Used by Jocks

By Eros Zob

Published on Jan 17, 2005


Disclaimer: The following story is for the most part a work of fiction. A few instances are drawn from actual events involving consenting persons 18 years or older, but no original names of people, or places have been used. The following material deals with sexual situations involving homosexual acts. Other situations include bondage, S&M, and in order to make a more compelling story line the situation takes place in a highschool setting. It is not recommended that this material be viewed by persons under the age of 18 or anyone else who does not wish to read a story involving acts of homosexual sex.

Used by Jocks -- Part 9 by Eros

Chapter 15

Taking Care of Business--

Paper towels absorb water just about as good as paper. It's the one thing of true importance that I learned from the bathroom butt fuck Marco gave me. After he left, I was trying to dry my hair and pants, and it occured to me that carrying around a spare set of clothes would be just about the most fucking prudent thing a person in my position could do. At least until I graduate. Considering the fact that for the past three days I've been in dire need of such backup, I wasn't all too "surprised" to be once again drenched in someone else's urine, and moreover unpresentable to the public eye. My hair wasn't a problem, it wasn't my first swirly anyway. It was my first urinal swirly, albeit, but wet grimy toilet hair was not a new sensation. It was, instead, the generous damp darkened blotch of piss radiating from my groin downward that made me second guess the trip downtown.

I decided instead to make a short trip to school, slide in through the sports corridor, and get my gym shorts. The trek home would have been too long and embarrassing. I saw no one along the way, fortunately, until I came upon the back of the school. My gym class was outside. They were running laps around the football field. The one I had run through just yesterday, with nothing on but a soiled pair of someone else's underwear. I walked almost sideways to avoid facing the field, and ducked into the sports corridor. I hurried through the hall and out of curiosity I entered the old locker room. (It was always abandoned first and second hours) Then I spotted the laundry room. I could just clean my clothes here.

I opened the washing machine to discover Marco's mishap. A whole team's worth of dirty jock straps lay piled together like an underwear orgy. He had forgotten to add detergent and start the washing machine. I quickly scooped the dirty jocks out and dumped them into a nearby laundry cart. Then I sprinted to my locker to get my gym shorts. I reached my section and before I even walked into it, I noticed my lock was missing. The door to my flimsy little gym locker was closed, but lockless. I opened the door to discover all of my clothes were missing, stolen. Probably Joe, I thought. So, I returned to the laundry room, slipped off my pants and boxers and started the machine.

By the time the washing was done and I had thrown my clothes into the dryer the hour was almost over. I needed a place to hide while first hour showered and changed. Instantly I thought of the old towel closet. No one used it (but Joe). I quickly headed for it, only it was locked. Joe must have the key, he'd locked it once before. I looked around for another place to hide, but there was no place. I'd have to stay tucked in the laundry room and hope no one ventured near, but as the students began trickling in, sweaty and exhausted, I suddenly feared I might get discovered anyway. I turned the light off.

They say it's impossible to be both paranoid and naive, so perhaps this was a marked depature from my naivete, but I was also desperate and half naked, so as footsteps neared the tiny laundry room, I decided to hide in the only place that I knew no one would bother to look. A laundry cart containing three damp towels and every soiled jockstrap that our highschool basketball team owned. It was big enough for me, but not the best hiding place I'd ever decided upon. As I stepped into it, I quickly began piling the dirty straps on top of me. The thought of being covered in all that soiled underwear would have disgusted me 4 days ago, but frankly I was getting used to it now. I regretted admitting it to myself at the time, but it was a small turn on. The fact was cemented into my brain when I positioned the last strap over my face. I inhaled the stench of my own free will, the smell of piss, sweat, and testicles overtook me. I felt my cock stir. It was official. I was, in some way, enjoying this. Joe had turned me into a pervert, all of them had. Then the room was suddenly illuminated. I heard someone opening the dryer, then a gruff "hmm" broke the silence. It had to be a gym teacher. He was no doubt confused as to why the dryer was on when he returned from first hour. I heard the dryer door close again and the lights went out. I'd have to wait in the pile of jockstraps until second hour had come, changed and left for the field before it was safe to get out and restart the machine.

Then the bell rang. For the next 4 minutes I debated jumping out and switching on the machine, while the students were away, but I figured it would only alert the teacher to my presence, so I stayed, huddled in the laundry cart. As I waited an urge swept over me. The same urge that had hit me when I saw Paul Greeves bound and blindfolded. The urge to take some control, to do something for myself. I slowly reached my tongue out, and forced it into the pouch of the dirty jockstrap on my face. The taste was familiar, salty and foul. I wondered who it belonged to. I continued licking the inside. My cock was growing again. Another slow inhalation, and I suddenly knew what I would do while I waited. My hand found it's way around the jockstraps and to my groin. I was hard. I began stroking myself up and down. With my other hand I reached down and cupped my balls, rolling them around. Each pull was more ecstasy. My balls spasmed raising themselves upwards. I thought of Marco, how he had fucked my ass. His hot latin dick had pushed in and out of me slowly, his only thought was his own release. Each ripple and vein in his cock wildly rubbed against my hole, without a care for my comfort. He'd denied me the privilege of tasting his cum, and instead he nutted inside of me. It was still there somewhere. Then I thought of Paul, how I'd been duct taped to his cock. It was in my mouth for so long. He released his bladder into me. Then the excitement of the journey to the rock when he had knelt before me and tugged his own piss stained underwear off of me while Marco held me. An image of their young bodies swum in my mind. Suddenly the bell rang.

I wasn't about to stop I still had to wait for everyone to change before they left the locker room, and I was all the way in the back of the old locker room. Second hour was still Freshman Gym, no one would have a reason to walk back here. Then Joe's beautiful body flew into my mind. His cut abs, his firm broad pecs. That treasure trail that I so longed to explore. I'd still never seen his dick, I wanted to bad. I wondered how big he was. Maybe it was oddly shaped or embarrassingly small. I didn't care, I wanted Joe's naked body before me, his was the only image floating in my mind that was incomplete. Then I thought of Simi, his enormous flopping cock. It was the most fun of them all to suck. So much meat to work with. I was both intimidated and comforted by his huge cock. And his taste, I remembered the taste of his cum. I inhaled deeply again the stench of the jock pouch dreaming it was his. I began bucking inside the lining of the laundry cart. My dick shook. I teased my own orgasm. I squeezed my balls gently then let up. My taint pulsated. I couldn't hold it anymore. I was seeing lights. Brightness engulfed me. But it was no orgasmic hallucination. Someone had just entered the laundry room and turned on the lights. My orgasm was so close, I couldn't stop. I tried, but I was past the point of no return. My lower extremities quivered for release. Then, out of control, I spunked a random jockstrap.. I came inside of it. I could feel the warm creamy fluid passing through my piss slit. It would have been glorious if it wasn't ruined by the intruder. I halted my hands, and let my cock pulse itself. It felt so good, I knew I was moaning. Just the slightest of moans. Just the tiniest "uuunh, unnnhh".

"What the fuck?"

It wasn't quiet enough evidently. Suddenly I felt a sharp kick to my ass. whoever had entered the room, had heard the sound, and cleverly deduced it's source.

"Who the fuck is in there?"

I froze. Then I saw a hand reaching for me in between jockstraps. He removed the strap covering my face and stared down at me in shock. I immediately noticed that he was naked except for his boxers. His smooth slightly muscled tanned freshman body was already familiar to me. It was Paul.

"Oh my God you hopeless faggot. What the fuck are you doing in a pile of dirty jocks?" He asked with less humor in his voice than might be expected.

I couldn't honestly remember why. I blanked. Then I remembered.

"I was hiding"

"Well I found you so go find another place, you fuckin' lunatic"

His initial instinct had been to just get rid of me. That's strange, I thought. Marco's instinct had been to fuck me stupid and drown me in a urinal. But Paul appeared to want me out of there. What the fuck did he care? And why was he in here? I began to raise up inside the cart, then I noticed something. His gym clothes were on the dryer next to him, and his school clothes were in a pile on the washing machine. He was changing in here. It suddenly hit me. Paul Greeves had no pubes. He would be a fool to change in front of his classmates. There's no mistaking freshly shaved groin. It's pretty fucking obvious.

I decided to take my chances hiding in the athlete showers. I lifted myself out of the laundry cart exposing my naked lower body to Paul. A lone jockstrap clung to my crotch as if glued on. I quickly pulled it off and tossed it in with the others. Only I'd just exposed my still half hard cock to Paul.

"Where're yer jeans?" He asked like he was my older brother or something.

"In the dryer...they're wet"

He opened the dryer to check, then looked back at me with a confused grin.

"Get the fuck out, fag"

Aside from the name calling, the whole situation had been mildly civil. He wasn't a bad guy afterall. Sure he had abandoned me with Simi and two horny basketball players in the woods to be fucked senseless, but He almost had a look of concern on his face for my current situation. I slipped off my shirt and draped it over my arm like a towel. Then, I headed for the athlete's showers to hide.

I waited there, cold and naked. In the same spot that Marco and I had been yesterday after Nick fucked him. The same spot in which I sucked the used latino, out of pity. Now who was pitiful?

The last group of teenagers jogged down the sports corridor, and I was finally convinced the area was empty. I walked back to the laundry room to turn on the machine. The light was still on. I entered only to find Paul and somebody I didn't know waiting for me, dressed in their normal school clothes. I was still naked.


"Hey, I'm Scott. ...cold?" He was referring to my shrunken dick. It had been cold waiting in the showers. "We'll take that" With that he grabbed the shirt out of my hands and tossed it into the dryer, with my jeans.

This, Scott, was someone I had heard of before. He was a surfer like Paul. In fact he was the ring leader of their little surfing gang. The one who always came up with the ideas that eventually got them all in trouble. In fact it was him that in Junior High, sent a mass email of a picture of a penis to the entire school, that he claimed was the principal's. I was not happy to be at his mercy at this moment.

"Get in" Paul announced as Scott rolled the laundry cart over towards me. I reluctantly stepped into the cart of jockstraps again. It was an embarrassing thing to do in front of other people.

"Cover yerself up" ordered Scott.

I nestled myself deep into the soiled undergarments and stared back up at them, waiting for whatever they had cooked up with 8 minutes of time to plan.

"Oh you forgot one" smiled Paul as he dangled a jock strap over my head with the very tips of his fingers. It was of course covered in my own cum. He lowered it to my face. "Lick it fag"

I looked up at Paul, instantly erasing all the "he's not such a bad guy" thoughts that had once entered my mind, and stuck out my tongue. He lowered the jock further still, while Scott looked on wide eyed. I raised my head up to touch my tongue to the glob of cum inside the strap pouch, but Paul yanked it up further. Out of instinct I darted upwards after it. They laughed at me.

"Say please" insisted Paul.

I glared at him, then at the cum soaked jock. I meekly murmured a faint "please"

"Good boy"

He then lowered the jock again right as I was lifting myself to meet it, and let the glob of spunk splash right onto my outstretched tongue. Scott exploded with laughter. He'd done some pretty perverted stuff before, but apparently this was amazing to him.

"Now swallow it bitch" Paul said calmly.

I let my own sperm ooze down into my mouth. It rested there for a second, then I finally gulped down the product of my own masterbation.

"No fucking way did he just do that!!" Scott interjected.

"Told you, he's a cocksucker from way back...He'll do anything you want man."

Then with sudden urgency Scott said, "Ok, let's go. Let's go."

Paul dangled the jock on my tongue a little while longer then shoved it into my mouth and tossed a towel over me. Inside the cart I spat the strap out of my mouth. The taste of my own cum lingered in my mouth as they pushed me out of the laundry room and through the locker sections. I had no fucking clue where we were going.

Chapter 16


We exited the locker room that's for sure, because I heard the door slam and felt carpet beneath me. They were whispering to each other above me as they pushed me down the hall. I didn't even know what direction we were going in. All I knew is that I was vulnerable, naked, and covered head to toe in dirty jockstraps. They could push me anywhere. Terrible thoughts flew through my mind. What if they pushed me into the girls locker room? Or what if they shoved me into a classroom, or just wheeled me into the middle of the school and dumped me out during lunch or passing? I even worried that they might try to leave the school and take me out in public and abandon me. But then I realized two freshman walking around all over town or even through the school with a laundry cart looked pretty sketchy. Surely they wouldn't do anything too high profile. Suddenly I felt another sharp kick to my ass.

"oops, sorry fag" whispered Scott.

Three or four more blows to my buttcheeks soon followed, accompanied by less than meaningful apologies. I tried to reposition myself so as to receive the blows to my leg instead. But while I fumbled in the bag Scott went for a kick again and nailed me right in the nuts.

"Aaaah, FUCK!" I screamed.

"Quiet, queer!" they snapped at me.

Finally we stopped. I heard the floor change from carpet to tile again. I had truly no idea where we were. Then suddenly the whole room shook. I felt like I was going to fall out or over. That's when I heard a familiar beeping noise, I knew exactly what was going on. I was in an elevator. And I was going up. There was only one place we could be going. The only place within a mile, besides the boulder in the woods, where anyone went to do anything they weren't supposed to...The Roof.

The last ping sounded out of the elevator as the rickety doors slowly rolled open. I was then pushed through a small hallway and out onto the roof. I felt a slight change in temperature, and the air was fresher. Then suddenly, I felt a giant lurch from the direction of both boys, and before I knew it I was flying across the roof of the building. I had no idea in what direction, or towards what. I was scared shitless. I might roll off the building or smash into something. Then suddenly I was stopped. I had slammed into an exposed pipe which clothes lined me and tossed me out of the cart and onto the floor of the roof. I looked around. I had really only traveled a few feet, but it felt like miles.

"So what'd he do?" asked Scott as I stood up naked to the world.

Paul looked hesitant. I realized what they were talking about. Paul wanted revenge for yesterday, but he didn't want to have to tell Scott what happened.


"He...He fuckin..." Paul motioned briefly towards his dick. He couldn't say it.


"He fuckin'....shaved me" Paul almost whispered the word. Scott stared at Paul's head then back at his eyes. "What?" he asked, further confused.

Paul finally realized he had to tell Scott now. "my pubes..."

Scott's face opened up in surprise. "What?!...Yer fuckin' pubes?!"

Paul nodded.

"They made me..." I blurted out.

"Shut the fuck up fag!" shouted Scott. Then he stared at Paul in wonder for a moment. Paul just shrugged his shoulders as if to say "whataya gonna do"

Then in almost a whisper Scott asked, "Lemme see"

Paul didn't have a hint of defiance in his voice towards Scott. Scott appeared to owned him, and all the others in their surfer gang. Paul simply looked up innocently, almost honored. He gave me a quick glance of pure hate, then unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped slowly. Scott looked on with complete and utter interest. He'd never seen anyone with shaved pubic hair. Paul hooked his thumbs under his boxers and pulled down his pants to expose his smooth hairless loins to the one boy in the world for whom he had ultimate respect and loyalty. Scott's eyes bugged out at the sight.


His gaze went up to Paul's eyes, then back down to his cock and balls. Then he smiled at Paul and said, "We're gonna fuck this fucker up, man"

Before I'd quite processed his final words I was attacked. Scott jumped me and knocked me to the ground. He was hovering over my naked body. The roof was less than comfortable pressed against my bare ass. Without a second thought Scott quickly swiveled his body around on top of me and sat over my stomach with his back to face. His knees were on the floor, as his ass slowly pressed down on my torso. I couldn't sit up. Then Paul appeared with a pair of scissors from Scott's bookbag. What a great day this has been, I thought.

The metal glinted in my eye as Paul walked past me to pin my legs on the other side of Scott. I was now helpless and completely blind as to what they were doing to my lower body. Suddenly the cold steel caught my immediate and utter attention. One of them had opened the scissors and threateningly poised them just around the base of my dick. The scissors began to slowly close on my cock.

"Don't...PLEASE!" I begged.

They laughed at my plea, and squeezed the scissors against the sensitive skin of my penis a little more.


"What'll you do for us?" asked Scott

I assumed he was the one with the scissors. His snicker told me how much he enjoyed having power over me. It scared me.

"Whatever you want, just don't!!!" I screamed.

"Ok, whatever I want is good enough. You've got a deal queer!" With that he gave a nonchalant slap to my balls and removed the scissors. "Here you can do it"

He must have handed the scissors to Paul, because I immediately felt them from the opposite angle. He was gonna do what I did to him. Cut off my pubes. I heard snip after snip. He wasn't methodical about it at all. He just randomly snipped off large tufts of my pubic hair and headed for a new area. They must have been nearing the end because they started laughing at me again. Finally another quick slap to the balls and Scott lifted himself off of me. I looked down. My crotch looked rediculous. The hair was mostly gone except for random patches. It was monstrous. And it already itched. I glanced over at Scott, he was kicking his shoes off and unzipping his fly. He rushed me again, completely naked.

His body was not unlike Paul's. But it was nicer. More defined. His pecs bumped out more than Pauls. His waist was more V shaped and his abs were perfect in form. He obviously worked out some. He was even a little tanner than Paul. One thing's for sure he was not affraid of being naked. His smooth young surfer body advanced towards me with complete confidence. A bushy patch of dirty blond pubic hair formed the base of his 7 inch soft cock. He let it dangle over my face as he stood above me.

"You said whatever I want"

I was still laying on the floor at this point, he then knelt down on top of my chest pinning my arms with his knees, and slowly lowered his pelvis towards my face. His dick finally made contact. He wiped it across my face laughing all the while. He was still in the shock period of domination. The part when there's still a bit of disbelief in the willingness of the other party. Scott would never let someone dangle their dick over his face, so why would anyone else, he thought.

"This is fuckin' unbelievable" Scott announced to Paul who was watching the whole thing.

Then Scott began slapping me in the face with his penis. I closed my eyes and let him do it. I thought he'd never get bored of it, until he came up with a new plan.

"Suck my balls"

Simple words, words I'd heard before. I opened my mouth for him. He inched up further to position his balls. Then dipped them right into my face. He missed my mouth and spread his scrotum over my nose at first. I inhaled them, they were grimy. Then he pulled them down into my mouth, and I let them fall in. I freely began sucking on his balls. I still wasn't quite sure if I liked doing this. I slurped them around in my mouth, feeling each one separately with my tongue. His eyes closed and he let his cock flop down onto my face. It rolled over into one of my eye sockets, and remained their limp. I tried to ignore it and just used the other eye to see. His nut oil was all I could taste. He began bobbing up and down, his limp dick was fucking my eye socket. Then he popped his balls out. He kept his bobbing motion up, dipping his balls into my mouth and pulling them back out in perfect rhythm. And all the while his dick was still rubbing my eye. I began anticipating his balls more and more each time. I'd open my mouth wider and wider so as to catch them easier. Finally I opened my mouth as wide as it would go and stuck my tongue out.

It was at this point when his motion was altered slightly and instead of a mouth full of balls, I got a mouth full of taint. He was inching himself forward even more now. I played along as the tanned surfer adonis above me slowly smeared the underside of his groin across my mouth. The flavor was getting saltier and saltier. His sweaty underside was less appealing to me than even his balls. Then he stopped. My arms were still pinned, almost asleep by now.

"Open up faggot!" He ordered.

I opened my mouth wide and stuck my tongue upwards. Then he grabbed his bubble butt cheeks, spread them apart, and shoved his asshole right on top of my tongue. He held his ass over my face, rubbing his sphincter against my tongue and lips. I could hear laughs from both boys. He continued with the rim job for a minute more then lifted off of me again. His cock was still soft, thickened, but dangling as ever.

"Ok, now beg Paul to let you suck his cock"

Paul looked at Scott with a smile. It was only right that Paul be a part of my torture.

"Please Paul?"

Paul approached me and grabbed the hair on the back of my head. I unzipped him, and pulled his cock out. He pulled my head towards his crotch. I fumbled for his dick, and finally popped it into my mouth. It felt like an old friend. His skin was so soft and smooth in my mouth. He was already getting hard. I increased the pressure to his dick with my lips. Then he slowly lowered himself to his knees. I followed him down getting on all fours. I was rock hard now, and so was he, pumping into my face, with his hand firmly on the back of my head.

It was then that I realized what position I was in. Suddenly my butt cheeks were being spread apart. It was Scott.

"Don't worry man I got a rubber" he announced.

Then to my surprise he reached around to my dick and slipped the condom on over my dick. It occurred to me at that point that he might have just misunderstood the proper function and procedures for using a condom, since he'd placed it on me instead of himself, but I decided not to say anything. Mostly because my attention was all being directed towards the unbelievable pain in my ass. He was opening me up. I couldn't help but scream. It was hard and rough, and most of all, huge.

"MMMMAAAAWWW!" I screamed, muffled by the pulsing dick in my mouth.

He pushed into me, and didn't stop to let me recover at all. It felt much different than with Simi or Marco. He kept pushing in and in, I didn't think it would ever stop, it felt like 10 inches already. Then above me I heard Paul chuckling. Something Scott was doing was amusing him. I had to look. I dropped Paul's penis and snapped my head around to see what was happening, Paul instantly swiveled my mouth back to his cock. But not before I'd seen it. Not before I realized why Scott's cock was so much thicker and harder than even Simi's. It wasn't Scott's cock that was in my ass. It was a broom handle. Somewhere along the way, or on the roof Scott had found an old fashioned heavy duty thick handled wooden broom. It was probably over and inch and a half in diameter. And much to my discomfort, a small portion of it was shoved up my ass. It was impossible to concentrate on pleasing Paul. It hurt so much, my eyes were tearing up. I just wanted it to all be over. Then finally Scott began withdrawing the massive pole. It popped out, only to be thrust back in. Not as much of a surprise, but still painful.

Paul began to moan.

"Unnnh Unnnh Unnnnnnh"

"You gonna nut in him?" asked Scott from behind me.

"Fuck yeah man!" answered Paul, "Uunnnnnh!! Unnnnnhh!!!! Aaaannhh!!!!"

With his finally grunt Paul discharged jet after jet of creamy surfer spunk into my mouth. I began choking. It was a lot of cum, and my mind had been concentrating on the dull pain forcing it's way into my ass. I gagged on Paul's orgasm, but still managed to swallow most of it. He pumped me harder than ever, assuring that every last drop of semen was either in my mouth or down my throat. I half savoured his musky sperm as it oozed into me, but I was much more concerned with my ass I must admit. Scott was mercilessly pumping me with the broom handle now. Then finally he stopped. They both managed to flip my over onto my back

The broom was still inside of me, but only 4 or 5 inches in. Scott once again hovered over my body. This time his thick dangling cock, was hard. He'd been wacking off while pumping my ass with the broom. He knelt down over my face again, and without even eye contact he began moaning. His seashell necklace flapped against his skin has a jacked his 9 inches of erect meat.

"Unnnnh, Unnnh....Fuck, Fuck UUUNNNH!!!"

With that the bronzed boy-God spunked all over my face. Gobs and gobs of pungent slime shot out of his hot cock, and splattered onto my face. Some hit my eyes, some managed to get in my mouth, and some even landed in my hair. When he was finally finished emptying his balls onto me, it was all I could smell. He rubbed his used member all over my face and then finished with a jab at my nostrils. Scott's spunk was in my nose. It smelled terrible. I'd much rather have swallowed it. And yet, having two hot surfers use me to get off had turned me on to no end. My cock, sheathed in Scott's rubber, was hard as ever. Suddenly the broom was pulled out of me.

"What a fuckin' fag." Then quite unexpectedly, Scott wrapped his fingers around my dick and gave it a quick double yank. It was twice as much as I required. With a pathetic spasmic lurch I spooged into the condom. I must have looked like I was having a seizure, because I was once again cumming without touching myself.

I lay there recovering from my second orgasm of the day, when suddenly Scott was at my dick again. I looked down at him as a fumbled with the condom poking out of a patchy formerly pubed region of my crotch. He was obviously comfortable enough with the naked male form, to touch another guys dick. He had done it twice now without a second thought. Only an evil grin. This time he removed the cum-filled condom and held it by the ring.

"You put this into your mouth and suck on it, til it's clean and we'll let ya go." offered Scott. Paul broke out in laughter again.

"What if I don't?" I asked curiously.

"The broom"

I instantly opened my mouth for him. With the evil grin glued on his face he slowly lowered the full condom into my mouth. It was by far the most annoying thing I've ever had in my mouth. The plastic taste of latex overpowered every other sensation. The warmth didn't bother me, the remnants of Paul's ejaculate was long gone. All I could taste was latex. Then suddenly I discovered the opening, and inserted my tongue. A gush of sperm came flooding out. I reluctantly gulped down my own cum, I didn't taste any better than any of the guys I'd blown in the past 2 days. I managed to turn the thing inside out, and so I ran my tongue over it again to get all the cum. Finally I was done. I stuck my tongue out for Scott's inspection. Without the slightest hesitation, Scott took the condom from my mouth and fingered it. He was obviously satisfied.

He looked at his watch, then said, "Good job, you can go."

I was glad. The cocksucking had been fun, but my ass hurt, and I could barely stand up straight now. Not to mention the fact that I had the taste of latex and cum in my mouth. They ushered me to the elevator. No one bothered to gather the jockstraps, or bring the cart. As the elevator doors began to open I heard a strange buzzing noise, then we got in. I was sure they wouldn't suddenly produce a set of clothes for me to wear. The elevator wasn't far from the locker room, and it was an abandon hall when classes are in session, but I still wasn't looking forward to sprinting back to the locker room. I had little choice though.

The elevator binged. We'd reached the second floor. The locker room was just one more floor down. It was then that I realized three small things. One: that Paul had hit the second floor button instead of the first. Two: that the peculiar buzzing sound I had heard earlier was the end of second hour. And Three that my face was still covered in Scott's slowly drying teenage spunk. The doors opened.

The next few seconds are a blur, but I do remember feeling a sudden burst of pressure in between my ass cheeks, a smile from Scott who was the source of it, and a shove from Paul. I was ejected out of the elevator into a swarm of students, everyone stopped instantly. I was butt naked, covered in cum, pubeless, and though I didn't know it at the time, hanging out of my ass was a used condom. The elevator doors closed. No one had seen the two young surfers responsible for this prank.

I was entirely and wholly mortified. A large group of people half of which knew me by my name stood and stared in bewildered shock at the sight of a poor freshman who looked like he'd just beamed down from an intergalactic traveling bath house. I ran.

"What're you doing after school" asked Scott as they waited for the elevator to descend to the first floor.

"Nothing" answered Paul hoping Scott was going to suggest the guys get together to go surfing tonight.

"You should come with me to this guy Joe's house. He's gonna show me this hilarious video that he took at school. Some fucked up nasty shit I hear."

Scott looked over at Paul innocently as he waited for a response.

To be Continued...

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Next: Chapter 10

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