Umm Whatever

By moc.loa@527meihK

Published on Sep 20, 2000


Chapter 7

Okay! Okay! I know! So this has taken like, forever and more! But like, I type slow =) That's my excuse. Plus, stupid Mark takes lots of time to baby sit too! It's been like, what... a month? I'm sooo sorry! But I just couldn't help it! It'd be so cool if I could just post a new installment every night or something. But I guess I'm not cool. I'll just stick with being popular instead. =)

So I just want to give props to all my friends and fans and stuff. Gabby, Fred, Mica, Ted, Ron, Ryan, Sean, Harrison, Rick, Kyle, and so many other people but I don't remember because I suck. ; ) But y'all are the bestest in the world! Love y'all all. And for the rest of you, if y'all want me to like, get all motivated and stuff, maybe y'all should write me an email. =) I like making friends.

So like, I was watching the VMA's over and over and that was just soo cool! Britney was naked, Christina was really skinny, and 'N Sync rocked! I really liked that whole TV thingy. Did y'all know Justin and Britney are going out now? It's on the news =) Oh! Nelly sucked so badly! I mean, his fellas were practically singing the freaking song for him! I can't believe it! And then I didn't see Janet Jackson perform or anything... but she has big boobs... not that I would look at that. =)

Disclaimer: Heal the world. Stop the polluting and stuff. Just make a really big band-aid and put it across the equator. That should hold this ball together for about... one more year... Oh yeah! I ran over a squirrel the other day. May we please take this time to make a prayer for the lil' ass for running out in front of my car in the middle of the night..........

Chapter 7

"I'm so cold." I said, wrapping the wet towel around my shoulders tighter. I started chattering my teeth and rubbing my arms up and down. I looked over at JC and he laughed. He came over and hugged me from behind. Haha... worked like a charm. I wasn't that cold... just... longing for attention...

"I'll warm you up." He whispered seductively into my ear. I started gigglin'.

"That was really corny!" I continued laughing. "I'll warm you up!" I imitated him and he just stood there... giving me an evil stare but he was smilin' too.

"Damn. It's already two. I'm gonna just sleep the whole day tomorrow. Freakin' tired." He yawned. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" He asked me, pulling at the bottom of my shorts with his toes.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna go to the Statue of Liberty and then go around and stuff. Lance and me are going to like, the zoo and other places. I dunno. Just places and stuff."

"Wow. Sound like a fun day you've got planned." He was still playin' with my pants. It was a good thing that I had it tied. The elevator doors opened at our floor and we dragged ourselves outta there.

"Yeah! I'm gonna take so many pictures! I can't wait..." We walked to the door and JC checked his pockets for the keys.

"Do y'all mind if I come along?" he asked.

"No. Of course not. I mean, like, we're going out right? So like, we need to spend time with each other. You're supposed to spoil me with gifts and wait on me day and night." I said.

"Oh... I didn't know being your boy toy was gonna be so hectic. I think I'll change my mind." He laughed, pushing me into the door.

"Hey!..." I whispered loudly.

"I'm just kiddin', dude." We tip-toed across the living area over to the fridge to find something to drink. "Hey, Khiem."

"Yeah?" I said, sticking my head inside the fridge.

"I have a good idea." He said. I came back out chuggin' a bottle of water. He hugged me from behind again. "How about... for tomorrow... we go around New York... just me and you..."

"But like... what about Lance?" I asked him.

"He'll understand, babe... Come on... It'll be just us couple... doing couple stuff... best we can and all." He took the bottle from me and drank it. I was just starin' into space, thinking. I mean, it sounded like a really cool idea and all... but... what about Lance? I mean, me and him planned this whole thingy out and all. He was way excited to go and stuff. But then... it was JC that was askin' to hang out. Do the couple thing and stuff. I've never done a couple thing. I didn't know what that was. And the idea of it all was really cool and stuff.

"I guess. But he's asleep now. I'll have to tell him tomorrow, then. Hope he doesn't get mad at me." I sighed. I hate breaking plans. But this was for a good cause- me.

"He won't get mad. It's Lance. He never gets mad." JC said. I just smiled. "Now you go to sleep. Gotta fun day ahead of use, kiddo." JC pushed me and slapped my butt.

"Hey! That area's off limits until further notice!" I said, giving him a wink before I ran off to my room.

"Khiem... oh Khiemy... Khiiieeeemmm." Someone was shaking the bed and abusin' my name. "Go away! I don't want to go anymore... Need sleep... bye bye..." I said, drifting into a light sleep. He climbed into bed with me and crawled under the blankets. He started shaking me again, trying to get me to wake up. "What now?" I said, grabbing his arm and laying on top of it so that he couldn't bother me anymore. "Wake up or I'll start ticklin' ya." He said. I started whining. "But... I'm tired. We was swimmin' till like, very late yesterday! I wanna sleep." He ran his fingers over my tummy, giving me goosebumps and making me jump. "Okay! Okay! I'm awake. Just stop with the sexual harassment already!" I said up. I sat there for awhile, so did he... just letting my brain wake up. My eyes were glued shut and wouldn't open. "Last night was fun, JC." I said, smiling. I plopped back down next to him and snuggled in closer to him. "Umm... I'm not JC." He said. I opened my eyes and was blinded by sunlight. I sat there rubbin' my eyes for like, ever. I looked over and it wasn't JC. It was Lance. "Lance! Hey, buddy!" I laughed. "I'm sorry. It's still too early to tell anyone apart." "I know... Me and JC look soooo much alike!" Lance said. "Okay! It's too early for sarcasm, dude. I'm sorry." I said, kicking the blanket off me. "Sooo... you had fun last night, huh." He said. "Oh yeah! Oh my God! Like, Lance! Something totally happened last night!" I was excited all of a sudden. I was glad that I had Lance to talk to about stuff like this. "What?" He asked. "Okay. So like, me and JC are just swimmin' around and stuff, right?" He nodded. "And like, one thing led to another and we're totally makin' out and shit. I was so happy, Lance! I thought I was dreamin' or something, ya know? But I wasn't cause I remember drinkin' quite a bit of water last night!" I said, rubbing my tummy. He smiled. "So anyways... JC's all 'let's be more than friend' and stuff like that, ya know? So I'm all 'Umm... sure. Why not?" I said. "So... You and JC are..." He trailed off. "A couple! Can you believe it? I'm so happy Lance. This is like, the bestest day of my life." I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I'm really happy for you Khiem. Really, though. You're a great catch." He said, rubbing my back. He didn't sound that happy but Lance would never lie to me. I wasn't able to see his face. "A great catch? I'm not a fish, Lance." I smiled at him. "You are though... you big mouth bass." "Hey! That'll so cost you!" "Whatever. You can't threaten me... What time is it?" I asked him. "Eight. We're gonna get breakfast downstairs then head out." He said. "Oh! Okay... lemme..." I was just about to go get ready, but I suddenly remembered the change of plans JC had made. "Oh... umm... Lance?" "Yeah? Make it quick. I got tons planned for us. It'll take the whole day." He said. That totally made me even sadder. Gawd! "Well..., JC wanted to spend the day with me... just him and me... and so..." I said, not know how to put it to him gently. "Ohh... I see." He said. "I can tell him to change plans and stuff. Yeah! We can make a whole day with us three or something! Hell, we could even invite the otha fellas." I said quickly. "No... That's okay really. You and JC go... It's better this way really. Now that you're all a couple and stuff, y'all need to do stuff together." He said, looking really disappointed. I smiled at him. "That's what JC said too. Great minds think alike and all, right?" I said. "Yeah. Guess so. Go get dressed. JC is still probably sleepin'. I'll go wake him up for you, okay?" He said, heading for the door. "I'm really sorry about today, Lance. Really I am! I'd love you to come with me and stuff. We have fun together, but..." I trailed off again... "JC wants to do the couple thing..." He said. "Yeah! Hey! How'd you know about the 'couple' thing? That's exactly what JC said." I asked him. "Great minds think alike..." He closed the door. It was weird! It was as if he read JC's mind. Freaky ain't it? Well, I totally felt way depressed and stuff. I mean, you should've seen the look on Lance's face. Even though he says he's coo' with it and everything, I doubt it. I dunno, I just wasn't exited as before. I mean, yeah! It's JC and all, ya know? Still. So I quickly dressed and grabbed my backpack and rent out to the living room. No one was there so I just sat down on the couch and watched cartoon shows. The Power Puff Girls were on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Come on Khiem!!! Let's go!" JC yelled from the door. "Okay! I just need to find some film for the camera, JC!!" I yelled back from my room. "This is all your fault, JC!" "What?! My fault? How do ya figure!" He yelled. "Cause. If you woke up on time, we wouldn't be late! And like, I would've had MORE time to find my film!" "Whatever!! Come on! We'll buy film when we get there!" "No! I know I left it somewhere here! You just go and call a cab or whatever and I'll be down really fast!" I said, throwing my suitcase around the room. Stupid film! I like, bought thirty rolls of film with me and I couldn't find them. Really sucks. Maybe they were in Jack's suitcase. "Here." Lance said. I looked back and he was holding two rolls of film. He's a saint, y'all. "Yepee! Thanks Lance. You're like, a savior or whatever." I said, patting his shoulder. "I know..." "Hey! You can still come, ya know. It wouldn't be the same without you, Lanco." "Naw. Go. Have fun. Stop thinking about me. I'll find something to do. I'm sure Justin would want to do something. Go shopping maybe. I don't know." "Okay then. I'll buy you something really cool. I want to buy a Statue of Liberty Lighter just like in "Jungle to Jungle". I'll get you one too. Do you have one yet?" I asked him, excited about going up the Statue of Liberty. "No. I don't." He smiled at me. He patted me on my arm. "Go. JC's really impatient. "Okay. I'll be back before dinner hopefully!" I said, heading for the door. I suddenly stopped and turned around "Oh, Lance?" "Yeah?" He said. "I do the catching, Lance Bass." I said, winking at him before I left. "I know... you've caught me..." He said, playing with his sleeve." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey. I'm gonna go buy an "I love NY" shirt, okay? Wait in line for me." I said, running towards the guy with a bundle of shirts in his hands. We were at the dock and stuff, waiting for the ferry to go to the statue. Nothing much was happening but for some reason, there were lots of tourists and stuff there that day. It was kinda windy and cloudy and it looked like it was gonna rain. But I was here and I wasn't gonna go home until I saw the Statue of Liberty. I could see it from here and it didn't look that huge... "Hey, mister! How much?" I said, tapping the man on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled at me. He was this black guy, with a grayish beard and stuff. He was wearing a blue Yankee's hat. "For you? 20 dollars." He said, holding out a shirt for me. Twenty? I thought that was kinda expensive. I checked the shirt, there wasn't anything wrong with it... and the sleeves were the same length and stuff. "Okay... Can I have like, three please? Like, a small and two mediums or something. Sixty, right?" I asked, digging through my pockets. "Yeah, man. Sixty." He said. I was still digging through my pockets. The stupid thingy about cargo shorts is like, the pockets are so deep! And I have short arms I guess cause I couldn't reach the bottom of them. But after some hard work, I pulled out a ten dollar bill. Was that all I had? "Hey, mister. I'll be right back, okay? I like, forgot my wallet in my backpack and stuff. Don't go anywhere..." I said. "Hey, Khiem! Let's go! Got the tickets! Ferry's leavin'!!!!" JC yelled through the port. "Okay!!!" I yelled just as loudly back. I looked up at the dude, frowning. "Well, I gotta catch the boat thingy. I'll just go and buy it at the island. Sorry, mister." I said, running off. "Wait! I sell." He said, in broken English. "Ten dollars. I sell you." He said. "No way! That's like, totally not fair for you and stuff. I couldn't." I said, looking over at the line that was slowly moving onto the boat. "I really gotta go." "No. Here." He handed me the three shirts. "I give you. Ten dollars. No argue!" He said, turning away and walking off. I just stood there, kinda shocked. But then I heard the whistling and stuff and started running towards JC, who was standing in line with my bag over his shoulder. "Thanks, dude." I said, relieving JC of heavy bag. I had insisted on bringing a jacket, just in case we get hit by an unexpected frost or something. I mean, it was New York and it's the most northern place I've been. You always gotta be prepared for everything and stuff. "No, prob." "Guess what! Like, that guy was selling me these shirts here, right? And like, he wanted sixty. But like, I only had ten and stuff. And so I told him that I was gonna come back cause I left my wallet in my bag and stuff, right?" He nodded. "So like, you were callin' me cause we was gonna get on the ferry and stuff. So I told him that I'd buy it on the island and stuff. But he was like, no and stuff, right? So like, he grabbed the ten dollars and just walked off. Dude! I got like... an 80% discount! Look!" I said, holding up the shirts. He started laughing. "Babe, you just got ripped off." He said, "Huh? Did you not hear me?! Like, I just like, saved fifty dollars!" I said, confused... again. "Those shirts are worthless counterfeit stuff." He said. I just stood there, thinking. "Well... whatever, JC. I bought you one too! Wear it. I'll wear mine and we'll be twins and stuff. You'll look really cool." "What about you? Don't you need to look cool too?" "I already do, duh!" I said, pinching his booty before running onto the ferry. He just shook his head, laughed, and gave the dude the tickets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Khiem. It's really itching, babe. Can I take it off?" He asked. We were sitting on the benches on the ferry. "I know. But it's cheap, so deal. It's the price you have to pay to look cool. But you look really good in that shirt, JC" I whispered to him. We were surrounded by lots of folks. Me and JC practically did a strip show for everyone once we got on the boat. We took off our shirts in front of all those men, women, and children. I didn't mind. Actually, I was kinda likin' it. Everyone was staring, mostly at JC, but still. I got up and went out to the deck so that I could take a picture of the statue from afar. JC decided to stay put and save my seat for me. "First time?" Someone asked. I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. He had this English accent. I love accents. They're so unique and different and just so sexy. And he wasn't bad looking either. He had like, brown hair but he was really tall and white. Dressed kinda weird but that's okay. Not like I was gonna hook up or anything. "I said, is this your first time visiting?" He clarified. "Oh! Yeah. Hey! How'd you know?" "I'm psychic." He said, tapping his temple. I laughed at him. "And because that shirt totally gives you away." "Hey! What's wrong with my shirt? I like it. It's really cool. It's that John Lennon shirt, who ever he is." I said, pulling my shirt out from my body to show him. "I like it. Looks good..." He said. "My name's Henry, by the way." He said, extending his hand. "Khiem. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "So, is this like your first time too?" "Well no, actually. I've been here quite a few times. My father does a lot of business over here. And when I don't have school, I just tag a long. I'm here by myself today. Just going because there's nothing better to do. You?" "Well like, I'm here with a friend. I'm not supposed to tell anyone or ever talk to strangers but, I'm with a band." I said quietly. "And we're just in town for a few days and stuff." "Wow. You sing?" He asked. "Sorta..." Well, I do. In the shower. "It's really fun. Standing behind the curtains and you can hear the roaring of whatever and you got this metal thing up at your face and you just sing into it. It's so fun and exciting." I laughed. He just smiled at me. "I wonder how that's like..." He said. "Well, you should know. You're a psychic and all!" I mocked him. "I am!" He protested. "So then, oh mighty one. Tell me something that I don't already know." I leaned back on the rail and looked at him. He smiled at me and folded his arms across his chest. He just stood there for a minute, quiet and still. "Okay. I got it." He said, proudly. "Got what?" "You have a birthmark on your upper arm." He said so proudly and stuff. I just looked at him in shock. "Wow... How'd you know? Like, just wow! I mean, that is so freaky. I can't believe you knew that. Like, how'd you know?!" I asked him, being very excited and stuff. I did have a birthmark on the back of my arm. It's not that noticeable but it's there. "I just do. I'm psychic." He said, laughing. "Anyone can do it. It just takes some concentration. Most important thing is to believe. I know you can do it. Common sense plays a big part." "That is like, so freaky! I would love to be a psychic and like, read other people's mind and stuff. Do you know what I'm thinking about right now?" I asked him. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." He laughed. "Hey! You don't even know me and already you're making fun of me!" I mocked anger but I was smilin'. "Ya know what? Like, since you ain't here with nobody, why don't you hang with me and my friend? It'll be cool. Suck to be by yourself and stuff. We'll have a blast. As long as you're with me, you'll have fun. Trust me." I said, pulling him by his backpack towards JC direction. He was sitting on the bench still. But some girl was sitting right beside him. She was pretty, with fake boobies. "... And I've been a total fan for like, so many years! I can't even count!" She said, giggling and bouncing everywhere. "I bet you can't." I said a little too loudly. Henry was smilin', trying to stop from laughing. "Huh?" She said, pretending to be clueless... or was it just pretend... "Oh. I said I bet you're a fan! A fan!" I said, giving her a friendly hand shake. "My name is Khiem. Nice to meet you." "Umm... okay. Like, whatever." She blew me off in her Valley girl way. "So like I was saying. You are the best singer in like, the whole world! I totally think you're so much better than BSB and way much hotter than Kevin, although he was a model. Like, I love you JC. And if you ask me..." Which he didn't! But she went on and on... "... I don't think you're gay at all! All those rumors are so stupid. How can you be gay? You're so hot!" She said, her breast bouncing up and down from the constant giggling. JC looked at me and I looked back and smiled, knowing that he was getting annoyed. "You know what, JC? I totally agree with her! There's no way you can't be gay! I mean, sure! The occasional pick sweater does throw folks off but still!" I said, trying hard not to laugh at him. He just gave me a scornful look. So did the girl. "Excuse me! I was here first! And it's like, so obvious that he doesn't want to talk to you. I mean, just look at his face! Go away before he gets mad and beats you up!" She said to me, turning back to JC. I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm very sorry, JC. It was really rude of me to just barge in to such an important conversation like that. And pink is a very fashionable color. I don't think you're gay at all. Totally 100% straight and stuff. It was really nice meeting you and you too blondie." I said, patting her on the head before she swiped away my hand. I pulled Henry away from JC laughing. I looked back and the girl had unbuttoned her tight sweater and uncapped a red lipstick. She thrusted her deadly torpedoes into his face and asked him for an autograph. "Wow! You're hanging out with JC? So cool!" Henry said. "Well, you should've known if you were a psychic." I teased him. He put on a serious face and cleared his throat.. "Umm... I did. It just kinda blew me away seeing him in person. He is famous, ya know." He said, continuing to act all civil and shit. "Yep. Very famous. But it's a very dangerous job. Prime example right there." I said, pointing to the blushing JC and the half naked girl. "I mean, like, any closer and one of those nipples might poke out his eyes. It makes you kinda worry and stuff." I said, smiling. It was totally funny. Not like I had to be jealous or anything. I knew JC was mine. I mean, he DOES wear pink.

"You are so gonna get it, Khiem!" JC yelled, smiling at me at the same time. We got off the ferry and followed the fat crowd to the big statue. It was so big up front. I was just so wowed by it all. JC didn't seem to mind Henry tagging along or anything.

"What?" I laughed. "You always say, 'fans come first', remember?" I mocked him. "She was a big fan! You could so tell by her bra size." I joked. Henry and I broke out in laughter, making JC give us the evil stare.

"Wow! Can you actually believe how big it is in real life? Like, wow! Henry, take a picture of me and JC please?" I asked, shoving the camera in his hand and grabbing JC and dragging him to the middle of the field to take a picture.

"You ready?" He asked, bending down and focusing the picture.

"Yeah! Remember to get the whole statue in the picture!" I yelled, giving the camera a big smile. JC placed his arm around my shoulder in a 'brotherly' kinda way. I looked at him, making eye contact, and smiled. Wow, he must really like me or something if he was that comfy with me in public and stuff.

"One... two... three!" Henry snapped the picture and we all ran to catch up to the crowd.

"Oh shit! Do we really have to go up all these stairs and stuff? It's too much! How much more suffering must I go through?" I said, slowly going up the stupid stair case leading to somewhere up there. "Oh stop complaining. This was your idea to go here." JC said, just as tired. "I'm not complaining. It's just, you'd think they'd have an elevator or something! And where the hell did Henry go? He was here like, a minute ago." I was sweating like, a whole lot and stuff. It wasn't fun. "I think he's ahead of us. Damn him and his long ass legs! Come on, we're almost there. If those fat old ladies ahead of us can do it, we can. Come on." JC said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I quickly pulled it back and smiled at him. "JC! Not in public, dude. It's too risky for you and stuff." "No one's here. We're inside the belly of the statue." He said, patting the wall. "Ohhh... Alone! I can just get naked and we can just do it right here, right now! Today, the Statue of Liberty. Tomorrow- the Eiffel Tower." I said, laughing. "Ya know, I'm gonna hold you to that. We ARE gonna go to France this summer as well, ya know, babe." He said. "You can count on it." I said, slapping his ass and running up the stairs laughing. "Punk! You're so in for it!" He grabbed at my shirt and pulled me back into his arms. I tried to wiggle outta 'em but he was kinda strong. He started ticklin' me and I was howlin' like a monkey. "Stop or I'll have a big wet spot in the front of my pants!" He let go and I just sat on the stairs, panting for a while. He stood there, just staring at me, making me kinda self conscious. I was startin' to blush so I closed my legs, although I don't think he was looking at IT. I got up, brushed the dirt off my butt and gave him a big smooch on the lips. It kinda took him by surprise cause he stepped back. I pulled back and winked at him, blew him a kiss and started up the stairs again.

"How the hell did you get up here so fast?" I asked Henry. I had finally made it to the top of the stupid stairway and was pantin' so hard! It looked like I had just gotten out of a sauna. I bent over, placing my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. JC snuck up behind me, pulled his hand way back and smacked my ass as hard as he could.

"Tease! That's for what you did down there! And save that position for later tonight!" He joked, putting his arm over my shoulder again. I gave him a dirty look and rubbed my butt.

"Meanie..." I mumbled.

"Hey. How'd you get up here? I didn't even see you standing there." JC said. He was feeling kinda self conscious and kinda freaked out cause he acted the way he did, especially with Henry there. I noticed the fear or whatever in his face. But he didn't have anything to fear.

"It's okay, JC. He already knows about us." I said. He took his arm off my shoulder and stopped us in our tracks.

"What do ya mean?" He asked, kinda in a harsh tone.

"Well, Henry here is a psychic. He already knows. He knows everything, JC. You're not mad are you?" I said, in a small voice.

"Ummm... I'm gonna go find the restroom or something. You guys can work this out." Henry said, quickly leaving. I was gonna say something to him but my attention went back to JC. He looked pissed.

"I can't believe you told him! Oh my God! Did you even think about what you did? I can't believe this. How can you just go and jeopardize me like that?" He said, almost yelling.

"Chill, dude! I didn't tell him anything!" I protested.

"Then whattya mean, 'he already knows?'" He asked me.

"He told me he's a psychic. So I assumed that he already knew about it." I said. JC looked at me with shock in his eyes.

"What the hell. You actually believe him? How childish can you be? Fuck, Khiem! You don't even know him and already you're tellin' him all your secrets!"

"But like, I didn't believe him at first either! But then I asked him to tell me something no one else would know. And he did! He said that I have a birthmark on the back of my arm!" I said, lifting up the sleeve to show him. "See!"

"What the hell! Babe! That's not proof. He obviously saw it when you and I were changing out shirts. Remember? On the ferry?" JC said, getting really annoyed at me. I thought back for a while. Me and JC did do a strip show for the ferry folks. And it could've been highly likely that Henry was in the audience. Oh shit. That must be it. I must of totally royally screwed up big time! Now, Henry knows about JC and he's gonna get good bucks just for telling some magazine about it. Ugh! This wasn't good.

"I... I guess you're right. I'm really sorry." I was being stupid. I felt so stupid and so bad for what I did. I mean, I actually believed him. How could I even? I should've been more mature about the whole thing and brushed him off from the beginning. But I didn't. Now JC is miserable and our 'day in New York' trip was spoiled. This was not fun. I didn't know what to say next or even how to act. So I decided to just stand there, staring down at my shoes.

"Look..." He said.

"Are you really really mad at me?" I said, in a small voice. The last thing I wanted him to be was mad at me. It wasn't a good way to start off our relationship, was it?

"No I'm not..."

"I would be mad at me if I were you..." I said in a very small voice.

"Look at me. Khiem, look at me." He said, coming closer to me. He pulled my chin up with his hand and stared at me. "I'm not mad at you. Just very annoyed right now. But I'm not mad. It's just not worth it."

"But, I could've so ruined your career and stuff!" I said.

"It's okay, babe. No you couldn't. What can one guy do? Please... he's harmless. I was just ranting back there. It'll be fine." He said, smiling at me. I just gave him a sad face. "Smile for me." I was almost tearing up at the thought of ruining JC and stuff. "Come on! Smile!" He said, making funny faces. I couldn't help but start laughing at him. "There ya go! That's better." He hugged me and I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. "Now come on. We ain't gonna waste a bootyfied day like this."

"What about Henry?" I asked. I didn't know if I was supposed to be mad at him or what.

"Well, maybe we should tell him to leave us alone or something. He basically knows about you and me. So we'll just say that we want 'alone' time and stuff. Let him off easy, ya know? No need for major confrontation, aight?" He asked. As if it was like staged or something, Henry came from behind the corner. I don't know why, but I got really mad.

"Liar! You fucking liar!" I said, charging at him. It would've been gnawing at his face if JC didn't have me by the straps of my bag.

"Wha... What happened?" Henry asked, shocked.

"I'll tell ya what." JC said. I was still leaning at an angle, trying to claw my way to where Henry was standing. "Stop! Hold still, dude." JC said, pulling me back up by my straps and holding me down. "As I was saying. You tricked Khiem here and he's pretty mad."

"Yeah! I don't wanna be your fucking friend anymore!" I said, charging at him again, only to be pulled back once again by JC.

"I can't hold him back forever. So you should leave, Henry. He's a mean, feisty kid." JC said. I hissed at him and clawed.

"I'm... I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. I'm just gonna leave you two alone. I'm sorry..." Henry said, looking really sad. I felt really bad for treating him that way and for acting like an animal. I saw him turn the corner again and I frowned. I stood back up and sighed.

"Well, so much for doing as planned!" JC said, sarcastically. I just smiled at him and nudged him in the stomach.

"I feel bad now. I shouldn't have been so mean and stuff. And what was all that clawing and hissing that I was doing? I was making an ass of myself! Why didn't you stop me?" I asked, blushing from embarrassment. He just laughed at me.

"Let's just say that if I was in a fight, I wouldn't want you on my side." He said, laughing and dodging my fists.

"It's like, so pretty up here! Look at the view of the city, JC! You can't even tell it's full of muggers and stuff!" We were in the top crown part of the statue. I thought that it would be bigger than what it actually was. I mean, you could barely fit five people up here. No wonder the wait was like, forever! But it is so worth it! It was beautiful to see the city so far away and to see the pretty ocean and all those little boats. "Ain't it though? And the weather's good too. Perfect day, huh kiddo?" JC said, sharing the same window as me. I smiled back at him and nodded my head. "I'm gonna go get a 360 view and then we'll go, aight? Wait for me at the stairs or something." I said, snapping a picture of the pretty city. JC patted my back and left. So I slowly walked the crown, getting different angles of the same things, focusing on certain objects, and just wasting film. Outta nowhere, someone tapped my shoulder. "I'm almost done! Just wait, JC!" I yelled out the window. "Can I talk to you?" It wasn't JC. It was Henry. I could tell from his voice. I turned around and stared him down. "Why the hell are you here again? Are you gonna like, rape me or something?!" I said, really mad and stuff. "No! Nothing like that. Look, I just wanted to apologize for whatever I did. I didn't think you'd take it seriously. I mean, come on! Only an idiot would.... Well, nevermind! What I wanted to say was, I'm sorry. I really am! I don't know why I did it." He said, running his fingers through his hair. I looked at him and he looked really genuine and stuff. That made me feel so so bad because I was so mean before and I was just stupid and other stuff. "Were you like, hitting on me or something?" I laughed at him. He just stared at me and didn't respond. "Oh my God! You were! What the hell! Do I act really gay or something all of a sudden? I mean, come on! All of a sudden, all the gay folks are hitting on me and I'm actin' the same way I've always been actin'! Tell me, do I look gay? Is it the shirt? Cause if it is, I can just put on my old one! It is the shirt ain't it! Shit! I knew..." I babbled on and on until Henry stopped me. "Hey! Shhh... It isn't the shirt. And no you don't act gay or anything. I just was hoping to be friends if nothing more. It wasn't as if I was gonna have sex with you or something." He laughed, making me smile. "Good answer." I smiled at him. "But yeah, it'd be cool to be friend. But dude, JC doesn't like you all that much. I don't think..." "Hey! Stop thinking! Here." He said, handing me a slip of paper. "All we gotta do is email. Okay? I'm not asking for much." He said. "Umm... yeah! Sure! That'd be good." I said, the roar of the wind was really making it hard to hear and stuff. I just stood there and smiled at him. He just stood there and smiled back. Kinda weird. I didn't know what to think. I guess it was where we were supposed to part or something... "So..." "So... yeah. You aren't a psychic, are you?" I asked him. "No. I'm not." He laughed. "Well, I am. I have the power now!" I gave him my evil laugh. "So then, oh Great One, tell me something I don't already know." He said, trying to mock me in his best American accent. He did a pretty good job of it too. So naturally, I had to try out my British accent. "Well. Let me see. Hmmm... I've got it!" I yelled, smiling widely. "Your fly is open. Cheerio mate!" I said, patting his shoulder and running to meet JC at the stairs. He looked down, and then back over his shoulder and I could see him blush. I just laughed all the way back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So what took you so long, dude?" He asked, taking my bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Oh. Nothing much." I said, looking down at the piece of paper Henry gave me. "Just had to say goodbye and stuff." I smiled. "To who?" He asked, smiling and pushing me down the stairs. "Umm... the statue." I laughed, sprinting down and down some more... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay... that's all for now. =) TO BE CONTINUED. I was thinking of like, making it lot longer and stuff but I really didn't have time and it's been like a month and stuff already and I knew some folks were gonna get mad and stuff. So I'll finish the little trip thru New York next installment. Thanks. OH YEAH!!!! I just wanted to say, because I was gonna say it in the sixth installment but I was stupid and once again, forgot. I just wanted to say that it really sucked that I was like, not nominated for best comedy or even funniest moment. And the thing is, most of the stories nominated for best comedy were not even comedy... they were totally drama. Although I do agree that Nick and Arron meeting was totally funny... But still! I mean... blah!!!!! =) I'm not doggin' nobody or anything. Seriously. Don't y'all think that it's like the Emmy's? It's like, I'm Third Rock and everyone else is Frasier. How the hell am I supposed to win??? Y'all still cool though. I guess I'll just have to keep my story going until Feb to get nominated again... not again, cause I didn't get nominated this time.... Ugh! =( I feel like Britney now.... =( It's like someone came and burst my bubbles ::looks down:: No! Not those bubbles! Ewww... there'd be a flood of silicon... blah. =)

Next: Chapter 8

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