Umm Whatever

By moc.loa@527meihK

Published on Jun 27, 2000


Umm... Whatever - Chapter Two.

Here's where I say all my thank you's. Thank you and Thank you. Yup! That's it. Two... Pathetic I know, but wow... that got me wayyy motivated. I don't care even if it's just one. I'm really happy that I got something, ya know? Like my mom always said, don't be so greedy.

Oh yeah! Gabriella lady too! She's like, umm... kinda nice and stuff. You guys should really read her story. "My Surprise Romance" or whatever. You'd be a foo' not to. She forced me to mention her name and her story as well. It's just cheap and way vulgar advertising.

I know it took me like, forever almost to get this out. But like, writin' not that easy! And it's just like, I'm getting' so confused in the head. Hey! That reminds me of the Beastie Boy song "Insane in the Membrane" Anyway. I just wanted to say, "sorry y'all." And I'll try my darndest to like, get it out on a more regulated schedule.

My Disclaimer: K. As I'm sure you all know. I don't know anyone famous. Although I've been on the local news station once! But that's beside the point! =) This is fiction and stuff. And like, it's just for the hell of it, ya know? So read with caution. Oh!... I tend to be really politically incorrect, but I'm way to young to be anything else!

Oh yeah! I was just thinkin'. Have you ever looked at the spellin' of TWO? It's sooo weird. I dunno what I'm on today but I mean... just look at it! It's like "Te-wo" hehehe... Anyway.

Chapter Two

"So... What are we going to do in San Diego?" I asked Jack while we were packin' up, getting ready to head to the buses. I can't believe that there are nearly twenty buses on tour! Some of the buses are just toe-up! I swear! But those are for luggage and equipment and stuff like that. But damn! 'N Sync's tour bus is just bitchin'!

"A concert." Short and to the point, that's how Jack's been lately. He's not funny anymore. I miss him, even though I see him everyday. And I can kinda understand why he's like that. He's ultra busy.

"Well, duh!" I'm just the greatest conversationalist! "I heard something about going to SoCal. Ya know, MTV Total Request." Lance told me, this was just my way of letting Jack know that I wanted to go too.

"Really? Well, I bet the band is gonna have so much fun. Meeting Carson Daly and partying with all those people. Poolside too!" He was evil! Evil I tells ya! "Now hurry up and go shower. You gotta long trip ahead of you!" Jack pointed to the bathroom and threw me a towel.

I sighed and grabbed the towel and slowly entered the bathroom. Was he playing with me? Was he just teasing me? It was too early to figure out if he was being sarcastic or whatever! I'm kinda ditzy in the morning. I can't help it! Even if Jack was just playing with me, ya know, it was totally cruel. I could just imagine myself being locked up in another hotel suite with nothing to do. And even worse, I'd be watching all the guys on MTV!

"Jack!" I whined. I stuck my head out of the door, giving him this pained look. He looked up at me from the suitcase and laughed. And then laughed some more. I just stood there, jumpin' around in frustration!

"Well, duh!" He said, trying to imitate me; which I think he did a poor job of! "Did you really think I was going to lock you up in your room? What kinda person do you think I am? I'm disgusted and appalled." He mocked hurt. I just stared at him, giving him my death stare, which, added with the sleepiness, made me look like I was constipated.

"So is that a yes?"

"It is if you go a take a shower." Seconds later, the hot water was scorching my body. Ahhh...

"It's too early! Damn..." Justin said, while puttin' on some sunglasses. It was ultra bright today. But then again, it's LA so it's okay! But it was way early! It was almost nine in the morning. Most of the buses had already left. The dancers left early to warm up and to do a dress rehearsal and stuff. I was buying a croissant from the hotel bakery when Lance came up to me. "Mornin'!" Damn, he seemed cheery. Even with my boiling shower, I wasn't fully awake. "Hey!" I said, trying to be as cheery. "Here. These are for you." He handed me my sneakers. "The hotel manager was able to grab them from the girls yesterday." "Wow... thanks Lance!" He just smiled and walked away. You know, it's true how they say everything in LA is way expensive! I mean, I paid three dollars for a lousy croissant! Damn! We weren't scheduled to leave until about 9:30 or so. So I decided to just sit in the lobby and stare at people. It's really fun. Especially when they stare back. Then it becomes a competition of who can stare the longest. I guess I'm not the only one who's bored around here. So I was starin' away when me and Chris made eye contact. He was standin' at the reception desk. He looked at me and I looked back, neither of us smiling. That lasted for like five minutes. We lost contact cause a large group of Japanese tourist came crashing through, yelling all kinds of things. Once again the lobby was quiet except for the occasional horn blast from outside. I was about to get up when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to my left and there was Chris, ready to resume the stare game. Okay, so it's not a very fun game, but it practices patience. The object of the game is to try to make the other person tire and give up! But we, being the two most stubborn people in the world, weren't giving up anytime soon!

"Oh God no!" I heard Joey from behind me say. "You know Khiem, Chris is a master pro at this. You aren't going to beat him. Give up and save yourself the humiliation!" Well! Someone had not faith in me! I decided to ignore him, opting instead to shoe him away with my hand like a fly.

"What are they doing?" Someone asked. I didn't recognize the voice.

"These two guys here? Oh. They are practicing for an upcoming competition." Joey told the man.

"What competition?" The guy asked.

"Well you see. It's the Annual International Stare Competition. People from all over come and stare at each other and then they win money! It's simple actually." Joey said. I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to make me laugh and break my concentration. But I wasn't going to give in that easily. I have better concentration than that.

"Really?" The guy was actually buying this.

"Really. See these two? They've been at it for 4 hours now." Joey said.

"Wow... Kids! Honey! Come here and look!" Yelled the man. I heard some footsteps and from the corner of my eyes, I saw some people approaching us.

"What is it Alan?" Asked the wife.

"These two folks here! They're here in LA for a staring competition. The one who can stare the longest wins. Shhhh... they've been at it for four hours now! Just wait and see." The man said. I was on the verge of laughing but I took a deep breath and controlled myself. It wasn't long until people surrounded the whole couch. I could tell from the sparkle in Chris' eyes that he was amused as well. The Japanese tourists that zoomed through earlier were back. I was havin' a kick out of all of this. It was stupid but at the same time, hilarious.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Would you please refrain from using flash photography? Mr. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Vo needs to concentrate very hard and any sudden bright flashes can mess them up. Thank you. They will take a short break and sign autographs later." Joey said. I don't know how he could not laugh at the whole situation. I barely could. I just made myself believe that this was all real, and that I was actually in a tournament! =)

It was about five minutes later when Joey called for a break. Me and Chris both stretched out and stood up. The whole crowd started cheering and clapping. I could so get used to being famous! That's when Joey had to open his big mouth.

"Alright people. If you will please form one single file line to my right, Mr. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Vo will sign autographs." And as instructed, they all did. Me and Chris looked at each other and then at Joey. He just looked back and winked. I was smilin' wide by now!

"What's going on here?" JC asked. Behind him was Lance and Justin. Joey had grabbed some complimentary pens from the counter and found a pad of paper for me and Chris to sign. It was hilarious! I've said that already! "We're just giving some autograph's to some of our fans." I told them, without looking back. "Fans? Um... okay... huh?" Lance was looking all confused. Joey took the liberty to explain it to them. They all laughed at us. "Hey! You guys don't know how hard it is to stare at Chris's face like that! Damn! I mean, just look at it!" I said pointing to Chris's direction. He smiled at me, leaned over and... bit my finger! "You deserve that asshole!"

So now we were on our way to San Diego. It's a pretty long and tiring trip. First hour, the guys and I just chilled on the couch and stuff. Then everyone got tired and went to sleep. So, being the sheep that I am, I tried to go to sleep too! Lance offered me his lower bunk. He said it was because I was shorter than him and stuff. But I'm not, see! I'm 5'8"! And hopefully, I'm still growing! But still, it was a sweet yet twisted gesture.

So I was laying in my bunk, thinking of what to say to Carson Daly and anyone famous that I was going to meet at MTV. I guess that was what kept me up... me being so hyped up about being at MTV. Even though I did wake up at 6, I couldn't sleep.

I was just thinkin' of what to wear when Justin popped his head through the curtain and scared the shit out of me. I jerked up and hit my head on the bunk above me.

"Oww... shit!" Just was laughing...

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep. And I noticed your leg just swingin' outside the bunk. Just wanted to talk, ya know, get to know each other better." Justin asked. Well, I had nothing better to do. I was stuck in the bus for a few more hours. And I did need to get to know Justin way better!


We decided to sprawl out in the TV room and play Tetris. It was kinda awkward, ya know. I didn't know what to say so I waited for Justin to start.

"So..." He said.

"So..." So I wasn't the greatest conversationalist.

"How are you enjoying tour life?" He asked.

"Umm... it's okay. I guess. I'm really excited and stuff."

"That's great." He said. Once again, the cabin fell into silence. Gawd, I have never felt so... weird! I reached for the remote control, even though that was kind of rude of me. But then again, the conversation wasn't going anywhere. Flippin' through the channel, I landed on the NBA Playoffs. Ahhh, the glory of satellite TV!

"You like basketball?" Justin asked.

"Hell yeah! Who doesn't?" Finally! We found something to talk about. So we spend the next half hour watching the game and talking about sports and stuff. It was like, really weird how once we broke the ice, we were like such cool friends and stuff.

"Hey! Do you know what I found the other day while y'all were sleeping?" I asked Justin.

"What? Joey's stash of porn?" Justin joked.

"Well... yeah. But I also found something way better! Lookie here!" I poked my head out of the curtain separating the room from the bunks. Seeing no one, I quietly toed through to Joey's bed. Justin was right behind me.

"What is it?" He kept his voice to a whisper.

"Jack was really tired the other day while y'all were in rehearsals. So he asked me to like, tidy up the bus and all. And I'm a total neat freak. But anyways. I was in Joey's bunk, folding his blanket and fluffin' his pillow and stuff. Well, like the whole back wall was filled with candy wrappers. By the way, he's a real pig."

"I know. Have you seen the belly on that man? Damn! Now I know why." He laughed.

"Well, I was trying to pick up all the wrappers but some were stickin' out from underneath the mattress. So I raised it up. He had lined up the whole bottom of his bunk with chocolate bars!"

"No shit! Wow!"

"Yeah. Not only that but his porn magazines. Ewww." I laughed.

So we stopped in front of Joey's bunk. Even through the noise from the outside, I could hear him snoring his head off. I slowly pulled back the curtain, revealin' Joey's sleeping form.

"You know, if he wakes up, he'll kill us." Justin whispered. I just nodded at him and winked. Luckily, Joey's bunk was on the bottom so it was an easier reach. All I needed to do was slowly hover over him, reach under the mattress and grab some candy! See, the dietician is kinda strict in regulatin' the meals and stuff. There's the frequent piggin' out but she's always there to scold anyone. Especially Joey!

I was kinda surprised that the chocolate didn't melt or anything, seeing how it's so close to the engine and all. It didn't matter though. All that mattered was me and Justin's cravin' for some chocolate.

"Careful dude." Justin whispered. I climbed into the bunk with Joey. He was layin' flat on his back. I was now hovering over Joey, push up style. I don't think he brushed his teeth this mornin'. He was just blowin' that fowl air into my face. I was able to grab two bars of Almond Joy and was just about to slowly get out when Joey turned to his side and trap my hand underneath the mattress. Damn!

"Shit." I whispered. Justin peeked in and started laughin'. I was now on the layin' inside of the bunk. Joey was all on me. His left arm was hugging me and he wrapped his left leg around me. He started mumbling something.

"Awe... tslkd... Tracy...adldielse... Love you...aldkjfad..." By now Justin was on the floor laughing. He was laughing really hard yet still, Joey didn't even wake up. JC however, did. He jumped down from his bunk and kneeled right next to Justin.

"What's up dude?" He asked. Justin was still laughin' hard and all he could do was point to Joey's bunk. He peered into Joey's bunk and stared at me for a while. I was blushin' hard, but it was dark so he couldn't see. But I could see JC's face. He wasn't smiling or laughing like Justin. It was almost as if he didn't want to see me with Joey, as if he was... jealous? I didn't know but I saw him walk away.

"Justin. Justin... Justin!" I whispered loudly.


"Help? This is totally not my fantasy at all! Please! Make him roll over!" I whined.

"Awe, but look! This is a total Kodak moment! If only I had a camera. Wait, I think I do!" Justin teased. "Okay. Let me think." And that he did. He sat there for some three minutes, scratching his head and trying his darndest to figure out how to get me outta there. Finally, he found an idea. "'Kay. This is how it's gonna work. I'm gonna tickle Joey here on the side." He said, pointing to Joey's side. I nodded. "That'll make him turn over, thus freeing your hand. Then your hand will be free and you can silently slip out of the bunk. And remember to grab the candy. I don't want to do this for nothing, aight?"

"Okay. Start ticklin'." And so he did. Joey didn't stir much and so I urged him to do it harder. I seemed like, instead of turning over, he was trying to scoot inwards to get away from Justin. So now, I was totally squished between the wall and Joey's body. Ugh. This wasn't workin' at all. So I took matter's into my own hands. I put my hand on Joey's belly and pushed really hard. And I mean hard! That sent him flying out of the bunk where he hit Justin. Both of them fell with a thud onto the aisle. Joey was laying on top of Justin and I was able to jump out and quickly run to my bunk.

"Wha?... huh? Are we there yet?" Joey asked, obviously still half asleep.

"No you asshole! Get the fuck off me! Damn, you pig!" Justin said, trying to roll Joey to his side.

"What were you tryin' to do, Justin. Kill me? Gawd damn, my stomach hurts." Joey said, grabbin' his stomach.

"Me! It wasn't me! It was Khiem!" Justin said. Awe hell no! Justin was so gonna pay for that. First rule of being a thief- never squeal on your mates or whatever.

Joey made his way over to my bunk and pulled open the curtain. I pretended that I was asleep.

"Oh no you don't Khiem. I'm gonna give you such a wedgy, you'll be pickin' it for a week!" Joey screamed. He pulled me out by the neck of my shirt. I had to think fast. Really fast.

"I'm... I'm sorry! I was just..." Joey still had me by the collar and so I raised my hands up and quickly crawled out of my shirt. And just as quickly, I punched Joey in the belly. It wasn't hard at all. I was just pretending to be Jet Li. "You will never get me!" I yelled and jumped into JC's bunk.

"Hey... wha...?" JC said.

"JC! JC! Joey's trying to kill me. He stole my shirt too! Keep him away please?" Now, usually, JC isn't ever in the playful mood. He'd rather just sit there and read a book or whatever. But for some reason, he was actually playing around with me that day.

"Joey! Stop it! Or I'll kill you!" He yelled through the curtain. And I dunno why, perhaps it was of past experience, but Joey just let it go and began attackin' Justin. I sighed. JC looked back at me. "You know. You shouldn't mess with Joey. He's kinda aggressive, even when he's playing around."

"Thanks. I'll remember that." I smiled. For some reason, I was really comfortable with JC. Weird but still... I decided that it was safer just to stay in there than to face the evil Joey monster.

"By the way, what'd you do to him?" JC asked. I felt kinda naked without a shirt on, so I grabbed his blanket and laid down beside him.

"Did you know that Joey has a secret stash of candy?" I asked him.

"Nope, but let me guess. You did and so you were trying to steal it while he was sleepin', which explains why I saw you in his bunk earlier." He said. I nodded. He looked relieved or something, but I was never really good with facial expressions.

"Yeah." I reached for my pocket and accidentally ran my hand over something. Some pole or something. JC was only wearing shorts and when I touched it, he gasped. It was really hard and cold. JC started to blush. I just laughed at him and pulled it out! Yes... that's right! I pulled it out!

"A flashlight?!" I asked him. He just gave me a big grin.

"Well, I like to read. It's way too noisy out there and I have some privacy and stuff." He said bashfully.

"Awe. You nerd! That's too cute." I smiled, pinching his cheek. He swapped my hand away. "Oh yeah. I want to share something with you." I reached for my pocket again and pulled out the two bars of Almond Joy. "Here." I said, giving it to JC. "It's Justin's but he tattle tailed on me so I'm giving it to you."

"Thanks. That's very sweet of you." He said.

"I know. I'm just too nice to you." I laughed. He laughed too. I was just chompin' away at my Almond Joy (My favorite) when JC leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I was totally caught of guard and was totally chokin' on my Joy. So after a few minutes of coughin' and JC apologizin', it was silent again. All that was goin' through my head was "Wow... JC kissed me." But I was totally shocked, so I remained silent. And so did JC.

We just laid there... all quiet... crunchin' out nuts... and staring at the ceiling. It was wayyy too weird. Owww... I'm confused. My head hurts...

Tbc.... Okay. Ya know that whole flash light scene. Well, that's the closest I'm getting' to a sex scene. Pathetic ain't it? But I'm working on it. I really am! Soon, I'll upgrade to a banana! Hehehe... I'm sorry. There's still so much I gotta learn! =) And I know this installment didn't go anywhere really. But that whole kiss thing was a stoppin' point. It's the best cliffhanger I can do right now. And I know it's ghetto. And you're still in the dark about so many things about the Khiem dude. Just hang with me, aight? Just laugh! That's all I'm askin'. Read it and laugh! =)

Next: Chapter 3

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