The New Kid

By Matt Douglas

Published on Feb 21, 2017


The New Kid

Authors Note: Hi There! My Name is Matt. This is my first attempt at fanfiction writing. Now before we begin, there are some things that I need to say. I do not own Glee or it's characters. However I do own, Chance Matthews, P.C., and members of the C-Sharps. Also, I am a GGG (Gay Glee Geek. Also, this story involves gay sex. If this offends you, then please discontinue reading and exit your browser window. If you do like what you read, I want to hear from you. You can send me an email at So let's being, shall we?

Chapter 1: Homesick- Part 1

After a long awaited promotion at the plant that my father worked at, we were transferred to Ohio. Lima, Ohio to be exact. I started school at McKinley High, where after wining Nationals, last year, they were the talk of the Show Choir hub. Everyone could not stop talking about them. I had to get my hands on them. Coming from a school, where we were the Southern Region National Champions, ourselves, I was already a hardened performer. We were molded under the direction of one Shelly Parker. She was a hard sell at first, but after we started winning, we rocked the school. Kids from all the grades wanted to be in Glee Club. They were coming out of the wood works. Last year alone, we went from 12 geeky kids, who could sing, to 45 powerhouse people, that singled out, we were good, but together we made a wall of sound that no one could bring down. My gosh, I miss them, but starting over is never easy, so this is where my new journey begins.

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Chance Ross Matthews. This is the first day at my new school. The show choir season had already begun before I left. Shelly was po'ed at me. I was the star soloist at my old school, but change is always around the bend. I bade my farewells to my fellow "PowerHouse" team members, in what can I say was an emotional party. As always, I did a number to express my feelings of love and loss and there wasn't a dry eye in the classroom. My BFF, Kaylee hugged me tight and told me that if I didn't want to go, I could stay here with her and her parents. Her parents were cool and treated me like the son that they always wanted and they quickly agreed to Kaylee's plan, but when I presented it to my parents I got a not so positive reaction. So when the day came, they were all there to see me off. So here I am, a new school, in a new town, new teachers and no "PowerHouse".

"Chance! Time to get up! We have to get you registered for school.", my Mom called from downstairs.

"OK, Mom." I replied

I didn't want to get out of bed. After getting out of bed and hopping into a quick shower, I got dressed. After looking out of my bedroom window, at the new school I was going to be attending, I smiled and I put on my favorite "PowerHouse" hoodie and padded downstairs to breakfast.

"Mom do you think I can get registered myself? I mean I'm 17 now and a Senior, and we live right across the street from the school. I think I could manage getting the process done on my own.?", I asked.

"Sure hunny." my Mom replied and she kissed my forehead. I left the house and after crossing the street, I was there with my registration paperwork in hand and a song in my heart.

According to the paperwork, I need to meet Ms. Pilsbury, the guidance counselor, to get registered. So I opened the door and walked through the threshold, I froze. Everyone was looking at me. Here I thought I made a fashion mistake or something. Was my fly open? I looked down and checked. Nope. My bright blue eyes and blond hair were in check, my outfit, even my "Power House" hoodie was presentable, then why was everyone staring at me. Then it dawned on me.

"OK, OK, I get it. I'm the new kid, you can all go back to BAU. Oh, for the jocks within the sound of my voice BAU stands for Business As Usual. As for those guys, who think, just because I am new and easy target for slushying, you can put that thought out of your minds, because where I came from, I'm the one that does them." I yelled out. "Now can someone, please be so kind as to show me where I can find Ms. Pilsbury's office?" I asked.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. "You must be Chance.", the new face said

"Yep, and you must be Mr. Schuester." I replied as I shook Mr. Shuester's hand.

He puts his hand on my shoulder and we walk to Ms. Pilsbury's office. While we were walking Mr. Shue said. " I have to say that email you sent me and video submission was very impressive. I am so excited that you chose McKinley as your new school."

"Thank you so much. Well, I did my homework. When I found out where I was moving to, I had to reach out." I replied and I started to blush. "Truth be told Mr. Shue, I sent out 3 emails to the three most recommended schools and well you and Dalton did respond, while Carmel did not." I said

No sooner as I said that, a young man walked up and extended his hand.

"Hi, I'm Blaine Anderson." He said

Inside my head, time seemed to slow down. My brain and hormones were screaming, "OMG he is breathtaking. The hair, the eyes, the body. Here he is, the total package."

I shook myself out of my starstruck trance and I shook his hand. "Hi, Blaine, I'm Chance Matthews." I replied

"Now Chance, we have all the time in the world for introductions later, we need to get you registered and get your new schedule before anything else. So right this way. Ms. Pilsbury is waiting on you." Mr. Schue said. He turns to Blaine and asked, "You're on the student coordinator committee correct?"

"Indeed, I am Mr. Schue." Blaine answered.

"Good, I think you will be the perfect one to show young Chance here, the ropes. We are on our way to get him registered. I think you can take it from here Blaine." Mr Schue said.

"I think I can do that Mr. Schue." Blaine said, as he put his arm around my broad shoulders.

"Great, I need to make a staff meeting Blaine. Take good care of our new friend." Mr. Schue said, pointing to me.

"It will be an honor. Mr. Schue." Blaine said.

And with that, Mr. Schue turned and walked down a different hallway towards his meeting, leaving Blaine and I to finish the task at hand.

As Blaine and I walked down the hallway towards Ms. Pilsbury's office, I looked at Blaine and I daydreamed. We got to Ms. Pilsbury's office and knocked on the door.

"Chance Matthews is here to get registered and to get his schedule Ms. Pilsbury." Blaine said.

"Come right in boys." Ms. Pilsbury said.

We opened the door and walked into the office.

"Blaine you already know how to register new students. Please take Chance here to the computer and get started. I need to meet Mr. Schue for the staff meeting." Ms. Pilsbury said.

So Blaine got me registered. Because of his access he made sure and placed me in all of his classes.

"Well, here is your schedule Chance." He said, shaking me out of my daydream. In my daydream, I was already planning our wedding. LOL. Yes, if you couldn't guess by now, I'm gay.

Classes went off without a hitch. At least the teachers were nice. I just couldn't wait for 3:30. That's when the real fun begins and I audition for the "New Directions". As time ticked on, I couldn't help thinking, "I hope that Blaine doesn't have a boyfriend, and if he does, I'll just stay in the friend zone and see what plays out.

Now I am not one to be vain, but I am considered very good looking, back at my old school. I stand 6'1 and weight 185lbs. I have blue eyes. My mom says, that my eyes are the color of window cleaner. My hair is blond, in the right light, it's the color of gold. At my old school, the jocks wanted to be me and the gay guys wanted to be with me. Also not to brag, but I do have a little muscle from years of martial arts training.

As the last bell rang ending classes for today, Blaine and I walked to the Choir Room. That is where I got to take a look at the current members of the "New Directions."

Starting from the left of the classroom, there was Fin Hudson and Noah Puckerman, the football jocks. Next to Noah was Rachel Berry, your typical DIVA. Next to Rachel was Quinn Frabray and behind her was Brittney S. Pierce and Santana Lopez, the Cheerios. In a wheelchair on the left side of the risers was Artie Abrams. Behind him, was Mike and Tina Chang, the smart kids, and lastly the wonder woman of blowing, Mercedes Jones. For those that do not speak Show Choir, blowing is, belting out ballads and sustaining the notes for the longest times. At first glance, it looked like just a bunch of kids gathering for a meeting, so it wasn't that special. Oh, I forgot to mention Mr. Kurt Hummel. The outspoken counter tenor. And last and finally not least, the heart throb of the group, Blaine Anderson. Also, in the back was Sugar Motta, the spoiled rich kid.

As soon as Blaine and I walked through the door, Kurt was on his feet running at top speed and flew into Blaine's arms and kissed his neck. Well, it looks like I got my answer to my "Does Blaine have a boyfriend?", question. As Blaine carried Kurt back to his seat, I took mine in the back row of the room, which is my favorite spot.

Mr. Schue comes walking out of his office and stands before us and says, "Before we start today's lesson, we have a new student. Chance Matthews. He comes all the way from Dallas, Texas, where he was the founding member of the Southern Region National Champions, "Power House". Now let's all make him feel welcome."

All the current members turned around and smiled and said welcome.

I spoke up and stood up. "Mr Schue, I know that you don't just let anyone into the "New Directions", so I am ready for my audition."

"OK Chance, the room is yours, let's see what you got." Mr Schue replied.

I grabbed the music out of my bag and I walked over to Brad, the piano-man and handed it him. I thanked him for accompanying me. We treat our piano-man very nicely where I come from and Brad smiled and took the sheet music. The jazz band was there too, and I handed them their music as well.

I turned to the current members and said, "OK, I know you don't know me from Adam, and I feel like a redheaded stepchild, that is about to break-up a happy family, I don't want to be that, so this is for you. I looked over at Brad and gave him a nod and the intro to "Angels", by Robbie Williams begins to play and I close my eyes and I sing my heart out. When the song was finished and I opened my eyes, the entire room was on their feet. I got the reaction I was looking for. A Standing O. Even Kurt was clapping. Rachel comes running up to me with tears in her eyes and hugs me.

"OK, well, now that's done, I am going to step outside and get some water, please talk amongst yourselves and I will be back in a jiffy." I said. Holding my head up high, I turned around and strode out of the room.

From outside of the room, I could hear the conversation going on from inside. Finn was first to speak up.

"Guys, Chance is awesome. Yes, I know that his style is different, but that is what makes us so unique. So let's put it to a vote. All those in favor of bringing Chance into our family saying "I", the opposed say "Neigh". Every hand went up for "I". Looks like we are all in agreement. Chance is in.

Even though I could hear everything that was going from inside the Choir Room, I smiled to myself. I knew that I was going to make it.

I walked back into the room and was greeted with a 12 young people clapping. YES!!!!!! I was in the "New Directions." I got hugs from everyone. Even Kurt was hugging me.

"Thank you for that warm and endearing welcome." I said

"Well, after that performance, we couldn't say no. ", Mr. Schue said.

I was blushing as I said. "It was nothing special. I just sang from the heart. "

"OK, group, now that Chance's audition is out of the way, we can get back to the lesson. Today's lesson is about Remember. So go home and find a song that shows the emotion of Remember." Mr. Schue said.

"Mr. Schue, I have a question, What tone do you want the song to be about?" I asked.

"That is a very good question Chance, since you are the newest member, you can pick the tone. Oh, by the way welcome to the "New Directions". Glee Club dismissed. Chance, If you need help with your song choice, there is a nice music store called Between the Sheets around the corner." Mr. Schue said.

"Thanks Mr. Schue, I already found it. Where do you think "Angels" came from." I answered and I turned around and left the room.

Outside the school, it was quiet and I had some alone time, so I thought I would explore the rest of the school. I wanted to find my spot. While I was walking, my phone started buzzing and I looked at the caller ID and it was my BFF, Kaylee.

"Kaylee, you sweet thing. Your ears must have been burning, because I was thinking about you." I said into the phone.

"Chance, hey babe!", she replied. "So tell me everything. Are the kids nice? Did you get into the "New Directions"? she asked

"Slow down there, Kaylee. I almost forget that speed talking is your superpower.", I said. "But to answer your questions, Yes and YES!!!!!" I exclaimed. "You should of seen my audition. I pulled of Robbie Williams. I mean I put all my cards on the table and they ate it up. I am going to rule. But I miss you guys a lot. The kids in the "New Directions don't compare to the friends that I have had since grade school. Actually Kaylee, I need a big favor to ask you and the C-Sharps. I know it's last minute, but how would you guys like to make a trip up here?", I asked.

You see the C-Sharps is a group within "PowerHouse". The C-Sharps members are myself, Kaylee, Susan, Travis, and Bobby. We started out as a vocal cover band and well it led to something more. At all the concerts and performances,we led the show. Before I left, we did a cover of Toto's "Africa", that was to die for.

"I don't see a problem with it Chance, but that's just me. Give me 5 minutes and let me check with the rest of the group. I will call you right back." she said and she disconnected the call.

Like always faithful Kaylee, she called back.

"OK Babe, we're all in. What do you want to do?" she asked.

"Well, we have an assignment for Glee Club and it's a tough one. The theme of the assignment is "Remember". Now I was thinking that we could do "Think of Me", from Phantom." I said.

"Your right Chance, it is a tough one, but I think we can pull it off. Now there is one small itch, we can't make the trip, because since you moved, Shelly has got us working overtime for Sectionals. So I thought of a great way that we could do this. A virtual performance." She said.

"Dash it all. I really wish you guys could be here. I could really use a friendly face. But a virtual performance will help. I just hope that the "New Directions", have an open mind, like we do down there in Dallas. OK, record your videos and I will edit them and splice them together. Oh, btw, I need them by this Friday.", I said.

"You got. I miss my BFF.", she said

" I miss you too babe Talk to later." I said.

"See you on the flip side.", we both said and hung up.

"See you on the flip side." was our way of saying that even though we don't get to talk as much, our paths will cross again.

After that phone call, I didn't feel so alone in this strange new venture. With the C-Sharps help, I am sure the performance is going to be great.

By this time, I made it back across the street to my new home and I walked through the door. My Mom was in the kitchen making dinner and my dad was on the couch reading the newspaper. During dinner, I got the onslaught of questions from my parents. "Did I make any new friends?" How my audition went?" I told them everything. I didn't leave a detail out, except of my new crush on one Blaine Anderson. After dinner, I excused myself and did the dishes and took out the trash. I may come from money, but I still have chores to do. I then went up to my room and I recorded my video portion of the virtual performance. The other thing that I am good at besides singing, yes, I make a wicked music video. My editing skills aren't that of professionals, but it's damn near close. I set my email to auto receive and I turned off my light and went to sleep.

Fast forward to Thursday

My gosh, it has been quite a week. I am almost caught up with everyone in class. At lest I am back to my straight "A" average. At least the teachers are impressed that I have caught on so fast. Glee Club was going good. I still feel like kind of an outsider. But that's just me. I did get approached by the swim team coach. She looked at my record and saw that I was a diver. She also said that I didn't need my sports, credit, but if I wanted to do it, I could try out of the Dive Team, since I have an open period. I do love diving. When I got home on Thursday after school, all of the C-Sharp's videos were in my inbox. So I set down to work. In between that, I did the rest of my homework and my chores. I guess I lost track of time, because when I looked at my watch, it was nearly 3 in the morning. I am only going to have 4 hours of sleep before school. So I fished editing and splicing the videos and played back my work and I must say so myself, I did a bang up job. I just hope that they like it. Well, everything was done and I got undressed for bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

Authors Note: Well, I think the first chapter in my story came across nicely. I hope you had fun reading it as much I had fun writing it. Again, any comments will help. Please email me at Thank you for reading. The next chapter will be out soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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