Twilight Love

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 12, 2023



Andy and I changed for dinner and went downstairs to meet the others. Colin and Cindy weren't down yet, but Tyler and Brady were in the living room. We walked in and it was totally obvious that we had interrupted some deep conversation between them. As soon as we walked in they shut up like clams, even though a second before we could hear them talking.

"You two look like we caught you robbing the Chase Manhattan Bank. Did we interrupt something?" I asked.

"No," they said in unison.

"You're sure there's nothing you'd like to talk to us about?" Andy asked. If that wasn't an invitation, nothing was.

"No," Brady said. "Yes," Tyler said at the same time.

"Well, we're here for you anytime you're ready," I said.

"Not here, not now. Maybe tomorrow after school," Tyler said.

"Yes, please," Brady said. There was a pleading in his voice when he said that which broke my heart.

Just then Colin and Cindy came in the room. "It's about time," I joked. "We're starving."

I'd like to say that dinner was wonderful, but I was very uncomfortable. Tyler and Brady kept studying Andy and me all evening. They would catch each other's eyes and smile at something we said or did. I just couldn't relax. On top of that I was nervous about what they wanted to talk to us about, as if I didn't know.

After dinner, we dropped Brady off at his house, and as soon as we got home, we blamed jet lag and the time difference and said we would like to turn in.

We just got under the covers, when there was a light tap on the door. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Grandpa, it's Tyler, can I come in for a second? I couldn't wait until tomorrow."

"Just a minute," I said. Andy and I grabbed the underwear we had just removed and put it on. Then I opened the door and Tyler walked in. He quietly closed the door behind him. He was ashen and shaking like a leaf. I put my arms around him and held him tight.

"Whatever is wrong, can't be all that bad," I told him while running my hand up and down his back.

Andy was still in the bed. He patted down a spot near him, indicating that Tyler should sit down there. Tyler sat on the bed and I sat on a small boudoir chair that was close to the bed.

"Talk to us," Andy said very kindly.

"Grandpa, Andy," he stammered. He hesitated and went on. "I'm gay. I've known for a long time. I'm kind of a jock at school, and girls come on to me all the time. I swear, I've tried, but I just don't get turned on and nothing happens. But I am constantly getting embarrassed at swim practice and swim meets. Every time I see a hunk, I start to get hard. It's pretty difficult to hide it in a skimpy swim suit."

I got up and walked over to Tyler. I put my arms around him and held him tightly to me. "Dear, dear Tyler," I said. "Andy and I have known, or at least suspected, since we got here. All we had to do is see you and Brady together. Your parents are pretty sure that you two are an item, and asked us to confirm what they already know. They want you to know that you can tell them anything, and it won't make a difference. They love you unconditionally. Andy and I think you should tell them immediately. Andy believes that it gets easier to admit your gay every time you do it."

Tyler was looking at us with his mouth hanging open.

"Don't you know that being gay is very hard to hide? People seem to know, so you might as well be honest about it." Andy advised Tyler. "I have one question. Is Brady a fuck buddy or do you guys have feelings for each other?" I was shocked at Andy's blunt talk, but I realized that he was talking Tyler's language.

"Oh Grandpa, (he called Andy grandpa) Brady and I love each other. I can't even imagine being with anyone else. When you and Grandpa were telling us how much you love each other, Brady and I kept looking at each other. I wanted to shout out our love, but I was so afraid."

"I know," Andy said. "We caught your looks and I became even more certain you were not only gay, but really, really in love. So if you came in for our advice, here it is. I don't think it's necessary to come out to everybody. For instance, I realize that it would be a bad mistake to tell your swimming coach, but I strongly advise that you tell the people you love, like your parents, and tell them ASAP. Your sister should be told when she arrives tomorrow."

Tyler giggled. "She's known for years.

"I should have known," I snorted.

"Thank you so much," Tyler said. "I feel like a million bucks. Mom and Dad are watching TV in the den. I'm going to tell them right now." With that he kissed Andy, who was closest to him, squarely on the mouth, and then did the same to me. As he left the room, he looked back at Andy and said, "Grandpa Andy, I sure hope I have a body like yours, when I reach your age."

"Geez!" I said, "That was something else. I sure hope I don't ever have to go through that again."

"Come back to bed," Andy said. I shut the light, got rid of my underwear, jumped into bed and wrapped myself around Andy.

When we got downstairs the next morning, Colin and Cindy were sitting at the kitchen table in their robes and reading the morning paper. Tyler had already left for school. Fresh hot coffee was perking in the coffee maker. Cindy asked what we would like for breakfast. Still stuffed from last night's barbeque we both opted for coffee and toast.

Colin said, "Thanks fellas. We were up half the night talking to Tyler. This is the first morning I've seen him go to school completely happy and with a smile on his face. I told him that I wanted Brady here as much as possible. He needs a father figure. You should have seen his grin when I said that."

I didn't know what to say, but Andy said, "We're glad we could help."

After breakfast, everyone showered and dressed and Colin announced that he was taking us to the world famous San Diego Zoo. I haven't been to a zoo in a hundred years and I actually got excited at the prospect. We got there about 11 AM. Cindy had packed a box lunch and at lunch time, we sat on a bench under a tree enjoying her sandwiches and lemonade which she poured out of a thermos bottle.

At about 2 PM, Colin's phone rang. It was Anne. She told us that she was on the highway on her way home, and estimated she would arrive in about an hour and a half. Her economics professor had slightly injured himself in a motorcycle accident, and her last class was cancelled. She also asked if it would be OK if she brought home a friend. Colin assured her it was fine. He immediately figured that Tyler could sleep at Brady's and Anne's friend could have Tyler's room. We decided to leave the zoo and await Anne's arrival at home.

The car that arrived in the driveway was not Anne's. It was a late model Jaguar convertible and denoted a well off owner. Anne got out of the passenger seat and retrieved a small suitcase from the back seat. The driver got out and retrieved a small suitcase from the back seat also.

When Anne entered the house she greeted her parents with a peck on the cheek. Then she ran to me, hugged me tightly and told me how great it was to see me. Then she put her hand out to shake Andy's hand.

"You must be Andy. It's a pleasure to meet you, "she said.

Finally she put her arm through her guest's and said. "Everybody, I'd like you to meet Jared Remington. We go to school together. Jared lives in LA. He's a senior, and he's been accepted to Harvard for his MBA." She introduced him to each one of us individually and we all shook his hand warmly.

Let me describe Jared. In a word, he's a hunk. He stands 6'2" tall. He has the body of a football player, and he's drop dead gorgeous. His skin is alabaster white with straight jet black hair and blue eyes that seem to pierce right through you. Anne barely reaches to his shoulders, and as you can imagine they make a beautiful couple. It is obvious that they are madly in love. Every time they look at each other, their eyes lock on the other's and seem to melt into a strange mist. Jared's father is immensely wealthy. He made his fortune buying and selling real estate in LA in an ever rising market.

I could see that Colin was conflicted about sleeping arrangements so he said outright, "Anne, show Jared to Tyler's room. He's going to sleep at Brady's this weekend. By the way, the boys should be home soon."

Anne and Jared looked at each other wistfully. It was obvious to us all that they were sleeping together, but nobody dared say anything. Anne took Jared's hand and said, "Come with me, darling. I'll show you where to put your stuff and you can freshen up."

As soon as they went up stairs, I put my arm around Colin's shoulder and said, "I think you just met your future son in law."

"You may be right," Colin answered me.

Just then, we heard a voice ask, "Whose fantastic car is that in the driveway?" It was Tyler.

"Your sister's upstairs and that car belongs to her boyfriend," Cindy said.

Without another word, Tyler, followed by Brady, bounded up the stairs. We could hear a lot of commotion and screaming and eventually they all came down. The first thing I was sure of was that Tyler and Brady had told Anne they were out, because she kept hugging Tyler and whispering, "I'm so happy for you."

Tyler, in turn, kept congratulating Anne and I got the feeling that she and Jared were engaged to be engaged. I whispered to Andy, "This is turning out to be one hell of a trip." Andy nodded and smiled at me.

Tyler walked over to me and whispered in my ear, "Anne better hold on to Jared, because Brady and I are about to jump him." He looked at me, started to laugh and added, "Just kidding, grandpa."

Colin took us all to a very fancy five star French restaurant for dinner that night. We were much more relaxed than the night before, and I for one, had a marvelous time and a fantastic dinner. Anne and Jared just kept staring at each other all evening and hardly joined in the conversation. On the other hand Tyler and Brady never shut up. They were the two happiest people I had seen in a very long time. They reminded me of Andy and me when we first fell in love.

That night, Andy and I were smooching under the covers. We were refraining from having sex because we both made so much noise. Suddenly I heard a door open and close. A few seconds later I heard another door open and close. Either Anne had gone to Jared's room or he had gone to hers. Andy and I smiled to each other, kissed one more time and fell asleep.

The next afternoon we were all invited to a pool party at Brady's house. I met his mother there and she was absolutely charming and a very accomplished business woman as well. At one point she came over to me and said, "It looks like we are family now. I'm really glad about that. Of course, I'd rather the boys were straight, but that will never be, so I am delighted they found each other, and will take care of each other forever. I love Tyler, and now Brady has a wonderful new family." I smiled back at her and embraced her. I couldn't get over how understanding she was.

I wasn't aware of it at the time, but sometime during the afternoon, Tyler had asked Colin if he would please take Anne and Jared to dinner that night. He and Brady wanted to take Andy and me out alone. He explained to Colin that there was so much they wanted to talk to us about. Colin, bless his soul, fully understood, and agreed to the plan.

So we found ourselves in a very pleasant, eclectic, neighborhood restaurant that evening. It was inexpensive, but the food was good, and the boys liked coming here. Tyler spoke first.

"Grandpas, you know that Brady and I love each other. He and I make love whenever we can, but we know that there's more to being gay than that. For instance, we don't know any other gay people, except you two of course, and we miss not having friends and socializing with other gays. We kind of expect that all to change when we get to college, but we were hoping you could tell us, how you met, and what your lives are like. We're especially interested in your social life. As far as your private lives, we are really curious as two what two old people your age do, if it isn't too embarrassing for you to tell us."

Andy and I began to laugh hysterically and we could see that we embarrassed the boys so I said, "I'm sorry we laughed, but let me inform you that there is nothing we can't do. Both of us still have all our sexual faculties. We may need more recovery time, but I'm sure we can do whatever you do. Besides, we don't know what you do so maybe we even do more." I laughed and poked Tyler in his ribs. That prompted me to add, "We'll be as candid as we can with you, but you must be as candid with us as you can comfortably be."

Andy butted in. "I'm sure that it won't be long before we won't be able to do everything (he emphasized, everything) but you boys should know that it is possible to have satisfying orgasms without being totally hard. Anyway, at your age, don't worry about it yet. You've got a long way to go."

"OK," Brady started. "Tell us, how you met and go from there."

It was a little harder for me to tell my own grandson everything so Andy did the talking. He held back on nothing. He described our meeting at The Carriage House, the outing to the nude gay beach, the grab game we played and how it led to our first encounter. He told them about Tropical Slaves and all our friends, the cruise we were planning, and how much fun it was to socialize with other gay men, not that we excluded straight friends. Much to my surprise, he ended up by accurately describing our sex life to the smallest detail. I tried not to blush.

When he was finished he reverted to his teaching days, and asked, "Any questions?"

I could tell the boys had plenty of questions, but they didn't know where to start. Finally Brady spoke up. "You were right. We do most of what you do, but have never had anal sex. Do you guys enjoy it?"

I spoke up for the first time. Overcoming any embarrassment I might have had, I said. "Boys, if you have a kind, considerate and loving partner, and if he prepares you properly, it is the best sex you will ever have. Andy taught me that."

I stood up and said to Andy, "Sweetheart, I am going to the men's room. I will take plenty of time there. By the time I get back, I expect that you will have educated the boys in how to fuck each other. If Tyler wasn't my grandson, I might be of use here, but I really have to leave for a few minutes." I exited almost in a run.

I managed to stay away for about fifteen minutes until my cell phone rang. Andy told me that our food had just been delivered and that it was safe to go back in the water.

That pretty much ended all further discussions regarding sex. I steered the conversation around to school activities, college plans, and even prom night, which I expected was a problem for them. I was wrong. They both had dates already. They realized that prom night was when virginity was supposed to become a thing of the past. They said that they would figure out something to prevent sleeping with their dates, like religious beliefs or something. Andy and I laughed at that.

I didn't want the boys to pay, but apparently they had left a credit card with the waiter and it was already taken care of. All they had to do was add a tip and sign the slip.

The boys dropped us off at Colin's house and they went on to Brady's. That night in bed, I asked Andy how it went with anal sex instructions. "It must have gone very well," he said. "Both of them kept squirming and adjusting their crotches. Can you imagine what's going on in their bed right now."

I took Andy's hand and put it on my very erect cock. "I've got a problem myself," I said, "Feel!" The events of the evening had really made me horny. The minute Andy took my cock in his hand and started stroking it, I yelled at him that I was cumming. He leaned right over and took me in his mouth so he could swallow every drop.

We all stood in the driveway hugging and kissing Anne and Jared goodbye, and admonishing them to drive safely. I am not ashamed to say that I was crying. Who knew when I would see them again.

The scene was repeated soon after, as we kissed Cindy, Tyler and Brady goodbye before Colin drove us to the airport to pick up our red eye. The trip to New York had been very eventful, but the trip to San Diego took the honors. I met my future grandson-in-law, and helped my grandson come out. All I can say is WOW!

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 10

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