The Journal of Angus Fergusson

Published on Sep 3, 2014


The Journal of Mr. Angus Fergusson 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Fergus, Roddy and Burt exchanged admiring glances. I told Roddy and Bert that I had been talking about our scientific study, and he had been interested.

"I don't know anything about the science study, but I can say it is fun for a working man like me," he said. "My pal Bert likes it too."

"I hope I don't embarrass Fergus, but we too have been exploring mutual enjoyment," I said.

Roddy smiled. "Mutual enjoyment is a nice way to put it," he said. "I would have described it as screwing like rabbits!" Fergus smiled.

I knew why Roddy and Bert had come by and why Fergus was visiting. I suggested we visit my bedroom for more conversation.

"That's fine with me as long as there isn't too much conversation," Roddy said. Everyone laughed. Fergus got along with Roddy and Bert well. Rather to my surprise, there was some conversation. Fergus told them he was accustomed to quick bits of fun in dark places, and he had no experience in a bedroom with a lock on the door.

"I know what you mean, but I can tell you it is easy to become used to it. You can take your time and enjoy it," Roddy said. "No one will catch you doing it."

"At the baths it seemed odd to see men's faces," Fergus remarked. "Men were obviously enjoying themselves. I had a hard time with that. Most men pretend they don't."

"I am one of those who enjoys it greatly," I said.

"Well, I like it too, so does Bert," Roddy said. "To be real direct, Angus was nice enough to open his ass for us. It wasn't no ladies' tea party, but it was lots of fun. Have you ever opened your ass for another man's enjoyment?"

"No," Fergus replied. He looked at Roddy, and added, "Not yet." Roddy smiled. "I usually like to be in charge, but I can see some situations where I might try something new," Fergus added.

"I think I would like something new," Roddy said. "Every time I meet a new man, it can be exciting. Oddly, Angus wasn't my type, but he turned out to be really good."

"Why don't we get naked and see what happens?" I asked. Fergus immediately removed his coat and began unbuttoning his waistcoat. Roddy smiled and did the same. He seemed to enjoy the view, as did Bert. They were all masculine men and well equipped. None of their equipment was soft by the time they were naked.

Roddy went to Fergus and fondled his balls. Bert joined then and began to suck Fergus. "We aren't shy, and like to get down to business right off the bat," Roddy said.

"There is nothing wrong with being direct. I think we all want the same thing," Fergus replied. He dropped to his knees and took care of Roddy's tool. Bert transferred his attention to me.

"Before I met Angus I thought popping my cork was the objective of fucking," Roddy said. "Well, it's still the main objective, but he taught me building up the head of steam can be good too. Clearing my drains only takes a few seconds. Getting my cock all tingly and excited can take a good long while."

"If Angus needed a new job, he'd be a good dairyman milking the cows," Bert said as I sucked him. "He knows how to get my ball juices flowing. Has he done you yet, Fergus?"

Fergus briefly took a break from his sucking duties. "I haven't had that pleasure," he replied. "Roddy has a rich brew. I have never sucked much. This excites me more than I expected."

"Have you taken a load?" Bert asked.

"I never taken one on purpose. I have been surprised a few times," Fergus said. "It shocked me and I got mad. It is strange, but once and a while I dream about taking it. I love it when a man takes mine."

"My dreams were more interested in man sex than I was when I was awake," Bert said. "I was embarrassed by the dreams. The dreams became more detailed after I started working for Roddy. I didn't know him well, but I dreamed about him."

"Were they exciting dreams?" I asked.

"They seemed exciting at the time. I didn't have any real idea what you could do with another man," he continued. "I didn't know you could have real sex, like with a woman. I didn't know what you could do. I surely didn't guess it would be as good as it is."

"It's strange. I love being sucked, but I thought sucking another man was a sign of weakness," Fergus. "I felt as if Roddy was doing me a favor by letting me suck his tool. It is a beauty."

"It is good when you trade man juices," Bert said. "I thought I had won the lottery when Roddy fed me his cream the first time. It was good when Angus took mine too. He enjoys that."

"Has Roddy taken your cream?" Fergus asked.

"It was by accident the first time," Bert said.

"Do you think of yourselves as lovers?" he asked.

"We are more like playmates or brothers," Bert said. "We are friends." He paused. "It is more intense when I get near to shooting off. Sometimes it is hard to remember you are two people. You can sort of merge. That has happened several times with Angus. It happens all the time with Roddy."

"That happens to me once in a great while," Fergus said. "It happened with Angus at the baths. Before then it had been a fleeting sensation. With Angus, it lasted a while. I felt as if I loved him. That feeling I lasted as long as my cock was in his ass. The feelings were indescribable."

"After you shot off, you pulled out a few times but re-entered immediately. You were trying to re connect?" I asked.

"I didn't expect you to like it so much," Fergus said. "I've fucked a few men in my day, and you were the first to like it. I mean really like it. My best friend in the Army, Archibald, liked it and he took it willingly, but not like Angus did. You liked it so much I wanted to please you. My cock loved it."

"Have you ever fucked a guy to the moon and back?" Roddy asked Fergus.

"Once with a man in Cape Town, and I got close with Angus," Fergus replied. "Have you?"

"Yep, I sent Angus there once or twice, but Bert goes on regular trips," Roddy said. "What is real nice is that when Bert goes to the moon, I go with him. It's never happened when we were sucking, only when I am fucking him."

"Fucking seems like such a crude term, but sexual intercourse is too technical," I remarked. "Making love wasn't what we were doing either."

"Priming the pump or draining the pipes lacks romance," Bert said with a smile. "Plowing the field and seeding it comes closer, but it isn't pleasurable enough."

"I visited an oil field in Pennsylvania several years ago. They called it drilling for oil and having a gusher," Fergus said. "A man in California called it entertaining on the back porch.

"I'll stick with fucking a man to heaven and back," Roddy said. We all laughed.

"Well, I feel like doing a little drilling," Fergus said. "Is Bert available or his he private stock?"

"Bert makes his own choices. As long as he's enjoying himself, I'm happy," Roddy said. "Angus is always ready, but I assume you want a new experience. You are a guest. I'll take whoever is left over."

"I'm leftovers now?" I protested.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but you seem to be happy whenever there is a cock in your ass. That is one of your most attractive features," Roddy said. Bert had gone over to Fergus and they were whispering.

Bert looked at me. "I was thinking Angus and I could suck each other and you men could do us doggy style," he suggested. I had a narrow bed in my room I used as a divan. We pulled it out. I lay on the bed crosswise and pulled my legs up opening my ass. Bert fed me his cock and bent over to suck mine. Roddy put a few pillows under my ass to get my rear to a better level for me.

I had oil available for lubrication. Bert hooked my legs with his arms to keep me open. Roddy coated his cock and fingers with lubricant. He played with my hole as he stroked his cock. Bert was excited and I could both feel his heart beating and taste his juices.

I could see Fergus' oil slicked cock nuzzling into Bert's hole. Roddy and Fergus were coordinating their movements so I felt Roddy at my ass as Fergus was at Bert's hole. Given that Roddy and Fergus were intensely masculine men, I had assumed they would skewer us and then fuck us to an orgasm.

They both took their time. When Fergus popped through the sphincter, Bert spurted a big glob of juice and moaned. Roddy popped into me a few seconds later. As the oversized organs penetrated our respective asses, I felt Bert relax. I knew what Roddy's tool felt like. This was the first time Fergus visited Bert's ass, but it was clearly satisfactory. Every time, Fergus made a deep thrust, Bert's juices flowed freely.

When I thought about Bert, I forgot about Roddy. He suddenly hit a spot that sent me into a sexual trance. Roddy's rhythmic thrusts and Bert's rich cock juices were hypnotic. With my cock and ass in use as I sucked Bert, I was fully engaged. I don't know how long this went on.

"Does anyone else need a rest?" Roddy asked. "I need to cool down a little." As he pulled his cock from my ass, my senses returned. I watched Fergus slowly pulling out of Bert. It was hard to believe it fit.

"Is it always this good for you men?" Fergus asked. "Your boy was really good, tight and welcoming. I assume Angus is always good?"

"Why have sex and not have a good time?" Roddy asked. "I used to be uneasy about liking it so much. Angus admits he likes it. Sex was always good, but it got better when I let myself enjoy it. I didn't end up with my cock up a man's arse by accident."

Fergus smiled. "I told myself that I was fucking a man because there were no women available. The last time I screwed a woman I realized a man's ass is tighter and he doesn't get pregnant," he said.

"Was that the only reason it was better?" I asked. "I get more of a tingle just thinking about man sex."

"Woman have never done much for me," Roddy said.

Fergus looked at me. "You mentioned a tingle. I have always felt a twinge of excitement that is lacking when I am with a woman. I can say that when I saw you screwing in the baths, it was much more than a little tingle," he said.

"What are you feeling now?" Roddy asked.

"I couldn't be any more excited than I am now," Fergus said.

Roddy smiled. "I think we all feel the same way. I have to admit that now that we have broken the ice, I'm much more excited. I want to fuck more. How was Fergus, Bert?"

"He was good. It wasn't the same as you, but it was good," Bert said. "I'd like to switch places and top for a while. Actually. I would like to watch you two go at it. I would like to see what happens. I have a feeling Fergus wouldn't mind some Scottish cream in his ass."

"What about Irish seed planted in a Scottish field?" Fergus asked.

"I'm real particular as to who gets in my arse," Roddy said. "I was thinking Fergus might meet my standards. If anyone does me, I would want to do him too."

"It's a deal!" Fergus replied.

Fergus and Roddy were both tops, who found each other attractive. They were so attracted they were willing to spread their wings and open their asses. In the privacy of my bedroom, they were able to take some time and explore at an easy pace.

Bert and I were cast in the role of professional advisors. This excited Bert. He was young and handsome and was usually involved sexually. He would be watching this time. I thought he might be offended to watch his friend take another man's cock, but that was not the case. He was curious and wanted Roddy to enjoy it.

Later he explained that since Fergus' cock was similar to Roddy's and he wanted Roddy to know what it felt like. While Roddy's hole was not virgin, but it had only rarely seen service. Bert lubricated Roddy's ass as I lubricated Fergus.

Fergus took his time and I added more lubricant as needed. It was a tight fit. Luckily, when Fergus's knob encountered Roddy's prostate, it was a good fit. Roddy moaned as he gasped for breath. He gave up any effort to combat the invader in his ass and surrendered.

Bert knew exactly what Roddy was feeling and all was well. When Fergus shot off, he pulled Roddy's trigger. It was a beautiful sight.

Our little group broke up after that. Both men had massive orgasms were done for the day. We agreed to meet again soon.

The next day Alistair came by to see me. By this time, I knew every one of his visits had a sexual objective. "I have a young man I would like you to meet. Reverend Douglas Macintosh is an intelligent and sincere man who has intense yearnings for sexual congress with a man and an equally intense fear of the same."

"He is the son of Lord Galashiels by his second wife, she died in child birth and Douglas was raised by his mother's maiden aunts. They were Presbyterians of the most unthinking sort. They were firmly of the belief that his mother died due to her sins. They regarded sex with women as sinful. He became friendly with some boys, but apparently the aunts thought any human affection would result in sin of some sort," he explained.

"That seems perverse," I remarked.

"Indeed it is. It seems to me that almost any religion results in perversion when carried to an extreme. An obsession with purity can result in perversion. Chastity and modestly are virtues, but when carried to an extreme form they would end human life on earth. The Aunts did not celebrate chastity; they mostly condemned lack of chastity as sinful. Normal urges and desires, a kind glance or a modest kiss were all evil," Alistair continued.

"Douglas was sent to me by one of his professors, a noted theologian, who was worried about his mental health. He knew I was interested in the subject and wanted me to help Douglas."

"Did you help?" I asked.

"I think I helped a good deal. Douglas is most intelligent and my understanding of biology, combined with his good understanding of theology was constructive. He understood the logical flaws of his aunts' approach to life," Alistair explained. "Douglass intellectually understands the problem, but he has a problem doing anything about it. He is shy and reticent. He recently suffered from a serious bout of pneumonia and I have recommend he spend a month in Southern France. I was hoping you might be able to serve as a companion."

"Do you want me to seduce him?" I asked.

"I want you to introduce him to the real world. You are similar in many ways. You are both the younger sons of important men, well-educated and intelligent," Alistair said. "You can be a good friend and conversationalist. If you could introduce him to more sensual pleasures that would be good too."

Two weeks later Douglas and I were in a small villa just outside of Nice overlooking the Mediterranean. Douglas and I hit it of immediately. Alistair had correctly understood we were similar men. I was more worldly[BW1] than was he, but not so much to frighten him. Alistair knew there was a world he did not experience. He saw me as a safe guide for him.

A true son of Scotland, Alistair was shocked at the sun and the nearly continuous blue skies. He was warm for the first time in his life and he loved it. The house was on the side of a mountain, and had ten rooms, an entry court and a broad terrace overlooking the sea. There were two garden terraces above the house. We had a full staff. Jean was the butler and valet. Julio was the cook and we had two gardeners, Emile and Pierre. Emile's took our laundry to his sister in a nearby town.

Our staff was all unmarried and I sensed they could be accommodating. The place was off the tourist track and we became local celebrities. The presence of two English Milords was very exciting in the nearest village. Signs of Douglas' illness were evident and that his friend was there to help was seen as admirable.

We made several good choices at the beginning of our stay. Our clothes were unsuited for the climate, and we bought clothes. This was a great boon for the tailors and seamstresses of the village. To say they had made clothes for English noblemen was a huge increase in status for them.

The garden terraces could produce more food than we needed. I talked with Pierre and we decided to allow them to sell the excess produce splitting the profits one third to us and two thirds to them. They saw that as fair and indeed generous.

I was worried that these arrangements would make to be viewed as gullible men, ripe for the picking. Jean and Pierre were cousins. Pierre's brother was the Mayor and his wife's brother was the Prefect of Police. Jean and Pierre protected us against the unscrupulous. We were the geese that laid golden eggs; we were to be protected.

We did not demand the staff wear English servants uniforms. I had no objection to shirtless gardeners or informal dress in the kitchen. The half-naked men excited Douglas greatly. Douglas loved the sun, and soon was wearing very little. He was blond and was quite hairy. Jean seemed to like that.

There was a history of foreigners using local women and boys for their own purposes. We had no interest in that. We provided employment for four bachelors. That was fine as far as the town was concerned.

The men swam in the morning and in the afternoon. It was an easy way to cool off and clean up. Douglas and I swam mid-day. While we bathed in swimming suits, the men swam naked. I knew how to swim, but swimming in the cool waters of Scotland had been a challenge. The Mediterranean was warm and pleasant, a revelation to me. We watched Jean and Pierre in the water. Douglass enjoyed that greatly. The men were handsome, and muscular. "They are not shy, are they?" Douglas asked me.

"The men are handsome and well equipped," I said. "They don't mind showing off."

"Their privates are large?" he asked.

"They look large to me," I said.

He leaned close to me. "Is big considered better?" Douglas asked in a whisper.

"In general yes," I said. "I think the organ works the same regardless of the size. It certainly gives pleasure just as well. I will say big ones are better to look at. Most men have some curiosity about other men's sexual endowment." He was silent for a short while.

"Is it vulgar to use your privates for pleasure?"

"It seems God in his wisdom made sex organs for pleasure as well as reproduction," I said. Douglas looked shocked. I smiled. "When I was a child, I thought the organ was for drainage. It was a surprise when I discovered otherwise. It was a pleasant surprise."

"I thought I was bad," Douglas said. "You don't think it is evil?"

"Do you think feeling pleasure is evil?" I asked. "If that is the case, did God make the world incorrectly? Feeling pleasure is part of life."

"Do you feel pleasure watching naked men swim?" he asked.

"I do," I said. "Truthfully, I would like to join them."


"Oh yes," I said. "Will you join me?"

"Naked?" he asked.

"Of course," I said. I started down the steps to the water. Douglas followed. I stripped and jumped into the water. It was warm but refreshing. I was in the water for a minute or so, when I heard a second splash. Douglas had jumped into the water.

He was not a good swimmer and Pierre went over to help him. I had not seen Douglas naked before I jumped in the water, but Pierre's effort to help him swim and he discovered Douglas' genitals. He liked what he found. More importantly, Douglas enjoyed it more. Jean, Emile Julio and I knew what was going on under the water, but it was hidden from view.

We were in the water for almost an hour and then returned to the villa. I finally saw Douglas' cock and it was impressive. Pierre saw me looking at it and he winked. He was a member of the brotherhood.

We ate dinner late, as was the custom of the area. We no longer dressed for dinner; Douglas was realistic about the temperature. We ate in the dining room, while the men ate next to the kitchen in a small courtyard. That was the cool side of the house until the sunset.

Douglas and I sat on the terrace as the sun set. The sea breeze was comfortably cool. "Did you enjoy the swim? It was refreshing for me," I said.

"I thought I would be uncomfortable, but it was good. We are all men. It was good," Douglas replied. "It was odd to be associating with men of a different social status. That was good too."

"Underneath the clothes all men are the same in many ways," I said, "I have visited a Turkish bath in Edinburgh and you can't tell a naked gentleman from a naked laborer."

"Did that bother you?" he asked.

"I try to be modern, but I was briefly uneasy. The unease vanished shortly. I think we are often dominated by social conventions and they are not a reliable guide," I said. "Good men are good men regardless of their class."

Douglas leaned close to me. "I am afraid I became excited when Pierre helped me with my swimming. Do you think he noticed?"

"If he did, he didn't object," I said.

"I would have thought he would have been shocked or disgusted," Douglas said.

"Did you consider he might have been complimented? He is a good-looking man. He excites many," I said. "You are handsome and well endowed. I doubt he was surprised or offended."

"You saw me naked?" he asked.

"I did and if I was as big as you are I would be naked as much as possible," I said.

"I saw yours too," Douglas said. "It excited me."

"I am flattered," I said.

"You aren't offended?"

"Your organs excited me too," I said, "I would like to see them closer and touch them."

"I would let you do that, if you let me do the same things to yours," he replied. The sun had just set so it was dark. I took off my shirt and dropped my trousers. He did the same. I reached out and touched his cock. He was already half hard. I fondled his balls; they were big and impressive.

His foreskin pulled back as his cock enlarged. I felt a drop of percum on my hand.

"Stuff oozes when I get excited," he whispered.

"Don't worry, I can take care of that," I said. I bent over and licked his cock head before I took the entire gland into my mouth.

"It is too much!" Douglas exclaimed.

"We have just started," I said. I think he would have complained more if he were not so overwhelmed by emotion. He moaned, shivered and twitched. His cock was drooling precum like a mountain stream in flood. I could not get that much of his erect organ in my mouth, but his cock head was exceptionally sensitive and responsive. After five minutes, I pulled away and let him catch his breath.

He was silent for a little while and calmed down. "Is that what sex feels like?" he asked.

"Well, it is a start," I said. It can get much more intense and pleasurable."

"I don't think I could do that. It would be too much to bare," he replied.

"That might be," I said. "But if it is, you would be the first man on earth not to enjoy it all."


Next: Chapter 7

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