Weekend Slave

By moc.xxesnam@edyT

Published on Jun 20, 2004


The following story originated at my website Mansexx.com , a completely free gay male site. A guy was ragging me on the forums for not logging in for a few days. I jokingly told him that a friend had invited me for the weekend and had rented a sex slave for the two of us. That started something and I was forced to make up a story about it.

This is a fictional story involving gay sex between adults. It is not intended for anyone under 18 years old. I reserve all copyrights.

Your feedback is welcomed. Send comments to Tyde@mansexx.com

WEEKEND SLAVE Posted segments 1-4

My friend Rick lives about an hour away. He invited me to spend three days with him, but when I asked him what he had in mind to do, he was pretty vague. I was expecting a weekend of conversation over beer in his back yard, maybe a movie, and a couple of nights of beer at a bar near his house. It turned out a bit different from all that.

Although we had not seen each other for months, it was as if we had been together just yesterday.

(A bit of background -- we had gotten off together in the past and maybe even had a bit of a thing for each other, but that was 15 years ago. Since we were no longer sexually involved and it never occured to me we would be sharing sex that weekend.)

After twenty minutes of catching up with each other over a beer in the kitchen, he said, "By the way, I bought us something for the weekend."

"What's that?"

"It's in the back yard. Come on out and see."

I followed him out the door and stopped instantly when my eyes landed on a guy in his early 20's. He was naked, sitting cross-legged in the grass with a dog collar on. He was connected by a long chained to the garden table on the patio. When he saw me gawk at him, his expression never changed. He looked up and shifted his gaze back and forth between me and Rick. No smile, no frown. No expression at all. After a few seconds of looking at us blankly, he leaned forward and got on his hands and knees. He knelt there motionless with his gaze fixed on the ground in front of him.

Rick walked up to him and played with his shaved head and scratched at the nape of his neck. The young guy's muscles in his shoulders rippled a bit at Rick's touch but otherwise he remained still.

"Here, pet it." Rick said.

I walked over and rubbed the guy's head with my hand. It was newly shaven and had that silky feeling that I know from my own head after I take a blade to it. At my touch, he looked up, slightly -- to about crotch height. He did not smile, but he did crawl foward until his chain pulled up tight, so tight that the collar cut into his neck. His face turned red. He was still several inches from my crotch, and I heard him sniffing. His back and arms bunched and twitched with muscles. The veins in his neck stood out. Then the picnic table lurched. It's wrought iron screeched as he dragged it on the patio. Although the table sounded heavy, he pulled it behind him until his face was nuzzled in the crotch of my jeans. I looked over to Rick and moaned as the animal-man blew hot air through the fabric and moistened my balls with his breath.

Posted 2004.05.04

My perceptions narrowed. Everything was cropped out except the animal-man's bobbing scalp and the ocassional glimpse of his pink tongue as it painted my jeans with spit.

"He likes you."

The voice jolted me back to my full senses. Rick stood to my right smiling and pointing at the animal-man's belly. I bent sideways as far as I could without moving my crotch out of his nudging reach.

I could see a thick rod of meat arching underneath him, twitching like a stallion's cock. There was no question that the animal-man was turned on by the taste of my crotch. His very human but larger than average dick looked to be a veiny and meaty 8 inches. Its foreskin was stretched so tight on the head it couldn't retract all the way. Only the rosey tip was exposed, but the contour of the flared edge was obvious underneath. The foreskin covered it like shrinkwrap.

"Step back for now. We have plenty of time. I rented it for the whole weekend. All of that slobbering and the heat out here will make it thirsty. You'll need another beer or two to make sure it gets enough to drink."

I stepped back right away at Rick's command, but my mind was much slower to grasp the full meaning of his words. "Oh, shit!" was the most that I could come up in reply.

Before following Rick into the house, I looked back at the animal-man. He had crawled over to the table he was chained to and sat cross-legged wlth his bare butt on the patio. The dark gray concrete must have burned his ass with the heat from the sun. He looked me directly in the eyes, but only for a second. There was still no expression in his face. I could not even tell what color his eyes were before he dropped them. With him looking down though, it was easier to stare at him. He even seemed to be exposing himself for me. His knees were splayed and his ankles were crossed and tucked tight to his balls. The balls were hairless and seemed to be drawing up to avoid the hot paving. His whole crotch was hairless. Sprouting from where his balls joined his flat belly was only his cock, which stood up high and arched slightly back to touch his rippled abs well above the navel.

The abdomen was flat and hard, well trained, and the muscles of his pecs taut and thick. The nipples were small, dark, erect. I thought I could see a wisp or two of hair coming out of his armpits but the bulges of his biceps were in the way. I figured I would be able to inspect his pits later. The animal-man's neck was red from pulling against his collar. The features of his face were not the chiseled and perfectly proportioned features of a model, which he might have had given his virtually perfect body. Instead, his face was a man's face, handsome not beautiful, with a small cleft in his chin and a slight curve to his nose that may have been from a break. The ears were particularly small, even cute. I could see a hint of a beard line that would be more visible by the afternoon. I quickly re-scanned his whole naked body and realized that he had no tan lines at all. He must spend a lot of time naked outdoors, I thought.

"Tyde!" Rick called from the house. Before I turned I saw a smear of precum catch the sunlight and glisten on his abs. It was like a slimey trail left by slugs on a garden rock. I noticed that the animal-man's cock was still twitching. I was half way to the house before I realized I was licking my lips and rubbing my wet jeans.

Posted 2004.05.16

Rick handed me another beer. I grabbed it from him causing beer to foam over the top. I bent to the neck of the bottle and sucked it in, pulling the foam out before it could spill to the floor. When I had the beer head under control, I rose up and spat at Rick asking what the fuck was going on. Rick smeared the foam I splattered on him into his shirt. He grinned.

"This is my present to you."

"What the hell do you mean, present?"

"I'm moving to Little Rock. This is my going away gift. And a personal indulgence. We haven't had sex together in years, and I've always enjoyed watching you as much as touching you."

"This weekend," Rick said, "you play with the dog I rented, and I get to watch. Maybe stick a hand, tongue, or dick in here and there."

I stood dumb, just holding my beer. Exhibitionism was not my thing, neither was dominance. For a moment I was angry. Rick's grin weakened as he studied my face.

I looked out the back door. Perhaps the hottest guy I had ever met was still sitting naked, his ass on the burning patio, and his shaved head hanging over meaty pecks. He sat still but his cock was deflating, arching down as slowly as the minute hand on a clock . Eventually the skin slide down to hide the head and the tip came to rest on the pavement. I winced thinking about how the blistering concrete must burn the guy's dick. That broke my stare and I turned to Rick.

He looked like he was holding his breath.

I did not say a word but took a very long swig of my beer. Rick smiled.

We sat down at the kitchen table and reminisced through another beer. We laughed hard, sobered up to wipe tears away, then roared again about a prank from years ago. I forgot about the naked guy getting sunburned in the yard until I told Rick I had to piss. He was instantly serious.

"You have to hold it. Have another beer!"

As he got up to get it for me, I glanced outside wondering what, exactly, Rick had in mind.

"Go on." Rick pushed me out the door.

"If you have to piss, this is where you do it. Time to get this party started!"

I was feeling a buzz and had to walk nearly cross-legged to keep from wetting my pants.

"I can't do this, Rick."

"From the looks of it. You can't not do this. You are going to explode, dude. And this pet needs a drink, been sitting out here all day in the hot sun."

As I staggered up to the animal-man, I thought he might be asleep. He kept his head down until I got close enough that he could see my shoes. Then he lifted his head. His mouth was open with lips stretched into a big O.

I froze and just stared at him. This time his eyes were open and looking directly into mine.

"Come on! Whip it out, man! I know you have to go bad. Don't you?"

My legs were quivering I had to go so bad.

"Oh, fuck!" I could not hold it any longer, but I was fumbling with my zipper. I got it down then dug into my pants for my cock. It was a good thing that I did not have underwear to struggle with, because as I flipped it out a short squirt escaped.

"God damn, Rick!"

"Shut up and just lay your cock on its tongue and let go!"

"For real?" I was almost crying and could not stop the dribbles. Golden drops rolled out of my dick. My legs were shaking.

"Do it!"

I had no choice any longer, so I stumbled forward a couple of steps and put my dick in the animal-man's open mouth. He slid forward on it and made a tight seal near my balls. It was warm and moist inside. I was helpless to stop myself any longer and let go with more force than I ever remembered having.

The animal-man snorted and choked a couple of times. Piss ran out of his nose and down over my balls, but he never let any slip past his lips. He was quick to get control of himself and I saw his adam's apple bobbing up an down as he swallowed what I poured into him.

"That's enough. You'll spoil it. Pull back and wet it down." Rick's voice was tense.

There was no way I could stop. Rick slammed a fist against my shoulder and I staggered back a step. My cock came out of the animal's mouth and light yellow piss flashed in the sun as it soaked his face and bald head. My gut tensed and the stream stopped but immediately let loose again. I still had a full bladder. I got over the shock of what I was doing in time to start aiming my stream over the animal's body. The drops pounded and splashed on his sun-reddened skin. Piss ran in streams down his chest and back. Before all the pressure was gone I grabbed my dick and aimed at the animal's crotch. His cock was arched straight up and hard as a spike. The tip peeked out of the foreskin and I aimed for his piss hole. As the stream slowed and broke into globs, I made them fall heavy on his balls.

Finally, I was spent. I dropped my hand and let my cock dangle and dribble on my jeans.

The animal-man had neither humiliation nor a smile on his face, but his skin-covered dick was vibrating. His eyes opened and lingered on my face for a moment before drifting down to the steamy concrete.

Posted 2004.05.27

"My turn," Rick said. "On your back, dog. Let me see your punky ass!"

The animal-man did not look up. He tilted back and laid flat on the paving pulling his knees to his shoulders with his hands.

It was a beautiful fucking sight! The animal-man's thighs were threaded with muscles and his butt taut. The ball sack seemed as big as a peach and as fuzzy. The uncut cock rode up on his belly as his legs came back and jabbed high up on his chest. My eyes were drawn to the crinkly pucker aimed at us. It was shaved smooth and it twitched. There was more expression in this asshole then in the animal-man's face.

Rick stepped up. He unzipped and then pulled out that veiny, uncut cock that I had jacked and sucked with pleasure so long ago. My face flushed and my dick, still hanging out of my jeans, jerked up and down several times. Rick skinned it back and took aim. For a second, none of us moved, then a pressurized stream of piss shot from Rick's dick and hammered the animal-man's balls. Rick took his hose between thumb and finger to fine tune his aim. The stream arched lower and pounded the bull's eye.

"Open that ass," Rick growled.

The animal-man's body tensed and his asshole pinched tight then slowly opened like a flower. In seconds, the hole was visible and Rick's piss was splashing the sides and driving into the animal-man's ass. Suddenly, the hole blinked shut and urine splashed against it scattering across the animal-man's thighs and up onto his chest already wet with my piss.

"Unnhh," Rick warned and the asshole opened to receive the rest of his piss.

Rick's stream faltered then dribbled to a stop. I could not help myself. My hand went out to his dick and fingered the last drops from the end before skinning it back and rubbing the head. It was moist and a bit slick. I put my fingers to my nose and inhaled Rick's musky, pissy smell. My friend smiled at me.

"Oh, yeah, buddy. It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"Fuck yeah," I said.

"Next trick is yours," Rick nodded toward the animal-man with his knees up, his hole winking at us.

I stared at that beautiful butt and the big fuzzy balls while I pryed off my right shoe with the toe of my left one. I reached down, stripped off my sock, and stepped on the piss wet ground to move closer.

The hole was begging for something. I put my bare foot on the animal-man's balls and kneaded them with my toes. They were hard and hot. They rolled easily in their sack. As I pressed down on them the dick attached rose off the animal-man's chest and bounced in the air. I let it slap back against his chest. My foot then lowered onto the ridge between balls and asshole. The balls pulled up then rolled to the side. I ground my toes into the hard ridge, slowly moving them to his hole. When I felt the wet, hot sphincter under my big toe, I pushed down firmly. The hole gave up with a shudder and my big toe drove inside the animal-man, all of the way past the ring. It was hot with piss inside and my dick shot up instantly hard.

Rick laughed as he moved close and took my cock in his hand. I flexed my toe in the animal-man's ass as Rick jacked my cock. The animal-man raised his head from the pavement and, for the first time, locked his eyes on mine. His mouth was motionless, but those eyes were burning. I wriggled my toes and worked a second one in beside the big one. The ass ring was tight. The animal-man pulled his knees up higher to raise the angle and give me better access to push in deep.

I was so tuned in to the animal-man that I was surprised when my own body convulsed and sperm shot out of my cock. Rick milked me. My left leg buckled and my toes yanked out of the asshole. Rick grabbed around my waist and helped me steady myself but he kept squeezing my milk out. I glanced down at his hand and the ropes of cum glued to my jeans.

"Holy shit!"

"That's right, buddy," Rick said. He stopped jacking me, raised his hand to his mouth, and licked my cum off of his fingers.

When they were clean, he looked at the animal-man and ordered, "Dog!"

The animal-man brought his feet down and rocked up onto his knees. The collar and leash snapped tight and the animal-man's open mouth stopped inches short of Rick's hard cock. Rick did not move. The animal-man strained to get to the meat. His face reddened and the veins stood out on his forehead. The iron table shuddered and scratched across the concrete. The animal-man's mouth swallowed Rick's cock to the balls in one motion. The head did not rock back and forth on the dick, but I could see the muscles in the neck working, massaging, the tongue working, the adam's apple pumping to suction the cum out of Rick.

Rick's eyes were closed. The hand he had jacked me with was over his nose. As I watched, he began twitching.

The animal-man's head was motionless, but his throat was swelling and contracting. It was pulling the cum out of Rick, pulling it out hard.

It must have been awesome. Rick collapsed to his knees. His swollen, red dick popped out of the animal-man's siphoning mouth.

I sat down beside him. My own cock, still hanging out of my jeans, touched the burning concrete. The animal-man lowered himself to his heels. His head dropped and he looked at his own throbbing cock. A slick of precum was running down the shaft. It pulsed. It occurred to me that the animal-man was trying to make himself cum though raw will-power.

"We'll take care of him if he remains an obedient dog. But not now. Let's get a bite to eat and another beer." Rick said as he stood up.

"And leave your dick hanging out. It's good to see that old friend again!"

Posted 2004.06.19

To be continued, probably.

by Tyde



Next: Chapter 2

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