile away. In the late morning, I dressed and went to visit them. The address was on the street, but the baths were located on an interior court. I knocked on the door. A heavily bearded man with a turban answered it. In spite of his looks, he had a Scottish accent.

I entered with some misgivings. The lobby was small but finished in marble, and it was warm. The doorman told me they had a steam bath and a cool water plunge. He paid the fee and an attendant took me into the building. He said his name was Ali. He was small but genuinely Middle Eastern.

We entered a locker room where I disrobed. Ali gave me a huge towel and he told me to pin my locker key to the towel. He would take me to the steam room when I was ready. Two handsome men came in and quickly disrobed. They wrapped themselves in the towel and went off. I had a brief glance of two of them naked and was inspired.

Ali returned and took me to the baths. The stream room was well-appointed with exotic marbles. I sat on a bench and enjoyed the warmth. A man sat next to me. "Are you new here?" he asked. "This is the best time of the day, it's quiet and restful."

"This is my first time here," I said. "It is rather a shock to be warm."

The man laughed. "When I first came here it was more of a shock to be naked than warm," he said. "You are a real product of Scotland. Take my word for it; you can get use to both the warmth and the nudity."

"Where are you from?" I asked. "I can't place your accent."

"I'm from Virginia. I am the representative of the Old Virginia Tobacco Company. My name is Raleigh Dabney," he said. "This is the only place I have been able to get warm in the city. It's a good place to relax."

"I'm Angus Fergusson. I'm from a small town two hundred miles to the north," I said. "I'm afraid I'm rather tense."

Raleigh leaned close to me and whispered. "There is a little area between this room and the cold plunge. If you go there someone may come by and help you with the tenseness," he said. "There are some very friendly and helpful men here."

Ali walked through the steam room and asked if anyone needed anything. "Remember it is hot here, you need to take a break," he said. He went to the next room.

"For your information, Ali is one of the friendly ones," Raleigh said. "There is shower in the corner of the next room, Rinse off and then take your time before you wrap the towel on again. You are new here and several men might want to make you feel welcome."

I should have resisted temptation, but that is rare. Perhaps if I were exposed to temptation more often, I would be better resisting it. I had been in the city five years, and had five friends. I keep my friends, but I am afraid one friend a year does not make me a libertine. The potential for a sexual interlude was too exciting for me to resist.

I rose and walked toward the cool pool. I would have missed the entrance to the shower area if I hadn't known it was there. There was a U shaped corridor that gave the room privacy, but there was no actual door.

The room was finished in red marble and had dimmer light than the steam room. The shower was a waterfall at the rear of the room. I removed my towel and put it on a peg. The water was tepid, not cold. I noticed a very large man in a corner. He stood, removed his towel and joined me.

"Welcome to the Alhambra. I am the owner, Omar," he said. "I hope you enjoy it here." With a big mustache, he looked like a Turk as you might see on the stage.

"It is a beautiful bath, I had no idea anyplace like this existed in Edinburgh," I said. "It is not what I would expect."

"I am from Constantinople. This is what we expect, except it is new," he replied. "I am glad you like it. It is not very Scottish, but I hope you take that as exotic and a vacation from the ordinary. It is a place for men to relax and enjoy themselves." As he said that, he rearranged his privates. He had an impressive set of balls in a low hanging, hairy sack and a cut cock. Cut cocks are rare in Scotland. His exposed cock head slightly titillated me. It was a beautiful shade of lavender.

I smiled but did not reply. I did not need to say anything, my cock reacted and became semi-erect. He noticed that and smiled. Soon my cock head was poking out of the enshrouding skin. Another man entered the room, a tall muscular figure.

"Angus, you must meet Sergeant-Major Jack Ross. He is a regular guest here," Omar said. I shook hands with him. He glanced at my cock and smiled in approval. Omar said he had to check out the hot water boiler and left.

Jack had a ginger beard the size of a badger and bright blue eyes. When Omar left, he reached over and fondled my balls. "Nice and heavy," he said, "Do you drain them regularly?"

"I don't know what regular is," I said.

"Every day or so is good in my book. There are some that say it makes you feeble minded and weak. I've been doing it regular as clockwork and have noticed no ill effects," he said. "It makes for happier men in my opinion, less tension and fewer fights." The Sergeant Major was not the delicate, Oscar Wilde type. He was intensely masculine and aggressive and not the sort of man anyone would accuse of being a Nancy-boy.

"I think you are right about that," I said. "There seems to be an unending supply and there is a continual need to refresh[BW1] it. Have you noticed that when you drain it with a friend, it seems to be more complete?"

"You are a keen observer," he said. "It also is less messy if your partner is hungry,'" he observed. A third man came into the room. He was my size. He came directly over to us.

"Dr. Lockland, are your duties for the day over? We have a new guest here, Angus Fergusson," Jack said. "Dr. Lockland is a surgeon at the medical school."

"I have completed my morning surgeries. There is a second group scheduled for the late afternoon. I came here to relax. It was a difficult morning," the doctor said. He looked down and saw I was erect and Jack was nearly erect. "May I help you men?" he asked. He bent over and swallowed my cock.

"The good Doctor likes it from both ends. Sit on the marble bench and we can make him happy." Jack said. I did as he asked. The Doctor returned to his sucking duties, but his ass was in the air and he had spread his legs. His ass was wide open. Ali appeared out of nowhere with a vial of oil. He coated Jack's cock and left. Jack placed is lubricated organ at the Doctor's hole and pushed.

"Open up for me Doc," Jack said. "You always fight me. You always fail and you always love it when I am in you. If you don't relax I'm going to force it in. I know you like it when I take my time." The Doctor whimpered a little.

"That's the way you like it," Jack said. I'll be nice and slow." The Doctor was a skilled sucker, and I could tell Jack was both experienced and enthusiastic. After a few minutes, Lockland moaned and stood up. I leaned over and just as I had just took his cock head into my mouth, he began to shoot. Jack had been thrusting vigorously and then stopped. It was clear he had drained his balls. We broke apart. The doctor thanked Jack and me.

Several men had come in the room as we frolicked, but they had just observed. No one was disturbed or uneasy. It was an unexceptional event. I returned to the stream room and went to the cold plunge later. It was a stimulating experience; there was a world of sexual entertainment I had not guessed existed.

The next day was rainy and Roddy came by to see me. I had given him my address. He was building a house and couldn't work in the rain. He was with another man. "Mr. Fergusson are you busy? I have a friend you might like to meet," he said. I invited them in. I almost never was busy.

"Get out of those wet clothes and get near the fire. I will make some tea or coffee if you like," I said. I made some coffee in the kitchen.

When I returned from the kitchen with coffee and some cake, they were out of their heavy coats. Roddy's friend was almost as big as he was, but much younger.

"Mr. Fergusson his is my helper Bert Purdue; he's learning the trade." I shook hands with the young man. He was perhaps twenty-three or so. He looked like a stonemason with broad, wide shoulders.

"Bert is a good boy and a fast learner," Roddy said. "He's a hard worker and has dependable." Roddy paused. "I found out we all share a common recreational interest. I have been showing him how men can enjoy themselves. He's a quick learner there too." Bert blushed.

"I am a little limited in my interests. He is nice and open for me, but my own arse is tight. I know your interests and I was hoping you might help him. I know you are a gentleman, but I would hate to have him playing with the wrong sort." He paused. "Bert is a big boy. I was thinking you like them big."

I was surprised that Roddy thought I liked them big. It was true, but I didn't think he would have known that. I was slightly irritated, but then my curiosity about just how big Burt might be began to assert itself.

"Well, I appreciate you thinking about me and introducing me to your friend. It is a dreary day outside. It is a good day to stay inside and have some fun," I said. They had finished the coffee. "My upstairs room is warmer, why don't we go there?" The upstairs room was my bedroom and it had a new gas log. I had modernized my house. I turned it on and the room quickly warmed up.

"How long have you been working for Roddy?" I asked Bert.

"I been working for Roddy for a year. My last boss died. He was a difficult man who just used me for cleaning and carrying. Roddy is teaching me the trade," Bert said.

"Is he teaching you about enjoying the company of men too?" I asked.

"I knew a little about it, but Roddy is nice. I was small until I was fifteen. The men I worked with weren't nice. Once I grew that wasn't a problem anymore, but Roddy taught me how to enjoy it," Burt explained. "I would like to do some other things."

I smiled. "Now that the room is warm, let's get more comfortable," I said as I removed my coat and then my shirt. Roddy did the same, but Bert was always one-step behind me. He was uncomfortable being naked. Physically was an impressive man. He could have been a model for a classical sculpture for some ancient hero, except for the coat of curly blond hair that covered his body. He was well equipped too, with oversized balls and a cock that was bigger soft than many men had hard.

As soon as I saw his privates, I had a desire to connect with him. The urge was instantaneous, like the gas log. I assumed he was a nice boy, but there is a difference between and good boy and a well hung one.

"I feel like I am a dwarf in the land of the giants," I said. As I looked at the two men, I went to Roddy, dropped to my knees and sucked him. Bert came closer and I could service both men. As soon as my tongue touched Bert's cock, he relaxed. He was still partly soft and I sucked his foreskin into my mouth. I worked my tongue into the tube of skin and searched out his cock head. He moaned.

"Mr. Fergusson is a real nice man, you're going to feel real good when he's done with you," Roddy said. He sank to his knees and we shared Bert's cock. It was now fully erect. We moved to the bed and I sucked Roddy as Bert sucked me. We traded partners a few times. Both men were enthusiastic and skilled.

It seemed that my concerns about social status vanished with our clothes. I realized there was no way to know if the cock I was sucking was a stonemason or the Prince of Wales. I smiled to myself. The Prince was rumored to be a randy gentleman, and I wondered if he would have enjoyed our play.

Roddy went off to the bath leaving Bert and me alone. "Roddy told me you liked to take it in the arse, is that true? I would like to do it, but I'm afraid it might hurt," he asked.

"I've never taken one as big as yours is, but I would like to try," I said. "Can you take your time?"

"I can do anything you want, Sir," he said. "Roddy shoots off in me. Do you want that?"

"Do you like that?" I asked.

"At first I did it because he was a nice man. He's been really good to me," Bert said. "I do it now because I like it. I'm beginning to like it a lot."

"I would probably like it too," I said. "Have you ever fucked a man?"

"No, but I would like to do it," Bert replied. Roddy returned. The room was quite warm now. Both men had large cock heads, but Bert had a thick and long shaft.

"Mr. Fergusson, it is rare to find a man as open to the possibilities as you are," Roddy said. "I know many men love it but most are afraid to show how much they like it. When I met you, I thought you were the man for Bert. I figured that if you could take mine and still be smiling, Bert's would be fine."

"I appreciate the thought, but I wouldn't want for this to become too regular. I find my own playmates," I said.

"I understand, Sir," he replied. "Bert is special. I was hoping we could do what we did the last time. You were nice and open when we were done."

"You lubricated me well," I said. "Would Bert like that?"

"Bert and I have traded man cream many times," Roddy said. "I usually don't take it, but Bert's is lovely." A few minutes later, Roddy's thick tube was in me. I soon felt his man seed squirting in me. He pulled out and Bert came forward. I was on my back and I put my legs on his shoulders.

"Bert, he is really open and can't fight you at all," Roddy said. "Take your time and go slow. We have nothing else to do today so enjoy it. I shot a good one; use your cock to push the cream deep in him."

Bert placed his cock at my hole and gently pushed. He did not actual fuck me he just slipped his cock into me. It seemed that his cock belonged in me. It didn't feel like an invader in my ass. I was shocked it was so easy. It was almost soothing. He began to gently pulse and the sensations began to build. After three or four minutes I lost any sense as to who is was. I had merged into Bert's thrusting organ.

Roddy had straddled my face and his balls dangled above my mouth. He was encouraging Bert. "Don't worry, once you are in him all is well. He liked my plug; he will love your tool! Does it feel as good as you thought it would? Angus is both tight and willing. That's a fine combination!"

"I didn't think it would be this good," Bert replied. "He was nice and open." I squeezed my ass in appreciation. This may have been my imagination, but I think it became a little harder when I did that. I squeezed again.


Next: Chapter 3

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