Two Jubilees and a Spitfire

By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Oct 13, 2004


This is a story that involves sex between males. If such a story is offensive, or illegal for you to read where you live, then do not continue, go and surf elsewhere.

This is a work of fiction and in no way draws on the lives of any specific person or persons. If there is any similarity to any real persons or events it is entirely coincidental.

The work is copyrighted (c) by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. It is assigned to the Nifty Archives under the terms of their submission agreement but it may not be copied or archived on any other site without the written permission of the author.

My thanks to John who has read this through and made a number of corrections and suggestions. Any remaining errors , grammatical, spelling or historical or whatever are entirely my fault.

Thank you to those who have commented on my stories. If you want to comment on the story then do contact me on I aim to reply to all messages.

Two Jubilees and One Spitfire.

Resume:- Trevor is without a close friend. He has returned from a visit to Germany missing Kundi and Isaac more than ever.

Part 30. A hot place.

It was a disconsolate Trevor that made his way back home. He and Hans had not even exchanged full names, let alone addresses. He knew that it was now impossible for them to get into contact in any way. He wondered whether Hans would have come over to the west. He imagined how their life might have been; but such imaginings were futile.

Greg and Mark soon detected that all was not well with Trevor. They quickly got him talking, and listened to what had happened in Berlin. "We wondered if you were caught the wrong side of the wall, and had been carried off to some Gulag in Siberia!" teased Mark.

Trevor wrote letters to Isaac and Kundi telling them what had happened. He received understanding and supportive replies from them both.

In the first week in September the three of them were sitting around drinking their evening cup of cocoa. "We want to take you out one evening, Trev," said Greg.

"Where to?" asked Trev.

"It's a surprise. It's our treat, you may not like it, but you may like it very much. But we want it all to be on us, just in case you do not like it," said Mark.

"You've got me mystified. Okay then. Where and when?"

"On Friday evening meet us under the clock on Liverpool Street station at 6.00pm.," said Greg.

"I'll be in my working office clothes," said Trevor.

"So will we. That doesn't matter." Greg looked across at Mark and winked.

Trevor saw the wink. "And what may I ask, does that wink mean?"

"We are going to take you somewhere which we think you may enjoy. If you don't like it, we can come away. Anyway we'll end up taking you out for a meal."

"Now you've got me thoroughly intrigued," said Trevor.

"Good," said Greg and Mark together.

The three of them met under the clock the next Friday evening.

"Where are you taking me?" asked Trevor.

"Just a short walk."

They went into a building with a sign outside saying it was the Izmir Turkish Bath. "A Turkish Bath?" asked Trevor.

"Yes. It's `men only' tonight. If you don't like it we will not stay long. Greg and I found out about this place when you were in Germany. We enjoyed it, and thought you might too. Nothing exciting is allowed, but we gather sometimes men meet, and arrange to meet up outside," said Mark.

"So you are trying to fix me up again?" expostulated Trevor.

"Nothing may happen like that it all. Just enjoy it. It is an enjoyable experience anyway, even when nothing happens," added Mark.

They went in, and Greg paid for the three of them. They were asked if they had been before, and the other two said they had, and that they would explain the rules to Trevor and show him around. They were each handed a towel and made their way through a further door. There were a number of cubicles for changing out of their clothes.

"Take your kit off, and put all your clothes in the basket, and wrap the towel round your vital parts. You take the basket to the desk," said Greg.

Trevor went into a cubicle and changed. The three of them took their clothes in the baskets back to the desk.

"Come on, we'll show you round." said Mark. "They have just installed one of these new sauna things. It is a dry heat in there." Trevor was shown where the sauna was, and also a series of rooms each one getting hotter. The final one was very hot and steamy. There was also a plunge pool. He was also shown some other rooms where there were some narrow beds or couches. The decor was probably more Moorish than Turkish. There were distinctive arches and designs all over the place. There were a number of men around, of various ages, shapes and sizes. Each one was girded with a towel. When Trevor had been shown round the three of them made their way to the hottest room. They sat side by side on the bench that went round the room. Trevor began to sweat profusely.

Mark was the first to find the heat too much. "I'm going somewhere a little cooler, see you later, chaps."

A couple of minutes later, Trevor too had had enough. He got up and left. He wandered through the place again. He observed the various men, each one with his towel securely fastened round his midriff. As he passed the small pool a young man took off his towel and plunged into the pool. He swam the few strokes to the far end and climbing out retrieved his towel which he immediately fastened round him. There were a number of men resting on the couches. Some were talking together, some reading an evening paper, and others appeared to be asleep. He made his way into the sauna. It was darker in there, and in the gloom he saw two men move quickly. `So this is where the fun, if any, takes place,' he thought. He wandered into one of the hotter rooms, and lay down on a bench, as he had seen one or two other men do. He enjoyed the warmth, and began to relax. There seemed to be quite a lot of movement around the place. He decided to move into the hottest part. There were three other men in there, sitting round glowing with the sweat that poured off them. A couple of them were probably in their fifties, rather rotund and seemed to know each other because they were talking about prices on the stock exchange. The other man was slightly older than Trevor, well built, with a small patch of hair on his chest. He watched Trevor come and sit down. For a fleeting moment they caught each other's eye, and then turned away. The other two got up and left. Trevor got the impression that the other man was watching him, but whenever he looked across the man was gazing down at the floor. Then the man got up. "This seems extra hot today," he said, as he left.

Trevor lasted it for a few more minutes, before going off to the pool. It felt icy when he plunged in, but as he got out he realised the water was actually quite warm. He retrieved his towel, and decided to go into the sauna. He went in. He could make out the figure of another man. When his eyes adjusted to the gloom he realised it was the man who had spoken earlier.

"Do you come here often?" asked the man.

"My first time," answered Trevor. "Are you a regular?"

"I come every couple of weeks or so. It's a good relaxing way to start the weekend."

After a couple of minutes the man got up. "See you." He left.

Then Greg came in. "Here you are, Trev. How's it going?"

"Fine. I'm quite enjoying it. It's certainly different. Thanks for dragging me along. I thought a couple of chaps were doing something together the first time I came in here."

"Probably," laughed Greg. "Was there a sudden movement as you came in?"

"Yes. I felt sorry I was interrupting somebody's fun."

They stayed together chatting for a few minutes before Trevor got up and left. He decided he needed to cool down, so he went and lay back on one of the beds and started to read an evening paper. At one time he looked down the room, and saw the man who had spoken looking at him. When the man saw that Trevor had seen him, he looked away, and picking up a newspaper started reading it too.

Trevor got up, and decided to return to the sauna, as he preferred the dry heat. There were four men sitting on the top shelf and Trevor joined them. He leant forward with both hands clutching the edge of the shelf. Almost at once two men got up and left. The door opened again and the man who had spoken came in a sat next to Trevor. Then the other man got up and left, leaving just Trevor and the man who had spoken.

"Will you come here again?"

"Probably," answered Trevor.

"Might see you then." The man moved and Trevor felt the man's hand against his own. His initial reaction was to take his hand away, but intrigued to see what might happen, he kept it there. Several moments passed, with the sides of their hands just touching. You could almost be totally unaware that there was any contact. Then Trevor felt the man's hand move and a finger lightly stroked his hand a couple of times. Trevor kept his hand there. After a pause, there was a more definite stroking of Trevor's hand. He decided to respond, and ran the back of his finger up and down the wrist of the man. The man moved closer to Trevor, and their legs touched. Again Trevor did not move his leg away.

The man withdrew the hand that had been stroking Trevor's and moved it round behind Trevor and ran it down his back. Trevor turned and gave the man a grin. He received a grin in return. The hand continued to rub very gently up and down Trevor's back.

"That feels nice," said Trevor.

"Glad you like it." The man continued for a while, and then moved his hand and placed it on Trevor's knee.

"If you do that I'll get a hard on," said Trevor.

"Would that be a bad thing?"

"Maybe not. But don't we have to be careful here?"

"Yes." The man got hold of Trevor's hand and placed it on his crotch, where Trevor felt a very hard erect penis under the towel. "You wouldn't be the only one, see."

Trevor laughed. The door began to open, and they pulled their hands away. Mark came in. "How's it going, Trev?"

"Fine," answered Trevor. The man got up and left, muttering "See you," to Trevor.

"Did I interrupt something?" asked Mark.

"Yes, you did. It was just beginning to get interesting."

"Sorry. He looks a nice guy. Why don't you go and follow him." Mark pushed Trevor off the shelf.

Trevor wandered round and eventually saw the man sitting on a bench at the side of one of the moderately warm rooms. He went over and sat alongside. "Sorry we were interrupted," said Trevor.

"D'you know the chap who came in?"

"Yes. He's a tenant of mine."

"Are you....?"

Trevor chuckled. "No. I've two tenants, and they are together."

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all."

"Do you have anyone special?"

"Not for just over a year. There was a chap, but he was an overseas student, and he returned home."

"Nothing since then?"

"More or less nothing," answered Trevor, not wanting to go into details about Burton-on-Trent or Berlin.

"Where do you live?"

Trevor answered and they drifted into conversation. The man's name was Robert, but was usually called Bob. He was three years older than Trevor. He lived down at Thorpe Bay, the other side of Southend-on-Sea. He worked in Lloyd's, and had done so since he left school, except for an interruption when he had done National Service in the R.A.F. They discovered that they both had similar musical interests, though Bob sang in a choir, and singing was definitely not one of Trevor's accomplishments. They must have chatted for about half an hour.

"Pity we were interrupted," said Bob.

"I gather you cannot do much here."

"True. But the place is emptier than it was. And if you wait until one of the attendants has walked through, you can usually reckon on ten minutes or so before the next patrol. But you have to be careful one of the patrons does not report you for offensive behaviour."

"And what constitutes offensive behaviour," asked Trevor.

"Anything that involves an erection of the male member," said Bob with a laugh.

"But you had one in the sauna."

"Yes, and so did you!"

They both laughed.

"Trev, I'd like to give you a good cuddle, without any towels or anything between us," invited Bob, looking at Trevor.

"Is there any where here?"

"Maybe. Follow me."

Bob got up, adjusted his towel, and led the way into the hottest section. Trevor followed. He observed that Bob was slightly shorter than he. He had a crew cut, and his legs were hairy. He thought Bob's buttocks looked firm and rounded, but the towel was in place.

There was no one else in the hottest part. "Just a quick getting to know each other," said Bob. He whisked his towel off and put it over his shoulder.

In the steamy gloom Trevor saw a hardening cock. Bob's body was very bronzed, which made the white of the equatorial regions very pronounced.

Bob pulled Trevor too him. Trevor felt his cock begin to harden as Bob's arms came round to embrace him. Trevor pulled away his own towel. They pressed against each other. The heat of the room soon made them sweat. Their hands slipped over each other's back and buttocks.

"I wish we could do more," said Bob. He reached down and held Trevor's cock and balls.

Then they heard someone coming. They sprang apart, and hastily put their towels in place and sat on a bench with a good four feet between them.

After a few minutes Trevor got up and went back to where they had been sitting. Bob soon followed.

"This is bloody frustrating," said Trevor.

Before Bob could reply Greg came along. "There you are, Trev. If we going to get a meal we ought to be going fairly soon."

"Be with you in a mo." answered Trevor.

Greg left.

"Can we meet here again. I know it's not the ideal place. But I've enjoyed talking with you, Trev."

"We'll have to think of somewhere better," said Trev. "What about next week, at six o'clock."


Trevor got up and left.

"Did I interrupt something?" asked Greg, as they were eating their meal.

"Yes, you did." answered Trevor.

"The man you were with in the sauna place?" asked Mark.

"Yes. You're both a fine couple. Mark interrupts me and sends me off to find the man, and then you Greg come along and tell me it is time we left."

"Sorry," said the other two in unison.

"But don't worry I'm meeting Bob outside the Turkish Bath at six o'clock next week."

Greg and Mark looked at each other grinned and nodded.

"But it is a frustrating place, isn't it?" said Trevor.

"Yes, you have to be careful. So you didn't do anything, then?" asked Greg.

"Just a quick grope and a hug."

"Why don't you take him back home?" suggested Mark.

"What! With you two vultures, listening at the key hole the whole time?" said Trevor laughing.

"Seriously, Trev," said Mark, "Next week we'll make sure we're out until late; and you can have your house to yourself."

Trevor enjoyed his job. He was meeting interesting people, and found that his work contribution was valued. He continued to receive almost weekly phone calls from Paul. Part was enquiry about Trevor's welfare, and the rest a detailed account of the doings of the young godson, Trevor. Trevor and Isaac exchanged weekly letters. Trevor was glad to hear that Isaac had a `special' friend in Tel Aviv. He had met the man through the two men who had helped Joseph come to his senses. The exchange of letters with Fergus was becoming more occasional.

On the eagerly awaited Friday evening at six o'clock Trevor met Bob outside the Turkish Baths.

"How are you for time? Would you like to come back to my place in Leytonstone? We'd be alone. The other two won't be back until much later this evening." Trevor grinned.

"Sounds a good idea to me," said Bob.

"Come on then, let's go."

They made their way to Liverpool Street station, and went down onto the Central Line. They were soon rattling their way out to Leytonstone.

"Want a drink?" asked Trevor as soon as they were in the house. "Beer or something hot?"

"Beer, please."

Trevor went and got a couple of bottles. "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling desperate. Last week was rather a prick tease. Shall we take our beers upstairs?"

Trevor led the way. They put their drinks down and looked at each other, neither knowing how to start. Bob made the first move stepping close to Trevor and giving him a gentle kiss. As he pulled away Trevor put his arms on Bob's upper arms and pulled him back close, and returned the kiss.

"You like kissing?" asked Bob.

"I like more or less everything that two men can do to each other, - except anything that involves pain. I'm not into that sort of thing."

"Neither am I."

They stood and kissed, their hand roaming down each other's back and buttocks.

"I want to be as we were last week, with none of these clothes on," said Trevor.

They quickly undressed, and Trevor got into the bed. Bob quickly followed.

"You've got a lovely body, Bob."

"Glad you approve. I just wish I was as hairy as you." Bob ran his hand up and down over Trevor's hairy chest. Then down over his stomach, to hold his cock and balls. "You're well equipped down there, Trev."

"So are you," added Trevor, doing the same to Bob.

Bob's hand reached behind Trevor's balls, and began to stroke his perineum.

Trevor murmured.

"You like that?"

"I should say."

Bob's fingers reached further and searched for the entrance into which he was wanting to push his cock. He found it, and inserted the tip of his finger. "You like that?"

"Yea. And I would like something thicker and longer of yours there."

"I was hoping you would. Do you prefer taking it?" asked Bob.

"I like to give and take. From early on Isaac and I....." He suddenly realised what he was saying.

"You did it with your guardian, Isaac?"

"Yes. That's how we met." Trevor went on to tell Bob the story of his early days, and his first meetings with Isaac.

Bob listened, with some amazement. All the time they talked their hands were busy, searching out, feeling, giving pleasure to each other.

Trevor soon discovered that Bob liked his nipples pinched. "Does that hurt?"

"A bit; but it arouses me. Carry on; I like it!"

After a while Trevor moved so he could get his mouth to Bob's cock. He kissed it, and licked up and down and then placed it in his mouth. His lips encircled it, and he pulled his head up and down. Bob began to groan with pleasure.

"You're an expert Trev. You know what turns a man on."

Trevor just continued.

It was Bob who pushed Trevor's head away. "I'm getting close; and I don't want to shoot my load too soon."

It was now Bob's turn to take the lead. He pushed Trevor over onto his back and began to nuzzle with his mouth and tongue.

He kissed and licked Trevor's cock and balls, and then licked his groin and perineum. It was now Trevor's turn to groan with appreciation.

They moved again and Bob lay on his back. Trevor lay on his side, with one leg over Bob's, and his cock pressed against Bob's thigh. Trevor's hand began lightly and gently to pull on Bob's cock. The head was alternately revealed and covered as Trevor pulled the foreskin up and down. "Gently like that, and you can do it all night."

"Like watching your cock when I do it," whispered Trevor. "It is one of the wonders of our cocks that the skin is so soft and yet the cock inside is so hard. I think you've got a perfect cock. It is like a perfect cylinder. It is so smooth. On many like mine you can see the veins or whatever,

but I cannot see any on yours." Trevor bent his head to give Bob's cock some more kisses and affection.

"This is wonderful, Trev. To be able to come to your place, to be alone, with no fear of interruption or of having to be careful."

"I agree." Trevor resumed his previous position with his hand doing all the work.

"Trev, can I put my cock where you said you wanted it to go."

" `Course. How do you want me."

"You offering me a complete choice of positions?"

"Yes, however you want it."

Bob thought for a moment.

"I think I would like to start off doggie fashion, and then you lie down on your front with me on top. Or will I be too heavy for you?"

"I doubt it. I can tell you if you are."

Trevor hopped out of bed for the famous jar of Vaseline. "I thought we might be needing this," he said, with a grin.

" `Be prepared', the Boy Scout motto."

"I don't think Baden Powell would have approved of being prepared for this," said Trevor.

"Don't you be so sure," added Bob with a laugh.

When they were both prepared, Trevor knelt on all fours and raised his bottom invitingly for Bob.

"You've got a wonder bum, Trevor. I hope I can give you a good service." Bob placed the head of his cock on the portal and pushed. Slowly his cock made its entrance. "Trevor, that is wonderful."

Very slowly Trevor lowered himself on to the bed. Bob kept his penetration. They lay for several minutes without moving. Then Bob began to move his position and angle of penetration. Trevor groaned, and Bob realised that he had found the target.

Bob did not hurry. He moved his cock fully in and then out until just the head of his cock was into Trevor, and pushing back in. He did this very slowly taking up to half a minute pushing and then out.

"Your cock seems immense, when you do it slowly like that," said Trevor. "It feels yards long, almost never ending."

"Glad you like it, Trev." Bob kissed and nibbled at Trevor ear lobes.

Gradually Bob began to increase the pace of his thrusting. Trevor was groaning almost continually. Simultaneously they climaxed, Trevor on to the bed beneath him, and Bob deep into Trevor's bowels. They lay together panting for several minutes.

Bob pulled out, and they lay cuddling face to face.

"Thanks, Trev. Little did I realise that when I set out to work, or even when I met you, that I was going to have such a wonderful evening. To be relaxed, to be able to take time, not to have to be furtive about it! Thanks, Trev, a thousand times."

"It was good, for us both. Why don't you stay the night? The other two won't mind. In fact they'd be delighted."

"I am afraid I can't, I've got to get home. You see I'm married!"

Jeff at

Next: Chapter 32

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