True Fond

By ten.epacsten@euXaD

Published on Jul 5, 2003


Obligatory warnings and legal disclaimers:

If you are under the age of 21 or the age of majority in your area, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your country, state, county, or municipality, you should leave now.

If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, tough luck! This is a story of friendship, bonding, and love. Only time will tell which direction it will take.

There are no profits to be made here.

Do not archive, copy or email this story without permission of the author. You have been warned. This story has been copyrighted.

I don't know any of the celebrities in this story. This story does not imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. This is a fantasy.

This story is not meant to imply anything about Agim Kaba or Travis Fimmel.

(Agim Kaba is associated with As The World Turns. As The World Turns belongs to Columbia Broadcasting System (Copyright MMIII, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved) and Procter & Gamble.

Travis Fimmel is associated with New York Model Management.)

Main Characters (Major characters will be added as the story unfolds.):

Brendan: 21, 5'10", light brown hair, green eyes. Swimmers build All-American type.

Becky (Beck): Typical hometown woman, 5'8. 25, blond hair, black pooling eyes.

Agim (Jim): Albanian, 20, 6 foot, long brown hair, brown eyes, smooth soccer player build.

Minor Character (Minor characters will be added as the story unfolds.):

Mick: Owner of the bar called Mick's and the caf The Place.

A True Fond

Chapter Two

The Day After

The room was dark when I woke with an urgent feeling that if I didn't move fast my bladder was going to burst. While rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I could feel an arm draped over me but I really wasn't sure who's it was. I couldn't in fact remember where I was. When I moved to get up the arm pulled me back down tighter to the abdomen behind me and I could feel a hard cock press against the crack of my ass. Panic coursed through my mind. Jim? Now I remembered. I lay there comfortably feeling him pressed against me until the urge to piss sent a wave of pain through my stomach. That sense of urgency compelled me to move his arm no matter how enjoyable if felt being held by him.

It took a few seconds of groping in the dark before I found the office door and opened it. A rush of cool air filled with the odor of stale beer made my stomach want to turn but I pushed the thought aside and made my way to the men's room.

Leaving the restroom, I trotted over to the bar door and looked out. There was something exhilarating about being practically naked in the bar. Through the window in the door I could see that the sun was up and that the wind had died. It had stopped snowing. The sky was blue with a few clouds and there was enough snow to last three life times, if you didn`t like snow. I knew that we'd be stuck here for two days. Longer than that the three of us would be climbing the walls. Probably sooner. Standing there the icy cold crawled through the door. I made for the office wanting to climb back into the bed where it was warm.

I left the door of the office ajar to let some light into the room. Moving further into the office until I could see Jim and Beck. Both were still asleep. Beck turned away from Jim. I couldn't see her face but I thought I could hear a soft snore. Jim hadn't moved. It was like he was waiting for me to return. Waiting to rap his protective arm around me. To shield me from the dangers life would throw at me.

Setting on the edge of the bed in the gray light I pulled the covers back and studied Jim's body. His long brown hair partially sheltered his face and fell across his neck and shoulders. His hair fluttered as he exhaled. His skin over his facial bones looked soft and I longed to move his hair so I could see his closed eyes. I wanted to trace the back of my hand across his powerful jaw. The only hint of facial hair was above his lip and on his chin. My eyes drifted over his shoulder and down his powerful bicep to where the arm cradled his pectoral just above his hard abs his nipple resting on his arm. I was amazed that his body didn't have a hint of hair except a thin brown line below his bellybutton disappearing under his boxers. From them jutted the most awesome 7-inch thick cock pointing towards his defined abs. It was perfectly straight with a flared head. Hard as blue steel at a construction site, I thought. It took very ounce of resolve not to fall to my knees take his cock into

my mouth then bury my nose in the pubic hair under his CK's. `Besides Beck would wake up and spoil it,' I thought. So I eased against him so his member was where it had been minutes earlier. When I lifted his arm he pulled me hard against his chest. And as I drifted back to sleep I asked the Gods why now?

I woke later that morning with a headache from hell. For a moment, I held my head in my hands cursing the day I was born. Or, at least, my idiocy. Each time my head pounded it reminded me of the millions of brain cells that had died from drinking all the alcohol I had the night before. I knew that the three of us had drank more than we should. Becky would have a hard time covering the usage when Mick went over her ledger. He counted every cent squeezing out the greatest revenue possible. Somehow, he never failed to make a profit. It always amazed me that he could make as much as he did. Pockston is not known for its affluence it being a poor farming community.

Grabbing my clothes on, I left the office and Jim and headed back into the bar. I could smell coffee. As I turned the corner, I greeted Beck.

"Morning asshole," she was leering at me.

"Well, I can see you're not a morning person. You look like shit warmed over! Didn`t sleep well?" I said, giving back to her the same attitude. Even if she was a friend that wasn't the wisest thing to do.

"Fuck you!" She said, stopping what she was doing, it was obvious she had more to say. "There's coffee and if you want to eat you can fix it yourself. Or starve!"

She stormed from behind the bar into the ladies room. (I use that term lightly.) My head was truly throbbing after her yelling. I wasn't going to let her get away that that easy. I followed. I didn't know where she was coming from. What did I do? Was it her time of the month? It sure wasn't mine. What ever it was she wasn't going to take it out on me. I knew that it had to be settled if we were going to live here another two days.

O.K., the room still tense, but she was talking. Trying to control her thinking. I hoped it wouldn't take until next winter for her to thaw. But I was ready to listen.

"...Brendan, I tried."

"I don't understand. You tried what?" I didn't understand. Or maybe I didn't want to understand what I thought I understood.

"You didn't. Please, tell me you didn't."

It was like pulling teeth but she finally admitted what the problem was.

"Y...Yes, I did."

"With me sleeping next you?"

"Well, you weren't sleeping next to me. He was between us. You were out of it and wouldn't have known." That's rational thinking. Was she having a hard time explaining what she meant or was she making up an excuse. She turned her back to me. It didn't help because there was a mirror in front of her and I could see that she was embarrassed but not as mortified as I was.

"But each time I tried he'd said he wasn't interested and turned back to you. Turn his back to me. I guess he preferred to hold you. Hold you while you were sleeping."

There it is I thought. It wasn't that he would do it most men would when it is offered to them. That he turned his back on her. It was that he turned to me.

"Let me get this right. My switch is off. You came on to him. He turns you down. Turns to me. I don't know. And it's my fault. Why can't I get this picture?" I couldn't believe that she was trying to shove the blame onto me.

By me being present in this situation was Jim's singular motivation in turning away her efforts at seduction that most men even if they weren't drunk wouldn't. Sure, Jim might not want to have sex while I was there out of a sense of decency. That was to his credit. Had it occurred to her that he might not want her? Was it so unbelievable that he might prefer me over her. But that was getting to far ahead since he had never indicated to me that he was so inclined. He had given no indication that he was gay, but I could fantasize. All this distress could have been avoided if she had been able to control her own carnal desires. Not that hers desires were more difficult to control than mine.

"Hey, guys."

We both looked in the direction where the voice came from. Jim was smiling at us. His eyes meeting our eyes very directly one at a time as he stood there.

Turning several shades of red we both continued looking at him. He stood with no shirt, which hung loosely in one hand. In the light you could see his broad chest and powerful shoulders. His jeans hanging on his hip with the fly unbutton. You could make out the length of his semi-hard cock off to one side. Looking totally innocent he stretched before turning and moving towards the restroom. Our mouths were dragging the floor as we watched him walk away. Our eyes darted from him to each other and back to him. Here the two of us were, Becky explaining how she'd tried to have sex with the Adonis that was walking away from us. We weren't fighting over him. I smiled to myself remembering that just a few short hours ago I lay in bed rapped in his arms. It did give me a warm and comfortable feeling that he chose me over her. Even if it I was his excuse to turn her down. Still, we desired the same man.

We didn't speak as we wondered how much of our conversation he had overheard.

If there was anything Beck and I understood was desire for male sex. Here was a man neither us could have. While I didn't understand why she tried to get him in the sack with me being in the same bed. I could see why she would try. I would but not with her next to me. There was a difference. Slight, but a difference. She wanted him. I wanted him. But I didn't want them both. We both wanted him to ourselves. She might still have a chance even if he did have his cock against my ass. I had as much chance as a snowball in hell.

"Brendan, you get him coffee, I'll fix something to eat."

She was like night a day.

"Beck, can I use the phone? I need to make a call. Left my cell phone in my car," Jim explained. "And how am I going to get it drivable?"

"Sure, I'll square it with the boss." She said, never answering his question. She was in the office doing God now's what.

"Beck, you are the boss." I added, then answering Jim, "After the roads are clear, the owner of this place will have the parking lot plowed."

"Right!" You could hear her laughing as she continued. "I'd have to square it with Mick when I see him. If he doesn't like it it's not like he'll fire me," she giggled. There was more than a grain of truth to that. But I wasn't going to bring that up.

I sat there in the no zone. My mind floating from one thought to another. Finally, I settled thinking of Jim. I could still feel what it was like with his arm pulling me into his chest. Feeling his cock between the crack of my ass. Wanting him inside me with his warm breath on my neck. Whispering my name as he reached his climax. I could hear his voice. I heard him raise his voice and found myself listening to his conversation.

"...Hey, this isn't my fault. You're the jerks that set up the interview. And if you remember, I warned you that the weather reports didn't look all that great...Don't give me grief...I'll be back when I can get back...Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.... Just go on with production...Save it." He banged the phone into its cradle.

Interview.... Grief.... Production...

Jim walked back to the table where I was setting and sat next to me. I put my hand on top of his. I figured any hand would do. He didn't pull away. So I kept it there. His hand was warm to the touch and I could feel the veins through his skin. I wanted to draw it to my face my lips. Kissing each finger. Taking them into my mouth and sucking on them. Damn what am I thinking? I need a reality check.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. It didn't go well."

"Got that right!" His sarcasm sent shivers through me. "It's not your fault." He must have noticed. "People want too much. They want you to be everything and be everywhere. Not letting you be yourself. And when things don't happen the way they expect, you're to blame. Even when they're to blame... Damn, everyone wants something from me!"

His eyes clouded over as he hung his head. His hair was covering his face. He seemed insecure, childlike, not the person I had come to know in the past 12 hours if you could be familiar with someone that fast. I wanted to brush his hair aside and let the winter's sun bring back the sparkle in his eyes. So they could melt the snow. So he could smile again and melt the ice that covered my heart

"I don't want anything from you." What made me say that? That wasn't true. Moments before I was thinking of him fucking me. Hearing him speak now about the things that hurt him had caused a shift in my thinking. Seeing him so vulnerable had washed those thoughts out of my mind. Now I wanted to help him work out the demons that were sheltered deep inside of him. The truth was I wanted to be his friend. I wanted him to be my friend. Forget sex. I wanted him to like me. I wanted to say that to him.

"Huh? What did you say?" He asked in disbelief his head still bent forward.

"I said, I didn't want anything from you." When I uttered those fateful words his head snapped back and he looked into my green eyes trying to search for the truth. It was like he wanted me to say it again. Our eyes locked on each other's. Seconds passed like years.

To break the spell, I shouted at Beck, "We need more drinks, in here."

"Help yourself and turn on the tube. I want to catch my soap. Channel 12 the remote's on the bar. Fix some popcorn while you're at it."

"Great!" I said, about the soap, not the drinks and popcorn.

"Be there in a second, guys."

After turning the TV on I poured three drinks and started the popcorn.

With the remote under my arm and balancing three drinks in one hand while the other was carrying hot popcorn that was beginning to burn the palm of my right hand I began walking to the table, glancing back to see if was tuned to the right channel. It wasn`t. I saw the opening promo for As The World Turns. I looked at Jim. He had the look a deer has when it looks into a car's headlights just before the car slams into it. His face was white drained of blood. His eye's searching. Pleading with me not to say something.

What did he expect me to do, jump up and down screaming that there was daytime TV star sitting at the table in front of me scared shitless? That I had slept with him. That he turns down a very nice lay from a woman that wanted him. That he held me to keep her at bay. I put the drinks on the table with the popcorn in the center and sat down punching 12 into the remote and sat back. I knew he was looking at me. I focused on the TV not wanting him to see the amused look on my face. I finally had a secret that Beck didn't know and I wasn't going to tell her.

After she came into the bar the three of us sat drinking and eating popcorn and watching her soap. Every once in awhile Beck would look at us trying to figure out what was going on between the two of us.

Near the end of the program we heard an engine of a snowmobile pull up next to the building. Through the window of the door we could see Mick begin to shovel snow. We couldn't help since the door wouldn't open. So we waited the TV all but forgotten.

Once he was inside, Mick's face was red from the cold and from working shoveling snow. He was breathing so hard I thought he might keel over. When he was able to see in the dim room the veins in his forehead expanded and I was sure that he would explode. It was funny watching him survey the place. There were glasses, half-eaten food and empty bottles of booze all over the place. He just kept getting redder the longer he stood inside the door. I had to put my hand over my mouth not to laugh. Jim sat there not knowing what to do. Beck was smiling. We waited for him to say something.

Beck leaned over to Jim and whispered, "Watch this." She couldn't help but giggle.


"What the fuck's going on in here. Fuck, looks like a party happened last night, if I didn't know better. Fuck Becky," looking for her. He didn't have his glasses and couldn't see up close.

"There you are, you fucking little bitch. I see you got your fucking fag boy with you. And who the fuck are you?" Looking at Jim not waiting for a reply before turning back to Becky. He laid into her.

In every conversation Mick has, he always finds a way to use the word `fuck' or some form of the word. When talking to me or about me he used the words fuck and fag. It is his only endearing quality. Both of us knew to over look it. It didn't matter because he didn't know any other way to talk. I could sense Jim, however. Looking at him his shoulders began to square and his face showed no emotion. But, I could tell that the longer Mick carried on Jim was going to do something. I put my hand on this arm to steady him but he didn't feel the downward force I plied to it. However, I was thinking, I wouldn't want to get him pissed at me.

This tantrum had been going on a good ten minutes. Just about its usual length until Mick gains control. No one had said a word to Mick. Becky and I knew to wait it out. When Mick finished we could have our say, If we wanted to. For all his faults Mick was a fair man. Ruthless at times.

I didn't see it but I heard the chair push back as Jim stood. Mick didn't see Jim coming towards him until Jim gently took him by the arm walking towards the end of the bar. All we could hear was Mick yelling, "What the f..." All the time Jim was whispering in Mick's ear. Mick was not saying a word now. Beck and I looked at each other. Stunned. We had never seen someone take control of Mick. A few minutes passed when we saw Jim take his wallet from his back pocket then producing a folded paper he handed it to Mick. Then they walked to the office taking the phone with them Mick reading the paper.

The door closed.

This is my first attempt in writing so please forgive major grammatical errors. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions. Be kind.

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Next: Chapter 3

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