Twilight Love

By MK Low

Published on Oct 12, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is strictly fantasy. I do not make insinuations about the celebrities' sex lives, personal lives or sexual preferences. Stephenie Meyer owns all rights to the Twilight series books and Summit Entertainment owns the rights to the movies. This is just an adaptation of the plot of her books. This story contains sexual situations and if you're under the age of 18 or 21 in certain states, or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, then keep reading and enjoy.

This is a love story, so sex might not be such a prominent component of the story.

By: Martin ______________________________________________________________________

Chapter 01

I drove to the airport on a particularly scorching day with the windows rolled down. The bright sun's rays hitting on me reminded me that I have nothing left in sunny Phoenix. No dad, no mum, no house, no car, no nothing at all except for my best friend Kurt. I have no one else in this lonely planet other than him (with the exception of Kurt) – Christopher Reynolds, or Chris as I call him by. Chris was my dad's best friend – the brother he did not have. That man practically adores me, and I love him too.

In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. The sun can only be seen on at most 14 days of the year. I hate Forks. I hate the rain. I hate getting my hair wet. That's the only place left for me to go.

At the airport, I turned in the rental keys to my car and checked in my relatively large suit case. With my black trench coat slung over my hand, I braced myself for Forks. It is a four hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, then another hour on a smaller plane to Port Angeles, then another hour drive to Forks. It was inaccessible as can be.

Flying does not bother me that much; it is the hour drive with Chris that I fear. Neither of us are what you would call vocal; we rarely said more than two sentences. Putting on my trench coat, I walked towards Chris at the airport. He walked towards me and instead of reaching out his hand to shake mine as he usually did, he pulled into an embrace.

Chris was rather nice about me coming to stay with him, or rather; he was delighted that he was the one that I decided to stay with. We made it through the awkward silence. He had registered me into the local high school and I had arranged for my new car to be delivered, a Lexus IS Convertible. Chris is an accountant. Everyone in Forks have their taxes filed by Chris.

We walked into his house and he brought me to my room on the west side of the house. It consists of a walk-in closet, a double bed, a bathroom large enough to be someone's room and also a study area. He left me unpack to and to get settled in.

I unpacked my stuff, set up my Mac Book Pro on the table, hooked up my iPhone dock and alarm clock, showered and sat on my bed. It was about five in the evening when Chris came to my room. "We have to talk" he said.

"Martin, I know what happened in Phoenix, talk to me."

"It was horrible, I walked into the house and mom and dad were just lying on the floor, lifeless and bloody. Nobody told me anything, the cops told me that I would go to a foster home, but I told them that you would take care of me, and here I am." I said through sobs. "Nobody knows what happened, nothing, just that they were shot dead in the study." I added.

"Shhhh... It's alright, you're here, I'm here, and I'll take care of you, just like when you were young." Chris said.

"Chris, there's something that you need to know about me."

"Go on," Chris said.

"Please don't hate me, I'm gay." I said.

"Good Lord, why would I hate you? I knew that long ago."

"You did?"

"Well, your parents knew long ago. They told me when I last visited them. Well, actually they asked me if they should talk to you, well I told them that when you're comfortable, you will tell them." Chris replied.

"I'll never have a chance now..." I said. "Why would they ask you?" I added.

"Well, I'm gay too."

"I see..."

I just hugged him tighter, and he just held onto me until I stopped sobbing. We had a simple dinner of pasta that Chris made and we went to bed.

I never relate well to people, that's why I did not have many friends, just mere acquaintances. I used to think that there was something wrong with me, a glitch in my brain that causes me to be that way, but when I was 16, something happened, I was able to hear thoughts, thoughts that were thought, not spoken. I could move things with my mind. I can control the elements, rain or shine, snow or hail. There was no glitch in my mind, I was made to do feats that others could not and that takes up space in my brain, depriving me the capability to relate to others. Nobody knows what I can do, and I intend to stay that way. I have enough people focusing on me now than I care for.

Martin, Martin Karlson, that's my name. I am the only son of one of the world's wealthiest man, Tyler Karlson. Even though I hate Forks, there is an advantage, it's a small town and the paparazzi do not exist there. I was relocated to Forks on a private jet and was as discreet as can be.

I didn't sleep well that night, I cried most of the night away, thinking about my parents. Even after crying, the rain was just too noisy for me to get used to on the first night. The spluttering and splattering was just too much for me. It was only two hours when my alarm clock sounded.

Breakfast with Chris was a quiet event. He wished me good luck for the day and I left. I knew his well wishes are wasted; luck rarely shines on me for some unknown reason. He left for work before me, and I cleared the table and put the dishes into the dishwasher. I stepped out onto the driveway and instantly I could feel the rain falling on my trench coat, and god, it was freezing!

I made my way to my new car and drove off to school. Forks High School, the school like everything in Forks is just off the highway. I stopped outside the Admin office to report for classes. The clerk, Mdm Morris gave me through look over and said, "Martin Karlson, welcome to Forks."

"M, I like to go by M." I said. She passes me a campus map and told me to report for classes. "Thanks" I added.

Most students were arriving for classes when I got back out to my car. Most of the vehicles on campus were older, unlike mine and I thought `Oh shit, I'm gonna draw attention to myself!' I found a spot to park, it was right next to a shiny Volvo that looks seemingly new, and made my way to the first class of the day.

My first class of the day was with Mr. Mason, I took my slip to Mr. Mason and he as I expected gawked at me when he saw my name. Thankfully, he just sent me to an empty seat instead of introducing me to the class. Thank god, the seat was at the back of the class, it was harder to stare to me when I'm at the back. I kept my eyes on the reading list, Shakespeare, Bronte, Faulkner. It was fairly basic, everything I have already read. Luckily for me, I saved my notes and essays on them in my Mac Book Pro.

When the bell rang, a black haired boy came up to me, "Martin, am I right? Martin Karlson?"

"M," I corrected. Everyone within hearing distance turned to look at me.

"I'm Tim, what's your next class?" he asked.

I rampaged through my messenger back for my schedule and said "Government, building six."

"I'm heading towards building four, I'll show you the way." He replied.


We got our coats and headed out into the rain. I had tuned out my telepathy, something which I do very frequent to prevent hearing things I don't wanna hear.

"It's very different here from Phoenix huh?" Tim asked.

"Yea. It rarely rains in Phoenix." I said. Tim walked me right to the door, though it was marked.

"Good luck" he said, before running off to his own class.

Everything was as per normal, mundane first day at school – up until lunch break. I was sitting with Tim and his friends when they walked, or should I say glide into the lunchroom. They were pale and exceptionally good looking.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"The Cullens. They are adopted by Dr Cullen and his wife. They are like together. The one with the long hair, that's Rosalie and Emmet is the big built guy with her. Then there's Alice, the smaller girl with dark hair, and with her is Jasper who looks like he's in pain." Tim said.

"Then who's he?" I asked.

"Who? Oh! Edward Cullen. He's the only single one in the family. Weird family, they always keep to themselves." Tim said.

They shared a table. They were all sitting together, talking. They each had a tray of food on the table but none was eating. They were not gawking at me. Instead, they did not even notice me. It was safe to stare at them without being met by pairs of excessively interested looking eyes. They were all exceptionally beautiful, the perfection of the human body. Of the five, only Edward and Alice looked like high school students, the others look as though they should be in college or maybe even teach here.

After a few minutes, they all rose and left the table. Our table was cleared soon after theirs. Angela, one of the friends that I have made today had biology with me as next period. We left together and she walked into the class while I walked up to Mr. Banner's desk to hand him my slip. I noticed him there in the class. Edward Cullen. Drop-dead gorgeous hunk of a man. "Give it up, M. He's as straight as an arrow!" I thought to myself. I kept watching him. As I walked towards Mr. Banner's desk, Edward suddenly sat up straight as though an electric current just passed through him. He jerked his head towards me and stared at me with a hostile, furious look. I quickly turned away, and I'm sure I blushed. I hurriedly walked towards the empty seat. The only one available, next to EDWARD CULLEN! I sat down next to him, fearful of his sudden antagonistic stare.

"Did he hear me think that? No, he can't. I'm sure he can't." I thought to myself again. I quickly opened my book and not let myself lay eyes on him again. But from the corner of my eyes, I could that he shifted himself, he was leaning away from me although we were a sink apart from each other, he turned his face away from me, as though I'm some foul smelling garbage. I was certain it wasn't me. I showered in the morning before I left for school. I used my favorite shampoo, passion fruit. I'm sure I smell good. I shook him out of my head and day dreamed through biology.

I peeked up at him one last time and I regretted it. He was glaring at me with such hatred that if looks could kill, I would've died many times over. It was with such revulsion and hatred that I flinched and at that instance, the bell sounded. He almost jumped out of his seat as the bell went off and reached the door so incredibly fast that it was almost impossible.

I sat there, dumbfounded, stuffing my stuff back into my messenger back. He was so mean. It wasn't fair. I didn't even know him. He didn't even know me. How could he hate me when he doesn't even know me? Then at this point in time, someone came up to me.

"Martin Karlson? I'm Mike"

"M, I go by M. Nice to meet you."

"You leaving now?" Mike asked. I nodded affirmative and he added, "then let's go, I'm picking up my car too."

"Let's go then." I replied.

"What's up with Edward Cullen?" he asked

"He's the one sitting next to me?" I asked even though I knew the answer already.

"Yup! You punched him in the gut or what? I've never seen him acting that way before." He added.

So I wasn't the only one who noticed, but apparently that wasn't his usual behavior. So I must be the cause of this peculiar behavior. "No. He didn't even talk to me." I said. "Oh hey, I gotta go to the admin office. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I added. I turned and left before he could say anything, but I did catch a soft "bye" from him.

I walked slowly to the office to return the paperwork. The rain had drifted away but the wind had picked up. It was freezing and I pulled my trench coat tighter to myself. I almost backed out the door when I saw who was in the office. Edward Cullen. There he stood asking Mdm. Morris to find him another alternative. "I'm sure that I can switch classes. I can just switch biology with English" he said.

"Oh god! So it's really me..." I thought to myself.

Suddenly, the door to the office opened again and a gust of freezing wind just blow in and just like in the biology lab, Edward stood rigid again. This time, he slowly turned to me, staring at me with those hate-filled piercing eyes on that impossibly perfect face.

"It's alright, just forget it. Thanks for your help." He told Mdm. Morris. With that, he disappeared though the front door.

"How's your first day?" Mdm Morris asked me.

"Fine" I lied and passed her the paperwork. I headed to my car and drove back to Chris' place. I fought my tears as I drove home through the rain.

Hey all! Martin here. Comment, positive or negative would be appreciated. Send them to

Next: Chapter 2

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