To Kill a Mockingbird


Published on Aug 18, 2008


This story is entirely fiction and is an adaptation from the novel "to kill a mockingbird" by harper lee tm ...This is no re version of the story and is not associated with harper lee in anyway. It is a fition story created purely for enjoyment of others...

To kill a mocking bird...


For all of those who haven't read the book ,I'll give you a brief outline so you know what's going on... it is set in America in 1960's we follow the life of one family the father is Atticus finch and he has two children, jem and scout. Their mother died when they were young but they have a maid called calpurnia. Their friend dill often plays with them and together they are intrigued by the frightening mystery of the radley manor and dare each other to touch the back door of the mysterious house.


The story begins -- To kill a mocking bird

The mysterious house intrigued the two young children, jem and his friend dill peered at it from afar. Dill noticed a sizable bulge in his friend jem's overalls as jem scanned to see if the coast was clear. They slowly crept around the back of the house to climb to the front porch. They crawled under the back wire gate and as he did jem felt his balls snag on a rock and quickly slithered under the gate before fondling his package through is overalls to put everything back in it's place. Dill clambered under and the 2 were off creeping up to the back porch. Both boys snuck up the stairs and stepped onto the porch the floorboards creaked. They thought they hear a noise from inside so both ran as fast as could. Jem help up the wire fence for dill to climb under and once he was through he crawled under. However his overalls got stuck on the wire and he decided in his panic state that the best thing to do would be to take them off entirely. He undid his zipper and slid out of his pants running after dill in just his shirt and white cotton boxer shorts.

He caught up to his friend as they reached the back of jem's house. Dill saw jem with no pants and was excited by his friend in just his boxers. Jem lead dill upstairs managing to go undetected by calpurnia or Atticus. Once in his room jem shut the door and dill sat on the floor. Jem said that he had to try and figure out what he was going to do about getting his pants pack because calpurnia or Atticus would surely notice them missing.

Dill sat opposite jem on the floor and admired his hard working friend. As dills eyes wandered he noticed something. He noticed that at the right angle from where he was he could indeed clearly see up the leg of jems boxers and see his cute little penis. He could see the head of jems circumcised penis hanging down the leg of his boxers and a little bit of the shaft but that it. Something moved in dill's pants. He moved closer and lay down on the ground in front of jems as he continued to think of how to get his pants back. Now he could see the head of jems penis as well as the shaft and a little of he hairless boy balls. Jem looked down at dill and asked him why he was lying so. Dill was embarrassed and admitted that he was admiring jems dick and balls by looking up his boxer shorts. At first jem was embarrassed and went red but then he had always had a sort of attraction to dill and so he kissed dill on his tender lips. They explored each other's mouths and the dill broke apart and went down to jems boxers. He pulled the waistband down and jems soft cut cock sprang up to his chest slowly dill licked around the top of his head and teased jem by licking his piss slit and around the ridge band of his cock head. They heard Calpurnia coming up the stairs searching for jem...

Find out what happens soon...tell me what u think at

Next: Chapter 2

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