True Fond

By ten.epacsten@euXaD

Published on Jul 10, 2003


Obligatory warnings and legal disclaimers:

If you are under the age of 21 or the age of majority in your area, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your country, state, county, or municipality, you should leave now.

If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, tough luck! This is a story of friendship, bonding, and love. Only time will tell which direction it will take.

There are no profits to be made here.

Do not archive, copy or email this story without permission of the author. You have been warned. This story has been copyrighted.

I don't know any of the celebrities in this story. This story does not imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. A fantasy. This story is not meant to imply anything about Agim Kaba or Travis Fimmel. (Agim Kaba is associated with As The World Turns. As The World Turns belongs to Columbia Broadcasting System (Copyright MMII, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved) and Procter & Gamble.

Travis Fimmel is associated with New York Model Management.)

Main Characters (Major characters will be added as the story unfolds.):

Brendan: 21, 5'10", light brown hair, green eyes. Swimmers build all American type.

Becky (Beck): Typical hometown woman, 5'8. 25, blond hair, black pooling eyes.

Agim (Jim): Albanian, 20, 6 foot, long brown hair, brown eyes, smooth soccer player build.

Minor Character (Minor characters will be added as the story unfolds.):

Mick: Owner of the bar called Mick's and the cafe The Place.

A True Fond

Chapter Three

True Identity

Becky and I looked at each other in disbelief. From where we sat we could just see the office door. With our eyes wide, we waited to see which of the two men would come flying through it. But, there was no yelling. There was no fight. It was like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Behind the closed door it was completely quiet. It was like something out of the Twilight Zone as it slowly enveloped the room. The stillness from the office spread through the bar much like fog rolling off a lake in early spring. Becky and me were held in a reality out of control with the sense that it had suddenly shifted. The effect was dizzying as we waited to see what would happen next.

While Becky and I waited for the others to come out of the office we clean the bar figuring that Mick would be happier if the bar didn`t look like a wind storm had blown through. Mick and Jim had been the office almost two hours. We had just finished when we heard the office door open. To say that we were relieved would be an understatement. Hearing the door hinge to the office squeak seem to lift a vale of uncertainty from our minds. We didn't speak to each other as our attention was focused entirely on seeing what would occur next. Our anticipation was broken when Mick poked his head around the corner, his face was pale. He was still without his glasses and was having a hard time focusing.

Mick must have given up trying to locate us because he swore about not being able to see. He then said, "Becky, would you p...please come to the office." His voice was flat, and you could tell that his mouth was dry and he was having difficulty speaking.

Mick had said `Please.' Reality had shifted.

Becky looked at me before she stood uncomfortably from her chair. She did so more because she had been asked from a desire to do so. There was a look of disbelief painted across her relief. Once she was moving towards the office her pace quickened taking longer strides and was oblivious to everything in the room. Mick had disappeared back into the office. As she turned the corner the look on her face told me that she half expected to find Jim lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

The door closed leaving me alone in the bar in an overwhelming silence that I becoming to dreaded. There wasn't much I could do except watch the television, eat popcorn and drink. After fixing another drink I felt the urge to go listen at the office door but I put that idea aside. I feared that someone would open the door and catch me. I would have no excuse to offer so I return tothe table we had been sitting at and started channel surfing. I was no longer worried but my curiosity remained. Since Becky hadn't bolted from the office I figured that Jim was okay.

By now Mick knew we had all slept in the bed. As I waited, I began imagining the remarks that would eventually come my way when Mick was finally given the chance to talk to me. Mick would never forget and given an opportunity I would be the butt of endless jokes. He never gave up the chance to humiliate me in public. I have grown use to his treatment of me. Becky one the other hand never put up with his remarks if she believed that he was belittling her and she often became angry with me for not standing up for myself. In my defense, I figured that Mick wasn't worth the trouble. People would laugh knowing that they had been and would again be the target of Mick's vile sense of humor.

It seemed like hours had past when Becky finally left the office. She didn't say a word but you could tell that she was preoccupied. I noticed that she had her coat in her arms. She quickly ducked into the compact kitchen that was used to fix food that was served during happy hour. From the kitchen I could hear running water. This made me more curious. I just had to wait. Eventually, she would get around to tell me what was happening in the office.

Immersed in my own thought I hadn't noticed that she had left the kitchen and was now standing next to me. Not until I felt her hand on my shoulder. She was talking to me about what I had no idea and had to ask her to repeat it for me after I focused on her.

"Brendan, you are so out of it," she said with a ghost of a smile. "I said, I'm taking Mick's snowmobile to run to his place. When I get back I'll have a change of cloths for you."

"Cloths. Why are you going to bring me cloths?" I asked still not fully comprehending her.

Looking very amused, she explained, "Mick is loaning you a change of cloths. Since you wont be getting home for a day or two you can't wear what you worked in without getting gross. Now can you? Jim can get something to wear from his car."

I walked Becky to the door. Before opening the bar door to leave she turned and told me that she had water on the stove heating so I could do a sponge bath in the men's room. That I should put more water on the stove so Jim could have one when I finished. And that if I didn't want brighter blue balls I had better move away from the door. Becky was always concerned for the more important parts of the human anatomy. I gave her a light kiss on the cheek and thanked her for her concern.

She left without saying anything further. Not one word had been said about what was happening in the office. Still, I was determined to find out. I wanted to discover what it was Jim had said enabling him to take complete control of the situation.

Mick and Jim had still not come out of the office when Becky returned several hours later. She had brought a change of cloths and had brought food for dinner figuring that eating popcorn and hamburgers would get old real fast. I joined her in the kitchen and was helping her when we both heard Mick and Jim exit the office. They continued to talk quietly until they entered the kitchen. Jim looked his normal self but Mick looked haunted. Something was wrong. Mick asked Becky to get her coat so they could leave.

"Sorry guys, you'll have to finish with the dinner," Becky said picking up her coat walking into the bar with the three of us following her. "I know that Brendan can handle it. I'm staying at Mick's tonight. The wife isn't home. Seems that he doesn't cook and is afraid that he and his sons will starve if someone isn't around to cook for them." She giggled.

Mick looked embarrassed and just mumbled and looked at Jim. I could see a silent conversation between them. I could also see fury in Mick's eyes, his body stiff, and his lips were drawn in a thin line.

We were all back in the bar. Dinner was under control. Jim had taken the pan with hot water to the men's room. Becky was getting into her coat talking to Jim. Mick complaining that it was taking her forever to get ready to leave. I could tell that she was enjoying making him wait. Mick looked like he was in a hurry to get away from the bar. I just watched Mick fuss at her.

Before she went through the bar door Beck looked over her shoulder and mouthed to me, `Lucky dog you."

I turned to Jim after Mick and Becky left and asked, "Jim, what's going on?" He looked at me with his innocent brown eyes. I asked again.

"Brendan, you know who I am and what I do to make a living. Right?" speaking very softly. "I'm the great and talented Agim Kaba. Call me anything you want. But I hate the name Jim. Only people who can't say my name call me Jim. Please, say my first name. "

Without thinking I said, "Agim."

"There, you said it correctly. People usually butcher it." Slightly pausing he added, "You finish dinner while I use a sponge to clean my very stinking body. It really gets hot in that office. How'd the three of us sleep in there with that door closed? Oh, right we were drunk." Answering the question himself without a hitch in time.

As he was retreating to the men's I called out, "I may never be able to say your name correctly again."

Before ducking into the room he yelled, " I'll let you butcher it anytime you like. And I'll try to explain what's happening later."

This is my first attempt in writing so please forgive major grammatical errors. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions. Be kind.

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Next: Chapter 4

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