To Kill a Mockingbird


Published on Sep 3, 2008


This story is entirely fiction and is an adaptation from the novel "to killA mockingbird" by harper lee tm ...This is no re version of the story andIs not associated with harper lee in anyway. It is a fiction story created purely for enjoyment of others...

...To kill a mocking bird...part 2

They heard calpurnia coming up the stairs and jem tugged his boxers over his balls and penis dill ran and sat on the end of jems bed while jem dived under the covers so that only his torso up was sticking out. Calpurnia came in and said "master jem have u seen scout any ware" after jem answered no she left and they breathed a sigh of relief. Jem wanted to continue what calpurnia had interrupted and stuck his hand under the blanket and lightly squeezed his boy balls. But dill said that he was best getting back home.

It was around 11:00 o'clock and Atticus and scout were asleep. Calpurnia had gone home jem decided that he was going to try and get back his pants. He slid down the banister quietly and almost caught his precious balls on the bottom of the rail. He opened the door and the white moon glowed down upon him and made his white cotton boxers stand out in the dark. He ran quickly to the back of the house he found his pants where he had left them and this time carefully untangled them from the wire fence. There was only a small hole and if Atticus or calpurnia asked he would simply say that they tore on a tree his was climbing on an adventure with dill.

He bent one leg up to slot it through the leg hole and as he did his boxers tightened and his cock head could clearly be seen as an outline in his shorts. If anyone was close enough they would have been able to clearly see that this boy had been circumcised. Once his other leg was through the hole he careful and cautiously ran back the house up the stairs and into his room.

He took his pants and shirt off and now that he had both, he left them in the washing basket for calpurnia to find tomorrow. He changed into his pajamas shirt pulling it over his head and hiding his sweet young nipples. He put on his loose fitting shorts and pulled the waistband over his package. He got into bed and pulled the covers over. He fell asleep with his hand down his pants remembering what an exciting day it had been.

Hey guys please tell me what you thought so that I can keep writing ...I need feed back if u want another section...please tell me at:

Next: Chapter 3

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