Truth About Caymen

By Dan

Published on Sep 2, 1999


Sorry this has been so long in getting here. I had a hard drive melt down and had to put in a new one. Tell me what you think.


The Truth about Caymen 2

Caymen hoisted Baggy to the ground, turning her loose in the yard of his Grandmother's house. They were not on the best of terms after Caymen's break neck drive down through the canyon. Baggy eyed him through slits, then lifted her tail and trotted off to her favorite roses. Caymen felt bad for the little tabby, but hurried into the house not overly concerned.

There was a note on the kitchen counter. His Grandmother had written that a pleasant boy named Merit had phoned and left some computer information. She had no idea what it meant. He read it and chuckled, recognizing Merit's email address, the address for a private chat room, and the password to get in. Excited, he bound up the stairs to his room and turned on the computer.

He signed on using the screen name BAGGY. On the screen, the user name TRAILBLAZER1701 blinked in the chat box. HELLO? Caymen typed, wondering if it was Merit. It was.




HANG ON. Caymen stepped over to his bed and stripped, lying out flat and closing his eyes. He had never tried to reach out like this before, and the anticipation was incredible. He breathed deeply and let it out, focusing on the feel of Merit's mind. He reached out and almost instantly found his prize. Unbelievable. Merit was reaching out to him!

A ripple of pleasure came from Merit, dancing in his mind like an electric blue fire, pleasant and cool to the touch. He caressed the fire, adding his own feelings to it, then sent it back. A sense of awe returned, Merit having never in his life imagined what a mind touch could be like. Careful not to break the thread, Caymen went back to the computer.





YES. Caymen went to shutdown the machine, but a bright feeling came through the link.



A laugh danced on the invisible link, and Caymen narrowed the link and closed it. It made him feel lonely again, but he knew he could open it right back up. In fact, Merit probably could to. He just didn't know it yet. Caymen jumped in the shower and washed the residue of their night together off, making a mental note to take baby wipes or something tomorrow.

His Grandmother, Deidre McCandles, a short heavyset woman of sixty-eight, had gotten home from the grocery store and was cooking dinner when he came down stairs. She chastised him for wearing only a towel around his hips and sent him back up to dress in something respectable.

Re-entering the kitchen in running shorts and sandals, he kissed her on the cheek and helped put things away. "Gramma," he said, setting a cereal box in the cupboard, "What other families are gifted?"

Deidre looked up then stirred the pot of soup she was working with. "I imagine many people are gifted, Caymen. Why?" She watched him move through the room in a sort of distracted fog.

"I met someone who can put words in my head like you do." Caymen sat backwards on a chair and put his elbows on the back. "Baggy and I were up in the hills. I found a lost hiker, and I can't block him out."

"Can't? You mean you can still touch him?" She set the spoon aside and put her hands on her hips. "Caymen, that's dangerous. You remember what happened last year when you touched that girl. She thought she was possessed or some nonsense, and her father wanted to hurt you."

"I remember." He leaned back against the table. "This is different though. I wasn't showing off. I tried to keep it from happening at all." He pulled his hair back and put a rubber band in it. "He came through like I wasn't even trying to block him."

"Caymen, the only time that ever happened was when I met your Grandfather. I don't have any good advice for you except to keep on your toes." Deidre stirred the pot again, eyeing her Grandson. "Interesting that it would be a boy, though."

"What do you mean?"

She turned off the stove and poured the soup into bowls, handing them across the counter to be placed on the table. She sighed. "If you believe family lore, and a lot of it's true, the only one that can get through your walls will be your mate."

Caymen wasn't very self-conscious where his Grandmother was concerned, and plowed ahead. "So does that mean I'm gay?"

"No, it means that there is someone out there that has talent, and that you should be cautious." She sat at the table, using her finger to indicate that he needed to turn around. "I don't believe all that hog wash about gay and straight and lesbian and whatever. Who you share love with is who you share love with, and if the Christian god existed, he would have made everyone behave the way their bible said, so there wouldn't be gays and such."

It was early in the morning before Caymen could sleep as he considered his Grandmother's words. Baggy slept on his pillow, snoring quietly, and he had thrown the sheet back in the August heat, allowing the cool breeze to dance on his bare skin.

As he dozed off, images of Merit rolled slowly through his thoughts. He could see them both together, embraced, their bodies very close together. He couldn't remember having thoughts like this about anyone, and it stayed with him through the night.

He slept late. Baggy was outside already, and the heat of the day was already on the house. The A/C was on, but didn't help much on the top floor. He dressed and ate breakfast, mowed the lawn, then packed to go camping.

His car, 1969 Cougar that had been his Dad's, still showed the dirt and dust from yesterday's trip. He ignored it. Baggy ran over from her roses and jumped in, making herself a nest in the back seat. They stopped for groceries and on whim catnip, then headed into the mountains.

Caymen felt a surge of longing and excitement that he was un accustomed to. He didn't bond with many people, and had certainly not had sex very often, which made Merit an enigma. The only beings that Caymen could honestly say he loved were his Grandmother and his cat. His feelings about Merit threw him off balance.

After an hour of driving and dust from dirt roads, they arrived at the tree dusty and hot. Baggy was in a fowl mood, lashing her tail and growling low grumbles. Caymen spotted Merit's vehicle, a restored 1972 Chevy El Camino, and pulled along side.

"It's way to hot down here," Merit said, not getting out. "My Dad said we can use my family's trailer. He owns a piece of property not far from here where there's a swimming hole and lots of shade. What d'you think?"

"I think it sounds good. I'll follow you." Caymen stroked Baggy's head and looked down. "Try not to dust me, though. The cat is pissed already from the heat."

Merit nodded with a smile, then pulled onto the road, waiting for Caymen to do the same. He lead them to a small canyon, stooping to let them through a locked gate, then continued up into a heavily treed area. It was several degrees cooler when they parked near a large trailer with extendible sides. Caymen was amused that Merit had already been there, cut firewood, and set out lawn chairs. He had known what Caymen's answer would be.

He got out and freed Baggy from the car, watching as she went immediately in to the bushes for some privacy. A small waterfall tumbled into a deep pool nearly thirty feet across and ringed by willows and box elder trees. The trailer sat fifty feet from the pool with a fire pit in between. It was beautiful.

Merit walked over from the truck and took his hand gently, surveying the scene with Caymen. Caymen looked at their hands, finding that he didn't object. "It's private for almost a half mile in any direction." Merit said, turning to him. "I have the only key other than my Dad's, and he's in Denver for three days."

"I'm glad I decided to come." Caymen smiled, then hesitatingly leaned in and kissed Merit, feeling a jolt of electric thrill when their lips met. It confirmed his feelings, and he was slightly overwhelmed as the link opened, and Merit poured into his mind like liquid light.

"Wow." Merit whispered when they parted, looking into Caymen's crystal eyes. "Will that happen all the time?"

"I don't know. It's never happened before." Caymen was more than a little flustered, and turned to the car to unload the cooler and his bag. Merit ran his hands through his hair and went to the trailer door and opened it. He glanced at Caymen's legs, tanned and smooth, and felt a wave of desire spear through his mind. Caymen's head came up sharply. He smacked the door jam and cursed, shooting a none to serious glare at Merit.

"Sorry. I forget that you can hear that." He walked over to the car to get the cooler, puzzled. "Feel that? I'm confused. Do I hear you in my head, or do I feel you in my head?" He headed for the trailer with the cooler.

"You're going to feel it in you ass if I smack my head again." Caymen quipped, following Merit inside. Just inside the door, the wall of the trailer was slid out, providing extra room and making the trailer seem enormous. To the right, a short set of stairs led up to a queen-sized bed, already made, and to the left was a couch and chair, followed by the kitchen and dining hutch and the bathroom. It was fairly new and very comfortable.

They put the food in the fridge and turned it on, made sandwiches for lunch, then went out side to sit in the shade. Baggy returned with her own lunch, a fat mouse, and nearly grossed Merit out as she ate with them, occasionally crunching and growling her satisfaction. Caymen thought it was hilarious.

"Man it's hot." Merit wiped his forehead. "Let's swim." He stood up and pulled his shirt off and put it in the chair. Caymen stood up and did the same, dropping articles of clothing as they made for the pool. Naked, He waded in, feeling the pulses of energy flow into him, trailing his fingers in the water. It was marvelous.

"How do you do that?" Merit asked, amazed by the total feeling of bliss that came through from Caymen. He waded in, trying to feel what Caymen felt, actually very distracted by the sight of the other's beautiful bronze body.

"You have to put everything out of your mind, and open up to what's around you." Caymen was waist deep now, eyes closed. "This place is loaded with energy. If you let it, it seeps into you." Merit came over to where he was, and Caymen put his hands on Merit's cheeks, never opening his eyes.

Merit inhaled sharply, feeling a golden glow run up his legs and arms, slowly working into his mind. He could still `see' everything, but his eyes were closed. He could see Baggy sitting on a warm rock watching them, he could see the trout that swam near where the water fell into the pool, and he could feel the presence of the plants and trees. Even the rocks seemed to welcome him. He sagged against Caymen, unable to withstand the over load of sensations.

Literally thousands of little sparks of life sang out to him in a symphony he could have never imagined. Each leaf, tree, blade of grass, and rock sang a note, with each fish insect, and animal pitching in slightly higher on the scale. It was wonderful and terrifying at the same time, and for a moment Merit thought he would lose his mind to the music.

Caymen caught him and restricted the flow of the link, allowing Merit to recover. He smiled slightly, then kissed Merit, never having had the opportunity to share this with anyone before. He could sense Merit's awe and wonder, and it moved him almost to tears. It was like having a child in his hands, a child that had just opened it's eyes and understood.

"Oh, Cay," Merit whispered, moving his arms around the other's waist. "I had no idea what you were talking about. I feel kinda drugged."

"This will help." Caymen shoved Merit into the waterfall, and felt the shock of ice cold water snap him back into the now. He laughed as Merit sputtered, then dodged as he came back out. "You dickhead!" Merit shouted, arcing to intercept, using his former football skills. He blindsided Caymen and took him under, then grabbed his ankles and yanked, rewarded with Caymen sliding into the waterfall.

They swam and lazed in the water until late afternoon, interrupted only by clouds moving in from the west. The wind picked up sharply, causing them to look up, and the temperature dropped, giving them the chills. By the time they sloshed out of the pool it was dark, and fat raindrops began to pelt them as they grabbed their clothing and ran to the trailer with Baggy hot on their heels.

Merit stopped at the steps and stared back at the pool longingly. Already the music had faded, but not completely. The darkness changed the scene, hiding the big rocks in shadows and turning the clear water gray green. He turned and stepped into the trailer. The rain was heavy enough to be painful.

Caymen fixed chicken salad for dinner. They ate quietly, not talking much. Merit was still processing through his experience, and Caymen knew he was troubled not by the sensation, but by the loss. They did the dishes and put them in the overhead cupboards. Baggy noisily made short work of her chicken and moved up onto the bed for a bath.

"I think this is the longest time I've ever spent naked." Merit chuckled, climbing up next to Baggy. He rolled onto his back and stretched, groaning. Caymen laughed and joined them. "Do you like it? Or does it seem wrong to you?"

"Oh, I think I can get used to it. Everything that's happened to me since I met you is all so new." He reached out and touched Caymen's lips with his finger, tracing down his jaw and neck. "I don't know what I expected."

Caymen laid back and allowed Merit's hand to wander his skin, enjoying the light ripples in his mind. "Expected for what?" He asked, closing his eyes. Merit's fingers traced around his chest and over his nipples, causing a deeper stirring. He liked this slow gentle approach, and marveled at how someone built like a football player could be so gentle.

"I've had a couple of real bad experiences. I let the wrong person know I was gay, then had to beat the shit out of him to make him look like a liar." Baggy moved up to the pillows to finish her evening toilet, and Merit slid over, laying his head on Caymen's arm. "Then there was a guy from Hyram. I thought that we would hit off pretty well, but he wanted to be abused, you know? Like whips and shit. I'm not into that."

"Thanks for the info. I am very relieved." Caymen chuckled, catching Merit's hand on his stomach and kissing it. "I was told that a person would find me, and that I would know if it's right. So far, so good." He turned and smiled at Merit, accepting a light kiss.

"How did you learn about the energy and stuff?" Merit propped up on an elbow and brushed Caymen's nearly dry hair out of his face. "I mean, there isn't many people that can do what you do, and now I'm learning to do it. Where did it start?"

"My family has always known how to touch life. That's what my Grandma calls it." Caymen stroked Merit's cheek, absolutely captivated by his green eyes. "We have to learn to shut it out, not how to turn it on. It was really hard when I was little, because I could tell a lot of what the other kids thought and felt, and I thought they all hated me. I didn't realize how fickle child thoughts were."

The trailer shuddered from the wind, and the boys pulled the covers back and got in. Merit snuggled up close, feeling a chill, and wrapped his arms around Caymen's chest. Truth be told, he could probably spend the rest of his life in this moment and die a happy camper.

"Do you have other abilities?" Merit asked at length, feeling the link between them open to just the right comfort level. Caymen came through in his typical way, a blinding blue flash of light that caressed every fiber of Merit's private being.

"Yes, but it's a lot for you to handle right now. I think you need to absorb what you have now, and learn to control that, okay?" Caymen felt Merit's hand near his genitals, and he turned to take him in his arms. They kissed a long deep kiss that explored every surface of their mouths. Merit hardened under his touch, a firestorm of desire filling the link. From that point they never had to speak during love making, each knowing the other's intimate desires.

Merit decided that he trusted Caymen with his life, and sent images of him allowing Caymen to enter his ass. He had never done it, but had always loved the feel of fingers up there. Caymen was surprised briefly, then looked into Merit's eyes.

Excited, Merit grabbed a tube of KY Jelly that he had in his bag, then jumped back under the covers to slick up Caymen. Caymen laid on his back, amused by Merit's desires, enjoying the mental flow of images. It felt fantastic to have Merit's hand slowly stroking him, and he let the other put jelly on his fingers, which he promptly started to work into Merit's ass.

Finally, Merit laid on his side, and Caymen moved behind, gently spreading the cheeks apart. He touched his penis to Merit's opening, hearing a slight intake of breath, then calmed Merit through the link. It was exciting, and he slowly began to plunge into Merit, feeling the muscles relax, stop, relax, stop, relax. He rubbed Merit's back, helping him dismiss and throw out tension. At last his was in, and the both rested on the pillows, sweaty and breathing hard.

At Merit's urging, Caymen started a slow methodical rhythm, pulling almost out, then thrusting all the way in. He reached around and found Merit, matching his wrist motions to the rhythm. He could feel Merit's reaction to his work, and slowed and stopped occasionally, not wanting to explode to soon. Then it was too late. He couldn't contain it any longer, and he felt merit's stomach muscles tighten. His rectal muscles clamped down on Caymen, and they both bucked and blew, experiencing it in their minds and in their loins.

Caymen came so hard it was a bit painful, pumping huge amounts into Merit. He held the other's waist like a vice, unable to stop Merit's hips. Merit shot giant globs onto Caymen's hands, violently shivering with each spurt. They collapsed, exhausted, and lay with Caymen still inside, trying to stop their labored breathing. A warm glow filled the link, and they fell asleep, Caymen sliding out as he went flaccid.

They awoke starving and cold about one in the morning. Merit turned on the heater and they made short work of a bag of turkey jerky that Caymen had brought with him. Finished, and having never uttered a word, they made love again. This time Caymen decided that he would try letting Merit inside him, and they used the jelly to get ready.

Caymen rolled to his stomach and spread his legs, the feeling of Merit's fingers pleasant around his anus. Merit put his hands on each side of Caymen, then slowly entered, watching as the head disappeared, then slowly the shaft. Caymen had a much easier time relaxing, having shared the experience through the link. Merit was all the way in, and they rolled onto their sides.

The fullness was actually quite comfortable, and Caymen realized that he would never let anyone but Merit do this. As Merit started his motions, he felt the other's hand on his penis, trying to match the rhythm like he had. Merit had limited success, but the sensations were enough, and surprised, Caymen came first, unable to stop the incredible pressures inside him. Every time Merit went all the way in, a spark of energy traveled through Caymen, driving him to an orgasm that shot entirely off the bed in huge wet smacks.

Merit moaned and grunted, then thrust hard, sending his energy and fluids into Caymen. He cried out as wave after wave went in, wrapping his hands under Caymen's arms and grabbing his shoulders to hang on. Finally he collapsed, totally spent. After a few minutes they cleaned up, then fell asleep again, wrapped in each other' arms.

Caymen dreamed of the darkness, a terrifying cloud of nothingness that troubled him from time to time. It sought after him, wanting to envelop him. He used every tool his mind had, but it kept coming. He would try to fight it off, but it would wrap its icy tendrils around him, trying to cut him off from the world. It wanted Caymen badly, like a lover or a drug.

Caymen gasped and say up, blinking into the morning sun. Merit turned from cooking bacon and smiled, sending a pleasant feeling through the link. "Morning, beautiful." He said, turning off the stove. "Hungry?"

"Uh, sure." Caymen sighed, pushing his sleep matted mass of hair out of his face. He rolled out of the bed, discovering that he was sticky and smelly, and head for the small shower, absentmindedly accepting a kiss as he passed. He was shaken, the feelings from the dream still fresh in his mind. As the hot water hit him, he hoped that it hadn't gotten through to Merit.

Merit opened the door and peeked into the tiny bathroom. A pair of electric blue bikini underwear dangled from him fingers. "I got these for you yesterday. I know you don't wear them, but these are form fitting lightweight spandex, and they reminded me of you. Wanna try `em?" Caymen smiled weakly and nodded, turning off the water. He took them and put them on the counter while he dried off. Merit went back to breakfast.

They were very comfortable. Caymen looked in the mirror over the little sink and admired how they looked. The briefs were cut high, and had a little sack sewn in that fit his privates just right, making them look bigger. Caymen chuckled and opened the door.

"Jesus, those look hot on you." Merit stared. He had put on a pair of short green spandex boxers. Caymen thought that maybe he could change his mind about underwear. They ate and talked, Merit not giving any indication that he had any dreams at all. Caymen nodded as they talked, thinking about the darkness. He shivered.

"Cay!" Caymen's head snapped up, and he was immediately embarrassed. Merit had a look of concern on his face, and even Baggy was looking at him. "Sorry." He mumbled, realizing that he had missed part of the conversation.

"Where did you go?

Caymen looked down at his plate and pushed it away, then sighed. "I had a dream last night that I can't get out of my head. I'm sorry, Merit. I wasn't trying to be rude."

"Can I help?" Merit cleared the dishes and poured them some more juice.

"No. I'm fine, really. I just need to get it out of my head." Caymen helped tidy the trailer after they dressed, then packed the car. The held each other for a long moment then kissed goodbye, promising to get on the chat room when they got home. Caymen looked at the pool, wishing they could stay forever. As they drove off, he sent a mental kiss and got one back. Thirty minutes later he was so lonely he thought he'd die.

Next: Chapter 3

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