The New Kid

By Matt Douglas

Published on Mar 13, 2017


Authors Note: This is a very long chapter. I hope that you like the character development. When I sat down to write the character of Chance, I was going to use the male form Quinn, but then I thought to myself, Am I really like that? Well, I answered myself with a big fat "NO". I am not like that. Yes, I do remember moving and missing my old friends, but I was not bitter. I made new friends. Then I thought about who Chance really is. So, I looked at myself in the mirror. I am Finn, mixed with Blaine and Kurt. The reason why Fin, one word leader. Blaine shows the quality of tenderheartedness, patience, and honesty. Kurt, I saved for last, because Kurt is my emotional side. Look at me, I am typing like I am Syble. I digress. So, thanks for continuing to read my story. I do want comments. You can email me at

"Shout OUTS" Jim, TrueFan and Monoply702

Nifty Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Glee. I do own the characters of Chance Matthews, his parents, the members of the C-Sharps and well as other special characters that will come into the story. Also, this story will have gay sex, if this offends you please discontinue reading and exit or close your browser window.

Special Reminder: If you like what you read and would like to keep this site open and free, Nifty does accept donations.

NOW ON WITH THE SHOW Chapter 2- Homesick Part 2

OMG it's Friday and I am excited. This is going to be the first time I have done a virtual performance. But what can I say, the help from the C Sharps and the song choice will be awesome. OK, let's see what I need? Disc with the video check. Phantom outfit check. Regular clothes check. Letter to Coach Mills for swim team tryouts check.

"Chance are you up?" my Mom asked from downstairs.

"Yes, Mom, I have been up for hours, I am too excited to sleep." I replied

"OK Son. Be down for breakfast in 5 minutes please." she said

" Yes, Mom, I will be right down. I replied

I finished packing the things I needed for today. As I left the room, I paused for just a moment at the full-length mirror look at myself. Man, I do look good today. I checked my watch and turned off my bedroom light and I headed downstairs for breakfast. At the bottom of the stairs, there is a box with my name on it. "Who could this be from?", I asked myself, but I don't have time to open it now, so I'll have to find time during lunch, it's just big enough for me to put into my rolling bag with the rest of my things so it wouldn't weigh me down. At the table is my Mom and Dad. Mom is applying her make-up, which she really doesn't need and Dad is sipping on his coffee and reading the newspaper.

Mom and Dad are the best parents in the world. Back in Dallas, my Mom, Denise Matthews is a lawyer, my Dad, Curtis Matthews was the assistant plant manager for Tekon Global. When my Dad got the promotion, his company wanted to open a plant here in Lima, so they promoted him to Manager and moved us here. Relocating and finding a house and everything was already taken care of for us. My Mom, however, was out of work, but there was a position for Lima's Assistant District Attorney so Mom applied and got the position.

"Mom, I just have time for a banana for breakfast. I need to rush, I have a performance today, and I need to check out the A/V equipment for it." I said

"Rush, Rush, Rush! When am, I going to have time with my favorite men in my life?" She asked

"Tomorrow Mom." I said and I rushed out the door.

I turned around on my heels and reopened the door. "Mom, Dad, I love you." I said

"We love you too." they both said

With that I was across the street faster than the Flash can call for pizza. Yeah, yeah, I know I am a geek at heart.

I make it to my first class with minutes to spare and I am wondering, "What was in the box that was at the bottom of the stairs?", I thought to myself. Well, I have the time, so I reached in my bag and pull out the bread loaf size cardboard box and opened it. I opened the box and I looked inside and the first thing I see is a letter. So, I open the letter. It from Paul Carter, the guy I was dating before I moved. I didn't get a chance to tell him I was moving since it was short notice. Here is what it said.

Dear Chance, I had to find out the hard way that you moved away to Ohio. Why didn't you tell me first? I am heartbroken. I miss you a lot. I had to find out from Kaylee when you were not in school. Inside is a care package of things that I think you need from me to remember me by. I guess that with you being gone that we must call it quits. But my Chance, I want you to know that where ever you are and whatever you are doing remember that you have a gift. Use it. I will always love you.

Love Always,


Paul was the first guy I ever dated, since coming out. I fell hard for him and he for me. We were together for 2 happy years. It was about to be 3 before I moved. I must remember to send him an email and tell him everything that is going on in my new life. I could tell Paul everything. Gosh, I miss him. So I continued looking in the box. I found the pressed flowers we made during our date, at the Rec Center Arts Class, the picture he drew of himself, the day I was sick with the flu and he couldn't come see me. He is quite the artist. Also in the box was some things from my old friends in "PowerHouse". There was a group picture of the team with everyone signatures on it. How they got 45 signatures on an 8x10 glossy is beyond me? Also, a CD entitled "The Album" by the C-Sharps. OH, MY GOSH! It's finished. "The Album" was a vocal band project that the C-Sharps were working on, before I moved, we just recorded the last track of our album. It was an unfinished project, but it looks like that without me the rest of the C- Sharps got it finished. In the back of the box was mp3 player. I wonder what is on it? There was a note attached to it saying "Play me when you're alone. Paul Carter". So, I put everything back into the box just as the bell rang and the other students filed in.

I looked up just as Blaine was walking down the aisle.

"Hey Blaine." I said

"Hey Chance. You know your audition was something out of a blue. By the looks of you, I was just going to write you off as another jock that was only in Glee Club just to get close to girls, but boy was I wrong. Your old team had the right name Powerhouse. Because my friend you are one powerhouse with that voice." He said

"Blaine, you don't know what your validation means to me. But I have a little secret that I have been hiding. I may be a jock, but I don't like girls." I said.

Blaine did a double take. "What your gay?" he asked

"Yes, I am and proud of it." I answered.

"Finally, it's just not me and Kurt anymore." He said.

"Nope, it's not." I answered with a wink.

As the teacher calmed the class down, we started class.

As time ticked on and lunch rolled around, I thought that this was the perfect time to listen to the mp3 player Paul had put in the box. So, I grabbed my lunch from the cafe.

"Hey Chance please sit with us?" Rachel and Glee Club said together in perfect unison. "Sorry guys, I would love to sit with you, but I have something that I must do. But I'll catch you in Glee Club this afternoon. I have a surprise for you all. It's an experiment." I said. And with that I walked out the cafe door.

"I wonder what is up with him?" Blaine said

"I don't know, but the look on his face kind of reminds me of a yearning that I used to see in myself." Finn replied.

"I don't know either, but I am not waiting to find out." Kurt and Blaine said, in sync. With that they got up and hotfooted after me.

Blaine and Kurt followed me all around the school. I was trying hard to give them the slip, because I needed some alone time, but they found me. I was in the choir room.

A/N: This next part is a real tearjerker so get you face wipes ready.

I got to the choir room and it was empty. So, I set my lunch down and pulled the mp3 player out of the box in my bag and put the headphones on and pressed play. I was not prepared for what I was going to hear. "Roads" by Chris Mann was playing and I began to cry. That was our song. Paul and I had our first kiss to it and I blubbered like a baby. I could not stop crying. Paul meant the world to me. We made plans for our future together. Where we were going to college, where we planned to live together, our wedding, all that couple stuff. As the song ended and I looked up there was Blaine and Kurt standing not 2 feet from me with a look of empathy on their face and mouths were open as wide as the Grand Canyon.

"Chance are you OK?", Kurt asked

"Yeah I'm fine Kurt." I answered through the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"What has you so upset?" Blaine asked

"It's just this morning I got a care package sent to me from my old school, and an old friend left a message in music that he knew only I would understand. I'm just homesick." I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Well, what was the message and who was it from?" Kurt asked

"Well back home, I was dating someone and we had our first kiss to the song I was playing. When I moved, I didn't get a chance to tell that person goodbye. That person means the world to me. His name was Paul Carter" I said.

"His?" Kurt questioned.

"Kurt, I really don't want to repeat myself, so please catch up." I said with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Yes, Kurt, he's gay just like us." Blaine said.

"Oh, my dear boy, you look like your world has just come to an end. I know the feeling." Kurt said.

"I don't know what to say guys, but I could really use a shoulder to cry on right now." I said.

"You've got not one shoulder, but several." Rachel said and the other Glee Club members come walking in.

"Oh man, I don't know what to say." I said.

"You don't need to say anything until you are ready." Quinn said.

"You know something, I am feeling better." I said.

"Good, because we can't wait for the surprise you have in store." Tina and Mike said

"Now buddy let's get you cleaned up, because the rest of the lunch is almost over." Noah said

"OK, but how did you all know I was in here?" I asked.

"Kurt sent out a Glee Club emergency text and we came running and rolling." Artie said

"We are going to hug now." Rachel said.

I got my hug from Rachel and Noah and the other boys got me to the bathroom to wash up.

"Oh Artie, I forgot to ask I need to borrow the school laptop and projector from the A/V Room, and someone please tell Brad and the band that we will not be needing them today." I said

"You got it buddy." Artie said.

A/N: I told you it was a tearjerker. Did you cry? I did, while I was writing this.

Well the rest of the day flew by so fast after lunch I thought I fell into a time warp. But anyways, I was walking the choir room and I was stopped by Mr. Schue, before entering.

"Chance, how are things going with your first week?" He asked

"Just great Mr. Schue, well, maybe not so great I'm just a little homesick." I said.

"Well, give it time. Ms. Pilsbury and I, are here if you need to talk." He replied.

"Thanks Mr. Schue." I said

"Now get in there, I can't wait for your take on this weeks lesson." He said

"I'm ready." I said

"Good". He said.

And with that he let me in.

Everything that I needed for my presentation was already hooked up a ready to go. So, I pulled out the disc had my project on it and cued it up so it was ready.

"Everyone this week's lesson was on Remember. Did everyone remember to do the assignment.?" Mr. Schue asked the Glee Club

"I did and I am ready to present. But as you can see there is no band and no Brad. Just this laptop, projector and this white wall. OK,I am from a different way of doing things like, using different media for presentations, so I thought I would employ that. Now I don't really feel like singing, but I enlisted a few old friends. This is Think of Me from Phantom of the Opera, performed by myself and the C-Sharps." I said

"Who are the C Sharps?" Tina asked

"Well, I am glad you asked Tina. The C-Sharps are a vocal cover band I and a few members of the Glee Club I used to belong to put together. We used to headline every performance and competition we were in. Relax and enjoy." I said.

After the video was over and the lights got turned back on, I asked for questions.

"What was that we just saw?" Rachel asked.

"It's called a virtual choir ensemble." I said "Since the rest of the C Sharps couldn't be here today in person........" and I trailed off because as I turned around, there they were in person. My old friends the C Sharps plus Paul.

If there was mirror in the room it would have captured my look of shock. I practically had to hold on to the table, because if I didn't, I would have keeled over and fainted. When I was ready I spoke.

"Wait, where did you come from? I thought you couldn't make it? OMG this is a surprise!" I exclaimed

"We got a call from a very upset Sugar Motta and she told us that you were homesick and needed us." Kaylee said.

I turned my head and I looked right into the hazel eyes of Sugar and smiled.

"I have to confess Chance, that after you left the choir room after lunch, you left something behind. Well, I found it and it was your phone. So, I went through your contacts and found the numbers for the members of "PowerHouse, and well, I told them that you were troubled and that they needed to come up here right way. I also called Daddy and I asked him if it was ok that I barrowed the private jet. So, I cut class and flew down there and picked them up and we flew back here. Quinn has been keeping them company in the workroom, while your video was on." My heart was breaking, when we found you in here during lunch, crying. So here they are and that special person that you didn't get to say goodbye too." She replied.

"I knew my pocket felt a little lighter after lunch.", I said.

"Hey Baby." Paul said, as he ran up and threw his arms around me and kissed me on the mouth.

As soon and I could catch my breath, I considered the faces of my old friends.

"Paul Oh! Oh, I have missed you. I have missed all of you. " I said.

I turned around to introduce "The C-Sharps" and Paul to the New Directions.

"New Directions, I want to meet the members of the C-Sharps, this is Kaylee Brown, Susan Powers, Travis Fort, and Bobby Price." I said.

"And me. You can't forget about me." Paul said.

"And this is Paul Carter, my boyfriend." I said hugging him tightly.

From the looks on the faces of The New Directions, I could tell that they were happy.

"Wait, when did this happen? I thought that after I left that the Sharps were disbanded.?" I asked.

"Well, we thought about it, but we couldn't do it." Travis said

"We were having so much fun we couldn't and didn't want it to end." Susan said

"Well the reason we are here is to cheer you up as well as, we need to do an induction ceremony." Bobby said.

"Remember when we formed the C Sharps we inducted each member into the group and well it's time to induct the newest member of the C Sharps. Paul Carter. Susan said.

"And we need to say goodbye to the founding member, which is you." Paul said.

"Paul, you can sing? Well, I knew you sing, I've heard you in the shower, but you told me you have stage fright? I exclaimed.

"Well, watching you grow as an artist, brought something out in me and I knew they were looking for a new member and so I asked to join." Paul said

"OK, "New Directions" now we need your help. We need help inducting Mr. Paul here, into our little family and to say goodbye to Chance. Will you help us? At Breadstix tonight?" Kaylee asked.

I turned around and saw all the smiles from the group and knew that answer was yes.

"We wouldn't have it any other way." Finn said.

"So, let's get to it." We all said.

A/N prepare for another tearjerker. But this one is a happy one.

At Breadstix

As we entered Breadstix, the host saw the group of highschoolers and knew right away that they would be needing a big table. The host called over the manager and told him that we were here and that we needed a large table, near the karaoke stage. Kaylee, stepped out on stage and took the mic and turned it on, as all of the current members of the C-Sharps, including me took the stage.

"Dear Friends old and new, we are gathered here today to induct Paul Bry Carter into the C-Sharps and to say goodbye to Chance Ross Matthews, our founding member and vocal arranger. Here we are, another page has been turned in our future and it is unwritten. We don't know what it will hold, but we can be sure that it will be filled with music, fun, and laughter. Paul Bry Carter, will you step forward?" Kaylee asked

Paul stepped forward.

"In the tradition of our family, your induction will be by song. Do you have something prepared?" Susan asked

"I do." He said, and with that "Remember When It Rains" by Josh Groban begins and Paul and wows us.

"Paul after that, I would like to welcome you into the C-Sharps. You have a great honor above your head. Wear it and sing it proud. Oh, and one more thing can I have the C-Sharps jacket please? I asked

Paul's C-Sharp jacket was handed to me by Finn.

I had Paul put the jacket on and I smiled the biggest smile at him. The jacket fit perfectly.

"Paul before you, is the mantle of the C-Sharps. As your biggest supporter, I want to encourage you to follow your dreams and follow your heart. Remember me as I remember you." I said

I stepped over to him and kissed him on the mouth. Then I whispered in his ear "I will always love you Paul. Can we still be friends?" I asked.

Paul just nods his head, because he's crying.

As soon as Paul got control of himself, he took the mic.

"Wait before we conclude this ceremony tonight, we have one last thing to take care of. Chance Ross Matthews, it's your turn. For 3 years, you have been a member of our group. Heck, you founded this group and arranged our music. You got the funding we needed for shows and costumes. You were the man in the mask with the golden voice and not once did you want to take full credit for what you did for this family. "Once a member of the C-Sharps always a member of the C-Sharps." We hope that you will continue to grow as an artist and friend. With great music comes great responsibility. You told us that, and from now on that will be our saying before shows. Now "New Directions" please surround your newest member." Paul said.

All the members of the New Directions circled around me and put their hands on my shoulders.

"New Directions, we leave you with Chance Ross Matthews. Care for him as he did for us. Nurture the gift inside of him. Challenge him as he has challenged us. What say you?" Paul said.

"We do and we will." All the members of "New Directions" said together.

"You may be far away, but you will always be in our hearts." Kaylee said

"With this our goodbye song." Travis.

"Sing with us one last time?" Susan said.

"OK. But I need my new friends to help." I said

"You got it. We already know the song." Rachel said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you. For the first time, we have some new friends joining us tonight. I want you to welcome the C-Sharps, all the way from Dallas, Texas. We present the "Remember When" by Chris Wallace " Finn said

A hush fell over the crowd as we sang.

When the song finished, we all hugged.

I looked around the group and mouthed Thank You.

After the goodbye party, I needed some air. So, I walked outside to watch the C-Sharps and Paul get into the stretch limo that was waiting for them. The last one to get into the limo was Paul He turned around and saw me on the patio and waved goodbye and he blew me a kiss. I think he still likes me.

From inside Breadstix, Blaine saw me outside alone, so he came out to see if I needed anything.

As the tail lights of the limo, disappeared, he said to me "You have some great friends with those guys and gals."

"You know what Blaine? I just didn't know what I had until, I thought I lost them." I said.

"Well, you have us now Chance, and I know we will be the best of friends. Now let's go back inside and finish this party." Blaine said.

"I hope that our paths will cross again." I said.

"I have a feeling that your paths will cross again, but only fate can determine that." Blaine said.

When I got home, I was exhausted, but it was a good exhaustion. I said good night to my parents and went right up to my room. There were surprises around every bend. With the C-Sharps and Paul, showing up, at the last minute and my awesome video. Today has been the best day of my life. I will always remember my friends in Dallas, but I have a home here now in Lima. I don't feel alone anymore, because right in front of my eyes were new friends. The "New Directions". They were right there when I needed them. I couldn't help but think, "What if?" There are no "What ifs", in my life. Yes, things sometimes don't go my way, but I keep trudging along. I don't know what the future holds for me, but I know with my new friends and my old friends, things are going to look brighter.

End of Chapter 2

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