
Published on Nov 29, 2005


  • (story clips) *
  • by Vince Water *

| Copyright 2004-2005 by Vince Water Revised: November 10, 2005 |

  • +

| H story clips: 0-2 AGAIN story clips: A-B |


This text contains short story 'clips' of events that's come to mind and I

wanted to write them down before they're forgotten. A kind of 'sneak peak'

at something that's going to unfold in a future story part. They are raw,

unedited clips that will likely be enhanced when appearing in an actual story

part. DO NOT READ FURTHER if you'd rather wait for these events to appear in

an 'official' release of that particular full story part.

I'm designating numbers to stories for the 3rd series: 'New to Love Honeymoon"

and letters to those story clips for the 4th series: 'New to Love Again'.

Check for updates to this text from time to time and note above where the

caption reads: H story clips: 0-2 AGAIN story clips: A-B

Say, for example, that you've downloaded this text a week ago where the

'Again' story clips indicated A-A where now, it's been revised to A-B. That

means I have written a new story clip labeled 'B' since your last download of

this text. Page down to find a row of B B B B's to read this new story clip!

When a story clip's 'time' has arrived to appear in its series' story part,

it will be removed from this text. Its number/letter designation will be

'retired' so as to not cause any confusion.

I've designated this entire text of short story clips with the filename:

SINGING.TXT since my first story clip depicts grandfather 'singing' to Winna,

Mike, Jessie and Jake. You will find this file (the one you're reading now)

on my Yahoo! Group:

within the FILES section. I mention this in case you've come across this file

somewhere other than my Yahoo! Group where I'm posting this updated text from

time to time.

I plan to write a penology (five series) to my 'New to Love' saga. They are

titled as follows:

"New to Love"

"New to Teaching Love"

"New to Love Honeymoon"

"New to Love Again"

"New to Love Shaman"

The first series has been completed at twenty story parts. The second series,

'New to Teaching Love' is nearly completed at eighteen story parts out of

twenty. A few parts to the third series, 'New to Love Honeymoon' have been

written but will undergo editing and enhancement before being released to the

Nifty Archive. I've outlined (with some detail) the important events, story

plots and background to my 'New to Love' penology. This very revealing

information can be read in the 'IfIDie!.txt' file posted on my Yahoo! Group

in the FILES section.

What follows is the H story clip '0' that should be read before beginning

the 'Honeymoon' series. Doing so will further enhance your enjoyment and

understanding of it. This clip will then appear in a future 'New to Love

Honeymoon' story part and then removed from this text.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Revised: 11/8/05

H story time: Monday, May 12th, 2003

{Shaman He-who-runs-up-mountains has eaten a late lunch with Winna, Mike,

Jessie and Jake at the house. Grandfather has come to meet his grandson for

the first time. They're in the front room talking about Blackfoot stuff so

Jake can begin to learn about his proud Indian heritage. Grandfather sings.

His words are in old Siksika but Jake (who's been given a hand drum to beat

along with the melody) hears the beauty in the old man's song. Several have

already been given. A hauntingly sad song is now rendered by grandfather.}

"It seems that everybody wants to tell me what to do.

I didn't listen to them so you know I won't listen to you.

Do what I want to do.

Sit on street corners begging for change.

End up being a fool.

"What is in my heart is not revealed on my face.

Not heard in my voice.

Not for your White eyes.

My spirit wants to keep on riding free.

Freedom is a fire that never goes away.

"The road it stretches out endlessly in front of me.

To the next White town to sing for your coppers

though you don't really hear me.

Until I'm returned to my parents,

I sit alone.

I sit alone.

"What is in my heart is not revealed on my face.

Not heard in my voice.

Not for your White eyes.

My spirit wants to keep on riding free.

Freedom for my People is a fire that never goes away.

"Hey. Have your White eyes looked at the land?

And seen the destruction like a scab over a wound?

In a land that once was mine.

We used to soar high as the eagles,

far as we could fly.

Then you came along and took without asking.

Killed our... fathers.

Raped our mothers.

Put children in a White man's school.

Taught me nothing.

"What is in my heart is not revealed on my face.

Not heard in my voice.

Not for your White eyes.

My spirit wants to keep on riding free.

Freedom is a fire that never goes away.

"All the eagles they have fled.

No place for us to fly free either.

Given bad land to wound in your White ways.

I won't listen to you, won't follow in your footsteps.

My spirit is guided by the People of Old.

"What is in my heart is not revealed on my face.

Not heard in my voice.

Not for your White eyes.

My spirit wants to keep on riding free.

As it was, freedom for the People a fire that never goes away.

Until we return to the good red road, I sit alone.

I sit alone.

I sit alone.


I am struck by grandfather's sad song that has brought him to tears. Jake

stops beating on his drum. Jessie sitting beside holds the old man's hand. He

begins to chant.

"Not alone, my grandfather.

I sit beside you as the People of Old did.

You have returned some to the good red road.

You inspire us.

"What is in my heart is revealed on my face.

It is heard in my voice.

It is for all eyes to see.

Your spirit has kept on riding free.

Freedom for the People is a fire I won't allow to smolder."

Tears are running down Jessie's face. He has renewed his pledge to serve

the People as Shaman He-who-runs-up-mountains has done. Grandfather wipes his

eyes dry. He's Looking at his grandson in a way that makes the tiny hairs

lift at the back of my neck. A haunting look. The old man's eyes then peer at

me. I grasp my lover's left hand in a show of my pledge to support him.

Power flows through us. Grandfather Sends Jes-ee-ah a series of images

that spill through my lover to me. This is what I See. An Indian boy of eight

being taken from his mother's arms. His father stands near a counter piled

with sacks of flour and wheat, coils of rope, a saw, boxes of nails, hammer

and other supplies. The man is heart broken over this necessary trade.

'Jacob' is the new name given the boy at the Jesuit school. His black hair

is cut short, deerskin flaps replaced by pants and a shirt. He's forbidden to

speak Indian. There are other Native children who have been taken from their

parents by threat of force, through 'trade' for food or simply cohered.

Blackfoot, Chippewa and Cree. They're being taught White man's ways through

the 'love of Christ'. All things Indian are said to be a sin. Heart sick boys

and girls are kept from returning home to see mothers and fathers. The Black

Robed White faces are their parents now.

Little Jacob is taunted by the other boys at school. They have submitted

to White ways but he refused. "My father was a proud Blackfoot chief! His

father before him was an Inspired One who kept the faith between my People

and the Great Father so I won't submit" The Black Robes often punished Jacob

for his defiance and speaking Siksika but they didn't break his spirit.

Four moons after the boy's 'capture' by the Whites, he escaped. It was a

long hard road back to his People's reservation. He met up with a half breed

squaw. She'd sold herself in towns while the boy sang at street corners for

copper coins. That song grandfather rendered to us earlier sounded sweet in

their White sympathetic ears though sung in Siksika, they couldn't understand

his words. Woman and boy survived those years amongst the Whites until

finding their way south and west to the Blackfoot reservation.

Hope to see his parents again was what sustained the boy. When he learned

that his mother had died from starvation and his father killed by Whites

trying to steal food, that broke his spirit when nothing else had. The boy

fell into darkness. The squaw who'd taken care of him those years on the road

became his second mother. They were provided for by others in the tribe,

saddened that the boy hid inside himself. He still sometimes sang for coppers

though there were no Whites to toss them into his lap where he sat in the

squaw's lodge in the reservation.

Light returned to the boy's heart in his early teens. It was an ancestor's

spirit who yet walked in flesh. Of Power to Reach inside him. This one Took

the boy and his second mother Forward to a better time where she married

(a White skin of all people!) while he grew into manhood and became the

tribe's Inspired One.

The images end. Before grandfather broke his Connection to us, I'd Seen

one thing further or rather, I Sensed it. A circle about to complete itself.

An old man who was that troubled teen helped by the one he in turn helped. It

doesn't make sense to me.

Regular sight returns to my eyes. I see Winna crouching before grandfather

with concern on her face.

"Uncle? Are you alright?"

He-who-runs-up-mountains doesn't respond. Jessie lets go of my hand.

"He's really tired, mom. I'll take him to bed."

We both help walk grandfather to our bedroom while Winna and Jake follow

behind. At our door, Jes gives his mother the eye so she turns away, taking

Jake to the kitchen. We lay the troubled old man on our bed. He falls asleep.

... <---{These series of three dots means a jump to the next scene which

didn't warrant its own numbered designation.}

{Later that evening}

One-white-horse walks to his truck parked at the curb while grandfather

lingers a moment with us on the porch. He has parting words to give us.

"My grandsons. Do not worry about this old man before you. There are yet

a handful of moons remaining to my life so I can see my grandson Jes-ee-ah

set on the path my feet have walked these many, many years. He will lead the

People after me."

"Yes, grandfather."

They exchange Looks that make the tiny hairs at the back of my neck stand

on end. Not from the flow of Power. I'm not Sensing its rising between them

yet something is Passed. A secret?

"Short Hair. I am very proud of you for keeping your feet on the good red

road. You are a worthy companion to my grandson."

I feel a burning to my face. My eyes drop from his when I softly mutter,

"I've stumbled some."

"Don't we all?" asks grandfather. "The troubles you faced have blown away

like smoke in the wind. Is this not so?"

I'm only nodding in reply. Grandfather smiles and that lifts my spirits.

"After great struggles comes rest. I am to love pledge the two of you in a

few Saturdays before family and friends. Why not enjoy a... how you say it?

Your 'honeymoon' during this week?"

I'm glancing at Jessie. He only shrugs his shoulders, leaving it up to me

to decide. We'd only be given three days for our honeymoon. I'd hoped for at

least a week! There are also other concerns which I voice to the old man.

"Grandfather. The following week would be better. Jake needs to be settled

into his new home so we need to help Winna with that."

:My mom can look after Jake,: Says Jessie. :They should be given some time

without us around, love.:

:Only three days with you!: Jes understands but he wants to seize this

opportunity to be with me. We've rarely been given the chance to spend time

together alone since we met. I address grandfather. "Very well."

"Good. I'll ask One-white-horse to prepare a horse for your journey

tomorrow. Come to his lodge in the morning. We'll see you off."

Jessie grabs my right hand. I'm Sensing his great relief and happiness

that I've agreed to grandfather's suggestion for going this week. Tomorrow!

We'll be enjoying a honeymoon even before we're married.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Revised: 11/8/05

H story time: Wednesday, August 19, 1891 (Yup! I mean way back then.)

{Mike and Jessie have set off from Shelby. They've ridden 112 miles so far

west from Bull Hook Bottoms with their destination of 'Browning', 58 miles

yet to go. All afternoon, they note a lone rider behind them who's kept his

distance. Night falls. They get off the road to set up camp.}

After Jes and I collect firewood and stack it in a crisscross formation

for burning, I'm lighting it with matches. Dry pine needles serve as

kindling. We soon have a fire going and sit around it with our hands reaching

out to it for warmth. Rebecca snorts uneasily behind us. Hmm. She must of

smelled something not to her liking. I don't hear wolves or anything.

{They talk about the journey ahead while eating.}

Rebecca stomps her foot and neighs. "Go to sleep, you stupid horse!"

Jessie tenses up at my side under the blanket we're sharing.

:Kris. Get your firing stick. Now!:

That was Good-eyes Speaking to me! As I'm standing up to fetch my rifle, a

sound from behind freezes my blood. It's a pistol being cocked!

"You should have heeded your horse's warning," says a sneering voice.

"Reach for the sky!"


:I know! Act like you don't understand English.: I'm speaking old Siksika

words to Jes asking him to raise his hands like I'm doing.

"No talk between you two!" the man warns.

"This Indian don't knowed English," I explain in a calm voice. "Just told

'em what you wanted us to do."

"Alright. Ask her to stand up but don't you turn around yet."

"Stand up," I'm telling Jessie in Siksika. He does while still facing the

fire. I get an itchy sensation at the back of my neck. How close is this man

behind us? Will he shoot first before taking our money? Maybe he'll shoot

afterwards. I don't know! :We must be prepared to act. He can only aim at

one of us so the other must spring if given the chance.:

:I know, Kris. Let me since I'm more experienced with this than you.:

It's haunting to Hear my lover's former self's Voice. This has rarely

happened before.

"Give me all your money," the man demands. He steps closer to the pair.

"It's in my breast pocket."

"Turn and face me. Just you!"

I'm turning around but so does Jessie in keeping with not 'understanding'

English when he mimics my actions. I peer into the darkness. Our fire hasn't

grown enough to cast enough light outwards to see this man.

"Hand it over, boy."

I'm slowly reaching into my breast pocket. That wad of one hundred dollars

in $20 bills comes out. I offer it to the robber.

"Is that all of it?"

"Yeah. Take it, and leave us in peace!" The man steps into view. By his

tall hat with two eagle's feathers stuck in it, I recognize him as that rider

who'd kept his distance behind us all day. He was planning on coming upon our

night camp to rob us. Stupid of me! I should of had my rifle close at hand

and heeded our horse's warning like he said.

:I too am at fault, love.:

:We have to figure a way out of this! He may still kill us, leaving behind

no witnesses and check our bodies for more loot. He'll likely take Rebecca.

If it seems like we're gonna be shot, get him!:

"Put the money down on the ground real easy..."

I'm setting the folded bills down like he's asked. The man is six feet

away, too far to spring at him before his gun goes off. Jessie takes a slow

step towards him while making it obvious that one of his hands is needed to

keep hold of the blanket wrapped around him. His right hand is raised above

his head. He speaks to me in Siksika.

"Tell him that your 'squaw' offers herself to go with him if he'll leave

you alive."

"No talking to each other!" the man warns. He takes a few steps towards

the money laying on the ground while brandishing his pistol.

"My squaw said that she'll go with you if you leave me unharmed."

The man chuckles. "I'll end up with my throat cut instead. Then she'll

return to you with the cash, laughing. You think I'm stupid or something?"

"No, sir." The man takes another few steps. His gun is pointed right at me

when he eases down to his haunches to grab the money. Several things happen.

Jessie violently pushes me to the left and springs forward. I hear a shot!

The two of them are struggling over the ground.

:Get your firing stick, Kris! I can take care of myself.:

I was about to help Jessie. After freezing up a moment from indecision,

I'm running to Rebecca and pull out my rifle. It's cocked. Another shot goes

off that freezes my heart!

:He missed me,: assures Good-eyes. :Shoot him!:

I see the man bringing his pistol around to shoot my lover in the face!

He's no match to that man's strength. "Let him go!" I shout. I'm aiming my

rifle but Jes is in the way.

:Get ready to shoot him dead, Kris... Now!:

Jessie rolls over the ground. The man's pistol lifts to take a shot at me!

:Shoot him now! Do it, Kris!:

My rifle goes off. The man falls to his back into the darkness. Jessie

springs to his feet. Utter relief fills me for a moment until the full

gravity of what I've done hits me. I've killed a man.

:You only did what you had to.:

Was that Good-eyes Speaking or Jessie? I hear the man moaning in pain but

I can't see him in the shadows. He's not dead! That's sort of a relief.

:Finish him off, Kris.:

:No. I can't! Let's just get the Hell out of here!: I'm reaching down for

that wad of bills when I hear a shot. The bullet zips past my head with a

breeze felt in my hair. I'm cocking my rifle. Jes yelps out a blood curdling

cry and dives into the darkness for the man. I'd seen a flash from his knife

in the firelight. Thud. There's a bubbling sound coming from the man's mouth.

I run to my lover. He pulls his knife out of the man's throat and wipes

the blood off on his overcoat. When it seems like he's gonna scalp the man,

I Ask Jessie not to!

:Just making sure this White skin is dead.:

That's Good-eyes Speaking. Jessie pulls on the man's hair to shake his head

violently. No reaction. This guy is dead. Oh, my God! My lover drops his

knife as if it burns him. He springs towards me so I'm giving him a hug.

:Are you alright?: To my surprise, Jessie starts pounding my chest angrily

with his fists.

"You could have been killed, Mike! I had to finish him off with my knife

since you wouldn't. I understand why you... I couldn't have done it. I...

Oh, Great Father! I have killed a man!"

Jes spoke in Siksika. I'm Feeling the utter horror in him from what he's

done along with his anger at me for making him do it because my shot didn't

kill him and I couldn't shoot him again. :It was Good-eyes! He did what had

to be done, my love! He acted through you in this crisis to that man wasn't

killed by your hand!:

Jessie stops his pounding to my chest. I'm bring him close to me while he

sobs. A terrible, wailing sound that chills my heart. :It's alright, Jes. He

was a bad man who deserved to die. You saved my life!:

We cling to each other for while, trembling like two leaves on a tree in a

storm. We can weather this together. We have to! I'm Sending Jessie all my

love so he won't Fall back inside himself from the horror of his deed.

Rebecca is packed. I'm making one last check of our night camp to make

sure nothing is left behind. Jes has already been set over her back. He sits

like a statue. I don't Feel much from him. He's still in shock over killing

that man and I have to admit, I am too. Yet I've enough wits to clear out of

here and find a new night camp after we've walked a few miles down the road.

Jes and I couldn't sleep here with him lying dead only a few yards away.

After kicking dirt to smother our fire, I lead the horse back towards the

road. It's slow going because of the darkness. Don't want to pass too close

to trees where branches would strike my lover in the face. I'm stopped in my

tracks when hearing a horse's snort. Not from Rebecca. Something strikes my

shoulder that is explained by Jes at that moment.

:Your rifle. Always keep it close at hand so what happened back there...:

I cock it in readiness while straining my ears for sound. Over there!

Rebecca's reins are dropped. I'm leaving Jes behind to check out that snort

I'd heard but my thinking is it's from that dead man's horse.

Yup. My thinking was right when I come upon a dark form stomping its foot

nervously against the dirt. I'm running my hand along its shaggy hide that

finds a tailed butt. Wrong direction. When feeling between its legs, my

fingers touch upon a sheath. His balls are intact so this is a stallion. I

shoo him with my soft voice until I'm standing in front of him. My head

lowers to touch noses. Chris had learned this trick from the Blackfoot. Nose

to nose, I breathe out. Nothing calms a horse faster to a stranger than

letting him smell my breath. I'm giving his shoulder a fond slap and he

nickers in response. We're friends now.

I follow the reins up from his mouth to where it's tied around a tree.

Releasing it, I'm clucking in signal for this horse to follow me back to Jes.

:I've found his horse.:

:Let him go, Mike! He'll find his way back to Shelby.:

I won't argue with my lover at the moment though I have other plans. My

rifle is returned to him so my hands can pull on two sets of reins. Rebecca

whinnies in greeting to the stallion. He snorts back at her. That's a good

sign that strengthens my resolve to go against Jessie's wishes. We come out

of the trees. Stars shine down on us that faintly outlines the road running

east and west. I step onto it and turn left, pulling both horses behind me.

:Are you up to riding?:

:At a walk,: Answers Jessie. :Turn his horse the other way and slap his

butt hard. He'll run back to Shelby.:

:He won't find his master there, Jes. Someone will luck upon this stallion

and keep him for their own so... why don't we?:

:I won't touch that dead man's horse! We'd be stealing from the dead.:

From Chris, it doesn't make sense what my lover has said. Blackfoot

warriors were eager to take horses from their fallen enemies. I'm gonna.

After pulling the stallion's reins over his head, I reach up for the saddle

horn and pull myself over his back. He's very responsive to my thighs. Not

like that lazy Rebecca who often needs to be kicked. :Let's get out of here.:

To my relief, Jes doesn't argue with me. We ride down the road in the dark.

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Revised: 11/8/05

H story time: Friday, August 14, 1891

{Mike and Jessie have stopped to eat lunch on the road towards the Blackfoot

reservation around 'Browning'.}

"Jessie?" He pauses from taking another bite of his beef jerky. :Why did

your grandfather Ask the Fireball Spirits to take us Back?:

:He didn't, love. That just happened to us.:

I don't detect a lie coming from Jes; grandfather must not have told him.

:He knew we were gonna be sent Back. That's why he prepared us for the

journey with old style clothes, time period money, the map of where we're to

go and that silver quarter he gave me for 'luck' that's dated from 1891.:

:Yes. Grandfather knew we were going to be sent Back but he didn't cause

that to happen.:

:Didn't he? We both saw him invoke that Summoning spell right before we

left One-white-horse's cabin.:

:To Show me how to perform it when the first snows fall. Grandfather had

clapped his hands right after the ritual, dispelling Power. Otherwise, the

Fireball Spirits might have come for us right then and there but it wasn't

likely. They're too shy to show Themselves around man made structures like

One-white-horse's cabin.:

:If he didn't Summon Them, how did he know They would come for us?:

:Grandfather had seen us going Back to 1891.:

:A vision? I didn't know they were so detailed from my experience.:

:No. He actually saw us Back in time with his own eyes.:

:You mean grandfather is alive now and we're gonna meet him?!:

:That's what I suspect, love.:

:Then why didn't he know who I was when we first met? Why didn't he say

something about what was gonna happen!:

Jessie goes deep into thought. :I don't think he connected us with who he

met in this time until very recently. Remember that sad song he sung when

first meeting Jake? I answered him in song that reaffirmed my pledge to serve

the People and he looked at me queer like. Do you remember?:

:Yeah. Then grandfather Showed us what happened in his boyhood; his

parents having to give him up to that Jesuit school in trade for food and

supplies, the boy's escape from them, singing for coppers on street corners

where he met up with that half breed squaw, how they eventually made their

way back to the Blackfoot reservation where he learned that his parents were

dead that broke his spirit...: My eyes widen in revelation. :Jes! He Showed

us how Light returned to his heart in his early teens when an ancestor's

spirit who yet walked in flesh was of Power to Reach inside him. That this

one Took him and his second mother Forward to a better time where she married

a White skin while he grew up into manhood and became the tribe's next

Inspired One. Is that ancestor you?: Jessie slowly nods.

:I think we're going to find grandfather at the reservation in his early

teens, lost in despair for losing his parents and we're going to help him.:

Everything makes sense now! The reason why we've been brought Back and how

grandfather knew about our journey. :Why didn't he tell us!:

:And change what might happen?: Asks Jessie. :We had to wander the plains

and end up at the reservoir without knowing that that's where the Fireball

Spirits were going to Gather for a Dance. Their ways are mysterious, love. No

one can predict Them, not even in a vision. That spell grandfather showed me

might Summon these beings but not force Them to do anything.:

:You mean that we may not be taken Back to our own time when the first

snows fall?: I've of mixed minds about that. It wouldn't be so bad to remain

in the past so long as Jessie is at my side.

:No. It's going to happen. Remember when you asked me grandfather's age on

our drive to One-white-horse's cabin Tuesday morning? I said that he was in

his eighties but even he didn't know for sure. Do the math. If grandfather

was only born this year, he'd be over a hundred twelve years old in 2003!

He's Shown us that an ancestor's spirit who yet walks in flesh - that's me,

helped bring Light back into his heart in his early teens. Add another

thirteen years to make his age 126. Grandfather is old but not that old! He

Showed us that I Took him and his second mother Forward to a better time

where she married and he grew into manhood to become an Inspired One. That

skip ahead in years can be figured out. If grandfather is eighty five, let's

say, that means he was thirteen or so in 1931.:

:Is that where we're gonna end up, too?:

:I don't know, love. The ways of Fireball Spirits as I said are mysterious.

They do their own thing. Perhaps the 'teen' grandfather and his second mother

get off in 1931 while we're brought Forward to 2003. That's my hope anyway.

Otherwise, who will follow in grandfather's footsteps after he is gone?:

Jessie and I bow our heads in a moment of sadness. Grandfather has Seen

that he'll be going to his reward in the Above in a handful of moons. So

little time to teach my lover what he needs to know about shamanism. I've

come to love that old man. His death will leave a hole in my heart.

:Not mine, love. Grandfather will always be remembered in my heart.:

I'm nodding in agreement. :I'll still grieve for him.:

:Me too.:

I return to the subject at hand. :If you're right about grandfather not

knowing it was us he met in 1891, we can't use our real names, tell anyone

we're from 2003 or change anything in the past that would affect the future.:

Jessie ponders that for a moment. :I believe we're fated to do the things

that's already shaped our time like helping grandfather. He became the

tribe's Inspired One because Light was brought back into his heart. We'd

already gone back in time according to his perspective. From ours, by being

here in 1891, we're fulfilling what has happened. The circle is completed.:

That's what grandfather told Jessie in his farewell. Yet I'm bothered by

something and Voice it. :What you're describing is a causeless effect.:

:I don't know what you mean, Mike.:

:It's a scientific term. Let's say that I drop a glass, it falls and

breaks on the floor. My opening hand 'caused' the 'effect' of breaking that

glass. Your view of time has that glass breaking even before my hand opened.

It doesn't make sense because cause and effect are in reverse.:

:As we are,: Answers Jessie. :Going back in time is like being in reverse,

isn't it? A clock always ticks forward. One thing leads to another like

breaking that glass after it's fallen from your hand. We're back in 1891!

That's a very unusual thing wouldn't you say?:

:Yeah. But it bothers me that whatever we're gonna do in this time has

already been destined like a train on a track. No going off in another

direction. No free choice.:

:But you have done whatever you wanted, love. No one has told us what to

do in this time other than a little nudge in the right direction by

grandfather's map.:

Jessie's right. A circle is only a line that's been curved towards itself.

Its 'starting' point can go in either direction! :The effect of that glass

breaking is known in the future yet the only thing set in the past is my hand

opening to release it. I still have free will to control when my fingers open

around that glass and how quickly.:

:I think so, love. We could also turn away from our path and wait for the

first snows in Bull Hook Bottoms.:

Jes and I exchange knowing glances. We can't turn back now. I'm releasing

a sigh, looking towards the road that calls out to me. :Grandfather said that

the path will be set before our feet. We can't leave it now.:

Jessie smiles. :He said it was a good path we'll walk. Our arrival amongst

the Blackfoot of this time may be more than to help grandfather.:

:Like what?: I Ask. Jessie shrugs his shoulders.

:Let's follow our hearts, love. Grandfather's map was without detail, only

showing us where to go. What we do in the following moons will be up to us.:

I'm nodding in agreement. I've filled in some details on grandfather's map

from copying down towns and the distance in miles between them from the one

displayed in the telegraph office. We have a long road ahead of us. I am

comforted to know that there is no fate. We're acting with a free where

Grandfather has only given us a helpful nudge in the right direction. That

is gonna be west.

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


H story time:

{This story clip '3' hasn't been written yet}







This clip revised: 11/10/05

AGAIN story time: Friday, May 16, 2003.

{Mike and Jessie have recently returned from spending three months in 1891.

They're relaxing in Winna's house; she has gone to work this morning. Jake

was driven over to grandfather's house in Chinook last night to spend the

weekend with him to begin learning what it means to be Blackfoot.}

Our breakfast dishes are being dried when I hear the telephone ringing.

Hmm. Should I let the answering machine take that? After hurriedly setting the

bowls in the drying rack and spreading my hand towel over them, I rush to the

phone. It has stopped ringing. Winna's recorded greeting is faintly heard. It

could be my attorney calling or someone in Jessie's family for him. I'm ready

to pick up the phone but if it's another stupid reporter... BEEP.

"Hi. My name is Bend-in-the-wind." A pause. "I'm calling for Jessie..."

I recognize that name but can't place him. The voice is obviously Native

but what sends a chill down my spine is how 'festive' he sounds. He's gay for

sure! Jessie Calls out to me.

:Pick up the phone, love.:

I'm lifting it up as Bend-in-the-wind asks if anyone is home. There was

pleading in the man's voice. "Hello?" I'm distracted from saying more when

the answering machine beeps to signal that it has stopped recording. "Ah...

Sorry about that. I'll get Jes to come to the phone."

"Is this Mike?"

"Yeah..." I hear an excited giggle over the phone from someone who's with

him. Another chill runs down my spine.

"This is Bend-in-the-wind. Uhm. I'm president of MAITS."

It sounded like he said 'mates' so this guy runs a gay dating service or

something. I've already found a mate - Jessie.

"That's the Montana American Indian Two-Spirits organization. Have you

heard of us?"

"No." I'm feeling arms coming around me from Jessie. He's run from the

bathroom to stand behind me. Before I can hand him the phone, he Asks me to

talk with Bend-in-the-wind for a while longer. No chance of that. I'm being

given an earful about what their organization does: restoring the role of

Two-Spirit people within the American Indian communities by creating forums

for spiritual, cultural and artistic expression of the two spirited. He's not

said that they're 'gay' but I know that's what 'two spirited' means. Yup. Now

he's explaining that term to me.

"... refers to the commonly shared notion among many Native American

tribes that some individuals naturally possess and manifest both a masculine

and feminine spiritual qualities. In American society, they label Two-Spirit

People as being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender."

I interrupt Bend-in-the-wind from going on with his spiel by telling him

that Jes is two spirited to show him that I know what he's talking about. He

pauses from responding for a moment.

"And how about you, Mike?"

"Yeah. I am too." Jessie squeezes my butt. His left hand reaches around to

cop a feel of my cock. It's getting hard in my pants. That Indian's voice on

the phone is a real turn on.

"I could swing up to Havre and tell you more about our organization. Would

it be alright if we visited with you now?"

'We' means Bend-in-the-wind and another member of MAITS who is driving

him to the Rocky Boys Reservation. They've come from Lewistown. Jes scolds me

not to Glean them anymore. When they drop by to see us, we'll learn all about

them and their organization from their mouths. :You want to see 'em?:

:Yes, love. Then you'll be able to attach that sexy voice you're hearing

on the phone to the guy. He probably has a great bod.:

My face begins to burn. Of course Jes would Know that I've been enjoying

hearing Bend-in-the-wind's sexy voice. :Hey. Do you know him?:

:We've not actually met.:

From mind speaking, only the truth comes through yet I get the Sense that

Jessie has seen him before. Naked. Before I'm able to Ask him about that,

Bend-in-the-wind is telling me something.

"... in about forty minutes. We're just south of Big Sandy now."

I hear someone asking Bend-in-the-wind where I live. Before he can ask

me, I'm giving him Winna's address and further say that our house is near the

Havre Cottage and Trailer Park to help his friend find us in Havre.

"Thanks. Is Jessie home?" asks Bend-in-the-wind.

:Do you want to talk to him?: I Send to Jes.

:Not right now, love.:

I return the phone to my face. It had been silly of me to lower it just

now when Talking with my lover so Bend-in-the-wind wouldn't overhear us. He

couldn't of. "He's... in the bathroom." A lie. "I'll let my lover know that

you'll be dropping by for a visit." Pride fills me for telling him that Jes

is my lover.

"Maybe you should ask Jessie if it's alright with him."

Busted! Bend-in-the-wind is correct to ask because this is Jessie's home.

I've just Gleaned (couldn't help myself!) that he's concerned by how my lover

will react to meeting with the leader of a gay organization. It isn't their

intent to 'out' anyone. He's aware that it's been announced to the Blackfoot

People that Jes will follow in his grandfather's footsteps to be their next

shaman. If his tribe were to learn that he's two spirited... Well. "Hold on a

minute and I'll go ask him." I stomp my feet over the kitchen floor that

slowly fades to mimic running from the phone. Jessie giggles so he quickly

covers his mouth. I turn to him with a mischievous grin. He hugs me really

tight. We enjoy our embrace for a few minutes where kisses happen. Hopefully,

Bend-in-the-wind didn't hear that over the phone.

When I think enough time has passed, I reach down for the phone on the

counter with a flushed face. "Jes said that he's cool with meeting you guys."

"I'm glad," answers Bend-in-the-wind. "We'll be there in half an hour."

I've heard the excitement in his voice. "You can park in the driveway.

His mom is at work right now."

"Alright. And thanks for seeing us."

By that Bend-in-the-wind means for calling up on short notice. Man! I

can't help myself when Gleaning little things like that from the people I

meet especially if they're strangers.

:I know that you try not to, love. Gifts from our Father are to be used

so that we may Know the hearts of the People we serve.:

Relief fills me. I had expected another scolding from my lover. :It's not

like I'll use anything that I Glean against them,: I defend.

:Yours is a good heart. You're nervous about meeting with strangers.:

Bend-in-the-wind is not a stranger to him. I Sense from Jes that he has

met with him before and that he hasn't. It's very confusing!

:I know, love. When they come, you'll remember him.: Jessie touches the

side of his nose.

That draws a pleading look from me since I'd wish Jes would Speak more

plainly. I'll let him enjoy this moment of being 'in the know'. A voice on

the phone reminds me that we've not ended our conversation. He is now.

"Bye, Mike. We look forward with meeting you... and Jessie soon."

Before the line goes dead, I heard Bend-in-the-wind's friend giggling from

what he's said about wanting to meet me, then remembering to add Jessie. I've

Sensed their excitement. They both like white guys.

:Me too!: Says Jessie.

Our arms tighten around each other. When we kiss, there's no sign of worry

or jealousy in my lover that another man has the hots for me. Bend-in-the-wind

knows what I look like somehow. Oh. My face has been plastered all over the

newspapers and I've been interviewed by T.V. reporters. Is that how I know

that man too? Jes gives me a hungry kiss that drives away any thought of

Asking him more about Bend-in-the-wind. Our hands lower to pull on our butts

that grinds our erections together through our pants. I'm tempted to carry

Jes off to our bedroom. He ends that lusty thought by Asking me to get ready

for our guests' arrival. They'll be here soon.

After Jes finishes relieving himself and I've taken a piss, he fusses over

me so I'll be presentable to Bend-in-the-wind and his friend. We'd taken a

shower before breakfast. My hair has long since dried which Jes combs in a

style to his liking. I feel over its length in back that's grown long in

those three months we spent our 'honeymoon' in 1891. Since returning a few

days ago, we've easily made that adjustment back to modern times: taking hot

showers, sitting over a pot and having toilet paper (thank God!) to wipe with

instead of pulling leaves from the bush where we stood to poop. Winna's

refrigerator is filled with plenty of food and drinks. No hard ground to

sleep over (or when making love at night) in a drafty lodge but in a nice

warm room on a soft bed with pillows. The telephone allows us to talk with

people from far off. I'm gonna miss having unexpected guests drop in for

visits that they otherwise wouldn't do by simply picking up the phone.

I notice Jessie's eyes on my throat. His brown finger runs across my chin

with concern. Oh. He's noticing how pale the lower part of my face looks

after shaving off my beard. I couldn't work that blade men used in 1891 to

trim my whiskers so I'd let my face grow long. "Do you miss it?" I ask.

"Your beard?" Jessie breaks out in a smile and he giggles. "Some."

I revert into Mind Talk. :What did you like about it?:

:How your beard tickled my cheeks when you were eating out my ass!:

I'm laughing. :You didn't like kissing me as much though.: Jessie's smile

fades from his lips. He doesn't Answer me but simply shrugs his shoulders.

:I had to get rid of my beard or it would have drawn difficult questions from

people like your mother which we couldn't answer. Our honeymoon only lasted a

few days in their eyes; not those three months it actually was for us.:

:I know. I'm glad that you're back to the way you looked before.:

I'm running my fingers across my chin and drop them over my throat. My

skin there is more pale than the rest of my face. Winna had noticed but she

didn't ask about it. :A sunlamp can easily take care of that.:

:Or being out in the sun,: Answers Jessie.

I've caught a Glimpse of us roaming naked over a field with other guys.

The summer sun feels hot on our backs. I shake my head back and forth at this

memory since it's something we haven't done. Not yet, anyway.

:We should warn whoever is guarding over the house that we're expecting

guests,: Says Jessie.

I'd forgotten about that. In 1891, my rifle guarded our lives. I hide this

thought from Jes since it would remind him of that thief in the night who

accosted us and those White ranchers we fought. Both of us have blood on our

hands but it was in defense of our lives and those of our tribe! I'm given a

kiss. When my arms try encircling my lover to make it a long one in the hope

of what that would lead to, he slips away with a shy grin.

:Later, love. We have guests coming.:

When Jes mentioned that, my thoughts turn to Bend-in-the-wind. He has a

sexy voice and I'd Gleaned his attraction for me. :He won't tempt me into

doing anything with him. I promise!: That draws a frown from my lover.

:Why do you say that, Mike?:

Jes uses my White name to scold me and I acknowledge him doing so by

sticking out my tongue. His question is still upon me. :I don't know...:

My eyes fall to the tiled floor between us.

:You have offered yourself to needing males before. It gave them sexual

relief and much joy for you. Is this not so, love?:

I'm nodding in remembrance. During those three months in 1891, I'd given

my ass to a handful of Native men and had sex with boys as well. A smile

crosses my lips. I played 'train cars' with two brothers who kneeled in front

of me as the engine and behind me as the caboose. Our dicks had connected us.

After that little boy's engine was 'stoked' by me, he took his turn behind to

play the caboose even though he was too young to squirt in my ass. The trying

still felt good to him. His older brother had filled my asshole with thick

seed that ran down the boy's pole when he fucked me to anoint his immature

loins in a kind of empowering rite. Youths from that long ago time performed

sex acts with each other and men because it felt good. The People then didn't

look on it as something bad so long as nothing was forced. We were all males

after all; no baby could come from it. If I were to have sex with boys in

this modern age, people would call me a child molester. Oh. I have. With

Simon, but he's not gonna tell anyone.

Another memory returns to me that is sweeter because it had satisfied my

heart as well. After breaking my pledge about keeping that part of my body

only for Jessie by fucking boys (he forgave me), I'd realized how silly it

was to think that my cock proved my commitment to my lover. It's like Jes

said: 'Sex is a natural function of one's body like pissing.' We dissolved

our pledge of only releasing our cocks with each other because it was how we

felt in our hearts that really matters. Yet I had been sorely put to the test.

When Jes was parted from me for weeks at time to undergo shaman training,

I'd fallen in love with Dreams Often. It's funny how strongly we came to feel

for each other after starting on a bad foot. He'd tried to drive me off the

Blackfoot res. when I arrived coming from his intense hatred for White skins.

After he got to know me and trust grew between us, I helped this troubled man

come to terms that he was gay. Not just in the performing of male sex acts

but I'd taught him that heart felt love could happen between two men. We

became lovers not unlike how Running Water and I are. It was even stronger

than what I felt for my brother though. Dreams Often could express his love

for me by fucking my ass but he wouldn't let his get taken. He'd been raped

by some cowboys in his youth. Dreams Often hated them but he hated himself

even more because he felt that he'd let them twist his spirit to lust for

White skins. It was a shameful thing to be attracted to men or so he thought.

With Jessie's help, Dreams Often accepted that about himself and I came to

terms that my heart could feel such strong love for another man that didn't

threaten how I felt for Jes. Right before the first snows fell, Dreams Often

let me lay over his back to express my full love for him. It was joyous! That

man's spirit had been freed through love yet he lost me when Jes and I

returned to our own time. My heart had been torn in two though! If not for

Many Arrows In Hand confiding in me that I will be preventing Jessie from

dying when he helps his nextself do battle with Trickster Eli Kie, I might

have remained in 1891 to be with Dreams Often.

Arms come around me from Jes. I notice the tears running down my face.

I've lost someone dear to my heart! Dreams Often and I had parted only days

ago yet he remained in 1891 while I was taken Forward so that man has long

since been dead and buried. I'll never see the love shining in his eyes for

me. No more long rides together over the tribe's cattle ranges. Teaching him

English. The sound of his soft voice in my ears... Never again will we hold

each other! Jessie holds me while I grieve over losing Dreams Often. After a

while, I return to myself.

"It was a difficult choice for you, love."

Hearing Jessie say that out loud makes me feel guilty. Like I'm not worthy

of his trust and utter love for me.

"You remained at my side, Short Hair. I would have... let you go. Really I

would have!"

"I know. But I've made my choice and it was the right one." Jes doesn't

know what Many Arrows In Hand had told me in secret. That helped me make that

difficult choice. I can't let Jessie die!

"I need to warn our house Guardian that guests are soon to arrive," says

Jessie softly.

My lover's arms let me go. I peer into his shy eyes and nod. But before he

leaves the bathroom, I grasp his hand. "Thanks." It's so clumsy to speak

using words but in his face, I know that he understands. We're Connected.

That's something Dreams Often could never have shared with me. Jessie's love

is worth enduring anything for! If only I could be worthy of him.

I'm left alone in the bathroom. When the door closes behind Jes, I fall to

the floor with my arms rushing around my face. I've already cried myself out

for Dreams Often whom I'll never see again! Yet the sweet memory of what we

had together will always be in my heart. I hope that he's found love again

after me.

The telephone is ringing in the kitchen. Jes runs to answer it while I

remain slouched over the couch. My head falls against the back rest. I'm so

emotionally drained that I'm not up to meeting anyone right now but I must.

That's probably the house Guardian calling to announce our guests' arrival.

Yup. Jes Sends that it's Dirt-brought-up-in-his-hands on the phone. He sees

a blue pickup pulling into our driveway. Its truck bed is filled to the brim

with camping gear that's putting a heavy strain on the wheels.

Jes had sat beside me for a while in the front room. We only held hands.

No talking between us by mouth or from Mind Speaking. He realized that I

needed to relax after what happened in the bathroom. It wasn't his fault! He

knew that and probably also Knows how guilty I'm feeling for having strongly

considered remaining in 1891 with Dreams Often instead of coming Forward in

time with him. There was no choice, really. I belong in 2003 with Jessie

where we must face the challenges of being together as a couple. Part of what

tempted me to stay with Dreams Often was that his tribe had come to accept

me. Not just that I was gay but a man who had proven his good heart through

deeds. I'm gonna have to prove myself all over again to the Blackfoot People

of today.

Soft footsteps draw my attention. I don't need to open my eyes to know

that Jes is approaching the couch. There's a knock on our front door. That

forces me to get to my feet and with relief, my head is clear. It's like I've

cast off an old cumbersome robe that had weighed me down. I'm giving my lover

an assuring grin and he smiles back at me. Shyly. Together, we go to meet our

guest hand in hand.

Jes opens the door. Two Native guys are standing on the porch who greet my

lover and then turn their eager eyes in my direction. Two brown faces, their

smiles blaring with 'You are a cute white guy!' shout out in wordless unison.

I didn't need to Glean their first impression of me. Now it's my turn to

become shy. Jes and I back into the hallway where names are given. We shakes

hands with Bend-in-the-wind and his companion, Timothy Fast-are-his-feet.

That draws my eyes down to his gym shoes for a moment. My gaze rises up him

where I check out his crotch. No obvious male bulge as I was expecting in his

jeans. This man has a beer belly. I think he's a size 36 which is what I was

in the waist before coming out to vacation in Montana five months ago.

Getting away from my computer where the only exercise had come from piling

empty pizza boxes and Coke bottles by the front door, going to the bathroom

and my fingers flying over the keyboard during long sessions at coding was

traded for hiking in the winter's cold and riding horses which slimmed me

down. I'm glad that I've left that lonely part of my life behind when Jessie

became my mate.

Before I can get a good look at Bend-in-the-wind, Jes pulls me into the

front room. :I'll get some chairs from the dining room for them to sit on.:

The couch would only fit three of us. I'd rather not have our guests fight

over who gets the privilege to sit on my left with the other given the

coffee table to sit over at our feet. Man! I'm sure thinking upish of myself.

:No need to get them chairs, love. I'll sit over the coffee table so they

won't have to 'fight' over sitting beside you. They both can enjoy pressing

against your cute bod on the couch.:

I catch that gleam in Jessie's eyes. Damn! He's always peeking on my

thoughts but I'll show him! "Let's form a circle on the floor," I announce.

I'm dropping to my butt with my hand trying to pull my lover into my lap. He

sits down on my right side instead. Bend-in-the-wind and Timothy complete our


It becomes an anxious moment. In days of Old, a sacred pipe was passed

around to smoke in an offering of prayers unto to our Father that pledged us

to speak with open hearts in council. Bend-in-the-wind pulls out something

from his pocket. It's a Pez Indian dispenser. He hands it to me with a sly

grin and gestures that I take a candy pill from it. I do so. His eyes flare

so it's popped into my mouth. Jes is handed the Pez Indian. After working it

for a candy, he passes it to Timothy. He's not at the least embarrassed. His

older friend has substituted this modern ritual before in place of a smoke

it seems.

When Bend-in-the-wind ceremonially partakes of the candy pill, I look him

over. He's very thin. Even more so than Jessie which has me thinking that he

may be suffering from AIDS. I'm stopping myself from Gleaning if that's true.

There's no telling rashes over his face. So gaunt looking! It makes his nose

very noticeable but what grabs my attention are his bright eyes. They seem to

Look right through me. He pockets his Pez dispenser where his hair bun swings

at his neck. I can't see if he's wearing a round silver broach that binds its

lengths. Where did that thought come from?

"We sit in a sacred circle as our grandfathers had done before us," says

Bend-in-the-wind. The fingers to his right hand touch his lips then he

gestures up and outwards as if releasing smoke from his mouth. "I ask that

our Father Looks down upon us and His love fill our hearts."

When Timothy repeats that sacred gesture, Jes and I do so as well. We're

given a sly grin by Bend-in-the-wind.

"A wailing fire alarm can be rather annoying if were to use a pipe not to

mention the health risks that come from smoking."

I was about to laugh when Bend-in-the-wind's expression turns serious. He

looks at me for a long moment. I endure his staring contest and don't lower

my eyes to prove that there's no shame in my heart that I'm bringing to our

council. He nods at me in approval. Jessie endures his gaze next. No dropping

of his eyes either. Timothy is last to pass this test but when he crunches

down on his candy pill, it breaks this solemn moment.

"We are met in peace from different tribes of the People. I am of the

Grass Ranging band of the Chippewa."

I slap over my heart with Jessie joining me. That draws a startled look

from Bend-in-the-wind. That's how the Blackfoot acknowledged an enemy in a

peace council. Timothy makes his announcement.

"I'm Cree. Ah... the Follows Rivers clan though we mostly splash through

them with our trucks these days." He laughs for a moment.

I give Timothy a big grin after slapping over my heart so he won't feel

awkward by his remark. Jessie announces the Blackfoot tribe he is from. I

don't thump my chest since his People aren't my enemy... Well. In my former

self's day they had been. Christopher had witnessed blue-coats making war

upon them but he no longer considered himself a White skin but a Blackfoot.

I feel the need to make that acknowledgement but do so only with a gentle tap

over my heart. All eyes turn to me. Oh. Which tribe should I announce that

I'm from? My mouth opens but no words come out. What should I say? I'm not

Native but a hated white skin even in this modern time.

"Aren't you from Indiana, Mike?" asks Bend-in-the-wind.

"Yeah." He must have read that in the newspaper. "I'm one eighth Blackfoot

on my mother's side of the family but half of me is German from my father."

A smile fills my lips. "I'm a wanna be... connected to you Native guys." That

draws knowing looks from everyone including Jessie. In a low voice, "I'm from

the Gary Tribe since that city is where I was born."

Bend-in-the-wind nods in acknowledgement. "You have already connected with

a Native guy, Mike. A cute one at that."

That has me smiling. "Yes. My lover has named me Short Hair." When turning

to Jessie, we exchange loving gazes and he squeezes my right hand.

"Ouch," says Bend-in-the-wind. "You two are giving me a tooth ache!" He

holds the side of his mouth as if in pain.

I catch his meaning. Our obvious love for each other is very sweet in this

man's eyes. They become unfocused as if he's remembering the dear men his

life had been blessed with. His lips sag into a frown. Not one of them has

remained at his side that reminds me of something Running Water has told me.

When Creeps Over The Sand had gotten old, Brad broke up with him. It's a sad

fact that a white guy drops his Indian lover when he gets too ugly from age.

I wouldn't do that to Jessie! We're gonna grow old and ugly together, our

spirits Flying to the Above when one of us dies because of our Connection.

"Would you like to come to our Gathering tomorrow?" asks Timothy. "It's

being held in the Rocky Boys Res. over the weekend so that's why we've driven

up from Lewistown this afternoon to set up the tent, sweat lodge and we'll

be getting firewood for the bonfire."

Concern comes into Bend-in-the-wind's eyes since he doesn't think Jes and

me should 'cause we're a couple newly in love. I Glean that lots of guys are

coming to enjoy the hot sex at this Gathering. He fears that we'll be shocked

by it and think that's what his organization is all about so we won't join.

His visit with us today was happenstance since Havre isn't that far from the

res. he'll be setting up at later this afternoon. My cock tingles with

excitement. Jes is also thrilled by the notion of having sex with other guys

so we're in agreement about accepting Timothy's invitation.

"We'd like that," says Jessie. "Where is it being held in the res?"

"Tim and I will post signs to direct everyone to the sacred site," answers

Bend-in-the-wind in a low voice. "It's attended by... ah, mostly guys who are

unattached and everyone goes about naked." He hopes that'll put this couple

off from wanting to attend but he needs to explain that further. "We cast away

our clothes as a gesture of Openness of ourselves in physicality to each other

but also in a sharing with our hearts and our spirits. We aren't ashamed of

who we are."

Timothy adds, "It's nice feeling the sun warm every part of our bodies."

He grins slyly. "I'll be checking out all the White guys tomorrow."

I'm sure that Timothy's hungry eyes will be all over my nakedness! "Ah.

What are the activities?" I ask with a toothy grin and from the gleam in my

eyes, hope that Bend-in-the-wind will get the message that he doesn't need to

be so protective of us. Me and Jes want to get our butts raped!

"Our Gathering is a celebration of those who are two spirited in all its

manifestations." His eyes flare to punctuate that last word he spoke. "We

express our positive energy through artwork of crafts, in song and telling

the stories of our ancestors. Those who share our spirit but are in denial

can be brought into the Light and find fulfillment for themselves."

Jes and I exchange knowing glances. That's our sacred task as well by

being Mahyee-na. Bend-in-the-wind continues.

"We strive to restore the role of Two-Spirit people within our American

Indian communities by creating forums for spiritual, cultural and artistic

expression as it was accepted of Old. MAITS was established in March 2002..."

Bend-in-the-wind has repeated what he's told me on the phone. Jes and I

listen patiently to his well rehearsed speech where he explains his

organization's mission that he obviously holds as sacred and honorable though

it's been difficult to convince the Native community at large because they

think that MAITS members are just a bunch of gay guys and cross dressers

trying to find approval for their sexual lifestyle. Some fear that their

teachings corrupt straight boys and girls into thinking that they're gay.

It's not so. They had been born that way but lacked the guidance of what it

means to be two spirited.

Jessie holds up his right hand in a gesture to speak when Bend-in-the-wind

pauses to take a breath. He fumbles with a sack at his side and pulls out

pamphlets which he hopes will explain what his organization does better than

what he thinks his words have failed to do.

"Your society of Two-Spirit People is a sacred undertaking," assures

Jessie. "We don't need to be convinced of that." He reaches over to grasp

Bend-in-the-wind's exposed knee with his right hand.

I Hear Jes Speaking to this man. I'm surprised not by his voiceless words

given him but that he has the ability to do so. Only with me and some of his

extended blood family like Jake and One-white-horse have ever Heard him mind

to mind. He's just Told Bend-in-the-wind that we're brothers in Mahyee-na.

His eyes widen like saucers.

"You have met... a certain Omaha Shaman?" whispers Bend-in-the-wind.

'Yes,' Sends Jessie. 'Charms A Bird is a very wise man from living

through a handful of lives.'

Jes wouldn't have revealed that Charms A Bird is the current nextself from

the four lives he's Passed himself through if Bend-in-the-wind hadn't already

known. He'd Peered into this man's head for this truth already given to him

by that Omaha Shaman. I'm nodding in assurance that I know what my lover has

Told him. With my free left hand, I reach back to hold my butt. That's a

Mahyee-na gesture of offering ourselves to needing men who fill our assholes

from their lust while in return, we fill their heads with wise teachings.

"It is good that you'll be attending our Gathering tomorrow," says

Bend-in-the-wind after recovering from his shock. He's glad that this couple

will likely give of themselves to eeding men.

Jes Passes to me what he's just Learned from this man. Bend-in-the-wind

had attended a May Gay Gathering of friends in California a few years ago. He

and six other guys enjoyed sharing a 'hot' sweat rite with Charms A Bird

who'd bounced from one lap to the other. They filled his ass to overflowing!

When they'd streaked out of the lodge, Bend-in-the-wind had stood before that

Omaha Shaman and turned around to offer him the return favor. Charms A Bird

touched butts with him instead. They held hands in that backwards embrace and

Bend-in-the-wind was asked if he'd like to be initiated a brother of the

Mahyee-na. He was the next night and his ass was filled with Charms A Bird's

love and Power while he was given sacred instruction. The following year,

Bend-in-the-wind established the Montana American Indian Two-Spirits chapter.

He'd been given a new outlook on life whereas he'd been dying from AIDS and

had nearly lost hope. Charms A Bird had cleansed his body and that Healing

gift protects him as it does for Jes and me. The purple lesions to his face

faded, he's slowly putting back on weight and hope fills him. Not just for

himself but all the others he can help through his MAITS organization.

Timothy Fast-are-his-feet has gone to stand by the wall of drums. When

he gestures at one of them while peering back at Jes, my lover nods. He

returns to our circle. I noticed the small butt on this man while in front,

his stomach droops out like a half-filled sack of flour. He's about the same

height at Jessie. His black hair only falls about his shoulders. A nice brown

face, young looking so I guess him to be in his early twenty's like us. He

begins pounding on the hand drum. A slow steady beat.

"Long ago there was a boy who hunted rabbits alone," Timothy begins in

story telling. "He didn't join the other boys who'd chased them into their net

trap to fell them with sticks. Lone Rabbit Chaser's spirit directed him to

follow another hunting path. He caught them rabbits in his bare hands since

fast are his feet. They were offered to his grandparents who took care of him

as best they could."

Jes and I exchange knowing grins. We think Timothy's story is a round

about way to tell us about his own life. He continues.

"When Lone Rabbit Chaser turned fifteen which is the age a boy becomes a

man, he fasted. A vision was given him that his path in life was different

from the other boys but not any less sacred for a human being. He Saw that

a lonely man wanted to hunt him down. Slim yet strong was this man's pale

body and mighty was his cock but it was kept from sticking into women since

he lusted for them not." Timothy's hand strikes his drum faster for a moment.

"In the boy's vision, he couldn't see the man's face but knew it was like

the full moon. Radiant and bright. Smiling. His eye beams were cast this way

and that for a brown little butt to catch in his hands that his cock could

fill but too, he desired to capture that boy's love. Lone Rabbit Chaser

wanted that lonely man to catch his tail but where was this pale face? Their

People didn't mingle with his People because the memory of long ago wars

between them in the time of their father's grandfather's had hardened their

hearts towards each other." Timothy strikes his drum in a slow sad beat.

"After Lone Rabbit Chaser's vision, he passed his manhood rite tests and

was given the name Fast-are-his-feet. Yet inside, he didn't feel like a

complete man. Seed could be spilt from the front part of his body in hand but

there was an aching from his rear like a woman has to fulfill a man's need.

He'd kept that longing to himself out of deep shame. No one in his tribe

could he turn to for guidance. More than a handful of lonely summers had

passed for this brave. He kept his eyes out for pale faces. Few ever came to

the reservation and none were that man he sought."

My heart aches for Timothy. His drumming hand fails for a long moment so I

think his story has come to an end. It hasn't. He continues beating over it.

"During the harsh winter when Fast-are-his-feet turned twenty, both his

grandparents were taken Above to dwell with the Star People. That freed him

to take to distant hunting paths though he wasn't chasing after rabbits! He

found the White People. Their eyes looked harshly upon him and practiced

strange ways. He made few friends amongst them but none was that man he'd

Seen in vision.

"Disheartened, Fast-are-his-feet returned to his tribe but on the way, had

stayed with another People to rest. A lone tree stood in a sacred place near

this tribe of Chippewa. When the Cree brave inquired about him, the Elders

said that he endured many storms and didn't break by bending in the wind of

life." Timothy casts his eyes at his companion for a moment.

"When the brave stood before this wise old tree, it turned into a man.

They sat together in council. Fast-are-his-feet learned many good things he

needed to know for being two spirited. They mingled amongst the White People

for a while to find fulfillment. Some pale faced men allowed their butts to

be hunted down which Bend-in-the-wind and him filled to their satisfaction

but nothing strong remained in Fast-are-his-feet's heart afterwards. His

companion took many mates but their hearts soured towards him after a while."

Tim won't look at Bend-in-the-wind after saying that about his friend. His

hand strikes harshly over his hand drum.

"Where is the Full Moon Faced Man I've seen in vision?" he asks angrily.

Timothy's hand fails over the drum. He sets it down while rising on his

knees, twisting his body sideways to show us his butt. He grasps it with hope

burning in his eyes. An uneasy silence passes. Then Jes reaches out in a

gesture to be given the drum. His hands lay over this troubled man's for a

moment. I Sense the Power rising in my lover. Tim's eyes look searchingly

into his. They return to their places around the circle.

Jessie starts beating over his drum. He doesn't speak any story words

because his thoughts are deep when Delving for his former self's wisdom. I

speak up. "Before a man can be given love, he must be willing to offer love."

hat draws everyone's attention to me. Jes continues pounding over the drum.

I wet my lips but more words fail to spring from my mouth.

"Mike Short Hair has spoken wisely," says Jessie. "He Feels this truth in

his heart but like many white skins, is unable to explain what he means so I

shall. Bend-in-the-wind has given instruction on what it means to be two

spirited yet Fast-are-his-feet has only expressed half of his self." He looks

down at Timothy's crotch. "You have proven yourself a man with your cock.

What about your female side? Without fulfilling its longing you deny your

complete self."

"I'm saving my butt for that man in my vision," defends Timothy.

"Does that prove your love?" asks Jessie. He stops pounding over his drum.

Silence smothers the circle.

Timothy releases a harsh breath. "I've seen how other men," (he glances at

Bend-in-the-wind for a moment), "give that part of themselves away too easily

and all it's got them was a filled ass but nothing for their hearts. I want

my first time to be special. To give my virginity to Full Moon Faced Man."

"You speak of the physical love act. It's what is in your heart that

matters and proves your love for another."

"So... You're saying that letting my ass get fucked will get me that man

I'm seeking?" Timothy had asked that sarcastically.

Jessie smiles. "Perhaps only a filled butt. Yet your female longing will

be satisfied and bring peace to your troubled heart. As Short Hair had said,

a man is given love only when he can offer love. Until you express your two

spirited self which means giving your butt freely to men, there is little

chance that the man you've Seen in vision will find you."

I can tell from Tim's eyes that his ears are closed to my lover's words.

Truth is often difficult to bring into one's heart. I'll give this man a

shock treatment. "You are still that boy who chases after rabbits alone."

"I've been named a brave of my People!" says Timothy.

"What is a new name when your heart remains what it was?" I ask in a calm

voice. It seems like Timothy is about to launch himself at me with angry

fists. I see the anger in his eyes. Bend-in-the-wind grasps his friend's

shoulders so he'll keep his place around our circle.

"Have I not told you this same thing?" asks Bend-in-the-wind.


Jessie speaks up. "Your friend's words were more gently given so they

probably weren't heard. White skins say things very direct."

I'm given sharp eyes by my lover. We both know how clumsily I have spoken

from my heart that's upset people (poor Winna!) but harsh truth is needed to

shock Timothy into awareness. He's not heard Bend-in-the-wind's gentle words.

That's why I'd spoken up.

"Okay. I'll think about it." Timothy excuses himself to go take a leak.

Bend-in-the-wind reaches over to grasp my knee and Jessie's. There's a

little embarrassment in his eyes.

"You tried. Timothy Fast-are-his-feet is my closest friend and it aches my

heart that I've been unable to help him."

"But you have," assures Jessie. "Tim would have been running his feet off

by following paths that led to no rabbits. With your help, he's caught some.

He just needs to stand still and bend over."

Bend-in-the-wind laughs. "And take it like a two spirit."

"Yes. You have given yourself to needing man for being Mahyee-na. Your

friend thinks that you've given your butt away too freely yet haven't men

also filled your heart with love?"

"Yes. For a while," sighs Bend-in-the-wind in disappointment.

"Having heart felt love even for a little while is better than not ever

having experienced it. You need to let Tim know this."

Bend-in-the-wind nods his head and goes deep into thought. Timothy returns

but he remains standing outside our circle.

"We still have a lot to do this afternoon." Timothy snaps his fingers as

if remembering something. "We need to get marshmallows. What good is a

bonfire without burning them in offering to the Fire Spirits?"

My eyes widen when I remember where we've met Bend-in-the-wind before! We

have (in Jessie's vision all them months ago) though we haven't actually met

until this afternoon. Jes Feels my strong emotion. He smiles at me, pressing

his finger against the side of his nose.

:Now you're in the know, love.:

:You'd Seen that we'll be attending a gay nudist meet. I'd forgotten about

your vision, until now.:

:Lots of love making in that tent!:

I pick up on Jessie's excitement. We're gonna get our butts raped by them

horny men. His will be given away freely more than mine was.

:Don't be so sure, love.:

:Hey! In your vision, I'd only let three Natives fuck me while your ass

was filled by six guys. We can't change what is to be. It's like fate.:

:No. What I'd Foreseen was shaped by where you and I were in life at that

moment. Remember when you'd sat over Bend-in-the-wind's butt when he was

fucking that white guy beneath him?:

:Yeah.: I suspect what Jes is leading up to. Or I should say 'down'.

:You didn't fuck his willing ass in my vision. Now that you'll likely be

given a second chance tomorrow, won't you?:

I glance at Bend-in-the-wind talking to his friend. Something about them

needing to find a place that sells firewood before they head into the res.

My eyes stick onto his butt like tree sap. It's rather small. A boy's shape

that I'd love to bury my cock into. I take a deep breath noisily through my

nose and answer my lover. :Our pledge about keeping our cocks only for each

other was dissolved. I realized that's not how we prove our love for each

other any more than Timothy's notion that he has to save his ass for that

guy in his vision. Yeah. I'll fuck Bend-in-the-grass like he wanted me to.:

:Good. You and I shall have a contest tomorrow. Which of our butts will

take the most cocks into it?: Jessie giggles excitedly.

:What's the prize?: I Ask.

:Isn't getting our assholes filled with lots of cum reward enough?:

:So we'll both win.:

:Everyone becomes a winner. Maybe even Timothy if he'll give his ass

freely to the men tomorrow.:

:I hope he will.: My thoughts turn guarded from Jes when I consider being

the one to break in that man's ass. He likes me. I've seen this in his bright

eyes though that was his lust coming from the front part of his body. He's

really missed out by saving his ass for the right guy. Jessie didn't when he

let Ron fuck him. I no longer hate that man for breaking my lover in. That's

how Jes was ready to find me, and love me. Completely.

To my surprise, Jessie runs out of the room. Oh. He's going to the

bathroom. That draws our guests' attention who turn to me questioningly.

"I made a batch of bacon this morning and Jes ate a lot. It's proven to be

too much for his stomach to handle though." I tap my stomach. "Us white skins

are used to greasy food."

"We need to be going," says Bend-in-the-wind.

I know that Timothy wants to go because our council words to him had been

hard for him to take. My arms open to Bend-in-the-wind's offer for a hug. My

hands drop down his silky long hair and rest just above his butt. His hands

also linger above mine. He rubs the small of my back. "You can hold me lower,"

I whisper. He does. A lusty fondling to my cheeks that gets my cock tingling.

My hands enjoy the smallness to his butt. I'm gonna fuck him good tomorrow!

When we part (with flushed faces), Timothy is given his expected hug. His

hungry hands are checking out my ass. I don't drop my hands to his. When the

man pants with excitement against my ear, I'm turning around in his arms to

stick my butt against his groin. I can feel his cock getting hard. In a

tease, I reach my left hand back to pull over his backside suggestingly. His

cheeks flex wildly as if fucking my ass good and hard.

"You two can get it on at the Gathering tomorrow night," Bend-in-the-wind

laughs excitedly.

"Why wait until then?" Tim looks over his shoulder for Jessie but he must

still be in the restroom.

I feel hands expertly unbutton my jeans and pull its zipper down. Tim

quickly bares the lower part of my body. He lifts my shirt.

"You have a nice ass, Mike."

I'm wiggling my cheeks in a tease. He's gonna be catching my ass tomorrow

for sure! Bend-in-the-wind laughs. When a zipper coming down is heard behind

me, I realize that our little joke is going too far.

"Put that back in your pants!" scolds Bend-in-the-wind to his friend.

I feel male heat pressing onto the crack of my ass. His strong arms are

preventing me from getting away.

"Lots of white butts have enjoyed my ride. My cock isn't all that long but

it's real thick. Feel it?"

I am. He lowers himself slightly behind me and to my alarm, I'm feeling

his cock stabbing between my cheeks. There's a sharp thrill from my asshole

when his wet knob presses against it. Yet I keep my legs tight together to

prevent penetration.

"What is this?" asks Jessie.

Everyone turns to my lover coming into the room. Bend-in-the-wind clucks

his tongue. My face is burning but I know that Jes wouldn't be upset if I'd

let my ass get taken. Probably not a good idea to do it in his mother's

living room though. Timothy reaches down for his pants. I catch sight of his

brown cock. It's really thick but short in length like he's said. My asshole

longs to feel it stabbing inside.

"Getting dressed already?" Jessie scolds. He skips over to Timothy and

lifts the back of his shirt to get a view of his ass before his underwear is

pulled up along with his jeans.

Through my lover's eyes, I See the man's little brown ass. It isn't in

proper proportion to his larger body and especially to his fat stomach. A

boy's size. I'd love to fuck it.

"You can have Short Hair's ass right now if you want but only after you've

given him yours. A deal?"

Timothy shakes his head with eyes that won't look at my lover. He buttons

up his jeans. With a burning face, he slips into the hall by the front door.

"The youth..." says Bend-in-the-wind in a kind of an apology.

Jessie holds my right hand. We're also young in this man's eyes but his

heart feels the truth that Old wisdom guides us.

"You can read the literature I've left." Bend-in-the-wind points down at

the floor where they'd held council.

"We will." I release Jessie's hand so he can give Bend-in-the-wind a hug

of farewell. No naughty butt fondling from either of them. But, of course,

they only like white guys.

:I've never been with a Native before,: Jessie remarks. :They'll be lots

of them at the Gathering tomorrow. I'll find out what it's like to feel

smooth against smooth.:

My face is burning. When they part, we see our guests out. Timothy is

nearly running back to his pickup truck. Bend-in-the-wind waves goodbye to

us with bright eyes. I hope he won't be lecturing his friend on their way to

the res. That young man needs to sort things out on his own.

Our front door is closed. Jes gives me a hug I wasn't expecting in the hall

but from Sharing in his thoughts and emotions, realize that he's very happy

with where I am on my journey along the good red road.


This clip written:

AGAIN story time: Saturday, May 17, 2003.

{Mike and Jessie drive to the Rocky Boys Reservation that morning to attend

the MAITS gathering. Cardboard signs guide them. They turn off the main road

(filled with pot holes) and venture deep into the stark wilderness on an even

rougher dirt road. When they cross over a trickling stream, clusters of

parked pickup trucks and campers announce that they've arrived.}



{This story clip 'B' hasn't been written yet. Please be patient!}



When a new story 'clip' is written, I'll repost this text.

End of file: SINGING.TXT

Next: Chapter 5: If I Die

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