Uncle Joey

By Joe Stevens

Published on Nov 4, 2004


OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: This story is TOTAL FICTION and in NO WAY reflects the sexuality of any of the actors or characters portrayed involved. The author has no knowledge of the actors' sexuality and this is purely a work of fiction. Joey is produced by by Kevin S. Bright, Scott Silveri, and Shana Goldberg-Meehan.



After spending the day helping his nephew and new roommate, Michael, move in to their apartment, Joey found himself unable to sleep all night. He tossed and turned restlessly. This was the second time Joey had moved to a new city, hoping to start his life over. 10 years ago, Joey had made the decision to move out of his parents home and start a life on his own in New York City.

Joey had always found it difficult to be the only son in a family full of girls. But what was more difficult to bear, was the secret that he kept from his family and friends^Åthat he was gay. Joey knew what would happen if he ever came out to his family. They would never accept him. And so, throughout his teens and early twenties, Joey learned how to talk, look, and act like the typical, all American heterosexual male. Joey was never without a girlfriend to reinforce his hetero-persona.

And so, when he made the decision to move into New York City, Joey hoped it would be an opportunity to explore the side of his sexuality that he had always suppressed. He knew he could never afford an apartment on his own, so he searched the classifieds for people looking for roommates. Joey met with many single guys with a room to rent, but Joey thought he lucked out when he met Chandler. Chandler, Joey was certain, had to be gay! He was devastated later to realize that, much to his surprise, Chandler was actually straight! And so Joey began the second phase of his life, living the same lie.

When he made the decision to move to LA for his career, Joey thought that maybe this time he would be able to live more honestly. But now, with his nephew as a roommate, he knew that it couldn't happen. While Michael slept just in the next room, Joey lay there unable to relax.

Joey felt conflicted. He was happy to be with his nephew, of whom he had always been so proud. Seeing him for the first time after so many years, he was taken back by how the little boy he once knew, had grown into a strong, handsome young man. He couldn't help but feel attracted to Michael, and he tried hard to hide his feelings. Joey had always managed to resist the temptation of other men, but this time he began to doubt if he could.

It was the early hours of the day, and Joey knew he had an important audition later that morning. Desperate to get some sleep, Joey decided to resort to old standby trick of masturbating to release some of his tension. Unfortunately, he still had not completely unpacked, and his porn stash was tucked away in one of the unopened boxes downstairs. Quietly, he crept out of his bedroom, tip-toeing past Michael's partially opened door, and headed downstairs. He found the magazine he needed, hidden inside of a larger hetero magazine he had purchased as a front.

As he headed upstairs and back toward his room, Joey again noticed Michael's half-open door. He decided to take advantage of this opportunity, to make certain that Michael was still asleep and wouldn't be able to hear him jerking-off.

Silently, he pushed the door open; and there he saw the early morning sunlight pouring down over his sleeping nephew. Joey's view was unobstructed since Michael had kicked off his blankets during the night. His eyes took in the smooth tanned skin of his nephew, who was sleeping on his stomach; his perfect round ass filled a snug pair of tighty-whities.

Joey lost track of time, as he stood there staring at the beautiful sight before him.

Unaware, his own hand had moved down to appease the growing erection straining to break free of his confining boxer briefs. His other had caressed his strong, broad chest.

Overcome with desire, Joey freed his own throbbing cock; his hands slipped under the waistband of his boxer briefs, allowing them to fall to the floor. Joey took his eyes away from Michael's body, long enough to admire his own engorged dick. His `girlfriends' in the past were so impressed with his dick, that they couldn't resist the temptation to measure it. The thick, cut meat stood out a solid 9.5 inches from his body and measured a full 6 inches in girth. He stood there, slowly stroking his cock, as precum dripped from the tip down to the underwear at his feat.

Joey could hardly believe that this was happening. He had never done anything like this before. His excitement was intensified by the realization that his nephew could wake up at any moment and catch him in the act. He struggled with every ounce of restraint to keep from touching the smooth, delicate young man just a few steps away.

With each stroke, his paced quickened, and his heart raced faster. He imagined reaching over to Michael and tearing those tighty-whities right off his body, exposing the young virgin ass in front of him. He imagined taking the young man, thrusting his massive cock deep in Michael's boy pussy. He could almost hear the screams of ecstasy and desire the two of them would share^Åif only^Åif only. His body trembled, his legs felt as though they would give out beneath him.

His pace quickened, faster and faster. His left hand moved down to fondle his own oversized balls, as his sac tightened and pulled itself up toward his body. Just a few more moments were all he would need.

Just in time, he grabbed the boxer briefs at his feet and brought them to the head of his engorged dick. With a gasp, he bit his lip to keep from crying out, and unloaded spurt, after spurt of manjuice into the underwear.

Joey stood their a few moments, lightheaded, squeezing the last few drops of cum out of his cock. Unable to believe what he had just done; the risk he had just taken. As Michael's sleeping body stirred slightly, Joey regained his composure. In his arms, Joey collected his underwear and the porn mags that he hadn't needed after all, and exited his nephew's room. Stark naked, he walked back towards his own bedroom with his semi-erect dick flopping against his legs.

He threw the magazines under his mattress, and as he collapsed onto his bed, he stuffed the soiled boxers under his blankets. Finally, he slept.

He awoke about an hour later, remembering his audition scheduled for later that morning. He threw a towel around his waist and headed for the shower. He was feeling both excited, and a bit embarrassed at what he had just done, even though he hadn't been caught.

After his shower, he toweled off, opened the bathroom door and bounded down the hallway toward his bedroom. He noticed as he passed Michael's room, that he was no longer asleep in bed.

He wondered where Michael might be?......


Next: Chapter 3

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