Weekend Slave

By moc.xxesnam@edyT

Published on Sep 8, 2004


The following story originated at my website Mansexx.com , a completely free gay male site. A guy was ragging me on the forums for not logging in for a few days. I jokingly told him that a friend had invited me for the weekend and had rented a sex slave for the two of us. That started something and I was forced to make up a story about it.

This is a fictional story involving gay sex between adults.  It is not intended for anyone under 18 years old. I reserve all copyrights.

Your feedback is welcomed. Send comments to Tyde@mansexx.com

This is Segment 5 and was posted to Mansexx.com on 8/20/2004.


Segment 5

In the kitchen, Rick told me to get the roast beef and sandwich fixings out of the fridge while he took a blood-ripe tomato from the window and began slicing it. I bent over to pull the lettuce from the refrigerator and glanced sideways toward Rick. It had been 15 years since I had enjoyed his cock. In the meantime I had almost forgotten what it looked like, but there it was hanging meaty and dripping from his jeans. As I stared at it, a thin stream of post-cum drool swayed on the tip in rhythm to his slicing motions. When he turned to put the knife in the sink, his dick snot roped over and slapped against the counter front. It broke free of his dick and hung on the counter in an S-shape. I reached between my legs and ran my finger over my piss slit, which was drooling too. I rubbed the post-cum from the end of my dick then stuck my finger in my mouth.

"Hey, shut the damned door. You're letting all the cold out." "Right. Sorry." I shut the fridge and put the sandwich stuff on the table.

Rick was focused on getting the food ready and did not even glance at my dick. I stood beside him drinking a beer and watched his cock as it slapped against the leg of his jeans and left splatter marks. His foreskin was a little puffy from the animal-man's hard sucking and the veins that I remembered running my own fingers and tongue along years ago were thick and standing high. One particularly stout vein forked where the shaft met the head and branched like a snake's tongue through Rick's foreskin. Rick caught me staring, smiled, and raised his beer. "Cheers!" "Cheers." I gulped the last of my beer and turned to get another.

When I sat down to eat, my dick was still a little inflated and the tip smeared on the chair seat, but as we ate it retreated to its "at ease" position and recharged itself. During lunch we forgot about our dicks and talked about Rick's new job in Arkansas.

When we finished I asked Rick if we should give the animal-man something to eat. "Yeah, I guess so. The dog has a lot of work to do. Don't want him getting weak on us." Rick looked at me and smiled. "Okay, buddy. Time to take your jeans off."

I stood up, unbuttoned and slid them down, kicked off the one shoe I was still wearing and stepped out of my pants. I had no idea what Rick had in mind, but I was game for anything now. While he rummaged in a drawer, I stood in the middle of his kitchen, naked except for my t-shirt.

"Alright, meat, dairy, fruit, and juice -- so to speak," Rick said as he took the roast beef, cheese, and a jar of mayonnaise out of the refrigerator again. With a spoon he scooped out a glob of mayo and plopped it in my pubes at the base of my cock. "Hey! Fucker! That's cold." "Don't be a pussy." He said.

With the back of the spoon he smeared the mayo into my pubes then under and around my balls. The cold made me catch my breath but the slimey feeling made my dick start to lengthen. Rick then took 5 or 6 slices of roast beef in his hand and wrapped them around my cock. He stepped in and kissed me as he rubbed the meat back and forth along my dick. I closed my eyes and my dick stiffened in his hand. He pulled away and knelt down. I thought he was going to suck me but he reached for the cheese and a string that he had taken from the drawer. Carefully he stacked the roast beef slices in his hand then wound them around my hard cock. He then took 3 slices of swiss cheese and wrapped them around the beef. "Hold this," he said, and I held the tube of meat and cheese in place as he tied it on with the string.

Rick looked up at me and we both laughed. "Let's go feed him," I said. "Hold on. He gets dessert too. Bend over the table." Rick fetched a jar of peanut butter from the cabinet and grabbed a banana from the table. I put my elbows on the table and asked, "What the hell are you going to do?"

Rick did not say anything. He stuck two fingers into the peanut butter and spread it into my ass crack, rubbing and probing in my hole. "Oh, shit." I said and moved my feet apart so he could reach my ass better. He pressed another gob of peanut butter up into my asshole. I tried to relax as he worked his fingers in. The smell of peanut butter was thick in the air and I could not decide if this was hot or disgusting. My dick, with the meat and cheese tied around it, was still hard though.

"Now, relax, dude." Rick said as he slowly pushed the banana up my peanut butter- slickened shute. I grunted and squirmed. I loved it, and Rick chuckled as he worked the fruit back and forth in my ass. "God damn, Rick" was about all I could say as he pushed all but the stem inside me. "Wait, give it back." I pushed the banana out a little and heard him break the stem back and start to peel it. Then he shoved all of it completely up my ass. "Fuck, man. Take it easy." Rick slapped my butt and said, " Let's go feed the dog!"

The animal-man was lying in a fetal position under the patio table. His knees were drawn up to his chest and his balls were squeezed tight in their sack and bulging back toward us. His asshole was visible and only slightly darker than his coppery-tanned butt cheeks. He did not hear us approach. Rick kicked his balls and yelled, "Chow time, mutt!"

The animal-man let out a sharp grunt and scrambled from under the table and onto his knees. It was the first sound I had heard him make. The skin around his eyes and mouth was pinched tight because of the pain in his nuts, but he did not say anything and did not grab at his balls. Slowly, he put his hands to the pavement and walked forward on all fours. Rick held his hand against my chest and stopped me from walking up to the animal-man. "Come and get it, dog."

The animal-man's eyes focused on my mayo-smeared balls and meat-rolled cock. The pain and sleep disappeared from the eyes and the focus became sharp and intense, just as I had seen it earlier. Rick had stopped me short of the animal-man's chain and was forcing him, again,  to drag the heavy iron table across the patio by his collar. The animal-man seemed eager to reach my hard cock. It was the first sign of an emotion I had seen in him yet. When he reached me he froze and took sharp, quick sniffs until Rick said, "Eat!"

I was not expecting to be attacked, but the animal-man rammed his face into my groin so hard I nearly stumbled over. Rick grabbed my shoulders and hiss into my ear, "Hold still. If he brings blood, I'll whip him. Don't move. Let him eat." Now it was my turn to get my balls busted. The animal-man butted my sack with his chin as he ground his face into my pubes. He beat hard against them and he chewed the mayo out of my pubes with damned sharp teeth. "Ow! Fucking shit! He's biting me." Rick let out a nasty laugh and squeezed my arms behind me as I squirmed. "No, you don't! Stand still and feed my dog!"

The animal-man was biting my crotch so violently that my hard-on started to wane. Just before I expected the meat roll to slide off, he stopped biting and started licking my balls with long, sloppy strokes. He nuzzled his face under the sack and seemed to freeze for a second when he licked toward my hole and tasted peanut butter. My cock sprang up harder than before. The animal-man licked, sniffed, licked again between my legs then pulled back and looked up at me. I could not guess what he was thinking, but he caught my eye for a second before turning his attention to my meat roll.

I smiled at the thought that this would be as silky and sexy as a blow job. Wrong. Very wrong. After a couple of sniffs and test licks over the cheese and meat, the animal-man bit into the roll. He bit hard. He bit hard enough to cut through the cheese slices and most of the roast beef. What he had not bitten through cleanly, he began to gnaw. With his hard white teeth he gnawed at the beef and through it into my cock.

My eyes squeezed tight. My imagination convinced me that this bastard was literally chewing the head of my dick off. A growl started deep in my chest as I tried to force out the image in my head with sound. . Adrenaline filled my veins. My shoulders stiffened under Rick's hands. I was about to bust free and beat the living shit out of the bastard biting my cock.

"You hold still, bitch! The dog is not finished!" Rick doubled his grip and pulled my arms painfully behind my back. The pressure in my mind and body escaped in a yell. Somewhere I heard Rick laugh and somewhere I felt chisel-sharp teeth cutting off my dick one slice at a time, moving along it up to my groin. Suddenly, the gnashing at my crotch stopped. I stopped yelling and looked down. The animal-man had dropped his head. His rib cage heaved as he hacked and tried to cough up something. "Serves you right, you fucking bastard," I said. With a massive heave, the animal-man coughed up the string from the meat roll. He looked up, eye-level with my mutilated and drooping dick. His face was shiny with the oil from the mayo and the grease from the beef. As he opened his mouth to engulf me again, I flinched in Rick's grip. "Easy. easy," he whispered.

Instead of biting, the animal-man slurped up my dick and pressed his lips into my pubes. Outwardly he was motionless, but I felt his throat milking my sore meat just as it had done to Rick earlier. "Relax," Rick coached. "He has eaten and now he is thirsty. Relax and give him a drink." The soothing throat massage was pulling the blood back into my cock and the warmth surrounding it caused my gut muscles to loosen. Before I got full hard, I let piss rush into the animal-man's mouth. The initial burst was so strong that he snorted some of it out of his nose. It splashed in my pubes and dripped from my balls. He recovered quickly and opened his throat to let it flow straight into his belly. The piss shivers hit me and Rick had to hold me up as my knees weakened.

The animal-man drank every bit of my flow. As it tapered off, he started probing my tender dick with his tongue. He wormed it inside my foreskin and tried to tease more from my piss slit. His mouth felt so damned soft, warm, and soothing. It was as if he were apologizing for butchering me while he ate. The contrast was intense. I was about to blow my load, but Rick noticed and pushed the animal-man's head off of my cock. "Not yet. There is still dessert. Turn around and grab your ankles," he said to me.

I did as told. I bent low and held my ankles. The banana in my gut pressed on my prostate and I felt pre-cum run out of my cock. Rick reached over me and spread my cheeks. "Here you go, boy. Treat!"

I heard the animal-man sniffing then felt his warm, wet tongue digging into my crack. He lapped around my hole and stirred up the smell of peanut butter. The hairs of my ass had to be matted with it. It felt so fucking good to have the animal-dog comb it out with his muscular tongue. As he licked at my crack, he teased the ring of my hole. He was expecting something and I was going to make him work for it. Rick moved around to get a better look. Now, I was the one in control and I was going to take my pleasure from this. I flexed my butt hole and the banana moved in my gut. More pre-cum squirted from my cock. The animal- man saw it and ducked in to lap at my dick head before moving back to dig into my ass.

Rick started rubbing my back. "Whenever you're ready, man." Although I wanted to make them both wait, I was too fucking hot. My bruised rod was so stiff it hurt again.

Slowly I relaxed my hole. The animal-man waited as I pushed the banana out some then stopped. He did nothing for a few seconds then I felt him jiggling the fruit to push the split peeling away. He took the clean warm banana in his mouth then gently bumped me with his forehead to let me know he was ready. Just as if we had practiced this, I slowly pushed and he gently nibbled. When my ring squeezed the last inch of the banana out, I stood and turned. The peel fell to the ground. The animal-man's cheeks were puffed out. I pushed his head back and he opened to show me the white banana pulp filling his mouth. He had not swallowed any of it.

I grabbed his shaved head between my hands and stepped up poking my hard, bruised dick in his face. He formed a seal around the head of my cock as I pushed it into his slimey mouth. With his tongue he pressed the banana mush against my dick and even tried to push some up my piss hole. I held still and enjoyed the hot ooze as he crammed it under my foreskin. I wanted to both shoot my load and to pay this bastard back for the teeth nashing he had given me. Suddenly, I squeezed his head and slammed his face into my crotch. I smashed his nose into my pubic bone so hard it was possible that I had broken it. The pressure of my cock being driven through his mouth and down his throat forced banana pulp out his nostrils. I glanced down to see a trickle of blood mixed with it, but not much. Somehow that felt satisfying.

The the animal-man's credit, he did try to pull away. He kept his lips tight and did not let anything escape from them even though he was retching and gagging. His back and rib cage were convulsing. Just when I thought he must lose it, he gripped my ass with both hands and pulled me in. I was holding his head. He was holding my ass, and there was no way in hell his neck muscles could involuntarily pull his face away from my crotch. I did not move. He held on until the retching subsided. Leaning over to look at his face smashed into me, I saw tears running from his squinted eyes.

The animal-man slowly got control of himself and started swallowing. The muscles in his throat stopped trying to push my dick out and started pulling it in. They rippled over the cock head, tugged the foreskin, sucked me deeper inside. Now he was eating me again. His fingers dug into my ass cramming as much of me into his mouth as possible. I could not feel teeth this time but his sucking was just as violent as his chewing had been.

Earlier I had wanted to inject him with my sperm, but he was now in control and was about to suck it out of me. I tried to regain the upper hand and to hold back my cum, to refuse to let this animal-man eat it. I pushed at his head but he squeezed my ass and held his face onto my cock so hard that I could not break his grip. "Oh. Oh, shit. No you don't, you fucking bastard! No!" This animal had latched onto my cock and I could not get it off. He was literally pulling the sperm out of me. My legs started shaking and I exploded. The animal-man grunted and I felt my spunk jetting down his hungry throat.

Rick was still holding me. As I collapsed, he lowered me to the ground. That fucking animal was still latched onto my dick. I had been sucked dry and he still did not stop.

The sensitivity of my cock head was painful and I started thrashing. For ten horrible minutes Rick held me on the ground while this bastard mercilessly tortured me with his throat and tongue. I was arching my back, kicking my legs, yelling at Rick to get him off of me.

Rick laughed.

Just as I thought I would pass out the pain reversed and flooded me with the most vicious and intense orgasm I have ever had. For a second time in less then fifteen minutes the animal-man was drinking my cum.

After this he eased up, pulled off of my abused dick, and started licking it gently. He then lapped at my balls, and that is the last thing that I remember until Rick shook me awake thirty minutes later.

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