Twilight Love

By MK Low

Published on Oct 14, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is strictly fantasy. I do not make insinuations about the celebrities' sex lives, personal lives or sexual preferences. Stephenie Meyer owns all rights to the Twilight series books and Summit Entertainment owns the rights to the movies. This is just an adaptation of the plot of her books. This story contains sexual situations and if you're under the age of 18 or 21 in certain states, or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, then keep reading and enjoy.

This is a love story, so sex might not be such a prominent component of the story.

By: Martin ______________________________________________________________________

Chapter 2

The next day was better and worse.

It was better because it's not raining. The rare days where Forks is sunny and today happens to be one of them. Not as many people were staring at me today. I'm not a novelty no more. I'm more of a regular now. Classes pass as per all classes can be. Boring. I sat with a big group of friends at lunch, Mike, Eric, Jess and Tim, and their friends whom I am starting to remember their names.

It was worse because Edward was not there today. I had the whole bench to myself at biology class for Edward was absent. It feels sort of good, but I can't shake off the thought that I was the one who caused his absence. It is ridiculous for me to think that I could affect someone so much. It is so egoistic. But that's the thought that plague my mind the whole day.

Since yesterday, I know that Chris could not cook much more that cereal and milk, so I went to the supermarket on my way home. I brought the groceries into the kitchen and put them into the much oversized refrigerator which has only Coke and some eggs.

My iPhone beeped. Kurt emailed me.

"Hey you! What's up? You said you'll email me once you reach! Are you there yet? Hey, please reply me. ASAP!!!!


Kurt, my best friend in Phoenix, the only one who knows I'm gay and loves me still. He's always been very protective of me. My best friend. He is the only one who I'll miss and have missed since I left Phoenix. I tucked my phone into my pocket without replying and started to prepare for dinner. I made steak and potatoes. I suppose that's the first home cooked meal since forever.

I retired to my room after dinner as Chris volunteered to do the dishes, basically putting them in the dishwasher. My phone beeped again.

"Hey! Reply me! If you do not reply me by 9pm I'm gonna call the cops or whatever!


I chuckled to myself and started to compose a new message. I told him all that went on with the exception of the Cullens. I hit SEND, then went for a shower and got ready to sleep. I fell asleep quite quickly that night for it was finally quiet without the rain.

Most of week zoomed pass real quick and I'm finally fitting in. Conversation of the week mainly surrounds on the topic of a beach trip which Mike was putting together, to La Push Beach. I was invited and accepted for I believe a beach would be dry and sunny. Edward Cullen did not return to school. He is still not back. Everyday I would see the rest of the Cullen coming in without Edward. I'm starting to feel paranoid. The thought bugged me again. It's me. It's my fault he ain't here.

That's my first week in Forks. Uneventful as it seems.

Monday morning, people called my name and I waved and smiled at them. It was once again raining splattering rain all over my trench coat. In English, we had a pop quiz on Wuthering Heights. It was straight-forward, easy. When I left for lunch that day, soft white snow was fluttering down the ground. Oh god, it's cold! Haha. Mike and Tim caught up with me as I walking to the cafeteria. They were talking animatedly to each other and I stood frozen at the line. There were five people at the table.

Mike pulled on my arm.

"M! Hello? What do you want? M!"

"Oh, sorry, nothing, just a soda." I looked away, face flushed. Hey I have nothing to be self conscious of. Chill! I told myself.

I was distracted all through lunch period. Thoughts of Edward kept popping into my mind. I turned my head slightly when we were at our table, checking to see if he is still there. They were all talking to each other as though nothing had happened, which is true.

"What are you staring at?" Mike asked, his eyes following my path of sight.

At that, Edward's eyes shot over to meet mine. At that instance, I picked up my soda and took a big gulp. I was sure his gaze was not hostile, not unfriendly, just curious though seemingly unsatisfied.

"Edward Cullen is staring at you." Mike added.

"Does he look angry?"

"Should he be? I don't know, I can't really tell." Mike said.

"I don't think he likes me."

"The Cullens don't like anyone, ok, maybe that's a little harsh. They don't get to know anyone close enough to like or dislike them. But he's still staring at you." Mike said.

"Stop looking at him!"

Mike chuckled then looked away, telling everyone at our table about the epic battle of snowballs he was planning after school in the carpark. I decided to stay away from the carpark, at least until the end of the "battle".

Oh damn! I thought to myself, I'm fucking telepathic, let's see what Edward Cullen is thinking.


"What's wrong with me?" I thought. I tried again.


"Is there something wrong with my telepathic abilities? It couldn't be. Try someone else!" I thought to myself.

<Will Tim ask me to prom? Oh god, how I wish he would ask me to prom...> The thoughts of Jessica were read perfectly clear.

"Why couldn't I read Edward Cullen's thoughts?" I thought to myself.

"Hey dude! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" Mike called, shaking me out of my self induced reverie.

I was skeptical about today's biology lesson. It seems that Edward Cullen is no longer hostile, but who knows what's gonna happen next? I would rather I walk to biology class myself without Mike. He seems like a constant target for flying snowballs. On the way to building four, Mike was talking about all the fun they are gonna have after school in the carpark.

When we got to the lab, I was relieved to see that my lab bench was still empty. I took my seat as Mr. Banner was distributing microscopes through the class. I kept my eyes away from the door, flipping my lab notes over and over again, doodling across the blank pages idly.

"Hello" I heard. I was stunned that HE, EDWARD CULLEN, was talking to me. His voice soft and musical. I looked up and my almost forgot to breathe. He was drop dead gorgeous, skin pale as can be, hair dripping wet from the melting snow although disheveled; he looked like he just came out of a photo shoot. The smile on his face was definite even though he sat as far away from me as the lab bench allowed with his stool angled facing me. I didn't reply him, too stunned by his perfection to remember he actually spoke to me.

"I am Edward Cullen. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be M Karlson." I was confused; my mind was spinning as though I was a top. Here he is, totally polite and friendly. Had I made up last Monday in my mind? Am I going crazy? I had to speak. I need to answer him. He is talking to me.

"Ha-how do you know my name?" I stammered. I couldn't think of anything to say. Damn, I made a complete fool of myself.

He laughed a soft, musical, enchanting laugh. I was totally captivated by him.

"Everyone knows your name. The whole town's been waiting for you to arrive." He replied.

"No." I persisted. "I mean why do you call me M?"

He looked confused. "Oh. You prefer Martin?"

"No, no. I mean... I prefer M, but how did you know that? You know what? Forget it. Don't tell me."

"Oh. Ok." He replied softly.

At that moment, Mr. Banner explained what we would be doing today. We were to separate the slides of onion root tip cells into the phases of mitosis they represented and label them accordingly. We weren't supposed to use our books. In twenty minutes, he would be coming around to see who had it right.

"Get started!" Mr. Banner said.

"You first, partner" Edward said.

I looked up to see again that captivating crooked smile of him, slightly showing his perfect white teeth. I was staring like a love struck teenage, a.k.a. like an idiot.

"Or I could start first, if you like" he said, obviously questioning my intellect capabilities.

I took the slide and locked it into the microscope. I have done this many times before. I know what I am looking for. I set it to 40x objective and looked through it.

"Prophase" I said, confident of my assessment.

"You mind if I look?" he asked as I was removing the slide. He reached out to stop me and his hand caught mine. His touch was ice cold, as though his hand is made of snow from outside the window. I jerked my hand back. It wasn't the freezing fingers that caused that reaction. It was the electric current that went through me when our hands met, even though briefly, causing a stirring down south.

"I'm sorry" he muttered as he continued to reach for the microscope. "Prophase" he mumbled, taking an even shorter time than I did, writing it neatly on his lab notes.

"My turn," he said while putting on the next slide. "Anaphase" he mumbled again.

"Mind if I check?" I said while trying my best to keep my voice indifferent. He pushed the microscope towards me with a smirk on his face. I thought.

We proceeded on like this passing the microscope back and forth. We were finished before anyone else was even close. Everyone was busy with their lab notes; Mike was still puzzled with his slide while another group was comparing what they saw with their textbooks under the table. That left me with absolutely nothing to do but try not to look at him.

I glanced up at him; he was staring at me, again with those frustrated gazes. All of a sudden, I noticed a change in him.

"Are you wearing contacts?" I asked.

"No." He seemed puzzled about my sudden and random question.

"Oh, I thought there was something different about your eyes." I remembered, I am sure, that his eyes were black when he gave me his antagonistic stare but now they were a butter-scotch golden so deep that you would drown in them. I couldn't understand why he would be lying about the contacts if he was actually wearing them. Or maybe Forks was driving me nuts with all the wetness that I'm actually starting to imagine things.

"You don't like the cold huh?" He was forcing himself to make small talk with me.

"And the rain." I added.

"Then Forks must be real hard to live in huh?" he asked.

"You have no idea." I muttered darkly under my breath.

"Then why did you come here?" He asked with a look of total fascination.

"It's complicated... and I don't wanna talk about it now..."

"You're not happy here?" he asked.

"Not really."

"It's not fair." He said. "You are here, yet you are unhappy." He added.

I chuckled and said "Haven't anyone told you before? Life ain't fair."

"I might have heard it somewhere..." he replied.

"You put on a good show." He said "I'm willing to bet that you are suffering more than you are showing."

I grimaced at him, and then looked away.

"Am I wrong?" he asked.

I tried to ignore him.

"I didn't think so" he answered his own question smugly.

"Why does it matter to you?" I asked, irritated.

"That's a very good question." He sort of talked to himself. After a few seconds, I assumed that's the only answer I'll get from him. I sighed and looked towards the chalk board.

"Am I annoying you?" he asked.

"Not really. I'm more annoyed with myself. My face is so easy to read." I said.

"On the contrary, I think you are difficult to read." Despite the things that I said and he guessed, he sounded like he mean it.

"You must be a good reader then." I said.

"Usually." He smiled widely, showing that perfect set of teeth.

At that moment, Mr. Banner called the class to attention. He started explaining what we should be seeing, flashing his transparencies on the screen. All the while I could see that Edward, the one who was talking to me politely just mere seconds ago was sitting at the edge of the bench, gripping the lab bench. The tension in him was clearly visible. At the moment the bell rang, he once again rose and glided gracefully towards the door at almost impossible speeds like he had the first time we met and I again stared at him in amazement.

Mike was next to me the next moment, picking up my book.

"That's real horrible" he said. "You're lucky you got Cullen as your partner." He added.

"I didn't have any trouble with it" stung by his assumption. "I've done the lab before, though" I added before he could get his feelings hurt.

"Cullen seemed friendly enough today." Mike said as I shrugged into my trench coat. He didn't seem quite pleased.

The day went by as usual. I walked towards my car, turned on the heater and took off my trench coat. I checked around me to make sure it was clear. It was then that I noticed him standing in front of his shiny Volvo, four cars down staring at me. I swiftly looked away and reversed, almost ramming into the rusty Toyota Corolla. I stomped on my brakes on time, engaged the drive gear and turned out of the driving spot. I look straight ahead when I passed by Edward. Through my peripheral vision, I swear that I saw him laughing. ______________________________________________________________________

Hey all! Martin here. Received some comments. Really encouraged. I'll try to update at least once a week. Comments, positive or negative would be appreciated. Send them to

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