Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 26, 2013


Todd's Senior year Awakening –Moving Past High School Ch. 9

This is a work of gay erotic fiction. Please don't read if illegal or if you are under the legal age to do so. Send comments to me at The story is the property of the author and may not be used anywhere without permission.

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Chapter 9

Matt reminded us that although we wouldn't get back in time for classes, he would likely go to wrestling practice and then to the club as we were supposed to work that night. My heart wasn't in it and I wondered how Max would feel, like if were dishonoring him or something by stripping. Yeah, we needed the money to live a good life style, but I wasn't sure I was up for it. Cole said if I didn't want to go, he would go if it was ok and try to make some money. I thought about it a bit. Hell, he could make enough for all of us with his hot body. I finally decided that it would prove nothing to stay home and brood and cry about Max. I said I would go too. I wanted to be near my lover and my brother and buds so it made little sense to sit home.

We arrived in time for Matt to off to wrestling practice and the rest of us went in to unpack and relax. I made a point of taking out the stuff from Max putting the picture of us on a bookcase in the living room. Ricky checked around for food for our dinner and then went next door to let the guys know we were there and to see if they needed anything for the website. Later, he said he was shocked at how many hits the website had gotten. The guys each had clients as patrons searched for hot college boys to have a 'date' with. They had actually had to refuse a few due to too much business.

Cole and I stripped as was normal and laid on our bed and he held me and told me he understood how bad I felt. He said he didn't know what he would do if something happened to me. "My life would be without any direction and pointless.'" He said. I told him that he would be ok and I loved him for telling me that but it wasn't true. He was his own person and could move forward. We would all do that if we lost one of us. I dreaded to even think about that. I don't know if I would ever find someone like Cole.

It wasn't just our sex, but the true love we had for one another. We now could even read one another's faces or feelings and know what the other was thinking. Weird how that happens. He hled me and then slowly made love to me. He asked if I wanted to fuck him but I asked him to fuck me instead. I needed his great cock inside me after several days of not having it. He was glad to comply but asked if I might put my dick in him later. I promised I would.

After some great sex, we lay there and talked about what we would do now that Ricky had no one and had no place to go. Cole said he could just stay on with us. "He's os cute and kind of hot in hos own way. I really like the kid and don't want him to suffer. Let's just play it by ear. Maybe he will get tired of us and want to move on. You know, he has his own people around and maybe he'll tire of white boy pussy!" I punched him a little saying he wants to be our pussy and with your hot body, can understand why. Holding my cock and squeezing it, he said how could any guy refuse this monster. Once you learn to take it, man there is nothing else to compare. We both chuckled and then kissed for a while. I could never get enough of Cole. Finally, his hot boy cum dripping out of me, I said we should shower and get ready. He agreed and we did.

Ricky came home to cook. He was so cute naked and wearing just a tiny apron when he was in front of the stove. His cute ass bounding around. He was a show and looked at us as we sat watching him smiling. "What?" he questioned.

"Nothing, but you are one hot cook. We could open a gay restaurant where the waiters and cooks were naked and you'd be superstar!" we joked. He was embarrassed. He then, after a few minutes, told us that Jimmy had gotten pierced. "Yeah man, it's hot. He got one in his nipples and a ring in his cock. It's pretty hot looking. I guess the others are thinking about it too."

I was a little surprised. Jim had mentioned the idea but I had no idea he would actually do it. We all wanted to see this stud with his piercings and decided to put the meal in the oven to cook and go next door.

We threw on some shorts and went over. Jim opened the door wearing just his jock and welcomed us in. "I suppose you guys want to see my stuff. We could already see his peireced nipples that sported little barbells. It looked hot. He pulled down his jock and we saw the nice ring he had. It was gold and made his dick lool real nice. I often saw pictures of pierced guys and thought about it but feared the pain and perhaps the reaction at home. He bent over and also had a ring on perineum . I really liked that. I had to give up a clinet as they are sore as hell but should be ok in a day or two. He let us touch him and feel the ring and look at it close up. Ricky asked if that made him a total bottom boy now? He said no he could still fuck and it gave extra pleasure to the one getting fucked. Ricky was in awe. He certainly didn't come across as the held back little religious boy of the past.

Cole finally told that he had had one once and although he didn't fuck anyone, it was too big he said, he thought it was cool. I asked if he would ever get another one. He said if I told him to, he would. I persisted and asked him if he wanted one. He said he wasn't sure but again said if I told him to do it, he would. Ricky now knowing Cole's history, but he never spoke about it, said he thought he would like it too but didn't know how it would work on his uncut dick. Jim told him he might need to get circumcised as many piercers wouldn't do uncut dicks. He thought about it and said, asked if we wanted him to do it. "I'd do it for you guys, ya know." Again his submissive side was coming out just as Cole had said about himself.

We talked about the cost, the pain and while admitting it looked hot, didn't want to commit. I wasn't sure if I wanted it or not and maybe too chicken to actually do it. Jim said the dick hurt the most but his was removable so if he got tired of it or had to take it off to go through airports or something, it could be done.

We left and went back meeting a sweaty Matt on his way in. He wore just some shorts and his Van's shoes looking sexy as hell and covered in boy sweat. Cole even went up to him and licked his sexy nipples. I got so hard I almost shot a load. Ricky said he would shower with Matt if that was ok. Matt got a big smile at his welcome and grabbed Ricky to come help him out and they went off to shower. "That boy, does smell but man I could eat him up" I admitted to Cole.

We went to the club and enjoyed sitting around in our briefs, our new sexier ones, watching Jim and the other guys dance before us. I noticed the ring sticking out prominently through his briefs and it kid of turned me on. I wondered how Cole would like me with one. I enjoyed Ricky's dancing which had gotten better and lots of Latino girls and a few guys seemed to like his stuff too. I was glad for him and he was making money.

As a matter of fact, we all made money that night making me feel good and allowing me to avoid thinking about my now gone forever friend. It was all pretty good. When we got back, we were all a little high on adrenaline and couldn't go to bed. We looked up piercings on the web sites and then who did them locally. We found several places and agreed we might take a look and find out costs. We were all doing pretty well with tips and such and even after we paid our little fee to perform and the cost of our licenses, we were doing great.

I knew Ricky was very sad about Max. For both of them, it was their first `boyfriend' and I know in spite of what others may think, it had been good for them . I was just sad that it ended so suddenly. Having Ricky with us, never seemed awkward. I was glad he was with us in many ways as he was nice, did lots of stuff for us and pretty cute to look at. He was no Cole but, well, I get off looking a naked young guys so hey, it was cool. Plus, he really had gotten into do sexy stuff with us. Man he had a hot tongue and it made me shiver just to think about how willingly he ate us every morning. Man, what a way to wake up!

The following day, we decided to go look at piercings. I was surprised that even Matt wanted to go. He had been thinking about a tattoo anyway and said in a kind of what the hell attitude', it might make him hotter than he was already. We all ragged on him about that. Matt drove to the place where went to see what they had. Jim had come along too as he was now our expert' on the subject and kid of knew the guy who did the tattooing and piercing.

The guy greeted us warmly sensing I'm sure, some good profits if we all had something done. I joined Matt looking at samples of tattooing and found a few I kind of liked. I knew Mom and Dad would probably be pissed if I got one. I `m sure they would feel the same about Matt but hell, young guys do some crazy stuff so we figured they would get over it soon.

Cole was looking a little skeptically at he piercing stuff. I went up to him and put my arm around him. I knew it made him think about his youth and the abuse he had. He showed me the ball stretchers he endured. He had never had his dick pierced but his brother did and we figured if he had stayed around, his dad would have had him done too. He just didn't do it because of Cole being in high school and playing sports.

I gently massaged his back as we looked at the stuff together. I noticed a few things I said I thought were cool. He kept going back to the stuff for piercing dicks.

I told Cole which ones I thought looked hot. He seemed kind of reluctant. I told him he didn't need to do anything. I loved him and his hot body and said it was his choice. He shouldn't feel obligated.

He looked at me and said he needed to do something. "I love you so much and always fear losing you. I want to get something that makes you happy with me."

I told him I knew he loved me and I loved him but a piercing was not required. He nodded and I looked over to see Matt talking with the guy about having a nip pierced first and a tattoo or barbed wired put on his bicep. He asked me what I thought. I said they were both cool and I might get one too. I was still kind of afraid but decided I was always worrying about after effects fo stuff and maybe I would do it for me as a kind of showing that I could man up some.

Matt laughed and said I should. Ricky came over to tell me the man wanted to see his dick before he could agree to pierce it. He wa kind of nervous and wanted me to come with him. I nodded and we went to a private room where Ricky dropped his shorts.

"Commando, huh?" the guy said as he looked at Ricky. Ricky was a little red and I piped up with the fact we all went commando most of the time. "Just easier." I said. I asked Ricky if he really wanted a piercing. The guy looked at us and said it hurt a little and required some medication after for a few days to avoid infection. We both nodded and he had Ricky lie on a table. He took ricky's big cock in his hand and I thought touched it more than necessary but it was hot. He rolled the skin back some to expose the nice big pink head. I got a little hard watching. He told Ricky he might need to get some of the skin cut off and that the ring would protrude out from the foreskin. Ricky looked at me questioningly and I shrugged my shoulders saying it was his call but smiled and said I would be happy to give him the needed washings and treatment. Ricky forced a small smile and nodded for the guy to go ahead. I was shocked he actually did it. I said I might want one too but not too large. "Better for your partner if it isn't too big, just enough to massage the clit or prostate to stimulate the partner. I said my boyfriend would maybe like it if I did. Ricky had opted for a bigger ring than I chose saying he was mostly a bottom anyway. The guy shrugged and applied the necessary pretreatment of alcohol rubs and such. He asked Ricky if he needed to pee before or if he had gotten off. I thought the getting off questions was TMI but Ricky said he had earlier. He did pee and the guy proceeded. He told me it hurt some so if I didn't mind, I should hold his hands for him. I looked to Ricky and he nodded and I took his damp hands in mine and held him . I saw the tools and told Ricky not to look. A shrill cry was all Ricky gave as the hole was made and the ring put in. It looked kind of hot on him . He had tears in his eyes as I helped him up and told him to sit over on a chair. I got up and pulled my shorts down and the guy seemed amazed at the size of my dick. He kind of mumbled `holy shit as he felt the head of my dick all over and applied some alcohol. Ricky came over and bent over me holding my hands and leaned in too kiss me as the guy made the hole and inserted the ring. I teared up too and groaned as he did it.

I was glad I had chosen a removable ring unlike the one Ricky selected. In case I hated it later, it could come off and the hole would gradually heal. Ricky would need to have his removed professionally.

As we finished up, Matt and Cole came back to find us not knowing what we had done. Matt was immediately impressed with our rings. Cole looked on a little less enthused I think. Matt was ready for his nipple piercing and the tattoo. Cole had not selected anything but he took my penis in hand and said it looked so hot. "I wonder what it will feel like when you fuck me." He remarked.

Ricky looked a little green and I knew he hurt some. I didn't feel real hot myself. I wondered if I had done the right thing. We sat as Matt lay on the table for his nipple barbells. His big nipples, always a turn on for me, probably would look way hot with them. We were there probably a couple hours before Matt was done. His arm looked sore after the tattoo but we all thought it was cool. I said maybe I would get a matching one which Matt thought would be great.

Cole had gone out to look around saying he would be back. He went with Jim who assured us the pain in our dicks would subside soon. His did and he proudly showed the man from the store how it was coming.

Ricky and I stayed in the back with Matt who handled the whole thing better than us. As Matt lay there, he asked how we liked our dicks pierced. "You' ll have to tell me how it feels when you fuck. If it's like they say and gives more satisfaction, I may get one too. Bet some of the girls would love it and some of the guys at the club will maybe pay just to play with it!"

We just nodded and watched. The tattoo, piercer guy said if we wanted anything else, there was another guy who could do it as well. "Don't think he is busy right now but we get lots of customers this time of the year, mostly college guys like you." We told him we thought we were good for now. After a bit, we went out to find Cole. I couldn't find him so I asked the girl at the counter. She had numerous tats and several piercings. Her dyed black hair and the style suggested she might be emo.

I asked if she the other two guys we came in with. She said yeah, they were with the other piercer. I was surprised as I thought Cole wouldn't get anything. I said thanks and we wondered around for a bit but curiousity got to me and I asked if we could go back. She said sure, and showed us to his area.

I was shocked to see Cole on the table. He was naked and Jim was standing with him admiring his hot body I guess. We walked over and Cole looked up to me and said he decided on a few things. The piercer guy looked to me and said " your boy is getting some cool stuff. Should make you happy. I kind of thought, well, ah, maybe you were is boy but it turns out he is doing it for you to enjoy." He laughed a little and I looked down to see Cole now with a much bigger ring than I had gotten, and a major band around the top of his balls and some weights added to it that hung down. I opened my mouth, kind of in shock but wanted to say something when the piercer guy handed me some small keys. "These are for you, I guess." That's what he said, pointing to Cole. Cole looked a little worried and bit his lip. I think he hurt some as we had earlier.

I looked at his hot body, naked except for the new ring and the ball stretcher. "I wanted to please you." He said quietly. He looked so hot, I immediately began to bone up. I didn't think he wanted any of this stuff as it would remind him of his days with his father and making porno movies. I had hoped I had shown him enough love to make him forget those days and accept himself as a normal guy, just one with a boy lover now..

I touched his dick and felt it's firmness. I avoided touching the ring as I knew being new, it might hurt him some. I didn't know what to say other than to thank him for thinking of me. Yet, he looked like a submissive slave boy that I had read about in stories. More importantly, he was my boy or actually, my lover and boyfriend.

Ricky was boning up too looking at him and he asked me if he should get a stretcher too. I reminded both of them that these were not my decision and if they wanted them, they should go ahead and do it but I certainly wasn't telling them to do it.

Matt came in after his nip piercings and tattoo . His said his nipples hurt like fuck but damn they looked hot. He looked at Cole lying there and said "Wow, man, that is hot. Your boy looks like some kind of slave boy!" Cole looked at him and smiled a little and said that was his goal. He wanted me to be happy. Matt looked at me and I said they had chosen them and yes they looked hot but I hadn't asked them to do it. I just felt like I didn't want the responsibility of the decision.

The man told Ricky he could put a stretcher on him too if he wanted it. Ricky looked to me and I just shrugged and said do it if he wanted it. He told the guy he did asking how much. The price being given, Ricky said he could afford it but I knew it would make him tight on cash. I said maybe he should wait but he told the guy to go ahead. "If I work for Jim and the guys,you know, private stuff, I can more than afford it I think." I just nodded and still stared at my lover and his new enhanced equipment. "I think I may do it too." he said quietly.

I was a little worried. Here he was just getting kind of back to a normal life and now saying he would sell his body. I didn't know if I wanted him to do it.

Cole got off the table and the weights bulled his sack down even further. Damn his balls hung so and made him look even hotter.

He came over and kissed me. He then said he never really wanted to do anything but make me happy. "I want to be your boy. I know what you said but look, I'm not nearly as smart as you. Who knows if I can even finish college. I have been submissive my whole life and want to be submissive for you."

I didn't know what to say. I loved him so.

After Ricky got his stretcher and the same weights as cole, about two pounds, we all dressed. Jim smiled at us and said he was glad Ricky and Cole would join his busy little business.

We drove home and all felt a little sore. The men at the parlor had told us what we needed to do to make sure all healed. He told me how to apply some cream as to not chafe the skin or to allow any infections. He also said we must refrain from sex for a few days especially those of us with rings in our dicks. He told me not to take it off until the hole was healed and then I could remove my ring as desired but that I should wear it most of the time for at least a month.

Getting home, Ricky said he would make dinner for us while we studied or whatever. Matt said he thought we all looked hot and I was crazy for not necessarily wanting `my boys' as he called them to look sexy and hot for me. "Damn, I wish I had a boy slut who would do anything I wanted. Maybe a girl slut too!" Matt was so happy with the new looks.

Jim went home and brought his roomies back to see us and they all thought we looked hot. Chip said he was getting a tattoo and maybe a ring in his nipples but wasn't sure about the cock ring. Andy said he might get the whole treatment too. He figured girls would love it and guys would go crazy seeing the stuff through the tight jocks we all wore.

I had to think. Yes, it was damn hot looking but I wondered about Ricky and Cole being so submissive. Yes, Ricky wanted to be as hot as he could be but Cole was so hot just as himself that he didn't need to enhance anything!

We ate inviting the next door guys to join us. I finished some stuff for class as did Cole and Matt did too. I was proud that we all didn't let anything get in the way of our studies at least not yet.

Jim and Chip explained to Matt and Ricky how the online think worked. Their pictures would be on the website. Guys or girls would contact them though the website and ask for `dates' Matt said he hoped mostly girls would want him although after Jim pointed out that he would make more from guys, he said he was open to let some guy play with his junk but he doubted he would bottom. Maybe suck a cock but that was his limit. Jim said they could put down their requirements and what they were open to doing and if requested, they should say what they would and wouldn't do. Ricky being the novice said he didn't know what to put down.

I offered to help him do it but he shouldn't do anything he didn't want to do.

We went off to the club where we all mad lots of tips. Mostly, the dancing just opened the door for private dances. We had to be careful a little as our bodies were still a bit sore from the events earlier.

All night, I wondered about my now more submissive lover. I wondered if he would actually do it

End of Chapter 9

Next: Chapter 29: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 10

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