Used by Jocks

By Eros Zob

Published on Jan 27, 2005


Disclaimer: The following story is for the most part a work of fiction. A few instances are drawn from actual events involving consenting persons 18 years or older, but no original names of people, or places have been used. The following material deals with sexual situations involving homosexual acts. Other situations include bondage, and S&M. It is not recommended that this material be viewed by persons under the age of 18 or anyone else who does not wish to read a story involving acts of homosexual sex.

Used by Jocks -- Part 11 by Eros

Chapter 20 --Post Game Analysis--

Normally after a game, the team returned to the locker room in an energized frenzy, falling over each other and slamming into lockers. But this evening they meandered back slowly with frowns on their faces. They hadn't even got to the second half. It was the first forfeit in the history of the school. Four players had received direct hits to the groin by the opposing team, and one was taken away in an ambulance. The unaffected few had played the most timid games of their lives, fearing at any moment that they could be the next victims. Nick, of course, had scored the majority of the points. He appeared immune to the conquering team's dirty strategies. This was naturally due to the fact that shielding his private parts was a durable plastic casing, whereas the remaining members of the team had freeballed the entire short game. They were all angry with the outcome.

Once back, the coach exploded with frustrated fury. Marco stood to his side staring into the corner. The vein in the old man's temple bulged out twice as much as normal, and his little bald head was shifting between fire engine red, and a nice ripe shade of tomato. In the back of his mind he must have assumed the reputation of the opposing team had frightened them, and indirectly caused much of their apprehension on the court. But some of the injuries were too obviously testicle related to completely dismiss. He was evidently too uncomfortable with the subject to pursue it. He wouldn't have imagined in a million years that any team would simply go out there without jockstraps, especially tonight. He finally left the room with a gruff "hummpf", tossing Marco the keys as he went.

Marco headed for the towel closet in the new locker area and collected enough towels for everyone. When he had returned the showers hadn't even been turned on. All conversation suddenly ceased.

Every last remaining team member glared at him as he stepped back into the sacred athlete's section known as the old locker room. He wanted anything, but to be where he was now. He would have traded places with nearly anyone else in the world, or gone through Joe's hot cream treatment again. In fact, had he time to consider things, he might even opt to be that freshman caught naked in the halls at school earlier. The one that had apparently been covered in cum, and had a condom hanging out of his ass. Yes, was he not suddenly overtaken by sheer terror, Marco would have sooner licked the drying cum off of that poor slobs face, than be standing in that room with those sweaty teenagers at that very moment.

"Drop yer drawers, Freshman"

The voice came from behind him. It was undoubtedly Simi. Marco didn't want him to have to ask twice, he knew he had something coming for losing the jockstraps. He walked over to the bench and laid the towels down, staring ahead vacantly as he did it. He then reached for the button on his jeans, unzipped them, and let the baggy pants drop to the floor. "Lose the boxers too"

Meanwhile Joe had walked over to a group of guys and whispered something into their ears. A few were filtering out of the room as Marco's tugged his own boxers down, exposing his naked brown ass to the team. A few more members left the room to carry out Joe's orders as Simi further commanded the little latino.

"Bend over the bench, fag"

Without a word of protest, Marco turned back towards Simi and bent his lean torso over the bench. His hands grasped the edge while his chest lay flat on the seat. His ass felt vulnerable. Simi approached the young boy and pulled the team manager's shirt up his back. His ass was now fully exposed, as was his back. His testicles hung low beneath his stomach, his cock as limp as it had ever been.

Then Simi took his own shirt off, revealing his sweaty black chest and stomach. His body glistened, he looked more like a man than a teenager, but in his eye was the menacing bullyish glow of a boy who wanted revenge. Simi didn't know what to expect until it hit him. Suddenly, without warning, Marco's ass was walloped with the same large flat stick used on him by Paul just yesterday. He cried out.


A tear trickled down his cheek..

"Why don't ya count 'em for me sweetie" Simi suggested with a mock tone of affection.

Marco paused for a second anticipating the next swing, then quietly said, "one"

This was immediately proceeded by another gigantic thwack to his beautiful brown buttocks.

"OOOWW!" he screamed, then he let out a breathy and high-pitched, "two..."

Simi let loose a barrage of smacks to the poor latin-boy's smooth bubble butt. Marco tried his best to keep up, counting along the way, in between half-sobs.

"AAAAANHH!!....three....AAAAAAANNHH!!...f-f-four......OOOOOOWWWW...s-s-six...Simi please... AAAAAAANNNHHH!!!"

The man with the stick ignored Marco's pleas. He made Marco count to fifteen before he bored of the sound of his cries. He finished with a running start towards the poor guy's ass and slammed the wooden stick into his rouged ass cheeks.

"AAAAAAAAWWWW!!!! f-f-fifteen...."

Simi then slid the stick between Marco's naked thighs, and threatened the little guy, "What d'ya say?"

Marco blanked. What do you say? I'm glad you stopped spanking me? Fuck that was embarrassing? Can I go now? But in the end he realized what Simi needed to hear from him.

"Thank you Simi" he said in a husky blown out voice.

Simi, still holding the makeshift paddle in between Marco's legs swiftly slammed it upward directly into the freshman's testicles.


Marco coughed. He knew he wasn't allowed to move his hands from the bench or he'd be punished further. He had to fight the natural male urge to cup his balls. His lower body shook.

"Yer turn Joe" said Simi as he passed the stick.

There was more to come apparently. He noticed again another group of players getting up and leaving. Maybe they were showering or something, Marco thought at first, but he heard no showers. They had to be cooking up something. Suddenly his train of thought was interrupted, by a sharp blow to his ass. Joe had begun. Smack, Smack, Smack. He pounded Marco's boy-ass. He had twice the pent-up rage that Simi seemed to have. Marco was in complete and utter discomfort. His ass was glowing bright red. Finally Joe ended his assault. Again once finished he slipped the stick in between Marco's quivering thighs and demanded for a thank you. Marco stuttered the words out.

"T-T-T-Thank you J-J-J..."

Before he even got to finish Joe's one syllable name, the flat chunk of wood between his legs was suddenly forced upward and slammed into Marco's nutsac again.

"OOOOOWWWWWW!!!! FFFFUCK!!" the latino screamed.

This process was repeated 5 or 6 times more with the other teammates having a go at it. None had quite the fervor of the first two fortunately, but perhaps he was numb towards the end. With the final smack to the balls, Marco swallowed his scream, he felt like vomiting.

Then from a short distance away the sound of squeaky wheels echoed off the locker room walls. Something was drawing near. It sounded metallic and old. With it came, the frightening snickers of the missing basketball players, the one's who had disappeared during the spanking. Marco was raised to his feet. As he turned around he discovered the source of the noise, an old metal mop bucket. Behind it stood the rest of the team. They were laughing about Marco's bright red buttocks, and randomly chatting away with each other. Joe pushed the team manager to his knees. The bucket was rolled to a stop in front of him, the water inside sloshed around in reaction.

Then with a menacing grin, and a dry mop in his hand Joe advanced behind Marco. Pressing the broom to the back of his head he plunged the latino's face into the small mop bucket. Marco anticipated the action and held his breath. His head was suddenly submerged in the dark bucket. He squeezed his eyes shut thrashing around. Extra hands held his body in position. The mop held him in place. The water was warm, and not entirely deep. It didn't appear to have any soap in it. After a while he could no longer hold his breath. He exhaled what was left in his lungs. It bubbled to the surface. He couldn't stand it any longer. The liquid began flowing into his nose. It was thick. He instantly gagged. It was urine. The team had taken turns pissing into the bucket, while he was being spanked. He inhaled the foul liquid for lack of oxygen. He felt like he was drowning. Then suddenly he was yanked out of the piss. He inhaled the stench of the locker room thankfully. Everyone was laughing around him. It didn't last long, he was soon plunged back into the bucket of piss for another round of the same. Finally they tired of nearly drowning their little jockwasher, and tossed him into a corner. He heaved in huge gulps of air, as the team went about their business showering and dressing. Many had plans for after the game.

Marco remained frozen in the corner. He had to wait till they left anyway, to lock up. He had tried to pull his pants back up, but was told to sit still. So he sat there on the cold locker room floor with his jeans pulled down to his ankles, and his head and shirt soaked in the collective urine of the entire team. Slowly they left.

Then Simi walked over.

"All right, get up freshman" He began, "You gonna let that happen again?"

Marco shook his head "no".

"You don't like being spanked, and drinkin' pee do ya?"

Marco again shook his head.

"All right, now turn around and bend over, I'm gonna fuck you"

"Please, Simi, I don't wanna..." began Marco. He was nearly in tears. It was just him and Simi, He was trying to reason with him. There were no others around to make this an issue of control, and embarrassment.

"I said turn around and bend over...I'm gonna put my dick up yer ass, and I don't care if you don't want to."

"Please...It hurts, I don't want you to fuck me."

Simi glared at him, one more word of defiance from Marco's mouth, and he'd have bruises on his face to match his ass.

Marco contemplated his situation. He had continual flashbacks of his ass fucking by Nick. The huge black cock had bore into him, stripping him of his virginity. The moans re-entered his memory. Finally he had an idea.

"I'll...I'll suck yer..." Marco paused rethinking his offer. Was he really about to say this? He hated the thought of being buttfucked again, but offering a BJ instead...It was something he never thought he'd be willing to do to another man. He had made his decision. He took a deep breath and exhaled the words. "I'll suck you off" His eyes were glued to the floor, he couldn't look Simi in the eye. The reaction would be burnt into his memory forever, just like Nick's grunt.

"You wanna suck me huh?" Simi skewed the appearance of the situation, to boost his own ego. It made it easier for him to give in. Marco had no choice but to play along, or get another load of cum up his butt.

"Yeah...please." The words seem to come from someone else's mouth. Surely Marco didn't just say please. Surely I didn't just beg to suck some jock's dick, he asked himself.

"Get down there" was Simi's only response.

Marco dropped to his knees. He apprehensively reached for the waist band of Simi's shorts, and trying not to look, for some reason, he yanked them down to the floor. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a large, thick, black penis flopping up and down as he did it. He was afraid to look at it. He knew it was bigger than his, Simi was every bit more of a man than Marco. He had a larger, and darker bush of pubes. His balls were bigger, his cock was definitely thicker, and longer. Simi was even darker than Marco. There was nothing he had that could stand up to Simi's magnificence, but he was two years younger. Suddenly Marco sensed that Simi was getting impatient.

He finally raised his eyes to the giant steaming dick that hung in front of his face. He was afraid of it's taste. He didn't want to have to taste Simi's cock sweat. But he had to. With a sudden burst of courage, he opened his latin lips wide and let Simi's limp monster slide into his mouth. It wasn't bad. It was salty of course, but it wasn't as bad as the bucket of piss.

He began running his tongue up and down the underside. Though he didn't admit it to himself, Marco wanted to do a good job. A good job, meant a short job, and a short job, is the only kind of blow job he wanted to give. He concentrated on the head, squeezing it with his lips and then lubing the whole of Simi's black shaft, before returning to the head again. He rolled it around his tongue slurping at the huge cock with all of his mouth muscles. Then things slowly began growing. His cock was engorging. Bigger and bigger it pumped Marco's mouth in and out. Marco knew the end had to come soon. He tasted pre-cum. It was salty and musky. His instinct was to spit it out, but he knew he'd have to finish Simi off first. There was no way to avoid the load waiting in the hot jock's balls. It would be inside of him.

His cock continued growing, until Marco knew he was begin gagging soon, and once the first gurgle choked out of the used latino, Simi instantly pulled out. Marco was confused, relieved, but confused.

"Not that I'm sure you won't turn into a great cocksucker later on in the semester, Marco, but until you get better at it, I'm just gonna fuck you."

Marco was shocked. He thought he'd made a deal. He thought he'd avoided that terrible sensation in his butthole. He thought that nothing ever penetrate his tight sphincter again. And maybe some where deep inside, Marco was a little offended, that Simi did not appreciate his ability to suck cock. But on the outside he was begging to give it another go.

"Please Simi, No...Don't...."

His plea was ignored. Before he could finish his sentence, Simi had swivelled the young boy around and bent him downward over the bench. The same bench he'd been fucked on before. And lubed only by Marco's own spit, he popped his cock head into that tight latin ass.

"AAAAAAANNNH!!!" He screamed, "No!!! FUCK!!! TAKE IT OUT!!! It's TOO BIG!!!"

But Simi was already in bliss. He rammed his huge member inside the latino, and pumped him again and again. He had already been on the verge of spunking in the boy's mouth, but now he was past the point of stopping. He pumped himself mercilessly into the screaming freshman. And within the very same minute, he came.


Marco was in tears again. Not only was his ass still tender from the spanking, but now his hole was being torn open again. Finally Simi pulled out. He thrust the freshman forward, knocking him into the bucket of piss, which spilled out onto the floor, soaking Marco's jeans which were still around his ankles.

As Marco lay on the floor recovering. Simi bent down towards him.

"We're gonna have to do this more often."

Chapter 21

Mr. Cooper--

"Mr. Cooper?!" boomed the voice of a large old woman.

"Yes Mrs. Zintz?"

"Have you decided what we're going to do about him?" She peered into the room through the crack in the door, and glared down at me. I was wearing only a small ratty green blanket. It was the only thing nearby that they could find to cover me up. Mr. Cooper's idea, not mine. I think it was once used as a cover for one of the timpani in the band room. Now that I'd wrapped my naked body in it, I'm sure the school financial office would splurge and buy proper covers. I didn't plan on holding my breath in anticipation of the thank you letter from Mr. Ray, the band director, however. In fact I'd never see him again, or Mrs. Zintz, or even Vice Principal Cooper. I was being transferred to West High, our rival school.

I'd revealed no names, and described none of the events that led up to my total humiliation in the hallway. Somehow, Mr. Cooper had heard about an ordeal with me and the track team a few days ago during which I had appeared to have "wet" myself outside the boy's room. These two events, coupled with a growing suspicion in the back of Mr. Cooper's mind caused him to eventually decide on a non-disciplinary school transfer. He knew there was more to the story, he just couldn't get it out of me.

"We've got it covered, we're gonna do a transfer." replied Mr. Cooper.

Mrs. Zintz frowned, exhaled noisily, and scurried away.

Chapter 22

New Beginning?--

A year and a half had passed since that very long week of my life transpired. I settled in well at West High, but it was the end of summer now. I'd return to West on Monday to begin my junior year. I decided to make the most of my last few days of summer, so I headed for the beach. I met up with two guys from my new school Jake and Aaron. They were good guys. They didn't duct tape me to things.

We were romping back through the frothy waters heading for our towels when I spotted a gaggle of Greeks headed our way. Frat boys that is. It was a college town after all. You did tend to see them at the beach. But these guys looked focused, and sober. We ignored them all the same. I had just turned around to point out the surfer's stone to Aaron who had never heard of it, when I was suddenly and abruptly stolen from my sandy perch.

Chapter 23

Used by Jocks--

There's a grand tradition amongst the brothers of Sigma Theta Phi or maybe it was Pi, fuck if I know, it was a frat house. The tradition, of course, was initiation. Generally they don't initiate High School Juniors, however. And I would be no exception.

Once we returned to the house I was dragged through the doors and tossed into a parlor of sorts. The door was locked and closed behind me. I wasn't all too unfamiliar with being handled this way thanks to my brief education at my former highschool, but I was frightened nonetheless. And then the door opened again.

In he walked. Bronzed from a summer of beach bumming, and finally a true and legal man. I should have guessed, Joe. The door slammed behind him.

"Hey, how's West?" he began, peculiarly chipper. I played along.

"Good...good...How's the team?"

"They're well..." he replied enjoying this.

"How's Marco?" I asked, wondering if he was still team manager.

"Good...on his knees after every game."

"Well everyone needs a hobby" I snapped back. It came out sounding confident, but I was nervous underneath.

"I'm glad you see it that way" He responded, his eyes boring into me. He smiled. But beneath his confident outside there was a nervousness too. Joe wanted me to believe, for as long as he could, that he had the ultimate control. But this time, he didn't really know what was about to happen. The brother's hadn't told him what to do with his captive yet.

Then bursting through the door, came the same crew that had been my kidnappers. One wore a gimpy hat. He spoke with all the pomp and circumstance one might expect from a fratboy.

"On yer knees!!!"

I immediately knelt. Joe hovered over me, much like he had done several times before. The man in the gimpy hat looked confused.

"Uhhhhhhh no. You: on yer knees. You: stand up."

I stood up. Now I was confused. Then a strange feeling swept over me as I saw Joe slowly and begrudgingly lower himself to his knees before me. I looked down at him like a confused beagle. He wouldn't make eye contact.

"The rug you two are standing on is the parlor rug!" gimpy hat man began. "It has been in this house, in this room, for 75 years! AND 75 years worth of worthless pledges like you have knelt on it! It is an antique! An expensive one! If you get it dirty, you will pay with more than money! Now, Mr. Captive..." He looked over at me.


"Revealing to anyone the secrets you are about to witness and take part in will in all likeliness be met with extreme and unusual punishment. Do you understand?"

"Sure..." I gazed back at him vacantly.

"Very well. This pledge is a worthless pile of shit! Please relieve yourself in his mouth!"

A smile crept across my face. I think I used new muscles in my face to make this particular smile, because it didn't feel like one I'd ever formed before. I had to clarify this.

"You want me to....piss in his mouth?"

"Yes!" the man with the hat replied, "But if a drop spills on this rug, you'll both regret it for the rest of your days!"

I let out a breathy chuckle. Joe looked defeated. I reached down and untied my swimming suit. I then stuffed my hand into them and let my cock flop out. It was dangerously close to Joe's face. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and opened wide. I couldn't even think, I was so amazed. I edged myself closer to him, then ever so gently I rested the head of my cock in his mouth. The sensitive underside of my penis was now positioned directly upon his bottom lip. A tingle of excitement shot through my body at the point of impact. And then before my brain could process it, the sensation was doubled. Without a command, or a signal from anyone, Joe had wrapped his lips around my cock sealing my meat in his mouth. It felt good. It was so soft, and warm. I was growing a little, I couldn't help it. But I did have to pee. It would take concentration with this crowd around. I closed my eyes, and tried to let it out. Before I had time to think about it, one of the frat boys appeared with a bowl of hot water. He offered it up to my left hand. I looked at him surprised, and dipped my fingers into it. Immediately I had to go. I arched my hips towards Joe's face and finally, pissed in his mouth. While it was happening, nothing else in the world seemed to matter, I was being relieved, from a lot of things. Everyone around me began laughing hysterically. Finally it wasn't at me.

Joe mumbled his distaste for my urine, immediately after it splashed into his mouth. He made gagging motions like he was going to spit it up. But then there was the rug. It was ever in his mind. But I wasn't letting up. He had to swallow what I was giving him. It was his only choice. A stream of piss trickled down from the corner of his mouth. It followed down the contours of his cheek and trickled down his neck to be soaked up into the collar of his shirt, which was visibly damp now. I pissed on, careless of the rug. I gave the worrying to Joe. It would be his fault, if he couldn't take his own medicine. He continued making disgusted gurgling moans, until finally all that was left of my bladder, trickled out of my piss slit and onto his tongue. I pulled out between his moist lips with an obscene plop.

I looked down at him. He looked as if he'd just drank a gallon of gasoline. He was out of it, completely. Drunk on piss, his eyes slowly glanced up at me, he looked beaten and used, and his face and shirt were soaked with the remnants of my bathroom break. His eyes finally met mine. He was speechless. There was a sudden pause, a singularity overtook the room. Then from behind him, like angels to the rescue, his brothers stood Joe up.

"Congratulations, you're now a brother!" announced the goofy fucker with the stupid hat.

They paraded him out of the room, but one stayed behind.

"Sorry we had to use you fer that." He said, genuinely apologetic.

I smiled back, "That's ok...I'm used to it."

The end

Several people have requested that I offer pictures of various characters, or scenes. I've compiled a few of them and posted them on the following website:

Thanks for reading


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