Twilight Retribution

By Graham Smith

Published on Dec 12, 2010


Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns all rights to the Twilight series books and Summit Entertainment holds the rights to the movies. I do not intend to infringe on Stephenie's intellectual property. This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, then keep reading and enjoy :)

Twilight Retribution:- A place to call Home:- Chapter 2:-

Living with the Cullans was easier than i thought it would be. They were very welcoming and immeadiately treated me as if i had always been a member of the family on account of my being related to Bella who seemed an intrical member of the family. It surprised me somewhat, my cousin had always seems to be an outsider even in our family, till she explained everything that had happened leading up to her change. I couldn't believe everything that she was telling me but none more so than that she was a mother. It was something that i just couldn't picture her as but then again i had met her mother and knew motherhood was something Bella hadn't really apsired to acheive. She was happy though and that was all i cared about.

"Where is Renesme then? I can't wait to meet her."

Bella: "She's staying with Jake and the Pack for a couple of weeks, we're expecting a visit from the Volturi soon and we want her to be protected"

This worried me slightly. After Bella shared her story all but Ryan had explained there stories of how they were changed. So by this time i knew who the Volturi were, what they had done and what they were capably of. I was dying to meet Jacob only for the reason of the howl that had saved my life. I wanted to know if it had been the Pack that had scared of the Vampire that ahd attacked me and i wanted to know if they had killed it.

I wasn't comfortable at first, even though i was welcomed with open arms and we had shared so much aout ourselves in such a short time they were still basically strangers to me. Even though Bella was there i couldn't completely drop my defensive and relax. Over the next couple of days this caused both frustration and hilarity amongst the Cullans. Seems only Bella could see me with my sheild all the way up and as i grew more comfortable the others saw me more and more. It seemed for a while i walked around the house with the transparancy a ghost would have. Something that was surprsing easy to learn to do, maybe because it had been something i had been doing instinctively all my life.

Carlise: "It doesn't seem to be true invisibility, your not manipulating the light around yourself. It seems to be a limitted but incredibly strong form of illusion. When you wish to you can simply erase yourself from peoples sight. Though i wonder if you can extend like Bella and include others in your illusion"

This confused me at first till Bella filled me in on her sheild. Most of the frustration came from Edward and Alice. It seemed to Edward, who i learned could read minds, couldn't read mine. It seemed that my mind was invibile to him, though he couldn't read Bella's he could at least sense her mind where as mine just wasn't there. Alice on the other hand could see my future but if i was invisible in the vision all she could do was tell i was there.

Ryan intriged me more and more over the next couple of days. The more i saw him around the house the more attracted i was to him. He seemed like a cool, nice guy but he kept himself distant from me. For all he looked like the hot popular college quaterback who had confidence oozing out of his pores, he was incredible shy around me. He was polite and genial but didn't seem comfortable talking to me. I decided to ask Bella about him.

Bella: " Your going to have to ask him about how he was changed and how he acts towards you but i will say that for all he seems the tough guy when you look at him he really is a shy ol' teddy bear"

"Are you sure, cause he seems distant towards me in a way he isn't with the others. Could it just be that he doesn't like me"

Bella: "I can assure you thats not the case, just ask him and he'll tell you, i think he's just uncomfortable talking about his past in a group setting"

I decided to take her advice and go looking for him. It was just my luck that he was getting ready to go on a hunting trip. When i asked to go along he seemed hesitant but i used my best puppy dog look and he crumbled but seemed happy that i was eager to go with him. From there it was vampire business, hunting. I had never hunted with someone before and it was a learning expirence for me. I had to ignore my instincts that told me to defend myself when i sensed him moving behind me when i was feeding but once we were done and about to head back i asked the questions i wanted to know.

"So Ryan how were you changed? You seemed relucant to tell back at the house so i thought i'd ask in private"

Ryan: "Its just something i don't like to talk about, i was happy in my old life, had everything i wanted....well nearly. Its not that i'm not happy with this life its just i was close to a dream i had of playing pro football and that will never happen now"

"I'm sorry" I said as i didn't know what else to say, i stayed quiet after that letting him know by my silence that he could continue when ready and i put my hand on his shoulder to let him know i was there for him.

Ryan: "It was close to thanksgiving and we had just won a really important game and some really influencial NFL scouts had seen me play. The team was buzzing but most of the players went home to be with there families over the holiday. I decided to stay and party with the guys that stayed behind. I don't remember much about the night cause i got realy hammered but i must have passed out in a bathroom and when i woke up the place was dead. I walked to home myself and something attacked me. I woke up 3 days later in an alley as a vampire. That was 5 years ago, i have no idea who did it and why they didn't just kill me but hear i am. I'm happy with the Cullans but i saw a memorial website for me online, set up by my family and that was really hard, i loved them dearly and i can never see them again."

"That sucks, i wouldn't know what to do if i hadn't found Bella and i can inderstand you missing your family. I miss my parents but i know if this had happened to me and they were somewhere else still alive i'd be devastated"

Ryan: "Thanks for listening your a really nice guy" he said while shying biting his bottom lip. Something i had seen him do alot and some i found extremely adorable and made me want to jump his bones.

"So why do you seem so uncomfortable around me? I thought you didn't really like me and were just being polite"

His face turned bright red and he looked away from me.

Ryan: "Its not that i don't like you, its that i like you too much. I have something to confess, i'm gay. Its something i was ashamed of in my old life and something i could never share especially is i was going into pro ball but since the first time i saw you all i wanted to do was tell you. You give me butterflies in my stomach which and as a vampire that next to impossible so it must mean something. I think i might be in love with you, your the most beautiful person i've ever seen"

This absolutely floored me becuase as he was explaining how he felt i realised i had been feeling the exact same way about him. All i thought i was feeling was attraction, not love. I guess in order to protect myself my powers can keep things invisible to me too. I wanted to believe this cause it was either that or i had been incredible stupid. I guess i had been quiet to long becuase he started to to really worried, which looked incredible hot. I think he'd be hot to me even if he was yelling at me. He was just about to apoligise to i assume when i interrupted him.

"Shh shh" I said calming this sweet man down. "I'm gay too. Its something only Bella knew about in my old life. I guess its something i was never comfortable with back then but i'm realising that this new life is kinda freeing, i'm not so afriad to tell people now that theres blood sucking monsters in my world"

Ryan: " Thats how i felt too" he said giggling.

" From the first moment i saw you i was totally attracted to you, i never felt this way before. I feel as if i've known you longer than i have, that we've been destined to meet each other. I think i might be in love with you too"

After i finished i made the first move, i knew my shy guy wouldn't want me to be uncomfortable if i didn't want it. As my lips touched his in a sweet embrace, perfectly molding to each other as if they were always meant to be, i suddenly felt a surge of electricity go through my body from my lips to my feet. When it had stopped i knew in that moment i had found my partner for life, my mate. From there the passion grew, Ryan was surprisingly submissive, letting me taked the lead and allowing my tongue win the battle and enter his mouth. i instinctively knew he liked me being more dominant rather than him letting me be. Once we stopped we were both out of breath which was weird as we didn't need it. I kissed his cheek and he shyly smiled at me and we both got to out feet and and headed slowly back to the house holding each others hands.

Ryan: "No wonder Alice was so adament to get all of us out to that field the day we met. She probably saw this coming, even though she didn't see you"

"Well i guess we better get back and ask her then, i want to know if i was the vampire able to surprise her in a while" We were still laughing as we started running back home through the forrest, still holding hands.

[ to be continued ]

Ok guys thats Chapter 2. Let me know what you think, good, bad and ugly, lol. Send your feedback to


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