Twilight Retribution

By Graham Smith

Published on Dec 7, 2010


Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns all rights to the Twilight series books and Summit Entertainment holds the rights to the movies. I do not intend to infringe on Stephenie's intellectual property. This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, then keep reading and enjoy :)

Twilight Retribution:- The Awakening:- Chapter 1:-

It had been several months since i had been turned into a vampire. As i sat in the open field i remembered how it had happened. My mother and father had both been in Seattle for business and we had decided to visit my Uncle Billy in a small town called Forks. It had been late when we left and even later when we arrived, too late to just show up unannouced. So we rented a cabin in the country-side which we intended to say in for a few weeks as a mini vaction as we didn't usually get a chance to spend much time with each other.

I had been so looking forward to seeing my cousin Bella. It had been a long time since i had last seen her and we got on like brother and sister, we were that close. I had been disappointed that i couldn't attend her wedding or have a chance to talk to her much over the last few years. Anyway I didn't get the chance. One night was all it took for my life to take a very surprising twist. The funny thing is that i don't even remember what happened. I had been alseep in my room the first night of our stay and woke up when something bite me then there was a wolf howl that was so loud it sounded like it was right outside and then the burning had taken over.

I was all alone and so confused. I couldn't even stray to far from the cabin i died in. I had no where to go and no one i could talk to. I couldn't even shead a tear for the death of my parents and the hands of what i had come to realise had used them for dinner. I couldn't go to charlie when i saw him discover the scene of horror, or even to comfort him as the police cordended of the area. I could only watch from afar. I watched and listened as charlie discovered that my stuff had been found in the cabin but there was no body. It broke my already dead heart.

One comfort though was i was now strong and beautiful. I had always been sorta average, 6ft tall, slim build but with some muscle, blonde hair and what used to be forrest green eyes. I was someone that you could have easily overlooked, half my class at school didn't even now i was there let alone sitting next to them, i was invisible. The only people that saw me was my family, esecially bella, she had a knack of seeing through all my defensive walls i built up to protect myself to see the person i was inside. She was the only person that knew i was gay. She seemed to sense it and told me i was even before i could tell her. I loved her for that and now i mourned that i'd never have that again.

As i sat in the open field thinking about everything that had happened to me since then and wallowing in my utter loneliness i didn't hear the beat of running footsteps. Suddenly to the west a group of people burst out of the dense forrest, joking around with each other. I immeadiately knew knew these people where vampires, like me. There was 6 of them, 3 male and 3 female. I drew into myself, something i always do when strangers are about, something that made me seem less noticable and waited for them to either keep on going to carry on ignoring me.

With my new found hearing i could listen to there conversation even though they were at the other end of the field.

"Ok alice what gives why are we out here" A big beefy jock like guy said.

"Yeah this isn't a fond place for any of us anymore" said another male with hair so blonde it was hard to look at.

"You'll find out when the others get here, everything needs to be just right" The one i assumed was alice said.

"So mysterious, remind me again why we let you get away with it" A female with blonde hair said.

"Cause Rose you all know it always worth the wait" Alice said

They all started laughing when i picked up more footsteps coming at a fast pace. When i looked up 3 more vampires broke through the braches and joined the others, 2 males and a female. A male, a rusty blonde guy with old fashioned good looks was holding the hand of the female who looked slightly familar. This was all seem through by periferal vision as my eyes where glues to the other male newcomer. All the other guys where good looking but this guy was hot, he was 6ft, brown hair and amber/gold eyes. He looked about college age and was built like he had played football all his life.

I was still staring when the conversation started up again, to my knowledge no one had seen me yet even though i was sitting in the middle of the field where the all could see me.

"So alice why are we hear and who is that?" The brunette slightly familar looking one said.

"Thats who we're here for bella thought you'd recognise him"

I was completely still now that i had been noticed, something i seemed to do when stressed but i was also in shock. Alice had called the other vampire bella. Suddenly i realised why she was so familar looking and my heart suddenly burst with joy, i couldn't hurt her if she was a vampire too.

"Bella" I said hesitantly as i stood.

The other had been looking around wondering who they had been talking about, something i thought was really rude as i was clearly insight, sudddenly froze at hearing my voice.

"Who's there?" Rose said.

"Who are you talking about?" Hotstuff said.

"Its alright give it a minute only bella can see him because of her shield" Alice said.

During this bella had never taken her eyes of me and i saw when recognistion hit her. Her eyes widened slightly and she inhaled hin shock.

" that you? she said.

I nodded "Yes" was all i could get out before she ran and hugged me. As i finally realised that i wasn't alone as i tearlessly sobbed into her shoulder as we both crumbled to the ground. I came out of my shell, something bella can make me do without me even realising it and felt something lift off me. There was gasps all round and as we finally seperated i realised everyone was now staring at me. As i started to feel uncomfortable i drew back into my shell but bella stopped me.

"No don't do that, it seems in this life when you do that you become invisible."

As i tried to process this new development i was introduced to everyone. Carlise their leader invited me to stay with them which i answered with a massive hug while explaining that i didn't want to be alone anymore. Edward, Bella's husband asked me questions about how i was changed and when i had explined Bella and Esme, Carlise's partner explained the massive man hunt there had been for my body and charlies greif when he couldn't find me. Jasper and Emmett, Alice and Rose's partners asked questions about my invisiblity which i could answer. Hotstuff, who's name was Ryan kept quiet but i would catch him watching me and he would turn away and bite his lip slightly. I had the impression that if he could blush he would have been.

Could there be a chance at love for me after all, even as a vampire?

[ to be continued ]

Ok this is my first attempt at writing a story so any feedback would be great. Send any feedback to


Next: Chapter 2

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