Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 8, 2013


Chapter 10

Todd's Senior Year Awakening

This a fictional account or a teen guy who becomes aware of who he really is with some bumps along the way. Don' t read if offended or if illegal where you are or you're under legal age. Comments? Send to The story is the property of the writer and can't be used without permission.

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Chapter 10

My dad was first to reply with "oh, hi Cole. Good to see you too." My mom was still staring at me and then my dad was looking my way also. I tried to make nothing of it and got busy handing o.j. and plates to the guys. Max and Ricky didn't know what to say but just smiled and greeted my folks who greeted them back. I tried to cover by making introductions. My parents liked my friends usually and this was no exception.

There was a silence though and I knew my parents knew something was up. I tried to just go on but knew the cat was out of the bag, so to speak. They knew something was up with me and Cole.

We sat and ate. The folks asked what we were all doing today. I said we might go to the beach.

"Are your dates going too?" Mom asked

"No, I think it is just the guys." I replied. Matt tried to help a little with saying it was just a guys melt down after a great night, but I knew the folks were smart enough to realize something was up.

We finished, my stomach churning fro worry about what my parents would say.

" I think we need to talk later, Todd, when you get back." Dad said.

I nodded yes but didn't say anything.

We piled into the cars. We were headed to a beach where nude sunbathing was allowed. It was kind of a secret place but many people my age and older knew of it. Matt of course, had a swimsuit. Ricky said he could go in some old shorts he had and Cole and I just planned on going naked once we were there. We had planned it that way.

Matt went with us and Ricky and Max, they were so cute together, went in Ricky's car.

On the way, Matt finally broke the ice and said, I guess you may have let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

Cole wasn't sure what he meant and I said I had called him `babe' back at the house. That was more than a just buddies' type of statement. He nodded not having thought about it I guess. "Dad wants to talk to me when we get back. Shit what am I going to do?" I whined like a pussy.

Cole and Matt both said they would try to be supportive. "I could get kicked out of the house if they have any issues with me but I guess I got to be honest an just tell `em. I should have done that but damn, I'm scared and now probably fucked."

While Cole drove, Matt actually put his arm around me and said we would stick together. I was so grateful yet still scared. It wasn't his problem, it was my big mouth . Yet, I was so in love with my `boy' that I got careless.

We had a good time at the beach. Max and Ricky showed up and we all went swimming. At first Matt wore his swim trunks but seeing Cole and me naked in the sand, got him to say what the hell and dropped his too. Max and Ricky spent some time away from us. I only hoped they didn't fuck in public but, oh, well whatever they did probably made at least one of them happy. I knew Max was taken with Ricky's big cock. Actually, I was too but I had Cole and wouldn't think of messing with anyone else, well, except maybe my brother, right now.

We laid on the beach soaking up the hot rays occasionally going into the water to cool off. Some others were there too enjoying the sun but most were older. A few girls came by and I think wanted to hook up but we kind of just were polite but didn't show any interest. We heard one of them mumble something about us being `fags' when they left and we all laughed. "Hey, not me!" replied Matt but being with us got him labeled too.

We left about two pm and stopped for burgers stuff . Not the healthiest diet for jocks but we were just having fun. In the back of my mind, I still worried about my conversation with my dad later but I tried to keep that to myself and not mess up the day. Surprisingly, we didn't do any sexy or romantic stuff except for a few nice touches from Cole and some great kisses. Matt just laughed it off but I saw he had a boner.

When we got home, Cole said he shouldn't stay but would if I wanted him too. He knew he was probably already in trouble with his dad. I reminded him as is master' he was to report to me which happily relaxed him some. We kissed and I told him I would call him later and tell him what all went down. Matt and I went in but found the parents not home. A note said lunch and a movie so I knew we had a little time to prepare for the meeting' with dad.

We went to our rooms and Matt and I showered. I was still a little nervous and he knew it. He actually held me in his arms. I loved feeling his hot muscular body on me. He massaged me and told me he would do more after the shower. I agreed and we went to his room and I laid on the bed naked as was he. He got up , his body on top of mine and rubbed my shoulders and back. His big cock kept rubbing on my ass and it made me horny. I was glad when he moved down and did my legs and had me flip over. I was really excited when he took my feet and began to lick my toes, the heel, the arch and the balls of my feet. "Fuck, you got big feet. Pretty hot looking. Ah, ya know, I got a thing for feet. Used to be just girls but damn after all that's happened, I think you and Cole have great feet too." I was surprised as I didn't know he had this fetish but let him suck and lick. "Bet they taste good a little sweaty too." He said quietly. I told him he could suck my feet anytime and then asked if I could do anything for him. he asked me if I would suck his feet. I said sure and proceeded to do just that. It was great to see him get horned up with my ministrations. I eventually moved up and began to rub his cock which made him murmur even more and finally just swallowed it with him saying ` damn, you're good. You do all this shit for Cole too?" I said I did and he did it for me. I told him how Cole ate my ass and Matt said he wasn't sure of that yet but maybe sometime. I rolled him over and buried my face in his hairy ass and he just about had his orgasm then. I licked some on his hairy hole and just let my tongue go inside." It was too much and he shot off his load. I was impressed how far he shot even getting some on his feet. I moved down and licked it off and he said "gawd, damn. You got some mouth on you bro. I may want more of this shit."

I told him anytime and he smiled and pulled me up to hug me. "I'll be there for you later. Don't know how they will react but I want you to know, I love you and won't let anyone hurt you." His big muscles arms held me and I teared up some. He heard the car and we jumped up and got dressed. I even put a shirt on! He did too and I decided to get this whole thing over with. I didn't know if I would be packing my shit and leaving or what would happen.

I went downstairs. Matt remained nearby but kept some distance. I greeted my folks pleasantly when they came in. I was eating some melon trying to appear calm. "Hi guys. Glad to see your back. Did you have fun?" I asked.

"We had a great time. Really good movie too. Your brother home?"

"Yep. He's around somewhere." I replied.

"Ah, Todd, I wanted to talk to you and maybe we should do this now."

"Ok. What did you want to talk about? If it is college, I got my stuff all sent in to the university admissions office." I said trying to sound real cool and normal. I wasn't.

"No, actually, well, I don't know how to discuss this with you exactly, but it has to do with Cole. "

My heart sunk. I knew trouble was coming. Wha , what about Cole?"

"Well, you seem to be with him almost constantly and I wondered how his father felt about that? I also noticed you referred to him as babe. I haven't heard you call anyone that since, well, I guess, never. Is there something else you need to tell us.?" My mom was looking at me questioningly as was dad.

"Well, we are pretty good friends and all. Ya know, since I started to tutor him and he helped me with my game, it seems like we just got to be buddies. We're pretty close and like and do the same things. He's into sports, I like sports, he likes the same music..."

"No I mean in a different way.' Dad cut me off in mid sentence.

"Like?" I asked

"Well, I'll just come out with it. He seems to like you, shall we say, romantically."

Oh, God, hear it comes, I thought.

I didn't know what to say so I looked away and said nothing.

"DO you like one another romantically or should I say, sexually?" he asked.

Tears began to well up in my eyes. I couldn't lie to my folks. Never could. My mom got up and started to come over and I couldn't bear it anymore.

"With tears in my eyes, I just let loose. "Ok, I'm gay. I mean I think I am. I don't know what happened but I just really like Cole and things have progressed. I mean, now I love him! Ok. Is that what you wanted to hear.?"

My mom put her arms around me and I just cried like I haven't cried since I was 5.

Dad came over and he embraced me too. I was so embarrassed, I didn't know what to say anymore. "I just fell in love with him and he loves me and damn, I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did and now I don't want to change it. I really love him and, and..." I couldn't say anymore.

"It isn't the worst thing that ever happened you know. I had always hoped you would give me a grandchild or two. I just didn't think you were gay, is all." Mom kind of sobbed.

"I didn't know I was either, but lately, I find myself more into guys than any girl I ever knew. And, well, Cole just makes me happy. Is that so wrong?" There was no immediate reply. "Is there. I mean I love you guys and Matt and all but I need someone for me. I had no idea a few months ago I would be admitting I'm gay, but I don't want to lie. I am. It's me." I cried out.

I had tears running down both cheeks and feeling like a real loser.

Todd, you know that we hold no discrimination about anyone or any group. You may not know it, but your Uncle Ted is gay. We still love him and his partner and always felt bad for him as he came out in a different time and things were much harder. Not to say it will be easy for you guys, but maybe they will be better. Does your brother know?

I nodded my head and indicated yes he did. He seems ok with it. I guess it not for him but...

"It's a gene thing. I don't think anyone decides to be gay or straight. It is just what their body and mind tell them and all. I wondered if anyone else in the family might be gay and had no idea it would be one of my own sons. It just never occurred to me." My dad said with mom nodding.

I knew they were disappointed. They wanted a daughter –in-law maybe and certainly had said stuff about grandkids in the future. I knew they were disappointed but yet they showed no outward signs of anger or hostility. I just hope they would accept it. I still wondered if I really was or if this was one of those `phases' people talk about. Yet, if I was honest, I could think back that I always was curious about guys and maybe my dating was just my way or repressing who I was. Who knows. For now, I wanted Cole and hoped he would always want me.

My mom rubbed my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. Dad stood nearby and although I could see a tear in his eye, he held back any non supportive emotion. I guess they were ok and I felt like I had a ton of bricks off of me. Maybe I worried too much which I always had a tendency to do.

"Go get ready for dinner. If you want, you can have Cole come over. I guess we should get to know him better if you two are going to spend a lot of time together." Mom smiled and I knew what she meant but couldn't say. I smiled back at them and said ok I would call him.

I called Cole and told him the whole thing was out in the open. He sighed and said he was so glad for me and for himself too. "No more hiding around your folks. Ah, do they know any of the other stuff about me?" he asked nervously.

"No. I wouldn't tell them that stuff but I want to know more about your modeling job. Maybe we could talk about it later. Can you come over?"

Cole said he would come but he didn't want to talk about the job he had. I thought that strange but decided not to pursue it right then. I knew if I insisted, he would tell me more as he had said he could not lie to me and I was told by his father to discipline him whenever necessary. I hated that as I only wanted to love him and have sex with him. But, I decided now was not the time.

I washed up my tear stained face and felt relieved. I waited for Cole and Matt immediately asked how it went with the folks. I told him my sorry tale and he was surprisingly considerate. He told me how hot our little session had been earlier and told me he wanted more. "But, if you're not gay, why do you want that," I asked. He just smiled his smartass smile at me and tweaked my nipple on my bare chest.

Cole arrived and thanked my folks profusely for the invitation. He said he liked being at my house. We all chatted and I felt no need to hide our love and sat close to him and we even held hands. My mom just smiled but I wondered if that was how she really felt. Maybe I would never know.

My folks even hugged Cole which surprised him some but didn't say anything corny like welcome to the family' Matt joined us and we all talked more about the prom and our days at the beach. I told them how Max had met Ricky, leaving out all the unnecessary details. They were happy that he went to prom and had another person who could be his friend.'

It was a nice evening. Later, they excused themselves to leave us alone. Cole leaned over and kissed me passionately. He reminded me that his father expected me Sunday morning. "Ah, the usual weekly thing," he said uncomfortably. I knew it meant his demerit time and guess I was now to be there for that. We didn't fuck or make love that night but just being with him made me happy.

He went to say goodnight to my folks before he left for home. We talked a little about the upcoming weekend when we would all go to campus and get our introductions and tours and all the last minute paper work done. I was thrilled and he ran his fingers over me touching such sensitive parts and said he wouldn't mind the demerit session as much no matter what happened as I would be there for it with him. He left and I went up to my room. I still had some schoolwork to do. I was tired after the big weekend also and just wanted to rest peacefully.

Matt interrupted it by coming in to chat. I was tired but he wanted to chat so I was willing as he had been there for me and showed his support for Cole and me at dinner.

He came in wearing just his jock as he said he had been working out. I wondered if he really meant just jerking off but just smiled as his sexy body came close. I was in my chair at the desk and he sat on my bed. After some preliminary banter and talk about nothing important. He asked how I had learned all the sexy stuff I had doe. I told him it just kind of came naturally I guess. I had read some stuff on line and certainly had visited enough websites. He said he had seen some too and admitted he liked our sex play that afternoon.

I told him truthfully that I loved it too and said any girl who was lucky enough to date him and maybe someday, marry him, was going to be very lucky and I laughed, satisfied as well. He smiled and came over and hugged me letting his hands eventually wonder down to touch my nipples and chest. I looked at him and asked what that was all about, not wanting to admit I knew he wanted sex with me. I asked if he wanted me to suck him off and he smiled. I asked what he was going to do for me and while he kind of hemmed and hawed a bit, he did finally agree to do whatever I did for him. I smiled and he knew he was in for some shite he may not want to do but he agreed. We started with some 69 and he loved it. I actually did too. I had lusted after my bro for some time and now got to taste his great cock almost daily. I then moved down and sucked his balls and he did mine. It felt really good and I knew I was really horny now. I then moved down further and began to lick his ass which I knew he liked. His pucker was almost winking at me for attention. I even stuck my tongue inside. He took a bit longer and I think I heard him sigh but he finally licked my ass too and did everything I did. God it felt great. My own hot muscle boy brother eating his skinny ass brother. He finally stopped and whispered he couldn't take much more. I too was more than ready and we took each others cocks back in our mouths. He shot first and had little control. I just swallowed ropes of cum as he moaned. I whispered I was cumming too and he took my load. He lost some as he didn't know how to swallow so fast so he got a bit of a facial as it spewed out of his mouth. I pulled away to look at his hot now sweaty body covered in my cum. I told him he didn't need to swallow it or even take it in his mouth but he said it was ok and he kind of liked the new experience. I moved up and held him and told him he was the best bro ever. He smiled at me and said he wanted to do more with me and maybe Cole too. I said cole was my boy and he had to find his own. He grimaced as and said he wasn't ready for a gay boyfriend. I looked at his still cum covered face and told him it sure didn't look like that to me.

He got up and cleaned off his face but returned and got back into bed and we stayed together all night .Before sleeping, I asked him if was going to suck my morning wood and lick my ass again.. He replied that was gross and I told him Cole did it for me. He ought to learn that as well. He said he would not like but that he thought it sounded hot in a way. "God, you guys do all that shit?" he asked. I only have seen it on the net and didn't think real guys did it." I knew right then that my bro maybe wasn't as straight as he made out to be but that was something he would have to deal with.

The family had its usual big Sunday breakfast. Nothing was said about the family meeting of the night before which made me feel life would go on and I was a happy kid. I told my folks I was going over to Cole's house and no one seemed to have a problem with that. My mom even commented how much she liked Cole. My brother was going with some buddies to workout and then go to the beach again. It was all straight boy stuff and I wondered if he was wrestling with his sexuality. I got into our Honda and drove over to Cole's house. He had eaten and was drinking some juice by the pool. He waved and welcomed me with a big kiss. I chatted with him and he got me a juice too. Finally, he said we needed to go see his father for the weekly `thing' as he called it. I sadly said yes and followed him in admiring his tanned back as we went. I asked if he would tell me more about his job which had really got me curious.

He said he would but asked that I would not discuss it with anyone . I wondered why he modeled. I mean he was a sure bet with his gorgeous face and body. I envied him the free clothes and stuff he got. He laughed a little and said it wasn't quite like that. Still wondering what it was like, he led us to the den. Upon entering, he greeted his father with respect and then just stripped off his clothes and went to the desk where his father sat. His dad looked him over and smiled and then acknowledged me.

"Well, Todd, how has the boy done this week?"

"He was great,Sir. His grades were all good and he didn't do anything you wouldn't be proud of."

He looked over the weekly grade report that Cole was required to get each Friday, like a little kid.

His dad looked it over nodding approval. "He wasn't home as much as he should be. The gym workouts were ok, I see but he should have worked harder. You know, Todd, I make money on his body." I looked at him puzzled. How did he make money on Todd. "You see," he continued," I use Todd as a model for one of my many businesses. He has been doing it for sometime."

"I know, Sir" Cole mentioned it that he modeled. He certainly is good looking enough to model anything." I replied. "But how do you make money on his looks, I mean doesn't he keep the money for wearing neat clothes and all?"

"You're a little naive, Todd. Cole doesn't wear much when he models. Oh, sometimes he does that stuff too but see one of my businesses is porn. It is sold right now, only overseas to protect him some, but he does stuff wit h both guys and girls. Sex stuff. I will let you see a video of one of his `performances' so you get a better idea. He even has done stuff with his brother, Bet he didn't tell you that."

Cole was turning beet red and didn't say a word other than a sigh. I looked at him and wondered what all this was. Was he a male whore? Of, fuck, now what crazy things would I learn.?

"See, I think the boy needs to experience that. It will make him more submissive but teach him the ropes of at least one of my companies. He isn't really cut out to be executive material. Hasn't got the skills. I know you are helping him with that and maybe, just maybe, with your help, he might someday, but see he has a great body. Why not tap that and use it to help me prosper.? It is one of the few tings he can do right!"

I was angry at the dad and even a little with Cole. He had never told me about any of this. Was he too embarrassed? Weird thoughts like that ran through my head. And, how can a dad talk about his own son that way. I mean, my parents never treated me like that I thought.

"So, Todd. I think he deserves some discipline and then we will show you the real Cole Rivers.

My day had turned to shit again and I wasn't sure I liked this new side of Cole's life. I wished he had told me more to prepare me. Maybe I wouldn't even have fallen in love with him!

"You may get some good ideas from the video to help you train him better. Who knows, I may even hire you to appear in one or more of them. Of course, you would get paid unlike Cole who does it because I say so and he gets enough benefits from my wealth anyway. Give him just five swats today and we'll watch the little movie."

"Please dad. Don't make Todd watch it. I will work harder and do as you ask! Please don't make Todd watch the movie!"

Cole's father just shook his head no and ordered Cole to present himself for me. Cole spread his legs exposing his gorgeous balls and his hole and put his hands behind his head , making his whole body open and vulnerable. "Now, bend over and put your hands on the desk." I saw a tear in his eye as I took the paddle and gave him 5 hard slaps on his ass. He just let out a little sound as I struck him feeling bad for doing it yet a little angry at not knowing the truth.

I handed the paddle back to his dad and wanted to just hold him. I knew Cole was teary eyed and so humiliated. His probable best friend just having smacked his ass and he just had to take it.

"Now, stand up and present again, Cole." His dad said with no warmth. I stood there and Cole stood up with his arms up and hands and fingers interlaced behind his head. I so wanted to just bury my face in his hairy pubes and sob with him.

"You might want to cut that pit hair off like you did his pubes. Nice touch, by the way. Makes him look more like a young boy. Glad you did that." His father stated as he looked over at Cole before turning and going toward a large flat screen monitor and turning on a dvd player.

Sit down, Todd. Enjoy just a bit of the film."

I turned and looked at Cole still standing like some roman guard from history, totally naked and exposed.

The video came on and his dad said it was just a rough cut version of a feature film. In the video, I saw Cole laid out on a bed. He had weights on his balls and they hung obscenely. He also wore a thick leather collar around his neck. His hands were bound to bed posts and his legs spread fully. A door opened and in came a big black guy followed by three more. The voices on the video said this is our bitch men, use him as you want. With that, the black man slapped Cole's ass hard and the three began to talk to him like he was a whore. One went in front and climbed on the bed and pushed his head up enough to push a huge cock in his mouth. Cole just took it while another guy spread his ass cheeks. I noticed they were not hairy. He spit in cole's hole and then without any preparation, shoved his cock in cole's hole. Cole screamed out but only got slapped by the third guy who began to fuck him roughly. Over the next ten minutes, I was fascinated and got really horned up seeing my boyfriend get raped by these guys. Eventually he only moaned. The video went on with Cole letting the cum drip out of his used hole. He was grabbed by one guy after they untied him and made to suck their cocks which he swallowed quite well. Then as the final part I saw came on, they pissed all over him getting it in his mouth and all over his gorgeous body. He was a gay boy's dream, his tight muscular body being abused like this. I glanced over to look at Cole standing there and he had his head down and was sobbing. He must have felt awful and I couldn't do anything right then.

The video quickly changed to another scene with both Cole and I soon learned his brother, Brock I was told, having sex and making out and seeming to enjoy it. His brother was also hung and was slamming his cock into Cole and after he ejaculated in him, he began to piss on him. In the video, he almost seemed to enjoy it. I was appalled. After the scene, the camera was left running for I don't know what reason, but the two separated and Cole got up drenched in his brother's piss. All the affection that was in the scene was suddenly gone and cole could be heard saying off camera, `Are we done now. Can I go home?" His brother was kind of laughing and said he had another scene with and Asian guy and he should only clean up and shower.

I couldn't see anymore so I didn't know what his reaction was but I saw a glimpse of him walking past the camera not looking to happy.

The video suddenly stopped and Cole's father. Flipped off the t.v. "You can see that Todd is often the guy who gets raped. It's been that way as his brother likes to rape his ass. We make other videos too, some pretty kinky stuff and some a little grizzly with castrations and all but Cole doesn't do those for me. He is very popular in some parts of the world as guys like his tight body. See, That's why he needs to be in his best physical shape. It is tough work but he's been at it for a few years and now knows what is expected."

I looked at his dad with a little shock. If a fly was in the room, it could have gone down my throat as my mouth hung open like an idiot.

"I think you have seen enough for now. Cole may tell you more but I think you two should get him cleaned up. I don't know why he is sobbing as he is used to this." I looked t Cole who looked totally dejected but still stood in what his dad called a present position. Cole avoided looking at me. "At ease, now, boy." His dad said and Cole dropped his arms and went to put his shorts back on his slightly red ass.

"You both can go now. Remember, I want to see a better report on his conditioning next week and keep his grades up too." His father dismissed us and Cole walked toward the door looking totally dejected. I flowed and we left. I closed the doors and went into the hall where Cole was walking toward the stairs to his room.

"Cole, wait for me." I asked. He looked toward me and stopped. When I got close, I began to put my arms around him. "You can go. I know you don't want to hear anything from me right now and I don't blame you if you don't want to speak to me again." He said with tears still in his eyes. I must have looked at him surprisingly because he added " now you know what I am and I hate myself and my life. I don't deserve to have anyone like you in my life. I hoped having you might change my father and he would maybe, for once, be proud of me but..."

I put my arms around him and pulled him close. I didn't know what to say, but I knew he needed someone to hold him and love him. I guess, even in spite of what I learned, I was the person to be there for him.

I finally was able to say, "it's ok. I don't hate you. I just wish I had known all this earlier. Not that it would change anything but..."

"I don't deserve anyone like you. None of my other so called friends would understand. I don't know why you do and why you care. I haven't told you everything about me but, well, I guess you know now. I'm not proud of any of this."

"It's ok. I'm just a little shocked I guess. I mean, I didn't know any of this crap existed. How long has it been going on?" I asked trying to sound compassionate.

"Let's go to my room and then maybe get out of here. I will tell you whatever you want to know. Just, well, thanks for being with me!"

Cole, maybe you haven't figured it out yet, but you know I do care about you and well, I love you."

He looked at me and asked how I could ever love him as he is just such a piece of shit. I pulled him too me and kissed him again. "Let's take care of your ass first and then we can go." I smiled and touched him on his ass.

He nodded and we went to his room where he dropped his shorts while I rubbed a soothing cream on his tight sexy butt. We finished and left the house not telling anyone where we were gong. He surprisingly, went to my car and got in. I was surprised we didn't take his car. I got in and we left.

You ok going in this crap car?" I asked. "Yep, at least it's yours. I really don't have anything. It's all my dad's and right now I hate everything about him!" Cole said somewhat sadly.

We drove off in silence. I wasn't sure what to ask or how to begin. We got to a Starbucks and went in. He stood meekly as I ordered us two coffees. That was all I had money for. He seemed to really appreciate the gesture though.

We went outside and sat at a table away from everyone. Cole sat with his head down. He was obviously embarrassed and felt uneasy. It wasn't his usual demeanor.

I finally broke the ice and reached over and touched his hand. I didn't care anymore if anyone I knew saw us. He needed to vent and I was the only one he might trust.

He looked up and smiled at me. It wasn't his usual broad toothy smile but it was enough. "You.

want to talk?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and said I guess. With that and a swallow of coffee, he began.

"I hate telling all this stuff. It really makes me kind of sick. I did some modeling, ya know, kind of straight stuff with me wearing cool clothes. Then I had to start doing underwear and really erotic stuff. I was only 14 then and it was real weird. See, my dad and brother made me go to a model shoot. It sounded cool to me at first. I had no idea what was going on. I watched my brother model some stuff and thought what a cool job he got himself. Then, I learned he was doing more. That just that. The day I went, I was maybe 13 or 14, I just wore regular stuff and sat on the side while my brother posed. He never told me what he was doing. Yeah, the discipline stuff had already started. My dad was real strict with us which I knew made my mother unhappy. After she discovered some pics of my bro in skimpy underwear, she got real mad at my dad. Eventually, she left. She never asked us if we wanted o go too. She just left without saying a word. Some mom, huh? " He didn't wait for an answer. " They got a divorce and she got lots of money. So much for a mother's love for her kids!"

So, we lived with dad. The sexual stuff with mostly my brother continued. I never thought too much about the weekend paddling's. I thought all kids got that. I didn't know any better. It wasn't until my friends at the time, talked about discipline that I gathered the stuff we got was pretty weird. I was afraid to say anything and knowing about how much power my dad had, I was too afraid. Yeah, some big jock stud, huh? I turned to playing lots of sports. Mainly, it got me out of the house and away. My brother palyed sports too and he told me one time, a threat I guess, that I had better not ever tell anyone about life at home. I may have been gay but didn't really know. I know I liked seeing the other boys in their speedos and stuff like that and in the locker rooms but pushed it away in my head.

Well, when I was maybe 14 or 15, just a few years ago, I went to more shoots. I kind of liked seeing guys in jocks and skimpy swimwear and especially, when they changed right in front of me. I guess my dad noticed and he made me agree to pose for his photographers. I didn't want to, but well, ya know how my dad is." I shook my head yes.

"Well, it just was one thing leading to another. At first, I had to pose with my brother and then they asked me to do stuff with him like play with his cock, kiss him and all kinds of shit. I guess the pics were pretty hot and picked up by some foreign people who thought we were cute together. It led to more pics and then videos. I no longer wore anything. I just learned to strip naked and pose with other guys. I kind of liked it. They were mostly older than me. It was one of those phot shoots where I was finally made to suck them off. I guess most were professionals but some were just street kids trying to keep themselves alive by doing sex stuff on camera. I was always the bitch. I was made to suck them off and even get fucked. I was so afraid to say anything. I mean, most people didn't know of this side of my father's life but I guess he made lots of money off this stuff. Maybe more than some of his other businesses. I don't know. Nobody gave me any money.

Well, eventually, someone told him if my brother and I did sex together it would be hot. I also starting having sex scenes with older guys and lots of black guys and other foreign guys. We both were made to be bitches all the time. I learned from my brother that the kinkier the sex with us kids was, the more money he made. I guess he only made them guarantee that the films only went overseas. I don't even want to tell you all the stuff we did. You'd be grossed out and I only wish I could forget it. I mean the stuff I saw them do to the street kids was so bad it made me cry. Like, I had sex with one kid, a cute blond boy maybe twelve. He got to fuck me and all but right after, they did some awful things I don't want to talk about but I heard this kid screaming. I was shocked and began to cry as the kid screamed. They got it all on video and I got a new bike when I got home. I never saw him again. I got a little more cold about it and just tried to bury it in my mind. Then, I was used as a sex toy by other guys. Mostly ethnic people who really enjoyed fucking me and making me a bitch. I hated it but, like I said, was too afraid to say anything. And after what I witnessed with the street kid who raped me and then got, well..., I was totally afraid of what my father was capable of and I knew better than to cross him. I got so used to it, it didn't matter anymore. I came home to my big house after and got stuff, I pods, cameras, cool stuff.

My brother got too old they said and they started to use him as a top. He's hung pretty good, kinda like you!" he paused and almost chuckled. But, I was younger and they still used me as a cunt all the time.

When he graduated, my bro went to college. He was now also producing stuff for my dad. He told me to never tell anyone any of this stuff or I would be likely to be used like the kid who got beaten for a video after he was allowed to rape me. I was now even afraid of my brother! He went to college and I only see him on like Christmas vacation or other holidays. He doesn't stay with us anymore either. He's got his own place in Miami I think, but I never go there. I've tried to call him but he won't talk to me. I don't know why but he never asks me to be in his videos. My father won't let him I guess. They don't see eye to eye on much but my brother does the same stuff and I guess my dad set him up. Hell if I know why?"

Todd listened and couldn't think of much to say. His mouth kind of hung open in shock at what Cole told him.

"I'm so sorry about all this. I should have told you sooner. I didn't want you to know some of this. I guess I'm a real slut, whore or whatever you want to call me. I understand if you hate me. I am a slut who doesn't deserve friends like you. It's just that, well, I never told anyone. I was shocked when my dad told you and then showed you those damn video clips. I didn't know he had them. I'm not allowed to see any of this stuff. I've seen a few of my videos and my brothers but he always just kept that stuff away from us. I guess I was too chicken to even snoop around. I know you hate me now. I'm not the kid you thought I was. I'm just a piece of shit loser!"

He began to tear up again and buried his face in his hands. I didn't want to have anyone see him this way and moved my chair close to his to kind of hide him from the few others who were having coffee out there. I put my hand on his shoulder and said it would all be ok. I just had no idea how I came up with that lame line or what I would do. I told him we should go and he nodded and we left out a gate. I got him in my car and reached over to hug him. He looked so sad and lost. "You can take me home. I don't blame you for not wanting to be anything to me anymore. I just hope we can still someday be friends and maybe you will agree to help me in school. We don't even need to get, ah close anymore. You don't probably want to touch a whore like me. I began to tear up too and just finally almost shouted out "FUCK! I still love you and don't want you facing this by yourself. We will do something! FUCK. Why did this all happen?" I didn't know what I was saying really. I was just so damn frustrated and angry.

We drove out with my tires squealing. I didn't know my Honda would even do that!

We drove to his house and he got out and started to thank me for everything. I said finally, "Look boy, I still got you owned. I won't let you just walk away and suffer! You're going to do what I say if it kills me!"

He looked at me in shock. I had never yelled at him like that nor called him `boy'.

I went around and told him to strip naked. He finally mustered up a response and said "yes, Sir." I pulled his naked body to me and hugged him. I won't give up on you no matter what. Got that?"

He nodded and we went in to his house and I told him to go to his room. I was angry at him and yet felt so bad for everything he experienced. I had no reason to assume him to be telling me a lie. The way he told his story was too full of emotion and I wondered if maybe fear. Yet, I was upset and felt somehow invigorated at my power over him. He did anything I asked and never challenged me or told me I was a wimp compared to him. I loved looking at his naked body and his tight firm bubble ass or shall I say `cunt'. The only good thing about this was he had to do what I told him. We would somehow or other get him away from all this and start his life over if it wasn't too late.

We got to his room and he stood before me awaiting direction. I wanted to play hard ass with him yet I felt that I needed to be his friend as well. I was still torn about my role. I just wanted him. I gently pushed him to his bed and he almost fell back. He almost looked afraid. He started to say something but I didn't let him. I just pushed him back and he lay there with his totally exposed body awaiting what I had to say next.

I stood in front of him and wondered what I should do. He finally asked if there was something I wanted from him. "Just your hot pussy, boy!" I said still feeling my new found authoritative side. He didn't smile but lifted his legs exposing his now shaved ass. His pink hole almost winked at me as I slid off my shirt and shorts and climbed on him. He pulled his legs back more and spread them widely. Damn. He was so hot and vulnerable I should have just slammed my now hard dick in him but instead I buried my face in his hole and began to lick him and push my tongue in him. He moaned softly and quietly said I didn't need to do that for him. It was his job to do it form me. After a few minutes of eating him, I moved up to kiss him and let my dick rest near his hole. I kissed him letting him savor the taste of his ass on my tongue. He didn't protest or object but moaned in pleasure. I moved my dick up and began to insert it in him. He accepted it without protest and I just went to town fucking his pussy. I knew I couldn't last long as I was worked up and now ready to unload. I didn't tell him I was cumming but I think he knew it and let my juices flow in him. He was hard and I knew he was ready to blow too . I was tempted to tell him he couldn't cum but my inner self took over and just let him blast it all over his body and mine. Once done, I kissed him again and asked where his butt plug was. He looked to his bedside table and I opened the drawer to find it. I didn't lube it but just slid it inside of him. I laid next to him, both of us still panting and we rested for about ten minutes, not saying a word.

After that, I looked over and told him truthfully how bad I felt for him and his `model' experiences. He nodded and I held him. He got up and with me still laying on the bed climbed on top of me and began to lick my sweating body savoring my pits and moving down to lick my cum covered cock. Before going in to eat my hole. I was going to tell him he didn't need to eat me as I still wondered if it might be dirty or sweaty and he gently put his finger over my mouth and just ate me until I was ready to cum again just from his gentle, perfect mouth.

We were both exhausted from out sex. He told me he loved me so much and that doing anything for me was a pleasure. I smiled at him and ran my fingers over his lips. He began to suck my fingers too and I enjoyed how well he took care of me. No girl ever gave herself to me like that.

After a while, we got up and he stayed naked while I slipped on some shorts. He asked if I wanted anything. I said I was thirsty and he got up and without even dressing, went down and got us each a soda. I asked why he hadn't gotten dressed. Wasn't he worried about someone seeing him? He just smiled and said I hadn't told him to get dressed. He said he would stay naked for me unless I told him to put clothes on. I smiled and said I would make him drive someplace naked. I was kidding but he was actually prepared to do it! I finally had to tell him I wouldn't ever do that to him.

I spent the whole day with him and we did go workout, him naked, me in shorts and he did some school work with me acting like his teacher. Again, he stayed naked wearing just his Harry Potter type glasses when he worked. Damn it was sexy! He was always so obedient with that. I knew Cole really wasn't as stupid as his father implied but figured part of his problem was vanity, not wanting to wear his glasses for reading or maybe some kind of learning disability that went undiagnosed all this time again probably due to vanity. I did notice when he wrote, he sometimes transposed letters. He felt dumb but I kept encouraging him. I decided I couldn't be mad at him and wanted to stop making him feel so used and like a slave maybe or some lesser than human role. I needed to make him feel good about himself. It was hard to believe that he didn't.

I liked looking at him while he studied. His taught sexy body sitting in a chair, even with his cock not soft was something to behold!

I decided that if he was to be his true self, I needed to tell his father that I didn't want him doing sex videos or pictures anymore. He needed to boost his confidence and the only person I wanted him to honor was me! I know that sounds egotistical but it seemed no one else really wanted to help him become a different kind of person than he was. No one, it seemed, knew the real Cole Rivers and I had to do something to help him. I couldn't be mad at him. He had done just what he was expected to do. Sadly, that was his life and I had to fix it somehow. Just how was the question.

End of Chapter 10

Next: Chapter 11

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