Twilight Love

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Sep 27, 2023



On Thursday evening we had dinner at home much to Tracy's delight. She must have known that Jaden and Bob were a gay couple, but she flirted with them just the same, and to their credit, they flirted back. We were served a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner which we all thoroughly enjoyed. I was particularly happy with the pumpkin pie for desert. I had Tracy smother it with whipped cream.

From there we went to the Billiard Room and played some pool and finally we left for karaoke at Tropical Slaves. This time Jaden drove my car and Andy and I played a little hanky-panky in the back seat. Jaden announced that he would be the designated driver this evening.

I had clued Andy in, and when he went up to the DJ's station to enter his song choice, he pulled Bob with him. I watched as Bob tried to decide between two numbers and finally he entered both. That must have inspired Andy because he entered a second song also. Two songs in one evening was a first for him.

As the evening progressed, the crowd cheered on the really awful singers and gave them an exceptionally big hand. The good singers needed no cheering on, but received deafening applause. I knew from past experience that if a singer sang more than one song the DJ spread them out, so I figured that it was going to be a long evening. What the hell, the boys were on vacation and we were really having fun. In all his forty-three years, I had never spent so much quality time with Jaden. Every gay father should have a gay son or vice versa..

Bob's name was called first. He took the mike from the DJ and when the music started he walked right up to Jaden. The song he had selected was `People Will Say We're in Love' from Oklahoma. He sang it from the heart staring right at Jaden, who by this time was sobbing. The voice I heard was every bit as good as the three tenors. Bob had a trained operatic voice. It occurred to me that I didn't know what he did for a living so I leaned over and whispered in Jaden's ear, "What does Bob do for a living?"

"He's a lead tenor with the New York City Opera," Jaden answered with exceptional pride in his voice.

Well, never let it be said that I don't know a quality voice when I hear it. Bob finished on a very high note and the crowd went wild. When he rejoined us, we all kissed and hugged him.

"I have a passion for Rogers and Hammerstein," Bob announced.

Then the DJ called Andy who suddenly balked. "How can I follow that?" he moaned.

"You'll be fine." I pushed him toward the stage, but to my surprise he grabbed my hand and took me with him. He took the mike and stared into my eyes. Then he started to sing. He chose a real oldie, but it brought me to tears as Bob had done to Jaden. He began to sing `Be My Love' the song that had made Mario Lanza famous.

"Be my love," he sang to me, "for no one else can end this yearning."

That did it. I ran from the stage into the waiting arms of Jaden and Bob, sobbing like a baby. I could hear Andy's warm tones and his rich baritone voice thrilling the crowd. They were getting their money's worth tonight and these two guys would sing yet again.

When Andy finished, and returned to us, I grabbed him and kissed him with all the passion I could muster. Then Jaden and Bob kissed him also. Bob asked Andy if he would like him to arrange an audition. "We can always use another good villain," he said, alluding to the fact that operatic baritones were usually the villain in the piece.

Andy was called before Bob for his second song. He wasn't so mushy this time, singing Irving Berlin's, The Girl That I Marry.' Only he changed the lyrics to The Boy That I Marry,' much to the delight of the crowd. Lines like, as soft and as pink as a nursery' became as hard and as buff as a factory,' etc. His audience went wild.

Not to be outdone, Bob chose his second song from the same show, singing `You Can't Get a Man With a Gun.' It became particularly funny being sung by a dude instead of a girl.

After that the four of us were surrounded by friends and strangers telling us how much they enjoyed Andy's and Bob's singing. We were offered many a free drink, but declined.

It was well past midnight when we headed for home. We all continued to sing in the car, even Jaden and I. Both of us are horribly tone deaf, and yet we are partnered with two of the best singers I have ever heard. Such is the irony of life.

On Friday evening, Andy treated us all to a steak dinner at a fine steak house. From there, we decided to go to a gay bar that catered to a younger crowd. It was only two streets down from Tropical Slaves and was called The Alley.

Andy and I really disliked the place. It was all bars and dance floors. The walls were covered with TV sets each showing a different music video. The music that was actually heard in the bar for dancing could be coming from any one of the many TV sets and was played at a deafening decibel level. They played disco music only. Apparently the gay youth of our community were unaware that disco was deceased. The sound level was so high that I was certain that these boys would be visiting audiologists very shortly. However, not wishing to impose our standards on the younger generation, we thought they might enjoy themselves.

It was fine for about a half hour. We each ordered a drink, watched and listened. But truthfully the music cried for us to get up and dance and so we did. I started out gyrating to the music with Andy, and Jaden danced with Bob. After a bit, we found ourselves, all four of us, dancing together in a small circle.

"Not bad for an old man," Jaden shouted at me.

"You're not so bad for a middle age man, yourself" I yelled back over the noise and the music.

When we left the dance floor, we all agreed that we were well past this aspect of gay life and walked the two short blocks to Tropical Slaves. Bob told us that he was beginning to feel at home there, and if he lived down here, he would spend a lot of hours socializing there.

We met many people we knew, and some people who had been there the night before came over to tell Andy and Bob what great voices they had. Someone asked Bob if he had ever considered singing professionally.

We spent another pleasant evening together and headed home. When we arrived it was eleven o'clock, and Jaden asked us to come into my apartment for a minute.

"Look," he said, "it's only about 8 PM in San Diego. Dad, I think this is an excellent time to call Colin."

I froze, but he was right. I had to get it over with. "Will you all stay with me," I pleaded. Everyone nodded.

"Jaden," I said, "please dial for me. My hands are shaking." Jaden punched in his brother's number and handed the phone over to me. I sat on a chair in the living room shaking like a leaf.

Colin answered after three rings. For a moment I wished he wasn't home.

"Dad, what a pleasant surprise. How's your visit with Jaden and Bob going? Are those two love birds behaving?" I didn't expect that. He had just outed his brother or did he know I knew? Was it just a mistake on his part? Had Jaden called him to give him a head's up? I didn't think so.

"Yes, of course they are. We are having an absolute ball together. Thank goodness they like all our friends, Andy's and mine. And they love the facility here. Now they can tell you that I am in good hands." I quickly added, "On both counts."

"That's great, Dad. I'm really pleased to hear that you are doing so well. You don't know how much I worried about you after mom died."

"Colin," I interrupted him. "I need to tell you something. It's about me and Andy. For weeks I've been telling you what good friends we've become. Well, we've gone way beyond that. I can't explain it to you, but we have fallen in love and our relationship has become physical."

I expected stunned silence, so imagine my surprise when I heard, "AHA! I told Cindy there was something going on with you two and I was right. Dad, I've been suspicious."


"Sure, all you talk about when you call is Andy. Andy is so good looking. Andy is so smart. He was a professor at Columbia. Andy sings like a bird with a baritone voice. Andy is the best bridge partner I ever had. Andy did this. Andy did that. Pop, you talk like a teen ager in love."

"You don't hate me?"

"Hey, old man, don't you know by now that Cindy, the kids, and I love you to pieces? I can tell how happy you are, and that makes me happy. You know what makes me even happier? Knowing that at your age, you can still have sex? It gives me hope for the future. Are you going to visit here soon so we can meet this superman you've snared? In the meantime send us a picture in your E Mail."

"You're not upset?" I asked again incredulously.

"No, I'm not. It's actually kind of cool. Say is Jaden around. I'd like to speak to him." Still speechless, I handed Jaden the phone.

"Yeah," Jaden said, "Dad gave us his whole apartment and he's shacking up with Andy who's only two doors down the hall. They won't let us spend a penny. They are treating us to great meals and showing us all the great gay spots in town. Bob and I could never have found those places on our own. This has turned out to be one hell of a vacation. Imagine the shock when I tried to tell him I was gay and he told us first that he was gay. Anyway he and Andy knew already, thanks to Andy's experienced gaydar. Andy? Andy's great. If Bob and Dad weren't in the picture I'd go after him myself. Yeah he's two year's older than Dad so keep your dick primed. He's living proof that you'll need it for a long time. Yes, he's here. Hold on." He handed the phone to Andy. "Colin wants to talk to you."

For the first time, Andy seemed a little scared and he got very formal. "Yes, Dr. Dell, Andy Barone, here. Colin, then, OK. Yes, I love your father more than I could put in words. I have to sing other people's lyrics to him to express myself. I swear to look after him and take good care of him. I'm making it my mission in life. A visit? Yes, I'll talk to your father about it and we'll get back to you. Yes, here he is again."

Andy handed me the phone and I heard Colin reiterate, "I love you Dad, no matter what. Give our love to all of you out there, and I'd better be seeing you soon. Bye for now." I hung up and started to cry. Strangely everybody else started to laugh.

Jaden was the first to speak. "See, Dad, I told you. If you love someone it doesn't matter who or what that person is. Where there's love, there's an unbreakable bond. How could you think Colin would desert you anymore than you could desert me? You raised us better than that." He wrapped his arms around me and eventually I stopped crying.

My dear Andy said, "It's really very late guys. Let's turn in." He looked at Jaden and Bob and said, "I don't know if you guys have plans, but I sure do." He grabbed my hand and dragged me back to his apartment.

With the relief that came from knowing that Colin and I were secure in our father-son love, something came over me. I wanted to make unbridled, unrestricted love and I told Andy so.

"Is there something you would really like to do, but were afraid to ask me?" I asked him.

Andy thought a minute and smiled. "You'll think I'm a disgusting animal."

"Not tonight I won't."

"OK," he said, "I want you to try to get as many of your toes as possible up my ass and then fuck me without lubrication as hard as you can."

"I don't think that's disgusting at all," I said. "It sounds like a lot of fun to me. Shall we shower first?"

Jaden and Bob had gotten too much sun and were afraid of getting more so we spent the next few days at our pool instead of the beach. We could swim there, but we could also sit under the canopy in the shade. I think that I was secretly relieved that I wouldn't be getting groped by my own son again playing our beach game. The weather was perfect the whole time they were visiting us. We were on the cusp of welcoming winter and that's a glorious time to be in Florida.

The hardest part of their visit was taking our sons to the airport. The silence in the car was deafening. They made us promise that we would visit soon and we said that we wouldn't come until spring. They objected to that saying that if we didn't come in the winter during opera season, we would not hear Bob sing. He was singing the lead during January and February in La Boheme and Carmen. They said they would send us tickets and would not take no for an answer.

We dropped them off for curbside check in, and took their luggage out of the trunk. We didn't care who saw us. We each kissed goodbye full on the lips. We were all crying and the kisses tasted awfully salty.

About two weeks later the mail brought us two sets of tickets for the New York City Opera's productions of La Boheme and Carmen. The tickets for Boheme were for January 28th and Carmen for Feb. 5th. We immediately booked flights from January 27th to February 6th. Then we called Jaden to let him know that everything was arranged, but we had no overcoats. He told us not to worry. He and Bob had plenty. They would bring us a coat each when they picked us up at the airport.

Then we called Colin and cleared a week for a visit to San Diego in early March.

"I really like having kids and grandchildren," Andy told me one day as we were smooching in bed. "It's just plain nice to have a family. I never missed it before, but I would miss it now."

"Now that all this family stuff is settled," I said, "Let's talk about moving in together."

"We have to wait until our leases are up," Andy said, "but we can start examining our options. Would two people have enough room in one of these two bedroom apartments? Do we want to rent a larger apartment outside this facility? Do we want to buy a condo or do we want to buy a house? Can you think of any other options?"

"If I do you'll be the first to know," I answered him. "We have time to think about it. For now all I can think about is stuffing your beautiful cock up my ass."

That's a wonderful thought," Andy said. He threw himself on top of me, rubbing our two stiff dicks together and he started to make love to me. When Andy makes love to me, I lose all sense of reality. I am transported to some fairy land (no pun intended) and everything he does to me makes me believe that this is what heaven must be like. He can do anything he wants to me. He can treat me gently or roughly; I don't care. He can do what he wants, so long as he does not ignore me. I can't describe in words how much I love him.

Suddenly it was Christmas. Carriage House was festively decorated. The holiday spirit seemed to have infiltrated all the residents. Even my next door neighbor, the dribbler, was pleasant. Now when he saw one of us leave our apartments to go to the other's, instead of scowling at us, he smiled at us. Andy and I actually stopped sneaking around. Who cared what he thought anyway.

On the Wednesday night before Christmas, we met our friends at Tropical Slaves and brought gifts with us. We thought we would surprise them, but they had all done the same. We exchanged gifts, hugs and kisses. Tom reached into a bag he had brought and took out several Santa hats which he distributed. We all wore one, feeling a bit foolish.

Tony stood and raised his glass. "Here's to us," he toasted. "Long may we be best friends forever and why haven't we gone on a trip together for several years?"

"Good question; better idea," Andy said. How about a cruise in April or May? Harry and I will be doing a lot of travelling through March. Any volunteers to do the research?" he asked.

Actually, one of my tennis buddies was in the travel business, but I didn't volunteer. I wasn't sure if the guys had in mind a gay cruise or a general cruise, and still being a newbie, I didn't want to do something stupid. I vowed to talk to Andy about it later. Richie volunteered and said he would report back after the New Year. We had all been invited to a New Year party at the house of a mutual friend so we agreed to forgo our regular weekly dinner the next week. We knew that there would be dozens of people at the party and it was not the right venue to discuss a cruise.

"Remember the time we wanted to go to Key West for a long week end, and some of the guys overheard us planning? Our little trip for six ended up for fourteen, and I for one, did not enjoy it." Richie said. Of course that was before my time, but I had become so much a part of the group that I don't think Richie even noticed or thought about it.

I took a moment to reflect on my life. Less than six months ago, I was a lonely, miserable old man. I was actually contemplating a move back to New York or to San Diego. Now here I was sitting with dear and close friends, not to mention the dearest person in the world, in my world at least, planning to fill my dance card even further. I couldn't help myself. I reached over and took Andy's hand in mine and squeezed gently. He looked at me and smiled. Just then I knew that our love making would be special this night.

After dinner, we all stood around the piano bar with many others and sang Christmas Carols far into the night. Reflecting once more on my life, I was aware that never before had I had so many friends, and never before had I enjoyed such camaraderie. I leaned into Andy and kissed him on the back of his neck. He turned his head and kissed me on my lips.

In the car driving home I told Andy that I had a surprise for him. "I sent Bob and Jaden a blank check and told them to get us tickets to some Broadway musicals while we are in New York. I also insisted that they get seats for themselves if they haven't seen the show. I got an E Mail from him today. He got us tickets to three musicals, and they'll be going to one of them with us. I didn't know what else to get you for Christmas so consider this my gift."

At the next red light he leaned over and kissed me. "Thank you," he said. "I love you. You've already given me a great Christmas present and I can use it all year long. That's your educated cock."

"Don't be crude," I said as I grabbed his crotch. The light changed and I reluctantly let go. We would be home soon, anyway.

That night as we lay together with Andy bobbing his cock in and out of my ass, I began to cry tears of joy. The whole evening had been so reflective for me. Maybe it was the holiday spirit, maybe not, but I got this terrible thought just as Andy came inside of me and filled my bowels with his nectar.

"Does any man deserve the right to be this happy?' The thought scared me and I grabbed Andy, pulling him toward me. I started kissing him hard and he must have thought it was a moment of passion, but I knew that it was a moment of fear.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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