Truth About Caymen

By Dan

Published on Aug 18, 1999


If you're under 18 and all that crap, get lost, it's not for you, yadda yadda yadda. Let me know what you think.

Thanks, Dan

The Truth about Caymen

Caymen had always been refereed to by almost everyone who knew him as a strange boy. It was true, but not in any way they thought they knew of. His seventeenth birthday just past, he was a tall boy of a little over six feet, and had the build of a rock climber, one of his passions. His long honey brown hair shown starkly against skin tanned by the sun to a deep brown. His arms, legs, and chest had sparse blond hairs, making him appear to have little or no body hair to cover his rock hard chest and stomach.

He tended to spend a great deal of time alone, not because he had no friends, he actually had more than he thought, but because their company was at times painful. Caymen was the descendant of a long unbroken line of gifted people, many of them serving the Druids and courts of the past as priests and wizards. Their mental talents were both prized and feared, and his family had eventually gone to ground, seldom sharing their gifts for their own protection.

Caymen knew little of the family history, and couldn't care less. His Grandmother, whom he lived with, had shown him the wonders of the natural world, and how to talk with the trees and rocks, and how to be at peace in their presence. He loved being out of doors. There were thousands of places where one could swim, take sun, climb, and be completely alone, and yet be surrounded by the symphony of the world.

He was never accompanied on his trips to the wild with the exception of his cat, Bagheera, named for Rudyard Kipling's panther. Baggy, as she was known, spent the hours while Caymen meditated hunting butterflies and digging in the brush. A happier cat never lived. They communicated on some rudimentary level, each knowing the other's mood, and knowing when they needed to be found. What else could they ask for?

Caymen stretched out on a blanket in the heat of an August twilight, his clothing wadded into a pillow, and watched as the stars came out. He rarely wore clothing out in the hills, as it interfered with his reception of the energies offered to him by his surroundings. Baggy, a spotted tabby with a fawn colored chin and tummy, fairly heavy from a life of plenty, and possessed of very fine soft downy hair, had climbed the tree near Caymen's head and snoozed lightly.

Caymen was perfectly still, amplifying every touch of breeze on his skin, deep inside his own mind. To most the night would seem silent, but to Caymen, and to Baggy, there was sound everywhere. An hour slipped by and neither stirred. Baggy rose from her tree limb and stretched, baring her teeth in a cat yawn, then leapt to the ground lightly and went after a fat mouse for dinner.

A crunching sound from the canyon below brought Caymen back to the now. He sat up and crossed his legs, listening for it to be repeated. Before long, the sound of something crashing through deep brush reached his ears. He wasn't afraid of what was making the sound, having seen numerous animals and a few carnivores up here in his paradise, just curious.

A funny thread of panic touched his mind from someone else's, and he realized the sounds were human. Whoever it was had become terrified of the dark, and was nearly in a state of shock. He stood up and pulled on his tank top and nylon shorts, then pulled on his climbing shoes. He felt compelled to find the person and help them, though he had no idea why. He usually dismissed most people to their own devises, but this one sent an incredible signal, which was damned rare.

With a thought he gathered Bagheera, and they headed silently down into the canyon, coming up behind the person Caymen thought was lost. The cat had little trouble with the high weeds and sagebrush, and had a comfortable lead when they entered the trees. The crashing was ahead of them, and Caymen began to hope that the person wouldn't attract something they couldn't handle. Cougars lived in these hills, and they were drawn by the sound of wounded prey.

The moon was up, and nearly full. It was not hard to navigate at all if one stopped and looked around. Caymen caught flashes of someone ahead, and went up higher on the hillside, not wanting to scare the hell out of someone by tapping them on the shoulder from behind. The other person was male, about his age, and due to their proximity was now transmitting fear to Caymen like a beacon.

He thought for a moment, then put his hands around his mouth. "Baggy!" He called, getting an offended ears flat look from the cat, right at his feet. He shrugged at her, then called again, letting the boy in the trees know he was there. Baggy sat down and licked the inside of her thigh, dismissing the antics of her owner.

"Hey!" The boy shouted, now crashing towards them. "Help! I'm lost!"

"No shit." Caymen whispered to Baggy, waving his arms so that he could be seen. Surprising Caymen, Baggy trotted down the hill, where feelings of relief were now flooding up towards him. The cat didn't like most people, except for Caymen, and would usually disappear. Now the stupid hairball was sauntering up to the stranger like a long lost friend. How peculiar.

"Whoa!" He heard the other stop, jumping at the cat's sudden appearance. "What the hell are you doing up here, puss cat?" The boy picked Baggy up, again shocking Caymen, and made his way up the hill to where Caymen stood. Baggy had allowed this guy to pick her up, which perplexed Cayman, since she hated everyone. What the hell was going on?

Merit Chandler picked up the obviously tame tabby cat and stroked her fur amazed at finding a cat in the woods. She climbed up onto his back and settled, allowing him to carry her up to the person that had called out. He hoped the guy knew how to get out of here, since Merit obviously did not. He felt embarrassed but elated to have found someone else up here.

Merit was a muscular boy of seventeen, former football player and wrestler who had given up sports because he hated them. His short brown hair was sweat matted, and his legs were a network of scratches. He wore khaki shorts and a t-shirt, with worn hiking boots on his feet. He had come up in the hills to get away from everyone, planning on camping for a couple of days, then going home and coming out of the closet. He could no longer stand being in a secret life, and was going to face the music. Then he got lost in the same area his family had camped in for decades. God was definitely sending him a sign.

As he approached his would be rescuer, it was not lost on him that the guy was drop dead gorgeous, even in the moonlight. As he neared, the cat jumped down and ran to the other, stopping at his feet and cleaning her paws. "Jesus, I'm glad to see you." Merit held out his hand.

Caymen was very glad it was dark. He had gotten very clear feelings of attraction from the hiker, and slammed his shields up around his mind, fearing that he might broadcast, which was fairly simple when he wanted to, and a disaster when he didn't. "I'm Caymen McCandles." He said, returning the handshake.

"Merit Cater. Do you know how to get out of here? I have no clue where I am." He shrugged out of his pack and dropped it heavily to the ground, giving Baggy an opportunity to investigate. Something in there smelled very good.

"I come up her a lot." Caymen said, feeling Merit's eyes on him, and nearly laughing when a nearly naked imagined image of him self came to his mind from the other. "My car is up on the other ridge, and there's a little flat area to rest if you want."

Merit picked Baggy up, defeating her plan to raid the back. "Do you always bring your cat up here?"

"With the exception of school, Baggy goes where I go." At the sound of her name, the cat sprang to his shoulders, settling and eyeing Merit through slits. "She would be pretty pissed if I came up here and left her home."

Merit chuckled, believing that he really liked this pair for some reason, and there was no denying that he was attracted to Caymen, though he'd die before saying so. He followed them back down into the canyon and up the other side, grateful for a helping had from time to time when it got steep.

Caymen stumbled, unsettled by the images coming from Merit's mind, and bounced Baggy to the ground, earning him a glare and a view of her tail heading up the hill, dismissing him for his rudeness. Ordinarily he would've soothed her, but he was preoccupied with trying to sort out his mind.

Caymen had had sex with two girls and one boy, not at the same time, and had not been very satisfied with any of it. He knew of the gay stigma, and how it would be dangerous to go to bed with another male, but he had been unsure then about how he felt. He still was, and had just dismissed it for now, avoiding the issue and the people attached to it.

As for girls, they called him at home fairly often, asking for dates. He knew that he could go with almost anyone if he chose, but they were so wrapped up in what he called puberty politics, that it wasn't worth it. He cherished his privacy, and his freedom.

Now these feelings were being stirred by the guy following him up the canyon. Caymen decided that the guy was likely attractive, well built and all, but that wasn't what was bothering him. He couldn't block Merit's thoughts out of his mind, and that was scary, since he'd never met anyone he couldn't block. It was also exciting, because of the obvious physical attraction.

They reached they tree where Caymen had laid the blanket out, and he got a small cooler out of the car, offering Merit a bottle of water. He seldom drank sodas or such, opting for healthier things. Merit slid his backpack off and leaned it against the tree, then whipped his shirt of and mopped the sweat off his face and chest. Caymen caught him self staring, and sat on the blanket, deliberately finding somewhere else for his eyes to be. He offered to let Merit sit on the blanket, not wanting to be rude.

"This is pretty cool." Merit said as he sat down. "It's very quiet up here."

"Unless someone gets lost." Caymen smiled, teasing. He pulled carrot and celery sticks out of the cooler and offered them, then munched on a carrot. "Do you go camping much?"

The darkness covered Merit's blush. "I actually come out here a lot, but I never hiked in this far up." He munched on the celery he'd taken and looked into Caymen's eyes, hoping it wasn't too obvious that he was studying his face. "I know the lower canyons pretty well, but when it started getting dark, I turned east I think, and I should have just gone back down the canyon where I started."

Caymen chuckled, noticing Merit's form in the moonlight. It was distracting, and he tried again to put it out of his mind, but with out much luck. A funny look crossed Merit's face, and Caymen focused back in, aware that he'd been drifting in thought for a few seconds. "What's wrong?" He asked, putting his hands on his knees.

"I, uh,.. I had the funniest feeling," Merit's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head to clear it. For a moment, it had felt like he was seeing himself, but with a sort of desire. He resolutely decided that there would be no more late hikes, because he was imagining thinks. Dangerous things. "Sorry, that was rude. I'm just tired."

Caymen's heart thudded in his chest. He had been so distracted that he had leaked thoughts to Merit, and he knew it. It was the grossest form of invasion, and he was ashamed. His Grandmother would have a fit if she knew. He changed the subject fast. "Where do you go to school?" He asked, trying to be conversational.

"In Logan, over in Cache Valley." Merit answered, still thinking about the image that was printed on his mind. "I used to play football, but I got injured." He lied. "Where are you from?"

"Ogden." Caymen calmed down, feeling safer. "I drive up through Pineview Dam and then take the dirt roads up here."

"Do you do sports or anything? Merit asked. And so the conversation went. Unaware of their surroundings and the time, they talked for almost two hours, until Baggy showed up, covered in burrs. They laughed, not helping the cat's pride at all, and Caymen pulled a small brush out of the cooler and started removing the offending weeds.

"You two act like extensions of the same person." Merit said, amused at the totally relaxed animal lying on Caymen's lap. "I bet she'd take my hand off if I did that to her." Baggy knew the conversation had turned to her, and took to washing one paw while Caymen worked.

"Somehow I doubt that." Caymen glanced at Merit, and was again surprised and attracted. "She doesn't like anyone but me, but she ran right up to you and let you pick her up. That's weird."

Merit caught the feeling again, almost but not quite seeing himself. He'd bet quite a bit that Caymen knew a lot about weird behavior. Acting on impulse, aware that he might be ruining a budding friendship, Merit decided to ask a hard one. "Do you have a girlfriend, Caymen?"

Caymen stopped and looked up, surprised, but not caught off guard. He kind of thought that this would come up, given Merit's thoughts. He just couldn't think of what to say. Realizing that it was probably dangerous ground, he chose honesty. "No, not right now. You?"

Merit swallowed, again glad it was dark. "Naw. I had one a while ago, but it was a disaster."

I'll bet, Caymen thought, deciding what to do next. Merit had offered up some exciting possibilities, and had kept Caymen from blocking him away. It was thrilling, but dangerous, because Caymen didn't want anyone to know about his uniquenesses. At the same time, he was feeling drawn to Merit, and realized that maybe there might be an emptiness where the friendship department was in his heart.

"Are you open minded, Caymen?" Merit almost whispered, looking at his hands in his lap. He glanced up, finding Caymen looking at his cat. "Are you, you know..?"

"A gay basher? No." Caymen sat Baggy on the blanket and brushed up the hair, putting it off the blanket.

Merit relaxed, then tightened right back up, realizing what Caymen had just said. All at once a soothing feeling entered his mind, smoothing out the runaway emotions, and Merit calmed. He had never experienced anything like that, and he met Caymen's blue eyes, noticing how deep the gaze was. "How'd you do that?" He whispered, craving the feeling again.

Caymen closed his eyes and shared the image Merit had given him of himself undressed. Merit was shocked, but excitement took over. Another image, this one of Merit undressed from Caymen's eyes, entered his mind, and he nearly fell over backwards, overjoyed.

"You're a psychic!" He said, delighted.

Caymen's eyes drifted open and he laughed lightly. "You watch to many movies. I don't see the future and all that shit. I just tune into some people." An image of Merit kissing him passionately came to mind, and Caymen blushed. "Behave. I just met you."

Merit nearly shook with anticipation. "Are you gay?" He blurted, purposely sending images to see if he was just imagining things.

"I'm not anything." Caymen answered, shutting off the pictures. It was incredible, but they were having a physical effect. He knew Merit was aroused, and was dumbfounded at the bulge in his own lap. He leaned over his crossed legs and put his elbows on his knees to obscure it.

Merit swallowed again when the mind picture stopped, and he tried something else. An emotion. He needed to be understood, to be needed by someone else, and he wanted to find out that he wasn't alone in the world, that he could love. This was like a fantasy, but it was one that he'd kill to maintain. Jesus, what a gift that would be.

"Merit, calm down. There's a lot you don't know about me." Caymen felt the emotional thoughts and tried to stop them. "We just barely met." Merit's eyes narrowed. "Are you attracted to me?" came to Caymen quite clearly, stunning him. Only his Grandmother had been able to put words in his head. Challenged, he answered.

Merit closed his eyes and smiled, his face peaceful and relaxed. "Oh, God. I knew it. I knew it." He got to his hands and knees and moved closer to Caymen, their faces only inches away from each other. "If you don't stop me, I'm going to kiss you." There was no resistance, and He leaned forward, brushing Caymen's lips with his own. It was a tender kiss, not deep, but welcome.

Caymen tried to make his body respond, to pull away, but he couldn't. Or didn't want to. Something. Letting himself go a little, Caymen gently moved Merit onto his back and kissed him again. Tendrils of satisfaction, lust, and happiness came into his mind. Merit had been lost in the world, but felt like he belonged here, right now, with Caymen.

Secretly Caymen needed to be loved, too, and he knew it. He just feared ridicule and never tried. Now, the pent up emotions of the last couple of years were surfacing, and Merit was the willing recipient, totally unafraid of Caymen's mind tricks. Caymen extended his thoughts and feelings to Merit, finding an unabashed and hopeful mind waiting.

As their lips touched, and soon their tongues, Merit felt something in his mind, in his thoughts, that he identified as Caymen. A caress of emotions, suggestions, and desires. He sent back his longings, enjoying the mind fuck almost as much as the tongue fuck. That thought brought ripples of silent laughter from Caymen.

Merit pulled Caymen's shirt up and off, then rolled on top, taking his tongue and kisses to Caymen's chest and neck. He flicked at a nipple, feeling the other gasp, and felt Caymen's hands on his back, up and down, each time getting closer to his ass. It was electric!

I will stop anytime you say, he sent, venturing onto Caymen's flat stomach, circling each defined muscle with his tongue. Caymen hesitated only for a second, then lifted his hips, allowing Merit to remove his jogging shorts. He was comfortable in the nude, and started to remove Merit's boots and socks, almost losing the ability to think when he felt Merit's mouth on his penis. At seven inches, it was not huge, but Merit had it fully erect, and was working with a fury.

He pulled at Merit's shorts and underwear, thinking absentmindedly how restrictive they were, and finished undressing him. Merit's member was slightly shorter, and was marbled in veins like his own. They were both circumcised, allowing freedom to roam the two heads with their tongues.

As he felt Merit get close to orgasm, he would stop his mouth actions and kiss his legs, his stomach, his testicles, and prolong the event. When he would get close, he would slow Merit with a thought, allowing them to work together.

Caymen was distracted buy Merit's finger up his ass, and he leaned back on the blanket. It was to late to stop, and he grunted as it hit, feeling multiple explosions in his abdomen as he shot load after load into Merit's mouth, overwhelming him, and causing it to leak from his lips. After several moments he came around, realizing that he had cum before with the others, but had never had an orgasm, at least not like this. He found Merit's cock in the dark and pumped with his hand, catching the other off guard, and sending him to his own orgasm. Merit shot high into the air, the gobs landing on both of them. He arched his back, lifting his ass off the blanket and groaning loudly as Caymen finished him off. They curled together, still sharing thoughts, and fell asleep.

Sometime during the night, Caymen had gotten another light blanket from the car and covered them both. In the early rays of morning sun, they awoke in each other's arms, greeted by a hungry cat. This brought on a case of giggles.

After feeding Baggy, Caymen stretched out on top of the blanket. He was suddenly aware that Merit was self conscious about being nude, and he sent a soothing feeling. He saw Merit as being actually quite beautiful, and he reassured him of that. Still not sure, but knowing that Caymen wouldn't lie to him, Merit uncovered himself, to be met by a good morning kiss, and Caymen's hand running down his stomach.

Again they took each other, basking in the morning sun. With Merit's fingers inside him again, Caymen shot into the air, overwhelmed by the power of his orgasm. His body trembled at Merit's touch, and it was almost like losing touch with reality when he came. His body floated, and his mind was wrapped in Merit. They didn't speak because they didn't need to, intimate beyond understanding.

Merit crunched his abs and partially sat up, his stomach burning as he came in Caymen's mouth. It was so pleasurable it was nearly painful, and he gasped, then bellowed into the sky as he came. His toes ached from curling, and little crescents were on his palms from his nails.

Exhausted again, they napped on the blanket. Caymen was tanned evenly head to foot from many hours in the sun. Merit, who's tan stopped at his waist and resumed at mid thigh, sunburned. He ate some aspirin with lunch, a setting combined from their two packs, but realized that sitting was gonna be interesting.

"I have to go back this afternoon," Merit said, munching an oreo cookie. "I have plans to help my brother move to his new apartment this evening."

Caymen nodded, also munching an oreo. "I can get you back to your car, then I gotta get Baggy home."

Merit was silent for a minute, looking to be almost in pain. "Can I see you again?" He asked, quietly bracing himself for a let down. Please don't let this be a one-night stand.

"It's not." Caymen said, gathering Merit with his hands on his face. He kissed him, then laughed because of the oreo leftovers. You won't have much trouble reaching me, He caressed Merit's mind. "I can talk to my Grandma when she's in Scotland and I'm here."

They drove to Merit's car, then kissed goodbye. Merit drove away, looking into his mirror often, touching the piece of paper with a phone number on it. He suddenly felt alone, then smiled as Caymen's thoughts drifted into his, replaying their love making in his head. He felt himself get hard, and he sent his own message, knowing it was received. Life was suddenly a whole lot more interesting.

Next: Chapter 2

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