Uncle Joey

By Joe Stevens

Published on Nov 4, 2004


OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: This story is TOTAL FICTION and in NO WAY reflects the sexuality of any of the actors or characters portrayed involved. The author has no knowledge of the actors' sexuality and this is purely a work of fiction. Joey is produced by by Kevin S. Bright, Scott Silveri, and Shana Goldberg-Meehan.



Michael Tribiani awoke early on the morning of his first official day in his new apartment. For the first time, he felt like a free man. Michael's mother, Gina, had always been so overprotective of him, that--even though he was a college graduate--she had never allowed him to live on his own. He often fantasized about moving into his own place one day; and the opportunity presented itself when his favorite uncle unexpectedly announced he would be moving to LA. Michael could not believe his luck when his Uncle Joey begrudgingly agreed to allow his young nephew to move in.

Michael had always had a special affinity for his Uncle Joey, who was his only male role model in the Tribiani family. When Michael was just a boy, his mother Gina had made the decision to leave the family roots in New York, for the sun and fun of LA. The move was difficult, but leaving his Uncle was particularly painful.

When Joey finally arrived in LA, Michael(now 20 years old) realized that he hadn't seen his uncle since he began puberty. Lying in bed in his brand new room, Michael remembered the look on his Uncle's face when they at last reunited. Joey looked both surprised and impressed at how much his little nephew had changed. Michael was now a strapping young man with a boyish, yet slightly chiseled face and a smooth, athletic body. Michael felt a rush of excitement at the look of pride his Uncle had given him; but he also felt sad. Michael had finally admitted to himself a few years ago that he was gay--a realization that he could never reveal to his opinionated mother. He knew that his irresistible uncle was as straight as they come. Joey's reputation as a lady's man had always been a topic of discussion with his mother.

Since puberty, Maichael had fantasized about his uncle; using the tapes Joey had sent them of his various acting gigs as fuel for his fantasies. And now, the two of them were roommates...with only a thin wall separating their bedrooms. Michael could hardly contain his excitement, but wondered how he would be able to keep his attraction a secret. He wondered how his uncle's manly body might smell, how his skin would taste.

As he lay there daydreaming, Michael heard Joey's footsteps as he exited his bedroom and walked toward their shared bathroom, closing the door behind him. He heard the twist of the faucet as the shower turned on. Michael saw this as his first opportunity to do a little snooping. He knew it was a risky idea, but his body raced with adrenaline as he arose from his bed and crept towards his uncle's bedroom door.

Wearing only a pair of snug tighty-whities, Michael's young cock sprung to life as he entered Joey's bedroom. He was aroused by the musky, masculine smell in the air, and saw the rumpled sheets on his bed. He touched a hand down to the soft mattress and felt that the sheets were still warm. He could hardly believe his own boldness as he lied down in his uncle's bed to fully take-in the experience. His hands trembled as they caressed the smooth sheets that felt so erotic against his own smooth, boyish skin.

Michael was suddenly startled when his hand brushed against something under the blankets; it was a pair of his uncle's boxer briefs. They very same pair, Michael remembered, that Joey had been wearing the night before as they prepared for bed. Michael's heart raced and his horniness took over as he pressed the warm underwear to his face to inhale the manly smell.

Michael was euphoric as he breathed in the private scent of the man he had desired since puberty. It was then that Michael detected a distinct scent in Joey's underwear--a scent that every teenage boy is particularly familiar with. Michael held the boxer briefs up to the morning light, and there he saw it...a sizable, wet stain on the front of the underwear. The young boy's body quivered and his young manhood oozed with precum as he realized what the stain was...it was his Uncle Joey's cum...and it was fresh.

That very morning, just a few feet away from, separated by only a thin wall...Joey, the object Michael's every fantasy, had been jerking off. Michael's mind wandered as he imagined the sight in his mind...he couldn't help but wonder what Joey had been fantasizing about just a few moments ago, when he ejaculated his thick manjuice into those very boxer briefs.

Suddenly, Michael was startled back from his daydream, as the shower faucet was shut off with a squeak. He knew he only had a few seconds to reassemble the bed as he had found it. But his body was surging with excitement....HE NEEDED TO KNOW!

Michael had always been too afraid to keep porn in the house when he lived with his mother. He was certain she snooped in his room often, and would most certainly find any pornographic material she might find there. But he had heard that other guys his age, often kept "jerk-off" magazines under their mattress for easy-access. It occurred to him, then, that his red-blooded, all American uncle might do the same.

He shoved the boxer briefs back under the blankets, as he bent down and lifted the heavy mattress.

There it was. A hefty magazine that promised to offer page after page of big-breasted women...every heterosexual male's fantasy. Michael smirked to himself as he realized that his own throbbing erection had subsided a little as he reviewed the magazine cover. He couldn't deny that he was slightly disappointed. He knew that his uncle was straight. What did he expect?

As he prepared to hurry back to his own bedroom, he tossed the magazine back under the mattress. The thick magazine landed with a thud, and Michael was surprised to spy a thinner, smaller magazine slip out from with the larger magazine's pages.

As he heard Joey moving about in the bathroom down the hall, he reached down to examine the hidden magazine. Michael fell to his knees and gasped as his cock sprung skyward. The cover of the magazine featured a striking young man, with a smooth, swimmer's build, about the same age as Michael. The model was naked, sporting a massive erection...the pages within depicted more of the same. As Michael thumbed through the pages, he noticed that this magazine was significantly more worn than the magazine it was hidden within.

He heard the doorknob of the bathroom unlock; Michael trembled, unable to move.

Could it be?...Could Joey be gay, also?

Just then, he heard the bathroom door creak open, and Joey's footsteps as he bounded down the hall toward his bedroom...

Michael thought to himself, terrified, "It's too late...I'm caught"....

THE END...next chapter coming soon

Next: Chapter 2

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